

Abstract And Reviews of Macbeth


Macbeth begins as the heroic warrior who, together with Banquo, fights loyally in support of his king against rebels. Upon returning from his victory, Macbeth and Banquo encounter the three witches, who prophesy that Macbeth shall be thane of Cawdor, and king hereafter, and that Banquo’s children will succeed him on the throne. As Macbeth knows nothing of Cawdor’s part in the rebellion, the prophecies are incredible to him. However, with the first prophesy immediately confirmed be emissaries from Duncan, king of Scotland, Macbeth’s blood-thirsty ambition has been greatly stirred up by the witches’ miraculous prophesy. And when Duncan is on a visit to his castle, Macbeth, who is spurred on by Lady Macbeth, takes the chance to have the King murdered. But Macbeth soon finds that one crime is not enough to keep the crown for him. To keep his crown, he abandons reason to mindless savagery and plunges from covert to open slaughter. He murders Banquo and kills Macduff’s wife and children and others. Thus, Macbeth has degenerated into a tyrant and mass murderer. While Macbeth flails about him, killing suspected as well as herself, in her sleep, hag-ridden by horror and remorse. Finally she commit herself suicide. Macbeth also experiences a kind of mental disturbance, haunted by the involved all the people of Scotland who are groaning under his yoke and longing for liberation. When the opposing forces march forward, the people eagerly join them in fighting against the tyranny. In the closing scene, Macbeth’s isolation becomes complete. As his castle is surrounded, Macbeth is reduced to a trapped animal and meets his final doom. Malcolm wins the kingship.


After learning this drama during this semester, I learn a lot. And here I have some points to talk about.

The first one is that I am very impressed by the wittiness of Duncan’s two sons, Malcolm and Donalbain. When their father is murdered, the situation is a chaos. They don’t know who the murderer is and what their intentions are. They realize that they may be also in danger, as Donalbain says to Malcolm: “What should be spoken here, where our fate, hid in an auger-hole, may rush, and seize us? Let’s away; our tears are not yet brew’d.”So when Macbeth suggests all meet in the hall together, Malcolm says that”let’s not consort with them”and he goes to England and Donalbain to Ireland. As we can see, if they don’t flee, they may become the next persons to die, especially Malcolm, who is named by the king the Prince of Cumberland and will inherit the kingship after his father. As the old saying goes, revenge is a dish that should be eaten cold (君子报仇,十年不晚). The fact also proves that they make the right decision. Several years later, Malcolm comes back, fights with Macbeth and gains the kingship. What I want to say is not that we should revenge our enemies, but that we should keep in reason, keep calm. Think twice before you jump, especially in emergencies and disorders.

Another point I’d like to talk about is the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. At the very beginning, we can see that they have a very good

relationship. Before he comes back home, Macbeth has already send a letter home to Lady Macbeth to tell her the success of the war and the three witches’ prophesy. When Macbeth hesitate if murder Duncan or not, Lady Macbeth scolds him as coward. All these indicate that they are in a good relationship. After Duncan is killed, in order to clear the way to become the king, Macbeth plans to kill Banquo and his son. But he doesn’t tell his wife. Their relation is going badly. We can infer that Macbeth doesn’t tell Lady Macbeth his plan to kill Macduff’s wife and children either. Because in Act ⅤScene Ⅰ, when Lady Macbeth is sleep walking, she says: “The Thane of Fife had a wife: where is she now?”And finally when his wife is dead, he is very cold, just saying: “she could have died hereafter; there would have been a time for such a word.”How comes a loving couple of the old days becomes strangers! It’s the blood-thirsty ambition that counts. From this, I learn that sometimes ambition is not a good thing. And if you have a proper ambition, such as becoming a champion in a competition or getting the highest score in an exam, you should get it through proper means, such as practicing a lot and study hard but not through cheating. Also, I learn that wife is an important role in a family. She should always lead the husband to go the right way to get the right thing. Otherwise, she could be the one who is hurt mostly.


《百年孤独》读书笔记好词摘抄 《百年孤独》是哥伦比亚作家加夫列尔加西亚马尔克斯的作品。作品描写了布恩迪亚家族七代人的传奇故事。*是《百年孤独》读书笔记好词好句好段摘抄,欢迎阅读。 《百年孤独》读书笔记好词摘抄: 前程似锦、风餐露宿、缺衣少食、兢兢业业、井井有条、 珠光宝气、金玉满堂、诗词歌赋、一穷二白、粗衣淡饭、 一贫如洗、光车骏马、安居乐业、家徒四壁、粗茶淡饭、 任劳任怨、暗无天日、万无一失、典妻鬻子、万恶不赦、 《百年孤独》读书笔记好句好段摘抄: 1.即使以为自己的感情已经干涸得无法给予,也总会有一个时刻一样东西能拨动心灵深处的弦;我们毕竟不是生来就享受孤独的。 2.父母是隔在我们和死亡之间的帘子。你和死亡好象隔着什么在看,没有什么感受,你的父母挡在你们中间,等到你的父母过世了,你才会直面这些东西,不然你看到的死亡是很抽象的,

你不知道。亲戚,朋友,邻居,隔代,他们去世对你的压力不是那么直接,父母是隔在你和死亡之间的一道帘子,把你挡了一下,你最亲密的人会影响你的生死观。 3.他们相信,即便他俩变成鬼魂,即是虫子从人手中夺走,其他动物又从昆虫口中夺走这座贫困的乐园,他们便还会长久的相爱下去。 4.某些人的爱情,只是一种当时的情绪,如果对方错将这份情绪当做长远的感情,是本身的幼稚。 5.这个家庭的历史是一架周而复始无法停息的机器,是一个转动着的轮子,这只齿轮,要不是轴会逐渐不可避免地磨损的话,会永远旋转下去。。 6.许多年之后,面对行刑队,奥雷良诺布恩地亚上校将会回想起,父亲带他去见识冰块的那个遥远的下午. 7.地球是圆的,就像橙子一样! 8.一旦到了人们只顾自己乘头等车厢,却用货车车厢装运书籍的那一天,就是世界末日的来临。 9命中注定孤独百年的世家,不会有出现在世上第二次的机会。. 10.科学缩短了距离。


麦克白读后感怎么写 不知道怎么写读后感是么,读后感栏目小编提供两篇麦克白读后感给 大家作参考。 《麦克白》读后感 莎士比亚一生中创作了无数的辉煌,在16世纪并未获得殊荣,直至19世纪英国掀起浪漫主义狂澜时,他才被提升至天才的地步。而在莎士比亚 传奇般的一生中,有几个作品是广为人知的,如:《哈姆雷特》《李尔王》《奥赛罗》和《麦克白》。 《麦克白》与《李尔王》都是典型的政治悲剧,前者是自己使得自己 丧心病狂;后者是使整个王国崩溃与个人的轻浮之中。我个人还是比较喜欢《麦克白》的。 《麦克白》中,有一句经典的台词:用最美妙的外表把人们的耳目欺骗;奸诈的心必须罩上虚伪的笑容。麦克白的一番话让我感到很诧异,前文 还是征战沙场所向披靡的爵士,现在就成了奸诈的反贼,这么大的转变, 不仅仅是因为一个因素的。 凡是都有不可预测的一面,当可遇而不可求的事情出现在了面前,麦 克白始终没有控制住自己的欲望,在权力的驱使下一步步地将自己推向了 深渊。 在文中,有一个不可预测的外因,即为神龙见首不见尾的鬼魂和巫婆。后来叱咤风云的麦克白正是听取了他们的预言。且不说麦克白对预言的反应,巫婆与幽灵究竟居心何在?她们究竟是好心还是恶意?作者莎士比亚在这里并未直接点明。我个人认为,巫婆和幽灵可能并非怀揣着善意,因为, 一个人在不清楚前途是明是暗的时候,往往会更勇敢地走下去,无知者无 畏嘛,而真正知道了自己未来的命运,反倒会适得其反,或乐极生悲或心 灰意冷,至于对他人的影响,就只能从听取者的内心的角度来决定了。这 些巫婆即使能预知未来,即使能通晓命运,但也无法预知人心。

出现了巫婆这个外因,才促使了内因麦克白夫人对她丈夫的怂恿。如 果麦克白的妻子并没有出现在主人公麦克白的生活中,如果麦克白并没有 听取妻子的谬论,我们的主人公可能在凯旋归来的时刻被晋封为考特爵士,然后顺理成章地继承帝业,最后安然地度晚年。 如此说来,我们的麦克白反倒成为了波涛汹涌的海上的一叶孤舟,若 不能随波逐流,就只能被无情地掀翻。他的人生充满了跌宕起伏,但是命 运始终是掌握在自己的手中,麦克白因为没有主见而失去了生命。 说来说去,都离不开欲望,麦克白因为欲望失去了理智,他的夫人因 为对权力的渴求操纵着麦克白粉墨登场,历史上的慈禧太后也有异曲同工 之妙,戴了一个冠冕堂皇的面具,为了自己的欲望而牺牲他人。 每个人生来就有七情六欲,欲望是一把利刃,既不能拔刀自伤也不能 被借刀杀人。后记 欲可救人,亦可杀人《麦克白》读后感 灵杰 一失足成千古恨,再回头是百年身。在人生的道路上,一旦走错路, 铸成大错,误入歧途,就后悔莫及,只能自食其果。在很多情况下,一个 人的失足,并非天生是坏蛋,天性要作恶,而是他意志不够坚强,在诱惑 面前经不起考验,终于失足堕落了沦为有罪的人。 悲剧《麦克白》约写于1606年,是莎士比亚戏剧中心理描写的佳作。 该剧中主要寓意了个人野心和利己主义的潜在祸患;野心和利欲的存在,足 以将一个本为良好的人腐蚀为堕落的魔鬼。当然,在野心的膨胀和驱使中,也有外围因素的影响与蛊惑。不过,最终的恶之暴戾会受到惩罚的。 它讲述的是中世纪英国一名将军麦克白,在一次征战回国途中,碰到 女巫。女巫预言他将成为国王,同时也预言了另一个将军班戈的子孙将世 代为王,而这三女巫只是因为受到一个村妇的气而把这些秘密对他们说了 罢了,是带有一种泄气、泄愁的因素。可是,当麦克白的考特爵士被预言 成真后,麦克白他那还只是蒙昧的野心一下子被唤醒了开始膨胀,一个潜 伏在内心深处的一个暧昧不明的秘密被突然挑明了,他被眼前浮起的可怕 的幻象吓得毛骨悚然、心惊肉跳,从此失去了心理的平衡。其实他的人性 还是在的,当他要向国王行刺时,内心也在进行着一场可怕的争斗,他即 希望永远保住最高荣誉,又非常渴望着封建王国的最高权势。后来,在其


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麦克白读书笔记优秀范文五篇 《麦克白》读书笔记范文一 《麦克白》是莎士比亚四大悲剧之一,是人性与欲望的演绎,是一部揭露和鞭挞野心的杯具。主要讲述了苏格兰国王邓肯的表弟麦克白将军,为国王平叛和抵御入侵立功归来,路上遇到三个女巫。女巫对他说了一些预言和隐语,说他将进爵为王,但他并无子嗣能继承王位,反而是同僚班柯将军的后代要做王。 麦克白是有野心的英雄,他在夫人的怂恿下谋杀邓肯,做了国王。为掩人耳目和防止他人夺位,他一步步害死了邓肯的侍卫,害死了班柯,害死了贵族麦克德夫的妻子和小孩。恐惧和猜疑使麦克白心里越来越有鬼,也越来越冷酷。麦克白夫人神经失常而自杀,对他也是一大刺激。在众叛亲离的状况下,麦克白应对邓肯之子和他请来的英格兰援军的围攻,落得削首的下场。《麦克白》的成功之处有三:其一,麦克白形象的特殊杯具性,心理描述真实而细腻。在莎士比亚的笔下,麦克白由一个高贵前途无量的英雄人物,在野心与权力的诱惑下变成了一个举国声讨的历史罪人,展现出了麦克白形象的特殊杯具性。女巫的预言、妻子的怂恿、野心的驱使使麦克白走上了弑君的邪途,坐上王位后,权势的贪恋使其人性彻底泯灭,不仅仅杀害了侍卫,就连班柯和麦克德夫的家人也惨遭毒手。可见麦克白的杯具是由外部和内部两方面共同作用下造成的。剧本中作者透过大胆而文艺的言语表达深刻的展现了人物的心理。


One Hundred Years of Solitude_百年孤独英语读后感800字

One Hundred Years of Solitude_百年孤独英语读后感800 字 I just finished reading "hundred years of solitude", and I can't tell what it feels like. Heart slightly pantothenic acid, but more ignorant. To tell the truth, Nobel's literary works are full of magic realism in the between the lines of author Garcia Marcks with its extremely absurd techniques and rich imagination, show a different world to readers -- alone. In one hundred years of solitude, the rise and fall of a Boone family after a hundred years reflects the ups and downs of a small town called Macondo, and some people think it can even be said to reflect the rise and fall of Latin American culture. The book tells the story of the first generation of Boone Macondo and then create Lydia, breeding for 7 generations, but can not fight the curse of natural fate, the ultimate family or escape down to the unknown point, even the final, Macondo in the town is the destruction of Hurricane destruction. "One hundred years of solitude" by the revolutionary army commander Aureliano Boone and Colonel of the seven


Abstract And Reviews of Macbeth Abstract: Macbeth begins as the heroic warrior who, together with Banquo, fights loyally in support of his king against rebels. Upon returning from his victory, Macbeth and Banquo encounter the three witches, who prophesy that Macbeth shall be thane of Cawdor, and king hereafter, and that Banquo’s children will succeed him on the throne. As Macbeth knows nothing of Cawdor’s part in the rebellion, the prophecies are incredible to him. However, with the first prophesy immediately confirmed be emissaries from Duncan, king of Scotland, Macbeth’s blood-thirsty ambition has been greatly stirred up by the witches’ miraculous prophesy. And when Duncan is on a visit to his castle, Macbeth, who is spurred on by Lady Macbeth, takes the chance to have the King murdered. But Macbeth soon finds that one crime is not enough to keep the crown for him. To keep his crown, he abandons reason to mindless savagery and plunges from covert to open slaughter. He murders Banquo and kills Macduff’s wife and children and others. Thus, Macbeth has degenerated into a tyrant and mass murderer. While Macbeth flails about him, killing suspected as well as herself, in her sleep, hag-ridden by horror and remorse. Finally she commit herself suicide. Macbeth also experiences a kind of mental disturbance, haunted by the involved all the people of Scotland who are groaning under his yoke and longing for liberation. When the opposing forces march forward, the people eagerly join them in fighting against the tyranny. In the closing scene, Macbeth’s isolation becomes complete. As his castle is surrounded, Macbeth is reduced to a trapped animal and meets his final doom. Malcolm wins the kingship. Reviews: After learning this drama during this semester, I learn a lot. And here I have some points to talk about. The first one is that I am very impressed by the wittiness of Duncan’s two sons, Malcolm and Donalbain. When their father is murdered, the situation is a chaos. They don’t know who the murderer is and what their intentions are. They realize that they may be also in danger, as Donalbain says to Malcolm: “What should be spoken here, where our fate, hid in an auger-hole, may rush, and seize us? Let’s away; our tears are not yet brew’d.”So when Macbeth suggests all meet in the hall together, Malcolm says that”let’s not consort with them”and he goes to England and Donalbain to Ireland. As we can see, if they don’t flee, they may become the next persons to die, especially Malcolm, who is named by the king the Prince of Cumberland and will inherit the kingship after his father. As the old saying goes, revenge is a dish that should be eaten cold (君子报仇,十年不晚). The fact also proves that they make the right decision. Several years later, Malcolm comes back, fights with Macbeth and gains the kingship. What I want to say is not that we should revenge our enemies, but that we should keep in reason, keep calm. Think twice before you jump, especially in emergencies and disorders. Another point I’d like to talk about is the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. At the very beginning, we can see that they have a very good


Book Review of the《One Hundred Years of Solitude》 García Márquez makes up a town called Macondo and the protagonists——the Buendía s,lives there for more than one hundred years.During this period,the Buendía s goes from prosperity to decay and everyone dies with solitude.This family includes seven generations and everyone is willing to adventure and full of passion,but they don’t like having a heart-to-heart talk and they release pressure only through sex .It is said that this book shows the sruggle and loneliness of Latin America and the Macondo Town is actually a epitome of Latin America.For a long time,people in Latin America constantly started the civil wars and fought with their compatriots and many of them are fooled by ridiculious religion,so that these areas are still poor and underdeveloped and are like pathetic children abandoned by all other countries.This is a country’s and history’s solitude.So this book gains a lot of admiration and agreement from the people of Latin America.And we appreciate García Márquez for he gives us a way to know these people and strikes a chord with people from other underdeveloped country like us. When we probe into this book deeper and wonder why everyone lives so lamentably,we can see that it is not just because of the short of supplies or the lack of status and fame.If so,the book would not be praised but on the contrary it would be criticized to be superficial and na?ve.In fact,García Márquez points that the real solitude is from fate and death.It is just like everyone called Aurelian in the Buendía s are always composed and calm but in the end will all become callous and indifferenced to all other things.People who fight with fate and want to live another lives ,but finally fail look like flying leaves in the windy sky,which can’t control where to stop but move froward by the force of wind.Then you will feel nobody really knows you and your life is setted long time ago by the fate and the only thing you can do is to beobedient to it and try to admit that you can’t do anything,even to change a little.Is is real loneliness.When you feel you are separated from the outside world and your world only has youself,even though you are given plenty of money and luxury,you will not be happy and think you are rich.The solitude from the bottom of your heart will last forever and nothing that comes from material world can influence it. In the meanwhile I read carefully and try to find the solution to this kind of solitude. And the answer that García Márquez gives is hiding among the


《麦克白》读书笔记优秀范文5篇 《麦克白》讲述的是中世纪英国一名将军麦克白,在一次征战回国途中,碰到女巫。女巫预言他将成为国王,同时也预言了另一个将军班戈的子孙将世代为王,而这三女巫只是因为受到一个村妇的气而把这些秘密对他们说了罢了,是带有一种泄气、泄愁的因素。那么关于麦克白读书笔记怎么去写呢,以下是我整理的麦克白读书笔记范文5篇,希望可以分享给大家进行参考和借鉴。 《麦克白》读书笔记范文一 读了《麦克白》之后,我的心境沉重下来。 《麦克白》写的是一位叫麦克白的功名显赫的爵士,为了能登上王位,杀死了国王和好朋友,最终被人杀死的故事。 麦克白功名显赫,本来获得许多荣誉,本来能安度一声,只因为三个女巫的预言,便使得自我落得了凄惨的结局。真是因为他遇见了三个女巫吗不,女巫的预言只是一根导火线,真正的原因是他内心的欲望。 女巫说他会成为未来的国王,他便不择手段地想要成为国王。内心的欲望之火,却被女巫一句话点燃了。于是,欲望之火愈烧愈烈,最终,玩火自焚,他被自我的欲望杀死了。 麦克白之死,告诉我们必须要控制好自我的欲望。自身的欲望能成为自我进取向上的动力,也能成为悬在头顶的一把刀。有的人想要升职,想要高官厚禄,便努力奋斗,最终到达自身的所想;有的人想要金钱,便铤而走险,去偷、去抢,最终走上一条不归路。欲望是一把双刃剑,它能够经过正当的努力和奋斗来实现,

也能经过罪恶的手段予以放任。谁都会有一丝贪婪,都会有一丝邪念。对于这种不好的欲望,我们必须立刻拔除,否则,养虎为患,终为虎害。 我又想起了一件事例:《三国》中关羽之死的一个关键因素《便是少了刘备义子——刘封的支援。孟达劝刘封不去支援,因为关羽骂过他。刘封便按兵不动,结果还不是被刘备斩了刘封何尝不知他不去支援的恶果只是孟达一句话,心中的邪念便迅速成长,使他向邪恶妥协。孟达不正如女巫,刘封不正如麦克白吗不要让欲望占据你的心灵!它能为你供给动力,也能把你推入无底深渊!每个人都会有欲望,但不要让它占据你的心灵!不然,麦克白和刘封的旧辙,又将被人重蹈! 不要让欲望占据你的心灵! 《麦克白》读书笔记范文二 《麦克白》讲述了苏格兰大将麦克白因为听信巫女的预言而弑君谋反当上了苏格兰的国王,同时又因为惧怕命运而杀害自我的好友,导致众叛亲离,麦克白最终也没有逃脱所谓的“命运”。 “命运”是什么东西当巫女预言麦克白将会当上考特爵士并最终成为苏格兰王的时候,麦克白是不信的,然而随后的消息却是邓肯册封其为考特爵士,于是麦克白开始相信巫女的预言了。麦克白相信自我命中注定会成为苏格兰王,在这种信念的支撑下,麦克白弑君谋反,在这一过程中,麦克白身上原有的忠诚、善良等信念最终没有敌过权力的诱惑。 麦克白如愿以偿的把王位握在了自我手中。他以“命运”的名义杀戮,却又想反抗“命运”。正是因为麦克白相信了巫女的预言,所以才弑君,同时他也相信了巫女关于班柯的后代将为国王的预言,所以才想杀掉班柯及其子。这种行为


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除百年孤独英文读后感 百年孤独英文读后感(一) ”onehundredyearsofsolitude”isknownas”LatinAmeri canhistoryofliteratureinthevisionofthesociety”.Itistherepr esentativeworkofgabrielgarciamarquez,istherepresentativ eworkofLatinAmericanmagicrealismliterature.Afterreadi ng,thebookmorbidalone,foravarietyofabnormalpersonalit y,floatinginmyaround,foralongtimenottogo. thecharactersinthebook,mrAShLEyboone,emperor,thisisa diligent,pragmatic,creativepeople.Butbecausehe’sfascinat ionwithscienceandknowledge,wrongly,alchemy,godcoppe rplatepicture...hewascompletelyinsane,soheisalonely. hiswifeUrsulaisawomanofflashingmotherallgoodquality.I nmyopinion,sheisthefamilyfoundation.thewholebookishe rbusyfigure,thiswoman’sbodywithanotherkindoflonelines s.

麦克白 句段中英对照

Macbeth And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles, to betray's In deepest consequence. 魔鬼为了要陷害我们起见,往往故意向我们 说真话,在小事情上取得我们的信任,然后在重要的关头我们便会堕入他的圈套。 There's no art To find the mind's construction in the face: He was a gentleman on whom I built An absolute trust. 世上还没有一种方法,可以从一个人的脸上探察他的居心;他是我所曾 经绝对信任的一个人。 that is a step On which I must fall down, or else o'erleap, For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires: The eye wink at the hand; yet let that be, Which the eye fears, when it is done, to see. 这是一块横在我的前途的阶石,我必须跳过这块 阶石,否则就要颠仆在它的上面。星星啊,收起你们的火焰!不要让光亮照见我的黑暗幽深的欲望。眼睛啊,别望这双手吧;可是我仍要下手,不管干下的事会吓得眼睛不敢看。 It is too full o' the milk of human kindness To catch the nearest way: thou wouldst be great; Art not without ambition, but without The illness should attend it: what thou wouldst highly, That wouldst thou holily; wouldst not play false, And yet wouldst wrongly win: thou'ldst have, great Glamis, That which cries 'Thus thou must do, if thou have it; And that which rather thou dost fear to do Than wishest should be undone.' Hie thee hither,


莎士比亚《麦克白》读后感 下面为大家整理了,莎士比亚《麦克白》读后感,一起来看看吧!希望可以帮助到你。 莎士比亚《麦克白》读后感: 第一篇:读莎士比亚《麦克白》读后感 莎士比亚的著名悲剧《麦克白》讲述的是主人公麦克白从忠臣到暴君的转变以及他堕落与毁灭的故事。 人们常说,麦克白是一个十足的恶人——弑君、篡位、凶残、暴虐、嗜杀……几乎一无是处。但是如果你们翻开《麦克白》的剧本细细阅读一下,会发现真相其实不然,麦克白最初的时候是一名骁勇善战且赤胆忠心的苏格兰大将,曾几乎凭一己之力平定了一场叛乱。 麦克白是苏格兰王室,国王邓肯的表弟。身为王室贵族,麦克白自然不免有一些觊觎王位的念头。但是,这只是一个潜伏于内心深处的一点点野心,或许连麦克白自己都不知道。 每个潜藏的野心都会因某种外在的因素而一触而发。真正触发麦克白这种念头的,则是那次在荒原他和另一员大将班柯与三个女巫的邂逅。三个女巫对麦克白说:“万福,麦克白!祝福你,葛莱密斯爵士!万福,麦克白!祝福你,考特爵士!万福,麦克白,未来的君王!”她们又对班柯说:“祝福!祝福!祝福!比麦克白低微,可是你的地位在他之上。不像麦克白那样幸运,可是比他更有福。你虽然不是君王,你的子孙将要君临一国。”本来麦克白不相信鬼神,对这些话语只会付诸一笑,可是,偏偏一场巧合激发了麦克白的野心。麦克白刚刚转身,便看见一个大臣骑马飞驰而来,告诉他考特爵士通敌叛国,已经被邓肯王斩杀。大臣告诉他,国王因他战功赫赫而将考特爵士转封给了他,而且国王晚上将去他家住宿。麦克白很高兴,与此同时他也觉得似乎那些女巫的预言真的不是空穴来风,自己真的有可能成为未来的君王。一个潜藏的野心浮上了表面,麦克白也从此走出了他从忠臣到暴君的第一步。 可是一个有野心的人不一定知道自己应该用什么样的方式去达成它,需要一个人,一个足够邪恶的人来教导他。本来麦克白或许会就此罢休,可是偏偏他的夫人就是一个邪恶的女人,心中充满了恶念。她听麦克白叙述了他的奇遇,以及邓肯王要来家中住宿,一个邪念顿时涌上心头:她想让麦克白在邓肯熟睡之际将其刺杀,以便让麦克白迅速登上王位。麦克白毕竟还良心未泯,不愿意弑君篡位。但是,麦克白的意志是脆弱的,经不住夫人接二连三的激将。有一次,她甚至说麦克白是一个懦夫,这是勇猛的麦克白最不能忍受的。在夫人的怂恿下,麦克白在深夜进入了邓肯王的卧室,刺杀了邓肯王,并嫁祸于国王的两个卫兵。第二天,麦克白又以谋反的罪名杀死了两个无辜的卫兵,销毁了一切证据。邓肯死后,邓肯的两个儿子马尔康和道纳本逃亡国外,被人怀疑弑父潜逃;而麦克白因位高权重,又是王室贵族,被大臣们拥立为新的君王。麦克白登上了王位,如愿以偿。尽管如此,这次弑君行为也让麦克白从此失去了安宁,就像《麦克白》中所说的那样:“葛莱密斯已经杀害了睡眠,所以考特将再也得不到睡眠,麦克白将再也得不到睡眠!”麦克白的内心也从此被内疚所捆绑,他曾看着自己沾满鲜血的双手,说:“这是什么手!嘿!它们要挖出我的眼睛。大洋里所有的水,能够洗净我手上的血迹吗?不,恐怕我这一手的血,倒要把一碧无垠的海水染成一片殷红呢。”


《百年孤独》读后感3000字 被誉为“再现拉丁美洲历史社会图景的鸿篇巨著”的《百年孤独》,是加西亚·马尔克斯的代表作,也是拉丁美洲魔幻现实主义文学作品的代表作。 加西亚?马尔克斯是哥伦比亚作家,是魔幻现实主义文学的杰出代表。《百年孤独》的问世,为马尔克斯赢得了世界各方的声誉,马尔克斯也因该小说“把幻想和现实融为一体勾画出一个丰富多彩的梦幻般世界,反映了拉丁美洲大陆的生活与争斗”而于1982年获得诺贝尔文学奖。 初次阅读时,我们总会感觉到懵懵懂懂:它到底想表现什么?作者因本书获得了诺贝尔文学奖,那这本书的内涵应该很深刻,它到底是什么?一个家族兴衰的过程及结束的原因?还是告诉读者人类与生俱来的孤独无法逃避?抑或是拉丁美洲一个世纪的真实再现? 通过阅读,我们会发现作品中有两处奇怪的地方,一是书中诉说的故事大都荒诞不经;二是作品中人名的反复出现和相同怪事的重复发生。全书近30万字,内容庞杂,人物众多,情节曲折离奇,再加上神话故事、宗教典故、民间传说以及作家独创的从未来的角度来回忆过去的新颖倒叙手法等等,令人眼花缭乱。这也是魔幻现实主义最独特的艺术表现手法。

通过阅读,我们可以领悟到,作家在讲述这个家族七代人所经历的神话般的故事时,也着力描述了马贡多的兴盛衰败,它浓缩了哥伦比亚的百年沧桑,也蕴涵了拉美人民在内忧外患下所受的屈辱与苦难。而作者正是要通过布恩地亚家族7代人充满神秘色彩的坎坷经历来反映哥伦比亚乃至拉丁美洲的历史演变和社会现实,要求读者思考造成马贡多百年孤独的原因,从而去寻找摆脱命运括弄的正确途径。他把读者引入到这个不可思议的奇迹和最纯粹的现实交错的生活之中,不仅让你感受许多血淋淋的现实和荒诞不经的传说,也让你体会到最深刻的人性和最令人震惊的情感。书中的每一个人物都是深刻得让你觉得害怕,那种孤独令你无所适从。 孤独是《百年孤独》的母题,也是这部小说悲剧精神的核心,在小说中,孤独不仅仅是一种情绪,它成为了人类一整生存状态,是作为一种社会性的精神特质来反映的。孤独是《百年孤独》无所不在的影子,它附着在每个人的身上,笼罩着小镇马贡多,与之相随的是对宿命的恐惧,对生存的绝望。布恩地亚家族延续了100多年,虽然这个家族的成员们孤独的缘由却不尽相同,但所有的人都不可避免地陷入了孤独中,并在其中终其一生。虽然布恩地亚家族历经六世,也有过繁华与鼎盛,但自始自终没有人能逃离孤独。每一个灵魂都在孤独中游荡,家庭成员中没有情感,没有交流,没


麦克白读书心得500字5篇 《麦克白》中,有一句经典的台词:"用最美妙的外表把人们的耳目欺骗;奸诈的心必须罩上虚伪的笑容。下面是推荐的麦克白读书心得500字,仅供大家借鉴。 麦克白读书心得500字(一) 《麦克白》中,有一句经典的台词:"用最美妙的外表把人们的耳目欺骗;奸诈的心必须罩上虚伪的笑容。"麦克白的一番话让我感到很诧异,前文还是征战沙场所向披靡的爵士,现在就成了奸诈的反贼,这么大的转变,不仅仅是因为一个因素的。 凡是都有不可预测的一面,当可遇而不可求的事情出现在了面前,麦克白始终没有控制住自己的欲望,在权力的驱使下一步步地将自己推向了深渊。 在文中,有一个不可预测的外因,即为神龙见首不见尾的鬼魂和巫婆。后来叱咤风云的麦克白正是听取了他们的预言。且不说麦克白对预言的反应,巫婆与幽灵究竟居心何在?她们究竟是好心还是恶意?作者莎士比亚在这里并未直接点明。我个人认

为,巫婆和幽灵可能并非怀揣着善意,因为,一个人在不清楚前途是明是暗的时候,往往会更勇敢地走下去,无知者无畏嘛,而真正知道了自己未来的命运,反倒会适得其反,或乐极生悲或心灰意冷,至于对他人的影响,就只能从听取者的内心的角度来决定了。这些巫婆即使能预知未来,即使能通晓命运,但也无法预知人心。 出现了巫婆这个外因,才促使了内因--麦克白夫人对她丈夫的怂恿。如果麦克白的妻子并没有出现在主人公麦克白的生活中,如果麦克白并没有听取妻子的谬论,我们的主人公可能在凯旋归来的时刻被晋封为考特爵士,然后顺理成章地继承帝业,最后安然地度晚年。 如此说来,我们的麦克白反倒成为了波涛汹涌的海上的一叶孤舟,若不能随波逐流,就只能被无情地掀翻。他的人生充满了跌宕起伏,但是命运始终是掌握在自己的手中,麦克白因为没有主见而失去了生命。 说来说去,都离不开"欲望",麦克白因为欲望失去了理智,他的夫人因为对权力的渴求操纵着麦克墨登场,历史上的慈禧太后也有异曲同工之妙,戴了一个冠冕堂皇的面具,为了自己的欲望而牺牲他人。 每个人生来就有七情六欲,欲望是一把利刃,既不能拔刀自伤也不能被借刀杀人。——后记


《百年孤独》英语读 后感

Book Review of the《One Hundred Years of Solitude》For this month,I have been reading a famous book which is written by García Márquez,a famed Colombian writer who won the Nobel Prize in literature in 1982 because of his great and positive influence on the Latin American literature circle.This book is called 《One Hundred Years of Solitude》which is in the style of magic realism,a writing skill combines the reality and fantasy.This book is so precious and worth-reading that people put it at the same position as the 《Don Quixote de la Mancha》(堂吉柯德)and regard the two as the best Spanish books in the whole history. In order to know what the book tells and expresses roudly,I firstly read the Chinese version and then to the English version.I feel myself sagacious for I have done this.And before I come to write some of my thoughts,I have to say that this book is so complex that almost everyone called the same names and you can’t predict accurately anyone’s future because he might dies or be insane,or even has a sex with his aunt or his bigger brother’s mistress and then have a baby who will also be called the same name as the baby‘s father all of a sudden.But as you go on reading,because of the fancinating expression,compact structure and fancy writing skill,you will be
