
How How to write 议论文) an argumentation(议论文)
书面表达(满分 分 书面表达 满分30分) 满分 1.暑假即将来临,你班同学讨论了假期计划,提出了 暑假即将来临,你班同学讨论了假期计划, 暑假即将来临 不同看法,请根据提示写一篇关于讨论的英语短文, 不同看法,请根据提示写一篇关于讨论的英语短文, 并谈谈你的看法。 并谈谈你的看法。 待在家中 外出旅游 优点 缺点 花费少, 花费少,舒适方便 不能亲身了解外界 花费多, 增长知识, 增长知识,开阔眼 花费多,旅途不便 界(horizon/view) ) 2.短文必须包括表中所列要 短文必须包括表中所列要
注意: 词数 词数120 左右 注意:1.词数 点。
3.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 可以适当增加细节
The summer holiday is coming. Our class have had a discussion about what to do during the holiday.
1. have different views on sth / The summer holiday is coming. Our class have beginning had a discussion about what to do during the 2. react to sth in different ways. holiday. 3. differ in their attitudes towards sth.
1. convenient and comfortable 1.(待在家中 花费 (待在家中 待在家中) 待在家中)花费 待在家中 待在家中 some cost less / save money 少,舒适方便 lose the chance of getting to 不能亲身了解外界 know the outside world (外出旅游 外出旅游) 外出旅游 2.(外出旅游 增长 外出旅游)增长 外出旅游 知识, 知识,开阔眼界 others 2. increase one’s knowledge and broaden one’s horizons/views 花费多, 花费多,旅途不便 conclusion spend more money and meet some difficulties
my opinion
The summer holiday is coming. Our class have had a discussion about what to do during the holiday. People react to this problem in different ways.
Some are in favor of staying at home. They think it’s both convenient and comfortable. What’s more,they can save money for other purposes. But They will lose the chance of getting to know the outside world. However, others prefer to go out for traveling since it can increase their knowledge and broaden their views. But they will spend more money and meet some difficulties while traveling.
In my opinion, it would be much better to stay at home. Actually I have more reasons for it. When staying at home,I can do what I like,such as reading books,watching TV,and helping my parents with the housework. In a word, to stay at home is better than to travel.
如何算是一篇好文章? 要 如何算是一篇好文章? 点 1.覆盖了所有的要点 覆盖了所有的要点 覆盖了所有的 全 2. 应用了较多的语法

结构 和词汇 词汇 句型 , 词汇,句型
连 接 词
3. 有效地使用了语句间的 连接成分, 连接成分,使全文结构紧凑
优秀作文标准: 优秀作文标准:
1、覆盖所有内容要点; 、覆盖所有内容要点; 所有内容要点 2、语法结构或词汇方面有个别错误,但为尽量使 、语法结构或词汇方面有个别错误, 个别错误 用较为复杂的结构或较高级词汇所致,具备较 用较为复杂的结构或较高级词汇所致, 复杂的结构 所致 强的语言应用能力; 强的语言应用能力; 3、有效地使用了连接手段,全文结构紧凑,内容 、有效地使用了连接手段,全文结构紧凑 连接手段 结构紧凑, 连贯。完全达到了预期的写作目的。 连贯。完全达到了预期的写作目的。
书面表达试题存在问题 书面表达试题存在问题: 试题存在问题:
(1) 审题不清:自己英语的学习目的、方法、课外途径 审题不清:自己英语的学习目的 方法、 英语的学习目的、 课外自学途径 途径; 课外自学途径; 学校英语教学的建议 英语教学的建议。 对学校英语教学的建议。 (2) 段落板块不清楚 段落板块不清楚 (3) 要点不完整 要点不完整 (4) 缺乏有效的过渡词 缺乏有效的过渡词 (5) 句式、词汇低级重复单调 句式、词汇低级重复单调 (6) 个人观点不到位 个人观点不到位 (7) 卷面太差,字小,不整齐,潦草,涂擦痕迹明显 卷面太差 字小,不整齐,潦草, 太差, (8)词数不在规定范围之内。130-170,150-160! 词数不在规定范围之内。 ! 词数不在规定范围之内 ,
1.(因为 因为) his help, I finished the work at 因为 last. Because of /with As a result of Thanks to
Due to Owing to
2.More roads will have to be built with more cars, (所以)we’ll have less field to grow rice. (所以)
so therefore
thus as a result/consequence
3.The rent is reasonable, , the location is perfect. 房租很合理,另外,位置也很好。 房租很合理,另外,位置也很好。 moreover/furthermore
另外 (递进) 递进) 递进
what’s more besides in addition
4. The young man didn’t enjoy his old job. (相反 ) he finds the new 相反 job very interesting. But/yet/while
However, On the contrary,
5. (总之 we should make good use of 总之), 总之
In short/brief In a word/all in all
In general Generally speaking
6.(我认为) , students had (我认为) better not buy a cellphone.we should spend time and money on other more important things. I think/believe
个人 观点
In my opinion/it’s my opinion that
As far as I’m concerned
对写作的建议: 对写作的建议:
1、注意审题! 、注

意审题! 审题 2、分段写! 、分段写! 3、注意书面表达板块齐全、要点完整; 、注意书面表达板块齐全、要点完整; 板块齐全 4、注意使用标记性语言,段与段之间一定要有过渡 、注意使用标记性语言,段与段之间一定要有过渡 标记性语言 的语句; 性的语句; 5、句式应富于变化; 、句式应富于变化; 变化
对写作的建议: 对写作的建议:
6、适当使用较高级的词汇; 、适当使用较高级的词汇; 较高级的词汇 句型结构、 等错误; 7、尽量避免句型结构、时态和语态等错误; 、尽量避免句型结构 时态和语态等错误 8、加强个人观点的准确阐述! 、加强个人观点的准确阐述! 个人观点的准确阐述 9、注重书写! 、注重书写! 书写
书面表达(满分 分 书面表达 满分30分) 满分 当前越来越多的人们关注住房问题。 当前越来越多的人们关注住房问题。有人喜欢住在传统的房 子里,有人喜欢住在公寓里,请你以“ 子里,有人喜欢住在公寓里,请你以“Live in a traditional house or live in an apartment”为题,按照下列要点写一篇英 为题, 为题 语短文。 语短文。 1.住在传统的房子里:可以在院子里种花,树,可以养宠物, 住在传统的房子里:可以在院子里种花, 住在传统的房子里 可以养宠物, 可以在院子里锻炼身体。 可以在院子里锻炼身体。 2.住在公寓里:干净,安全,离工作地方近 住在公寓里:干净,安全, 住在公寓里 3.我的看法及理由。 我的看法及理由。 我的看法及理由 注意:词数 左右, 注意:词数120左右,文章题目和开头已给出(不计词数) 左右 文章题目和开头已给出(不计词数)
Live in a traditional house or live in an apartment Nowadays, more and more people/ a growing number of people pay more attention to their lives.
Live in a traditional house or live in an apartment Nowadays, more and more people/ a growing number of people pay more attention to their lives. But people differ in their opinions on the matter. Some people prefer to live in a traditional house. There might be several reasons, I think. In the first place, you can grow flowers and trees in the yard if you live in a traditional house. Besides, you can keep pets if you like . Finally, people can take exercise in the yard.
However,some people prefer to live in an apartment. On one hand, it is clean and safe. On the other hand, it is close to your work. As far as I’m concerned, I prefer living in a traditional house. My reason is that I like enjoying sunlight, especially in winter. Moreover, my grandparents wouldn’t happy if they live in an apartment. As they argue that it is not convenient for them to have outdoor activities. So I think living in a traditional house is good and healthy lifestyle

Part 1: (beginning)
have different opinions on sth. react to sth in different ways differ in their attitudes towards sth
Part 2: (body)
some…. others/ prefer to do A.rather than do B.
Part3: (conclusion)
in a word / in short / in my opinion / I am in favor of the idea that…/for/against
书面表达(满分 分 书面表达 满分30分) 满分 当前不少文学作品被改编成电影。有人选择看电影, 当前不少文学作品被改编成电影。有人选择看电影,有 人则喜欢读原著。 人则喜欢读原著。请你以 “Film or book, which do you prefer?” 为题,按照下列要点写一篇英语短文: ? 为题,按照下列要点写一篇英语短文: 1. 看电影:省时、有趣、易懂 看电影:省时、有趣、 2. 读原著:细节更多、语言优美 读原著:细节更多、 3. 我的看法及理由 注意: 词数100-120,文章题目和开头已给出(不计词数) 注意:1. 词数 ,文章题目和开头已给出(不计词数) 2. 参考词汇: original work 或 book in the 参考词汇: original(原著) Film or book, which do you (原著) prefer? ? Some of us think that it is better to see the film than to read the book in the original.
Film or book, which do you prefer? ?
Some of us think that it is better to see the film than to read the book in the original. The reason is that it takes less time to understand the whole story. Besides, the film is usually more interesting, and it is easier to follow. Some others have just the opposite opinion. They think that they can get more detailed information from the original. Meanwhile, the language in the book is possibly more lively and beautiful. Personally, I agree with the second view. Actually I have more reasons for it. I think I can stay at home, reading quietly in a situation of my own, and what’s more, I am able to better understand the author’s ideas. In a word, to read the original work is better than to see the film based on it.
经过调查,人们对于学生上网交友持不同意见(见下表)。 经过调查,人们对于学生上网交友持不同意见(见下表)。 请你以“ 为题, 请你以“Should students make friends on line?”为题,用英 为题 语写一篇关于学生上网交友的短文,介绍人们的不同观点, 语写一篇关于学生上网交友的短文,介绍人们的不同观点, 并表达自己的看法。 并表达自己的看法。 赞成的理由 1.广交朋友 . 2.可自由表达思想 . 3.利于外语学习 . 反对的理由 1.浪费时间 . 2.影响学习 . 3.可能上当受骗 . 你的看法? 你的看法?
词数:100左右 词数: 左右 ? 参考词汇: 网络朋友 on-line friend(s); 参考词汇: ( ); 上当受骗 to be cheated
Different people have different opinions on whether students should make friends o

n line. Some people say yes.The reason is that the Internet helps make many . friends.What’s more, Chatting on line, students can . more freely express their feelings and opinions, and even get help with their foreign language studies. ? Some others, however, just have the opposite opinion.They say making friends on line is a waste of . time, which should be spent more meaningfully on study.Besides, some students get cheated on line. . ? It’s my opinion that students should place their study, health and safety before other things.As for friendship, . we can readily find it in our classmates and other people around us.
让开放思维成为一种习惯。 让开放思维成为一种习惯。
2009年12月 年 月
分析+正确思维导向 分析 正确思维导向
开放作文: 开放作文: 审题最为关键 关注开放作文文章结构
An open-ended composition openDescribe a picture Interpret its implied meaning Point out its implications in our life Give your own comment
2009年浙江省英语高考题书面表达 2009年浙江省英语高考题书面表达 5月1日,高二(3)班的学生志愿者Li Yue 和 高二( 班的学生志愿者Li 去阳光敬老院开展志愿活动(送水果、 Zhang Hua 去阳光敬老院开展志愿活动(送水果、 打扫、聊天等)。假如你是校英语报记者, )。假如你是校英语报记者 打扫、聊天等)。假如你是校英语报记者,请按下 列要点用英语写一则100 120个词的新闻报道 100个词的新闻报道。 列要点用英语写一则100-120个词的新闻报道。 1.时间、地点、人物、活动。 1.时间、地点、人物、活动。 时间 2.老人们的反应; 2.老人们的反应; 老人们的反应 3.简短评论。 3.简短评论。 简短评论 注:报道的标题和记者的姓名已给出(不计词数) 报道的标题和记者的姓名已给出(不计词数)
1. 审题
题目 主题 Student Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly 新闻报道 5月1日 月 日 假如你是假如你是 100-120个词 个词 时间、地点、人物、活动。 时间、地点、人物、活动。 老人们的反应; 老人们的反应; 简短评论 Sunshine Nursing Home 由题目可知 文章主题是关于学生对 敬老院中老人的关怀 应用文 一般过去时 人称用 “they” 大约8-10成文 成文 大约 文章分为3部分 文章分为 部分
体裁 时态 人称 字数 内容要点
要使用题目给出的专有 名词, 名词,不可自己翻译
2. 构思 (1). 抓:提纲中的核心词
反应 核心

(2)列:围绕核心词 选:甄选候选内容 事实报道 根据题目提供的信息, 根据题目提供的信息, 简洁地将事实报道出来 考虑敬老院的老人们会 有什么样的反应
不要 Brainstorm
将整篇文章的深度加深, 将整篇文章的深度加深, 精神上升到跟高层次
(3)组:重组提纲 将选出的内容按照提纲中要求的结构层次组合在一起。 将选出的内容按照提纲中要求的结构层次组合在一起。 第 一 段 事实 报道 时间 5月1日 月 日 地点 阳光敬老院 高二( ) 人物 高二(3)的学生班志愿 者Li Yue 和Zhang Hua、敬老 、 院的老人 活动 送水果、打扫、聊天 送水果、打扫、 老人们非常感谢, 老人们非常感谢,他们将会永远 记得这一天 志愿者Li Yue 和Zhang Hua非 志愿者 非 常开心, 常开心,他们的所作所为不仅给 他人带来了快乐, 他人带来了快乐,也丰富了自己 的生活。 的生活。
当遇到“ 当遇到“开 展志愿者活 动”这样较 难表达的短 语时, 语时,可以 采用具体化 的办法避开, 的办法避开, 而且具体化 更加符合英 文习惯
第 二 段 第 三 段
老人 反应 简短 评论
Students Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly (1)On May Day, Li Yue and Zhang Hua, students from ) Class Three, Grade Two, went to Sunshine Nursing Home and did some voluntary work. (2)Upon their arrival, Li Yue and ) Zhang Hua were warmly welcomed, and respectfully, they presented the elderly with flowers and fruits. (3)Then they ) started working at one, cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor. (4)Everything done, they sat in the yard chatting with ) the elderly people. (5) When it was time for the volunteers to leave, the ) elderly people thanked them for their kindness. (6)They ) said it was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever. (7)Li Yue and Zhang Hua were very happy. (8)What ) ) they did has brought joy to others and enriched their own lives. By Chen Jie, School Newspaper
一、内容完整,表达到位,语言优美; 内容完整,表达到位,语言优美; 二、结构合理,层次清晰,行文连贯; 结构合理,层次清晰,行文连贯; 三、观点明确,发挥合理,逻辑严密。 观点明确,发挥合理,逻辑严密。
一、加大语言输入,夯实英语基础 加大语言输入,
举例一:使用“高级词汇” 举例一:使用“高级词汇”
1)I can’t find any way to solve the problem. 换作高级词汇:I can’t find any solution to the problem. 2) The question is really difficult to understand. 换作高级词汇:The question is really confusing. 3)He had to face all the possible difficulties

. 换作高级词汇:He had to cope with all the possible difficulties
举例二: 举例二:使用同义词
1)It will be very interesting. 换作同义词:It will be a lot of fun. 2)He was such a clever boy that… 换作同义词:He was such a smart boy that… 3)Last winter I visited Hainan Island with my parents. 换作同义词:Last winter I toured Hainan Island with my parents.
举例三: 举例三:适当利用短语取代单词
Suddenly I had a good idea. 换作短语:Suddenly I came up with a good idea. 2)Take a moment to see what is happening around you. 换作短语:Take a moment to see what is going on around you. 3)Everyone should do his or her best. 换作短语:Everyone is supposed to do his or her best. 4)I’m extremely busy now. 换作短语:I’m now as busy as a bee.
二、重视写作训练,养成良好习惯 重视写作训练,
举例四: 举例四:应用较多的语法结构
1)使用固定句式 ) The environment will never improve until everybody takes care of it. 使用倒装结构:Not until everybody takes care of it will the environment improve. 2)使用非谓语动词短语,如:现在分词 )使用非谓语动词短语, Nowadays, we can easily travel from one place to another and this bridges the gap among different races or cultures. 换作现在分词短语:Nowadays, we can easily travel from one place to another, thus bridging the gap among different race or cultures.
3)使用定语从句 ) 定语从句的使用,不仅能使上下文更加流畅,也同时能 充分展示写作者运用较复杂的语法结构的能力。 My favorite writer is Roddy Doyle. I think he is a genius. 用定语从句:My favorite writer is Roddy Doyle, who I think is a genius.
举例五:上下文的连贯性 举例五:
1、使用连接性副词 1)We have many things to do. We believe we can finish before the day is over. 使用连接性副词:We have quite a lot to do. Hopefully, we will be able to finish before the day is over. 2)The boy comes from a poor family. The boy does very well in his studies. The boy plans to work his way through college. 使用连接性副词:Even though he comes from a poor family, the boy does very well in his studies; furthermore, he plans to work his way through college.
2、使用从属连词 You work hard and never give up. You will succeed in your studies. 使用从属连词:So long as you work hard, you will succeed in your studies. 3、准确使用过渡词
举例六: 举例六:正反对比类写作题的常见写法 1)(开头时可以用的表达方式)We have a (heated) discussion about…/ We have had a survey on… 2)(分别论证时用)Opinions are divided on the question… 3)(分别论证时用)Some students think… /But others are opposed to…/others are against… / Some are in favor of… 4)(发表个人观点时用)in my op

inion,Personlally… 5)(进一步论证时用)What’s more; besides / in addition; what is more serious is that… 6)(提出多个论据时用)First…Second…Third / To begin with; Secondly; Besides 7)(相似的比较)in comparison, likewise, similarly, in the same manner 8)(相反的比较) on the other hand, conversely, whereas, while, instead, nevertheless, in contrast, on the contrary, compared with …, …
三、关注社会生活,培养思维能力 关注社会生活,
总而言之,只要考生扎扎实实地打基础,认认真真地备考, 掌握一定的写作技巧,以清醒的大脑和开阔的思路应考, 攻克半开放式英语作文难关也是指日可待。
一、立意与议论 理解图片( 篇幅):理解时要有升华 理解图片(2/3篇幅):理解时要有升华, 篇幅):理解时要有升华, 围绕话题进行议论。 有深度,结合现实生活围绕话题进行议论 有深度,结合现实生活围绕话题进行议论。
1. 两个物象的立意与议论
图中出现两个主要物象时,描图和议 图中出现两个主要物象时, 论时注意两者之间的对比关系。 论时注意两者之间的对比关系。这是最近几 年高考的热点。 年高考的热点。
例1:请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。 :请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。 词数不少于50。 词数不少于 。 In an English speech competition, you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to the judges how you understand it. 可接受的观点 思路1:圆规骄傲,而铅笔努力、执著。宣扬一种奋斗精神。 思路1:圆规骄傲,而铅笔努力、执著。宣扬一种奋斗精神。 原地徘徊, 铅笔永往直前 永往直前。 思路2:圆规原地徘徊 思路 :圆规原地徘徊,而铅笔永往直前。鼓励人们为实现人 生目标而前进。 生目标而前进。 思路3:圆规可以画出精彩的圆 铅笔可以画出笔直的线 可以画出精彩的圆, 可以画出笔直的线。 思路 :圆规可以画出精彩的圆,铅笔可以画出笔直的线。选 择适当的工具完成不同的目标。 择适当的工具完成不同的目标。 思路4:圆规可以画出精彩的圆 铅笔可以画出笔直的线 可以画出精彩的圆, 可以画出笔直的线。 思路 :圆规可以画出精彩的圆,铅笔可以画出笔直的线。不 同的事物有自己的优势和劣势。号召人们发挥优势,完成目标。 同的事物有自己的优势和劣势。号召人们发挥优势,完成目标。
2. 单个物象的议论
图中出现一个物象时, 图中出现一个物象时,描图和议论时注意抓住漫画所表达 的引申含义。 的引申含义。 例1:北京西城区 :北京西城区2008年高三英语抽样检查试题 年高三英语抽样检查试题 请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于50

。 请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于 。 In your English class,you are asked to describe , this picture of a wooden barrel and explain to your classmates how you understand it. . 审图: 审图: 1. 一个由不同长度木板构成的木桶,水从最短板处流出。 一个由不同长度木板构成的木桶,水从最短板处流出。 2. 结论:人要全面发展,个别缺点会影响人的成功。 结论:人要全面发展,个别缺点会影响人的成功。 团队要共同发展,个别人落后会影响整体的进步。 团队要共同发展,个别人落后会影响整体的进步。 文体: 文体:议论文 时态: 时态:一般现在时 人称:第一人称 人称:
Possible ideas
1. What you see at the first glance may limit your thinking. 2. We must look deeper so as not to be cheated by the surface. 3. Everyone can grow old. Treasure your time. 4. It’s more than one way to look at something. 5. We should have positive attitude towards failure. (improper)
3. 多个物象的议论
图中出现多个物象时, 图中出现多个物象时,描图和议论时 注意抓住漫画所表达的主要矛盾, 注意抓住漫画所表达的主要矛盾,要 有的放矢、中心突出。 有的放矢、中心突出。
例:请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于50。 请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于 。 In your English class,you are asked to describe the , following picture and explain to your classmates how you understand it.run down .
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Possible ideas: : sunsetforget the pastvalue the normal daily life; two girlsone brave (success); one afraid (failure) sunsetsadlet it passwait for sunrise two girls help each otherfriendship help us succeed watch sunriseget hope/courageget over the difficulties
图片信息: 图片信息: 1.两个孩子 两个孩子 2.孩子面前的弯弯的小路、高山、树木 孩子面前的弯弯的小路、 孩子面前的弯弯的小路 高山、 3.远方光芒四射、蓬勃而出的太阳 远方光芒四射、 远方光芒四射
二、描图 用第三人称和一般现在时描述图 片内容,描图时做到内容充实、具体、 片内容,描图时做到内容充实、具体、 形象、生动。 形象、生动。描图时尽量不加入个人 观点。 观点。 描图是为下文对漫画的理解奠定基 础,要根据所要阐明的理解内容有的放矢、中心突出, 放矢、中心突出,而并非仅仅将漫画 中的所有看到的内容都逐一罗列出来。 中的所有看到的内容都逐一罗列出来。 描图篇幅一般不超过1/3 1/3。 描图篇幅一般不超过1/3。
From the picture I can see a pair of proud compasses and a hard-working pencil. The compasses are big, drawing a circle with ease, while the pencil is small, drawing a line with great effort. In the picture, we can see it is r

aining hard. But to our surprise, a gentleman is watering flowers, holding an umbrella in his hand. In the picture, a boy is trying hard to push forward the hour hand of the clock while an old man is making a great effort to push backward the minute hand of the same clock. Both of them are trying their best, but in the opposite directions.
1) 两个物象(大树和小草)的对比。大 两个物象(大树和小草)的对比。 树虽然强壮,但经不住狂风; 树虽然强壮,但经不住狂风;小草虽然 弱小,但是很坚韧。 弱小,但是很坚韧。内心的力量强大很 重要。 重要。 ? 2) 尺有所短,寸有所长。每个人都有自 尺有所短,寸有所长。 己擅长的一面。 己擅长的一面。不要因为自己在某方面 比别人强,就因此而看不起别人。 比别人强,就因此而看不起别人。他人 也有你所不及的地方。取长补短, 也有你所不及的地方。取长补短,互相 学习才能自我完善。 学习才能自我完善。
3)不以外表判断人; )不以外表判断人; 4)坚持真理,刚直不阿; )坚持真理,刚直不阿; 5)学会适应环境,适者生存; )学会适应环境,适者生存; 6)面对不同的形势要学会灵活的改变; )面对不同的形势要学会灵活的改变; 7)遇到困难要学会改变自我; )遇到困难要学会改变自我; 8)攀登越高,风险越大; )攀登越高,风险越大;
图片信息: 图片信息: ? 1. 狂风 ? 2. 一棵树被狂风吹折; 一棵树被狂风吹折; ? 3. 草只被吹弯,依然挺立; 草只被吹弯,依然挺立;
As can be seen in the picture, a tree is broken by the strong wind, while the grass still stays as it is. Weak and small as the grass is, it can stand the strong wind.
注意: 注意: 1.图片概括的意境; 图片概括的意境; 图片概括的意境 2.描图的倾向性; 描图的倾向性; 描图的倾向性 3.各个环节的衔接过渡; 各个环节的衔接过渡; 各个环节的衔接过渡
开放作文试题的要求: 开放作文试题的要求: 文章扣题: 1)文章扣题: 描述是为理解奠定基础, 描述是为理解奠定基础,应根据所要阐明的理解 内容有的放矢,突出主题; 内容有的放矢,突出主题;切忌将漫画中所有看 到的内容逐一罗列出来。 到的内容逐一罗列出来。 思维活跃: 2)思维活跃: 试题提供了广阔的发散思维空间, 试题提供了广阔的发散思维空间,有利于考生从 不同的、全新的角度看待分析一个事物或现象。 不同的、全新的角度看待分析一个事物或现象。 内容健康充实: 3)内容健康充实: 内容要点可用不同方式表达,但要以乐观向上, 内容要点可用不同方式表达,但要以乐观向上,

积极的态度进行表达。 积极的态度进行表达。
开放作文试题的要求: 开放作文试题的要求: 4)逻辑清楚: 逻辑清楚: 完整呈现推理过程, 完整呈现推理过程,对漫画的描述与个人理 解的表达相互呼应,构成一个有机的整体。 解的表达相互呼应,构成一个有机的整体。 5)语言规范,交际得体: 语言规范,交际得体: 用词准确,表述清晰,有条理,语言流畅。 用词准确,表述清晰,有条理,语言流畅。 学生的表达语境(英语口语竞赛、 学生的表达语境(英语口语竞赛、英语课堂 发言等),尽可能口语化。 发言等),尽可能口语化。 ),尽可能口语化

