ccsk mock exam V2.1

ccsk mock exam V2.1
ccsk mock exam V2.1

1. A key element of the "Store" phase of Data Security Lifecycle is:

A. Asset Management

B. C rypto-shredding (对应destory)

C. Classify

D. Application Security

E. Rights Management

2. In incident response, which of the following cloud provide r technology implementation can impede investigations?

A. Choice of firewall system

B. S ecurityInformation Event Management (SIEM) tools

c. P r oprietary log formats

D. Encrypted custome r data

E. V irtualizati on environment snapshots

3. What capabilities can a cloud pavider delive r to suppo rt offline analysis of potential incidents?

A. Enc r ypted customer data

B. V PN capabilities

C. Defense in depth st r ategies

D. Snapshots of customer's entire virtual envi r onment

E. Regular audits stipulated in se r vice level agreement

4. An impo r tant consideration when perfo r ming a remote vulnerability test of a cloud-based application is to

A. Schedule vulne r ability test at night

B. O btain contractual permission fo r test

C. Use application layer testing tools exclusively

D. Use network laye r testing tools exclusively

E. Use techniques to evade cloud provider's detection systems

5. What is benefit of federation of identity in a Cloud environment?

A. Enabling allied enterprises to authenticate, provide single or reduced Sign-On(SSO)

B. Provides granula r a pplication entitlements

C. Simplifies the secure and timely management of

on-boa r ding (p r ovisioning) and off-boarding(dep r ovisioning) of

use r S in the cloud

D. Allows transmission of use r info r mation f r om a Policy

Info r mation Point (PIP) to a Policy Decision Point (PDP)

E. Enfo r ces the policy decision at the Policy Enfo r cement Point (PEP)

6. p r ominent r ecommended standards to enable federation of identity in cloud envi r onments include

A. OpenlD

B. Kerberos

C. SAML and WS-Fede r ation

D. X.509

E. 550

7. A key element of the "Create" phase of the Data Security Lifecycle is

A. Classify

B. Rights Management

C. Application 5ecu r ity

D. Enc r yption

E. Crypto-Shredding

8. A cloud deployment of two or more unique clouds is known as:

A. Inf r astructures as a 5e r vice

B. A Community Cloud

C. A Hybrid Cloud

D. A Private Cloud

E. J e r icho Cloud Cube Model

9. ENl5A: because it is practically impossible to process data in encrypted

form, customers sho uld ha ve the following e xpectation of cloud

p r ovide r s:

A. Provider shot」Id always manage custome r encryption keys with ha r dware security module (H5M) storage

B. Provide r should immediately notify customer wheneve r data is in plaintext fo r m

C. Provide r should be PCI compliant

D. provider must be highly t r ustwo r thy and have compensating controls to p r otect custome r data when it is in plaintext fo r m

E. Homomorphic encryption should be implemented where necessa r V

10. How can key management be leve r aged to p r event cloud providers

f r om inapprop r iately accessin

g customer data?

A. Use strong multi-factor authentication

B. S eg r egate keys f r om the provider hosting data

C. Stipulate enc r yption in contract language

D. 5ecure backup p r ocesses fo r key management systems

E. S elect cloud provide r s within the same country as customer

11.Which of the following is a consideration specific to the migration of virtual machine systems to new cloud providers?

A. Loss of hypervisor access

B. Use of indust r y accepted VM hardening guidelines

C. Understanding what tool s a r e p r ovid e d fo r s e cu r e data transfer

D. Tr a ffi c fil te ring o n VM b ac kpl a n e o r En te r pri se Se rvi ces Bu s (E S B)

E: Identification of provider-specific exte『isions to virtual machine environment

12.How must performance monito r ing of Provide r s and testing fo r vulnerabilities be handled in a client-pro vider relationship?

A. As long as the P r ovide r does not suffer a breach, it does not have to

p r ovide customers with visibility into vulnerability scan results

B. providers who obtain "clean" scan r esults in r egular periodic testing

enjoy a limited ”Safe

Ha r bor" from liability associated with a breach.

C. The cloud services provider must contractually supply r esults of pe r iodic scan and vulne r ability testing to the customer

D. The cloud services ag r eement must allow the cloud se r vices client O r designated third party to test for vulnerabilities in the system.

E. T he custome r must define acceptable levels of pe r fo r mance that provide r s must meet

14.ENISA: Which of the following is among the vulnerabilities contributing to a high r isk r anking fo r Netwo r k Management?

A. User provisioning vulnerabilities

B. A AA vulne r abilities

C. Hype r visor vu Inera bilities

D. Inadequate physical security procedu r es

E. S ystem or 0/s vulnerabilities

15.. The key po r tability objective(s) for lnfrast r uctu r e as a Service ( laaS) is/are

A. p r ese r ving snapshots of virtual machine images

B. Mig r ation of custom w r itten applications and achieving a successful data mig r ation

C. Achieving a successful data migration only

D. Migration of custom written applications only

E. Getting new cloud p r ovide r to abso r b costs of t r ansition

16.EN ISA: Which is not one of the ive key legal issues common across all


A. data p r otection

B. g lobalization

C. intellectual prope r ty

D. p r ofessional negligence

E. outsourci ng se r vices and changes in cont r ol

17.F r om a t r aditional s ecurity perspective, the inc r ease in centralization of data c r eates concern for an increase in which r isk?

A. Lack of compliance

B. Downtime

C. Account takeovers

D. Ide ntity theft

巳Insider abuse

18. For cloud custome r s, a "Right to Audit" clause in the contract with you r cloud provide r

A. is an undue burden upon internal audito r5

B. is a prerequisite for engaging with cloud provide r S

C r eplaces cloud p r ovide r certification r equi r ements

D. prevents a cloud provide r from igno r ing compliance requirements

E. s hould be obtained whenever possible

19. Which attack su r faces, if any does virtualizati on technology introduce?

A. The hype r viso r

B. V irtualization management components apa r t from the hyperviso r

C ”Network" attacks that communicate between different VMs over a shared physical ha r dware backplane,r athe r than a network.

D. All of the above

20. ENISA: in Infrastructure as a Service (laaS), who is responsible for guest systems monito r ing?

A. Internet Se r vice Provider (ISP)

B. C loud Provide r

C. Customer

D. Shared r esponsibility

E. Data Com门1issioner

21. What is a key success facto r to suppo r t application security in infrastructure as a Service ( laas)environments?

A. Limit use to private cloud delivery model

B. Use of structu r ed data tables

C. Realtime antivirus shields

D. Use of SAML O r OpenID

E:tr usted virtual machine images

22. Which of the following should be r eviewed as part of the vendor selection p r ocess, when conside r ing Providers?

A. Willing ness to allow the custo mer o r a third-party to audit the service.

B. Fo r laas p r ovide r s only, the Provider 气inclusion of security into the softwa r e development lifecycle.

C. Compatibility of provider's custome r support processes, procedures, tools and support hours with you r5

D. A & C

E. provider's app r oa c h to balancing damage cont r ol with evidence gather ing after a data breach

23. In a c lient-p r ovide r r elati o n s hip, who i s r es p o『isible for which po r tions of

data classification?

A. Client defines data classification; P r ovide r enforces the

client's requirements based on classification

B. p r o vid e r d e fin e s data cl as sification; Cli e nt enfo r c es th e p r ovide r's

r equir e m e nts based on c l ass i fica ti o n

C. Client and provide r jointly define data classification policy; provider classifies data and enfo r ces the client’s

requi r ements based on classification.

D. Customer defines data classification; provide r encrypts data at rest and data in tra『1sit.

E. provider enforces a "Default Deny All”policy fo r all but data owner and authorized personnel

24. EN ISA: which is a potential security benefit of cloud computing?

A. Mo r e efficient and timely system updates

B. Provider can obfuscate system 0/S and versions

C. Greater compatibility with custome r IT infrastructure

D. ISO 27001 ce r tification

E. Lock-In

25. Implementing security cont r ols that satisfy r egulatory r equirements

A. are assured by SAS 70 Type II audits

B. a re p r ima r ily a custome r r esponsibility in laaS environments

C. must be stated within the provide r cont r act

D. a r e primarily a customer responsibility in Saas environments

E. s hould be listed on the cloud p r ovide r roadmap

26. What should be the subject of an organization's r isk analysis of a Cloud

Service Provider?

A. Alignment of the provider's r isk assessment strategy and processes with

the user's

B. T he vendor

C. The provider's ability to maintain current asset inventory and valuation information

D. Recent vulne r ability assessments and penet r ation tests.

E. T he ove r all service

27. When r esponding to subpoenas and othe r legal requests, the cloud se r vice provider and custome r should

A. unified processes

B. identical access to custome r on-premise logfiles

C. separate processes and p r ocedu r es to avoid conflicts of interest

D. a protected VPN for exchanging legal documents

E. a single legal counsel rep r esenting both parties

28. If a customer has a mandate to use a specific cloud provider which is lacking in appropriate redundancy capabilities including failover, the custome r may

A. Insist upon custom SLAs gua r anteeing redundancy

B. Use a third party cloud brokering solution

C. Backup sensitive information ta a separate cloud provider nightly

D. Use a load bala r icing device at the customer's network perimete r

E. Utilize cloud bursting

29. In the CSA Reference Model, what do we call the laye r tha t differentiates Platfo r m as a Service ( P aaS) f r om Inf r ast r uctu r e a s a Service(laaS)?

A. Virtual m ac hin es

B. A bstraction

C. Multi-Tenancy

D. Routers

E: Integration & Middlewa r e

30. T r ue or False: With the common ca rr ier model of service delivery,the se r vice provider should no r mally have little o r no access to o r cont r ol ove r the custome r s' data or systems beyond the contracted level of management.


B. False

31. W hat best desc r ibes the tradeoff of lnfrast r ucture as a Service as compared to other cloud deployme nt

A. Lower initial cost and greate r security features

B. G r eate r secu r ity featu r es and less extensibility

C. Lowe r initial costs and g r eate r long te r ms costs

D. Less security features and greater extensibility

E. G r eate r initial costs and greater security features

32. Which of the following is one of the five essential cha r acte r istics of cloud computing as defined by NIST?

A. Multi-tenanc y

B. Measured se r vice

C. Unlimited bandwidth

D. Nation-state bounda r ies

E. Hybrid clouds

33. ENISA: "VM hopping" is:

A. Instability in VM patch management causing VM r outing e r rors

B. lmprope r management of VM instances- causing customer VMs to be commingled with othe r custome r systems

C. Lack of vulnerability management standa r ds

D. Using a comp r omised VM to exploit a hype r visor, used to take cont r ol of other VMs

E. Looping within virtualized routing systems

34. How can clients best add r ess a provider's use of virtualization technologies in the client's business continuity plan?

A. Understand how VM images can be captu r ed and ported to new providers if needed.

B. Ensure that the contract requires the Provider to achieve a specified business continuity objective .

C. Ensure that the contract requi r es the Provider to conduct a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) test at least annually.

D. Ensu r e that audito r s and security asse s s ors are familiar with Cloud and visualizati on challenge

E. p r e f e r o p e n to prop r i e t a ry virtu a li za tion APl s fo r m a n a g e m e nt, se curity,a nd int e rop e r a bility

35. Which practices will minimize softwa r e modification when po r ting Platform as a Service (PaaS)solutions?

A. Use a common p r ogramming language th r oughout

B. Assure possibility of migration of backups, logs, metadata and test systems used by the provider

C. Quality assu r a nce testing in the software development lifecycle

D. Develop an architectu r e with abstraction to minimize direct access to proprieta r y modules

E. W ell documented se r vice level agreements

36. The key concern of data backup and

r ecovery schemes is A Data should not be

commingled with other customers

B Assu r a nce that deleted data is in fact unrecoverable

C Assu r ance that cloud provide r has multiple data centers fo r disaste r

r ecove r V

D Data aggregation should not cause breaches

E They must prevent data loss, unwanted data ove r W r ite and destruction

37 ENISA: An Open Standard that simplifies laaS virtual machine portability between provide r S is










38. ENISA: Licensing Risks r efer to

A. Cloud provider may not have all approp r iate government operating licenses

B. A traditional software licensing scheme may lead to high costs or lack of

compliance in cloud systems

C. Risk that softwa r e company may go out of business, leading to expiration of licenses for mission critical softwa r e

D. Use of country-issued drive r s licenses fo r use r identification

E. Cloud provider employees not maintaining operating s ystem license


39. What are six phases of the Data Security Lifecycle?

A. Create,Classify,Use, Store, Retain. Dest r oy

B. C reate. Classify, Use,Store, Archive, Dest r oy

c. C r eate, Sto r e, Use,Sha r e,A r c hive, Dest r oy

D. Assign,Define,Create, Process, Sto r e, Destroy

E. A s s ign, Define, Store, P r oce s s, Tran s mit, Destroy

40. ENISA: an underlying vulne r ability related to Loss of Governance is

A. Lack of s upplie r r edundancy

B. Uncl e a r a sse t owne r s hip

C. Hyp e rvi so r vu In e r a bili t i es

D. Lack of r eputational isolation

E. Inadequate capacity planning

41. Amazon Web Se r vices EC2 Secu r ity G r oups are an example of which

security principle?

A. Vetting of employees

B. V irtual Machine ha r dening

C. Patch management

D. Compartmentalizati on/ Isolation

E. De-pe r imeterisation

42. When utilizing a public laaS network, which of the following is a typical Vulne r ability Assessment p r oblem to


A. Tools like Nmap and Nessus a r e not compatible with public cloud configu r ations

B. C loud provider ma y disallow or disrupt scanning activities

C. Custome r cannot obtain physical access to scanning ta r gets

D. Typical hype r viso r configu r ation obfuscates O/S fingerp r inting

E. S canning activity must occu r with SSL connections

43. The key concern of data location is:

A. Data should not be commingled with other c ustomers

B. Data is stored only in geographic locations permitted by regulations

C. Data is located only on r edundant storage subsystems with high MTBF

(mean time between failures)

D. Assu r ance that all data r equested by legal autho r ities has been retrieved

E. A ssu r ance that prohibited locations cannot access the data

44. Which of the fol lowing is the best description of information risk


A. Assessi ng the r isks to data at r est and data in motion

B. A ligning risk exposure to risk tole r ance

C. Assessing and mitigating the gaps in info r mation p r otection between vendo r a nd user

D. A continuous p r ocess fo r managing the r isks to information accuracy acco r ding to the r isk appetite of the information owner.

E. A continuous p r ocess fo r managing the risks to information th r ough due diligence, compliance and business enablement

45. Which of the following could be a area of plaintext exposu r e of data even when t r aditional data-in-transit, data-in-re s t and data archive enc

r yption is employed?

A. Backup tapes

B. Network traffic


D. Virtual machine swap files

E. RAID sto r age

46. Th e c l o ud co n s um e r h as m o r e tact i ca l r es p o n s ibili t y fo r impl e m e ntin g

a nd m a n ag in g sec u r i t y

controls in which cloud deployme nt model?

A. Software as a Se r vice

B. J e r icho Cloud Cube Model

C. lnfrast r uctu r e as a Se r vice

D. Security as a Service

E. Platform as a Se r vice

47. Storage as a Se r vice is considered a sub-offering of

A. Hadoop

B. S oftware as a Se r vice

C. Securityas a Service

D. Platform as a Se r vice

E:Inf r astructure as a Se r vice

48. What is the most commo n form of virtualization?

A. Process virtual machine (VM) or application virtualization

B. V irtualized operating system

C. Emulation of the unde r lying raw hardware (native execution)

D. p r esentation virtualization

E. Hypervisored o r virtual machine virtualization

49. Cloud p r ovide r s can minimize risks of inside r abuse via which

r ecommended best practice?

A. Compartme ntalizati on of job duties

B. O nsite inspection of cloud provider facilities

C. Regula r ly tested disaste r recove r Y plans

D. Well documented service level agreements

E. Minimizing use of thi r d party providers

50. In an laaS environment with limited security solutions preconfigu r ed, how might one rest r ict administrative access, assuming SSH is used fo r system administrators?

A. Whitelist a source IP I network used by s ystems administ r ators for po r t 22

B. Require hard to guess passwo r ds

C. Limit inbound connections from systems within the same laaS p r ovide r

D. Whitelist a source IP I netwo r k used by systems administrato r s fo r port 443

E. Monito r syslog files daily

1.Why is it important to be able to restore


2.In order to validate the identity


3.If a customer has mandate



5.What of the following best


6. D

7.DENISA:which is not ident



9.The key concern of data backup


10.How can a customer best


11.What is resource pooling



13.A cloud deployment of two or


14.Why should customers understand

