The Bucket List

The Bucket List
The Bucket List

"The Bucket List"

"The Bucket List" is a movie about two old codgers who are nothing like people, both suffering from cancer that is nothing like cancer, and setting off on adventures that are nothing like possible.

I urgently advise hospitals: Do not make the DVD available to your patients; there may be an outbreak of bedpans thrown at TV screens.“斗名单”是一个电影2老怪物谁是什么人,都患有癌症,没有像是癌症,和设置在冒险,都是一样的。我迫切建议医院:不要使影碟提供给你的病人;有可能爆发的便盆扔在电视屏幕。

The film opens with yet another voiceover narration by Morgan Freeman, extolling the saintly virtues of a white person who deserves our reverence. His voice takes on a sort of wonderment, as he speaks of the man's greatness; it was a note that worked in "The Shawshank Redemption" and "Million Dollar Baby," but not here, not when he is talking of a character, played by Jack Nicholson, for whom lovability is not a strong suit.电影打开另一个画外音解说的摩根·弗里曼,歌颂圣洁的美德,白宫的人值得我们尊敬。他的声音呈现一种惊奇,因为他说话的人的伟大;这是一个注意,曾在《肖申克的救赎》和《百万美元宝贝,”但不是在这里,不是他说的是一个字符,由杰克尼克尔森,谁是不适合可爱的。

Nicholson is Edward, an enormously rich man of about 70, who has been diagnosed with cancer, given a year to live, and is sharing a room with Carter (Freeman), about the same age, same prognosis. Why does a billionaire not have a private room? Why, because Edward owns the hospital, and he has a policy that all patients must double up, so it would look bad if he didn't. This is only one among countless details the movie gets wrong.尼克尔森爱德华,一个大富翁约



Doesn't Edward know that hospitals make lotsa profits by offering private rooms, "concierge service," etc.? The fact is, Edward and Carter must be roommates to set up their Meet Cute, during which they first rub each other the wrong way and then have an orgy of male bonding. Turns out Carter has a "bucket list" of things he should do before he kicks the bucket. Edward embraces this idea, announces, "Hell, all I have is money," and treats Carter to an around-the-world trip in his

private airplane, during which they will, let's see if I have the itinerary right here, visit the Pyramids, the Taj Mahal, Hong Kong, the French Riviera and the Himalayas.爱德华不知道,医院的利润提供私人房间,“礼宾服务,”等。?事实上,爱德华和卡特必须是室友建立自己的可爱的相遇,在这期间他们第一次擦对方做错了,然后有一个狂欢的男性情谊。原来卡特有“斗名单”的东西,他应该做之前他死了。爱德华接受了这一想法,宣布,“妈的,我的一切都是钱,”和对卡特的环球之旅在他的私人飞机,在此期间,他们将,看看我的日程,参观金字塔,泰姬陵,港,法国里维埃拉和喜马拉雅山脉。

Carter is faithfully married to his loving wife Virginia (Beverly Todd), who is remarkably restrained about seeing her dying husband off on this madcap folly. She doesn't take it well, but I know wives who would call for the boys with butterfly nets. Edward, after four divorces, has no restraints, plenty of regrets, and uses his generosity to mask egotism, selfishness and the imposition of his goofy whim on poor Carter. That his behavior is seen as somehow redemptive is perhaps the movie's weirdest fantasy. Meanwhile, the codgers have pseudo-profound conversations about the Meaning of It All, and Carter's superior humanity begins to soak in for the irascible Edward.卡特是忠实地娶了他的妻子弗(贝弗利托德),谁是明显的限制看到她死去的丈夫,在这个鲁莽愚蠢。她不很好,但我知道妻子称为男孩蝴蝶网。爱德华,四次离婚之后,没有限制,很多遗憾,并利用他的慷慨自负自私的面具,并实行他的愚蠢的心血来潮穷人卡特。他的行为被视为某种救赎的也许是最不可思议的幻想电影。同时,这个怪物有pseudo-profound对话,它的全部意义,和卡特的人类开始浸泡的暴躁的爱德华。

The movie, directed by Rob Reiner, was written by Justin Zackham, who must be very optimistic indeed if he doesn't know that there is nothing like a serious illness to bring you to the end of sitcom cliches. I've never had chemo, as Edward and Carter must endure, but I have had cancer, and believe me, during convalescence after surgery the last item on your bucket list is climbing a Himalaya. Your list is more likely to be topped by keeping down a full meal, having a triumphant bowel movement, keeping your energy up in the afternoon, letting your loved ones know you love them, and convincing the doc your reports of pain are real and not merely disguising your desire to become a drug addict. To be sure, the movie includes plenty of details about discomfort in the toilet, but they're put on hold once the trots are replaced by the globe-trotting.电影中,导演罗


Edward and Carter fly off on their odyssey, during which the only realistic detail is the interior of Edward's private jet. Other locations are created, all too obviously, by special effects; the boys in front of the Pyramids look about as convincing as Abbott and Costello wearing pith helmets in front of a painted backdrop.

Meanwhile, we wait patiently for Edward to realize his inner humanity, reach out to his estranged daughter and learn all the other life lessons Carter has to bestow. All Carter gets out of it is months away from his beloved family and the opportunity to be a moral cheering section for Edward's conversion.爱德华和卡特飞的奥德赛,在此期间,唯一现实的细节是内部爱德华的私人飞机。其他地点的创建,也十分明显,通过特殊的效果;男孩在金字塔前面看作为令人信服的雅培和科斯特洛穿髓头盔前面的一个画的背景。


I'm thinking, just once, couldn't a movie open with the voiceover telling us what a great guy the Morgan Freeman character is? Nicholson could say, "I was a rich, unpleasant, selfish jerk, and this wise, nice man taught me to feel hope and love." Yeah, that would be nice. Because what's so great about Edward, anyway? He throws his money around like a pig and makes Carter come along for the ride. So what?我想,只有一次,无法电影打开画外音告诉我们一个伟大的家伙,摩根·弗里曼的性格吗?尼克尔森说,“我是富有的,不愉快的,自私的混蛋,这聪明,善良的人教我感到希望和爱。”是的,那很好。因为这么伟大的爱德华,无论如何?他把他的钱像猪,卡特一起上路。那又怎么样?

There are movies that find humor, albeit perhaps of a bitter, sardonic nature, in cancer. Some of them show incredible bravery, as in Mike Nichols' "Wit," with its great performance by Emma Thompson.

"The Bucket List" thinks dying of cancer is a laff riot followed by a dime-store epiphany. The sole redeeming merit of the film is the steady work by Morgan Freeman, who has appeared in more than one embarrassing movie, but never embarrassed himself. Maybe it's not Jack Nicholson's fault that his role cries out to be overplayed, but it's his fate, and ours.


