

作者:沪江英语来源:TheGuardian 评论:2







Outstanding Drama Series 最佳剧情类剧集

Breaking Bad《绝命毒师》

Outstanding Comedy Series 最佳喜剧类剧集

Modern Family《摩登家庭》

Outstanding Miniseries Or Movie 最佳迷你剧/电影电视

Behind The Candelabra《烛台背后》


Outstanding directing for a comedy series 喜剧类最佳导演奖

Gail Macuso, Modern Family 《摩登家庭》盖尔·曼库索

Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series 喜剧类最佳男主角Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory 吉姆·帕森斯《生活大爆炸》

Outstanding lead actress in a comedy series 喜剧类最佳女主角Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Veep 《副总统》茱莉亚·路易斯-德瑞弗斯

Outstanding supporting actor in a comedy series 喜剧类最佳男配角

Tony Hale, Veep 《副总统》安娜·克鲁姆斯基

Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series 喜剧类最佳女配角

Merritt Wever, Nurse Jackie 《护士当家》埃迪·法可

Outstanding best writing for a comedy series 喜剧类最佳编剧奖Tina Fey and Tracey Wigfield, 30 Rock 《我为喜剧狂》蒂娜·费、特蕾西·薇格菲尔德


Outstanding directing for a Drama Series 剧集类最佳导演奖David Fincher, House of Cards 《纸牌屋》大卫·芬奇

Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series 剧情类最佳男主角

The Newsroom - Jeff Daniels as Will McAvoy《新闻编辑室》杰夫·丹尼尔斯

Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series 剧情类最佳女主角Homeland - Claire Danes as Carrie Mathison《国土安全》克莱尔·丹尼斯

Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series 剧情类最佳男配角

Bobby Cannavale, Boardwalk Empire《大西洋帝国》鲍比·坎纳瓦尔

Outstanding Supporting Actress In A Drama Series 剧情类最佳女配角

Anna Gunn, Breaking Bad 《绝命毒师》安娜·冈

Outstanding Best Writing for a Drama Series 剧情类最佳编剧奖Henry Bromell, Homeland 《国土安全》亨利·布拉默尔


Outstanding directing for a Miniseries or Movie 迷你剧/电影电视最佳导演奖

Steven Soderbergh, Behind The Candelabra 《烛台背后》史蒂文·索德伯格

Outstanding Lead Actor in a Miniseries or a Movie 最佳迷你剧/电影电视男主角

Michael Douglas, Behind The Candelabra 《烛台背后》迈克尔·道格拉斯

Outstanding Lead actress in a Miniseries or Movie 最佳迷你剧/电影电视女主角

Laura Linney, The Big C: Hereafter 《如果还有明天:未来》劳拉·琳妮

Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or Movie 最佳迷你剧/电影电视女配角

Political Animals - Ellen Burstyn as Margaret Barrish Worthington《政坛野兽》艾伦·伯斯汀

Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Miniseries or Movie 最佳迷你剧/电影电视男配角

James Cromwell, American Horror Story: Asylum 《美国恐怖故事:精神病院》詹姆斯·克伦威尔

Outstanding Writing for a Miniseries or Movie 迷你剧集或电视电影最佳编剧

Abi Morgan, The Hour 《演播时刻》艾比·摩根


Outstanding Variety Series 最佳综艺节目

The Colbert Report《科尔伯特报告》

Outstanding Directing for a Variety Special 综艺节目最佳导演奖Don Roy King, Saturday Night Live 《周六夜现场》唐·罗伊·金

Outstanding Writing for a Variety Series 综艺节目最佳编剧奖

The Colbert Report《科尔伯特报告》

Outstanding Choreography 最佳编舞奖

Derek Hough, Dancing With The Stars 《与星共舞》德里克·浩夫

Outstanding Reality-Competition Program 最佳竞赛真人秀

The Voice《美国之声》
