







杭州rm217 考官白人帅哥。语速略快。问题也是牛逼的。p1 hometown major dictionary study。p2 很久没见的朋友p3男女对待友情的看法有什么区别。怎么保持友情。友情为什么会走到尽头。你被误会的经历。同学会有什么意义。脑子一开小差没听到最后一个问题说错了。






0806首经贸rm21 女考官哟看起来像英国人很友善会笑发音清楚p1 study or work photograph gift p2 animals p3 学校教育学生们学习认识动物好不好?有什么电视节目关于动物?你最喜欢什么动物?为什么?




首都经贸,room10 P 1,音乐,购物. P2 comic actor P3孩子喜欢什么


杭州room218 原本203考官迟到我考完了还没来part1:food livingcity part2:最喜欢呆在一起的家庭成员。part3:重要性为什么要呆在一起陪老人的时间是不是应该所有时间陪家人



石家庄信息工程学院RM11 part1 hometown rain animal part2 advertisement part3 问了一些关于广告出现在哪,背景音乐,之类的问题考官没跟我说good luck 我已经很满足了


205 趴1work or study ,major, Study in morning or afternon ,shopping ,online shopping,dictionary, Part2 describe an old object in your family What it is ,where came from ,how long.why Part3 why people keep old things Museum




西安交大room7 part1居住的城市,cooking,part2 book or magazing part3中国人,喜欢读书吗,为什么杂志与书的区别中国人喜欢读什么书老人和小孩喜欢读书的类型回忆14



08.09 VIP6 深圳赛格——part1:name,在哪里读书,为什么选这学校,大学第一天,parks,博物馆。part2:an interesting animals。part3:favourite animal,how to protect,why。


四川大学room2刚出考场中年男考官说话比较清楚趴1 工作relax 趴2 喜欢的电影问会推荐吗? 趴3 关于电影:对学英文有帮助吗除了美国大片还能看到其他的吗?


[山大RM13] PART1 名字哪里人喜欢住的地方吗跟小伙伴玩的熟吗PART2 儿时学校教室老师PART3 老师的品质多留作业好吗教室大小。


开封room04,白人考官,考试全程一直点头微笑,人很nice,趴1.是否是学生,专业是什么,喜欢你的专业么,什么时候适合学习,平时用电脑干什么,电脑有什么不好的地方。趴2. A beautiful park&garden. 趴3.对于green space of city的看法,谁管理这些地方回忆19

杭州218教室东南亚长相的金发女考官。趴1 住的地方天气。趴2 坏了的设备。趴3 就设备的问题展开了很多类似于真的所有的设备可以solve problem吗设备会不会让人变懒。


开封河南大学room2 白人女的,很亲切的一个,趴1是随便几个问题,主要有weather。趴2跟3是advertisement,描述一个广告,后来延展问题也跟这个有关。


河南大学8点半第一批,P1问了好多问题,容不容易集中注意力,喜不喜欢travel by train,是不是学生,觉得第一天大学生活怎么样。P2是描述你的一个朋友。P3接着问怎么交朋友。


开封,Room1,part1 street market,park&garden,part2 与人分享part3 父母教育小孩分享


太原理工r5 趴1hometown watch p2 sports p3 sports team work 考官目测英国人白人语速很慢求rp!





东南大学422 part1 hometown travel by train part2 a course u did at school Part3 adults get education 为什么没人告诉我东南大学考官永远跟着你上次他这次还是他阿



仲恺RM303。考官白人男,美音,超nice,发音很清晰,还总是微笑。PART 1 work or study; languages;English study 还有的不记得了。PART 2 a place far away from home PART 3 为什么去远的地方long-distance travelling过去和现在的区别young

people&older people旅行时的区别。





太原rm6 p1专业是什么为什么选这个专业喜欢动物吗养过动物没孩子们该不该去动物园p2an intelligent person p3你的同学觉得他怎么样一个合格的老师该有怎样的素质回忆29


南理工rm312 中国女考官淡淡的港台腔part1 study cooking free time. Part 2 sport part3 everything about sport..


深圳赛格vip15;prat1:why do u choose this subject? many problems about:有名的人带来的影响或者如何变出名part2:a famous person not in your country (我说了Kobe,考官最后问我是否背他人素材,晕。。。)part3:在中国父母给礼物给孩子跟国外有没有不同分享求RP!


首战口语结束,西交大RM12,考官很nice,语速适中偏慢,发音清晰part1hometown,part2a person have intresting job,part3职业规划之类的




长沙room2 白人考官美式发音语速较快Part1 home, time&punctual,cooking,eat out Part2 Describe a restaurant Part3 prefer大饭店or小饭店除了食物有什么能使饭店成功攒人品!


广州仲恺中年白人男子说的时候还打哈欠Part1:名字目前的住所有没有不喜欢这里的原因喜欢的野生动物有没有养过动物。Part2:a comic star who is popular in your country。Part3:film star为什么会popular 你觉得他们真的能earn money吗。


room 4 瘦小白人男子part1 hometown,weather part2 comic movie star part3 your thought of movie star




长沙'room7'女考官P1.work or study/photo/birthday P2.离家之地P3.为什么去亲戚朋友家/去了住他家住宾馆/会帮忙干活吗


山大R10 P1 住那电脑时间P2帮助他人P3孩子应该学习他人吗怎让学员工怎样帮助他们的同事现在的员工经常帮助他们的同事吗


8.7 太原理工大学p1:city your live in ,food your like,do you often go to park ,is good for your that go to park 剩下的忘了p2:you do something helped your neighbor p3:do you usually help your neighbor?do the people live in big city feel lonely?



Examiner: How often do you go to the cinema? Jemma: Unfortunately we don’t have a cinema near us so we have to go into the nearest town to catch the latest movie… I usually avoid seeing popular box-office hits which I’m not always keen on seeing … I pref er low-budget films… sci-fi especially … and there’s a great cinema I go to that has frequent showings of films like these … Examiner: Do you prefer reading books or watching films? Louisa: I’m not really a big reader… I find books quite heavy-going… so I much prefer to see a film … perhaps it’s the special effects or the soundtrack… I don’t know … I just prefer a film … Part 2-style task Describe a book you have read or a film you have seen. You should say:


Part One 1.Work or study Do you study or work? Study: What subject are you studying/ what is your major? Why did you choose to study that subject/Why did you choose that major? Do you like your subject/major? Is your subject interesting/What do you find most interesting in your subject? Are you looking forward to working? Do you enjoy being a student? What is your ideal job? Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons? Work: What work do you do? Why did you choose to do that type of work/that job? Do you like your job? Is your job interesting? Do you miss being a student? Would you like to change your job in the future? 2.Accommodation What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in? Do you live in a house or a flat? Who do you live with? How long have you lived there? Do you plan to live there for a long time? (If you answer you haven’t lived there long) What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past? Can you briefly describe the place where you live? Which room does you family spend most the time in? What do you usually do in your house/flat/room? Are the transport facilities to you home very good? Do you prefer to live in a house or a flat? Please describe the room you live in? What can you see through the window of your room? Which part of your home do you like the most? 3.Hometown Where are you from? Is that a big city or a small place? Please briefly describe your hometown How long have you been living there? Do you like your hometown?


雅思考试口语考题回顾 朗阁海外考试研究中心吴艳考试日期2015年3月28日 Part 1考题总结 考题总结Name 1. Does your name have any special meaning? 2. Do you want to change your name? What would it be? 3. Are there any common names in china? Why? 4. Do you have any tradition about naming babies? 5. Are there any ceremonies when people name their babies? Your studies 1. Do you work or are you a student? 2. What's your major? Have you ever communicated about your major with your friends? 3. Will you study with others in the future? Why? 4. What is your plan for your future study? 5. When you study, do you feel happy? 6. What’s your favorite subject? What do like most about it? 7. Do you enjoy your school life? What are the benefits of being a student? 8. What do you usually do after class? Job 1. What’s your job? / What do you do? / How do you make a living? 2. Have you ever changed your job? / Do you want to change a job? 3. What’s your routine job? / What do you do in the office every day? What’s your responsibility in your company? 4. Do you satisfy with your job? /What aspects do you like or dislike about your job? 5. What job do you like to do in the future? Your hometown 1. Where do you come from? 2. Is there anything special about your hometown? / Are there any beautiful places in your hometown? 3. What is the weather like in your hometown? 4. What's the weather like in your hometown? 5. What are some of the changes that have taken place in your home town?


2020年雅思口语范文素材:喜欢的一本书Describe a kind of book you like. You should say: What kind of books you like most. What they are about. Why you like them most. What effects books brought on you? Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative. 1. a) Because I like reading widely, it is difficult for me to choose a specific type of book. I am sure you can appreciate my dilemma. b) Anyway, I have always enjoyed reading autobiographies. 2. a) An autobiography is a book, which a person has written about his or her life. b) For example, famous people write about their experiences throughout life. There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically about autobiographies. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly. 3. a) Firstly, I have been able to learn valuable lessons from the lives of others. b) For example, the determination shown by people like Newton and Nobel has inspired me to persist with my studies.


0107 国内 A 类小作文流程图大作文:需不需要把艺术课列为高中必修课。 澳洲 A 类小作文柱图,大作文 Many universities offer online courses to student instead of delivering on campus. 积极还是消极 development 0112 国内小作文柱图大作文 Some cities have vehicle-free days, when private cars, trucks, motorcycles are banned in the city center. Public transportations like buses, taxis and metros are advised. To what extent do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. 澳洲 A 类小作文柱图,大作文 is it neither possible nor useful for a country to provide university places for 一大批年轻人? 0114 国内 A 类小作文 table 三年的 income output profit 大作文 Some people say job satisfaction is more important than job security, others think people cannot always enjoy their jobs. So having a permanent job is more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 澳洲 A 类小作文饼图,大作文 some girls tend to choose arts subjects, but boys choose to study science subjects. What are the reasons? Do you think this trend should be changed? 0121 国内 A 类小作文饼图留在英国和离开的原因大作文:The best way for the government to solve traffic congestion is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. AD? 澳洲 A 类 3 个饼图关于中学生毕业后就业率,失业率和继续读书。大作文:很多年轻人花太多的课余时间在买东西上,这是不好的影响,agree or disagree。 0211 国内 A 类小作文柱图,大作文 In modern society, ambition is more and more important. How important is ambition for being successful in life ? Is ambition a positive or negative characteristic? 澳洲 A 类小作文柱图买 food and other goods in three European countries


2020年8-12月雅思口语题库及范文精选5篇 不知不觉又迎来了雅思口语换库,雅思口语换题后增加了很多新题,8月份最后一次雅思考试要来了。今天小编给大家整理了2020年8-12月雅思口语题库及范文,我们一起来看看吧! 2020年8-12月雅思口语题库及范文1 题目: 1.Do you think you are a good friend to others? 2.What kind of people do you like to make friends with? 3.Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood? 4.What do you think makes good friends? 范文: 1.Do you think you are a good friend to others? Yes, I can proudly say so. I am sociable enough to know at first, lovable enough to get along with, and judicious enough to give a piece of advice. Many friends of mine seek advice from me, and generally, they take it into consideration. I guess that shows how close we are. 2.What kind of people do you like to make friends with? I like to make friends with honest and straightforward guys. Cuz I’m the hot-headed type of person. Once I was told to do something, I would do it blindly. If an honest and straightforward friend came giving me wise advice, I could stop myself from acting stupidly and take a wiser move. 3.Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood?


6月5、6日口语试题 Part Two: *Study(合肥, 长春,湖南, 济南, 沈阳, 南京,上海, 广州,西安, 杭州,堪培拉, 青岛)Are you a student or are you working? What is your major? What kind of subject do you like? Is it difficult to learn? Why do you choose the school/university? Is there anything interesting about your major? Which part of your study do you like best? What is your parents’ attitude toward your major? Do you think you can easily find a job with the major? How was your first day in the university? Do you think the first impression on the university is important? Are there any quiet places in your university/school? *Hometown (山西,湖南,广州,成都,南京, 厦门,合肥,哈尔滨, 杭州,上海) Where are you from? Which part of China do you come from? What is your hometown like? Do you live there until now? If I go travelling there, which place would you recommend me to visit? Is it a good place for children to grow up? Are there any interesting places to go to? Can you recommend a tourist attraction in your hometown?第二部分卡片提前 Future plan (广州)新题 What do you want to do in the future? Why do you want to create something? *Living city(湖南,上海) Do you like living in your city? Why? *House/ apartment/ flat (哈尔滨,上海) Where do you live? Do you live in a house or apartment? Can you describe your home?第二部分卡片提前 What kind of house do you live in? Are there any interesting things in the college dormitory?


2015年2月28日雅思口语真题回忆—北京中雅封闭班 北京中雅频道为大家整理了2015年2月28日雅思口语真题回忆,供大家参考,以下是详细内容: 上海 上财 room315 p1 trees clothes p2movie you would like to watch again p3 有有名的演员对电影很重要么有什么新的技术提高观影效果么现在还有卖盗版光碟的么为什么有人不喜欢卡通 上海财大中山北一路校区 313 趴1 名字,上学还是工作,专业,喜欢这个专业吗,以后想做的职业,一天睡多久,小时候睡觉比现在重要吗,喜欢看天空吗趴2 帮助过的一个陌生人趴3 什么职业要帮助人,帮助人需要什么性格,每个年轻人都需要帮助别人吗 上海财经room314 趴1 study or work subject what did you buy in recent day what is your hobby ...趴2 APP 还问我喜欢download APP吗什么APP 趴 3 techology 好还是坏 上海财经大学 room302 part1 nature advertisement study part2 the person u want to be similar part3 influnce from famous people help children grow up 年轻男考官,超帅的! 黑龙江 黑龙江大学rm2,很nice的白人小哥,很客气,问的工作之类问题,p2:describe a family member you wanna work with p3问的关于家族企业 黑大r4 p1 major/collection/clothes p2 a place you only visited for a short time and you want to go back to this place P3长途旅行和短途旅行的不同不同国家之间的旅行有什么不同……男考官爱皱眉问了我20多个问题 黑大,RM05,是个和蔼带眼镜的中年男子,说话语速不快。趴1,学校学科,家乡,鞋子。趴兔,对身体好的一项运动。趴三,现在人们对健康重不重视,小孩子做不做运动 黑大room6 趴1something you learned from the Internet 趴2没说多少就进山了也是会回答一句问一句why how白人男考官还握了手上次也是room6 黑大,228,room7,中年男性,比较严肃。趴一:学习还是工作,毕业想做什么,喜欢专业不,喜不喜欢住在郊区,手写好不好认,喜不喜欢去自然环境等。趴二:想学的东西。趴三:家庭教育和学校教育哪个重要,家长在家里教孩子什么,家长在家教孩子生活技能不,家长该不该教孩子学术知识 黑大 RM7 考官无表情 P1:学科喜不喜欢why 来自哪儿你家乡怎么样一直都在家乡住吗 P2: waste of time P3:人们都在做什么浪费时间的事怎样合理安排时间人们应该怎么做家长应不应该帮孩子安排时间好还是不好 黑大room7 面无表情中年男考官,几乎是稍一停顿就问下一题目了…p1 name,home,handwriting,festival… p2 俊男美女 p3 好看很重要吗、卖衣服需要模特吗、中国好看的风景blahblahblah

2019-2020-雅思口语Part3范文-范文word版 (1页)

2019-2020-雅思口语Part3范文-范文word版 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 雅思口语Part3范文 雅思口语 Part 3范文雅思口语范文是考生们备考雅思时很好的资料,下面为雅思考生们提供的雅思口语 Part 3范文,大家可以阅读与背诵,希望 对大家有所帮助! 雅思口语 Part 3范文一、 What are the benefits for playing sports ? Well , in general , playing sports gives us physical fitness and psychological enjoyment . Sports help people to become stronger and healthier . Activities increase the heart rate , which will lead to several hours ofalertness . Thus , people become energetic and can improve their working efficiency . Moreover , a regular exercise routine can make fatigue problems disappear . 二、 What are the advantages for a country to hold major international sport events ? Well , holding major international sports events makes a country win a wider reputation . Now more and more people in the world have got to know that China is developed and powerful enough to hold the Olympics . Thus , it increases the opportunities for foreign investment , tourism , exports and other international cooperation . 三、 What are the common ways for Chinese people to keep fit ? They are different among different groups of people . Young people would like to play basketball , football , volleyball in schools , while those working people prefer jogging or taking a walk . Old people usually go to the park to play Taiji or dance in the morning . 四、 What are the sport facilities like in your city ? I am glad to say that we have more sport facilities in our city now . People can easily access those facilities and do exercise . In every community , we have outdoor facilities and they are free . Fitness centers or stadiums are thoughtfully distributed in the whole city . 五、 Do you believe that the sport a person likes can reflect his personality ? Yes , I think so . People who like participating in games are more competitive in personality . Some people like team sports , such as basketball , football , which require team spirit among team members . So people of this type are more cooperative in teamwork . 以上是 为您整理的信息,预祝您在雅思考试中取得好成绩!

2019年5-8月雅思口语part1话题范文:The area you live in

2019年5-8月雅思口语part1话题范文:The area you live in 导读:本文2019年5-8月雅思口语part1话题范文:The area you live in,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 The area you live in 1. Where do you like to go in that area? The sports stadium next to the building I live in, is where I would like to go frequently. The stadium is not very spacious but well-equipped with plenty of sport facilities. Also, there is an indoor swimming pool with a small number of people so I can relax myself there every day after I come back home. 2. Do you know any famous people in your area? Actually yes! I am aware that a lot of movie stars come from where I live. I feel very proud every time I see them in a fantastic film. Also, there are some poets and writers who are living in the area that I come from. So, I suppose my city is an artistic and poetic area. 3. What are some changes in the area recently? Well, a lot of changes are taking place nowadays in my city. I can see more and more skyscrapers having been built and


考试日期:8月4日Part 1考题总结 考题总结:Personal information & Introduction What’s your name? Are you a student? What is your major? Do you think the major is useful? Are you working? Do you have driving license? Will you teach your child to drive? How was your first day at work? Is the first day at work important?Why? When do you usually get up? Is it convenient for you to buy fresh vegetables and fruits? Hometown Where are you from? Where’s your hometown? Where do you live? Do you live in a house or an apartment?Which one do you prefer? What’s on your apartment’s wall? How to improve your home? Which room do you like most? If you can redesign your home,what would you do? What’s your flat like? What’s on the wall? What can you see from your window? Are there any fitness facilities near your home? How often do visitors visit your home? Tell me about your city. What historical places would you recommend to see there? What culture events would be interesting for tourists? When should they start to teach culture history,history of art at schools? How’s the traffic around your home? What do you like most about your hometown? Are bicycles popular in your hometown?


A beautiful or handsome friend You should say Who the person is What he or she looks like When you first met him or her What his or her personality is P3do you think people’s appearance matters? Why do you think it is important? Which is better, to have a lot of friends or just a few close friends? Is it important for salesperson to be beautiful or handsome? There are some skinny models in some magazines. Do you think it’s good for young people to read? A singer or band you like You should say Who the singer or band is What kind of music they play Why you like them When you listen to their music P3 what kinds of music are popular in China? Name a few. Do you like singing? How do you practice singing? What are the benefits of singing? Do you think everybody can sing well? Is music industry tend to make more money or produce more good music? How do you think can we do to make more people accept a certain kind of music? Describe an older person you respect and is important to you You should say Who the person is What you usually do with the person What the person did when he was young And explain how you respect the person. P3is there any other person thinking that he is fun? Do you think old people and young people should live together? Do you think people should help elderly people in the neighborhood? Do you think grandparents are important to children? What do you think old people can learn from younger generation? What do you think of the fact that parents working far away, leaving children with their grandparents? A family member who is close to you You should say Who the person is What do you usually do with the person Why the person is close to you And explain how you like the person. P3 In China today, what is the structure of the typical family? What do you think are some of the advantages and disadvantages of big families as opposed to small families? What are some of the pros and cons of three generations living together? Whose responsibility do you think it should be to look after old people, the government or the family? Do you think family relationships are important? Describe a good service that a company or shop offers You should say What service you can get Why you think it is good P3what jobs require staff to get in touch with many people? What qualities do the staff need? Why? How does a company train the staff? Do you think products with good service should be charged more? Describe one of your friends’ success which makes you proud of him. You should say: Who he/she is? What’s that success? Why is it important to him? Why are you proud of him? P3what quality should people have to become successful?


雅思口语雅思托福技巧雅思口语-美联国际教育 雅思口语范文:Lifestyle 2014-01-21 14:20 类别:雅思口语来源:enguo 责编:meten 以下是小编为大家搜索整理的有关雅思口语范文Lifestyle相关信息介绍,每年雅思写作会涉及到Lifestyle方面的考题,所以一下雅思口语范文考生可以借鉴里面的短语、句子或思路,给自己的写作找一些思路和灵感。 You should say: - who he /she is - how you know this person - what sort of person he/she is (or, what he/she is like) and explain what he/she does that is healthy Part 3 A Healthy Lifestyle What do you think makes a "healthy lifestyle"? Can you give some examples of how a person's lifestyle affects their health? What are some examples of an unhealthy lifestyle? Do you think celebrities usually have a healthy lifestyle? How much sleep per day do you think a person needs in order to maintain good health? Well let me think, I suppose my grandmother Linda is the one who keeps a healthy lifestyle. Grandma Linda loves nature Grandmother Linda finds some ideas for healthy lifestyle. First of all, she became a vegetarian when she was young and has a fat free diet more than 50 years. Secondly, she drinks tea every day. According to a scientific study, tea is better than coffee, for tea can lower fat in our body, fight cancer and protect our heart. Meanwhile, she doesn't stay up late and does lead an orderly life. As an old saying goes, healthy is happiness. My grandmother leads a healthy lifestyle and lives happiness. 以上即是雅思口语范文Lifestyle话题介绍,大家在备考雅思口语时可以结合以上提到的内容进行练习,俗话说熟能生巧,考生朋友们加油!
