


Desertification is the process which turns productive into non- productive desert as a result of poor land-management. Desertification occurs mainly in semi-arid areas (average annual rainfall less than 600 mm) bordering on deserts. In the Sahel, (the semi-arid area south of the Sahara Desert), for example, the desert moved 100 km southwards between 1950 and 1975.


Overgrazing is the major cause of desertification worldwide. Plants of semi-arid areas are adapted to being eaten by sparsely scattered, large, grazing mammals which move in response to the patchy rainfall common to these regions. Early human pastoralists living in semi-arid areas copied this natural system. They moved their small groups of domestic animals in response to food and water availability. Such regular stock movement prevented overgrazing of the fragile plant cover.

In modern times, the use of fences has prevented domestic and wild animals from moving in response to food availability, and overgrazing has often resulted. However, when used correctly, fencing is a valuable tool of good veld management.

The use of boreholes and windmills also allows livestock to stay all-year round in areas formerly grazed only during the rains when seasonal pans held water. Where not correctly planned and managed, provision of drinking water has contributed to the massive advance of deserts in recent years as animals gather around waterholes and overgraze the area.

Cultivation of marginal lands, i.e lands on which there is a high risk of crop failure and a very low economic return, for example, some parts of South Africa where maize is grown.

Destruction of vegetation in arid regions, often for fuelwood.

Poor grazing management after accidental burning of semi-arid vegetation.

Incorrect irrigation practices in arid areas can cause salinization, (the build up of salts in the soil) which can prevent plant growth.

When the practices described above coincide with drought, the rate of desertification increases dramatically.

Increasing human population and poverty contribute to desertification as poor people may be forced to overuse their environment in the short term, without the ability to plan for the long term effects of their actions. Where livestock has a socia l importance beyond food, people might be reluctant to reduce their stock numbers.


Desertification reduces the ability of land to support life, affecting wild species, domestic animals, agricultural crops and people. The reduction in plant cover that accompanies desertification leads to accelerated soil erosion by wind and water. South Africa losing approximately 300-400 million tonnes of topsoil every year. As vegetation cover and soil layer are reduced, rain drop impact and run-off increases.

Water is lost off the land instead of soaking into the soil to provide moisture for plants. Even long-lived plants that would normally survive droughts die. A reduction in plant cover also results in a reduction in the quantity of humus and plant nutrients in the soil, and plant production drops further. As protective plant cover disappears, floods become more frequent and more severe. Desertification is self-reinforcing, i.e. once the process has started, conditions are set for continual deterioration.


About one third of the world's land surface is arid or semi-arid. It is predicted that global warming will increase the area of desert climates by 17% in the next century. The area at risk to desertification is thus large and likely to increase.

Worldwide, desertification is making approximately 12 million hectares useless for cultivation every year. This is equal to 10% of the total area of South Africa or 87% of the area of cultivated lands in our country.

In the early 1980s it was estimated that, worldwide, 61% of the 3257 million hectares of all productive drylands (lands where stock are grazed and crops grown, without irrigation) were moderately to very severely decertified. The problem is clearly enormous.


About half of southern Africa is semi-arid and thus at risk of desertification. The area already transformed into desert-like conditions is not accurately known because uncertainty surrounds the precise definition of a desert, and what the original state of the vegetation was in the semi-arid areas of southern Africa.

The areas which are known to have deteriorated this century are mainly on the edges of the southern Kalahari. The deterioration of the Karoo is less well established. It is possible that desertification of the Karoo began in the last century, when sheep were first introduced, and before good records were available for the area.

In recent years the introduction of artificial water points into the Kalahari within Botswana, together with the widespread erection of veterinary fences, has led to the rapid desertification of huge areas. Similar schemes have had the same effect in the southern Kalahari within South Africa and Bophuthatswana.


To halt desertification the number of animals on the land must be reduced, allowing plants to regrow. Soil conditions must be made favourable for plant growth by, for example, mulching. Mulch (a layer of straw, leaves or sawdust covering the soil) reduces evaporation, suppresses weed growth, enriches soil as it rots, and prevents runoff and hence erosion. Reseeding may be necessary in badly degraded areas. Mulching and reseeding are expensive practices.

However, the only realistic large-scale approach is to prevent desertification through good land management in semi-arid areas.


Desertification often occurs over many generations, on a very large scale and so it is difficult for individuals to take action. Some ideas for combatting this problem include:

Take part in the activities of conservation groups.

Bring overgrazing and land mismanagement to the attention of the Directorate of Resource Conservation


Vocabulary 1 Translate the following expressions. Into English 1. distribute wealth 2. drill a hole 3. drive the turbine 4. refine/extract oil 5. invite disaster 6. irrigate land 7. squander money Into Chinese 1. 无法满足的需求 2. 不明智的补救办法 3. 地下水水位 4. 已经断流的河流 5. 饥荒、瘟疫及大规模的移民 6. 供应及需求 7. 大澡盆、电热淋浴及抽水马桶 8. sustain river deltas and wetlands 9. sweep the globe 10. drain/remove the sewage 11. save water 12. conserve soil 13. satisfy the demands: meet the needs 14. harness rivers and lakes 8. 作物品种 9. 灌溉区 10. 物质不灭定律;质量守恒定律 11. 海水谈化 12. 供不应求;供过于求 13. 濒危物种 14. 冷却系统 15. 火电 4 Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Statistics show that China has a total amount of 2.8 trillion cubic meters of water resources, second only to Brazil, Russia and Canada, ranking the fourth (to be updated) in the world. But when divided by 1.3 billion, our average per-capita share of water resources only amounts to about one quarter of the world’s average. 2. We have always been heavily burdened with the problem of water shortage. It is said that of the 661 large and medium-sized cities nationwide, about two-thirds are suffering from an acute shortage of water. Beijing is a good example in point. It not only lacks surface water, even its underground water table is dangerously low. It is reported


职称英语理工类A级阅读理解第二篇考试真题及答案 阅读理解 第二篇Deforestation and Desertification(沙漠化) TheSahel zone lies between the Saharadesert and the fertile savannahs(热带大草原)ofnorthern Nigeria and South Sudan. The word sahel comes from Arabic and means marginal or transitional ,andthis is a good description of thesesemi-arid(半干旱)lands,whichoccupy much of the Western African countries of Mail,Mauritania,Niger,and Chad. Unfortunately, over the last century theSahara desert has steadily crept southwards eating into once productive Sahellands. United Nations surveys show that over 70 percent of the dry land inagriculture use in Africa has deterioratedover the last 30 years. Droughts have become more severe, the most recentlasting over twenty years in parts of the Sahel region. The same process ofdesertification is taking place across southern Africa as the Kalahari desertadvances into Botswana and parts of South Africa. One ofthe major causes of this desert advance ispoor agricultural land use, driven by the pressures of increasing population.Overgrazing一keeping too many farm animals on the land一means that grasses and other plants cannot recover, and scarce water suppliesare exhausted. Overcultivation一tryingto grow too many crops on poor land一resultsin the soil becoming even less fertile and drier, and beginning to break up. Soilerosion (侵蚀) follows, and the land turns into desert. Another cause of desertification is loss of tree cover. Trees are cutdown for use as fuel and to clear land for agricultural use. Tree roots help tobind the soil together, to conserve moisture, and to provide a habitat forother plants and animals. When trees are cut down, the soil begins to dry andloosen, wind and rain erosion increase, other plant

托福阅读tpo 2 Desert Formation 沙漠的形成原题解析

阅读原文: The deserts, which already occupy approximately a fourth of the Earth's land surface, have in recent decades been increasing at an alarming pace. The expansion of desertlike conditions into areas where they did not previously exist is called desertification. It has been estimated that an additional one-fourth of the Earth's land surface is threatened by this process. 沙漠已经占据了地球陆地面积约四分之一,而且最近几十年正以惊人的速度扩张。沙漠化是指类似沙漠的环境漫延到原本并非沙漠的区域。据估计,地球表面另外四分之一的地方正面临沙漠化威胁。 Desertification is accomplished primarily through the loss of stabilizing natural vegetation and the subsequent accelerated erosion of the soil by wind and water. In some cases the loose soil is blown completely away, leaving a stony surface. In other cases, the finer particles may be removed, while the sand-sized particles are accumulated to form mobile hills or ridges of sand. 沙漠化主要通过以下过程实现:首先自然植被不断减少,随后风力和雨水加速了土壤的腐蚀。有的时候松散的土壤全部被风刮走,留下石质化的表层;其它情况下细小的沙粒可能会被吹走,而正常沙粒大小的砂子不断堆积,从而形成移动的沙丘或者沙脊。 Even in the areas that retain a soil cover, the reduction of vegetation typically results in the loss of the soil's ability to absorb substantial quantities of water. The impact of raindrops on the loose soil tends to transfer fine clay particles into the tiniest soil spaces, sealing them and producing a surface that allows very little water penetration. Water absorption is greatly reduced; consequently runoff is increased, resulting in accelerated erosion rates. The gradual drying of the soil caused by its diminished ability to absorb water results in the further loss of vegetation, so that a cycle of progressive surface deterioration is established. 即便是在保留了土壤表层的区域,植被减少也已成为土壤大量吸取地下水的能力下降的典型因素。雨水对松散土壤的冲击会把细小的粘土颗粒冲到土壤空隙中,封闭了土壤并降低土地表层水的渗透率。地表对水的吸收急剧减少,大量水资源流失,因此土壤的腐蚀率也随即增加。地表吸收水分的能力进一步弱化使得土壤越发干燥,导致植被的进一步流失,于是便形成了土壤沙漠化的恶性循环。 In some regions, the increase in desert areas is occurring largely as the result of a trend toward drier climatic conditions. Continued gradual global warming has produced an increase in aridity for some areas over the past few thousand years. The process may be accelerated in subsequent decades if global warming resulting from air pollution seriously increases.

土地沙漠化英文介绍 Desertification

Desertification is a type of land degradation in which a relatively dry land region becomes increasingly arid, typically losing its bodies of water as well as vegetation and wildlife. It is caused by a variety of factors, such as climate change and human activities. Desertification is a significant global ecological and environmental problem. Let’s begin with the areas affected by the desertification Drylands occupy approximately 40–41% of Earth’s land area and are home to more than 2 billion people.It has been estimated that some 10–20% of drylands are already degraded, the total area affected by desertification being between 6 and 12 million square kilometres, and that a billion people are under threat from further desertification. The Sahara is currently expanding south at a rate of up to 48 kilometers per year. But how is the desertification coming into being? Here are some Causes. Desertification is caused by two main categories of factors: natural factors and, more importantly, human activities.The natural factors causing desertification include the following: 1. The climate has a major influence through rainfall, solar radiation and wind, which affect the rates of physical and mechanical erosion as well as chemical and biological degradation of soil. 2.The relief of a land affects the rate of soil erosion by water. 3.The textile, structure, and chemical and biological status of soil are factors determining the soil properties in dry sub-humid zones. Human activities play a crucial role in desertification. The reasons behind these activities are the increasing demand for food due to the rapid population growth, and inappropriate agricultural practices. The following are some of the human activities that cause desertification: 1.Uncontrolled use of fire for hunting or for agricultural clearing. 2.Over-exploitation of woody resources, particularly for fuelwood. 3.Over-grazing of selective vegetation 4.Over-harvesting which results in abandoned fields 5.Agricultural practices that destroy the soil structure. 6.Inappropriate irrigation of soil, leading to waterlogging and abandoned fields eventually. Based on the above factors, we can see that the soil becomes unsuitable for vegetation growth and is turned eventually into a desert. Here are some environmental impacts of desertification 1. The loss of farmlands. Farmlands are important natural resources. Humans rely on them for food. Desertification results in the loss of farmlands, and significantly threatens the living standard and well-being of people inhabiting the areas concerned. This also leads to social problems such as environmental refugees . 2. This breakdown of the environment.Desertification also has serious impact on the natural environment. It breaks down the fragile balance and it represents the start of a process that destroys the natural and stable ecosystem. 3.Another problem is that the results of desertification in turn speed up the natural

land desertification inchina (1)

Land Desertification in China Good morning,everyone. I am Zhouyong, my teammates are XX,XX,XX. We are from law school. Today, we are going to talk about land desertification in our country. There are three parts in our presentation. The first part is about the situation of desertification in China. And in the second part, we will talked the causes. At the last, we'll introduce some measures to prevent and reverse the desertification. Desertification is a type of land degradation which dry land region becomes increasingly arid, loses its bodies of water as well as vegetation and wildlife. In human history, Desertification has played a significant role, contributing to the collapse of several large empires, such as Greece and the Roman Empire. Nowadays, China is also facing this serious problem. Situation——China on a knife’s edge The sky across North China turned dark yellow, just like the big sandstorm, which implies the country's worsening desertification. China is currently saddled with 2.6 million square-kilometer area of desertified and sandified land –more than a quarter of the country’s total territory, covering 18 provinces and impacting 400 million people. And

托福阅读OG Desert Formation答案与解析

Desert Formation 1.核心词汇总结 occupy 占据 approximately 大约 previously 以前 desertification 沙漠化 estimate 估计 vegetation 植被 typically 作为特色地 substantial 大量的 impact 影响,效果,撞击 particle 颗粒 seal 密封 penetration 渗透 absorption 吸收 consequently 因此,结果 erosion 侵蚀 diminish 减弱 deterioration 恶化 primarily 主要地 semiarid 半干旱的 delicate 脆弱的 devoid 缺乏的 salinization 盐碱化 evaporation 蒸发 millennia 千年 rigorously 严格地 2.长难句总结 (1)The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and the tremendous numbers of people affected, as well as from the great difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process. (2)Even in the areas that retain a soil cover, the reduction of vegetation typically results in the loss of the soil's ability to absorb substantial quantities of water. (3)The semiarid lands bordering the deserts exist in a delicate ecological balance and are limited in their potential to adjust to increased environmental pressures. (4)During the dry periods that are common phenomena along the desert margins, though, the pressure on the land is often far in excess of its diminished capacity, and desertification results.


北京航空航天大学“英语文体与写作课”作业 班级:B23_2012 姓名:吴恩泽_________ 学号:12131064 总分:_________ 作业名称:Desertification 评分标准:Language + Grammar (40%) ______ Formality (10%) ______ Complexity(10%) ____ Explicitness (10%) ____ Hedging (10%)________ Objectivity (10%)____ Responsibility (10%) ____ Desertification Desertification is one of the serve environmental problems nowadays. According to the form we can see that it is more and more serious. In 1980s, desertification area is 560km2 and sandstorms occurred 8 times. But in1990s, the area shoot up to 810km2, sandstorms came 12 times. After ten years, desertification area increased to 980km2, equivalent to a China. The situation is critical. So what cause this problem? One side, the change of climate can lead to desertification. But desertification may mostly create by human. For example, excess reclamation, over grazing, and the waste of water, which cause of water loss and soil erosion, than desertification. And it bring troubles to human, air become negative, land get poor which will drop output of foodstuffs. Finally, we need to settle this serious problem. First of all, through the laying of straw-checkerboard sand barrier, fortification, buried in fixed sand dunes in desert, to prevent further expansion. Secondly, carry out land intensive operation, no excessive grazing, advocate rotation tillage, fallow, maintain soil fertility. In addition, land degradation, desertification region, people should change consciousness, to alleviate the situation of living off the land; the area also should adjust industrial structure, develop agriculture energetically than some high economic value added of industry, save the precious water resources, to better manage the desertification.


【题文】 Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible. Desertification Desertification is one of the world’s most alarming processes of en vironmental degradation(退化). The issue is often unclear, however, by a common misperception: that it’s a “natural” problem of advancing deserts in faraway developing countries. In fact, desertification is about land degradation: the loss of the land’s biol ogical productivity, caused by man-made factors and climate change. Each year, desertification and drought cause an estimated $42 billion in lost agricultural production. The risks of desertification are sufficient and clear. It contributes to food insecurity, hunger and poverty, and can give rise to social, economic and political tensions that can cause conflicts, further poverty and land degradation. The great urgency of this challenge led the United Nations General Assembly to state 2006 to be the International Year of Deserts and Desertification (IYDD). It is a strong reminder of the urgent need to address the far-reaching implications of this problem. United Nations General Secretary recently summarizes in this way: “I look forward to working with Gover nments, civil society, the private section, international organizations and others to focus attention on this crucial issue, and to reverse the trend of desertification and set the world on a safer, more sustainable path of development.” The IYDD also presents a golden opportunity to get the message across strongly and effectively that desertification is a global problem which we ignore at our risk. It is important to recognize that dry-lands are home to some of the most magnificent ecosystems of this world. These unique natural habitats have been home to some of the world’s oldest civilizations. They stand like open-air museums, bearing witness to bygone eras. The Year will therefore also celebrate the delicate beauty and unique inheritance of the world’s d eserts. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

外商投资产业指导目录(2015修订) 中英对照

外商投资产业指导目录(2015修订)Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment (Revision 2015) 发文机关:国家发展和改革委员会,商务部 发布 日 期: 2015.03.10 生效 日 期: 2015.04.10 时效 性: 尚未生效 文号:国家发展和改 革委员会、商务 部令第22号 Promulgation Authorities: National Development and Reform Commission,Ministry of Commerce Promulgation Date: 2015.03.10 Effective Date:2015.04.10 Validity Status:forthcoming Document Number: Decree of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce No.22 外商投资产业指导目录 (2015修订) 国家发展和改革委员会、商务部令第22号 《外商投资产业指导目录(2015年修订)》已经国务院批准,现予以发布,自2 015年4月10日起施行。2 011年12月24日国家发展和改革委员会、商务部发布的《外商投资产业指导目录(2011年修订)》同时废止。 国家发展和改革委员会Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment (Revision 2015) Decree of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce No.22 The Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment (Revision 2015), which has been approved by the State Council, is hereby issued and shall come into force on 10 April 2015; While the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment (Revision 2011) issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce on 24 October 2011 shall be repealed simultaneously. Xu Shaoshi Director of the National Development and Reform


Although we now tend to refer to the various crafts according to the materials used to construct them-clay, glass, wood, fiber, and metal-it was once common to think of crafts in terms of function, which led to their being known as the “applied arts.” (OG-Applied arts and fine arts) 长难句类型:抽象词难度:3 语法分析:Although we now tend to refer to the various crafts according to the materials used to construct them-clay, glass, wood, fiber, and metal-it was once common to think of crafts in terms of function, which led to their being known as the “applied arts.” 译文:尽管现在我们倾向于根据工艺品的制造材料——比如黏土、玻璃、木头、纤维以及金属——对他们进行分类,但根据工艺品的功能进行分类(这一做法)在过去曾经很流行,(这一做法)导致了这些工艺品被称作“实用艺术”。 解释:这句话的前半句,也就是让步的部分并不难,难就难在后面的转折部分,it是形式主语,真正的主语是“to think of crafts in terms of function”这一做法,而后面which引导的定语从句也正是修饰前面的“to think of crafts in terms of function”这一做法,这句话是全文的第一句,事实上作者是在做一个背景导入,根据这句话,我们可知,下面要讲的就“是实用艺术”。

托福阅读长难句 [答案]

Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. 1. ○Functional applied-art objects cannot vary much from the basic patterns determined by the laws of physics. ○The function of applied-art objects is determined by basic patterns in the laws of physics. ○Since functional applied-art objects vary only within certain limits, arbitrary decisions cannot have determined their general form. ○The general form of applied-art objects is limited by some arbitrary decision that is not determined by the laws of physics. 2.The structure of the backbone shows, however, that Ambulocetus swam like modern whales [by moving the rear portion of its body up and down], even though a fluke was missing. ○Even though Ambulocetus swam by moving its body up and down, it did not have a backbone. ○The backbone of Ambulocetus, which allowed it to swim, provides evidence of its missing fluke. ○Although Ambulocetus had no fluke, its backbone structure shows that it swam like modern whales. ○By moving the rear parts of their bodies up and down, modern whales swim in a different way from the way Ambulocetus swam. 3.


华联教育,/ 很多考生在准备托福考试的时候,总会发现部分托福考试中的句子远远超出了自己的能力范围。对于这些长难句,当然要从语法的角度去完全把握。但是如果是在考试中遇到不能理解的句子时,考生就偏向于一遍一遍地去读句子,没读懂不说,还浪费了时间,影响了下面的答题。 其实长难句在考试中最直接的运用就是考察插入句子题和解释句子题。对于这样的题目,我们在不能读懂句子的情况下,能够把握的就是句子的内在关系,即逻辑。逻辑在解释句子题中的运用尤为重要,以前有学生反映,在考试中其实句子根本就不能读懂,而利用逻辑就能迅速排除选项,从而找到正确的答案。所以说,逻辑是我们托福阅读中的隐形解题帮手,考生们一定要尤为关注。 下面是托福阅读中经常出现的四大逻辑关系,把握了它们就等于掌握了托福阅读解题技巧的一个重要部分。 1.因果关系 因:because, because of, for, as, since, in that, on account of, with 果:so, so that, therefore, thereby, as a result, hence, thus, consequently, accordingly 因果关系除了传统意义上的显性因果表达词外,隐性的因果同样是不可忽略的一个重要部分。 隐性因果: A 导致(因-果):cause, reason, lead to, give rise to, result in, render, make, let, ask, support, push, stimulate, spark, spur, fuel, produce, be responsible for 如:The increased pressures of expanding populations have led to the removal of woody plants so that many cities and towns are surrounded by large areas completely lacking in trees and shrubs. 在这段话中,有lead to,表示了导致的意思,即结果;而so that 更进一步表示了后面的结果,所以可以充分判定这段话有因果关系的逻辑。 B 由…而来(果-因):result from, derive from, originate from, initiate from, stem from, be responsive to, be attributable to 如:“The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and tremendous numbers of people affected, as well as from the great difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process.”
