Excel VBA考试试题设计与评分方法研究

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Excel VBA考试试题设计与评分方法研究



摘要:在Excel VBA课程考试软件开发中,如何从Excel文件中获取考生操作的窗体对象和宏代码,是操作题评分中的一个关键性问题。到目前为止,有关Excel VBA课程的考试软件开发和评分方法研究方面的文献报道尚不多见。利用VBE及其子对象的属性和方法,可以测试Excel VBA工程中的窗体和控件对象的属性和事件代码,以及模块中的宏代码。给出了基本操作题、程序改错题和程序填空题这三种题型的试题和答案设计的示例。考试结果表明,使用VBE对象来获取考生操作的窗体对象和宏代码,很好地解决了Excel VBA考试系统中操作题的计算机评分问题。

关键词: VBA;操作题;试题设计;评分方法

中图分类号:TP311.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-2163(2015)01-

Abstract: In the software development process of Excel VBA examination, there is a key problem how to obtain the form object and macro code from the Excel file which examinee operates in the examination. So far, it is rarely for the literature on the development of software and the method of scoring in the examination of Excel VBA courses. In Excel VBA project, the properties and event code of form and controls, and the macro code in module can be tested by using the properties and methods of VBE object and its sub objects. In this article, three design examples of examination questions and answers, namely, basic operation question, modify the program and fill in the blanks in the program are given. The results show that it is a good solution to the computer scoring problem of exam questions in the Excel VBA by using the VBE object to obtain form object and macro code.

Key Words: VBA; Operation Question; Design of Examination Question; Method of Scoring

0 引言

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)是基于Visual Basic发展而来的一种宏语言[1-4]。VBA集成在Office组件之中,是Microsoft Visual Basic的应用程序版本。VBA的出现,使Office形成了一个独立的编程环境。应用VBA执行OLE可以扩展Windows的应用软件功能,特别是Microsoft Office软件。在许多应用程序中,都嵌入了VBA作为开发工具。运用和掌握VBA不仅可以实现高效办公,并且可以循序渐进地掌握一门编程语言,为以后学习计算机语言奠定坚实基础[5-7]。近年来,在国内一些高校中,开设了VBA的计算机课程。到目前为止,有关VBA课程的考试软件开发和评分方法研究方面的文献报道尚不多见。
