

to the point / direct

work or study:

Are you work or study?

I am a graduate student in Tsinghua university, and my major is industrial design. I love my major because I prefer painting and imaging to logical thinking. My major is not just about the forms and materials of objects, but also how to manufacture it, how to use it, how to connect with it.


What kind of teacher do you like?

In my opinion, I like teachers who respect their students, for the most ideal relationship between teachers and students is similar to friends. They treat every students equally, they are concerned with the real thoughts of their students and help students solve their problems.


Do you often invite your friends to visit your home?

Yes, of course. When i was young and lived in my hometown, most of my friends lived in the neighbor. we often had our meal in each others house when our parents were too busy for preparing our lunch.


Do you have many friends?How often do you talk to your friends?


who is your favorite celebrity in china?


do you like take phone? do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos? how often do you take photos? in what situations do you take photos?how do you keep your photos?


creative supporting details describe



Describe a person/something that made you laugh

( when this happened / where this happened / who were there / and explain why you laughed) It was Adam. he was a guy come from Poland,


Describe a family member made you proud:

( who the person is / when this happened / what this person did / explain why you felt proud) 同一家庭的两个人

Describe two people you know from the same family:

(who they are / what they look like / how close they are to each other/ how you think of them)


Describe a person who you have met before and you want to know more about :

(who this person is / when and where you met / what you did or talk about / why you would like to know about this person)


(who the person is; hoe you know this person; what this person likes to do ; why you think this neighbor it interesting)

I would like to introduce a interesting neighbor called Adam, well he is very charm and he has a attractive voice. actually I met him at a course interview hold by Facebook at Tsinghua university. We were separate into the same group. I was just attract by his confidence expression and funny actions.

My neighbor Mr.Wang is the most interesting neighbor I have ever met. Interestingly he is very talented, well-mannered, possesses an extensive experience of traveling and he is a writer. I first met him after he moved our neighbor around 5 years back. One day I went to him home to give some homemade cookies and food for a major festival. In fact, he is well-know in our community as a perfect gentleman and a sober person. Almost every one of our locality likes him for his polite manner, serene life style and his wit. I often visit his place and discuss on some issues. He is a great problem solver. He often help me on my studies and we played table tennis ,chess and other indoor games.






?Describe a quiet place:( Where it is / When you like to go there / What you do there / why you like to visit there )

?放松的地方Describe a place where you relaxed (where it is / what you usually do there / how often you go there / explain why it is a relaxing place)

?花园Describe a garden you have visited ( Where it was / what it looked like / what you did there / explain why you liked it there )

?去过的咖啡馆Describe a cafe which you have been to:(where this cafe is / what type of food the cafe has / why you go to this cafe / explain why you like this cafe / why this cafe impress you ) ?商店Describe a shop that just opened in your hometown:(there the shop is / when it opened / what it sells / how you feel about the shop)


?游泳胜地Describe a popular place where people like to go to swimming( where it is / what it is like / who like to swim there / why it is popular for swimming)

?有意思的住宅an interesting house or apartment you visited( where this place is ; what it is like ; when you want to live in there; why you want to live in such a place)

?有趣旅程(where you would like to go ; how you would like to go there; who you would like to go with;why you ould to go there by car,motorbike or bike)




?一个计划(that is not related to work or study)(what it was about; when you made it ;how it worked ;how you feel about the result)







Describe a place in other countries you would like to work for a short time:

(where you would like to go / what kind of work /job you would like to have / when you would like to go / why you want to work in the place )

我希望去美国硅谷的科技公司工作,like Google or Facebook。现在互联网和人工智能发展火热。互联网的发展从各个方面改善了人们衣食住行的生活习惯,现在ai的发展在将来也一定会产生如此大的影响。在我研究生毕业之后我计划找那里的工作,关于用户体验的工作,现在我正在准备我的作品集。




(what this song is about / when you listened to this song for the first time / how often you listen to this song / explain why you think it is your favorite )


(what kind of song it is ;how you found it ;what it is about;why it is interesting to you)


suger (maroon 5)


喜欢这首歌主要是因为他的mv拍的非常有趣,like a romantic comedy。骚当与团员擅自乱闯多对新人婚礼现场,每一对新人与宾客全都不知情,看到他们突然现身,并在婚礼演唱《Sugar》,又惊又喜,各对新婚夫妻都一脸不可置信的表情,台下观众看到后也一起尖叫,纷纷围上前欣赏魔力红的演出,婚礼宛如小型现场演唱会,让各婚礼现场气氛顿时「嗨」到最高点。后来纷纷跟着唱唱跳跳,留下最难忘的婚宴。这支MV经过精心设计,但是婚礼是真实的。魔力红闯进约6对新人婚礼,每一对新人都很惊讶,表情反应不一,有的人嘴张很大仿佛下巴快掉下来,第一对婚礼现场的那个白人新娘甚至下意识地喊出了:“want’s the fuck!”也有人感动地掉泪,还有人大笑,气氛欢乐。


(when and where you saw it ;what type of film it was ; what the film was about;why this is your favorite film)

《When Harry Met Sally》


romantic comedy

I just fell in love with Sally. She was this feisty young woman who spoke her mind and had all of these ambitions and was incredibly independent and wanted to see the world and was so smart. And I loved how she had this relationship with Harry where they were just toe to toe.And that to me just seemed like such a dynamic and interesting kind of relationship that I’ ve never seen before in a romantic comedy.I was just enamored with the whole thing , I was just so in love.

三次意外的相遇分离,十二年的爱情长跑(Three accidental encounter separation, twelve years of love long-distance running)。And they really don’t get on and then they form this friend ship and

then they fall in love.A good interpretation of the relationship between men and women and subtle love. The lines are both humorous and moving,for me it gives me the sense of like (这样的爱情就在身边)。I have just loved it ever since.Because it sort of connect you with that ..feeling that

everything is going to be okay and there’s hope in the world.

In short, there was just something so beautiful about that to me.



(when you found it ; what it is about ; how often you visit it; why you like this website)


(when it happened; who you gave it to ; what gift you gave to the person ; why you gave this gifts to others)


( when you had it ; where you ate it ; what is was ; how you felt about it)




It’s going to do incredible things for you. It will bring al your family together, and you will feel loved and appreciated like never before and reconnect with friends and acquaintances you haven’t heard from in years. Adoration and admiration will overwhelm you. Over all, Gifts represent our beat wishes.

家用设备in your home

(what it is; how often you use it; who you usually use it with; why this item is important to you)

高楼like or dislike

(where it is ; what it is used for ; what it looks like; why you like or dislike it)

重读的书a book you want to read again

(what it is; what it is about; when you read it for the first time; why you want to read it again)

有趣的演讲talk or speech

(when you heard it ; where you heard it; act it was about; why you think it was interesting)

名人Describe a famous person that you are interested in:

(who the person is / how you know about this person / what sort of life they had before they became famous / how this person became famous / explain why you like this person)

《LEAN IN》SherylSandberg



A year and a half ago ,

I think her performance is very powerful.

So the book that I most want to talk about is 《lean in 》by SherylSandberg.

She is the COO of Facebook. um, She is a campaigner,an activist,.

她根据自己的经历出版的《LEAN IN》一书,主要探讨了女性在社会中,特别是职场中所遇到的困惑和问题。

One of my favorite part of parts of the book is when she records different conversations that she have with different young people. You know that she sees them as giving her kind of this amazing insight into the world and showing her other perspectives.

她倡导在职场中的女性要向前一步去克服外界的成见以及自我的束缚,摆脱内心的恐惧。开篇的第一句话即是:What would you do if you were not afraid?

I find that very moving and brave . Tribute I love her kind of boldness and her honesty that she uses to introduce her experience. I just thought that was really remarkable.

And Sheryl's a really wonderful quote that I think relates to my like ,which is that :Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.

Reading something like 《lean in 》when you’re having a day when you feel a bit overwhelmed

by struggle, it’s just like kind of incredible resources.And I think that’s especially important to remember as a young person, in general actually, male and female, to remember your power.

I actually , loved book so much , And why I love so much about read is that there are lots of different threads of different conversations and topics , on each of the book.

Which I love to read about people are saying and what’s wonderful is that is really engagement and relationship with people from all over the world.

野生动物a time you were really close to a wild animal

(what it looked like; where you saw it ; what you did with it or what it ate ; how you felt about seeing this animal)




Describe a decision made by others that you disagreed with:

( What the decision was / how it was made / what you disagreed with / why you disagreed with it )


(when and where it happened ; what the appointment was foe ; what happened when you missed it ; how you felt about the appointment)

等待a time that you were waiting for something

(when it happened; where it happened; who you were with; what you were waiting for; how you felt about it)


禁用手机an experience that you weren't allowed to use your mobile phone

(where you were; when it happened; what you did there;why you were not allowed to sue your phone)

历史事件in your country

(where it happened; when it happened; how you know it ; what happened; how you fell about this event)


an event in history reminds me of an historian went about the traditional chinese festival. we all know that …

It’s something related to eat traditional and unique culture, something that we would never forget. 乡下的愉快经历

高薪工作a well-paid job that you will have in the future

(what it is ; how you can find this job; what qualities it requires; why it is well-paid and why you think you will be good at it)

省钱( a method that helps you save money)

(what the method is; when you started to use it; how you knew is; why it is helpful)



发挥想象力a time you needed to use imagination

( what the situation was; why you needed to use imagination; what the difficulties were; explain how you felt about it)

等待特别的事情a time you have to wait for something special to happen

(when it happened; what it was; what you did ; why you had to wait and how you felt about it)

优质服务an occasion that you received a good service from a restaurant or shop

(what the service was; when and where you received the service; whom you were together

with ;why you think it was a good service)


?(when you did it; where you did it ; who you did it with ; how you did it ;why you like it or dislike it) ?开心活动

?(when this happened; who you were with; act you prepare for; how you felt about the event) ?优质活动


?(what it is ; where you can do it ; how you would do it ; why you feel excited)



?(what it is ; how much it usually cost; who you usually do it with ; why you like to do this activity) ?忙碌a time you were very busy

?(when it happened; where you were; what you did; why you were that busy)

?小公司a small business you want to have in the future

?(what it would be ; what you need to prepare for it; where you would have this business;why you would like to do this business)

今年春天在学校上扎克伯格在学校的一项活动,活动的名称是《“Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Insight s from Silicon Valley》。在活动上认识了来自波兰的Edam and Jacoku,两位非常有趣和智慧的人,我们一起合作想出了一个big idea。这个想法通过使用一种特别的声音和anti noise 技术来




