

The Hosts' Words of the Opening

Ceremony of the English



Boys and girls , ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon . Welcome to join the opening ceremony of our English Corner .


English Corner is one of the activities carried out by our English Association . To improve your English level and practice yourability of communication is our main objective .


You can talk here ; you can make friends here ; you will be happy here .

在这里,你可以自由交流,可以认识更多的朋友,可以体验到不一样的快乐。快来加入我们,一起行动吧。Firstly , let’s start the opening ceremony with a Englisn song The Rose . Now let’s welcome Jiang yuli .

首先,让我们以一首《The Rose》来开始我们的英语角开幕式。欢迎蒋雨力。

What a great song .

Next , let’s welcome the teaching director of Economic Management , Min yujuan to give us a speech with warm applause .


Thanks for Miss Min’s attactive speech . And I think you have had a deeper know of the English Corner . And we hope , with the lead of Miss Min , our English Corner will becoming better and better .


Next , let’s welcome Mr Jone to give us a speech with warm applause .

接下来,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎Mr John给我们说两句。

Thanks for Mr John’s great speech .

Friends are important . Friendship is treasure . But what is a real friend ? What is the ture friendship ?

Let’s listen to the poem read by Feng tingting and Wang bo ,Friendship .


We aer drunk in the beautiful poem . And the moving music can also make us excited .


Next let’s listen to a moving English song This Is Me . Welcome Ren mingzhu .

接下来请欣赏由任明给大家带来的英文歌曲《This is me》。Now let’s welcome to .


From today , you will have a new place to relax . That is our English Corner .


Now the opening ceremony of our English Corner is to the end . And the following time is yours .It’s time for you to talk freely with our teachers .

本次的开幕式已圆满结束。接下来的时间交给大家。说你们想说的,问你们想问的,尽情的和老师们交流吧。Thanks for your coming .


See you next time .



ENGLISH CONER K:Attention please! Our party is around the corner ,please set your cellphone in a silent mode .thank you. (START) K:(zhenzi)welcome to our English corner…… S: Hey kitty! K: Yeah? S: Don’t pretend any more. K:Ok. S: Good eve, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our English corner. It’s my great honor to be one of the hostesses tonight. I’m Shara . K: I’m Kitty. S: Kitty, How are you today? K:I didn’t feel well this morning, but now I am very excited. Because tonight is the time for our English corner. I am looking forward to it. S: Yeah, so do I. At the beginning, Let’s welcome our honored guest’s attending! Welcome claier and our foreign friend Joe! Thanks for your coming! K: I sincerely hope all of you can enjoy yourself tonight and practice your English !Don’t be shy , just follow us! S:Oh, Kitty ,do you like Halloween ? K:yeah, of cource. But I don’t exactly know it. S:Don’t worry ,tonight ,our English corner will compeletely show you the charm of Halloween ,now,ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy a video of Modern Family. (The first free talk) S:Wow,that boy’s parents are quite funny……and also frightening. OK, after watching the video ,I think all of you must have various thoughts about Halloween .now ,it’s time for our first free talk! K:Q1:Do you like Halloween ? why or why not? S:Q2:would you mind your friends playing tricks on you by the way in the video ,and why? Now , you can say anything you want ,you can discuss with your partner or discuss in a group. K: we’ll go down and discuss with you too, and then we’ll choose some of you to share your opinions. OK, let’s start it! K:Excuse me ,time’s up. Now I’ll invite some of you to share your opinions. Any volunteers? S:Don’t be shy !please be actively ,we will have surprising gifts for you. (……)

food and health 英语角话题和词汇表达

Topic: food and health 1.What’s your favorite food? Why? 你最喜欢的食物是什么?为什么? 2.What’s your favorite beverage 饮料? Why?你最喜欢的饮料是什么?为什么? 3.What’s your favorite fruit?Why?你最喜欢的水果是什么?为什么? 4.In what ways do you want to cook your food? 你喜欢什么样的烹饪方式? 5.What did you eat for supper?你晚饭吃了什么? 6.What kinds of eating habits are improper? 哪些饮食习惯是不好的? 7. What kinds of eating habits are healthy? 哪些饮食习惯是好的? 8.How do you think of the canteen in our university? 我校的食堂如何? 9. What is healthy food? 什么是健康食品? 10. Do you love junk food like KFC , McDonalds or Pizza Hut? 你喜欢垃圾食品如麦当劳吗? 11.Are you a vegetarian? 素食主义者吗?How do you think of it? 你是素食主义者吗?你如何看待? 12.How many different Chinese cuisines are there in China? 中国有多少菜系? 13. How to make our Chinese food acceptable for foreigners? 如何让中国菜被外国人接受? 14.What’s your view on genetic food转基因食品? 你如何看待转基因食品? 15. How to solve the problem of food security in china? 如何解决中国的食品安全问题? 16.Different food contains different nutrients营养素? Give some examples. 不同食物的营养素 17.Are you good at cooking? Do you have any specialties拿手好菜? Narrate the recipes/formula菜谱/配方, the steps and key points. 你擅长烹饪吗?有什么拿手好菜?介绍一道菜的菜谱。 18.Do you want to gain weight 增肥or lose weight减肥? Have you been on a diet节食? How do you think of it? 你想减肥还是增肥?你节食过吗?如何看待? 每个子话题的补充词汇和表达:Glossary 1.What’s your favorite food? Why? Vocabularies: 烧饼Clay oven rolls 油条Fried bread stick 韭菜盒Fried leek dumplings 水饺Boiled dumplings 蒸饺Steamed dumplings 馒头Steamed buns 蛋饼Egg cakes 皮蛋preserved egg 茶叶蛋tea egg 咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg 豆浆Soybean milk 稀饭Rice porridge 白饭Plain white rice 糯米饭Glutinous rice 卤肉饭Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg 地瓜粥Sweet potato congee 馄饨面Wonton & noodles 刀削面Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles 麻酱面Sesame paste noodles 米粉Rice noodles 炒米粉Fried rice noodles 鱼丸汤Fish ball soup 貢丸汤Meat ball soup 蛋花汤Egg & vegetable soup 紫菜汤Seaweed soup 酸辣汤Sweet & sour soup 馄饨汤Wonton soup 糖葫芦Tomatoes on sticks 长寿桃Longevity Peaches 芝麻球Glutinous rice sesame balls 麻花Hemp flowers 臭豆腐Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu) 油豆腐Oily bean curd 麻辣豆腐Spicy hot bean curd 虾片Prawn cracker 虾球Shrimp balls 春卷Spring rolls 蛋卷Chicken rolls 碗糕Salty rice pudding 筒仔米糕Rice tube pudding 红豆糕Red bean cake 绿豆糕Bean paste cake 糯米糕Glutinous rice cakes 萝卜糕Fried white radish patty 芋头糕Taro cake 肉圆Taiwanese Meatballs 水晶饺Pyramid dumplings 肉丸Rice-meat dumplings 豆干Dried tofu 当归鸭Angelica duck 槟榔Betel nut 火锅Hot pot 中餐: barbecued pork 叉烧sausage 香肠fried pork flakes 肉松BAR-B-Q 烤肉meat diet 荤菜vegetables 素菜 meat broth 肉羹local dish 地方菜Cantonese cuisine 广东菜set meal 客饭curry rice 咖喱饭fried rice 炒饭 plain rice 白饭crispy rice 锅巴gruel, soft rice , porridge 粥noodles with gravy 打卤面plain noodle 阳春面casserole 砂锅chafing dish, fire pot 火锅meat bun 肉包子shao-mai 烧麦preserved bean curd 腐乳 bean curd 豆腐fermented blank bean 豆豉pickled cucumbers 酱瓜preserved egg 皮蛋salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋 bear's paw 熊掌breast of deer 鹿脯sea cucumber 海参sea sturgeon 海鳝salted jelly fish 海蜇皮 kelp/seaweed 海带abalone 鲍鱼shark fin 鱼翅scallops 干贝lobster 龙虾bird's nest 燕窝 roast suckling pig 烤乳猪pig's knuckle 猪脚boiled salted duck 盐水鸭preserved meat 腊肉dried turnip 萝卜干


英语角话题汇总(1) 一、变化的利与弊 每个人都必须面对社会的变迁、生活的变化,你喜欢变化吗?ed带你讨论变化的利与弊。 二、社会热点问题 人类正面临各种公共问题,经济、就业、房子等,richard带你讨论社会热点问题。 三、运动员成功的秘诀 ed带你观看比赛短片,讨论优秀的教练和队员成功的秘诀。 四、剑桥国际英语教学 来自美国的年青外教christian尝试剑桥国际英语的教学并讨论部分话题。 五、奥运会 a. 2008年北京奥林匹克奥运会。 b. 北京奥运会对中国会有怎样的影响? 六、世界杯 2006年世界杯足球赛。 七、专题讲座

邀请澳大利亚艺术家lanm arr举办专题讲座。 八、交际英语 特邀广州英语频道主持人matthew与你分享如何通过交际英语实现有趣而愉快的谈话。 九、面试 在面试中如何赢得面试官的欣赏,你又需要做哪些准备,rich带你身临其境面试种种。 十、信仰 特殊人群有着有着不同的“奇怪”信仰,ed带你讨论佛教信徒、基督教信徒、无神论者观点。 十一、广告宣传 如何制作广告宣传自己,如何让产品与众不同?ed带你观看广告篇,发现其中奥秘。 十二、整形手术 整形手术上演着一幕幕人间悲喜剧,如何评判它的功过与是非?peter 整形手术在当今社会已司空见惯,你对此有何见解? 十三、健康 你认为自己面临着食品卫生、健康等方面诸多问题吗?谈谈你的问题并讨论如何解决。 十四、文化差异

richard与讨论文化差异在宗教、婚姻等方面所引发的问题及爱情是否永恒的时尚话题。 十五、精力管理 知道你每天的最佳精力时段吗?matt将引导一场关于增强精力的讨论。 十六、毒品问题 一种新型类似可卡因的药物juicybake在社区蔓延,richard与你讨论是否非法。 十七、优先权 德国外教ed同你讨论优先权“priorities” 十八、 助人为乐、礼貌待人是否各有优缺点?德国外教ed设置不同情景带你进入热烈讨论。 十九、特殊职业 你想象过从事某些特殊职业吗?宇航员或者兽医这些已渐成为生活的一部分。 二十、乐观与悲观 关于乐观主义与悲观主义你有何见解?有多年英语教学经验,教育学专业背景德国外教与你一起探讨。 二十一、假如 如果你**世界,你将有何作为?喜爱中国功夫的英国外教理查德带给你新鲜时尚有趣的话题。



英语主持串词 【篇一:2016英语晚会主持词】 2016年5月25日英语晚会主持词 p:thank you for your wonderful performance . please give them your loud applause . a:谢谢!谢谢同学们精彩的表演。让我们以热烈的掌声感谢他们! p:ladies and gentleman , boys and girls , good evening ! welcome to our english party . i’m the host , peter . a:i’m athena . p:we are happy to gather here and hold an english party . it’s our great honor, isn’t it ? a:我们很高兴能欢聚一堂举办这次英语晚会,这是我们无上的荣幸,不是吗? p: first of all , please allow me to introduce the distinguished leaders ,judges and guests in the evening party . a:首先,请允许我介绍一下参与这次晚会的领导、评委和嘉宾朋友们。 p:they are .... a:他们是........ p:let’s give our warmly welcome . a:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来!peter, do you still remember your first day at school ?


“英语角”活动策划方案 一、活动目的: 为进一步提高xxxx广大职工及学生的英语水平,营造健康向上、积极进取的学习氛围, xxxx办公室将为广大热爱英语学习和爱好英语口语交流的朋友们搭建一个施展才华,提高英 语能力的平台, 我们将以最新颖、最强大的阵容和最热情、最用心的投入,欢迎热爱英语的朋友们的积 极参与,相信英语角将给大家带来视觉上的强大震撼和听觉上的全新感受,并为大家的英语 学习再助一臂之力! 二、活动对象、时间和地点 活动口号:don’t be shy!just try!practice makes perfect! 活动对象:xxxx全体职工、学生 活动时间:每周三下午15:00—17:00 活动地点:园区四楼报告厅 活动性质:本次活动是针对园区英语爱好者开展的一项以英语交流为主的集体性,自主 性、学习性、开放性的活动。 三、基本设想:体现以口语交流为主,发挥引导作用 1、每期活动的主题由主持人、大家共同商定,活动内容贴近实际生活 2、对于每期的新话题,分组开展多种形式的讨论 3、每期活动以游戏、对话等形式开展,突出语言的功能性 4、在娱乐中学习,在快乐中进步,轻轻松松学好口语 四、活动内容与形式 ⑴话题自由讨论 ⑵娱乐互动 ⑶英语原声电影经典对白 ⑷学唱英文歌曲 ⑸英语才艺展示 ⑹英语话题辩论赛等 五、具体活动计划: 准备工作: 活动开展 (1)英语角学习栏用于记录每期协会话题 (2)丰富英语资料库,大家多提供一些英语报纸,英语杂志,英语字典等英语学习资料, 资 源共享 (3)音响播放一些英语歌曲烘托英语角气氛 ( 4) 充分利用网络资源 活动具体内容: 1、自由交谈:由主持人阐述事先讨论好的主题,然后围绕主题用英语分组展开讨论,发 表自己观点和看法。 2、表演:简单的英文歌曲、即兴演讲、英文小笑话、英文电影经典对白实战模拟 3、原声模仿秀:播放一段影片,然后按照英文字幕给影片配音,由成员自愿报名模仿表 演,大家共同点评。 4、娱乐:字谜游戏、单词接龙、中英文谚语竞猜、英语绕口令等 5、英语才艺展示:比如英文歌曲演唱,英语诗歌朗诵,英语话剧表演,英语辩论赛…….


( A:四年级男生B:四年级女生C:五年级男生D:五年级女生) A, B, C, D: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! A, B, C, D:尊敬的领导、老师们,亲爱的同学们,晚上好! C: A warm welcome to you all to the English Show. Tonight, Grade Five pupils will show their wonderful English pronunciation and intonation. And Grade 4 pupils will also act out some interesting English plays. D: 欢迎各位来到我们小学高段的英语晚会。今晚五年级的同学们将为大家展示他们流利、纯正的英语语音语调。同时四年级的同学还将带来精彩的英语短剧表演。 A: We’re honored to have our guests. They are Principal Mr Li, and Miss Ye, ________ B: 我们很荣幸请来了今晚的嘉宾: 李建明校长,校长助理叶和丽, 刘文娟主任,周英副主任_____________(主持人带头鼓掌) A: And our dear judges. They are B: 还有尊敬的评委老师们, 他们是 2. C: (D的英文名字), do you know Earth Day? D: Yes. It's on April 22nd. It reminds everyone that we should protect and help save the Earth. C: You're right. Let's welcome the boys and the girls from Class 3 and 6 Grade 4 to tell us how to save the Earth D:我们的地球正面临危机,如何保护地球呢?下面四年级3班和6班的同学将为大家带来课本剧《保护地球》,请欣赏。 3. A: Thanks for Class 3 and 6 . Are you scared of monsters?


The Hosts' Words of the Opening Ceremony of the English Corner 英语角开幕式主持人台词 Boys and girls , ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon . Welcome to join the opening ceremony of our English Corner . 各位老师,各位同学,大家下午好。欢迎大家前来参加我们英语角的开幕式。 English Corner is one of the activities carried out by our English Association . To improve your English level and practice yourability of communication is our main objective . 英语角是我们英语协会所创办的活动之一。主要目的是为了提高大家的英语水平,锻炼大家的交际能力。 You can talk here ; you can make friends here ; you will be happy here . 在这里,你可以自由交流,可以认识更多的朋友,可以体验到不一样的快乐。快来加入我们,一起行动吧。Firstly , let’s start the opening ceremony with a Englisn song The Rose . Now let’s welcome Jiang yuli .

首先,让我们以一首《The Rose》来开始我们的英语角开幕式。欢迎蒋雨力。 What a great song . Next , let’s welcome the teaching director of Economic Management , Min yujuan to give us a speech with warm applause . 接下来,有请我们经管系教研室主任闵玉娟老师发言。大家欢迎。 Thanks for Miss Min’s attactive speech . And I think you have had a deeper know of the English Corner . And we hope , with the lead of Miss Min , our English Corner will becoming better and better . 感谢闵玉娟老师的精彩演讲。相信现在大家对英语角有了进一步的认识,希望在闵玉娟等老师的带领下,我们英语角会越办越好。 Next , let’s welcome Mr Jone to give us a speech with warm applause . 接下来,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎Mr John给我们说两句。 Thanks for Mr John’s great speech . Friends are important . Friendship is treasure . But what is a real friend ? What is the ture friendship ?


2010年下期英语角总结 为了给广大的同学们构建一个英语学习和交流的平台,创建一个良好的英语学习氛围,我系英语协会经研究决定成立英语角。通过开展形式多样,内容丰富的活动,提高同学们对英语学习的热情与自信。培养大家的交际能力与英语实际应用能力,提高英语水平。为不敢开口说英语而感到苦恼的同学提供一个自由交流英语的平台。 本期的英语角一共举行了四次,分别为:english speech、english song、english movie、english drama。 1、English Speech:(12月5日晚自习后) 学习部在C区草坪上开展了第一次英语角活动,活动开展比较成功。这次活动人员来的很齐,理事通知到位。在个人介绍环节,会员轮流着大胆的发言,讲述自己的亲身经历和对事务的看法。大家交流的很融洽,尤其是讲述自己的爱好,特长,对明星及诗人的看法方面。 组织部与办公室4501教室共同开展(到场会员不是很多)。来参加英语角的会员都上去发言了,有些会员尽管英语水平不是很好,但他们还是努力地表达了他们想表达。不过参加的会员只有一部份人,还有一部份人不愿意参加我们英语角,不相信自己的英语水平。会员积极性不高自信心不够。 宣传部由于临时有事,而没有举行。 在这次的活动中发现了很多问题:组织力度及各部门的协调能力都不够,在下次一定要解决问题,如果一个部门有事就找其他部门帮忙,若是会员有事也一定要问清是什么原因要提前确定会到的会员的人数,并不断的完善每次英语角的各种潜在问题,并不断的提高。通过这次活动基本了解了会员的英语口语情况。让我们调整了英语角的方针,进行有针对性的进行突破。这是我协会第一次的尝试,通过不断地摸索,不断地完善对会员的管理与有针对性的提高方针,我们相信通过这个英语角活动,能很大的提高他们的口语能力。


Nine to see you again. It is a great pleasure to be the presenter for today’s English corner. First of all, please allow me to introduce myself. My Chinese name is zeng Murong. My English name is …. I am from Guangzhou. I major in livestock and vet. I like English. But I am poor in it. Especially, my oral English is really terrible. That is why I come here to practice my spoken English. Ok let’s come to discuss about today’s topic--- sports. As we all know that your body will get stronger and healthier if you do sports regularly. Everyone knows health is very important, if you don’t exercise. You will never be strong. When you sit at your desk to study or work or even surf on line all day. You can expect several bad results. Your blood will become sluggish. Your shoulder will drop and your chest will flatten. Your face will turn pale and your limb will be as thin as a bird’s legs. All of theses mean that your body is getting weaker and weaker. Sports help everyone to keep healthy; doing sports can increase the circulation of the blood and you will be able to take in more oxygen. Doing sports can help make your heart and lung strong. It can also increase your appetite and digestion. In a word, good health relies on sports. Now let me tell you some English terms about sports. Please read after me ……(带读词汇,解释意思。) Well. My favorite sports is ….. I do know the important of keeping health by doing sports. But I don’t always do sports. I am just like the fisherman who fishes for three days and suns his net for two(三天打鱼量天晒网) . I lack perseverance. What about you? 问题: Do you often do physical exercises? What sports do you often play? How often do you do sports? What do you think sports can help us? Let’s watch a video about sports. Please watch carefully , I will ask you some questions after you watch it. 1. What sports are suitable for out doors and indoors? Basketball, diving, swimming 2. What kinds of swimming suits do most girls wear in European countries? ? 3. Bikini, tankini . In European countess it is not easy to buy the conservative swimming suit . As to Chinese girls, they had better bring their own swimming suit with them if they want to swim in the Europe. 3. Before gong to sports center to play badminton or basketball, what should you do ? You need to book a place in advance. 4. What do people in England often say about thank you? Cheers.


颁奖晚会主持词合集 为了能够更好的活跃活动氛围,你需要书写一份别出心裁的主持词。接下来为大家了5篇颁奖晚会主持词,欢迎大家阅读! a:社团部犹如一座大花园,里面开着各协会花的芳香:舞蹈的飘逸、文学的散漫、青协的热情、音乐的雄厚、书画的妙笔、武术的豪情……社团花园花香四溢,沁人心脾。在这里你能尽情的展现自己;在这里你能在自己的舞台纷飞;在这里你能挥洒自己的激-情。 b:缠绵断续的`言语、飘逸动人的姿势、墨香飘飞的字迹、擦肩而过的倩影、时不召唤着你这颗温热的心。新一届的社团部部长以独特的领导方式发展社团,如今社团部的人数称历届之最,牵手社团,放飞自己的梦想 a:经过一年工作,我们选出了一些优秀的人才担任我们社团部的一些职务 b:接下来我们将分为四批为他们颁发聘书 第一批颁奖 a:下面我们将为办公室主任和策划中心主任颁发聘书

b:请办公社主任:丁龙龙、黄舒泽;策划中心主任:李小青、谷玉霖上台领奖。请获奖者上台领取聘书 a:有请院社团部指导老师:——老师为获奖者颁发聘书 b:有请——老师 第二批颁奖 a:下面我们将为各协会会长颁发聘书 b:请书画协会会长:闫宝荣,舞蹈协会会长:张思超、,青年志愿者协会会长:孙荷花、音乐协会会长:白小明,羽毛球协会会长:王恒山、,英语角协会会长:郑鑫、,创业与就业协会会长:牛庆上台领奖,请获奖者上台领取聘书 a:有请院社团部指导老师:——老师为获奖者颁发聘书 b:有请——老师 第三批颁奖

a:下面我们将为以下的协会会长颁发聘书 b:请篮球协会会长:张振峰、李伟,晨曦文学协会会长:康平、乔会萍计算机协会会长:张耀宗、李光正,武术协会会长:赵彦充,棋院协会会长:薛波上台领奖,请获奖者上台领取聘书 a:有请院社团部指导老师——老师为获奖者颁发聘书 b:有请——老师 第四批颁奖 a:下面我们将为优秀协会颁发奖品 b:请获得优秀协会的———协会上台领奖 a:有请院社团部指导老师:——老师为获奖者颁发聘书 b:有请——老师 (男)尊敬的各位领导


广顺中学2013第十一届“飞扬金秋”文体艺术节班级入场式解说词 男:尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾: 女:亲爱的老师们、同学们: 合:大家早上好! 男:秋日丹桂飘香,硕果累累; 女:秋天多姿多彩,精彩纷呈。 男:鸟儿们飞来了,展开轻盈的翅膀向我们致敬; 女:树叶儿飘来了,跳着轻快的舞蹈来参加这节日的盛会。 男:凝聚着我们的汗水,乘着“后发赶超”的大步伐,我们满怀期待的迎来了广顺中学2013年第十一届“飞扬金秋”校园文体艺术节的隆重开幕 女:运动会即将举行开幕仪式,现在,请运动员裁判员入场 国旗队: 首先进入运动场的是我们的国旗方队,旗手们手擎五星红旗,迈着坚实的步伐向我们走来,五星红旗,鲜艳夺目,她指引着方向,引导我们从胜利走向胜利,从辉煌走向辉煌。猎猎的红旗又在招展,如火的颜色点燃热血,点燃理想。在旗帜的指引下,我们敢于战胜一切困难! 会徽展牌方队: 女:雄纠纠,气昂昂。……位肩并肩,高抬着象征腾飞和收获的会徽

的同学正向我们走来。广顺中学全体师生在上级领导的关心和带领下,群情激昂,英姿焕发,以校训“守法纪、讲规则、重诚信、善创新”为指导,内强素质,外树形象,加快发展,争创一流。 广中人正迈着坚实的步伐向前奋进! 彩旗方队: 男:手举彩旗,步履轻快,现在走来的是彩旗队。缤纷的彩旗迎风飘扬,显示出新时代的广中充满着青春与活力。彩旗迎风招展,广中人继往开来,开拓进取,必将走在长顺教育的最前沿,推动全县教育事业的发展! 裁判代表方队: 女:看———最后向我们走过来的是本次运动会裁判员队伍,这是一支无私奉献的队伍,本次艺术节将在他们的严谨、公正的执法中顺利进行。为使本次艺术节成功开展,全体裁判将本着公平、公正、实事求是的态度和稳健、热情、大公无私的工作精神,统一尺度,秉公执法,全心全意为赛事护航。我们期待着在裁判员公正的执法中,运动会所有赛事圆满告捷。让我们向他们致敬!向他们鼓掌!!! 紧跟其后的是各参赛队: 七(1)班:


英语角主持词 篇一:英语角开幕式主持词 m:manw:womanT:Together opening: m:Goodevening,boysandgirls,ladiesandgentlemen,welcometotheopeningc eremonyofEnglishcorner.it’smygreathonortobeoneofthehoststonight.i’mwangSuxin,andstandingherebesidemeismypartner. w:Thankyou,Suxin.Goodeveningladiesandgentlemeni’mhonoredtoco-hostTheopeningceremonyofEnglishcorner.andi’myourhostess,YuanTongtong.m:Tonight,wewillbringyouaaudio-visualfeast! next,pleaseallowmetointroducetheguestswhoattendourceremony.Let’swarmlywelcomethem!-------团委老师:石立宁 w:学联主席:田耕 m:学联副主席:田诗雯 w:校报记者团: m:校青协: w:校管协: m:红十字会: w:心协:

w:Ladiesandgentlemen,bothofushopeallofyouhaveanicetimehere,weallho pethatyouwillenjoythiseveningandbenefitfromit. m:next,pleaseallowmetodeclare:theopeningceremonyofEnglishcornerinTh enorthchinaElectricPowerUniversitynowofficiallystart! 1 w:well,atfirst,let’senjoytheVisualFeasttheStreetdanceTeambringsus! m:welcome! middle: 2 m:well,well,well,perfect!i’veneverhadseensuchastunning!w:it’strue!Howenergetictheyare!doyouenjoythisone? m:Yes,ireallydoiftherecanbesomesparksarounduswhenthedancersdance! w:doyouknowwhathasrushedtomymindwhenyousaythewordspark? m:what? w:abeautifullady! m:Youmean-----TaylorSwift?? w:Yes!.don’tyouthinkitslyricisreallyfantastic?m:enhn~well,now,let’senjoythesong w:let’swelcomewangXi! 3 w:adeepfeelingsong,ilike. m:Tome,comparedtolightmusiciprefertaewondo,fortaewondoisanapproach


1, L: Ladies and gentlemen, attention please! 2. L+C: Welcome to our English corner tonight! 3, C: Good evening, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our English Corner organized by ENGLISH FANS OSSACIATION. It's my great honor to be one of the hosts tonight. .My name's 陈爽. You can just call me Kris. And standing here beside me is my partner, 李文婷. 4, L: Thank you, Baby. Good evening, ladies and gentle-men. I'm honored to co-host English Corner tonight. I hope all of you will have a nice time here. Now,Let’s warmly welcome our honored guests. Welcome! 大家掌声欢迎! 5, C: TO start with, we would like to briefly intro duce the whole process of today’s activities. The first part of the activity is our performance, Now it's time for us to enjoy the performance for this English corner, our English fans association have made some elaborate[i'l?b?r?t, i'l?b?reit] preparation .So we are sure we will be able to enjoy excellent performances tonight. L: Good! The applause being used first enthusiastically by us is welcomed coming on the stage XXX! The program that they bring about is: XXX. Now Let us give them warm applause. 中:让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎xx同学带来的节目xxx 6, L: Next, the other part is playing games. First is the English riddle. 1.What day of the week is the best for having fried foods? 2. What kind of dog has no tail? 3. What keys wont open doors? 4. When can you run as fast as a horse? 5. I begin with T and end with T, and I am full of T. What am I? 6. Why is "heat" faster than "cold"? 7. Why is "SMILES" the longest English word? 8. In CHOCOLATE, there are three things to drink. What are they? 9. I get dirty when your face and hands become clean. What am I? 10. When is a blue book not a blue book? 11. Why do birds fly south for winter? 12. What kind of cake do small boys dislike? 13. Twelve girls were standing under a large umbrella. Why didnt any of them get wet? 14. What is there between sea and sky? 15. What goes up but never comes down? 答案: 1. Friday


英语角英语演讲比赛演讲稿 The story with English and me Hello everyone,it is glad to meet you,my name is Nong Yanxing,you can also call me Virita, It’s my English name. I am a Howell School’s girl and I am an outgoing girl too, so I like playing jokes with others. I am fourteen years old and I have l earnt English for six years now I’ve loved English since the first time, I’ve heard it from a tape. The voice from the tape was very wonderful and the language was so nice .That time I thought,how wonderful the language is! And if I can speak English as well as the speaker in the tape,that will be amazing! So I asked my mum:“Can I learn English? I really love it!” “Of course you can,but are you sure about it? Can you insist on it?” She was a bit excited. “Of course I can,mum. I love it very much,I want to learn it. ”I said confidently,“Oh,my good kid,you are very good,I am so excited about you are interested in English. ”She gave me a sweet hug. We laughed together. Then,I’ve started my English learning way. At the beginning,I loved English because i t sounds comfortable ,but I can’t believe that how difficult to learn English grammar. Then I felt tired, and I really want to give it up. Buton that main time,my English teacher found me was a bit strange,“What wrong with you,Virita?You look a bit strange.” “Nothing, I just think English grammar is so difficult. It is boring,I don’t want to learn it anymore!”“Why?You can’t give it up,Virita. I can help you just trust me.”“Really?” “Of course!” Then she helped me with my English grammar after class everyd ay. She told me how to find a good way for my own to learn English grammar. How to find a good way to remember the English new words. She told me try to love English! Interests is the best teacher! So my English marks improve very fast. And in the finally exam,I got the best marks at school. I was so happy .But my English teacher warned me again “Don’t be proud of it. Hasty climbers have the sudden falls. You should come on!” I also like watching Holly Wood movies, for example, The Green Man in the Avengers is very strong and V in V of vendetta is very cool. Most of actors and actresses speak English in the film, and I really want to understand the whole meaning about a film without any caption one day. Itis difficult for me to make it come true. I should work harder. English is a very beautiful language .And itis my friend,a real friend. Although I can’t feel it with my hands, but I can feel it with my heart. English brought me a lot and I have a big dream about English. To make it come true ,I should work harder and learn more Western culture. We’ll love each other more and more. This is the story with English and me. Thanks for listening.
