Module 7 Unit1 There is a horse in this photo(新标准英语)

Module 7 Unit1 There is a horse in this photo(新标准英语)
Module 7 Unit1 There is a horse in this photo(新标准英语)

Module 7 Unit1 There is a horse in this photo(新标准英语)Unit ne There is a hrse in this pht

B 3 dule 7 Phts

ⅠTeahing gals:

1Ais f Target language nledge and sill

1)Funtin: an use “ There is /are” t tal abut Phts

2)The students learn and an listen, read , sa and use the sentenes: There is a girl in this phtShe’s riding a hrse I an’t see her fae There are telve bs n the bie

3)The pupils an listen, read and sa the vabular:there is, hrse, there are, have a l, sheep, vegetable, lib, fae,fruit, hien, bear,pig

an use: there is, there are,hrse

2 Ais f etin and attitude

Pupils an ativel partiipate in lass learning ativities

3Ais f learning strateg

Pupils an Ativel perate ith thers t plete the stud tas

ⅡTeahing iprtant and diffiult pints

1Iprtant pints:Ss an listen, read and sa the sentenes: There is a girl in this phtShe’s riding a hrse I an’t see her fae There are telve bs n the bie

2Diffiult pints:an an listen, read , sa and use the sentenes:

There is a girl in this phtShe’s riding a hrse I an’t see her fae There are telve bs n the bieet t desribe the Pitures r sene

ⅢTeahing aids

D-R, pitures,ards, urseare

Unit ne There is a hrse in this pht

Teahing Predures

Step ne:ar-up and lead-in(abut in)

1Greeting,then sa the hant : “an I have se sup?”

2Sh pitures: plaing basetball, running, shipping, and s nLet’s d asing and ansering lie this: hat is he/she ding? He is…(激活知识)

3Sh the piture f the text (A is riding a hrse) get Ss l at the piture and as :hat an u see?(Help Ss anser)

4ath and listen t the D-R(整体感知如何描述图画)

ath ,listen and reapeat(学着说,并提醒学生注意模仿语音语调,感知今天要学的内容There is …的语用,为新学习做铺垫)Learn:hrse 注意与huse的区别,用图片进行比较。

Step T:Tas presentatin(abut1in)

向班级推荐手抄报的图片,并用There is in the pht He/She is…描述自己推荐的图片。

Step Three:text learning(abut1in)

1pla the D-R Get Ss ath and listen and thining :1)hat are Sa and A taling abut?

2Ss tr t anser the questin(1,2整体感知)The taling abut phts

3Sa, A, Daing are taling abut phts H are the taling abut the? Listen again(进一步感知)

4Sh questins, listen and tr t anser the questins(带问题听录音,试着回答,进一步了解内容,为学习目标语句打基础)

2hat’s in pht 1?

3) hat’s in pht 2?

4) hat’s in pht 3?

引导学生回答每个问题后连起描述:There are taling abut phts There is …in pht 1…(板书There is a hrse in this pht There is a sheep in this pht…)


Tr t sa:There is a… in/n/under/…

6listen and repeat

7r in grup: retell the text(A grup f fur把打乱顺序的句子重新排列好,强化对内容的理解)

Step Fur: pratise(abut10in)

1Listen and sa(P40 Ativt 3) 跟读模仿语音语调

2L at the piture(P40 A4),明确要求后,四人小组用there is…描述图片内容,共同完成任务。给学生三分钟练习,然后以小组为单位向全班展


3Finish Ex 1,3,4(堂活动用书),巩固所学知识

Step Five: Tas pletin(abut 7in)

T sh se pitures, Ss tal abut the and hse ne desribe it: There is a…in this phtShe/He is…

1Ss tal abut the lass Paper(四人小组讨论手抄报的内容,合作画一幅画或推荐一幅图,作为班级手抄报的图片,并用There is…He is…描述图片。意在发挥学生的学习主动性,运用所学知识)

2Ss reprt

Step Six Suar and her(abut 2in)

1Suar tgether

2Finish “一起作业”

3Finish Ex2(AB b)



Unit 2 There are telve bs n the bie

Learning: fruit, hien, bear,pig

There are telve bs n the bie

Teahing Predures

Step ne: ar-up and lead-in(abut 8in)

1Great and sa a hant

1)Great eah ther

2)Sa a hant(U1)


1)r in pair:L at the piture and tal abut it

There is a… in this pht /There is an…in this pht

He is…(ding sth)/She is(ding sth)

3Lead-in:Listen,pint and sa

1)L and the piture, ath and listen the D-R(整体感知)

2)ath, listen and pint

3)ath, listen and repeat(pa attentin t iitate the prnuniatin and intnatin)

rite the sentenes n the blabard

There is a b n the bie

There are telve bs n the bie

Step T: Tas prensentatin

here is Daing? hat is he ding?大明正在给大家介绍手抄报的内容。学完后我们也要选出班级手抄报的图片,谁的图片将入选呢?

Step Three: Text learning(abut 1in)

1listen and thin

hat are in Daing’s phts?

2L at pitures and thin h t intrudue the

3Listen and pint

4Grup r: tr t anser the questin “hat are in Daing’s phts?”

T Guide the student t anser the questin and rite the n the blabard
