
《Discover Canada 探索加拿大》


The Oath of Citizenship

I swear (or affirm)

That I will be faithful

And bear true allegiance忠诚

To Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second 陛下

Queen of Canada

Her Heirs and Successors

And that I will faithfully observe

The laws of Canada

And fulfil m y duties as a Canadian ci tizen.


Understanding the Oath

In Canada, we profess our loyalty忠诚 to a person who represents all Canadians and not to a docum ent such as a constitution宪法, a banner旗帜such as a flag, or a geopolitical enti ty地缘政治实体such as a country. In our constitutional m onarchy君主立宪制国家, these elem ents are encom passed by the Sovereign君主(Queen or King). It is a rem arkably sim ple yet powerful

principle: Canada is personified by the Sovereign just as the Sovereign is personified by Canada.


Message to Our Readers

Welcome! It took courage to m ove to a new country. Your decision to apply for ci tizenship is another big step. You are becom ing part of a great tradition that was built by generations of pioneers before you. Once you have m et all of the legal requirem ents, we hope to welcom e you as a new citizen with all the rights and responsibilities of ci tizenship.


Canada has welcom ed generations of newcom ers to our shores to help us build a free,

law-abiding, and prosperous繁荣society. For 400 years, settlers and immigrants have contributed to the diversity多样性and richness of our country, which is built on a proud history and a strong identity.


Canada is a constitutional m onarchy君主立宪制, a parliam entary dem ocracy议会民主and a federal state联邦国家. Canadians are bound together by a shared com mitm ent to the rule of law and to the institutions of parliam entary governm ent.


Canadians take pride in their identity and have m ade sac rifices 牺牲to defend their way of life. By com ing to Canada and taking this im portant step toward Canadian citizenship, you are helping to write the continuing story of Canada.


Imm igrants between the ages of 18 and 54 m ust have adequate knowledge of English or French in order to becom e Canadian citizens. You m ust also learn about voting procedures, Canada’s history, sym bols, dem ocratic institutions民主体制, geography, and the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.


Canadian ci tizens enjoy m any rights, but Canadians also have responsibilities. They m ust obey Canada’s laws, and respect the rights and freedom s of others.


This guide will help you prepare to becom e a Canadian citizen.


Good luck!


Applying for Citizenship申请公民

When you apply for citizenship, officials will check your status, verify that you are not prohibited from applying, and ensure that you meet the requirements.

Your application m ay take several m onths. Please ensure that the Call Centre always has your correct address while your application is being processed.



How to use this booklet to prepare for the citizenship test


This booklet will help you prepare for the citizenship test. You should:

?Study this guide;

?Ask a friend or fam ily m em ber to help you practise answering questions about Canada; ?Call a local school or school board, a college, a comm unity centre or a local organization that provides services to immigrants and ask for inform ation on citizenship classes;

?Take English or French language classes, whi ch the Governm ent of Canada offers free of charge.






About the citizenship test关于公民考试

The citizenship test is usually a written test, but it could be an interview. You will be tested on two basi c requirem ents for citizenship: 1) adequate knowledge of English or French, and 2) knowledge of Canada and of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Adult applicants 55 years of age and over do not need to write the ci tizenship test.


All the ci tizenship test questions are based on inform ation provided in this study guide. You will be asked about facts and ideas presented in the guide. You will be required to successfully answer questions on the following topics:


?The rights and responsibilities of a Canadian ci tizen (including the right to vote in elections, the right to run for elected offi ce in Canada and voting procedures);

?Canada’s governm ent and social, cul tural and politi cal history; and

?Canada’s geography.




After the test

If you pass the test and m eet all the other requirem ents, you will receive a Notice to Appear to Take the Oath of Citizenship. This

docum ent tells you the date, tim e, and place of your ci tizenship

cerem ony.

At the cerem ony, you will:

?Take the Oath of Citizenship;

?Sign the oath form; and

?Receive your Canadian Citizenship Certifi cate.

If you do not pass the test, you will receive a notification indi cating the next steps.

You are encouraged to bring your family and friends to celebrate this occasion.









Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship公民权利和责任

Canadian citizens have rights and responsibilities. These com e to us from our history, are secured by Canadian law, and reflect our shared tradi tions, identity, and values.


Canadian law has several sources, including laws passed by Parliam ent国会and the provincial legislatures省立法机关, English com m on law, the ci vil code of France, and the unwritten constitution that we have inherited from Great Britain.


Together, these secure for Canadians an 800-year old tradi tion of ordered liberty, whi ch dates back to the signing of Magna Carta in 1215 in England (also known as the Great Charter of Freedom s), including:

总之,这些保障了加拿大人一个800年传统的有序的自由,它可追溯到1215年在英格兰Magna Carta


?Freedom of conscience and religion; 宗教和信仰自由

?Freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of speech and of the press; 思想,信仰,观点和表达自由,包括新闻和言论自由

?Freedom of peaceful assem bly; and和平集会的自由,和

?Freedom of association. 结社自由

Habeas corpus, the right to challenge unlawful detention非法拘禁by the state, com es from English comm on law. 人身保护权,也有权质疑国家的非法拘禁,来自英国的普通法。

[ See larger version ]

Queen Elizabeth II proclaim ing

the amended Constitution,

Ottawa, 1982


The Constitution of Canada was am ended in 1982 to entrench the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms,which begins with the words, ―Whereas Canada is fou nded upon principles that recognize the suprem acy至上of God and the rule of law.‖ This phrase underlines the im portance of religious宗教 traditions to Canadian soci ety and the dignity and worth of the hum an person.


The Charter attem pts to summ arize fundam ental freedom s while also setting out additional rights. The m ost im portant of these include:


?Mobility Rights — Canadians can live and work anywhere they choose in Canada, enter and leave the country freely, and apply for a passport. 流动权-加拿大人可以选择在加拿大任何地方居住和工作,自由进入和离开该国,并申请护照。

?Aboriginal Peoples’ Rights — The rights guaranteed in the Charter will not adversely affect any treaty or other rights or freedom s of Aboriginal peoples. 土著人民权利-土著人民在宪章中被保障享有的权利将不会受到任何条约或其他权利或自由的不利影响。

?Official Language Rights and Minority 少数民族Language Educational Rights — French and English have equal status in Parliam ent and throughout the governm ent. 官方语言的权利和少数民族语言教育的权利-法语和英语在国会和各地政府具有平等的地位。

?Multiculturalism— A fundam ental characteristic of the Canadian heritage and identity. Canadians celebrate the gift of one another’s presence and work hard to respect pluralism and live in harm ony. 多元文化主义-加拿大遗产和身份的基本特征。加拿大人庆祝以彼此存在为礼物,并努力致力于尊重多元化和和睦相处。

The Equality of Women and Men妇女与男子平等

In Canada, m en and wom e n are equal under the law. Canada’s openness and generosity do not extend to barbaric cultural practices that tolerate spousal abuse, ―honour killings,‖ fem ale genital m utilation, or other gender-based violence. Those guilty of these crim es are severely pu nished under Canada’s criminal laws.


Citizenship Responsibilities公民责任

In Canada, rights com e with responsibilities. These include: 在加拿大,权利伴随着责任,包括:

?Obeying the law—One of Canada’s founding principles is the rule of law. Individuals and governm ents are regulated by laws and not by arbitrary actions. No person or group is above the law.守法 -加拿大的创始准则之一就是法治。个人和政府都受法律管理而不是任意的行动。任何人或团体不能凌驾于法律之上。

?Taking responsibility for oneself and one’s family— Getting a job, taking care of one’s fam ily, and working hard in keeping with one’s abilities, are im portant Canadian values. Work contributes to personal dignity and self-respect, and to Canada’s prosperity.对自己和家庭负责-找工作,照顾一个人的家庭,按一个人的工作能力来辛勤工作,是重要的加拿大价值观。工作有利于建立个人尊严和自我尊重,和加拿大的繁荣。

?Serving on a jury— When called to do so, you are legally required to serve. Serving on a jury is a privilege that m akes the justi ce system work, as i t depends on im partial公正juries m ade up of citizens.服务于陪审团 -当被要求这样做,你是依法提供服务。陪审员是一种特权,使法律制裁系统得以运作,因为它取决于公民组成公正的陪审团。

?Voting in elections— The right to vote com es wi th a responsibility to vote in federal, provincial or territorial and local elections.投票选举 -投票权来自于在联邦、省或领地和地方选举投票的责任。

?Helping others in the community—Millions of volunteers freely donate their tim e to help others without pay—helpi ng people in need, assisting at your child’s school, volunteering at a food bank or other charity, or encouraging newcom ers to integrate. Volunteering is an excellent way to gain useful skills and develop friends and contacts.在社区帮助他人-数百万志愿者自愿捐出自己的时间去无偿帮助别人_在人们需要的时候提供帮助,在您孩子的学校进行协助,在食品银行或其他的慈善机构志愿服务,或鼓励新移民融入社会。志愿服务是一种杰出的方式去获得实用技术,并拓展朋友和社会关系。

?Protecting and enjoying our heritage and environment— Every citizen has a role to play in avoiding waste and pollution while protecting Canada’s natural, cultural, and architectural heritage for future generations.保护和享受我们的文化遗产和环境 -每一位公民都可以扮演一个角色去发挥作用来避免浪费和污染,同时为子孙后代保护加拿大的自然,文化和建筑遗产。

Defending Canada保卫加拿大

There is no com pulsory强制性的m ilitary servi ce兵役in Canada. However, serving in the regular Canadian Forces (navy, arm y and air force) is a noble way to contribute to Canada and an excellent career choice (www.forces.ca). You can serve in your local part-tim e navy, m ilitia, and air reserves and gain valuable experience, skills, and contacts. Young people can learn discipline, responsibility, and skills by getting involved in the cadets (www.cadets.ca).


You m ay also serve in the Coast Guard or em ergency services in your com m unity such as a police force or fire departm ent. By helping to protect your comm unity, you follow in the footsteps of Canadians before you who m ade sacrifi ces in the servi ce of our country.


Who We Are我们是谁

Canada is known around the world as a strong and free country. Canadians are proud of their unique identity. We have inherited the oldest continuous constitutional tradition in the world. We are the only constitutional m onarchy 君主立宪政体in North Am erica. Our institutions uphold a comm it m ent to Peace, Order, and Good Government,a key phrase in Canada’s original constitutional docum ent in 1867, the British North America A ct. A belief in ordered liberty, enterprise, hard work, and fair play have enabled Canadians to build a prosperous soci ety in a rugged environm ent from our Atlantic shores to the Pacifi c Ocean and to the Arcti c Circle—so m uch so that poets and songwriters have hailed Canada as the ―Great Dominion.‖


To understand what it m eans to be Canadian, it is im portant to know about our three founding peoples—Aboriginal, French, and British.

为了理解它对成为加拿大人的意义,重要的是要了解我们的三个原始民族_原住民,法国人和英国人。Aboriginal peoples原住民

From left to right:

Métis fr om Alberta, Cr ee dancer梅蒂斯来自阿尔伯塔省,克里舞者

The ancestors of Aboriginal peoples are believed

to have m igrated from Asia m any thousands of

years ago. They were well established here long

before explorers from Europe first cam e to North

Am erica. Diverse, vibrant First Nations cultures were rooted in religious beliefs about their relationship to the Creator, the natural environm ent, and each other.


Aboriginal and treaty rights are in the Canadian Constitution. Territorial rights were first guaranteed through the Royal Proclam ation of 1763 by King George III, and established the basis for negotiating treaties with the newcom ers — treaties that were not always fully respected.


From the 1800s until the 1980s, the federal governm ent placed m any Aboriginal c hildren in residential schools to educate and assimilate them into m ainstream Canadian culture. The schools were poorly funded and inflicted hardship on the students; som e were physi cally abused. Aboriginal languages and cultural practi ces were m ostly prohibited. In 2008, Ottawa form ally apologized to the form er students.


In today’s Canada, Aboriginal peoples enjoy renewed pride and confidence, and have m ade significant achievem ents in agriculture, the environm ent, business, and the arts.


Today, the term Aboriginal peoples refers to three distinct groups:


Indian refers to all Aboriginal people who are not Inuit or Métis. In the 1970s, the term First Nations began to be used. Today, about half of First Nations people live on reserve land in about 600 comm unities while the other half live off-reserve, m ainly in urban centres.


From left to right:

Inuit children in Iqaluit, Nunavut Haida artist Bill Reid c arves a totem pole




(Canadian Club of Halifax, 1937) (,1937年加拿大哈利法克斯社区)

The 15th Governor Gener al is shown her e in Blood (Kainai Fir st N ation) headdr ess

第15届加拿大总督(Kainai第一民族血统)头饰The Inuit, which m eans ―the people‖ in the Inukti tut language, live in sm all, scattered comm unities across the Arctic. Their knowledge of the land, sea, and wildlife enabled them to adapt to one of the harshest environm ents on earth.


The Métis are a distinct people of m ixed Aboriginal and European ancestry, the m ajority of whom live in the Prairie provinces. They com e from both French- and English-speaking backgrounds and speak their own dialect, Mi chif.


About 65% of the Aboriginal people are Fi rst Nations, while 30% are Métis, and 4% Inuit. 约65%的原住民是印第安人,30%是梅蒂斯人,4%是因纽特人。

From left to right: St Patrick’s Day Par ade, Montr eal, Quebec从左至右依次为:圣帕特里克节游行,蒙特利尔,魁北克Highland danc er at Glengarry Highland Games, Maxville, Ontario高陆舞者在格伦加里高地运动会,马克斯维尔,安大略省

Celebr ating Fête Nationale, Gatineau, Quebec祭祀庆祝国立,加蒂诺,魁北克Acadian fiddler, Village of Grande-Anse, New Brunswick阿卡迪亚小提琴手,格朗当斯村,新不伦瑞克

English and French英语和法语

Canadian society today stem s largely from the English-speaking and French-speaking Christian civilizations that were brought here from Europe by settlers. English and French define the reality of day-to-day life for m ost people and are the country’s official languages. The federal governm ent is required by law to provide services throughout Canada in English and French.


Today, there are 18 m illion Anglophones — people who speak English as a first language —and 7 m illion Francophones — people who speak French as their first language. While the m ajority of Francophones live in the province of Quebec, one m illion Francophones live in Ontario, New Brunswick, and Manitoba, with a sm aller presence in other provinces. New Brunswi ck is the only offi cially bilingual province.


The Acadians are the descendants后代of French colonists who began settling in what are now the Maritim e provinces in 1604. Between 1755 and 1763, during the war between Britain and France, m ore than two-thirds of the Acadians were deported from their hom eland. Despite this ordeal, known as the ―Great Upheaval,‖ the Acad ians survived and m aintained their unique identi ty. Today, Acadian culture is flourishing and is a lively part of French-speaking Canada.


Quebecers are the people of Quebec, the vast m ajority French-speaking. Most are descendants of 8,500 French settlers from the 1600s and 1700s and m aintain a unique identi ty, cul ture, and language. The House of Comm ons recognized in 2006 that Québécois form a nation within a united Canada. One m illion Anglo-Quebecers have a heritage of 250 years and form a vibrant part of the Quebec fabric.


The basic way of life in English-speaking areas was established by hundreds of thousands of English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish settlers, soldiers and m igrants from the 1600s to the 20th century. Generations of pioneers and builders of British origins, as well as other groups, invested and endured hardship in laying the foundations of our country. This helps explain why Anglophones (English speakers) are generally referred to as English Canadians.


Top: Celebration of Cultur es, Edmonton, Alberta


Bottom fr om left to right: Ismaili Muslims in the Calgary Stampede, Alberta


Caribbean cultur al festival,Toronto, Ontario加勒比文化节,多伦多,安大略省

Ukrainian Pysanka Festival, Vegr eville, Alberta乌克兰Pysanka节,Vegr eville,艾伯塔省

Young Polish danc ers in Oliver, British Columbia年轻的波兰舞者在奥利弗,不列颠哥伦比亚省Diversity in Canada加拿大的多样性

Pipes and drums in Ottawa风笛与鼓在渥太华The m ajority of Canadians were born in this country and this has been true since the 1800s. However, Canada is often referred to as a land of immigrants because, over the past 200 years, m illions of newcom ers have helped to build and defend our way of life.


Today, m any ethnic and religious groups live and work in peace as proud Canadians. The largest groups are the English, French, Scottish, Irish, Germ an, Italian, Chinese, Aboriginal, Ukrainian, Dutch, South Asian, and Scandinavian. Since the 1970s, m ost immigrants have com e from Asian countries.


Non-offi cial languages are widely spoken in Canadian hom es. Chinese languages are the second m ost-spoken at hom e, after English, in two of Canada’s biggest cities. In Vancouver, 13% of the population speaks Chinese languages at hom e; in Toronto, the num ber is 7%.


The great m ajority of Canadians identify as Christians. The largest

religious affiliation is Rom an Catholic, followed by various Protestant

churches. The num bers of Muslim s, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, and m em bers of

other religions, as well as atheists, are also growing. In Canada the state

has traditionally partnered wi th faith comm unities to prom ote social

welfare, harm ony and m utual respect; to provide schools and health care;

to resettle refugees; and to uphold religious freedom and freedom of

conscience. Together, these diverse groups, sharing a comm on Canadian

identity, m ake up today’s m ulticultural society.


From left to right: Christmas in Gatineau从左至右依次为:圣诞节在加蒂诺

Chinese-Canadian war veter ans加拿大华裔退伍军人

Notre-Dame-des-Victoir es, Quebec City圣母大教堂,魁北克市

Chinese N ew Year c elebr ation, Vanc ouver中国农历新年的庆祝活动,温哥华Left: Olympian Marjorie Turner-Bailey of N ova Sc otia is a desc endant of blac k Loyalists, esc aped slaves

and fr eed men and women of African origin who in the 1780s fled to

Canada fr om Americ a, wher e slavery r emained legal until 1865.




Canada’s History加拿大历史

Indian enc ampment, 印第安人的营地,

fur tr ade er a皮毛贸易时代

Aboriginal peoples原住民

When Europeans explored Canada they found all regions occupied by native peoples they called Indians, because the first explorers thought they had reached the East Indies. The native people lived off the land, som e by hunting and gathering, others by raising crops. The Huron-Wendat of the Great Lakes region, like the Cree and Dene of the Northwest, were hunter-gatherers. The Iroquois were hunters and farm ers. The Sioux were nom adic游牧民族, following the bison (buffalo) herd. The Inuit lived off Arctic wildlife. West Coast natives preserved fish by drying and sm oking. Warfare was comm on am ong Aboriginal groups as they com peted for land, resources, and prestige.

当欧洲人探索加拿大时,他们发现所有地区都被他们称为印第安人的原住民占领,因为第一个探险家认为他们已经达到了东印度。原住民以土地为生,一些人靠狩猎和采集,另一些通过种植农作物。大湖区的休伦- Wendat族,像在西北的Cree族和Dene族一样,是猎人和采集人。Iroquoi族是猎人和农民。Sioux族是游牧民族,追随着野牛群。因纽特人以北极野生动物为生。西海岸土著熏制鱼干。战争在土著群体间是常见的,因为他们争夺土地,资源,和威望。

The arrival of European traders, m issionaries, soldiers, and colonists changed the native way of life forever. Large num bers of Aboriginals died of European diseases to which they lacked imm unity. However, Aboriginals and Europeans form ed strong econom ic and m ilitary bonds in the first 200 years of coexistence which laid the foundations of Canada.


The first europeans第一批欧洲人

The Vikings from Iceland who colonized Greenland 1,000 years ago also reached Labrador and the island of Newfoundland. The rem ains of their settlem ent, l’Anse aux Meadows, are a World Heritage site.

殖民格陵兰1000多年前来自冰岛的北欧海盗也到达了拉布拉多和纽芬兰岛。他们定居的遗迹,l’Anse aux 草地,是一个世界遗产。

European exploration began in earnest in 1497 with the expedition of John Cabot, who was the first to draw a m ap of Canada’s east coast.

欧洲认真地探险东海岸开始于1497年的John Cabot远征队,他是第一个绘制加拿大东岸地图的人。

John Cabot, an Italian imm igr ant to England, was the

first to map Canada’s Atlantic shor e,



setting foot on N ewfoundland or Cape Breton Island in

1497 and claiming the


New Founde Land for England. E nglish settlement did not begin until 1610


Jac ques Cartier was the卡蒂埃是

first Eur opean to explor e第一个从欧洲来探索

the St. Lawrenc e River圣劳伦斯河

and to set eyes on并见到

pr esent-day Quebec City现在的魁北克市

and Montr eal和蒙特利尔

Exploring a river, naming Canada探索一条河,命名加拿大

Between 1534 and 1542, Jacques Cartier m ade three voyages across the Atlanti c, claim ing the land for King Francis I of France. Cartier heard two captured guides speak the Iroquoian word kanata, m eaning ―village.‖ By the 1550s, the nam e of Canada began appearing on m aps.

1534年和1542年之间,Jacques Cartier进行了三次跨越大西洋的航行,声称这个大陆归属法国国王弗朗西斯一世。Cartier听到两名被俘的导游讲了一个Iroquoian语的词“卡娜塔”,意为“村庄。”到1550年,“加拿大”这个名字开始出现在地图上。

Royal New France皇家新法兰西

In 1604, the first European settlem ent north of Florida was established by French explorers Pierre de Monts and Sam uel de Cham plain, first on St. Croix Island (in present-day Maine), then at Port-Royal, in Acadia (present-day Nova Scotia). In 1608 Cham plain built a fortress at what is now Quebec City. The colonists struggled against a harsh clim ate. Cham plain allied the colony with the Algonquin, Montagnais, and Huron, historic enem ies of the Iroquois, a confederation of five (later six) First Nations who battled with the French settlem ents for a century. The French and the Iroquois m ade peace in 1701.

1604年,法国探险家Pierre de Monts和Sam uel de Cham plain将北佛罗里达建立成第一个欧洲人移居地,首先在圣克罗伊岛(在今天的缅因州),然后在阿卡迪亚(今新斯科舍省)的皇家港口。1608年尚普兰建立了一个要塞,就是现在的魁北克城。殖民开拓者与恶劣气候抗争。Cham plain尚普兰与Algonquin阿尔冈昆, Montagnais蒙登雅,和Huron休伦湖联合成殖民地,对敌历史上著名的组成五邦联(后来是六个)的原住民Iroquois易洛魁人。Iroquois易洛魁人与法国移居者斗争了一个世纪。法国人与Iroquois易洛魁人在1701年取得了和平。

The French and Aboriginal people collaborated in the vast fur-trade econom y, driven by the dem and for beaver pelts in Europe. Outstanding leaders like Jean Talon, Bishop Laval, and Count Frontenac built a French Em pire in North Am erica that reached from Hudson Bay to the Gulf of Mexico.

受到欧洲对海狸毛皮的需求,法国人和土著人在巨大的毛皮贸易经济中展开合作。杰出的领袖像Jean Talon 塔隆,主教Laval拉瓦尔,和伯爵 Frontenac夫隆特纳克,在北美建立了一个从哈得逊湾到墨西哥海湾的法兰西帝国。

(From Left to Right)

Count Fr ontenac refused to surrender Quebec to the English in 1690, saying: ―My only r eply will be from the mouths of m y c annons!‖ 1690年,伯爵夫隆特纳克拒绝魁北克向英国投降,他说:―我只会从我的大炮嘴里回答‖

Pierr e Le Moyne, Sieur d’Iberville, was a gr eat her o of N ew Fr anc e, winning many victories over the English, fr om James Bay in the north to N evis in the Caribbean, in the late 17th and early 18th c enturies,皮埃尔莱莫因,是新法兰西的伟大英雄,他赢得了许多对英国的胜利。从加勒比海的James湾北部到尼维斯,在17世纪末18世纪初。

Sir Guy Carleton (Lord Dorchester), as Gover nor of Quebec, defended the rights of the Canadiens, defeated an Americ an military invasion of Quebec in 1775, and supervised the Loyalist m igr ation to N ova Sc otia and Quebec in 1782-83盖伊查尔顿爵士(多切斯特贵族),作为魁北克总督,捍卫了加拿大人的权利,在1775年击败了军事入侵魁北克的美国人,并监督保皇党在1782年至1783年迁移到新斯科舍省和魁北克省。

Struggle for a continent争夺一个大陆

In 1670, King Charles II of Englan d granted the Hudson’s Bay Com pany ex clusive trading rights over the watershed draining into Hudson Bay. For the next 100 years the Com pany com peted with Montreal-based traders. The skilled and courageous m en who travelled by canoe were called voyageurs and coureurs des bois, and form ed strong alliances with First Nations.

在1670年,英国国王查尔斯二世授予哈德逊湾公司整个哈德逊湾流域贸易专营权。在接下来的100年中,这个公司与蒙特利尔的贸易商竞争。被称为voyageurs和coureurs des bois的娴熟和勇敢的人乘独木舟旅行,与原住民形成强大的联盟。

English colonies along the Atlantic seaboard, dating from the early 1600s, eventually becam e richer and m ore populous than New France. In the 1700s France and Great Britain battled for control of North Am erica. In 1759, the British defeated the French in the Battle of the Plains of Abraham at Quebec City —m arking the end of France’s em pire in Am erica. The com m anders of both arm ies, Brigadier Jam es Wolfe and the Marquis de Montcalm, were killed leading their troops in battle.

从1600s初英国的殖民者,沿着大西洋海岸,最终比新法兰西更富有,且拥有更多的人口。在1700s法国和大不列颠为赢得对北美的控制权展开争夺。1759年,英国人在魁北克城的亚伯拉罕平原战役中打败了法国人-标志着法兰西帝国在美洲的结束。双方军队的指挥官,旅长Jam es Wolfe和侯爵de Montcalm,在领导部队的战斗中被打死。

The province of Quebec在魁北克省

Following the war, Great Britain renam ed the colony the ―Province of Quebec.‖ The

French-speaking Catholic people, known as habitants or Canadiens, strove to preserve their way of life in the English-speaking, Protestant-ruled British Em pire.


A tradition of accommodation传统的和解

To better govern the French Rom an Catholic m ajority, the British Parliam ent passed the Quebec Act of 1774. One of the constitutional foundations of Canada, the Quebec A ct accom m odated the principles of British institutions to the reality of the province. It allowed religious freedom for Catholics and perm itted them to hold public office, a practi ce not then allowed in Britain. It established English crim inal law and French civil law.


United empire loyalists联合帝国保皇党

In 1776, the thirteen British colonies to the south of Quebec declared independence and form ed the United States. North Am erica was again divided by war. More than 40,000 people loyal to the Crown, called ―Loyalists,‖ fled the oppression of the Am erican Revolution to settle in Nova Scotia and Quebec. Joseph Brant led thousands of Loyalist Mohawk Indians into Canada. The Loyalists cam e from Dutch, Germ an, British, Scandinavian, Aboriginal and other origins and from Presbyterian, Anglican, Baptist, Methodist, Jewish, Quaker, and Catholic religious backgrounds. About 3,000 black Loyalists, freedm en and slaves, cam e north seeking a better life. In turn, in 1792, som e black Nova Scotians, who were given poor land, m oved on to establish Freetown, Sierra Leone (West Afri ca), a new British colony for freed slaves.

1776年,十三个英国殖民地在魁北克南部宣布独立,并组成美国。北美再次被战争分裂。超过40,000效忠于王权的被称为―保皇党‖的人,逃离美国独立战争的压迫定居在新斯科舍省和魁北克省。Joseph Brant约瑟夫布兰特率领成千的莫霍克印第安保皇党进入加拿大。这些保皇党来自荷兰,德国,英国,斯堪的纳维亚,土著居民和其他来源,并有长老会,圣公会,浸信会,卫理会,犹太教,教友会,和天主教的宗教背景。约3,000名黑人保皇党,自由民和奴隶,来北方寻求更好的生活。接着,在1792年,一些拥有很少土地的新斯科舍黑人,从Sierra Leone塞拉利昂(西非)搬迁并建立了Freetown,一个属于自由了的奴隶的新英国殖民地。

The first elected Assembly of Lower Canada, in Quebec City, debates第一次选举集会的下加拿大,魁北克市,辩论whether to use both Fr ench and E nglish, January 21, 1793是否同时使用法语和英语,1793年1月21日

The Beginnings of Democracy民主的开端

Dem ocratic institutions developed gradually. The first representative assem bly was elected in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1758. Prince Edward Island followed in 1773, New Brunswick in 1785. The Constitutional A ct of 1791 divided the Province of Quebec into Upper Canada (later Ontario), whi ch was m ainly Loyalist, Protestant, and English-speaking, and Lower Canada (later Quebec), heavily Catholic and French-speaking.

民主体制逐步发展。1758年,第一次代表大会在哈利法克斯,新斯科舍省进行了选举。爱德华王子岛是在1773年,之后,新不伦瑞克省是在1785年。1791年宪法法案把魁北克省分为上加拿大(后来的安大略省),它主要是保皇派,新教徒和讲英语的人,和下加拿大(后来的魁北克),大部分是天主教和讲法语的人。The Act also granted to the Canadas, for the first tim e, legislative assem blies elected by the people. The nam e Canada also becam e offi cial at this tim e and has been used ever since. The Atlanti c colonies and the two Canadas were known collectively as British North Am erica.


From left to right:

Lieutenant Colonel John Gr aves Sim c oe中校约翰格雷夫斯锡姆科

was Upper Canada’s fir st Lieutenant Governor是上加拿大的第一副州长

and founder of the City of Yor k (now Toronto). 和约克(今多伦多)城市的创始人。

Sim coe also made Upper Canada the fir st 锡姆科也让上加拿大成为

provinc e in the British E m pir e to abolish slavery废除奴隶制的大英帝国第一个省

Mary Ann (Shadd) Carey was an outspoken 玛丽安(Shadd)凯里是一个直言不讳的

activist in the movement to abolish slavery在废除奴隶制运动中的活动家

in the USA. In 1853 she bec ame the first woman在美国。1853年她成为加拿大第一位女性

publisher in Canada, helping to found and edit出版商,帮助创办和编辑

The Pr ovincial Freeman, a weekly newspaper dedic ated省自由人周报,专门用于

to anti-slavery, blac k immigr ation to Canada, 反奴隶制,并帮助黑人移民到加拿大,

temper ance (urging people to drink less alc ohol), 节制(劝酒,少喝酒),

and upholding British rule并坚持英国统治Abolition of slavery废除奴隶制

Slavery has existed all over the world, from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East to the Am ericas. The first m ovem ent to abolish the transatlanti c slave trade em erged in the British Parliam ent in the late 1700s. In 1793, Upper Canada, led by Lieutenant Governor John Graves Sim coe, a Loyalist m ilitary officer, becam e the first province in the Em pire to m ove toward abolition. In 1807, the British Parliam ent prohibited the buying and selling of slaves, and in 1833 abolished slavery throughout the Em pire. Thousands of slaves escaped from the United States, followed ―the North Star,‖ and settle d in Canada via the Underground Railroad, a Christian anti-slavery network.

奴隶制存在于世界各地,从亚洲,非洲,中东到美洲。第一个废除跨大西洋奴隶贸易的运动出现于1700s晚期的英国议会。1793年,上加拿大,由一个保皇党军官,副州长John Graves Sim coe约翰格雷夫斯锡姆科领导成为全帝国走向废除奴隶制的第一个省。1807年,英国国会禁止购买和销售的奴隶,而在1833年在帝国各地废除奴隶制。成千上万的奴隶跟随着―北极星‖逃离美国,并通过地下铁路(基督教反奴隶制联盟)定居在加拿大。

A growing economy经济增长

The first com panies in Canada were form ed during the French and British regim es and

com peted for the fur trade. The Hudson’s Bay Com pany, with French, British, and Aboriginal em ployees, cam e to dom inate the trade in the northwest from Fort Garry (Winnipeg) and Fort Edm onton to Fort Langley (near Vancouver) and Fort Vi ctoria —trading posts that later becam e ci ties.


The first financial institutions opened in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The Montreal Stock Ex change opened in 1832. For centuries Canada’s econom y was based m ainly on farm ing and on exporting natural resources such as fur, fish, and tim ber, transported by roads, lakes, rivers and canals.


From left to right: HMS Shannon, a Royal N avy frigate, leads the c aptured USS Chesapeake

从左至右:HMS Shannon,皇家海军护卫舰,领航捕获的美国军舰Chesapeake号into Halifax harbour, 1813. There wer e also naval battles on the Gr eat Lakes在哈利法克斯港,还有在大湖的海战,1813年。

Major Gener al Sir Isaac Br oc k and Chief Tecumseh. Together, British tr oops, First Nations,

少将Isaac Br oc k 爵士和酋长Tec umseh。英国军队同原住民在一起,and Canadian volunteer s defeated an Amer ic an invasion in 1812-14在1812年至1814年和加拿大志愿者击败美国入侵

The War of 1812 1812年的战争

After the defeat of Napoleon’s fleet in the Battle of Trafalgar (1805), the Royal Na vy ruled the waves. But Am ericans resented British interference with their shipping. The USA believed that it would be easy to conquer Canada and launched an invasion in June 1812. Canadian
