



The Relationship of the Securities Market to the Develop

of the Financial Market

Abstract:The securities market is one part of the financial market, and the develop of the securities market has an important role to the develop of the financial market. Along with the country securities market develop, the internal problems gradually revealed in the securities market, including the securities market risk that the financial market have a more higher risk and need to be care. To promote the develop of the securities market develop in China has an important role to the develop of the financial market. Then, in this study I made the relationship between securities market and financial market as the object, combined the theory of learning, to analysis the relationship of them, and focuses on analyzing problems existing in the development of securities market to analysis the restrictions that to the financial market development in China. Firstly, introduce the relationship of the securities and financial market and to analysis the deep relationship between them. Secondly, analysis the threat and the reasons in the development of the securities market to the financial market. Thirdly, according to the factors before to make the countermeasures to promote the develop of the securities market and the financial market.

Keywords:S ecurities Market;Financial Market;Relationship


1 绪论 (1)

1.1研究背景及意义 (1)

1.2研究思路及方法 (1)

2 理论概述 (3)

2.1证券市场与金融市场的概念 (3)

2.2我国证券市场发展的必然性 (3)

3 证券市场与金融市场发展的关系 (6)

3.1证券市场与利率市场化 (6)

3.2证券市场与金融资本 (8)

4 我国证券市场发展中对金融市场发展不利的因素分析 (10)

3.1当前我国证券市场发展存在的问题 (10)

3.2导致我国证券市场发展缺陷的根本原因分析 (13)

4降低证券市场风险促进金融市场发展的建议 (19)

4.1适度实施混业监管,降低金融市场风险 (19)

4.2健全我国金融市场法律法规体系 (20)

4.3提升金融监管组织综合能力 (21)

4.4提升金融监管效果 (23)

结论 (25)

致谢 (26)

参考文献 (27)







