differences in soil bacterial diversity driven by contemporary disturbances or historical contigenci

differences in soil bacterial diversity driven by contemporary disturbances or historical contigenci
differences in soil bacterial diversity driven by contemporary disturbances or historical contigenci


Differences in soil bacterial diversity:driven by contemporary disturbances or historical contingencies?

Yuan Ge 1,2,Ji-zheng He 1,Yong-guan Zhu 1,Jia-bao Zhang 3,Zhihong Xu 4,Li-mei Zhang 1and Yuan-ming Zheng 1


State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology,Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,China;2Graduate University,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,China;3State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture,Institute of Soil Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing,China and 4Centre for Forestry and Horticultural Research,School of Biomolecular and Physical Sciences,Griffith University,Nathan,Queensland,Australia

Contemporary environmental disturbances and historical contingencies are considered to be major factors driving current differences in microbial diversity.However,little was known about their relative importance.This study combines culture-independent molecular techniques and advanced statistical analyses to examine quantitatively the relative importance of contemporary disturbances and historical contingencies in influencing large-scale soil bacterial diversity using a large set of manipulated field-based molecular data (212samples).Contemporary disturbances were repre-sented by applications of different fertilizers N,P,K and organic manure (OM)and historical contingencies by distinct geographic sampling locations and soil profiles.Multivariate regression tree (MRT)analysis showed that diversity estimates were mainly distinguished by sampling locations,which explained 40.8%of the variation in bacterial diversity,followed by soil profiles (19.5%),sampling time (13.1%),OM (3.7%)and P (1.8%).Aggregated boosted tree (ABT)analysis showed that the relative importance of different categorical factors on soil bacterial diversity variation was ranked as sampling locations,soil profiles,sampling time,OM and P.Both MRT and ABT analyses showed that historical contingencies were the dominant factor driving variation in bacterial diversity across a regional scale (about 1000km),whereas some contemporary disturbances also caused variation in bacterial diversity at a local scale.This study demonstrated that past events and contemporary disturbances had similar influence on soil bacterial diversity to that documented for macroorganisms,indicating that there might be some common aspects of biogeography to all organisms.

The ISME Journal (2008)2,254–264;doi:10.1038/ismej.2008.2;published online 31January 2008Subject Category:microbial population and community ecology

Keywords:biogeography;contemporary disturbance;denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis

(DGGE);historical contingencies;multivariate analysis;soil bacterial diversity


For centuries,biologists have studied patterns of plant and animal diversity at different spatial scales.However similar studies were impossible for micro-organisms for a long time because of the limitation of techniques that the spatial variation of soil microbial diversity has long been considered as ‘noise’in microbiological studies (Ettema and Wardle,2002;Finlay,2002),although the composition

and diversity of microbial communities are thought to have a direct influence on a wide range of ecosystem processes (Naeem and Li,1997;Bell et al .,2005b;Madsen,2005;Balvanera et al .,2006).Culture-independent molecular techniques now make it possible to explore microbial diversity more deeply and widely than ever before.As a result,a large body of studies has revealed the vast diversity of microorganisms missed by past culture-dependent studies (Torsvik et al .,1990;Gans et al .,2005)and distinguished a wide range of biotic and abiotic factors influencing microbial diversity and community such as vegetation (McArthur et al .,1988;He et al .,2005,2006),trophic status (Lefranc et al .,2005),spatial distance (Cho and Tiedje,2000),salinity (Crump et al .,2004;Lozupone and Knight,

2007),profile depth (?vrea

?s et al .,1997;Fierer et al .,Received 12October 2007;revised 11December 2007;accepted 14December 2007;published online 31January 2008

Correspondence:J-z He,Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences,18Shuangqing Road,Beijing 100085,China.E-mail:


The ISME Journal (2008)2,254–264

&2008International Society for Microbial Ecology All rights reserved 1751-7362/08$30.00


2003),soil pH(Fierer and Jackson,2006;He et al., 2007)and heavy metals(Sandaa et al.,1999;Gans et al.,2005).However,almost all of such studies just documented the variation and potential patterns of microbial diversity alone and certain ecological variation or gradient cannot be interpreted within a theory framework to explore the mechanisms that generate the patterns,as such studies failed to simultaneously consider two types of factors—contemporary environmental variations and histor-ical contingencies—that were thought to be the major factors driving the current diversity variation by the current theory of prokaryotic biogeography and diversification(Martiny et al.,2006).

The relative contribution of contemporary envir-onmental factors and the legacies of historical events on the present community composition and diversity is a long-standing theme of traditional biogeography(Willis and Whittaker,2002;Ricklefs, 2004;Rajaniemi et al.,2006;Qian et al.,2007).The simultaneous consideration of contemporary dis-turbances and historical contingencies could struc-ture a meaningful theory framework for exploring the four alternative hypotheses of the biogeography of microorganisms(Martiny et al.,2006).The first hypothesis is that microbial composition and diver-sity are randomly distributed over space.In this case,microbial composition and diversity cannot be distinguished by any of the two factors.The second hypothesis is that the differences in microbial composition and diversity merely reflect the influ-ence of contemporary environmental variation.This would imply that different contemporary environ-ments maintain distinctive microbial assemblages and that the effects of past evolutionary and ecological events can be rapidly erased because of the enormous dispersal capabilities of microorgan-isms.The third hypothesis is that the differences in microbial composition and diversity are merely due to the lingering effects of past evolutionary and ecological events(for example,distance isolation, physical barrier,dispersal history and past environ-mental heterogeneity(EH)),which can result in genetic divergence of microbial assemblages.The final hypothesis is that the differences in microbial composition and diversity,similar to those of macroorganisms,reflect the influences of both past events and contemporary environmental variations (Martiny et al.,2006).

Chinese Ecosystem Research Network(CERN)is a long-term research project established in1988by the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)to carry out comprehensive ecological monitoring and research on diverse ecosystems.We collected212soil samples that had been solely applied with chemical fertilizer N(N),P,K or in combination with organic manure(OM)for about18years from three CERN stations across the Northern and Southern China (at about1000km distance).Here,the applications of different fertilizers were considered as contempor-ary environmental disturbances,and the sampling locations and soil profiles could be seen as proxy assemblage of past evolutionary and ecological

events whose legacies had been maintained because

of the spatial dissimilarity.We explored the relative influence of contemporary environmental distur-bances and historical contingencies on soil bacterial diversity by culture-independent molecular ap-proaches and advanced statistical analyses.The objectives of this study were to test the hypotheses

that were similar to those documented for macro-organisms(Willis and Whittaker,2002;Ricklefs, 2004;Qian et al.,2007),the differences in soil bacterial diversity are driven by both contemporary disturbances and historical contingencies,and their relative importance differs depending on the differ-

ent spatial scales over which diversity is measured

and compared.

Materials and methods

Description of the experimental site and sampling

In total,212soil samples associated with different fertilization treatments,soil profiles and sampling

times(January and July2006)were collected from Fengqiu(FQ),Taoyuan(TY)and Qiyang(QY),three

CERN stations across the Northern and Southern

China(Supplementary Table S1).FQ(351000N, 1141240E),TY(281550N,1111270E)and QY (261450N,1111530E)sites are located along a latitude gradient with distinct temperature,annual rainfall

and soil types.In detail,FQ had a temperate monsoon climate,with a mean annual temperature

of13.91C and a mean annual rainfall of605mm;TY

and QY were subtropical monsoon climate,with

mean annual temperature of16.5and18.11C,and

mean annual rainfall of1437and1288mm,respec-tively.The soil of FQ,derived from alluvial sediments of the Yellow River and classified as

aquic inceptisols with a sandy loam texture,was distinctly different from the soils of TY and QY.Both

of the soils of TY and QY were derived from Quaternary red earth but developed with different

soil types of paddy soil and red soil(agri-udic ferrosols with silty clay texture)due to different agricultural practices.

These sampling stations with distinct character-istics,as well as soil profiles,may thus be seen as

proxy assemblage of past evolutionary and ecologi-

cal events such as spatial isolation,physical barrier, dispersal history and past EH.Despite the distinct characteristics between different experimental sta-

tions,the climate and soil characteristics of different experimental plots were generally the same at the

same station before the experiments of fertilization

with chemical fertilizer N,P,K or in combination

with OM in a randomized block design for about18 years,making the fertilization treatments(generally

three or four replicates in each treatment)an appropriate variable to represent the contemporary environmental disturbances.Therefore,the


Driving factors of bacterial diversity change

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ination of the responses of soil microbial diversity to the different fertilization treatments among the sampling locations and profile depths offers an appropriate opportunity to explore the relative importance of contemporary disturbances and his-torical contingencies on soil bacterial diversity.Furthermore,to examine whether seasonal variation was an important factor for bacterial diversity variation,an additional set of soil samples was collected 6months after the initial collection.

Soil samples were collected by taking 10soil cores (approximately 5cm in diameter)from each plot and mixing them to form one composite sample for each replicate.Each sample was placed in a sterile plastic bag,sealed and transported to the laboratory on ice.All samples were passed through a 2.0mm sieve and stored at à801C.

Soil DNA extraction,PCR and DGGE analyses

Soil DNA was extracted using the UltraClean Soil DNA Isolation Kits (Mo Bio Laboratories,Solana Beach,CA,USA)according to the manufacturer’s instruction.The 16S rRNA gene was PCR amplified using the extracted DNA as template and uni-versal bacterial primers 954f (GCACAAGCGGT GGAGCATGTGG)with a GC clamp and 1369r (GCCCGGGAACGTATTCACCG)(Yu and Morrison,2004).Amplicons (about 200ng)were analyzed by DGGE using 6%(w/v)acrylamide/bisacrylamide (37.5:1,mass:mass)gels containing a 35%–60%linear gradient of formamide and urea (100%denaturing solution contained 40%(v/v)formamide and 7M urea).The electrophoresis was run for 6h at 120V and a constant temperature of 601C,using a DCode Universal Mutation Detection System (Bio-Rad Laboratories,Hercules,CA,USA).The gels were stained with SYBR Gold Nucleic Acid Gel Stain (1:10000;Invitrogen-Molecular Probes,Eugene,OR,USA)for 30min,scanned by the Gel Documentation System (Syngene,Frederick,MD,USA)and analyzed using the software Quantity One (Bio-Rad Laboratories).

Operational taxonomic unit definition and diversity indices calculation

The genotypic diversity of each of the soil bacterial communities was determined by DGGE profile data.DGGE can be considered as a high-throughput method at the cost of relatively low taxonomic resolution.However,the estimate of the relative variation trend of the soil bacterial diversity remains valid if the examined richness proportionally changes among the samples.Each detected band was defined as an operational taxonomic unit (OTU),and the number of bands was defined as the genotypic richness of each sample (Bell et al .,2005a;Reche et al .,2005).The pixel intensity for each band was detected by Quantity One software and was expressed as the relative abundance (p i )

(Reche et al .,2005).Shannon index (H’)and Simpson index (D ),the most widely used diversity indices,were calculated using the richness and relative abundance data based on the following equation:

H 0

X p i ln ep i T;e1TD ?


ep i T2;


where p i ?n i /N ,n i is the abundance of the i th OTU

and N the total abundance of all OTUs in the sample.Richness,Shannon index and Simpson index were selected to reflect the bacterial diversity properties (Supplementary Table S1).Multivariate regression tree analysis

It was not possible to sample all potential catego-rical variable combinations because many combina-tions did not exist in the field experiment.As a result our sampling design was not factorial.Despite the potential for confounding interactions between incomplete factor levels,the single and combined responses of bacterial diversity estimates to catego-rical factors still can be explored by multivariate regression tree (MRT)analysis,as MRT analysis is well suited for complex ecological datasets with missing treatment combinations,missing values and high-order interactions (De’ath,2002).In fact,we compared the results of MRT using whole data and a partial set of data with extracted symmetrical variable combinations and achieved similar results except that unsymmetrical variable was pruned in the latter (compare Figure 1and Supplementary Figure S1).In this study,therefore,we focused on describing the results of MRT using whole datasets.For an MRT analysis,dissimilarity among the response variables is defined as the total sum of squares of the response variable values (for example,richness,Shannon index and Simpson index),and the least sum of squares criterion is used to repeatedly split data into two groups based on one of the classification variables (for example,sampling locations,soil profiles,sampling times and different fertilization treatments).That is to say,each split tends to minimize the dissimilarity within the two resulting groups and maximize the dissimilarity between the two resulting groups based on a single environmental classification by comparing all the potential splits in the data.

Each split in an MRT was represented graphically as a branch in a tree.Each branch in the tree was labeled with the levels of the classification variable that were placed in that branch (for example,TY and QY versus FQ,Figure 1).The multivariate means of response variables (for example,richness,Shannon index and Simpson index)are shown as bar plot (Figure 1).The number of samples included in that branch is shown under the bar plot.Diversity indices were standardized to the same mean


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performing MRT analysis.A 10cross-validation process was used to decrease the structure complex-ity of MRT to highlight the main relationship between biological data and environmental vari-ables while the predictive ability was only margin-ally worse than that of the whole tree,as the cross-validated relative error decreased to a plateau in that split.Cross-validated relative error varies from zero for a perfect tree to close to one for a poor tree (De’ath,2002).MRT analysis was carried out by using the package ‘mvpart’within the ‘R’statistical programming environment.Aggregated boosted tree analysis

Aggregated boosted tree (ABT)analysis is a statis-tical learning method that aims to attain both accurate prediction and explanation.A major strongpoint of ABT analysis is that it can increase the accuracy of prediction relative to other methods such as boosted trees,bagged trees,random forests and generalized additive models.Furthermore,the reasons we use ABT analysis are because (1)it can deal with many types of response variables (nu-meric,categorical and censored)and environmental variables (numeric,categorical)(De’ath,2007),which is well suited for our data;(2)it can quantitatively and visually evaluate the relative influence of environmental variables on the soil bacterial diversity variation (Figure 2)and (3)interactions between predictors (environmental variables)can also be quantified and visualized (Figure 3).The optimizing of the ABT model is

necessary to attain accurate prediction and explana-tion during ABT analysis.A major estimate of how close model predictions are to their true values on average is the predictive error (PE)of a statistical model (De’ath,2007).A statistical model with lower PE value means a higher accuracy of prediction.For an ABT analysis,comparison of PE of trees based on different interaction levels can determine the level of interaction influence between the environmental variables.The single response of each diversity estimate (for example,richness,Shannon index and Simpson index)to environmental variables and the relative influence of different factors on the soil bacterial diversity variation can be quantitatively evaluated and visualized as partial dependency plots and relative importance plot (Figure 2).ABT analysis was carried out by using the package ‘gbmplus’within the ‘R’statistical programming environment.


Multivariate regression trees

The MRT analysis explains the relationship of diversity estimates and environmental variables in a visualized tree with nine splits based on sampling locations,soil profiles,sampling times and fertili-zers P and OM (Figure 1).The tree explained 78.9%of the variance of the standardized diversity indices.In this tree,diversity estimates were first split by sampling locations.Data from TY and QY were placed into one group and data from FQ were placed

0.887 : n=27

1.09 : n=27Figure 1Multivariate regression tree of the soil bacterial diversity data associated with different sampling locations (FQ,QY and TY),fertilization treatments (sole or conjoint application of N,P ,K and OM,present (PRES)and absent (ABSE)were used

to indicate if certain fertilizer was applied),soil profile depth (horizon A (0–20cm)and B (20–40cm))and sampling times (first (FIRS)and second (SECO)).The standardized diversity estimates were used to construct MRT.Bar plots show the multivariate means of diversity estimates at each branch,and the numbers of samples included in that splits are shown under bar plots.FQ,Fengqiu;MRT,multivariate regression tree;OM,organic manure;QY,Qiyang;TY,Taoyuan.

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into a separate group.This split produced two groups of data,each more homogenous than the original group.This single split in the data

accounted for 29.1%of the variation in the original dataset.Each of the two groups was split further by soil profile depth,which explained 17.6%and 1.9%

Figure 2Relative importance and partial dependency plots of extracted predictors for richness (a )Shannon index (b )and Simpson index (c )by optimized ABT model considering the main effect and two-way interaction effect and using predictors of sampling location,soil profile,sampling time,OM and P .N and K were not included in the optimized ABT model because their effects on the diversity estimates were negligible as determined by a series of pre-ABT analysis.ABT,aggregated boosted tree;FQ,Fengqiu;OM,organic manure;QY,Qiyang;TY,Taoyuan.

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of the variation,respectively.The diversity esti-mates of 0–20cm soils from QY and TY were then split by sampling location again into two groups of TY and QY.This split accounted for 11.7%of the variation in the data.The following left group was split by sampling time accounting for 11.7%of the variation and the right group was split one by one according to OM,P and sampling time,which explained 3.7%,1.8%and 1.4%of the variation,respectively.To summarize,diversity estimates were mainly distinguished by sampling location with a total explanation of 40.8%of the variation,followed by soil profile (19.5%),sampling time (13.1%),OM (3.7%)and P (1.8%).The contributions of N and K to the variation were less than 1.4%and were not used in structuring the MRT.

Bar plots at the nine nodes of MRT effectively illustrated the overall distributions of diversity estimates throughout the tree.Furthermore,the single regression tree was also useful to describe the distribution of single diversity estimate through-out different groups (Supplementary Figure S2).Overall,the soil bacterial diversity was higher in FQ than in QY and TY,higher in surface soil than in subsurface soil and under some constrained condi-tions,soil bacterial diversity was higher in first sampling than in second sampling (for example,TY surface soils)and higher in soils fertilized with OM and P than in soils without OM and P application (for example,QY surface soil).When we compared paired samples for the same sampling location,sampling time and fertilization treatment but differ-ent soil profiles,a strong correlation between soil bacterial diversity and the sampling depth was observed (Figure 4).

Because MRT is a form of constrained clustering,it is possible to explore whether there are still other unrecorded important environmental factors re-sponsible for the unexplained diversity variation by comparing the MRT solution to unconstrained clustering solution.The unconstrained cluster ana-lysis accounts for substantially more of the diversity variation than the MRT analysis (Figure 5).

Aggregated boosted trees

It is necessary to optimize the ABT model by determining the levels of interaction influences and which environmental variable should be used in analysis before using ABT analysis to achieve the final results.The optimizing of the ABT model of richness,Shannon index and Simpson index per-formed the same process.Hence,we considered Shannon index as an example to show the process of optimizing the ABT model.

To determine the levels of interaction influences of environmental variables on Shannon diversity estimates,seven ABTs were fitted by considering the interaction effect from one way to seven way and using all seven predictors.The PE of the ABT model considering just main effect abruptly reduced from a main effect of 2.51%to a PE of 1.40%of the ABT model,considering both main effect and two-way interaction effect and then leveled off,which indicates that it is enough to just consider main effects and two-way interaction effects of seven environmental variables on the diversity estimates.Similarly,to determine whether all seven predictors should be used to evaluate their effects on Shannon index,seven further ABTs were fitted by considering the main effect and two-way interaction effect and dropping out one predictor for every ABT.The PE of ABT dropping out sampling location,soil profile,sampling time,OM and P increased,whereas the PE of ABT dropping out N and K decreased.This result suggests that,differing from sampling location,soil profile,sampling time,OM and P,the effects of N and K on Shannon index were negligible.

As a result,the optimized ABT model,just considering the main effect and two-way interaction effect and using predictors of sampling location,soil profile,sampling time,OM and P ,was used to explore (1)the relative importance of different environmental variables in influencing the soil bacterial diversity,(2)the responses of diversity estimates to different environmental variables and (3)the 10possible two-way interaction effects.The relative importance of environmental variables on

y f (~L o c a t i o n *O M )


QY TY -0.2-


f (~L o c a t i o n *P )


QY TY -0.2-

Figure 3Partial dependency plots of the Shannon index show the interaction effects of sampling location with OM and P .For the QY soil,applications of OM and P showed a distinct positive effect on the Shannon index comparing to no OM and P application;but for the FQ and TY soils,applications of OM and

P showed no substantial effects on the Shannon index.FQ,Fengqiu;OM,organic manure;QY,Qiyang;TY,Taoyuan.

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three diversity estimates shows generally the same trend,with a strong effect for sampling location,moderate effects for soil profile and sampling time,and weak effects for the applications of OM and P

(Figure 2).The partial dependency plots of the single predictor showed a predominant increase in soil bacterial diversity in FQ,moderate increase in diversity in surface soil and the first sampling soil,and relative weak increase in the diversity in the soils with OM and P applications (Figure 2).The response of the Simpson index to environmental variables (Figure 2c)was opposite to the response of the Shannon index (Figure 2b)and richness (Figure 2a)to environmental variables.The results of ABT were consistent with the results of MRT.The relative importance,partial influence and interactions for the five extracted predictors were used to identify that of the 10possible two-way interactions were important.The results showed that,although two-way interaction effects generally showed as plus effect and determined by higher important predictors,still some pair interactions showed contrasting pattern.For example,the appli-cations of OM and P had a strong effect on soil bacterial diversity at QY,but little effect at FQ and TY (Figure 3).


Differences in bacterial diversity

The MRT and optimized ABT showed that the soil bacterial diversity was substantially higher in FQ than in QY and TY,which indicated the existence of horizontal spatial variation of the bacterial




R i c h n e s s

Fertilization treatments





R i c h n e s s

Fertilization treatments



S h a n n o n i n d e x

Fertilization treatments 2.8


S h a n n o n i n d e x

Fertilization treatments 2.8


S h a n n o n i n d e x

Fertilization treatments






R i c h n e s s

Fertilization treatments

Figure 4Comparison of soil bacterial genotypic richness and the Shannon index of subset of paired samples with same sampling

location,sampling time and fertilization treatment but different soil profiles.Soil bacterial diversity estimates were higher in the surface soil than in the subsurface soil.















Tree size

V a r i a t i o n e x p l a i n e d b y t r e e

Figure 5Comparison of the variance of soil bacterial diversity explained by MRT analysis (constrained clustering)and cluster analysis (unconstrained clustering)across the classification size.The unconstrained cluster analysis accounts for substantially more of the diversity variation than the MRT analysis,which indicates that some unrecorded factors are responsible for the difference in explaining the diversity variation.MRT,multivariate regression


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However,because the number of our sampling locations to evaluate the spatial variation of bacter-ial diversity is very limited,we could not definitely conclude that the bacterial diversity distribution is along a horizontal spatial gradient(for example,a latitude or climate gradient represented by the three sampling locations).Although there was a study showing that soil microbial diversity decreased with increasing latitude,and correlated positively with measures of atmospheric temperature and pH (Staddon et al.,1998),other studies argued that bacterial diversity was unrelated to site temperature and latitude,but differed by ecosystem type,and these differences could largely be explained by soil pH(Fierer and Jackson,2006).In our study,the soil pH in FQ was also distinctly higher than that in QY and TY(data not shown).Therefore,although there are some superficial contradictions among the studies as mentioned above,a common factor of soil pH could still be used to explain the results. Moreover,although a definite horizontal spatial gradient was not found in our study,at least the observation that the microbial diversity is substan-tially different between locations is true but not the ‘noise’among the three locations that can be easily considered as the presentation of historical changes and events.

In our study,another substantial variation was also observed that the soil bacterial diversity was higher in surface soil than in subsurface soil,which indicated the vertical spatial variation of soil bacterial diversity.Similarly,other research reported that the surface bacterial communities had diversity index(reciprocal of Simpson index)values that were2–3orders of magnitude greater than those for the subsurface communities in low-carbon soils (Zhou et al.,2002).The same trend of bacterial diversity was also observed in meromictic lake ecosystem(?vrea?s et al.,1997).All of these studies, including our work,indicate that the distribution of bacterial diversity exists with a vertical spatial pattern that bacterial diversity decreases from the surface to the subsurface soil.

The soil bacterial diversity also showed seasonal variation,but the responses to seasonal variation (sampling time)were different in different sampling locations.For example,two sets of surface soil samples collected in January and July2006in TY showed that samples collected in January had an estimated bacterial richness30%–86%higher than the corresponding samples with the same fertiliza-tion treatments collected in July(Supplementary Table S1).However,the two sets of surface soil samples from QY showed no definite variation trend between the paired samples.Considering the agri-cultural practice that the TY soil was water saturated with paddy rice in July but relatively dry in January,it is not surprising that the soil bacterial diversity in TY distinctly decreased in July because of unfavorable anaerobic environment for bacteria. Despite the distinct variation trend in TY or the unsystematic variation in QY,the seasonal variation

of soil bacterial diversity seems under the control of sample location.

The applications of different fertilizers were a

group of the least influencing factors among all the

factors considered in this study.In some constrained situations,the application of OM and P also showed

distinct influences on soil bacterial diversity.For example,the application of OM and P can distinctly increase the soil bacterial diversity in surface soil

in QY(Figures1and3).Here,comparing with

the historical evolution factors,the applications of different fertilizers were thought to be an appro-

priate proxy of contemporary environmental dis-turbances.A large body of other studies has also showed that microbial diversity can be affected by different environmental disturbances,including

heavy metal(Gans et al.,2005),organic pollutant (Stephen et al.,1999)and herbicide(el Fantroussi

et al.,1999).

As the DGGE fingerprinting method underesti-

mates the true bacterial richness(Muyzer et al., 1993),we cannot estimate the absolute bacterial diversity changes across the environmental vari-ables.However,the estimate of the relative variation

trend of the soil bacterial diversity remains valid if

the examined richness proportionally changes

among the samples,which is expected especially

when the samples are taken from a common habitat

(Bell et al.,2005a).Similarly,although sampling

effort affects richness estimates,alterations to the sampling effort are not expected to significantly

alter the relative estimates so long as they remain constant among the samples.

Historical contingencies and contemporary


This study is the first quantitative examination of

the relative importance of contemporary distur-bances and historical contingencies in influencing

large-scale soil bacterial diversity using a large set of manipulated field-based data by the combination of

culture-independent molecular techniques and ad-vanced statistical analyses.A large body of previous studies have shown that microbial assemblages can

be affected by different environmental disturbances

(el Fantroussi et al.,1999;Stephen et al.,1999;Gans

et al.,2005).However,almost all of this kind of work

has been site-specific,limiting our understanding of

the factors that structure soil bacterial communities

across regions.At the same time,more and more evidence supports the idea that free-living micro-organisms vary in abundance,distribution and diversity,across various taxonomic and spatial

scales(McArthur et al.,1988;Cho and Tiedje, 2000;Crump et al.,2004;Fierer and Jackson, 2006).Taxa–area relationships have been repeatedly reported in microbial communities,in both contig-

uous and island habitats(Green et al.,2004;Horner-Devine et al.,2004;Bell et al.,2005a),


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provided further evidence for microbial biogeogra-phy.However,most of such studies just exclude the hypothesis that microbial assemblages are spatially random.They still did not answer the question that how much of the spatial variation in microbial distributions and assemblages is due to the con-temporary environmental variations or historical contingencies.In fact,if studies are not directed and driven within a theory framework,the field of microbial biogeography will probably become merely phenomenological description,instead of exploring the mechanisms that generate the patterns (Martiny et al .,2006;Prosser et al .,2007).Some recent studies intensively explored the relative importance of historical (spatial)factors and con-temporary environmental (local)factors to microbial assemblages in aquatic environment (Yannarell and Triplett,2005;Langenheder and Ragnarsson,2007;Vyverman et al .,2007),whereas similar research in soil environment was scarce.A recent study exam-ined the responses of Burkholderia ambifaria intra-specific diversity to spatial distance and EH in a patch soil ecosystem and showed that whole-genome similarities may reflect the simultaneous effects of both spatial distance and EH in microbial populations,whereas the pure effects of each factor only contributed to o 2%of the total genetic variation (Ramette and Tiedje,2007).This study was still performed in a small spatial scale.There-fore,it is necessary to explore the relative influence of contemporary disturbances and historical con-tingencies on the soil bacterial diversity variation in a large spatial scale (for example,regional scale),which we have done in this study.

Both MRT and ABT analyses showed that soil bacterial diversity can be distinguished by most pre-defined categorical factors and that the relative importance of different categorical factors on soil microbial diversity variation was ranked as sam-pling location,soil profile,sampling time,OM and P .N and K seemed to have no substantial effect on the differences in the soil bacterial diversity.The significance of our results is that the absolutely stronger driving factor of historical contingencies on soil bacterial diversity variation was determined.MRT analysis indicates that 60.3%of the variation in soil bacterial diversity can be attributed to the historical contingencies and 5.5%can be explained by environmental disturbances (OM and P applica-tion).Whereas,other studies investigating the influence of environmental and historical para-meters on bacterial assemblages using multivariate methods and molecular fingerprinting methods just achieved low fractions of explanation and were hard to definitely distinguish a more important factor (Langenheder and Ragnarsson,2007;Ramette and Tiedje,2007),although we do recognize that it may be more difficult to distinguish the effect of historical or spatial factor over relatively small spatial scale.Furthermore,different from the previous studies exploring the influence of environmental and historical factors on bacterial assemblages,the seasonal variation of soil bacterial diversity was considered and examined in this study,which make our examinations to soil bacterial diversity more comprehensive but not just snapshots.The strong effects of distinct geographic location and soil profile on soil bacterial diversity indicate a strong biogeographic provincialism,in which differ-ences in bacterial composition and diversity are due to past evolutionary events (for example,spatial isolation,physical barrier,dispersal history and past EH)rather than present attributes of the environ-ment.In fact,both horizontal distinct location and vertical soil profile did not directly affect soil microbial diversity per se .Location and depth are just related to the possibility that past divergence and diversification of microbial assemblages,whether due to neutral genetic drift or adaptation to the past environments,are inherited by the genetic isolation because of spatial separation (Borcard and Legendre,1994).

Our results also showed that some,not all,of the fertilization treatments caused soil bacterial diver-sity variation at a small spatial scale (for example,the application of OM and P can distinctly increase the soil bacterial diversity in surface soil in QY).This result indicates that contemporary environ-mental disturbances can also influence soil bacterial diversity under the control of the overall pattern of provincialism caused by historical contingencies.That is to say,although present environmental disturbances cannot rapidly and completely erase the effects of past evolutionary and ecological events,they also labeled their effects on soil bacterial composition and diversity in a local spatial scale because of the enormous dispersal capabilities of the microorganisms.

The major novel result of this study is that we observed distinct scale-dependence of the effect of historical contingencies and contemporary environ-mental disturbances on soil bacterial diversity in a sole well-conducted experiment,which is very similar to those documented in macroorganisms (Willis and Whittaker,2002;Ricklefs,2004;Qian et al .,2007).Martiny et al .(2006)also suggested that the relative influence of historical and environ-mental factors seems to be related to the scale of sampling,but their conclusion arrived from the comparison with several studies over different spatial scale.For example,in intercontinental-scale (tens of thousands of kilometers)studies,microbial assemblages could be significantly distinguished by distance but did not correlate with many environ-mental factors measured (Papke et al .,2003;Whitaker et al .,2003;Vyverman et al .,2007).In small-scale (a few kilometers)studies,some just found the significant environmental effects (Kuske et al .,2002;Horner-Devine et al .,2004)and some found both the environmental and spatial effects (Langenheder and Ragnarsson,2007;Ramette and Tiedje,2007).At intermediate scales (10–3000


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The ISME Journal

some studies found a significant distance effect (Green et al.,2004;Reche et al.,2005;Yannarell and Triplett,2005),and environmental conditions also seemed to influence the composition at this spatial scale(Rohwer et al.,2002;Green et al., 2004;Hewson and Fuhrman,2004;Yannarell and Triplett,2005).

Although MRT explained most of the diversity variation,still21.1%of the diversity variation cannot be explained by MRT in this study.The comparison of the MRT solution to unconstrained clustering solution showed that the unconstrained cluster analysis accounts for substantially more of the diversity variation than MRT analysis.This indicates that unobserved factors,additional to the explanatory variables of the tree analysis,are responsible for the difference in explaining the diversity variation.These unrecorded factors may be unmeasured environmental and spatial variabil-ity,sampling effects and neutral ecological drift (Ramette and Tiedje,2007).In fact,the existence of unexplained variation may more fit into the actual situation,because it is impossible to record all of the possible factors.However,it is still a substantial observation that the effect of historical contingen-cies on microbial diversity was stronger than that of contemporary disturbances,as MRT analysis totally explained78.9%of the diversity variation and historical contingencies(both sampling location and soil profile)can be used to explain60.3%of the diversity variation.

This study combined molecular techniques and advanced statistical analyses to examine the relative importance of contemporary disturbances and his-torical contingencies on the soil bacterial diversity variation based on a large set of manipulated field-based data at a regional spatial scale.To our knowledge,no previous study has performed such work.Our results clearly show that historical contingencies could be the dominant factor to drive the bacterial diversity variation across a regional spatial scale(about1000km),whereas some of the contemporary disturbances also caused soil bacter-ial diversity variation at a local spatial scale,which exclusively demonstrated the hypothesis that the influence patterns of contemporary disturbances and historical contingencies on soil bacterial diver-sity are fundamentally similar to the patterns observed for plants and animals.This observation indicates that there are some aspects of biogeogra-phy that might be common to all life,which would extend our understanding of the biogeography of organisms.


This work was partially supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(2005CB121105),the Natural Science Foundation of China(40571082,50621804)and the Chinese Academy of Sciences(KZCX2-YW-408).The assistance of staff at the Fengqiu,Taoyuan and Qiyang experimental stations in soil sampling are sincerely appreciated.


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Supplementary Information accompanies the paper on The ISME Journal website


Driving factors of bacterial diversity change

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The ISME Journal


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仿写句子大全 时间:2015-08-03 分类:好词好句来源:书通网 1、祖国是大海,我就是大海中的一滴水;祖国是蓝天,我就是蓝天上的一朵云;祖国是森林,我就是森林里的一棵树;祖国是高山,我就是高山上的一块石头。 2、真诚是简单的,只有虚伪者才会觉得难以接受。人生哲理是简单的,只有平庸者才会觉得难以悟透。 3、月是黑夜的眼,帆是大海的眼,露是花朵的眼。泉是沙漠的眼,火是寒夜的眼,草是春天的眼。 4、语文是滋味甘醇的美酒,让人回味无穷。语文是色彩缤纷的花园,让人流连忘返。语文是意境深远的油画,让人惊叹不已。语文是旋律优美的音乐,让人听之动容。 5、友谊是什么?友谊是联系情感的纽带,是相互沟通的桥梁,是化解矛盾的良药,是团结奋进的火炬。 6、友谊如珍珠,我们共同穿缀,联成一串串璀璨的项链;友谊如彩绸,我们共同剪裁,缝制一件件绚丽的衣衫;友谊如花种,我们共同播撒,培育出一个个美丽的花坛。 7、友情,是人生一笔受益匪浅的储蓄。这储蓄,是患难之中的倾囊相助,是错误路上的逆耳忠言,是跌倒时的一把真诚搀扶,是痛苦时抹去泪水的一缕春风。读书,是人生一笔获利丰富的储蓄。这储蓄,是发现未知的钥匙,是追求真理的阶梯,是超越前贤的基础,是参与竞争的实力。 8、相识是一种闪光的美丽,相处是一种温馨的快乐,相知是一种永恒的珍贵。 9、我愿是一朵欢乐的浪花,为大海营造一点生机;我愿是一片青翠的树叶,为春天点缀一丝新绿。 10、我要感谢生活,感谢它赐给我体验自然的欢愉,感谢它赐给我亲情友情的温暖,感谢它赐给我成长岁月的磨难 11、我向往一种生活状态,叫做——安详,安详就像夕阳下散步的老人,任云卷云舒;我也憧憬另一种生活


安全生产演讲稿 安全生产演讲稿 第一篇: 安全生产演讲稿 “百日安全无事故”——安全与梦想齐飞 我想先和大家提一个我们从小到大都会谈论的话题。-“梦想”。我想问大家梦想对我们而言意味着什么?是一辆跑车?一座豪宅?还是花不完的钱,还是至高的荣誉?有人说年轻就是无限,有梦想就有动力。年轻的我们都不曾忘记那份豪情壮志。我们努力奋斗,为的就是实现心中的梦想。 可是,你们有没有想过,在我们怀抱着梦想努力工作的时候,也许在某一天,我们会因为自己的一次麻痹失误,一次不起眼的违章作业而让自己的梦想变成幻想呢? 在我们的工作生活中,我们最基本的需求就是安全,“安全第一,预防为主”这是我们应牢记在心的,企业是时时讲、周周学、月月喊。作为萍钢这样的大型钢铁企业,为了确保安全,工厂里所有的设备都专门编制了操作规程,针对特殊工种还特配了相关岗位说明书。除此之外,公司还在明显的位置张贴、悬挂各种类型的安全标语和安全标致,为的就是要提高我们对安全的意识。生产部还定期组织对公司进行安全隐患排查,及时发现并消除隐患,这些都是为了保证我们能够在一个确保安全的情况下生产。 在公司,老员工的安全意识向来都比较强烈,因为他们都见证了安全意识淡薄、不遵守规章制度所造成的后果。发生事故的往往都是

些年轻的新进人员,每一位员工进厂的时候都要经过公司的四级安全教育。可是有部份同志对于这样的教育全当成耳边风,对相关操作规程不学不问,对公司的安全制度和进出车间的注意事项漠不关心。总以为事故永远不会发生在自己身上,但就是这一刻的疏忽就有可能造成长久的悲痛。所以作为萍钢这个大家庭中的一份子,除了要掌握安全工作规程、技术操作规程、企业纪律章程这几件法宝,还要多有几颗心: 一、专心。学一行,专一行,爱一行。“既来之,则战之;既战之,胜之则”,不能“身在曹营心在汉”,工作的时候就应该专心工作,不要想工作以外的事情。 二、细心。不管是长年在干的,还是第一次接触的工作都来不得半点马虎,粗枝大意实在是安全生产的天敌。从小父母每到考试前都会再三叮嘱“要拿双百分,不要粗心大意”。 三、虚心。“谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后”, 人的生命只有一次,失去了生命,所有的梦想都成为幻影,海尔经验告诉我们,不容易就是,把容易的事情一千次,一万次地做好。安全工作时刻从零开始,未雨绸缪胜过亡羊补牢,年轻的朋友们,当我们怀抱梦想的时候,当我们满怀豪情要实现自己的理想时候,必须要时刻牢记,安全就是第一,梦想与安全并进! “百日安全无事故”这是对于我们每一个萍钢职工的一种激励,激励着萍钢公司在未来的安全生产中一路平安,基业长青。 第二篇: 石油安全生产演讲稿 安全生产是效益,是幸福


放飞梦想演讲稿三篇-梦想演讲稿 无论是你,是他,还是我,当我们走进这个纷繁的世界时,心中都藏着一个美好的梦想。为了这个梦想,我们立下坚定的信念,我们有着不屈的意志和不懈的努力。以下是给大家整理的放飞梦想演讲稿三篇,喜欢的过来一起分享吧。 放飞梦想演讲稿一 我们,撇下无知迎来了属于我们的青春。青春,让我们肆无忌惮,畅然释怀,体味风那样的自由,感受云那般的自在,因为青春赋予我们的是生命的巅峰,我们无须成熟,我们不再无知,我们唯有执着。 人生是对梦想的追求,梦想是人生的指示灯,失去了这灯的作用,就会失去生活的勇气。因此,只有坚持远大的人生梦想,才不会在生活的海洋中迷失方向。托尔斯泰将人生的梦想分成一辈子的梦想,一个阶段的梦想,一年的梦想,一个月的梦想,甚至一天、一小时、一分钟的梦想。当你听到那里,同学们,你是否想到了自己的梦想? 人生的花季是生命的春天,它美丽,却短暂。作为一名大学生就就应在这一时期,努力学习,奋发向上,找到一片属于自己的天空。青年是祖国的期望,民族的未来。每个人主宰着自己的明天。 有一位哲人说过:“梦里走了许多路,醒来还是在床上。”它形象地告诉我们一个道理:人不能躺在梦幻式的梦想中生活。是的,人不仅仅要有梦想,还要大胆幻想,但更要努力去做,在梦想中躺着等

待新的开始,如果不仅仅遥遥无期,甚至连已经拥有的也会失去。同学们,你们是否也正在梦幻的梦想中彷徨呢? 前人说得好,“有志之人立长志,无志之人常立志”,那些无志之人的“志”,就是美梦,就是所谓的“梦想”,他们把自己的蓝图构画得再完美,再完善,也只是空中楼阁,海市蜃楼罢了。同学们,你是立长志之人,还是常立志之人呢? 最后我想用梁启超的话来结束这天的演讲:“少年智则国智,少年富则国富,少年强则国强,少年进步则国进步,少年雄于地球,则国雄于地球。”让我们洒一路汗水,饮一路风尘,嚼一跟艰辛,让青春在红旗下继续燃烧;愿每一位青年都怀抱着自己的梦想,在人生的航程上不断乘风破浪,奋勇前进! 放飞梦想演讲稿二尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家上午好! 这天我演讲的题目是《放飞梦想》。 每年的春天,万物复苏,人们都会走出家门放风筝。望着这满天的风筝,我们可曾想过:是不是我们的梦想也能够像这风筝一样放飞呢 给大家讲一个故事:一个平凡的乡村邮差,每一天都会在来回的路上拾一些石子,人们问他为什么做这样无聊的事,他说,他要建一座自己的城堡。他一天一天坚持不懈,日复一日,年复一年,当乡里的人们早已忘了这事时,一座美丽的城堡已经建成了,这就是邮差的城堡,他梦想的城堡。这就是梦想的力量。如果心中有了一个梦想而


七年级上语文仿写句子及词语运用练习题 仿写句子应注意:1、内容要协调一致,前后呼应2、句式要统一3、修辞要相同4、字数要相等或大致相等 1、根据语境,仿照画线句子,续写句子,构成语意连贯的一段话。 阅读天地,聆听万籁,大自然一年四季都给人殷切的期盼。春,以她的盎然生机、秀丽妩媚动人心弦;;秋,以她的天高云淡、成熟丰满引人喜悦;。 2、请以“幸福”开头写两句话组成排比。 幸福是“临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归”的牵挂;;幸福是“常记溪亭日暮,沉醉不知归路”的回忆。 3、以“爱心”为话题仿写句子。 爱心,是冬日里的阳光,能融化心中的坚冰;爱心是夏天里的清泉,能滋润干涸的心田;爱心是;爱心是 。 4、填句,组成前后连贯的排比句。 要记住:,,不是每一粒种子都能长成参天大树,不是每个生命都能焕发光彩。 5、例:母爱是一缕阳光,让你的心灵即使在寒冷的冬天也能感到温暖如春。 父爱是。 6、仿照画横线语句的样式,在后面写一个与前面意思连贯的分句。(字数可以不相同) 给自己一个笑脸,让自己拥有一份坦然;给自己一个退路,让自己拥有一份希望; 。 7、根据提供的句子,仿照示例,写两个句子。 当那片云停在头顶的时候,人们一起抬头仰望。示例:一个饥饿的人说:“像一块面包。”一个疲惫的旅人说:“像一张舒适的沙发床。” 仿写: 8、如果你是一棵小草,就请增添一份绿意;如果你是一朵鲜花,;如果你是一颗星星,。 9、爱雨的人是不想躲开的。让那清凉的雨丝,洗去你心灵上的尘;让那安闲的雨丝,抹去你思维上的俗;让那多情的雨丝,;让那无声的雨丝, . 10、仿照画横线语句的样式,在后面写一个与前边意思连贯的分句。(字数可不相同)(3分) 感谢伤害你的人,因为他磨炼了你的心境;感谢遗弃你的人,因为他教会了你独立。 感谢,因为他。 11、根据下面这句话的句式特点,仿写两句话,组成一个排比句。(4分) 也许,在绚丽的天空前,你会觉得自已很平庸,你会懊恼;________,_______________________,________________________, ;________, ,________________________, 。然而你却不知道,你可以有白云的飘逸,有浪花的轻快,有小草的翠绿。


如何仿写句子 仿写句子是近年来中考语文的一大热点,由于此类试题涉及面广,能考察学生多方面的能力,还能培养学生的创新能力,因此近年来成为出题频率特高的一种题型,题型一般为填空题和选择题。但学生做这类试题时,往往会出现审题不清,角度把握不准,内容和形式偏离等问题。有的学生甚至出现答非所问的现象。 中考仿写类试题考点: 此类试题着重考察的是学生三方面的能力:一是遣词造句的能力:二是汉语语法修辞运用能力;三是较强的联想能力。做此类试题还必须遵循两个原则:一是内容上的创造性,内容上不能再重复原来的内容,要尽量开拓新的境界;一是形式上的束缚性,即一定要符合题目原来的内容,不能另起炉灶。当然,此类试题还符合现在对于中学生语法考试的要求,重实际运用,不考理论水平。 应对技法: 首先要求学生具备一定的审题能力,先要读懂例句中所蕴含的隐含信息,了解句中所包含的语法知识、修辞知识、以及内容上的特定要求,然后才能根据例句的特点加以仿写。这是做此类试题的关键一步。然后才能根据例句的要求加以仿写。总之,做这类试题可以用下面的语言来概括:形式在仿,关键在想。具体方法可以从以下几个方面入手: 1、从形似的角度联想。 o是一面镜子,让你认识自己; ○是一只漂流圈,让弱者随波逐流; 仿句: o是,。 分析: o与镜子,漂流圈形状相似,因此答者要从 o的形状相似的物体展开联想就行:太阳,月亮、车轮??再从句子形式看,“让你认识自己”,“让弱者随波逐流”是根据镜子、漂流圈了功用来写的;最后从语法修辞的角度看,例句用的是比喻的手法。 参考答案: o是一面战鼓,催强者奋勇前进; o是一只车轮,使勇士滚滚上前。 2、从神似的角度联想。 例句:如果你是鱼儿,那快乐就是一汪清清凉凉的水;如果是小草,那快乐就是一束暖暖香香的阳光。 仿句:,。 分析:首先,理解例句的含义,是写快乐的。而且内容上存在一致性。每种事物都有属于自己的快乐。那么写花儿、鸟儿、狗儿等都可以。从语法上考虑:首先要用“如果??,那??”的句式来写;还要注意修饰语:数量词+叠词(形容词)+宾语。 参考答案:如果你是花儿,那快乐就是一滴甘甘甜甜的朝露。 3、从相反的角度联想。 题目:老师,让我如何感谢你呢?我原想收获一缕春风,您却给了我整个春天;我原想捧起一朵浪花,;我原想撷取一枚红叶,。 分析:做这道题:首先要注意一个中心句:老师,让我如何感谢你呢?一定要表达对老师真挚的感谢之情,指出老师对自己的帮助有出人意料的大。另外,从例句看,应该从想反的角度来答题。而且内容上,前一分句的事物“春风”与后一分句的“春天”又存在着被包容与包容关系。从修 辞的角度看,应用比喻、对比的手法来写。句式特点来看,应用转折关系的复句来回答。 参考答案:您却给了我整个海洋;您却给了我整个枫林。 4、从相关的角度联想。 例句:友谊,是酷暑里的浓阴,为你挡住似火的骄阳。 仿句:友谊,,。


【实用】安全生产演讲稿范文锦集十篇安全生产演讲稿篇1 尊敬的各位评委、同事们,大家好: 我是XXXX公司的员工王娟,今天我演讲的题目是“安全生产是效益,是幸福”。清晨,当第一缕阳光升起时,我们开始为生活而繁忙,劳动者挥舞臂膀,播洒汗水;傍晚,当夕阳西下,百鸟归巢,忙碌了一天的人们个个携老扶幼,漫步公园,欢声笑语,连绵不绝。好一副“兴旺发达创效益,和美天伦出幸福”的美好画卷。此时此刻,我心中不由激起了对安全生产的无限思索,企业蒸蒸日上的发展,滚滚而来的效益,家庭和谐美满的幸福,何不是平日安全生产盛开的喜悦花朵。 国家的安全是国泰,民众的安全是民安,有了安全生产,我们的企业才能象三春的桃李红红火火,有了安全生产,我们才会有幸福就象花儿一样的放歌,有了安全生产,我们的国家才能在建设有中国特色的社会主义道路上稳步前进。安全生产工作要从经济发展和社会稳定的大局出发,充分认识安全生产的重要性,切实加强安全生产工作。 然而,尽管有领导的高度重视,尽管有安全法律法规的约束,我们的一些企业仍是片面强度经济增长,效益优先,不重视安全生产,不懂安全,不讲安全,不要安全,我们的一些员工也是一味地追求高产,高效,高奖金,对安全生产工作,是说起来重要,干起来次要,忙起来可以不要,蛮打蛮干,违章操作。然而,就在这违章操作的背后,却是一幕幕惨绝人寰的场面,一份份撕心裂肺的悲痛,一笔笔巨额的经济损失。还记得,20xx年重庆开县特别重大硫化氢中毒事故,20xx多人中毒住院,243人死亡,直接损失8000万元;20xx 年大连石化特别重大爆炸事故,直接经济损失2.2亿元;20xx年动车事故,41人死亡,200多人受伤,直接损失1.9亿元;一件件安全事故,一份份血的教训,给我们的国家和企业造成的巨大的经济损失,给我们欢乐祥和的家庭带来了巨大的悲痛。 20xx年3月28日,山西省王家岭煤矿发生重大透水事故,近一百五十多名煤矿工人被困井下,而这起透水事故的起因就是相关领导好大喜功,只贪图一时的经济利益,不注意安全生产的要求,导致惨剧发生。此时此刻,试问,我们企


为梦想插上腾飞的翅膀 如果你在生活中受到了创伤,请记住,在那片伤口的地方,长出的,是洁白的梦的翅膀。 有一只蝴蝶,曾经她有一双美丽的翅膀。在一次玩耍中,不幸被树枝刮断了一片,她重重地摔在了地上,他挣扎着,呻吟着,心中充满了绝望,她觉得自己再也不能展翅飞翔。可是当她看到风雨中蜘蛛网摇摇欲坠的时候,蜘蛛仍在不停地努力地补网。她震撼了,于是,她深信:折翼仍可轻舞。她开始了一次次的尝试,又经历了一次次的失败。终于,在一个阳光明媚的早晨,她又一次振翅飞翔,重返蓝天。 蝴蝶因为有了方向,所以她不懈努力;我们因为有了梦想,所以我们变得坚强。 梦是什么?梦是在我们的汗水和泪水的浇灌下萌发的一粒种子。的确,我们的付出,我们的汗水,泪水甚至我们的鲜血,都是为了那个纯真的梦想。 从古至今,梦想鞭策了多少仁人志士。有不顾严寒,步行百里的宋濂;有真诚待人,知识渊博的孔子;有为中华之崛起而读书的周恩来;有无私奉献,视死如归的革命战士……他们这些人因为心系天下,怀揣梦想,才在人生道路上,不畏困难,不惧挑战,一步一个脚印,走向自己的康庄大道,来让自己的梦想得以实现。 颜回在陋巷中废寝忘食,他在努力让自己的梦想不再遥不可

及。现在的我们,总以为在这个陈旧的校园里,找不到出路,不知道未来在哪里。孰不知,那个最接近天堂的地方,竟是自己心中的那条“陋巷”。每个人都希望实现人生的辉煌,每年我们都会看到高考的学子们在高考考场上演着曲折离奇的剧目。有人成功,完美的谢幕;有人却因功底不足而被重重的摔在舞台上。成功者之所以能成功,是因为他们曾在那段最艰难的岁月里,绽放出了最纯粹的记忆;在那个最疲惫的身躯下,依旧掩藏着最完美的自己。他们追随着属于自己的启明星,一路奔跑,留下了一串串足迹。最终,成为了天空中那颗最闪耀的星。 时间在一点一滴的流逝,我们在追梦的旅途上怎能够迷茫?虽然,我们在会很累,泪水可能打湿我们的脸庞,但我们应明白:若非热泪盈眶,何必年少轻狂?现在的我们,正是为梦想而发疯的时候,时间已不允许我们等待,我们要做的,就是找准目标,奋力前行。在我们的旅途中,不能没有方向,更不能没有终点。因为那样的行程,便可以称为浪费生命,虚度年华。我们决不允许这样的事发生在我们身上,为此,我们要在内心中找到那个最完美的自己,确立一个最满意的理想并为此而奋斗,一点点离开最初的模样。 青春是自由挥洒的天空,在这样的天空中,我们将为梦想插上腾飞的翅膀,让人生之路充满挑战,让自己一生无悔。


羽(は)ばたいたら ha ba ta i ta ra 【如果振翅高飞的话】 (戻)もどらないといって mo do re na i to i~ te 【我说过不会再回来的】 (目指)めざしたのは me za shi ta no wa 【目标是】 (苍)あおい (苍)あおいあのそら(空) a o i a o i a no so ra 【那蔚蓝的蔚蓝的天空】 (悲か)なしみはまだ(覚)おぼえられず ka na shi mi wa ma da o bo e ra re zu 【还没能记住那份悲伤】 (切)せつなさは(今)いまつかみ(始)はじめた se tsu na sa wa i ma tsu ka mi ha ji me ta 【就开始了解到了苦闷】 あなたへと抱(だ)くこの感情(かんじょう)も a na ta he to da ku ko no kan jou u mo 【怀着对你的这份感情】 今(いま)言叶(ことば)に変(か)わっていく i ma ko to ba ni ka wa~ te i ku 【现在化作千言万语】 未知(みち)なる世界(せかい)の游迷(ゆめ)から目覚(めざ)めてmi chi na ru se ka i no yu me ka ra me za me te 【从未知世界的梦中醒来】 この羽根(はね)を広(ひろ)げ飞(と)び立(た)つ ko no ha ne o hi ro ge to bi da zu 【展开翅膀飞向天空】 羽(は)ばたいたら ha ba ta i ta ra 【如果振翅高飞的话】

戻(もど)らないといって mo do ra na i to i~ te 【我说过不会再回来的】 目指(めざ)したのは me za shi ta no wa 【目标是】 白(しろ)い白いあの云(くも) shi ro i shi ro i a no ku mo 【那雪白的雪白的云】 突(つ)き抜(ぬ)けたら tsu ki nu ke ta ra 【如果能够穿越的话】 见(み)つかると知(し)って mi zu ka ru to shi~ te 【我知道能够找到】 振(ふ)り切(き)るほど fu ri ki ru ho do 【如果能够竭力摆脱】 苍(あお)い苍いあの空(そら) a o i aoi a no so ra 【那蔚蓝的蔚蓝的天空】 苍(あお)い苍いあの空(そら) a o i aoi a no so ra 【那蔚蓝的蔚蓝的天空】 苍(あお)い苍いあの空(そら) a o i aoi a no so ra 【那蔚蓝的蔚蓝的天空】 爱想(あいそう)尽(つ)きたような音(おと)でa i so u ~ tsu ki ta yo u na o to de 【用好像爱的回忆那渐尽的声音】


仿句集萃 1、生命像火焰,火在舞蹈,那扭动、变形的舞姿是火的生命张力的表达。 生命像_________,_____________,___________________________________. 2.大自然能给我们许多启示:滴水可以穿石,是在告诉我们做事应持之以恒;大地能载万物,是在告诉我们求学要广读博览; 3.成功要用理想去引路,要用创造去开拓,要用汗水去浇灌。 要用,要用,要用 4、人们都爱秋天,爱她的天高气爽,爱她的云淡日丽,爱她的香飘四野。 人们都爱,爱她的,爱她的,爱她的 5、如果我是阳光,我将照亮所有的黑暗。如果我是清风,我将。 如果我是春雨,我将。如果,我将。6、我不是挺立在高山峻岭中的巨松,而是辽阔草原上的一棵小草——为壮丽的河山添一笔绿意。我 不是,而是—— 为。 7、贪婪是灵魂的蛀虫,侵蚀了多少善良的本性。,。 8、太阳无语,却放射出光辉;高山无语,却体现出巍峨;大地无语,却展示出广博。 ,;,。 9、春姑娘迈着轻盈的步履款款而行。她携着神奇的小花篮,把五彩的鲜花撒向山坡,撒向田野; 她,,。 10、思念使诗圣叹故乡月明,思念使女词人瘦过黄花,思念使摩诘先生每逢佳节走入“遍插茱萸少一 人”的心境,思念使爱国诗人铁马冰河入梦……思念使, 思念使。 11、仿照下列句式,写一段话。 风从水上走过,留下粼粼波纹;骆驼人沙漠上走过,留下深深的脚印;哨鸽从天空飞过,留下串串欢韵;岁月从树林穿过,留下圈圈年轮。啊,朋友,我们从时代的舞台走过,将给社会留下些什么? 12.我梦想,驰骋于塞外辽阔的大漠,在夕阳的金黄中,感受“长河落日圆”的雄浑; 我梦想,置身于江南秀丽的小镇,在绵绵的细雨中,体味“水村山郭酒旗风”的情调; ,,,。 13、信誉是你结交朋友的桥梁。信誉是你,信誉是你。 14、友谊是滋味甘醇的美酒,让人回味无穷。 家是____________ __,让人__ _ ____。 童年是__________ ____,让人_____ ___。 15、你渴望生命吗?那么别浪费时间,因为时间是组成生命的材料。 你渴望理解吗?那么请敞开你的心扉,因为这是通向理解的桥梁。 你渴望吗?那么请,因为。 16、仿照下面前后句子的写法,在中间写出一句话。 在与同学的交往中,我日渐感悟出:给别人一缕阳光,你也会感受到阳光的温暖与色彩;给别人 ,你也会;给别人一点快乐,你也会感觉到快乐的美好与充实。 17、即使我们只是一支蜡烛,也应该“蜡炬成灰泪始干”;即使我们只是一只春蚕,也应该“春蚕到 死丝方尽”;即使我们只是, ;即使我们只是,.


安全生产演讲稿优秀篇 安全生产演讲稿优秀篇 篇一《关爱生命安全为天》 当你拥有它时,好像不觉得它有什么了不起;当你失去它时,才会真 正觉得拥有它是多么地幸福。 它便是我们万分关注的一个永恒的话题――安全。 安全不需要太多的理由,生命已足以使之永恒。 我们不能因为产量而轻视安全,不能因为效益而忽视安全,更不能因 为工作面、工作条件稍好一些就藐视安全。 安全意识的淡化,薄弱是导致事故发生的首要原因,每一次事故的发 生,我们都后悔莫及,那么在事故发生之前,我们的隐患排除了吗?我们 的防范措施到位了吗?千里之堤溃于蚁穴,早防早治才能确保安全。 而抓安全,就必须时刻如履薄冰,如临深渊。 安全工作来不得半点马虎,只有提高警惕,居安思危,防患于未然, 努力做到紧绷安全弦,才能确保企业的长治久安。 我们要尊重生命, 就要敬畏规章, 遵守规章是责任, 是道义, 是权力, 更是义务。 只有遵守规章才能保安全,这是安全生产的经验昭示。

安全源于长期警惕,事故出于瞬间麻痹,思想上的松懈麻痹必然会导 致安全隐患的存在和违章现象的发生,哪怕一次偶然现象的发生,哪怕一 次偶然违章,就有可能一失足成千古恨。 没有了安全就丧失了和和美美的家庭,更没有企业的可持续发展,依 法遵章,所有的事故都可以避免,松懈麻痹,所有的事故都可能发生,遵 章二字,正是水之源,树之根,安全之本。 一花一世界, 一叶一菩提, 每一个人的生命都是天地之魂, 万物之灵, 生命因此而珍贵,我们要热爱生命,热爱生活,珍惜眼前的每一天;让我 们永远牢记安全责任, 警钟长鸣, 才会让安全之花扎根于我们的生活之中。 篇二《六月,让我们共同走进安全月》 刚刚送走激情、温馨的五月,六月的祝福已亭亭玉立在我们面前。 13 亿双期盼的眼光一起向"安全月"汇聚,在这个阳光铺满的季节里, 铿锵走来了"安全月"的脚步。 安全是什么?安全就是生命!安全意味着什么?对于一个人,安全意 味着健康;对于一个家庭,安全意味着和睦;对于一个企业,安全意味着 发展;对于一个国家,安全意味着强大。 没有安全,就没有一切。 安全是什么?安全就是一首歌,需要我们天天来弹唱;安全就是一首 诗,需要我们日日来吟诵;安全就是一盘棋,需要我们走一步看两步;安 全就是标准化,要求建设者严格规范的操作;安全就是有序的节奏,推进 科学化管理上水平;安全就是沸腾的生活,预示我们生机勃勃的明天;安 全就是一根七彩的丝带,连接一个又一个美好的愿望。


放飞梦想演讲稿10篇 【篇一】 我喜欢飞翔的感觉,像空气一样轻盈,像雄鹰一样自由。而几乎,每一个向往飞翔的人,都拥有一个生着一双美丽翅膀的梦想,因为,只有让梦想插上了翅膀,让它更高更高的飞翔,人生才会发出璀璨的光芒,才能成就不休和辉煌。 春秋季世,诸侯纷争,战火连天,太阳也失了光芒,大地上到处是悲哭和苍凉,血污的现实让好多人,或是不问世事终老山林,或是得过且过苟延残喘,而,孔子,正是在这样一个人性压抑的时代,依然将梦想放飞,他的梦想自由而骄傲——那就是推行礼制,宣扬仁政,还世界一个完美而合理的秩序。尽管遭遇了无数的磨难,权贵的排挤,暴力的围攻,路途的坎坷,但这些都没有使孔子屈服和放下,他的梦想,飞翔前方,高扬复高扬,让他心中充满期望,让他“知其不可而为之”,最终成就了一个“万世之师”的人生。清朝末年,又是一个痛苦和绝望的年代,帝国列强在中华大地上肆虐横行,天地变色,草木含悲,满目疮痍,屈辱和彷徨充斥着人心,而,孙中山,正是在中华民族这样生死存亡的关头,依然将梦想放飞,他梦想着驱除鞑虏恢复中华,他梦想着与所有拥有相同梦想的仁人志士一齐,救亡图存,振兴中华。正是在这样伟大梦想的鼓舞下,他身陷囹圄而不悔,黄花岗血洒而不退,直到听到辛亥革命那划破长夜的枪声,直到看到民族完全独立,东方睡狮发出震撼世界的长长怒吼。梦想是期望,是拂向寒冷大地的一缕春风,是穿过漫漫黑夜的一线光明,是荒蛮大原上的一点火种,是浩瀚沙漠中的一块绿州。有梦就有期望,梦想有多远,路就有多远。 相反,没有梦想的民族,不会长久;没有梦想的国家,不会强大;同样,没有梦想的人生,不可想象。 如果没有一向飞扬的梦想,摩西的子孙不会在流浪世界近千年,历尽世世苦难之后,终回到耶路撒冷的热土建立起富强的以色列;如果没有一向飞扬的梦想,一穷二白的炎黄后代,不会在伤痕累累疮痍处处的中华大地,独立自主艰苦奋斗,励精图治勇于改革,让这个古老的民族重焕生机,以大国的形象屹立在世界的东方。如果没有飞扬的梦想,毛泽东不会在他人生最艰难的关头依然坚守信仰永不言弃,成为中国人民的伟大领袖。 将梦想放飞吧,让梦想拥有一双美丽而矫健的翅膀,让它在人生的天空飞得更高,飞得更高。放飞的梦想之于人生,就像那无边无际的深夜里一盏刺破黑暗的明灯,它能引导出一个光明的世界。放飞的梦想之于人生,就像那广袤的大地上永不干涸的河流,它能慢慢向东汇聚,就会构成蔚蓝的海洋。 放飞的梦想能照亮我们前进的人生。冰雪覆盖的时候,它能帮我们创造出一团熊熊燃烧的烈火,温暖我们的疲惫身体;暗夜无边的时候,它能帮我们更好的领悟星光的好处,点化我们人生的迷茫;前途困顿的时候,它能帮我们开启尘封的心智之光,寻到到真正属于自己的人生航标。 放飞的梦想能温暖我们的生命。梦想是我们生命的温床和灵魂的栖息地。梦想不在,生命和灵魂便永远不能安寝。梦想让每一个如风一样轻的生命,增加了存在尊严和重量。梦想让我们的生命,在俗世中独焕斑斓,甚至让我们美丽的人性,得如幽兰一般升华。我们的生命所负载的心胸,因为梦想而变得宽如大海,阔如天空;我们的视野,因为梦想而“一览众山小”着眼处尽是天蓝云白水碧花红芳草青青。 将梦想放飞吧,让梦想挥动长长的翅膀,在人生美丽的天空自由而骄傲地飞翔,且得更高,更高…… 【篇二】 尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学: 大家好!我演讲的题目是《放飞梦想》。




八年级仿写句子练习题及答案 1.【原句】未经历风雨交加的夜晚,哪会体会到风和日丽的可爱! 【仿写】未经历艰难困苦的阻挡,哪会体会到功成名就的喜悦! 未经历黑暗寂寞的洗礼,哪会体会到破茧成蝶的美丽! 2.【原句】人生的岁月,是一串珍珠;漫长的生活是一组乐曲。亲爱的老师,愿你永远拥有其中最璀璨的珍珠,最精彩的乐章! 【仿写】人生的岁月,是漫天繁星;漫长的生活是一座花园。亲爱的朋友,愿你永远拥有其中最耀眼的星光,最灿烂的花朵! 3.【原句】体谅是友情中的清风一缕,微笑是交往中的礼物一份 【仿写】宽容是人生中的清泉一泓,温柔是岁月中的花香一缕。 4.【原句】母爱是一缕阳光,让你的心灵即使在寒冷的冬天也能感到温暖如春; 母爱是一泓清泉,让你的情感即使蒙上岁月的风尘依然纯洁明净。 【仿写】父爱是一棵白杨,让你的心灵即使在炎热的沙漠也能感到阵阵清凉; 父爱是一座高山,让你的情感即使经受旅途的风雪依然历久弥新。 5.【原句】诚信是人生路上的一张通行证。 【仿写】声誉是岁月途中的一位过路者。 6.【原句】绿色推开春天的门,雷雨推开夏天的门。 【仿写】金色推开秋天的门,风雪推开冬天的门。 7.【原句】你热爱生命吗?那么别浪费时间,因为时间是组成生命的材料。 【仿写】你珍爱自己的生活环境吗?【那么别砍伐森林,因为森林是构成生命的骨架。】 8.【例】如果我是阳光,我将照亮所有的黑暗。 如果我是轻风,我将【吹散所有的阴霾】。 如果我是春雨,我将【浇灌所有的土地】。


安全生产、党员争先 煤矿生产,安全为天。当单位或部门新分来学员和新工人时,都要进行有关安全政策、法令、规章制度的学习、培训。上岗工作时,安监部门、各级领导又是人人讲安全,天天进行安全戴帽说安全。可是,每次事故的发生都事出有因,究其原因何在?答案是:绝大多违章人员都是没有管好自己。由于参加工作时间长了,工作环境熟悉了,讲安全听腻了,思想上逐渐产生了麻痹大意思想,尽管安全规章天天讲,也当成了耳旁风,心里有一搭无一搭。事故发生后,震动一阵子,过后又随着时间的流逝而淡化。这种“管不住自己”的毛病,无疑是酿成事故的病症所在。 要搞好安全,真正做到安全为了生产、生产必须安全,除了严格按照各项安全操作规程规定作业外,最重要的一点就是要“自己管住自己”。各科室、区队里有科长、队长、班长、青年安全监督岗员和群监员,但都不能时时处处跟着你、看着你、附在你身上,钻进你心里。你工作走神,思想溜号,有意违章,违章操作,事故往往就在这种情况下找上门来。有位在煤矿工作多年,从未发生过任何事故的老工人说过这样一句话:“我的安全经验就是自己管自己”,这句话言简意赅,值得品味再三。在工作时如果三心二意,就有可能发生事故。根据有关部门统计资料表明:百分之九十以上的事故,都是由于思想麻痹和“三违”造成的。 俗话说得好:“世界上什么药都可以买到,就是‘后悔药’买不到”。出了事故,单位受损失不说,自己轻则受皮肉之苦,重则缺胳膊少腿,甚至连生命都没有了,你的父母、妻子、儿女还要为你承担痛苦与不幸。生活是美好的,家庭是温暖的,何必为一时之错、一念之差,付出如此沉重的代价?

作为一名党员干部,我们应当牢固树立“本质安全,珍爱生命”的理念,去营造遵章守法,治理“三违”的安全文化氛围,把安全生产的制度,变为我们自己的自觉行动。同时还要加强学习、注重提高自身的安全技术素质和安全生产能力、切实在安全生产工作中发挥出党员的先进性和模范带头作用。 党旗在飘扬,党旗在召唤。让我们在全矿蓬勃开展的“创先争优”活动中,时刻牢记这样一个道理:党员就是责任,党员就是旗帜,党员就是榜样,党员就是先锋;让我们忠诚做好人民群众的领头雁,真情当好安全发展的排头兵,为鲜红的党旗增辉添彩,为建设庇山和谐矿区、本质安全矿井、五优矿井做出积极的贡献。


放飞梦想演讲稿500字5篇 当我听了这个故事后吗,我有了非常深的感受。每个人都有自己的梦想,我的梦想就是当一名科学家,每天我都在搞科研。但是直 到有一天,我脑海了闪过一个念头,现在我还在小学阶段,以后还 要走更长的路,此时我应该好好读书。之后,我就换了一个梦想, 努力考上名牌大学,长大后好好孝顺父母,报答父母多年来的养育 之恩。我就像杨孟衡一样,虽然第一个梦想不能实现,但还能有第 二个梦想,第三、第四甚至更多。因为人的一生可以不止一个梦想。失败并不可怕,可怕的是没有梦想。有了梦想就是有了希望,有了 光芒! 梦想并不是一个梦。有志者,事竟成。只要你有努力过、坚持过,就一定会成为现实!放飞我们的梦想吧,一起加油!我的梦,中国梦! 每个人都不愿在牢笼中平庸的度过一生,而是要插上自由的翅膀飞翔。 孩提时,我们童稚的认为翅膀是一种毛绒绒的东西。能带我们飞上蓝蓝的天空,悠闲的坐在白白的云朵上。 长大后,我们固执的认为翅膀是一种载满希望的东西。能使我们乘着翅膀越过高山,跨过河流,飞向有梦的未来。 成年后,我们诚恳的认为翅膀是一种具有超能量的东西。能让我们驾驭着翅膀战胜更多的竞争对手,直至的飞上顶峰。 翅膀总是神奇的,无论是在儿时的眼中抑或是成年后的心中。 现在,我发现我有一双翅膀。一双隐形的翅膀。它指引我飞向明天,飞向未来。尽管途中会遇到很多困难,但一种毅力激励着我前进。很多人没有坚持,便在这一座山峰前坠落了,而我有我超越的 翅膀,助我度过绝望,飞越山峰。 其实每个人身上都有一双隐形的翅膀,取决于你是否发现它,运用它。

张开翅膀,放飞梦想,带你自由飞翔,到达一个任心灵翱翔的世界…… 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。——杜甫 “我的未来不是梦,我认真的过着每一分钟”,每当我听到《我的未来不是梦》这首歌曲,我的理想不由得放飞了起来。当一名人 民教师,是我最大的理想。 高中 我现在是为初中二年级学生,再过一年多就要考高中。我的目标是灵宝一高。 从现在开始,我要分秒必争,积极乐观的完成初中教学任务,还要努力培练自己的独立自主能力,我坚信“阳光总在风雨后”经过 我长期的奋斗,我一定会成功。 大学 我的第二梦想是考上清华大学,清华大学人才济济,我在他它里可以学到很多的知识。大学能成就我的人生,在大学里,我可以实 现我的梦想,放飞我的梦想。 我时刻准备着,时刻努力着,时刻拼搏着。 教师 “教师是人类灵魂的工程师”,从小就树立了远大的梦想,当一名人民教师。为千千万万的学子传授知识。 在儿时,爷爷经常给我讲一些带有一定哲理的故事,虽然我那时听不懂故事中的哲理,但我完全可以把爷爷给我讲的故事叙述下来,爷爷听后两眼瞪圆,十分惊讶,就抚摸着我的头悄悄对我说:“不 愧为我的好孙儿,你真是当教师得料,你真是太棒了。”我的心不 由扑通扑通地跳了起来,不由的喊了起来:我是人民教师。


仿写句子练习 1 、天山一群小白羊,有的 ..站着有的躺。 草地上开满了小花,有的 ..有. 的.。 下课了,同学们有的 ..有. 的.。 2、不管 ..在哪里,中国都.是我的家。 不管 ..天气多么冷,我都.。 3、半空中的树杈上,有.小鸟和松鼠的家。 池塘里的荷叶下面,有的家。 美丽的,有的家。 温暖的,有的家。 4、冰山上盛开着洁白的雪莲,我多想 ..去看看。 大海里,我多想 ..去看看。 动物园里,我多想 ..去看看。 5、弯弯的 ...月牙儿, ...小路,弯弯的 我还知道:弯弯的 ... 弯弯的 弯弯的。 6、天上的星星,一.颗一.颗亮亮的。

地上的小花,一()一()的。 的,一()一 ()的。 的,一()一 ()的。 7、河水和小船是.好朋友,我和妈妈也是 ..好朋友。 小羊和小马是好朋友,()和()也是 ..好朋友。 ()和()是水果,()和()也是 ..水果。 8、树很.孤单,喜鹊也很 ..孤单。 ,。 ,。 9、他们把树枝铺的又.松软又.厚实。 妈妈把屋子打扫的又又。 我们的教室又又。 , 又又。 10绿色的钓线,越.垂越.多,越.垂越.长。 地上的小草,越越, 越越。 的, 越越,越越。 11、柳树,多.天真,多.漂亮,多.逗人喜爱呀! 太阳,多.温暖,多.明亮,多.让人喜爱呀!

,多.,多., 多.! 12、小鸡画竹叶,小狗画,小鸭画,小马画,小猫画。 13、啊,多么 ..美丽的啊! ..奇妙的七彩桥哇!啊!多么 啊,多么 ..可爱的啊!啊,多. 么.啊! 14、看到 ....草原。 ..一棵小草,我想到了 看到 ..,我想到了 ....。 看到 ....。 ..,我想到了 15、太阳的香气藏在 ..甜甜的果子里。 太阳的香气藏在里。 太阳的香气藏在里。 16、冬季里青蛙要冬眠,我知道也要冬眠的动物 有: 。 17、我多想飞到天上去,看看 ..有没有轮船从下面开过。 我多想飞到天上去,看看 ..天上的云 朵。 我多想飞到天上去,看. 看. 。 18、你的头脑中是不是经常有许多问题,你想知道 ...什么说说看!


化工厂安全生产演讲稿范文 安全生产是安全与生产的统一,其宗旨是安全促进生产,生产必须安全。以下是小编整理的化工厂安全生产演讲稿范文,欢迎大家阅读。 化工厂安全生产演讲稿范文一: 尊敬的各位领导、同事们: 我演讲的题目是:打牢化工企业安全基础,是构建化工企业安全长效机制的根本。 首先,我认为大家能站在这里都是幸运的,为什么这么说呢?比起现在躺在医院里的人,我们是幸运的;比起灾区的人们,我们是幸运的。 安全是企业之魂,是企业生存与发展的基础。员工的人身安全得不到保障,企业就无法发展壮大;公民的人身安全得不到保障,国家就无法繁荣富强。人是以个体的形式出现在社会上的,社会上的每一个公民就如同珠子,和谐顽强的生命力将珠子串起来,形成一个不可分割的生命体。线一旦没有了生命力,珠子便滑落下来,也就不存在这个生命体了。所以我们每个人无论在社会中还是在企业中的力量是不容忽视的。 领导和同志们,作为化工行业的一员,有几起事故我本想忘记,更不愿向人们提起,但今天我要再一次提起:1984年12月3日,印度一化工厂,由于工人操作失误,异氰酸甲酯大量泄露,致使2500多人死亡,5万多人眼睛失明;2005年,中石油吉林石化分公司双苯厂发生爆炸,造成8人死亡,60人受伤,并引发松花江水污染事件;今年8月29日,广西宜州化工厂爆炸事故,造成20人遇难。几起化工事故虽然离我们越来越远,但那一幕幕惨剧仿佛就在眼前,遇难者那一具具冰冷的尸体,一张张因极度痛苦变得扭曲的脸,亲人们那一声声嚎哭,还在叩击着我们的心。领导和同志们,几起化学事故产生的原因虽然不同,但共同点却都是化工企业安全基础不牢。

基础不牢地动山摇。胡锦涛总书记在党的十七届三中全会上指出:"人命关天,绝不能把人的生命当儿戏"。胡总书记的指示,充分体现了科学发展观以人为本的核心要求。可是,在现实生活中,少数化工企业,只注重生产,而忽视安全,生产不讲科学。土办法管理,老经验办事,无视标准和规范。人们常说:安规本是血染成。面对成千上万条鲜活的生命,用鲜血和泪水书写的操作规程,有的人总是熟视无睹,麻木不仁。"小型分散,少量多次勤运走",烟花爆竹安全生产的"十一"字诀。短短的十一个字,却保证了不知道多少企业财产和工人生命的安全。美国杜邦公司是一个生产炸药的军工企业,可是杜邦老板却敢夸口说:在杜邦公司上班比在马路上散步还安全,因为杜邦有一整套保证企业安全运转的规范,即使放一只桶都要放在指定的圆圈。我们危化处在科学发展观学习讨论时,得出了这样的结论:危化企业最危险,危化企业难监管,只有安全才能生产,规范生产才能确保安全。 邓小平同志在1988年9月就提出了:科学技术是第一生产力的科学发展观思想。很多化工事故都是由于设备落后,科学技术低下造成的。实行科技兴安,大力引进新工艺,提高安全装备水平和科技含量,是我们刻不容缓的责任。提高化工设备自动化程度,优化生产工艺,创造一流信息化化工企业,打造数字化化工企业,是化工企业安全发展的唯一出路。 人才是科技进步的第一资源,是安全生产的根本基础。可是个别化工企业领导对安全工作认识不到位,管理不到位,措施不到位。致使企业管理松弛,作风涣散,不讲科学,违章蛮干。但随着人才强企战略的实施,人才在企业安全工作中的地位越来越重要,也使**安全工作插上了科技的翅膀。领导和同志们,安全没有后悔的机会,失误只会留下千古遗憾。在这里我要大声疾呼:生命诚可贵,安全大于天。 曾给他们讲看过的一篇文章,至今还记忆犹新,某火电公司在一化工工厂施工时,一位日本专家曾这样说施工人员:"你们中国人的确有不怕死的可贵精神,在施工现场有不戴安全帽的现象。在日本,厂长,经理开会时安全帽都系得紧紧的。"这是对违章现象的莫大讽刺。它一针见血地言明了一些人安全意识的淡薄与无知,对自己的轻视就是对家庭和社会的犯罪。安全的警钟要常鸣,奉劝可叹的"勇士们",收起你的蛮干和无知吧!有人说:安全生产的难点在我们自己,在我们自身的安全意识。仔细想想不无道理今天。"安全生产月"活动的展开,《安全生产法》的颁布实施,"两票三制"的严格执行。。。 这不都是为了搞好安全生产,领导和职工们用血的教训组成的努力与决心。安全的
