


Step I 导入 Leading-in

T: All of you are my good friends. But who is my best friend in your class?(你们大家都是我的好朋友,但谁是我最好的朋友?你们猜。)学生开始激动了,几乎全班的小手都举起来了。一学生问:

S1: Is your best friend a boy or a girl?

T: A boy

Ask a boy who is short and fat to act as Pan Chang-jiang with a toy gun. Tell students: He is my best friend。 What does he look like? Let

students understand the words . He has short hair.He is short .He is heavy/fat.


Step II Presentation:

1、课件展示开始了本课的教学内容。1.Show a pictures and describe about

their height / build / hairstyles . Let students understand the words in the class . e g: short /long/ no hair ; tall / short / medium height ; fat ( heavy)/ thin / medium build.

2、 Watch a Videw.ask students What does he look like ?Can you draw yours your friend’s picture?. 展示照片,让学生通过观察后能互相提问并描述出其外貌特征On the photo of family ,point out the teacher wants to have

a new look and asks students to choose a hairstyle to fit .Teach some new knowledge about hairstyle and write them on the Bb: What does she/ he look like?

She / He has short hair / straight hair / curly hair / long hair .

3、Let students design new hairstyle, then tell students the teacher ’s

choice : “I want to have the same hairstyle as Zhao Wei.” Finally show the photo of Zhao Wei, the practice and point :

What does she look like ?

She has long straight black hair .









Unit9 I like music that I can dance to. 【重点短语】 1. expect to do sth. 期望做某事 expect sb. to do sth 期望某人做某事 2. catch up with 追上,赶上 3. different kinds of music 各种不同的音乐 4. quiet and gentle songs 轻柔的歌曲 5. take…to… 带……到…… 6. remind…of… 使某人想起或意识到…… 7. her own songs 她自己的歌曲 8. be important to 对……重要 9. Yellow River 黄河 10. Hong Tao’s latest movie 洪涛最近的电影 11. over the years 多年来 12. be sure to do sth. 务必/一定做某事 13. one of the best known Chinese photographers 世界上最有名的中国摄影家之一 14. on display 展览,展出 15. come and go 来来往往 16. can’t stand 不能忍受 【重点句型】 1. I love singers who write their own music. 我喜欢自己创作曲子的歌手。 2. We prefer music that has great lyrics. 我们更喜欢歌词很棒的音乐。 3. What do you dislike about this CD. 你不喜欢这张CD的什么? 4. What does it remind you of?它使你想起了什么? 5. The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music. 这首曲子使我想起了巴西舞曲。 6. It does have a few good features, though. 然而,它的确也有一些好的方面。


七年级英语教学设计 一、教学课题: 人教版英语七年级上册Unit4 Where’s my schoolbag? Period 1 二、教学设计思路: 结合多媒体,利用图片、实物等帮助学生记忆相关物品的词汇;设置情境,帮助学生通过听说练习学会谈论物品的位置。 三、教学目标: (一)知识目标 掌握本课生词,学习谈论物品的位置Where is/are…?It’s/They’re…。 (二)能力目标 让学生学会如何听和谈论物品的位置。 (三)情感目标 1. 培养学生良好的合作意识,鼓励学生大胆表达自己的想法和意愿。 2. 通过谈论物品的位置,培养学生养成良好的生活习惯。 四、教材分析: Period 1是Unit4的第一课,让学生能通过活动,学习如何表达物品的位置,并能就物品位置进行提问。 五、学生分析: 七年级学生活泼好动,在教学中,充分利用多媒体,图片、实物等,使英语学习与学生的实际生活更贴近,激发学生学习兴趣,同时创设交际情境,让每个学生在课堂上动起来,积极参与到教学活动中去,更好的实现教学目标,达到理想的教学效果。 六、重点及其突出方法:

充分利用现代教育手段,创设交际情境,为学生提供图像和声音资源,进行语言操练和实践,加强学习效果。 七、.难点及其突破方法: 培养良好的语言表达习惯。发挥教师良好的示范作用,注重教师在课堂教学中对学生无意识的影响。 八、教学资源: 多媒体;课件;教材 九、教学过程: Step https://www.360docs.net/doc/3110114022.html,anization Greetings Step 2.Revision 1. Use a pen to ask and answer between the teacher and the students, and review the key sentences in Unit3. 2. Use a picture of a bag to ask students to write a lost notice and a found notice, and review the lost and found notices, then lead to the new words with the picture(1a:P19).Hold up the picture and point to the objects : table, bed , bookcase, sofa, chair, schoolbag , book, key. T: What’s this in English? S: It’s a table/bed/... Encourage or help students to read the words correctly .Write them down on the blackboard. 3. Quick reaction .Let the students look at the teaching picture in 1a, finish 1a, then check students’ answers. Step3. Lead in

英语人教版九年级全册unit 9教案

Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. 本单元教学以音乐为话题,主要应掌握定语从句的简单用法。让学生们学会用定语从句来表达喜好。 教学目标: 1.知识目标:掌握本课的大纲词汇和that、who引导的定语从句的简单用法。 2.能力目标:1)能听懂喜欢什么种类的音乐的话题的有关的简单会话。 2)能用定语从句造简单的句子。 3.情感目标:让学生们懂得去欣赏美好的音乐。 教学内容: 1.大纲词汇prefer lyrics electronic music Australian 2.句型i like music that … ①教学重点:初步掌握定语从句的构成及从句中谓语动词基本变 化。 ②学习dance to the music ,sing along with 等几个词组。 教学步骤 Step 1:Lead-in 1. Play a song to present the new words. Step 2 Presentation 1.Tell more about the teacher to students, presenting more sentences and asking them to help saying in another way. 2.Set a scene to talk with students by telling them something about the teacher by using the attributive clause. Step 3 Practice 1. Present students several pictures or several pieces of music with a relative question. And ask them to talk in pairs with the help of sample shown. 2. Invite some pairs to show their talk in order to help the teacher know more about them. 3 Listening1 1. Present the question and help students make sure what information they


☆教学过程 Step I 导入Leading-in T: All of you are my good friends. But who is my best friend in your class(你们大家都是我的好朋友,但谁是我最好的朋友你们猜。)学生开始激动了,几乎全班的小手都举起来了。一学生问: S1: Is your best friend a boy or a girl T: A boy Ask a boy who is short and fat to act as Pan Chang-jiang with a toy gun. Tell students: He is my best friend。What does he look like Let students understand the words . He has short is short .He is heavy/fat. (设计意图:1用学生表演导入目的是为了拉近师学间的距离,与学生交朋友建立平等的学习关系,提高学习英语的英趣,建立一个良好的学习氛围。2,为描述朋友及家人的外貌活动的作业作好铺垫。) Step II Presentation: 1、课件展示开始了本课的教学内容。 a pictures and describe about their height / build / hairstyles . Let students understand the words in the class . e g: short /long/ no hair ; tall / short / medium height ; fat ( heavy)/ thin / medium build. 2、Wa tch a students What does he look like Can you draw yours your friend’s picture. 展示照片,让学生通过观察后能互相提问并描述出其外貌特征On the photo of family ,point out the teacher wants to have a new look and asks students to choose a hairstyle to fit .Teach some new knowledge about hairstyle and write them on the Bb: What does she/ he look like She / He has short hair / straight hair / curly hair / long hair . 3、Let students design new hairstyle, then tell students the teacher ’s choice : “I want to have the same hairstyle as Zhao Wei.” Finally show the photo of Zhao Wei, the practice and point : What does she look like She has long straight black hair . (设计意图:通过对老师新形象设计的想象,提高学生的审美力,加强对发型设计的词汇的掌握且板书。) 4、Show pictures on the screen and introduce friends to students . Jim is tall ;Tom is of medium height ;Jack is short ; Lucy is fat (heavy); Mary is of medium build ; Alice is thin . ( 设计意图:通过简笔画呈现不同的男女,让学生通过观察学习有关身高、体型的单词,并以反义词的形式板书在黑板书) Step III 、Practice : 课件展示让学生通过观察后能互相提问并描述出其外貌特征。) (1)、What does he look like He is tall/ of medium height / short .(height) (2)、What does she look like She is fat/ of medium build / thin .( build ) (设计意图:让学生通过大量的练习后自主发现is 和has 的使用区别来突破本单元难点,最后终结陈述他们的用法。) 描述人物的句型:


1Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from? 导学案1 Section A 1a--Grammar focus 【学习目标】 1.学会一些国家和城市的英文名称,:会用所学知识,询问和回答人们来自哪里。 2.学会理解和尊重异国文化. 【学法指导】 1、联系生活学习英语。敢于用英语表达,用英语进行交际。 2、听力策略:A. 放松心情。B. 注意关键字 【课前准备】准备一张世界地图. 【学习过程】 一、预习指导与检测 (一)预习指导 1.预习第1-2 页的生词,根据音标会读知意. 2.朗读第1-2 页的句型,能英汉互译. 3.知识点拨: 1)Where is/are + 主语+ from ?这一特殊疑问句用来询问某人来自哪里,回答时,用主语+is/are +from+地点。 eg:Where are you from? I’m from Chaohu. Where is he from? He’sfrom Hefei. 拓展:be from = come from be 是系动词,come 是实义动词 eg: Where does he come from? He comes from Hefei. 2)live 不及物动词,意思是“居住”不能直接加地点,需要有介词. eg: ----- Where does she live? ------She lives in Paris. 3)pen pal =pen friend 笔友 4)China 中国Chinese 中国人Japan 日本Japanese 日本人 eg:We are all Chinese. The three girl are Australians. (二)预习检测 1.你知道这些国家和地区的英文名称吗? (1)中国_______(2) 加拿大________ (3)法国________(4)英国_________ (5)澳大利亚______(6) 美国_______(7)新加坡______ (8)悉尼________ (9) 巴黎_______(10)纽约________(11)多伦多_______(12)东京_________ 二、课堂互动探究 1. 小组活动: 2 1) 共同总结本节课的重点单词及短语,然后互相提问。 2)讨论:中国、日本、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、英国、法国、新加坡等的国家名称、首都等形式,并展开小组竞赛,看看那组最棒。 3) 讨论:询问某人来自哪里,用句型_________________________。回答时,用__________________________________。 4)了解be from 与come from 区别。 5)live 后何时用in,何时不用in。整理到笔记本上。 三、当堂检测 一. 单项选择


九年级英语Unit9 When was it invented 教案 学习目标: 1.学会使用含有被动语态的不同句型结构“When/ Where was it invented? ” 和“ What are they used for?--- They are used for doing sth.. ”来谈论各种发明物的历史。 2.学习理解被动语态的含义。能够就不同的发明物与他人交流看法,发表自己的见解,并陈述理由。 3.了解到更多在世界上有重大意义的发明,并向那些伟大的发明家学习。 一、词汇 1.基础词汇 invent adjustable heel battery operate slipper scoop electric bulb microwave oven island sweet salty crispy sour potato chip mistake thin chef sprinkle beverage thousand according ancient legend emperor boil fire leaf nearby remain

notice produce pleasant smell taste metal pie bakery throw special abacus century telescope camera term 2.重点短语 experience airplane India develop 二、日常用语 1. --- When was the car invented ---It was invented in 1985.


Unit 9I like music that I can dance to.说课稿 各位领导老师:大家好!今天我说课的主要内容是新目标九年级英语第九单元Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. 本课的中心话题是音乐和音乐家。通过谈论音乐使大家感受音乐的美。我将从教材分析、教学方法、教学过程和教学效果几个方面说课。 一、教材分析 (一)教材地位 Unit 9的中心话题是音乐,而音乐与我们的生活密切相关,通过本单元的学习,要求学生能够用英语谈论自己喜欢的音乐,和音乐家,并说明为什么。在谈论这个话题的同时,学习并掌握定语从句。定语从句在初中教材中是一个很重要的知识点,学好这一单元对后面的学习很有帮助,起着承上启下的作用。在中招考试中,不但十五个选择题中要涉及这方面的内容,而且在也阅读理解中也有大量的定语从句出现,如果不能够很好地掌握它,势必影响学生今后对阅读文章的理解。因此,本单元不仅是本册书的重点,在整个初中教学中,他都占着非常重要的地位。 (二)教学目标 1、知识目标: 学会恰当的使用引导词that ,which ,who 2、能力目标 1)掌握功能句“What kind of music do you like ? I like music that I can dance to . I love singers who can write their own music.” 2)能够自如地谈论自己所喜欢的音乐和音乐家。 3、情感目标: 通过学生谈论对音乐和音乐家的好恶,从而使学生学会欣赏音乐的美。 三)重点和难点: 1、重点 1)本节课的教学重点是学会并掌握先行词为物或者人时,引导词“that ,who ,which”的使用方法。 2)“prefer …to…”的用法


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 重点难点 I.复习词汇:can,play,want 2.词汇:guitar, dance, swim,sing, chess, speak, drum,trumpet,violin,play the guitar 3.句型:Can you/he/she/you dance? Yes,I/he/she/we can./No,I/he/she/we can’t. Can Bill play the guitar? Yes,he can,but he can’t sing.语法重点:情态动词can的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及肯定与否定回答、特殊疑问句的构成 Section A 教学内容 Section A(教材P59~61) 教学目标 知识与能力 Section A的主要内容是运用情态动词can “询问和谈论能力”;通过谈论自己在某一方面所具备的才能,学习情态动词Can的基本用法。 过程与方法 采用Classifying和Role—playing的学习策略,利用教学图片、幻灯片、实物(各种乐器)或制作课件(演奏各种乐器)等来展开课堂教学、Pairwork问答式的口语交际活动或小组活动,进行“询问和谈论能力”的课堂教学和练习、 情感态度价值观 Section A的学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的话题是能力。通过互相询问或谈论自己或对方在某一方面的能力,可以培养学生的一种群体意识。 教学重、难点及教学突破 重点 学习询问和谈论彼此的能力和特长; 语法难点 情态动词can的构成和使用。 教学突破 Section A重在通过使用情态动词can来询问和谈论能力,因此如何使用情态动词can就成了关键。教师可通过模仿、操练使学生掌握can的肯定句、否定句和疑问句的构成,再进行谈论能力的训练就容易多了。 教学准备 教学步骤 一、第一教学环节:情景创设,导入新课 教师活动学生活动 Section A的主要内容是运用情态动词Can“询问和谈论能力”。在导入新课时,可采取演绎导人法和视听导入法。1.出示一些反映各种活动的图片、幻灯片或播放课件,引导学生谈论活动:He/She can dance/swim/sing/"?But I can’t dance/swim/sing/...等,学习表达活动的动词短语。 2.教师可携带一些易于演奏的乐器,也可带一些演奏乐器的图片,一边演示乐器,一边说.I can play the guitar.…等;再指着图片说:He/She can play the violin.But I can’t play it.等;然后询问学生:Can you play the guitar?….并引导学生进行简单的回答。 3.出示1a部分的图片或幻灯片或播放该内容的课件,引导学生将活动与人物进行搭配,完成la部分的教学任务。


盆尧一中师生共用教学案 学科:英语年级:九课题:unit9 When was it invented? 第一课时P68 主备人:沈静复备人:九年级英语组上课时间: 09/11/18 审核人: 学习目标:被动语态 重难点:主动语态和被动语态的差异。 预习题:英汉互译。 1.modern inventions 2.couldn’t afford 3.in those days 4.我的一些朋友 5.私人电脑 6.上历史课 二、单项填空。 ( )1.Can you tell me what _____? A . it calls B. does it call C. is it called D. it is called ( )2.which one was _____ ,the computer or the TV? A .early B. earliest C. earlier D. the earliest ( )3.In old days, people didn’t have many modern _______ ,like computer. A. inventing B. invents C. inventions D. inventors ( )4.I didn’t have so much money when I was young, but I_____ now. A. doing B. am C. does D. do ( )5.The telephone was invented _____ 1876. A . in B. on C. at D. of 三、知识点汇总。 1.被动语态 (1)语态是动词的一中形式,表示句子中主语和谓语的关系,语态共有两种:主动语态和被动语态。 (2)两中语态结构对比: 主动语态:主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 (动作发出者)(及物动词)(动作承受者) 被动语态:主语 + 谓语 + (by+)宾语 (动作承受者) (be+v过去分词) (动作发出者) Eg. People speak English . English is spoken by people . (3)几种常用时态的被动语态: a.一般现在时的被动语态构成:主语+ am/is /are +v.的过去分词. Eg. This kind of car is made in China. Is this book written in English. b. 一般过去时的被动语态构成:主语+ was/ were +v.的过去分词. Eg.The trees were planted last year. The trees c. 一般将来时的被动语态构成:主+will/ be going to +be +v.的过去分词 eg. The child will be sent back to his parents next month. These letters are going to be posted tomorrow morning . d.现在完成时的被动语态构成:主+ have /has +been + v.的过去分词


最新外研版七年级英语下册教案全册 Module 1 Lost and found Unit 1 Whose bag is this? 一、教学目标 : 1. 语言知识目标: 1)能正确使用下列单词和短语:crayon, eraser, glove, wallet, watch, whose, first of all, lose and found box, mine, hers, be careful with, from now on... 2) 掌握first of all及be careful with的用法。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 学习英语文明礼貌的询问和回答方式,拾金不昧的做人原则和助人为乐的优良品质。 二、教学重难点: 1、能够听懂有关失物招领的简短对话。 2、能够正确使用特殊疑问句“Whose…is this/that? 对物品的所属进行提问及其回答。 三、教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up 1. Show some pictures of school things. Say what they are. 2. Look at the pictures on Page 2. Match the words from the box with the pictures. 3. Read the words after the teacher. Step 2 Listening practice 1. Ask the students to read through the questions in Activity 2. 1) Is the football Tony’s? 2) Are the crayons Betty’s? 3) Whose gloves are these? 2. Ask the students to listen to the recording carefully. Step 3 Listen and read. 1. Ask the students to read the conversation. 2. Act it out. 3. Learn “Everyday English” Welcome back! be careful with… from now on. Step 4 Work in pairs. 1. Show some pictures of school things. Say what they are. 2. Ask the students to talk about the pictures. 3. Ask and answer like this: — Are the c rayons Betty’s? —No, they’re not hers. They’re Lingling’s. Step 5 Work in pairs. Work in groups of three or four. Put four or five school things on the desk. Ask and answer. 1. The students choose the school things. Ask and answer like this: A: Is this your pen? B:Yes, it’s mine. A: Whose pencil is it? C:It’s … 2. Read through the example with the class. 3. Pair them to ask and answer. Step 6 Language points 1.First of all, come and look in the lost and found box! First of all 是在介绍准备讲的几件事情的第一件事情。用于强调次序。 e.g. First of all, let me introduce myself to you. 首先,让我作个自我介绍。 First of all, clean the surface that you are going to paint. 首先,把要刷涂料的表面弄干净。 2.Everyone, please be careful with your things from now on. be careful with后接名词或动名词, 表示做某事时很小心或仔细。 e.g. He’s careful with his work. 他工作很仔细。 Be careful with the vase, it is valuable. 这花瓶很贵, 小心点。 Step 7 Homework 1. Remember all the new words and expressions we’ve learned today;


冀教版七年级英语下册导学案 冀教版七年级英语下册导学案 Unit 8 Summer Holiday Is Coming! lesson 43 Have a Good Summer ! 【学习目标】 1、知识与能力目标:学会一些国家与城市的英文名称,:会用所学知识,询问与回答人们来自哪里。 2、过程与方法目标:学会理解与尊重异国文化、 3、情感态度与价值观目标: 【学法指导】 1、联系生活学习英语。敢于用英语表达,用英语进行交际。 2、听力策略:A、放松心情。B、注意关键字 【学习重点】 【学习难点】 【学习过程】 一、预习指导与检测 (一)预习指导 1、预习第1-2页的生词,根据音标会读知意、 2、朗读第1-2页的句型,能英汉互译、 (二)知识点拨 1 Go on a trip to A 去A 地旅行 、2 May表示允许,无人称与数的变化、 3 Too+形/副to do sth表示否定的含义,就是太…不能干、 4 Be busy doing sth(动名词)就是忙于做某事,就等于be busy with sth (名词) 5 A be far from (away) A 离B 远 6 Two hundred / thousand / million/ billion 两百/ 千/ 百万 /亿Hundreds/ thousands / millions/ billions of 成百 /千 /百万/亿 7 From A to B 从A 到B、 8 Work hard at A 努力干A(介+ doing ) 9 Too many +可数名词的复数。Too much +不可数名词 10 live in +大地方(城市)Live at +小地方(农村) 二、重点知识点巩固练习 1 He may(go) home -------------------------------- 一(一般疑问句) ---------------------------------- (否定句) 2 He wants(go)a trip Beijing、 3 He is too young(go) to school、He is too old to(climb ) the tree 、 4 The coat is(thousand )of yuan、 5 We go to school Monday(介词) 6 Do they go to school Monday Friday (介) 7 Mary is working hard English 、 8 Let us go(boat)、


七上英语全册教学设计 Starter Unit 1 Good morning ! Starter Unit 1是Go for it!预备篇三个单元的第一单元。预备篇是为了使那些没有英语基础的学生更好地使用本套教材而编写的。它的主要内容为26个字母和最基本的英语日常用语。 本单元的教学内容为: 1.学习Aa --- Hh八个字母。 2.学习八个人名。Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 3.学习打招呼的用语: Hello!/ Good morning!/ Good afternoon!/ Good evening! 4.学会问候熟识的朋友和应答:-- How are you? -- I‘m fine, thanks. How are you? -- I‘m OK 教学重点: Aa --- Hh的字母教学。 Hello! Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. -- How are you? -- I‘m fine, thanks. How are you? -- I‘m O K. 教学难点:课本中英语人名的学习和大、小写字母的学习及书写。 单元课时:5个课时 第一课时:完成Section A 1a, 1b 第二课时;完成Section A 2a, 2b,2c, 2d, 3, 4a 第三课时:完成Section A 4b, 4c, Section B 1, 2a, 2b 第四课时:完成Section B 3a, 3b, 4, 5 第五课时:完成Self Check and Just for Fun 教学目标 A.语言知识目标 1.词汇: Letters Aa --- Hh 八个人名Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 2.句型:Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. -- How are you? -- I‘m fine, thanks. How are you? -- I‘m OK. B. 语言技能目标 通过游戏等多种形式的学习活动,培养学生对初学知识的听、说、读、写能力和灵活运用初学的日常交际用语的能力。 C. 情感目标 1. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,发挥学生学习英语的积极性和主动性。 2.通过小组活动,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。 3.在活动中培养学生的思维能力和创新能力。


教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期] 任教学科:_____________ 任教年级:_____________ 任教老师:_____________ xx市实验学校

七年级下册英语教案 课时编号:1 主备课人:个性化修改(。。。。。教师) 课题:Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from? 第1课时共4课时 英语课的要求: 1.每节课带好课本,英语练习册,笔记本和英语练习本。并做好课前准备。未做好的按约定完成。 2.每天主动完成听英语录音30分钟,家长在签字本上签上日期,时间,和家长姓名。当日检查未按要求完成的同学,背诵当前所学英语课文一篇。 教学目标:1.学会世界上主要国家和城市的表达方式。 2.了解世界上主要国家一些情况,如国旗,地图形状及地理位置。 3.学会使用where 句型。 重点:1.Words: pen pal, Australia, Japan, Canada, France, the United states, Singapore, the United Kingdom, country, Sydney, New York, Paris, Toronto, Tokyo world 2.Sentences:Where is your pen pal from? He’s from Australia. Where does he live? He lives in Paris Where is John’s pen pal from ? 难点:学生对各地的名胜古迹、历史风情、地理知识等知识的进一步了解,从而实现英语与其他各学科之间的渗透。 教具准备:Some cards with cities and countries 教学过程: Step 1.Lead-in (1a&2a) First greet the students. Then teacher begins the topic with the Spring Festival. Do you have a nice Spring Festival? Do you go to many places? I do. Then use the fresh pictures through computer to teach the students names of countries, cities. Divide the students into groups, then show the flags and pictures, let them guess the names of countries and cites. At last finish 2a on page2. 通过这个环节,教师完成本单元的新单词的导入,通过提供给学生每个国家的地图,让学生猜出国家名称及相应的城市,学生能有意识的记忆国家及城市的名称,并为整节课任务的完成奠定最基本的词汇基础。在看图片时学生能够做到精神集中,并能激发学生的学习兴趣。 Step2.Practice(1c&2d) ①Teacher says: I went to many places during the Spring Festival, so I have many pen pals from different countries. One of my pen pals is Sandy. She is from the UK. She lives in London. Ask the students: Do you have a pen pal? Some say yes, some say no. Then go on with “Where is she/he from?” and “Where does she/he live? Ask some students to stand up and practice with teacher. ②With these sentence structures, ask students to practice them in pairs.


人教版七年级英语下册第三单元学案 Unit 3 Why do you like koalas ? Section A Happiness is found along the way—not at the end of the road.---Sol Gordon 幸福将在路途中被发现,而不是在路的终点。 知识目标:koakas tiger elephant dolphin panda lion penguin giraffe zoo cute map smart animal box kind of south Africa 能力目标:Describe animals;Express preferences 情感目标:通过对本节知识的学习,培养学生要热爱动物,保护自然 Importance: Master the new words and phrases Difficulty: Express preferences (一)预习导学(Warming Up) 1.Read new words by themselves,then check some students’ pronunciations 2. Learn the new words by finishing the exercises.(英汉互译) 只可爱的大象_____________________ 有几分_______ 一只有趣的海豚________________ 几只可怕的狮子 _________________

come from___________ welcome to the zoo____________ a smart koala__________ want to see the pandas_________ (二)预习自测 根据首字母和汉语提示写单词 1.--Why do like tigers? --Because they are very c________ 2.________(让我们) play with the cats. 3.Look at the ___________(长颈鹿).They are eating leaves. 4.Penguins live in south A__________ 5.There are many kinds of a__________in the zoo. (三)情景导入 First play a vedio about many kinds of animals ,then make a dialogue by asking them questions: Do you like animals? What animals have you seen in the zoo? And what’s your favorite animal? Why? (四)自主探究 1.译成汉语,注意划线部分 Let’s see the lions first. 2.让他做这件事吧。 Let___________it. (五)合作交流 Make the conversations following the example A: Let’s see the lions . B: Why do you like them ? A: Because they are cute. B: Where are lions from? A: They are from South Africa. (六)拓展创新 找出与划线部分意思相同的选项 The panda is kind of interesting. A little B a kind of C kinds of D a little
