



Book 7 Unit 2 Robots (词汇导学案)











名词(n.):______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ ______形容词(adj.):______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

动词(v.):______ ______ ______ ______ ______


1)test out______________________ 2) ring up_____________________

3) leave…alone___________________ 4) set aside____________________

5) be bound to____________________ 6) turn around_________________

7) in all__________________________



-ion/ation_______; -ing_______; -ed_______; -er_______; -ce_______;

-ment_______; -cal_______.

1)satisfy→____________(n.) 满意,令人满意的事物→____________(adj.)令人


2)alarm→___________(adj.)担心的 3)elegant→____________(n.)优雅,高雅

4)declare→__________(n.)宣言,声明 5)count→_________(n.)柜台,计数器

6)state→__________(n.)陈述 7)talent→_________(adj.)天才的,有才能的

8)imagine→__________(n.)想象力 9)theory→__________(adj.)理论上的

10)divorce→_________(adj.)离婚的 11)assess→_________(n.)评价,评定

12)affect→________(n.)喜爱,感情 13)think→_________(n.)思考,思想14)transfuse→_________(n.)输血 15)bed→_________(n.)寝具,铺盖


1)超重的________ 2)手指甲________ 3)理发________ 4)项链________ 5)扶手椅________ 6)邮筒_________ 7)框架________ 8)兼职的_______ 9)化妆品________ 10)生物化学________


1)Could you please do me a _______(帮忙)and turn off the radio?

2) The president appeared and was _______(陪伴)by six strong bodyguards.

3) I wish he’d show me a little more _______(同情).

4) Jack has always _______(忌妒)me my good looks..

5) After graduation from a j_______ middle school, he entered a senior middle school.

6) I have arranged that one of my _______(员工) will meet you at the airport.

7) His brother has never come back since he joined the _______(海军)during the war. 8)It seemed that the children were not affected emotionally by their parents’_______(离婚).


1.The engineers have rejected the employers’ proposals to end the strike and the other

workers have come out in_____.

A. opposition

B. return

C. sympathy

D. readiness

2.After a whole afternoon’s heated discussion, they finally _____to us what had been


A. told

B. declared

C. desired

D. made

3.I am really thankful that Tom _____me in seeing the film on the stormy night.

A. frightened

B. conveyed

C. accompanied

D. protected

4.As he stood up and _____, he saw the waiter standing behind him and giving him an

understanding smile.

A. turned off

B. turned around

C. turned over

D. turned up

5.Do you know that everyone here_____ you your freedom to do or say what you


A. envy

B. admire

C. appreciated

D. enjoy

6.She became_____ when she could not waken her husband.

A. lost

B. delighted

C. alarmed

D. interested

7.We’d better _____ when he is thinking, as he prefers to solve problems on his own.

A. wake him up

B. keep him away

C. leave him alone

D. call him up

8.Nearly every teacher likes students who _____ and save a lot of trouble, although he

knows that such students may lack the creative potentiality.

A. fight

B. refuse

C. resist

D. obey

9. After _____ the quality of this new machine, we are ready to go into production.

A. carrying out

B. making out

C. squeezing out

D. testing out

10. When asked about their opinions about the schoolmaster, many teachers would

prefer to see him step aside_____ younger men.

A. in terms of

B. in need of

C. in favor of

D. in praise of



Book 7 Unit 2 Robots (阅读导学案)




情感目标:使学生能够感受到科幻小说所反映出的科学思想(A robot must not injure human beings or allow them to be injured.)


1. 教会学生欣赏科幻小说。

2. 使学生理解作者通过哪些事情反映出自己所要表达的科学思想。





A robot is a machine designed to do jobs that are usually performed by human. Robots are programmed and controlled by a computer.

Science fiction is often based on scientific principles and technology. Science fiction may make predictions about life in the future.


1.Find the characters in the story.

Larry Belmont: worked for a company that ____________.

Claire: Larry’s______

Tony: the ______

Gladys Claffern: one of the __________________ that Claire envies.

2.Finish the multiple choices about the story.

1)Larry Belmont brought a robot back home in order to ______.

A. help his wife

B. accompany his wife

C. test out the robot

D. entertain his wife

2) Why did Claire feel alarmed at the sight of Tony?

A. Because he was a robot.

B. Because she didn’t like him.

C. Because he was more like a human being than a machine

D. Because he never changed his facial expressions.

3) Who did Claire turn to for help when a salesman was rude to her in the shop?

A. Tony

B. Her husband

C. The manager

D. Gladys Claffern

4) Tony helped Claire to realize her dreams by_____.

A. making her home elegant

B. giving her a new haircut and changing the makeup she wore

C. giving her advice on her dresses

D. all the above

5)Why should Tony be rebuilt according to the text?

A. Because he harms people who are beautiful.

B. Because we can’t let women fall in love with machines.

C. Because he is too frightening.

D. Because he can’t help the house wife in the family.


1.Pre-reading: discuss the following questions in groups.

a.What can robots do in our daily life?

b.Do you think it is possible for a robot to think for itself, have feelings or have its

own desires?



1)Read the passage in groups and put the statements into orders according to the

development of the story.

( ) Tony made Claire feel embarrassed

( ) Tony helped Claire in improving herself and her house

( ) Claire was going to test out a household robot.

( ) Claire began to trust Tony.

( ) Tony promised and prepared to help Claire.

( ) Claire first saw the robot Tony.

( ) Claire was envied by those women she admired.

( ) Tony made a plan to help Claire to attract Gladys and her friends.

( ) The company was satisfied wit h Tony’s report.

( ) Tony caught Claire when she fell off a ladder.

( ) Claire’s friends saw Claire and Tony were together.

( ) Claire felt disappointed and sad that Tony was just a machine.

2) Read the story and mark some words about Claire’s attitudes towards Tony.

felt________→felt________ →began to ________him →_________him and called him a “________” →felt the ________of his body→________all night because of his leaving

3) Complete the following passage .

Larry persuaded his wife, Claire, to _______ ______ (试验) a household robot called Tony. Claire is a very emotional (感情上的,感情脆弱的) woman who needs a good friend. She is ________(吸引)by Tony because he is so handsome and sympathetic (有同情心的). He becomes her best friend. She is ________(给…印象) by his abilities but ___________(尴尬的)by her feelings for him. She is disturbed because she thinks of him as a man (even though he is not). But she is amused that other women ________(忌妒)her and think they are having an __________(暧昧关系). ______ ______ (最后), Claire succeeds in overcoming her sense of failure, but in doing so falls in love with Tony. Even though Tony had been so clever, he would have to be _________(重建).

3. After-reading: discuss the following questions in groups.

1)Why did Tony open the curtains?

2) What did Tony do to prevent Claire from being harmed?

3)Claire spent three weeks with Tony in her house. What sentences in the story

show that she kept forgetting and then remembering that he was a machine?



Book 7 Unit 2 Robots (泛读导学案)






1. 教会学生学会阅读自传体文章。

2. 帮助学生理清文章中的时间和事件顺序。



2. 学习本课中出现的重点单词和短语,能够理解文章内容。



艾萨克·阿西莫夫 Isaac Asimov, ( 1920-1992),美籍犹太人,为本世纪最顶尖的科幻小说家之一,曾获代表科幻界最高荣誉的雨果奖和星云终身成就「大师奖」。以他的名字为号召的「艾西莫夫科幻杂志」,是美国当今数一数二的科幻文学重镇。


Glance through the passage and then find out the answers to such questions:

1. when and where was Asimov born and died?

2. Which paragraph tells you about his education?

3. Which paragraph tells you about awards he received?

4. What subject did Asimov teach at Boston University?

5. When did he start having stories published?

6. How many children did he have?


1. Read the text and choose the best answer.

1) What kind of book is Isaac Asimov best known for?

A. Mystery stories.

B. Science and history books.

C. Books about the Holy Bible

D. Science fiction stories

2)How old was Isaac Asimov when he became a biochemistry teacher at Boston University?

A. 22

B. 28

C. 29


3) Which of the following is not true?

A. Isaac Asimov was born in Russia in January, 1920.

B. Isaac Asimov began to write novels in 1939.

C. Isaac Asimov moved to America when he was three years old.

D. Isaac Asimov gained a master’s degree in 1941.

4) Which of the following is the right order according to the text?

a. Isaac Asimov worked as a junior chemist in the Philadelphia Navy.

b. Isaac Asimov began to publish stories in science fiction magazines.

c. Isaac Asimov became a full-time writer.

d. Isaac Asimov was infected HIV.

e. Isaac Asimov got a divorce from his first wife.

A .b-a-e-c-d B. b-a-c-e-d

C. a-b-e-c-d

D. a-b-d-e-c

3. Read and find the following phrases:

1.因……而非常出名______________________ 9.初级化验员_______________________

2. 寻找_________________________________ 10. 全职作家_______________________

3. 因……而造成的结果___________________ 11. 某方面的天赋___________________

4. 输血_________________________________ 12. 把……看作一个作家_____________

5.在…岁______________________________ 13. 因……而获奖__________________

6.兼职_________________________________ 14. 以……为基础___________________

7.帮助……摆脱困难_____________________ 15. 一系列,一套____________________


4. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1) It was when Asimov as eleven years old that his talent for writing became obvious.

2) Asimov began having stories published in science fiction magazines in 1939.

3) Among his most famous works of science fiction, one for which he won an award was the Foundation trilogy(1951-1953),three novels about the death and birth of a great empire in a galaxy of the future.

4) Some of his idea about robots later influenced other writers and even scientists researching into artificial intelligence.



Book 7 Unit 2 Robots (课文巩固导学案)





1. 教会学生重点词汇的运用。

2. 帮助学生运用课文重点词汇和内容小组改编对话。





A robot used for housework was tested 1 in a family. He looked like a tall and handsome man with smooth black hair, 2 (speak) in a deep voice. Larry was going to be away from home so he hired such a robot to 3 (陪伴)his wife Claire. Claire didn’t like the idea at the beginning, but she 4 to it at last. At the first sight of Tony, Claire felt embarrassed. 5 (渐渐地), Tony began to win Claire’s trust. He helped Claire realize her dreams 6 making her home elegant, giving her a new haircut, changing the makeup she wore and giving her advice on her dresses. Therefore at the party all she guests 7 were invited were filled with admiration 8 they saw her house was completely changed. 9 the test, the company was satisfied with Tony’s report because he had successfully made a woman regain her confidence 10 fall in love with him.

答案:1. out 2. speaking 3. accompany 4. agreed 5. Gradually 6. by

7. who 8. when 9. After 10. and




______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ __________________

答案:Tony, a robot which was tested out in Clair’s family could helped Claire a lot. Claire gradually fell in love with Tony because he was such a perfect man, which caused the robot to be rebuilt.


1).【原句】He was tall and handsome with smooth hair and a deep voice although his facial expression never changed.

他虽然面部表情毫无变化,但是个子高大、相貌英俊,头发平整,声音低沉浑厚。[模仿要点] 描写人物时使用多种修饰语


______________________________________________________________________ ________

答案:She is a kind and lovely girl, with a round face, big eyes, white teeth and long waving hair.


______________________________________________________________________ ________

答案:He is a funny-looking man, with a thick moustache but no hair left.

2)【原句】Also she felt her home wasn't elegant enough for someone like Larry who wanted to improve his social position. 还有对于像拉里这样很想提高社会地位的人来说,她的家也不够高雅。

[模仿要点] A is +adj for someone like B who-从句


______________________________________________________________________ ________

答案:Tom thinks he himself isn’t diligent enoug h for someone like his monitor who wishes to enter a famous university 2 years later.


______________________________________________________________________ ________

答案:John felt he himself is not clever enough for someone like his brother who wants to be a famous writer.

3).【原句】Isaac Asimov was American scientist and writer who wrote around 480 books that included mystery stories, science and history books, and even books about the Holy Bible and Shakespeare. 艾萨克·阿西莫夫是美国的科学家兼作家,他写过480本书,包括怪诞小说,科学和历史方面的书,甚至还写过有关?圣经?和莎士比亚的书。

[模仿要点] 句子结构:一个复合句中含有两个定语从句


______________________________________________________________________ _________

答案:Chaplin is an outstanding actor who made more than 70 films that include silent films and sound films.


____________________________________________________________________ 答案:This book is a gift for our soul, which records both the moments that could bring joy and the moments that could bring tears, in the present and the past.

4. 小组讨论,改编课文,字数100左右。




Book 7 Unit 2 Robots (听说练习导学案)











教学媒体 PPT幻灯媒体、黑板







Listening & Speaking

运用任务 Task of Unit 2: The Future Robot Company in America is holding a robot design competition. Design your robot and write a design plan.

Task of Period 4: Exchange your design plan with your partner and find out the positive and negative effects that might be caused by his/her robot, and then give suggestions to the designer to improve his/her design.


1)启动教学 We have designed our robots. They can help us do a lot of things, but can you imagine sometimes they also can cause some troubles for you?

Please make a list of the troubles that might be caused by robots and give your reasons. 想象机器人带来的负面效应,为进一步学习做准备。激发学生的学习兴趣。2)呈现任务 Task of Unit 2: The Future Robot Company in America is holding a robot design competition. Design your robot and write a design plan.

Task of Period 4: Exchange your design plan with your partner and find out the positive and negative effects that might be caused by his/her robot, and then give suggestions to

the designer to improve his/her design. 了解和接受任务。以真实的任务开展教学,使学生的学习更有目的性,同时也增加了趣味性。

3) 听前任务 Pre-listening Task

Do you remember Tony in SATISFACTION GUARANTEED? Is it a love story? Does Tony really love Claire?

What trouble does Tony cause?

Molly and Kate are also discussing the story SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Can you guess which topic they will discuss? 讨论,分析Tony带来的负面效果。通过讨论熟悉听力话题。对听力内容进行预测,有助于听力。

4) 听中任务 While-listening Task

What is the discussion mainly about?

Do Exx.1 & 2, P15.

Listen to the tape and write down the expressions of supposition and belief.

I think…I believe…

I guess…I don’t believe…

I wonder…I doubt…

I suppose…Maybe…

I don’t think…听听力,做练习。听听力,理解听力内容,锻炼学生获取听力信息的能力及从听力中学习语言的能力。

5) 听后任务 Post-listening Task

Do Exx.4 & 5 on P15. 小组针对话题进行讨论。小组进行讨论,运用所学内容。

6)完成任务 Task of Unit 2: The Future Robot Company in America is holding a robot design competition. Design your robot and write a design plan.

Task of Period 4: Exchange your design plan with your partner and find out the positive and negative effects that might be caused by his/her robot, and then give suggestions to the designer to improve his/her design.

Task fulfillment:

Work in pairs.

1. Exchange your design plan with your partner.

2. Talk about and find out the positive effects and negative effects of his/her robot, using the expression of the supposition and belief.

3. Then give suggestions to the designer to improve his/her design. 用所学知识,完成任务。运用所学表达方式,完成本课时任务,为完成本单元任务做准备。


8) 布置作业 Revise your own design plan, paying attention to correct errors in grammar. 记下作业。锻炼学生的自主学习能力。



Book 7 Unit 2 Robots (语法及综合练习导学案)








1. desire n.渴望vt.想要


desire sth.渴望得到某物

desire to do sth.希望/渴望做某事

desire that sb.(should) do要求……

have a desire for sth./to do sth.渴望得到某物/希望做某事

at one’s desire照某人的希望


1) We all desire happiness and health.我们都希望幸福健康。

2) Everyone has a desire for success, but no everyone desire to get rich.每个人都渴望成功,但并非人人都渴望金钱。

3) He desires you to go to see him at once.他要求你马上去见他。

=he desires that you should go to see him at once.

[练习] 汉译英

1) 他想受到大学教育。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

2) 他们要我快点回来。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

3) 我请他立即回信。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

4) 她要你立即见她。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

5) 她应邀演奏了一曲。

Keys: 1)He desired a college education. 2) They desire me to return soon. 3) I desire an immediate answer of his. 4) She desires that you (should) see her at once. 5)She played a piece at others’ desire/by desire.

satisfaction n.满意


satisfactory n. 满意的,

satisfy v. 满足, 使满意,

demand satisfaction要求赔偿;

feel satisfaction at ... 对感到满意

find satisfaction in对...感到满意

to sb.'s satisfaction (to the satisfaction of sb.)达到使某人满意的程度

with satisfaction满意地


1) At last, the whole class found satisfaction in their work.最终,全班都对他们的工作感到满意。

2) What he promised could not satisfy his family.他的许诺并未能使他的家人满意。[练习] 汉译英

1) 买到想要的东西,她满意地离开了超市。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

2) 他的试验结果似乎令人满意。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

3) 这些条件中你至少要符合一项,否则就不能成为本俱乐部的会员。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

Keys: 1) Having bought what she wanted, she left the supermarket with satisfaction. 2) The result of his test seemed to be satisfactory. 3)If you don’t satisfy at least one of the conditions, you ca n’t become a member of our club.

alarm n.警报vt.使```惊恐


give /raise the alarm发警报

ring the alarm敲警钟

sound the alarm发警报; 吹警报号

take (the) alarm at对...感到吃惊; 因...而惊恐

be alarmed at ... 被...吓一跳


1) We were much alarmed by the fire in the forest. 森林失火使我们大为惊慌。

2) As soon as he saw the smoke, he sounded the alarm. 看见火灾爆发,他鸣响了警报。

[练习] 汉译英

1) 看到孩子们在返校时遭遇车祸的消息,家长们感到很害怕。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________


______________________________________________________________________ _____________

Keys: 1) The parents took the alarm at the news that their children caught a traffic accidence when retuning the school. 2) The residents in the community raised the alarm when seeing the great fire.

4. sympathy n.同情


feel /have sympathy for 同情某人

in sympathy with同情; 赞成; 和...一致

out of sympathy with对...不同情; 不赞成; 对...没有同感, 和...不一致

win sympathy of博得...的同情


1) He gave the poor child some money out of sympathy.出于同情,他给了这个穷孩子一点钱。

2) He is in sympathy with their beliefs. 他与他们的信仰一致.

[练习] 汉译英

1) 听完这个故事,他对她目前的情况深感同情。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

2) 通过描述他悲惨的童年,他赢得路人的同情。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

Keys: 1)After hearing the story, he felt sympathy for her present situation. 2) He won the sympathy of passers-by by describing his miserable childhood.

5. accompany vt.陪伴


accompany sb. to a place陪伴某人去某地

accompany sth. with/by sth. 与…同时存在


1) He accompanied his old father to th e hospital to see what’s wrong with his stomach.他陪他的老父亲去医院查看胃部出了什么问题。

2) Thunders accompanied by heavy rain in this season are very common.这个季节,雷鸣常常伴有大雨。[练习] 汉译英

1) 总统出现了被六个健壮的保镖护随着。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

2) 回到家乡,他的老同学们陪着他参观了这个城市。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

Keys: 1)The president appeared and was accompanied by six strong bodyguards. 2) When retuning hometown, he was shown around the city accompanied by his old classmates.

declare vt.宣布


declare sth.宣布……

declare sb./sth. (to be) +n./adj.宣布……为……

declare that

declare war on/upon对…宣战

declare against/for…声明反对/赞成


1) She declared that she didn't want to see him again. 她宣称她再也不愿见到他。

2) Soon they will declare him the owner of the house.很快他们就会宣布他为房子的主人。

3) The government passed a law that declared it illegal to catch and sell this kind of animals.


[练习] 汉译英

1) 那个女明星最近宣称要嫁给一个富人然后退出舞台。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

2) 公司宣布老板的儿子依法成为公司继承人。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

Keys: 1) The popular actress declared recently that she would marry a rich gentleman and retire from the stage. 2) The company declared the son of the boss to be the successor by law.

envy vt.嫉妒


envy sb. sth.妒忌/羡慕某人某物

become the envy of sb.成为令人嫉妒/羡慕的事物

be in envy of one’s success羡慕某人的成功

out of envy出于嫉妒/羡慕


1) All her workmates envied her (for) her promotion.所有的同事都羡慕她的晋升。

2) His talent for music becomes the envy of the other competitors.他在音乐方面的天分让其他人对手感到羡慕。

[练习] 汉译英

1) 他们的新房子受到邻居的羡慕。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

2) 出于妒忌,他作了伪证

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

Keys: 1)Their new house made them the envy of their neighbors. 2)He made the fault witness out of envy.

V 重点词组(旨在提供综合运用所需材料)

test out 考验;试验


1) This model had been tested out before it was put into production.这个型号经过试验后才进行大批量生产。

2) Before the lecture, the professor is used to testing out the whole experiment.上课前,这个教授习惯先将整个实验试验一番。


test on sb./sth.在……(身上)做实验/试验

have/take a test in 参加……考试

[练习] 汉译英

1) 成千上万的人们将参加这周日的公务员考试。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

2) 那个咨询顾问习惯先将新的政策在他自己的公司里进行实验。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

Keys: 1) Tens of thousands of people will take an entrance test for government officers this Sunday. 2) The consultant would test the new policy on his own company first.

ring up 打电话给……


ring back回电话

ring off 挂断电话;停止讲话

ring a bell唤醒经常是模糊的记忆

ring up the curtain 开始:开始一场演出,一个事件或一次行动


1) I have to ring off now because my friend is waiting for me.我朋友在等我,我得挂电话了。

2) On arriving at the airport, he rang up his mother to say everything was ok.一到达机场,他就打电话给他母亲报平安。

[练习] 汉译英

1) 今早他刚起床就有人给他打电话了。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

2) 见到老板进来,他赶紧挂断电话假装在工作。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

Keys: 1) The moment he got up this morning , someone rang him up. 2) Seeing his boss coming, he hurried to ring off and pretended to be working.

turn around 转向


1) He heard a voice but when he turned around, he saw nobody.他听到声音,但转身却没发现有人。

2) As he walked towards the hotel, he suddenly turned around and found an old lady following him.当他朝旅馆走去时,突然转身发现一个老妇人跟着他。


turn away把(脸)转过去

turn against背叛,反抗

turn on/off打开/关掉

turn up出现/调大(音量)

turn down拒绝,调小(音量)

turn out结果是;证明是;

[练习] 汉译英

1) 那年轻的女士无法想象要是她的丈夫背叛她的话会是怎么样。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

2) 虽然贫穷,但是女孩毅然地拒绝了别人的帮助。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

Keys: 1) The young lady cannot imagine what if her husband turns against her. 2) Though poor, the girl turned down others’ help firmly.

leave…alone 不打扰


leave behind留下,遗留

leave aside(把某事)搁置一边

leave for出发前往

leave out省去,遗漏,不考虑


1) Leave him alone and he will produce. 别打扰他,他会写出来的。

2) He was asked to leave for another city in 24 hours.他被要求24小时内离开到另一个城市去。

3) The teacher required us to leave out some unnecessary words in our essays.老师让我们将论文中不必要的词语省去。

4) You shouldn’t have left Andy alone in the mountains; it was very dangerous.你不该将Andy留在山上,因为那非常危险。

[练习] 汉译英

1) 老板捐款潜逃了,只留下一间空厂房。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

2) 听到警报,警察丢下家人冲出去看发生了什么事。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

Keys: 1) The boss escaped with all his fortune and left an empty factory behind. 2) Hearing the alarm, the policeman left his family behind and rushed out to see what happened.

set aside 将……放在一边;节省或保留(时间,金钱)


set down写下,记下

set off开始动身(for a place)

set up创立,建立,搭起

set out出发,着手做某事(to do sth.)

set about doing 着手做,开始做……


1) Would you please set aside some time to listen to my real idea?你可以腾出点时间听听我的想法吗?

2) The department set aside the things they were doing and concentrated on a more urgent task.这个部门的成员放下手头的事情,全力以赴一项更紧急的任务.

[练习] 汉译英

1) 父亲放下报纸点了一支烟。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

2) 他努力工作省下钱给他儿子上大学。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

Keys: 1) Father set aside the newspaper and lit a cigarette. 2) He is working hard to set aside some money for his son to go to college.

6. be bound to 一定做……


1) We missed the bus. We're bound to be late.我们错过了那趟车,我们肯定要迟到了。

2) She's bound to be mayor.她注定会成为市长。

[练习] 汉译英


______________________________________________________________________ ______________


______________________________________________________________________ ______________

Keys: 1) With much hard work, he is bound to succeed. 2) The new discovery is bound to be of great service to mankind.

VI 重点句子(旨在提供句子结构等所需材料)

1. Claire didn’t want the robot in her house, especially as her husband would be absent for three weeks, but Larry persuaded her that the robot wouldn’t harm her or allow her to be harmed.


[解释] to be harmed:动词不定式的被动语态。


1) All these gifts must be mailed immediately so as to be received in time for Christmas.所有的这些礼物必须及时邮寄,以便在圣诞节及时收到。

2) It remains to be seen whether Jim’ll be fit enough to play in the finals.吉姆最后是否适合演出仍将拭目以待。

[练习] 汉译英

1) 小汤姆假装被射中了哭喊着要糖吃。2) 此药得一日三次,饭后服用。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

Keys: 1)Little Tom pretended to be shot and cried for a candy. 2) The medicine is required to be taken three times a day after meals.

2. As she turned around, there stood Gladys Claffern.当他转过身时,(她发现)Gladys


[解释] there stood Gladys Claffern倒装句。在谓语为动词go, come, run, stand, live 等表示位置转移的动词及be动词的句子中,为了强调句子中一些副词there, here, up, down, in, out, away等,可将副词置于句首,若这时主语是名词,句子用全倒装;若是代词,则不用倒装。


1) There comes the teacher and her students.老师和她的学生们来了。

2) Out rushed the boys.男孩们冲了出去。

[练习] 汉译英

1) 年轻的母亲抱着手里两个月大的婴儿跑开了。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

2) 走进来了生气的老板和他的秘书。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

Keys: 1) Away ran the mother with a two-month-old baby in her arms. 2) In came the angry boss and his secretary.

3. Asimov began having stories published in science fiction magazines in 1939.1939年,阿西莫夫开始在科幻杂志上发表文章。


have sth. done 表示“请某人做某事”,或“遭遇到某事”(宾语与宾补为被动关系) have sb. do让某人做……

have sb./sth. doing让……不停地做……


1) We had our photo taken by a passer-by.我们请了个过路人给我们照相。

2) Be careful. It’s easy to have your pocket picked in a crowd like this.小心点,在这样的人群中容易被偷。

3) The coach has us doing the same thing all day. It’s boring.教练让我们整天做同样的事情,真乏味

4) As you have never been there before, I’ll have someone show you the way.既然你以前没去过,那我找人带你去。

[练习] 汉译英

1) 与对手角逐时,他大腿受伤了不得不放弃比赛。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

2) 残忍的老板让他的工人们整天工作。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

3) 班主任让班长他不在时管理班级。

______________________________________________________________________ _____________

Keys: 1) When struggling with the competitor, he had his leg broken and had to give up the match. 2) The cruel boss had his employees working all the morning. 3) The head teacher had the monitor manage the whole class when he was absence.



Book 7 Unit 2 Robots (周练测试)











1.Students should be encouraged to use ________ Internet as ________ resource.

A./;a B./;the C.the;the D.the;a

答案 D

解析the Internet因特网,为固定搭配;as a resource作为一种资源,此处用a表示泛指。2.The new apartment built a few months ago is large enough to ________ over 500 people. A.contain B.provide C.reside D.accommodate

答案 D


3.—What made Alice so angry?

—________ in the rain for an hour.

A.Being kept waiting B.Being kept to wait

C.Because of waiting D.She was kept waiting

答案 A


4.Thanks to the barking dog,the thief was ________ and we didn’t lose anything.

A.got away B.broken away

C.scared away D.taken away

答案 C

解析scare away把某人或某物吓走,符合题意。

5.On feeling the earthquake,the teacher stayed calm in the front of the classroom,________ all the students to rush out of the classroom as quickly as possible.

A.encouraging B.hoping

C.demanding D.urging

答案 D


6.Mr.Black ________ out for shopping when he heard the telephone ring,so he had to stay for a while to answer it.

A.had no sooner gone B.had hardly gone

C.was about to go D.was willing to go

答案 C

解析从下文“他只好等一会儿接电话”可排除A、B两项;was about to go...when符合语境。7.His ________ description of his adventure in the forest made us want to have a try ourselves. A.magic B.vivid C.relevant D.awesome

答案 B


8.Most medical men in the Health Service are overworked,so they had little time to offer some advice on such subjects as diet,right living and the need for ________ bad habits. A.abandoning B.abolishing C.polishing D.solving

答案 A


9.The school should spend some time training students to ________ in any emergency,especially with all in the buildings.

A.test out B.bring out C.squeeze out D.help out

答案 D

解析句意为:学校应训练学生在紧急情况下互相帮助,脱离危险,特别是在楼上。10.Opening the window,we saw a high mountain ________ us going up into the sky,just like a skyscraper.

A.against B.across C.opposite D.through

答案 C


11.Customers should learn to ________ advertisements so as not to be misled by them.

A.pick out B.reflect on C.make use of D.test out

答案 B

解析reflect on思考;考虑,符合题意。

12.Mary never dreamed of ________ for her to be sent abroad so soon.

A.being a chance B.there to be a chance

C.there is a chance D.there being a chance

答案 D

解析there being表存在,作介词of的宾语。

13.I don’t want any reward for my help;I gave it ________ out of friendship.

A.properly B.purely C.strictly D.conversely

答案 B


14.I soon found that the work I was doing had already been done by someone else —________ I was wasting time.

A.as a result B.in the meantime

C.in other words D.for one thing

答案 C

解析句意为:我正做的工作已有人做了,换句话说,我是在浪费时间。in other words换句话说。

15.Lucy’s new job paid twice as much as she had made ________ in the restaurant.

A.working B.work C.to work D.worked

答案 A

解析working in the restaurant为现在分词短语在句中作状语。


Unit 1 Living well 知识目标 1.Get students to learn the useful words and expressions in this unit. eyesight,ambition,disabled,beneficial,in other words,clumsy,adapt,microscope,out of breath,absence,stupid,fellow,annoyed,all in all,industry,tank,make fun of,encouragement,adapt to 2.Help students to learn about disabilities and life of the disabled. 能力目标 1.Let students read the passage Marty's Story to develop their reading ability. 2.Enable students to know that people with disabilities can also live well. 情感目标 1.By talking about disabilities and life of the disabled,make sure students can learn some positive stories of the disabled. 2.Help them understand more about how challenging life can be for the disabled. 3.Develop students' sense of cooperative learning.

优质高中英语选修7 unit3教案

一、词汇&短语 1.目击 v._____________________ 2.暂停 vt./n. __________________ 3.每年的adj. _________________ 4.拖,拉 vt. __________________ 5.催促vt._____________________ 6.深(度) n. ____________________ 7.协作 n._____________________ 8.住所 n._____________________ 9.相对的_____________________ 10.逃离v. _____________________ 11.放弃 vt. ____________________ 12.帮助(某人)摆脱困境 _________ 14.________________ 瞄准 13.________________ 优于;在……前面 15.________________ 靠近 16.________________ 在此期间;与此同时 17.帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难 二、知识详解 1. 【原句】that this was just a story but then I . 当时我以为只是一个故事罢了,但是后来亲眼看见了,而且见过多次。 witness vt 当场见到;目击 n 目击者;证人;证据 be (a) witness to sth 目击,看见 witness sth 见证,目击,作证 bear/give witness to 为…作证,为….的证人 witness to doing (在法庭上)作证 1).His good health is a to the success of the treatment. 他身体健康证明这种疗法是成功的。 2).Police have appealed for anyone who to contact them. 警方呼吁凡是目击这一事件的人与他们联系。 3).He seen the man enter the room.他证明看到那个人进了房间。 4).She the case, but didn’t want to give/bear witness. 2.【原句】On the afternoon I arrived at the station, , I heard a loud noise coming


Unit 2 robots Period 1 warming up and Reading Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language语言目标 a. 重点词汇和短语 fiction, cartoon, desire, satisfaction, absent, alarm, alarmed, smooth, embarrass, sympathy, elegant, pile, scan, fingernail, absurd, haircut, accompany, curtain, cushion, carpet, paint, awful,affair, firm, firmly, declare, victory, envy, marriage, test out, ring up, turn around, leave alone b. 重点句型 1. She felt embarrassed and quickly told him to go. 2. Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot. 3. By the amused and surprised look on her face, Claire knew that Gladys thought she was having an affair. 2. Ability goals能力目标: Help students to learn about robots and science fiction. 3. Learning ability goals学能目标: Enable students to realize science fiction reflects scientific thought; a fiction of things-to-come based on things-on-hand. Teaching important points教学重点 Teach students to enjoy science fiction. Enable students to grasp what Tony did to help Claire and how her emotion developed during Tony’s stay at her house. Help students to sum up characteristics of science fiction. Teaching difficult points 教学难点 How Claire’s emotion developed during Tony’s stay at her house. Teaching methods教学方法 Discussing, explaining, reading and practicing Teaching aids教具准备 The multimedia computer Teaching procedures 教学过程 Step I Warming up Present a photo of robot. Then ask students to say something about robot. 1.What is on the blackboard? 2.What is a robot? 3.How does a robot work? (A robot is a machine designed to do jobs that are usually performed by humans. Robots are programmed and controlled by a computer. ) 4. There are many types of robots and they can do different work. Can you name some of them?(Entertainment robots,Industrial robots,Domestic robots) 5. What Science fiction about robots have you ever read?(star war,cJ7,terminator, Transformers) 6.What is science fiction?(The science fiction is defined as a form of modern literature ,which is intended to predict future of human world and inspire human imagination and novelty of scientists.)

高二英语选修7 Unit5教案

Unit 5 Travelling abroad I.单元教学目标

III. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元以travelling abroad为话题,旨在通过单元教学,使学生了解在国外旅行或学习时可能会遇到的一些问题,并学会怎样去解决问题和避免这样问题的发生。学会表达和支持个人观点,能用所学的有关travelling abroad的词汇描述在国外居住生活的情况,在国外旅游时能根据所给的信息选择恰当的旅游线路,能推测什么事情可能会发生,哪种情况不会发生,会正确使用非限制性定于从句。 1.1W ARMING UP 提供了四个有关旅行的问题,让学生用已有的知识和经验讨论在国外居住或旅行会遇到什么问题,并且该如何来解决这 些问题。 1.2 PRE-READING是READING的热身活动。提供了两个问题,它要求采用与同学讨论交流的方式谈论在国外学习的利与弊,激发同学们的学习兴趣。 1.3 READING是一篇介绍中国女孩谢蕾在伦敦学习的情况。使学生对比在国内学习与在国外学习的不同。Try to understand some of the benefits and difficulties she has in London. 1.4 COMPREHENDING 练习1通过四个问题来检查学生对课文的细节的理解。 练习2以图表的形式来分析在国外学习的利与弊。 练习3设置了五个讨论题,通过这些话题的谈论,挖掘文章的深层含义,激活学生自身的认知能力和思想认识能力。 练习4是概括能力训练题,在理解的基础上,重点训练学生的概括能力。 1.5 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE分词汇和语法两部分。其中,Discovering useful words and expressions是训练学生在语境中掌握词汇的能力,帮助学生加强动词变化形式的意识。Revising useful structures 是关于非限制性定于从句,旨在训练学生对定语从句的理解、掌握和运用,并通过语法练习加以巩固。 1.8 USING LANGUAGE中的第一部分Listening要求学生先根据秘鲁的地图谈论有关秘鲁这个国家的一些情况, 然后完成三个相应的任务型练习。首先是要求学生在听第一遍时能完成听力练习1的任务,即:选择那些是Lia喜欢做


人教版高中英语选修7Unit1 一、教案背景 ,面向学生:√中学□小学2,学科:英语 2,课时:23,学生课前准备:熟悉课相关的重要词汇,本文的话题是围绕“残疾、残疾人的生活”展开 的介绍残疾人积极进取的生活,紧扣了本单元“身残志坚”的主题。引导学生谈论对“残疾”这一话题的看法,让学生了解残疾人取得的成就进行讨论,通篇阅读全文,把握文章的大 意让学生了解F amily Village网站的基本情况。借助标题和图片讨论该网站的主要内容和作用。 二、教学课题 知识与技能目标:I、让学生掌握以下单词和短语的用法: ambition,absence,beneficial,adapt,annoy,access,in other words, all in all,cut out, in many ways,resign, congratulation II、让学生学会运用以下重点句型: 1.She was proud to have recently presented her country in an athletics competition. 2.F o r d i s a b l e d c u s t o m e r s i t w o u l d b e m o r e c o n v e n i e n t t o p l a c e t h e t o i l e t s n e a r t h e e n t r a n c e t o t h e cinema. 过程与方法目标:1、带领学生讨论问题2、阅读全文,找出重点单词、短语和句型,加以分析讲解,使学生达到学以致用的境界。3、学习正式信件的写法和用语 4、引导学生去体会马蒂菲尔丁的情感变化,提高他们关心、理解、帮助他人的意识。 三、教材分析 Reading部分,由残疾人Marty Fielding 在网页上叙述自己的故事,他患了至今无法认识的 肌肉疾病,身心倍受摧残,但痛苦的磨练也让他变得更加坚强,更好地认识人生,决心要过好人生的每一天:“Live one day at a time”他展示了他复杂的情感变化过程:希望破灭后的迷惘、焦虑、恐惧、对同情和理解的渴望,以及自我接受、被人接受后重新燃起的希望和喜悦。 教学重点: 1、重点的单词、词组及句型用法 2、训练学生总结归纳段落大意的能力 3、培养学生关心、帮助残疾人的良好意识,激发学生自尊、自立、自强的精神 教学难点: 1、重点单词短语的用法 2、学习正式信件的写法和用语 3、深入理解和进一步运用语法动词不定式 教学之前确定教学重难点,上网搜索Family Villaged的资料,了解其情况,确定恰当的教学方法与参考资料。然后根据教学的需要,引导学生上网搜索出有关课文的录音与图片,让学生熟读读课文,培养英语语感。看到相关的图片之后,提高学生主动关心、帮助弱势群体的意识,同时学习以乐观的态度、顽强的毅力面对人生。 四、教学方法 讲授法、演示法、训练法、课堂讨论法 1、讲解重点的单词、短语以及动词不定式的用法 2、演示经典句型例子,播放相关图片


外研版高中英语选修7 全册教学设计教案

目录 Module 1 Basketball-Period 1 Module 1 Basketball-Period 2 Module 1 Basketball-Period 3 Module 1 Basketball-Period 4 Module 1 Basketball-Period 5 Module 1 Basketball-Period 6 Module 1 Basketball-Period 7 Module 1 Basketball-Section 1 Background readings Module 1 Basketball-Section 2 The Analysis of the Difficult Sentences Module 2 Highlights of mey senior Year-Period 1 Module 2 Highlights of mey senior Year-Period 2 Module 2 Highlights of mey senior Year-Period 3 Module 2 Highlights of mey senior Year-Period 4 Module 2 Highlights of mey senior Year-Period 5 Module 2 Highlights of mey senior Year-Period 6-7 Module 2 Highlights of mey senior Year-Section 1 Background Readings Module 2 Highlights of mey senior Year-Section 2 The Analysis of the Difficult Sentences Module 2 Highlights of mey senior Year-Section 3 Words and Expressions Module 3 Literature-Period 1 Module 3 Literature-Period 2 Module 3 Literature-Period 3 Module 3 Literature-Period 4-5 Module 3 Literature-Period 6-7 Module 3 Literature-Section 1 Background readings Module 3 Literature-Section 2 The Analysis of the Difficult Sentences Module 3 Literature-Section 3 Words and Expressions Module 3 Literature-Task Module 4 Music Born in America-(Period 5-6) Module 4 Music Born in America-(Period 7-9) Module 4 Music Born in America-Period 1 Module 4 Music Born in America-Period 2 Module 4 Music Born in America-Period 3 Module 4 Music Born in America-Period 4 Module 4 Music Born in America-Section 1 Background Readings Module 4 Music Born in America-Section 2 The Analysis of the Difficult Sentences Module 4 Music Born in America-Section 3 Words and Expressions Module 5 Ethnic Culture-Grammar1 Module 5 Ethnic Culture-Grammar2 Module 5 Ethnic Culture-Introduction Module 5 Ethnic Culture-Reading and Vocabulary(1) Module 5 Ethnic Culture-Reading and Vocabulary(2)


教学准备 1. 教学目标 Teaching aims: 1. To have a good understanding of the life of the disabled and their optimistic attitude towards life. 2. To get to know the inner demands of the disabled and develop the consciousness of helping the disadvantaged groups. 2. 教学重点/难点 1. To have a good understanding of the life of the disabled and their optimistic attitude towards life. 2. To get to know the inner demands of the disabled and develop the consciousness of helping the disadvantaged groups. 3. 教学用具 4. 标签 教学过程 Para1: Disease —a muscle disease which makes him very weak. Difficulties— clumsy and can’t run or climb stairs as quickly as other people Motto—To live one day at a time. Para 2-3: Why did the doctors cut out a piece of muscle from Marty’s leg? A. Because they could cure the disease by cutting it out. B. Because they wanted to use it as a specimen(标本). C. Because they would transplant(移植) the new muscle.

高中英语选修7unit2 Reading教学设计

UNIT2 The First Period Reading Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 fiction, cartoon, desire, satisfaction, absent, alarm, alarmed, smooth, embarrass, sympathy, elegant, pile, scan, fingernail, absurd, haircut, accompany, curtain, cushion, carpet, paint, awful,affair, firm, firmly, declare, victory, envy, marriage, test out, ring up, turn around, leave alone b. 重点句型 1. She felt embarrassed and quickly told him to go. 2. Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot. 3. By the amused and surprised look on her face, Claire knew that Gladys thought she was having an affair. 2. Ability goals能力目标: Help students to learn about robots and science fiction. 3. Learning ability goals学能目标: Enable students to realize science fiction reflects scientific thought; a fiction of things-to-come based on things-on-hand. Teaching important points教学重点 Teach students to enjoy science fiction. Enable students to grasp what Tony did to help Claire and how her emotion developed during To ny’s stay at her house. Help students to sum up characteristics of science fiction.


Unit 2 Robots Part 1 Teaching Design 第一部分教学设计

Period 2 A sample lesson plan for Learning about Language (Revise the passive voice including the infinitive) Introduction In this period students will be first helped by the teacher to discover and learn to use some useful words and collocations, and then to discover and revise the passive voice including the infinitive. The following steps of teaching may be taken: warming up by having a dictation, discovering useful words and collocations, reading more about the 22nd century, learning about the passive voice, discovering useful structures and closing down by putting on stage a text play of Satisfaction Guaranteed. Objectives To help students revise the passive voice To help students discover and learn to use some useful words and collocations To help students discover and learn to use some useful structures Procedures 1. Warming up by having a dictation To begin with, let’s take a dictation to strengthen our memory of the text. Larry Belmont worked for a company that make robot. Recently a robot that could do housework would be tested out Larry's life, Clair, for three weeks. Clair felt alarmed by the robot's humanly appearance. Before long she began to trust him. She told him that she and her home were not elegant enough for her husband and she envied the rich and powerful woman .The robot decided to protect her from being harm. He gave her a new haircut and changed her makeup and asked her to buy something to decorate her home. Before the night he was to leave Clair, they held a party. The guests were impressed by Clair and her home, especially by the handsome robot, whom they thought was her husband. Claire knew this is almost a dream and she felt very sad. However, the company was very satisfied with Tony, the robot although he needed rebuilding because it is absurd to have women falling in love with a machine. 2. Discovering useful words and collocations A collocation is two or more words that often go together. These combinations just sound "right" to native English speakers, who use them all the time. While going over the text, try to recognize the collocations, treat them as single blocks of language and copy them out into your Collocation Book. Now go to page 13. Work in pairs to finish the three exercises in 10 minutes. 3. Learning about the passive voice ACTIVE AND PASSIVE TENSES CHART SIMPLE PRESENT and SIMPLE PAST The active object becomes the passive subject. am/is/are + past participle was/were + past participle Active: Simple Present The movie fascinates me.


人教版高中英语选修七全册教学设计 Unit 1 Living well 知识目标 1.Get students to learn the useful words and expressions in this unit. eyesight,ambition,disabled,beneficial,in other words,clumsy,adapt,microscope,out of breath,absence,stupid,fellow,annoyed,all in all,industry,tank,make fun of,encouragement,adapt to 2.Help students to learn about disabilities and life of the disabled. 能力目标 1.Let students read the passage Marty's Story to develop their reading ability. 2.Enable students to know that people with disabilities can also live well. 情感目标 1.By talking about disabilities and life of the disabled,make sure students can learn some positive stories of the disabled. 2.Help them understand more about how challenging life can be for the disabled. 3.Develop students' sense of cooperative learning. 教学重点 Get students inspired by positive stories of the people with disabilities. 教学难点 1.Develop students' reading ability.

人教版高中英语选修7Unit2RobotsPeriod 2 Language Study 优秀教案

Period 2Language Study 设计方案(一) Teaching aims 1.To learn the useful expressions and sentence structures. 2.To enable students to use language points both orally and in written forms. Teaching procedures Step 1Learning words and phrases 1.desire n.渴望;欲望;渴求;vt.希望得到;想要 Do you think it is possible for a robot to have its own needs and desires? 你认为机器人有可能有自己的需求和愿望吗? [拓展] (1)desire作名词时,可接不定式或者for短语作定语,还可以接that引导的同位语从句。 (2)desire作及物动词时的常见搭配: desire sth./to do sth./sb.to do sth./that... [注意] desire作名词后接同位语从句以及作动词后跟宾语从句时,从句常常用虚拟语气,即“(should)+动词原形”结构。 The teacher desires me to come to school on time. =The teacher desires that I should come to school on time. 2.test out 试验;考验 It was going to be_tested_out_by Larry' wife,Claire. 它将由拉里的妻子克莱尔来试验。 [拓展] test sb.on sth.就某事(物)测试某人 test sth.on sb./sth.在某人(物)身上做试验 test sb.for sth.为某事检查某人 Mr.Li will test us on_ grammar next week. 下周李老师要检测我们的语法。 I am going to_test you for diabetes. 我将要检查你是否有糖尿病。 They have decided to test_the medicine on cats.] 他们已决定在猫身上试验这种药。 3.alarm vt.使某人警觉;使惊恐;n.警报;惊恐 However,when she first saw the robot,she felt alarmed. 然而当她第一次看到那个机器人时,她害怕了。 Please give/raise/sound the alarm when you are trapped in danger. 当你处于危险境地时,请发出警报。 [拓展] be alarmed at/by担心,害怕 give/raise/sound the alarm发警报 in alarm惊恐地 4.sympathy n.同情心


设计方案二 教材分析 本单元以残疾及残疾人的生活为话题,介绍了一些残疾人凭借顽强的毅力和社会的关爱克服生活中的种种困难,以积极的态度面对人生的挑战。Using Language中的Reading,speaking and writing部分要求学生先讨论行动困难的人在电影院可能会遇到的困难,然后引出Alice Major写给the new Bankstown cinema的建筑设计师的一封信,在信中她给建筑设计师提出一些建议,请求建筑师充分考虑残疾人的需求。这封信后有说和写的练习题,通过不同的语言技能训练,完成本单元教学目标。通过读这封建议信,要求学生学会写建议信。 学情分析 本单元的话题是围绕残疾、残疾人的生活展开的,在阅读了残疾人Marty Fielding的故事和聆听了盲人Barry Minto攀爬Mount Kilimanjaro的故事之后,学生对残疾人以及他们在生活中会遇到的困难有了一定的了解。在此基础下,笔者水到渠成地引出此封建议信,增强学生们关心、理解、帮助残疾人的意识。同时,通过阅读这封建议信,让学生熟悉建议信的格式并尝试写建议信。 教学目标 1.语言知识目标 (1)学生能够正确读写及运用以下单词: architect,adequate,access,accessible,handy,basement,row,outwards,exit,approval,dignity,profit,community (2)学生掌握下列词组的意思并能在句子中熟练运用: have access to;enjoy the company of;in comfort;meet with one's approval;make profi ts 2.语言技能目标:强化学生通过略读、查读理清文章脉络结构的能力;训练学生运用所学知识就某一话题展开讨论,并在讨论的基础上进行写作。 3.语言能力目标:提高学生的阅读理解和书面表达能力。 4.情感态度目标: (1)教育健康学生理解、尊重、关心、帮助残疾人,使残疾人与健全人一样共享美好生活。 (2)在小组合作互动中,增强学生的团队合作与分享意识。 重点难点 1.教学重点:阅读能力、写作能力的培养和提高 2.教学难点:掌握建议信这一应用文体的格式,并尝试写建议信 教学策略与手段 在教学过程中,笔者坚持以“教师为主导,学生为主体,任务为基础”的教学原则,以读前、读中、读后三大版块展开阅读教学,任务明确,活动面广。同时贯彻“教中学,学中用”的教学策略,通过仿写建议信,使学生学以致用,学到生活中真正的语言。 教学过程 Step 1Pre-reading Show pictures of a cinema,including inside and outside facilities and ask students to discuss what problems that people with disabilities might have in a cinema. [设计说明] 该部分作为读前的热身活动,通过全班讨论使学生关注残疾人可能会遇到的困难,为阅读接下来的建议信作好准备。 Step 2While-reading

人教版高中英语选修7教案 Unit 4SharingPeriod 1 Warming Up and Listening新

2012高二英语教学设计Unit 4 Sharing:Period1Warming Up and Listening (新人教版选修7) 设计者周萍 教材分析 本单元的话题是Sharing,主要涉及帮助弱者、志愿服务、合作分享等。通过听、说、读、写等各种活动学习相关的语言知识,使学生了解世界上很多地方依然很落后,从而懂得同情,学会分享。了解一些志愿者工作的信息,培养学生互助合作的精神和社会责任感。结合针对短文话题的探讨激发学生的国际意识,通过各种渠道力所能及地为贫困地区的孩子作出自己的贡献。 Warming Up部分是一个调查,分成三项任务:首先回顾自己曾经做过的助人为乐的好事,并采访三位同学;然后,根据调查内容列举班级同学所做的好事;最后讨论volunteer 的内涵。通过这些任务,让学生懂得什么是“帮助”,反思自己是否乐于助人,以及怎样做才是“志愿者”,由此为后面的短文学习做好铺垫。 Pre-reading是Reading的热身活动。交代了阅读文章的文体(letter)和作者(a young Australian woman,Jo),还根据她在PNG拍的10张照片提出了5个问题,回答这些问题有助于学生加深理解“志愿者活动”的意义。 Reading是一篇Jo写给Rosemary的信。其中介绍Jo在PNG(Papua New Guinea)的一个小山村教书。在她写给Rosemary的信中,作者描述了该村学校的情况和去一个学生家做客的经历,使学生感受到PNG的儿童生活处境的艰难,更加珍惜自己的学习机会。 Comprehending是根据短文设计的阅读理解试题。第一个练习要求学生读懂书信的内容,用表格的形式帮助学生整理书信中提到的关于巴布亚新几内亚村落生活及风俗习惯的信息,属于细节题。第二个练习要求学生对文中提到的五个现象进行分析,说明原因,属于细节推理题。第三个练习要求学生通过阅读分析生活在小山村中的积极面和消极面,这个练习进一步地开阔学生的思维,使学生对艰苦的生活有更深的理解。第四个练习要求学生小组活动,讨论四个问题,进一步巩固学生对于课文内容的理解,并且让学生联系自己的实际情况,通过比较校舍、教学条件、生活状况等方面的问题,引发学生的深层思考,谈谈自己是否愿意参加志愿者活动。第三、四两个练习都属于深层思考的问题。 Learning about Language分词汇和语法两部分。其中,第一部分是有关此篇短文中的重点单词和短语。设置了三个练习,一是根据所给解释从所学词汇中选择相应的单词;二是用恰当的词汇完成一篇短文;三是根据解释组成词组,并用词组编对话。第二部分是有关限制性定语从句的复习。首先从课文中找出含有限制性定语从句的句子;然后用定语从句完成句子,对定语从句加以运用;再用含有定语从句的句子回答问题;最后是两人结对活动,进一步练习使用定语从句。 Using Language是对Reading的延伸。通过阅读,参与“Give an unusual gift”的活动。这个部分由三个部分组成,综合训练学生听说读写四个方面的能力。“读与说”通过图文结合的方式,介绍了一些特殊的礼品——为穷人和真正需要它们的人选购礼品。阅读之后,完成两个练习:回答问题和把礼物名称和详细介绍配对。“听与说”部分是采访默里大夫的经历,以听力训练为核心设置了四个活动。1.讲述一个人的生平,用到了时间表达法;2.通过列表


教学过程 一、课程导入 二、复习预习 教师引导学生复习上节课所学的知识点,(以提问、回顾的形式进行),针对上节课的作业进行讲评、订正、答疑。 三、知识讲解 考点/易错点1

知识点1:词语辨析 【考查点】词形变化 1. disability n.无能;残疾 disabled adj.伤残的able adj.能干的;能够的 2. ambition n.野心,雄心ambitious adj.有雄心的,野心勃勃的 3.beneficial adj.有益的 benefit v.&n.受益;利益,好处 4. independent adj.独立的independence n.独立depend v.依靠,依赖 5.encouragement n.鼓励encourage v.鼓励courage n.勇气,精神 【练习】根据句子结构,用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空 1)The ______ girl swims well in spite of her _______.(disable) 2) Robert is a very _______ man and one of his ______ is to travel in Antarctica. (ambition) 3) If you want to be a _______, you should work hard at ______ and care for ______ situations. (politics) 4) It is known to all that fresh air is _______ to our health and the new park ______ us all, so we should keep it clean.(benefit) 5) The boy who used to ______on his parents now wants the ______ from them and is learning to be _______.(depend)
