

Chen Yuyi (1090-1138), word to Africa, their ancestral home, Jane Jaipur, Jing Zhao, since cengzu Chen Xiliang moved to Luoyang, the Song Dynasty Henan Luoyang (now Henan). He was born in Song Zhe Yuanyou five years (1090), died in Song Gaozong in the Southern Song Dynasty Shaoxing eight years (1138). Chen Yuyi worked as a professor of government, where the Imperial College in the Northern Song Dynasty, the imperial court in the Southern Song Dynasty, is a patriotic poet, whose main contribution is in poetry, has left many youguoyoumin patriotic poems.

There are many people in the apartment of Chen Yuyi singing from the poem. These poems are meaningful language is beautiful, vivid, more essential property, patriotic nostalgic form. Such as: Yamamura did not rest outside the cuckoo crow, sunset dream yo.

The motherland is no horses, still have to worry when a.

- "give to the capital"

To court tree songbirds, green spring Fu Yuan Lin.

Suddenly a good student has been hard to find the fundus, syntactic arrangement.

One of the first two - "spring"

These poems are often full of emotion, and wounded from the allegorical and sustenance, belongs to fresh beauty works out of dissatisfaction with the voice of reality. Language simple but not dull, pay attention to word formation and not jerky, sounds to express his deep implication of love. "Sikuquanshu Tiyao" once remarked that he said: "Chen Y uyi in the poets, the hilltop, and none of the K. As for Hunan on time, is a sense of Bianjing, Fu, ungrudging, Italy is often sudden nostalgia, the ancients." He was one of the big Heli generation. Chen Yuyi belonged to members of the school of Jiangxi, but he later saw the Jiangxi School of poetry, and free from worldly tender. He studied Du Fu, although quite effective, but because there is no extensive and like Du Fu a long time close to the people, also not Du Fu that he is positive and realistic sincere thoughts and character of social reality more clear visual acuity, so Chen's share for the country and patriotic poem cry and psalm of injustice as the reality is not much, poetry tentacles by the depth and breadth than Du Fu, the lack of positive energy and the spirit of sacrifice for the country.

Liaoning volume

Read the following poem song, complete 8-9 problem.


Chen Yuyi.

Ten, drizzly rain, sent to the fire stability. The dreams for years, yesterday evening non plane.

A cool well to the bone, the thing against the walls. The continual prosperous, westerly winds blow off clothes.

[note]: Chen Yuyi (1090 - 1138): word to Africa, Jane, Zhai, luoyang. This poem in Zheng and eight years (1118), then the author is at Beijing for investiture. The Vulcan: Vulcan, referring to the summer. The walls: the walls, refers to the poor. The continual: many, here refers to the number of high-ranking officials and do nothing. Downtown: refers to the capital.

What does it mean to be second 8? What kind of feelings are expressed by the author?

9 previous think this poem "wonderful in the rain, you agree that neither friendly nor aloof"? Please explain the reasons. (6 points)

Reference answer

8 autumn has come, the swallows will return to the south, a year like a dream, a plane by rain, and last night was different, the author borrowed swallows, Indus in the rain to express their feelings, feelings of nostalgia and loss.

The first sentence is understood as "the swallow will fly south, think of one year, after the old nest can only be seen in a dream," also can give points. Mean to.

9 (6 points) agree. Although the poem is "rain", but the author is not written, but through the rain rain, plants and animals and people to write in the rain feel to write rain, which gives people a feeling neither friendly nor aloof.

If agree, and can not write positive answer, Rain Rain King, to 2; the answer is by people, the feeling to write the rain, to 4 points. It can be right. If the answer does not agree, only have the discretion to It stands to reason..

[extended reading]

How a word: the ancient poetry rain rain on the state

When it comes to poetry, especially classical poetry, it often comes to four common images: wind, flowers, snow, moon. In fact, as long as a little attention, it will be found that the image of the rain in the Chinese poetry in the frequency of the first four compared with the former can be said to have had no time. As early as in the "book of songs" Boxi Wei?? in "the rain the rain, bright day." The poem, song Shen Hao also said: "there has been the same landscape, the wind and rain to help busy poetry." Indeed, the gentle rain, clever, eloquent, the poets express personal feelings of the effective carrier, the so-called "feelings have asked Chu rain". Poets have their own feelings and experiences, emotions and attitude are melted to rain to describe, which produces different rain mood.

A rain, and the natural beauty of fusion Wonderland

On rain and rain infiltration into the scenery, beautiful scenery, beautiful scenery and reach a watery infection, in rain alcohol, heaven, too wonderful for words realm. Such as Wang Wei ("autumn evening in the mountains"): "empty mountain rain, the weather late autumn. According to the moon between pine, clear spring stone upper. Bamboos, lotus under yuzhou. Free spring break, Wang Sun can stay." Wang Wei in the eyes of the moon, clear spring, Huan Huan, Y uzhou, clean and fresh after the rain mountain art space is moist and shiny, that long, beauty and watery complement each other, called wonderland. "Du Fu": "spring night rain rain season, when the spring and. The wind into the night, wet things, and a very beautiful picture of the spring. Quiet night, the rustling rain, shiny and bright into life, all things so quietly live, how comfortable! Su Shi "huanxisha" words: "energy-saving, light sand, walk the street clean, a soaking rain after the field is green, the scenery is particularly fresh and lovely, on the lawn in Pingsha zouma, is spotless, feel eyeful green, beautiful. Han Yu is a member of eighteen "early spring water": "Guan Xiaoyu run as crisp grass color, almost No. The most advantage of the spring of the year, the vast Sheng Yan Liu full royal." The rain fell in the street to moisten the slender as crisp, crisp is cream, its delicate, smooth, moist and well proportioned, slowly to the heavy street. Through the rain at the grass, hazy, seems to have a very light very light green

color, this is the spring grass. Look at it, my heart suddenly people feel happy and fresh, lively, fresh, joy shows between the lines.

In addition, there are many famous, such as "drizzle fish, breeze oblique swallow", "rain slender thin air, 10000 Yangliuqing smoke" and "double swallow return in the rain" and so on, are sketched a picture of beautiful natural picture, let people appreciate, praise, luster and vitality and hope of life from the experience of life.

Two, the rain and the philosophy connotation of Zen fusion

Rain is washing the space world, but also the world of human mind. The poet's heart is in the right or wash the watery cool, the poet perceived some philosophy of life in contemplation and meditation in the rain, so that the rain has a Zen home that.

The Song Dynasty poet Su Shi's words: "the storm" is to wear Lin Ye, why Yin Xiao and xu. Mangxie Light wins bamboo horse, who is afraid of? Zhu Ren life. Chilly spring breeze blowing cold sober up, but mutually tilt hilltop. Looking back at the bleak, back, no rain and no eye." The word for Su Shi in Huangzhou, by the usual rain on his way through analyze the unusual life philosophy, reflects the author's unique life experience: whether it is the nature of the wind nor rain, or the real life and lift, can regard as unimportant, unaware. The poet here is the help of "rain" that will be introduced to the specific images of life over the pros and cons, Zen like quiet be free from things of the world. The Fang Yue's poem "machines" poetry also appears to be very meaningful: "Zhu Zhaimian to dream, long moss. Relative to the gate of the mountain, the body of the birds do not guess." The poet asleep, even the dream grow moss, even the birds are not quiet and suspicion. In the realm of the poet Chu Chai to lose itself in the "object", and completely, the world does not exist. The rain put people into a poetic dwelling from the noisy world, but no word of Zen, Zen everywhere.

This type of poetry, also cited a lot of. Such as "Chen Yuyi": "reading books with Shiyuan safe words, worry about lost old Chinese side. A curtain of light rain sparsely, full of flowers. For the old poem is the dream of spring. The ten age, the number of staff on the habitat crow." This poem in the Qing Dynasty Ji Yun's comment was "the Qing old node also taste." And as Li Shangyin: "overcast autumn frost lingers fly late, leave a withered lotus to listen to the rain" ("Su Ting Luo's memory of Cui Yongcui"); Bai Juyi: "three cool autumn night, a quiet man. Late after lying in the rain off, sleeping beauty "(" autumn night "); Wang Anshi:" Jiangbei overcast autumn half open, but Hanyu dihuai late cloud. Castle Peak around Yi Road, suddenly see the sails set off "(" River "). The poets with Yu Yulai expressing empty quiet leisure, light and artistic atmosphere, which implied the "solvable without solution" of zen. Here the life essence and noumenon of the universe is harmony as a whole, all following theDestiny, natural and comfortable, free realm full of vigour quiet into the air, is a spirit, free spirit. This is the so-called "by means of non-literature" and achieve the purpose of enlightened mind.

Three, the rain and the elegant leisurely and carefree fusion environment

Mr Guo Shaoyu said: "enjoy the rain hut, and contented, see ya". Gather heart attentively, or castle concept or Jingwo rain, rain, rain or wine products, or to the rain, it is a kind of elegant leisurely and carefree, the pursuit of the realm.


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3、多读英文原版教材和文章,理解词的具体运用和英美法律制度,扩大词汇量。 4、多看他人有关文章、著作及有关法律的正式英文译本,去伪存真。前提是你的知识量足够大,能一眼看出其真伪对错。《中国翻译》、《上海翻译》、《中国科技翻译》经常刊载法律翻译方面的文章,可惜多为泛泛之作,少见精品。 关于如何学好法律英语,我的经验大体就这些。但如果要作一个好的法律翻译,这些显然是不够的,这又是另外一个话题了。 关于如何学好法律英语,每个人的基础不一样,学习的习惯也不一样,所以很难有一个"万精油"的方法。 这里仅有几点个人经验,供参考: 1.坚持看原版的法律新闻,最好的地方如下: https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f16236544.html,/ ,如果上网方便,最好每天去一次,哪怕是时间只够把新闻标题看完…… 2.坚持用原版的法律词典,最好的当然是black’s law dictionary,不过,这两个地方的法律词典也不 错:https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f16236544.html, ,https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f16236544.html, .当然,刚开始用原版的法律词典可能有些不习惯,从长远来看,这是非常有好处的。 3.坚持读原版的法律书籍, 4.坚持听原版的法律节目,cnn和abc及bbc每周都有与法律有关的节目,这些节目网上也可以收听,只不过要通过代理服务器,还好,这个网站可以访问:https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f16236544.html, , 只是这里的节目没有原文对照,听起来有些难。还有一些:坚持分析原版的案件,坚持用英语写读书笔记和日记,坚持用英语思考,用英语和朋友,和


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语法速成进阶 三大从句从入门到精通 1 All of model sentences are from a series of movies of MARVEL 要求:根据范例,识别并准确标出下列主从复合句中的从句的长度和类型。 任务通关,现在开始 1. 01:24 【Iron Man I】 感觉像是要带我去军事法庭。 I feel like you're driving me to court martial. 2. 01:41 【Iron Man I】我本该道歉的,但我们不是正要去军营吗? I mean, I would apologize, but isn't that what we're going for here? 3.02:10 【Iron Man I】能跟您合个影吗? Is it cool if I take a picture with you? 4.06:20 【Iron Man I】 但如果我是Tony,我会告诉大家,我有多荣幸多兴奋能获得这项殊荣。 But if I were Tony, I would tell you how honored I feel and what a joy it is to receive this very prestigious award. 5.08:18 【Iron Man I】 我只希望您正面回答。 All I want is the serious answer. 6.10:09 【Iron Man I】 专车等在外面随时听候调遣。 And there's a car waiting for you outside that will take you anywhere you'd like to go.


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Google搜索从入门到精通 1,前言 我是在2000年上半年知道Google的。在这之前,我搜索英文信息通常用AltaVista,而搜索中文信息则常用Sina。但自使用了Google之后,它便成为我的Favorite Search engine了这也得感谢新浪网友曹溪,因为当初正是因为他的大力推介,才使我识得了Google。得1996年夏季的时候,当我第一次接触Internet,便被扑面而来的魔力征服了。那种天咫尺的感觉,真是妙不可言。在经历了疯狂的WWW冲浪和如痴如醉的BBS沉迷之后,我意 识到Internet对我影响至深的还是在于学习方式的变迁。 如何来描述这种变迁呢?以前的学习,一般需要预先在肚子里存储下足够的知识,必要时,就从海量的信息中提取所需的部分。这种学习方式造就了很多“才高八斗,学富五车” 的大才子。但是,到了信息领域大大超出“四书五经”的新时期,预先无目的的吞下海量信息的学习方式就有些不合时宜了。比方说,我们到了大型的图书城,往往有一种不知所措的感觉。旧有的学习方式需要变更以适应这个信息爆炸的年代。目的明确的去学习,即先知道要学什么,然后有目的的去寻找答案,这种方式看上去更加有效率。我不妨把这称为“即学式”,相应的,旧有的称为“预学式”。不过,“即学式”的实施是有前提的。首先,要求学习者拥有一个包罗万象的信息库,以供随时抽取各种目的信息;其次,是需要一个强劲的信息检索工具,以便高效率的从信息库中提取信息。很明显,Internet可以充当那个海量的信息库,而搜索引擎,则正是寻找之火的绝好工具。 “公欲善其事,必先利其器”。Internet只有一个,而搜索引擎则有N多个。有搜索高手说,所谓搜索,就是“在正确的地方使用正确的工具和正确的方法寻找正确的内容”。但是,对于普通人而言,掌握诸多搜索引擎的可能性似乎不大。用一两个相对强劲的具代表性的工具达到绝大多数搜索目的更为人们所迫切希望。不同的时期,涌现出不同的强者。就前而言,我们非常幸运的有了: *****Google****** 2,摘要 本文简要的介绍了Google的历史和特点,Google的基本搜索语法和高级搜索语法,Google 的特色功能,包括图片搜索、新闻组搜索和集成工具条等。尽管本文名为“Google搜索从精通”,但事实上,本文只能算是对Google的一个并不十分完全的介绍而已。:) 3,如何使用本文 阅读本文最好具备一些最基本的布尔代数基础,如“与”、“或”、“非”等。不过,即便你没有这方面的知识,也不必在意。对那些实例进行练习,你的疑惑就会迎刃而解。刚刚接触网络搜索的读者而言,也许你应该从头到尾的阅读本文;但对于那些有一定搜索基础的读者而言,只需要跳跃着寻找自己所需要的信息就可以了。此外,你也可以参考中文Google大全:https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f16236544.html,/intl/zh-CN/about.html,以及搜索帮助:https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f16236544.html,/intl/zh-CN/help.html,那是官方Google使用手册以及问题解答中心。 4,Google简介 Google(https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f16236544.html,)是一个搜索引擎,由两个斯坦福大学博士生Larry Page与Serg


语法从入门到精通60讲 语法就是一栋大厦的地基,没有语法,不理解,也记不住,学习英语就是裸奔的感觉,所以要打基础。掌握好语法才能在阅读和听力中进行正确的断句、进行正确的成分剖析,然后才能做出正确的理解。 本轮课程旨在帮助大家清晰准确的掌握语法知识,辨析语法概念,梳理语法系统的脉络,进而夯实英语学习的地基,后边还有重点、难点语法知识,慢慢实现从入门到精通的过程。 第一部分是初级语法课程(lesson 1 to lesson 30),第二部分是中高级语法课程(lesson31 to lesson 60) Lesson1 课前练习: (1) As we have finished the first chapter, now we will read_____. A) second B)second chapter C) the second chapter (2) _____honesty is the best policy. A) 不一填 B) The C) A 定冠词&不定冠词&零冠词 概念剖析: 不定冠词:a/an,可视为one (―个)的弱化形式,表述数量,或者泛指任何一个。 a book an apple A fox cannot hide its tail. 概念剖析: 零冠词:当某一名词是复数、专有名词或没有固定形状(抽象名词、物质名词),前面不适合加a/an,应把该位置空下来,形成“零冠词”。 Books are my best friends. Luxun is a great Chinese writer. Honesty is the best policy. Water is precious. 概念剖析: 定冠词:the,可视为that或those的弱化形式;that/those有明确的指示功能;the也同样


法语语音入门:音标详解 元音[i] 同英语[i:],但不延长读音。字母i,?,?,y发。 例词:lit nid ?le midi 元音[ε] 字母è,ê,ei,ai,a?,词末-et,e在相同的两个辅音字母前及闭音节中发[ε] 例词:lait même Seine elle 元音[a] 字母a, à发[a]。 例词:là mal salle malade 元音[y] 舌尖抵下齿,双唇突出呈圆形,开口度极小,读音近似中文"玉"。字母u,?发[y]。例词:tu salut statue usine 元音[e]近似英语[e],但开口度较小,字母é,词尾-er,ez发[e],es在少数单音节词中发[e]。例词:café fumer lisez ces [?]舌尖抵下齿,双唇突出略呈圆形,开口度近似[?],气流同时从口、鼻腔外出。字母un,um 发[oe~]。 例词:un lundi chacun quelqu'un 元音[o] 近似英语[R:],但开口度较小,且不延长读音。字母?,au,eau发[o],o在词末开音节及[z]前发[o]。 例词:auto bateau h?tel chose 元音[R] 同英语[R]。字母o一般发[R]。 例词:moto photo monnaie tomate 元音[S] 口形同[o],但气流同时从口、鼻腔外出。字母on,om发[S]。 例词:non bonbon maison tombe 元音[u] 同英语[u:]但不延长读音。字母ou,où,o?发。 例词:où nous jour soupe 元音[D] 发音部位同[D],但气流同时从口、鼻腔外出。字母an,am,en,em发[D]。 例词:enfant manteau lampe ensemble 元音[Y] 发音部位同[ε],但气流同时从口、鼻腔外出。字母in,im,ein,ain,aim,yn,ym发[Y]。例词:pain fain magasin syndicat 元音[?],但双唇突出略呈圆形。字母e在单音节词及词首开音节发[?]。 例词:je menu demain semaine 元音[O],发音同[?],但肌肉更紧张,双唇突出呈圆形。字母eu,Ou发此音。


沈阳工程学院 课程设计任务书 课程设计题目:最长公共子串(第7组) 系别信息工程系班级计本091 学生姓名学号 指导教师姜柳、吕海华职称讲师、讲师 课程设计进行地点:实训F座 任务下达时间: 2010年月日 起止日期:2010年月日起——至2010年月日止教研室主任姜柳 2010年月日批准

一、课程设计问题描述 以顺序存储结构表表示串,求两个字符串中的最长公共子串。 二、课程设计要求 程序实现任意输入两个字符串,并对他们进行比较,求的两个字符串中最长的公共子串。如果这两个串没有公共子串,则输出NULL。约束条件是串的长度不能超过256个字符。 三、对课程设计说明书撰写内容、格式、字数的要求 1.课程设计说明书是体现和总结课程设计成果的载体,主要内容包括:设计题目、设计目的、设备器材、设计原理及内容、设计步骤、遇到的问题及解决方法、设计总结、设计小组评语、参考文献等。一般不应少于3000字。 2.在适当位置配合相应的实验原理图、数据通路图、微程序流程图、实验接线图、微指令代码表等图表进行说明。应做到文理通顺,内容正确完整,书写工整,装订整齐。 3.设计总结部分主要写本人完成工作简介以及自己的设计体会,包括通过课程设计学到了什么,哪里遇到了困难,解决的办法以及今后的目标。设计小组评语处注明设计组编号、设计组组长、设计组成员,并由设计组组长给出评语。 4.课程设计说明书手写或打印均可。手写要用学校统一的课程设计用纸,用黑或蓝黑墨水工整书写;打印时采用A4纸,页边距均为20mm,正文采用宋体小四号字,行间距18磅。文中大标题采用黑体小三号字,一级节标题采用黑体四号字,二级节标题采用黑体小四号字,表题与图题采用宋体五号字。 5.课程设计说明书装订顺序为:封面、任务书、成绩评定表、目录、正文、参考文献。 四、设计完成后应提交成果的种类、数量、质量等方面的要求 1.完成“任务书”中指定的操作功能,运行稳定。 2.课程设计说明书。 五、时间进度安排 六、主要参考资料(文献) [1]郭翠英.C语言课程设计案例精编.北京:中国水利水电出版社.2004.3 [2]谭浩强.C语言程序设计.北京:清华大学出版社.1999.12


AutoLISP入门 单元一:AutoLISP主角登场 (2) 单元二:AutoLISP的关键、基本结构及语法 (4) 单元三:快速分类浏览AutoLISP功能函数(一) (10) 单元四:快速分类浏览AutoLISP功能函数(二) (13) 单元五:轻松快速的掌握AutoLISP设计技巧 (16) 单元六:图元数据的取得与活用技巧(一) (21) 单元七:图元数据的取得与活用技巧(二) (25) 单元八:新手上路-参数设计的关键技巧 (31)

单元一:AutoLISP主角登场 一. AutoLISP 是何方神圣? 1、AutoLISP是AutoCAD的最佳拍檔! 2、AutoLISP内含于AutoCAD软件内,不用另外花钱买! 3、AutoLISP是强化AutoCAD最好、最直接的『程序语言』! 4、AutoLISP易学、易用,即使不会程序设计的AutoCAD使用者,都能在最短的时间内,写出令人惊讶、赞叹的功能! 若说AutoLISP的出现,是替AutoCAD 创造一片天的『最大功臣』,实不为过一点也不夸张! 5、AutoLISP希望您去学习它、改善它、发挥它、享受它.真的!它的威力、魅力无穷! 二. AutoLISP 程序语言的特质分析: 学习AutoLISP是非常容易的,对初学者而言,即使没有学习过任何的程序语言,都能很快的上手,写出精彩漂亮的AutoLISP程序! 语法简单:不用特殊的变量宣告,非常富有弹性,比起其它的程序语言,它的语法可说是非常简单而有其独特的风格! 功能函数强大:除一般性的功能函数外,又拥有为数不少控制配合AutoCAD的特殊函数,再加上AutoLISP可直接呼叫执行所有AutoCAD的指令,以及掌握运用所有的AutoCAD系统变量,功能之强大令人欣喜不已! 撰写的环境不挑剔:只要是一般的文书编辑软件都适用! 如:Windows的记事本、PE2、PE3、DW3、书中仙、汉书、EDIT....等 直译式程序:不用再作编译,『即写即测、即测即用』,马上可以在AutoCAD中响应效果,马上就有成就感! 横跨各作业平台:悠然自得,虽然AutoCAD有DOS、Windows版本之分但是AutoLISP却可在不改写的原貌下,加载与执行! 三.撰写AutoLISP 的动机? 1、欲强化AutoCAD 原有指令时. 2、欲创造更有用的AutoCAD 新指令. 3、欲简化繁琐的环境设定或绘图步骤时. 4、欲处理参数式绘图时. 5、欲做图面资料读文件、写文件. 6、欲做AutoCAD 简报展示时. 7、欲达到真正灵活掌控AutoCAD 时. 8、欲提升自己跨上AutoCAD 高手列车时. 四.AutoLISP 的效益评估? 1. 对公司负责人或设计主管而言: A. 也许某员工或干部花了20个小时撰写一个AutoLISP程序,表面上,这将近三天的时间,他连一张图都没有画,甚至可能偶有发呆、沈思,若此程序一天可以替公司绘图部门节省1小时绘图时间,那算一算,只要20天就抵销开发成本,而20天以后都是赚的,『用的愈久,省的愈多』! B. 若员工皆有此动力,在不影响正常工作,『鼓励』都来不及,那有『压抑』的道理,甚至还要派遣优秀人员出去受训,学习更好的设计技巧与创意呢?! C. 千万不要因为您的不懂或压抑,SHOW您的权威与POWER,如此,不但对员工造成打击,甚至您可能成为阻碍了公司计算机化进步的罪魁祸首 D. 当然,若要撰写的程序很多,内部设计人员的程序功力距离太远,达成需求的时间反而变得遥遥无期,那倒不如求助于市面上已有的相关AutoCAD 支持软件。
