


Yangshuo, China

It was raining lightly when I__61__(arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn. But I didn’t care. A few hours__62__, I’d been at home in Hong Kong, with __63_(it) choking smog. Here, the air was clean and fresh, even with the rain.

I’d skipped nearby Guilin, a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River__64__are pictured by artists in so many Chinese __65__(painting). Instead, I’d head straight for Yangshuo. For those who fly to Guilin, it’s only an hour away__66__ car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city.

Yangshuo__67__(be) really beautiful. A study of travelers_68__(conduct) by the website Trip Advisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world. And the town is fast becoming a popular weekend destination for people in Asia. Abercrombie & Kent, a travel company in Hong Kong, says it__ 69__(regular) arranges quick getaways here for people_70__(live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong.


Are you facing a situation that looking impossible to fix?

In 1969, the pollution is terrible along the Cuyahoga River near Cleveland, Ohio. It __61__ (be)unimaginable that it could be ever be cleaned up. The rive was so polluted that it ___62___ (actual) caught fire and burned. Now year late, this rive is one of ___63___most outstanding examples of environmental cleanup.

But river wasn’t changed in a few days__64___even a few months. It took years of work ___65___ (reduce) industrial pollution and clean the water. Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is___66___ (clean) than ever.

Maybe you are facing an impossible situation. Maybe you have a habit ___67___ is driving your family crazy. Possibly you drink too much or don’t know how to control your credit ca rd use. When you face such impossible situation, don’t you want a quick fix and something to change immediately.

While there are___68___ (amaze) stories of instant transformation, for most of us

the ___69___ (change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river. Just be___70___ (patience)


One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about __61___ (be) late for school.

There were many people waiting at the bus stop, ___62___ some of them looked very anxious and ___63__(disappoint) . When the bus finally came, we all hurried on board. I got a place next ____64___ the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk.

A boy on a bike ____65___ (catch ) my attention. He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms. I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver, but he refused ____66___(stop) until we reached the next stop. Still, the boy kept ___67___(ride). He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting. Finally, when we came to the next stop, the boy ran up the door of the bus. I heard an excited conversation. Then the driver stood up and asked,“___68___ anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?

A woman on the bus shouted, “ Oh, dear! It ’s __69__ (I ). She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully. Everyone on the bus began talking about what the boy had done, and the crowd of strangers __70__ (sudden) became friendly to one another.


The adobe dwellings (土坯房)__41__ (build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even __42__ most modern of architects and engineers. In addition to their simple beauty, what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their __43__ (able) to “air condition” a house without __44__ (use) electric equipment. Walls made of adobe take in the heat from the sun on hot days and give out that heat __45__ (slow) during cool nights, thus warning the house. When a new day breaks, the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough __46 __ (cool) the house during the hot day. __47__ the same time, they warm up again for the night. This cycle __48 __ (go) day after day. The walls warm up during the day and cool off during the night and thus always a timely offset(抵消)for the outside

temperatures. As __49__ (nature) architects, the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly __50__ thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days.


People often don’t do what they really want to for fear of failure. You don’t apply for a job case you don’t get it. You don’t perform at the school conc ert

b others might laugh at you. A lack of confidence can l to a lot of suffering. The key to o this problem is to believe in yourself. This might be (容易)said than done, but there are many w to help you do this. Talk about your problem with a friend or look advice on the Internet. Imagine yourself being (成功)and practice breathing techniques to keep you calm when you get nervous. And the important thing is: believe you can do it. When you’ve (学会)to do that.

人教版七年级英语下册 Unit 8 专项练习 选词填空

七下Unit 8专项训练—选词填空 一、从方框中选择适当的单词,并用其适当形式完成下面的短文 A (有两个单词多余) I am Mike. I live on Green Street. It is a good ________1 to have fun. You can ________2 a hotel, a supermarket, a bank, a bookstore and a zoo on it. It is a very ________3 street. There are always lots of people and cars in it. My house is ________4 from the hotel. The hotel is ________5 the bookstore and the bank. My favorite place is the bookstore. There are lots of interesting books in it. I often ________6 time there on weekends. If you want to see ________7, you can go to the zoo. It is next to the supermarket. There is also a big ________8 near the supermarket. It is ________9 and quiet. You can ________10 your lunch in it. Welcome to Green Street. B My father finds a new job in New York. So my family buys a new


众望初中第二课堂 语文培优成语训练 1. 下列各句中,加点的词语使用不恰当的一项是( ) A.由于缺乏监管、长期无序开采矿石,恒山风景区四周群山“遍体鳞伤”,放眼望去,青山翠岭变成了土石满坡的不毛之地,令人痛心。 B.校车关乎学生的生命,与其亡羊补牢不如未雨绸缪,提前意识到问题的严重性,积极采取措施预防,这样就会把事故发生的可能性降到最低。 C.大规模的清理撤销驻京办行动,如果只换来驻京办改头换面继续存在,不仅有损政令权威,更无法解决驻京办带来的一系列问题。 D. 12月24日,国家质检总局发布公告称,蒙牛乳业有限公司生产的一批次产品被检出黄曲霉毒素M1超 标140%。一时间,“ 蒙牛致癌” 事件被炒得沸反盈天。 2 .下列各句中,加点的成语使用不恰当的一项是( ) A林书豪以连胜战绩点燃了大洋两岸球迷的激情,被美国各大媒体誉为“林来疯”。让人不可思议的是, 就连美国总统奥巴马也成了他的“狂热粉丝” 。 B.苏轼怎么也没有想到,灾难会如期而至:被贬黄州做团练副使。但苏轼坦然接受了,他两次游览赤壁,创作了光照千古的“两赋一词”。 C.足球场上假球、赌球、黑哨等乱象丛生,作为曾经的足协领导,谢亚龙、南勇、杨一民等人难辞其咎,受到法律的制裁是罪有应得。 D.在“豆腐渣”“楼脆脆”等让人忧心忡忡的今天,“筑路硬汉” 丁新民领导的东方路桥集团却以过硬的质量赢得了人们的信任。 3 .下列各句中,加点的词语使用不恰当的一项是( ) A.—个80后女大学生,为了圆农村孩子上学求知的梦想,义无反顾地到艰苦的环境中去,她用实际行动证明点亮智慧人生是教育事业的使命。 B.2012年作为奥运年,也是世界体育“大年”。这一年的比赛繁多,我们如从中选出最值得观看的十大比赛,奥运会首当其冲。


八年级下册短文填空、重点句型练习题、范文背诵 一、短文填空专练 Unit 1 (A) 根据短文内容及首字母提示完成所缺单词。 Predicting the future can be difficult. There are many predictions that never c______ (1) true. Before 1929, there was no s______ (2) in movies. The head of one of the b______ (3) movie companies in the United States predicted that no one w_______ (4) want to see actors t______ (5). Of course, he was wrong! In 1977, the head of the largest computer c______ (6) in the United States said, “N______ (7) one w ill want to have a c______ (8) in his or her h_______ (9).” He thought that computers would be n______ (10) used by most people. 1_______2.________3._______4.________5.________ 6.________ 7._______ 8.______ 9._______10.________ ( B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示完成所缺单词。 Ken’s father is very happy because he’ll have a b_____ (1) job and work in a different p______ (2) of Hong Kong soon. So ken and his brothers will have to change s______ (3) next year. But Sam’s father isn’t so happy because he will have to m_____ (4) to a bigger apartment in Shanghai , which will be e______ (5) . But then there will be more room for the new baby---a brother or sister f_____ (6) Sam. The apartment will a ______ (7) be very near to Sam’s school so he can w______ (8) to sc hool with Blackie, his guide dog. Ken wants a dog, too. But his parents w_____ (9) buy one from a pet shop. They’ll look for o_____ (10) in an animal shelter. 1._______. 2._________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. ___________ 6._________ 7._________ 8.___________ 9.__________ 10.____________ Unit 2 (A) 根据短文内容及首字母提示完成所缺单词。 Dear Mary, My cousin is the same a_______(1) as me. She’s really nice, and we get on w______ (2), but she always b_______ (3) my things. Last week, she borrowed my m______ (4) book a nd didn’t r_______ (5) it. So I couldn’t do my h________ (6) . I don’t want to have a f________ (7) with my cousin, b________ (8) she’s my best friend. I don’t know w________ (9) to do. Could you please give me some a________ (10)? Yours, Looking for Help. 1._________ 2. __________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. __________ 6._________ 7. __________ 8._________ 9. __________10__________ (B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示完成所缺单词。 When you feel worried or stressed out, everything s_______ (1) to go wrong at once. You can’t remember what the teacher said in class. You often a_______ (2) with your parents. You may have problems sleeping, too. For example, you can’t go to s_______ (3) at night and you still f_______ (4) tired when you wake up. If you are under too much p______ (5) , maybe it’s time to change your life a bit by doing something d_______ (6). It’s important for you to learn to r_______ (7) . You c an listen to some quiet music . Reading a book is also a


短文填空解题技巧 一、解题基本步骤 (一)判断所给词性,进行归类。 (二)复读短文,判断此空所填词性。 (三)确定所填词位置的句子语义,选择最恰当的即可 内容:上、下文内容是否协调一致、顺理成章。 语法:语法结构是否正确无误。 二、句子的类型 1、句子按其结构可分为以下几种类型。 (一)简单句,由一个主语(并列主语)和一个谓语(并列谓语)构成的句子。 (一)并列句,由并列连词(and,so,but,or等)把两个以上的简单句连一起而构成的句子。 (一)复合句,由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成的句子。 2、简单句的五种基本类型。 (一)主语+谓语(S+V),eg:We exercise(不及物动词)。 (二)主语+谓语+宾语(S+V+O),eg:I like bananas。 (三)主语+系动词+表语(S+V+P),eg:They are students。 (四)主语+谓语+双宾(S+V+IO+DO),eg:She give me a pen。 (五)主语+谓语+宾+宾补(S+V+O+OC),eg:He made the boy laugh。 3、判断一个句子的成分 (一)主干先行,废话后置(比较复杂的定语和状语)。 (二)主语为从句子开头的第一个名词或者代词,谓语为主句中的动词,宾语为动词后的名词或者代词。 三、考察知识点 (一)形容词:考察比较级,形容词和副词相互转化。

1.比较从句 than, as 形容词、副词比较级的规则变化如下: (1)一般直接+er。如:tall - taller, fast - faster 单音节词如果以-e结尾,只加-r。如:late - later (2)重读闭音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须双写这个字母,再加-er。如:big - bigger, fat - fatter (3)以辅音字母加-y结尾的词,变y为i,再加-er。如:heavy - heavier, early - earlier (4)双音节和多音节词的比较级应在原级前加more构成。如:beautiful - more beautiful, careful - more careful, quietly - more quietly, interesting - more interesting (5)有些不规则变化的,须逐一加以记忆。如:good/well –better, bad/ill – worse, many/much – more, far – farther/further, old –older/elder… 2.形容词和副词相互转化 (1).普通的+ly:


中考语文成语训练题及答案 一、选择题。(每空2 分,共60 分) 1、下列各句中画线的成语使用不正确的一项是()(2分) A. 主人的设计别具匠心,使这幢楼既富有民族传统特色,又有现代气息。 B. 这篇小说的主人公,描写得生动逼真,惟妙惟肖。 C. 虽然引用的都是相同的材料,但两篇文章的观点却迥然不同。 D. 晚会上,他献上了一曲《烛光里的妈妈》唱得栩栩如生。 2、下列句中画线的成语,运用正确的一项是()(2分) A.他是计算机专家,又精通英语,我们这些初学计算机的人要不耻下问,虚心向他求教。 B.小说不仅故事曲折生动,而且字里行间充满强烈的感情,读来楚楚动人。 C.环保工程实施以来,江河日下,清澈见底,水生动物、植物也多了起来。 D.要攀登科学技术高峰,只有持之以恒,才能滴水穿石,取得应有的成就。 3、下列各句中,加点成语使用恰当的一项是()(2分) A、劣势奶造成的危害骇人听闻,奶制品销售市场非整顿不可。 B、中国大学本科教育已经得到了很大的发展。如果我们放弃在本国高校学习的机会,而选择去遥远的外国 大学求学,岂不是舍本求末吗? C、4月22日是“世界地球日”,他和几个志同道合的同学决定组成一个名为“绿色先锋”的课外活动小 组。 D、今年是中国共产党成立90周年,国内建党题材图书的出版和销售络绎不绝。 4、下列各句中,加点成语使用恰当的一项是()(2分) A、富有创造性的人总是忘乎所以的汲取知识,使自己学识渊博。 B、今年三月,党中央作出了在全国农村免除义务教育阶段学杂费的决定,广大人民群众无不欢欣鼓舞。 C、湖南卫视举办了“快乐女声”歌手大赛,选手们的表现成为许多观众茶余饭后津津乐道的话题。 D、人类所生存的地球,不过是浩瀚宇宙中的沧海一粟。 5、下列词语运用不当的一项是() A、当今社会,挑战和机遇并存,我们只有不怕竞争,不怨天尤人,敢于迎难而上,才能把握好人生的航船。 B、那纤细的柳丝拂着桥身坚硬的石块,即使碰不见晓风残月,也令画家销魂! C、在演讲比赛中,小明出口成章,挥洒自如,博得同学们一阵又一阵的掌声。 D、虚拟的网络世界,使不少人上当受骗,甚至走火入魔,走上犯罪道路。 6、下列句子中加点的成语运用正确的是()(2分) A、同学们经常向老师请教,这种不耻下问的精神值得提倡。 B、王小明同学心直口快,对有缺点的同学总是一针见血地指出来。 C、运动会上,他借的一身衣服很不合身,简直是画蛇添足。 D、他这样做自以为很稳妥,其实是塞翁失马,稍不注意就会出现错误。 7、下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是( )(2分) A.该如何处理这些垃圾呢?大家七嘴八舌地商量着,众说纷纭,莫衷一是。 B.长江中下游地区正遭遇着60年不遇的特大旱灾,中央领导多次亲临灾区视察,指示地方政府做好抗旱工作,确保灾区人民的生活安居乐业。 C.气吞山河的三峡大坝在长江上作威作福,为长江流域的防灾及工农业生产作出了重大贡献。 D.在中国共产党建党90周年之际,我们深情缅怀革命前辈,虽然他们早已离开人世,但他们的恩情我们一直铭记于心,耿耿于怀。 8、下列句子中加点的成语使用恰当的一项是( ) ( 3 分) A .这么多树根在大地里面触类旁通,吸收着大地母亲给予的食粮的供养。 B .庆祝“六一”的晚会上,俩小朋友模仿的小品让我们都忍俊不禁地开怀大笑。 C .鸟儿将巢安在繁花嫩叶当中,高兴起来了,拉帮结派地卖弄清脆的喉咙。 D . “正确答案只有一个”这种思维模式,在我们头脑中已不知不觉地根深蒂固。 9、下列成语使用正确的一项是( ) (2分) A.为了取得优异的成绩,他处心积虑地克服了许多困难。 B.在教练眼中,他是一个遵守纪律的队员;在老师眼中,他是一个不耻下问的学生。 C.城市绿化必须因地制宜,突出环境保护与人文景观和谐统一的发展观念。 D.五一节假日,外出度假的游客们在大自然的怀抱里尽情地享受天伦之乐。 10、下列各句中加点的成语使用恰当的一项是()(2分) A.今年“十一”黄金周一个突出的特点是乡村旅游热,东台永丰生态园围绕“2011中国乡村游”的主题年活动举办了乡村旅游产品展览会,各具特色的工艺品琳琅满目,美不胜收。 B.夏季用电高峰将临,各家电企业争相把节能作为卖点,连电磁炉这样的小家电,也竞相打出节能牌。对此,行内专家提醒,电磁炉市场鱼龙混杂,须细辨真伪。 C.由于体能消耗过大,国青队在下半场时打法渐渐有些走样;先失一球的日本队也顾虑自己的球门再度失守,投鼠忌器,疲于应付,无意争胜。 D.名为lfish的电子宠物鱼随着音乐节奏摆动尾部、鳍部,做各种肢体动作,表达各种情感。 它一亮相就受到都市一族的喜爱,只是身价扑朔迷离,居高不下。 11、下列成语使用正确的一项是()(2分) A、随着晚会帏幕的拉开,那美轮美奂的歌舞,品味精良的相声小品,使晚会高潮迭起。 B、先生身材魁梧,道貌岸然,刚一见面,我便对他油然而生敬意。 C、这个企划案,是通过大家几天几夜,不眠不休,费尽心思制作出来的。 D、海面托着的就是披着银发的苍山,苍山如屏,洱海似镜,真是巧夺天工。 12、下列各句中,加点成语使用恰当的一项是()(2分) A.人类的智慧与大自然的智慧相比实在是相形见拙。 B.今年早春,西南地区的旱情非常严峻,据称是60年未遇。难怪有父母官急中生智,怒批气象预报不该说天气晴好,应叫天气晴坏! C.女儿今天要出嫁了,妈妈亲手为女儿乔装打扮。 D.爬上天堂寨才知道它有多高,只见周围的群山鳞次栉比,都在它的脚下了。 13、下列各句中,加点成语使用恰当的一项是()(2分) A、中考复习的阶段,有些同学天天开夜车,搞得白天上课精神不好,这样就像缘木求鱼一样, 效果是不会好的。 B、为贫困地区所捐的衣物,已把仓库堆满了,简直到了无以复加的地步。 C、重要的书必须常常反复阅读,每读一次都回觉得开卷有益。 D、环境污染日趋严重,人类这种玩火自焚的行为如不停止,将自毁自己的生存空间。 14、下列语句中加点的成语使用不正确的一项是() A.我在破获秘密的满足中,又很愤怒他的瞒了我的眼睛,这样苦心孤诣地来偷做没出息孩子的玩艺。 B.他们对这位文坛泰斗的形象五体投地,敬重有加,内心的期望扩大到诚惶诚恐的地步。 C.一下子想完全读懂所有的书,特别是完全读懂重要的经典著作,那除了狂妄自大的人以外,谁也不敢这样自信。 D.长安城的鲁西西跳舞很好,许多同学都很嫉妒她,老是在她跳的舞蹈中吹毛求疵。


二轮复习短文语法填空解题技巧 一、已给单词提示题型的技巧 此类题可以考查学生对单词形式变化的掌握程度。单词形式变化主要有两种,一是词的形、数、式的变化,一是词的派生变化。在判断出词的变化之后还应该进一步审题,看是否需要使用复合的变化形式,这一点是很重要的。 技巧一:名词形式变化。 名词的形式变化主要有单数、复数、所有格的变化。例:There are many students living at school,the(child) houses are all far from schoo1. 由students一词可以判断出横线处应填复数,且作为houses的定语,所以应用其所有格形式,故答案为child 的复合变化形式——复数的所有格children’s。 技巧二:动词形式变化。 动词的形式变化比较多,有谓语的变化(时态、语态、语气),有非谓语的变化(不定式、动名词、现在分词、过去分词)。 例:A talk(give) tomorrow is written by Professor Zhang.

句中的is written是整句的谓语,所以横线所在的动词应当用作非谓语。从tomorrow可以看出,报告是“将来”作的,故用不定式;且报告是give动作的承受者,故可以判断出横线所在处用give的不定式被动式——to be given。 技巧三:代词形式变化。 代词形式变化通常是与人称变化有关的三大类五小类,即人称代词(主格和宾格)、物主代词(形容词性和名词性)、反身代词。另外还有几个不定代词的形式变化,如no one/none、other/another等。 例:The king decided to see th e painter by(he). 由介词by可以看出,横线处应填反身代词himself。 技巧四:形容词、副词比较级变化。 英语中大部分形容词和表方式的副词都有原级、比较级和最高级的变化。构成比较级和最高级的方式,或通过加后缀一er和.est,或在词前Imore/less和most /least,且形容词的最高级还要冠以the。 例:I am——(tall)than Liu Wen.He is the tallest students in my class. 此题后句交代了LiuWen是班上最高的学生,那“我”肯定比他矮,所以不能用taller,只能用表示程度不如的“less tall”。


短文填空 A (2018绍兴) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 This is Tammela School,a primary school in Finland.The students are having a math class with their robot teacher. The “teacher”is 1.a small,blue machine about 25cm high,Reuters reported.Whenever students have problems,it helps them very 2.patiently (patient) and never gets bored. “The robot can make students 3. more active (active) in class than usual.I see Elias as one of the 4. tools (tool) to get different kinds of practice and activities into the classroom,” a teacher told Reuters. So far the school 5. has introduced (introduce) four robot teachers,one of whom is a language teacher that can speak 23 languages and dance to music. “6. It is necessary to encourage kids to come up 7. with new ways to make use of technology in school life,” the head of the school 8. added (add) in the interview. The robot teachers are used 9. to help (help) improve learning.This doesn’t mean that human teachers will lose their jobs.The robots can teach well, 10. but they are not able to keep class in order.The school still needs human teachers. B (2018温州) 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。


三年级语文培优试题已 排版可 Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】

小学三年级语文培优作业一 一、给划线字选择正确的拼音,请打“√”。 坚持.(cí chí) 新型.(xín xíng) 木箱.(xāng xiāng) 笨.重(bèn bèng) 沉没.(mò méi) 水渠. (qu qǘ) 脏东西 ( zangzang) 冲进门(chong chong) 子弹 (tan dan) 假如(jia jia) 二、写下列各词的近义词或反义词。 屹立—( ) 节省—( ) 慌张—( ) 犹如—( ) 断定—( ) 猜想—( ) 增添—( ) 倒退—( ) 正确—( ) 熟悉— ( ) 三、在()里填上合适的词语。 宽敞的( ) 改进( ) 发生( ) 宽阔的( ) 改善( ) 发展( ) 宽大的( ) 改正( ) 发挥( ) 宽广的( ) 改造( ) 发扬( ) 四、判断下列的说法是否正确,对的画“√”,错的画“×”。 ( )①“歹”按数笔画查字法应查4画。 ( )②“妥”按部首查字法应查“爪”部。 ( )③“憋”字共有14画。 ( )④伽利略是17世纪意大利伟大的科学家。 ( )⑤“水淋淋的马路,像一条闪光的绸带”是比喻句。

小学三年级语文培优作业二 一、缩句,缩到最简。 星星的目光停留在一只可爱的娃娃灯上。 那机灵的猴子穿梭一般逃向竹林深处。 二.把比喻句写完整。 小草上的水珠 爸爸剪桔子 三、扩句,至少扩两处以上。 妈妈盛饭。 树叶落地。 四、修改病句。 ①我每天早晨吃一杯牛奶和一个面 ②清晨,兵兵怀着愉快的心情和步伐。 ③我们一定要做一名全面发展的优秀好学生。 ④同学们聚精会神、全神贯注地听老师讲故事。 ⑤李华端正了学习目的和态度。 小学三年级语文培优作业三一.把下面每组词语中,不是同类的找出来划掉。 (1)冬瓜南瓜西瓜黄瓜苦瓜 (2)玉米小麦稻谷花生高粱 (3)小猪小鸡小羊小猴小牛 (4)工人农民青年学生军人

人教版八年级下册 短文填空十篇集训

八下—短文填空十篇集训 (一) When you go hiking(徒步旅行), maybe you can get lost. You may 1. what to do to avoid (避免)this.Here’s some advice for you ! 2. leave a note (便条). Leave a note for your parents or someone who knows you. If you don’t have 3. to help you, call the police station and ask them for help. If it 4. work, you can also leave a note in your car.Sometimes you can also check in(登记签到)when you get to the hill. Ask the people there for the phone number.If you get lost,you can 5. calling them for help . If you love going hiking all by 6. ,leave a note or call someone before starting off.Let others know so that they won’t 7. about you .Remember this and 8. will be OK. Second ,take your survival kit(救生包).It is important and can always help you when you are 9 . Third, have a good map, A map will keep you from 10. lost when you go out. If you really get lost, you can just take the map out, find where you are and then you will find your way. So learn how to use a map from now. (二) One day,Mrs King asked Lucy to go 1. ,and gave 2. a shopping list.When Lucy 3. to the shop,she bought all the things 4. the list.Now it was time to pay for them. “Sorry!”she said. “I forgot my 5.!”So she went 6. home quickly.Her money was still 7. the chair.She got the money to pay 8. the things.Then she said 9. to the shop-keeper and 10. the things home. (三)


初中语文成语专题训练 提示:成语的正确使用是中考的热点题型,解答这类题,应在理解成语的基础上,结 合句子的结构,感情色彩及搭配关系等判断成语使用正确与否,题型以选择题为主。明确成语误用的原因有:望文生义,褒贬颠倒,范围不当,逻辑脱节,句式不合,敬谦错位,词性误用。 1、下面句中加点的词语使用恰当的一项是( A ) A、目前家电市场硝烟弥漫,空调降价大战一触即发 ....。 B、在学习遇到困难的时候,我们要善于虚张声势 ....把大家的自信心树立起来。 C、日本军国主义所发动的侵华战争给中国人民带来了深重的灾难,可是日本文部省却 别出心裁 ....地一再修改日本中学历史教科书,掩盖战争罪行。 D、听到有儿童落水了,正在江边消夏的人们纷纷忘乎所以 ....地跳入水中去营救。 2、下面句中加点的词语使用不恰当的一项是( C ) A、入夜,亮化扩建后的朝阳路华灯齐放,流光溢彩 ....。 B、《哈利·波特》以其生动曲折的故事情节,栩栩如生 ....的人物形象而引人入胜。 C、在南宁市几条繁华的商业街上,观光购物的人流济济一堂 ....,笑容满面。 D、我们对别人的成功经验固然需要学习,但不可生搬硬套 ....。 3、下面句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是( C ) A、中国足球队首次征战世界杯,各种新闻媒体连篇累牍 ....,竞相报道,佳作纷呈。 B、西部大开发将改变"孔雀东南飞"的状况,使西部地区的潜在优势有了出人头地 ....的一天。 C、那教练是个减肥专家,他的理论让小李茅塞顿开 ....。 D、有的学生无视学校金科玉律 ....,迷恋网上游戏聊天,实在令人担忧。 4、下面句中加点的成语使用恰当的一项是( A ) A、巍峨的埃菲尔铁塔,雄伟的凯旋门,庄严的巴黎圣母院,这些名胜古迹令人流连忘 ...返.。 B、北京电视台的几个经济类节目都办得栩栩如生 ....,显示出编导很有水平。 C、这家伙明知罪行严重,却在从容不迫 ....地抹桌子,好像什么事情也没有发生。 D、我们不要妄自菲薄 ....自己的成绩,也不要轻易满足自己的成绩,而应当正确地对待自己。 5、下面句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是( D ) A、许静的朗诵字正腔圆,令李老师喜从天降 ....,他立即同意让许静参加诗歌朗诵会。 B、这部著作是他长期工作经验的总结,是他经过反复修改后处心积虑 ....写出来的。


如何做好短文填空-----七年级英语 本题型(共15分)重点涉及到词汇搭配,习惯用法,以及基础语法等知识的运用,考察学生根据上下文的意思和逻辑联系进行推理,进行判断的能力。所以,同学们平时要牢固掌握英语的习惯用法和固定搭配,熟记英语单词的拼写和注重短语的收集。 英语短文填词做题技巧 一、解题思路: 1.定意:通读全文,了解大意。培养学生到整篇文章中去寻找需要的信息的能力。 2.定性:分析句子的句法结构,确定词性。 3.定形:分析句子的时态、语态,和句法结构来确定用词形式。 二、易考词性 名词、动词、代词、冠词、介词、连词、形容词和副词 三、做短文填空可以从以下几个方面着手: 1、从语法方面考虑 短文填空题所涉及的语法内容通常包括:名词(注意单复数)、动词的形式(原形、三单、动词ing)、形容词和副词、代词(人称代词主格和宾格、形容词性物主代词)、冠词(a/an/the)、介词(in/on/at/of/with/for...)和连词(and/but/because)的选用等。1)Yuan Hengqing is our . 2)Li Jun and Yuan Hengqing are our . 3)He loves basketball and watching basketball games. 4)I think geography is really interesting. But sheit’s boring. 5)She is Alice Brown. Alice is hername. Brown is hername. 6)Tom likes English. His brother likes English , . 7)But Jim and Frank think it is boring to play basketball. favorite sport is soccer. 8)During the holiday,parents often take me to see my grandparent s. 9)My mother has four old books and she wants to sell 10)My father doesn’t like clothes. wants a computer. 11)October is really great month for me. 12)English is interesting subject. 13)Computers are on sale the store.


八年级下英语短文填空和完形填空专练 短文填空20篇 1 A taxi hit a truck. A policeman spoke to the taxi driver and to the 1 drvier. H e also spoke to Tom. He was a witness(证人). This is what they said. TRUCK DRIVER : I was 2 from the airport to Newton. A car crossed the road, s o I slowed down(减速). I didn’ t stop. A taxi hit the back of my truck. Nobody was seriously 3 but both cars wer e damaged(损毁的). TAXI DRIVER: I was driving behind a truck a few kilometers from Newton. The t ruck stopped 4 . The driver didn’t give me a warning(警 示), I was driving very slowly. I could not pass the truck because 5 were two car s coming near from Newton. My taxi hit the truck, and some glass 6 my left han d. TOM: I was 7 the traffic about a kilometer from the airport. A Truck was goin g to Newton. It was not going very quickly. There was a taxi about two hundred meters 8 the truck. It was going 9 . When the truck slowed down, the taxi hit it. The taxi driver was not looking at the truck. He was looking out of the window a t something. My friend saw the 10 ,too. 1 truck 2 driving 3 hurt 4 suddenly 5 there 6 cut 7 watching 8 behind 9 fast 10 accident


人教版初中英语阅读填词专项训练解题技巧】 阅读填词又叫综合填空。考查方式是给出一段短文,在文中挖出数空,要求考生根据短文意思,在每一空缺处分别填入一个适当的单词。为降低难度,一般给出了所填单词的第一个字母。 阅读填词题是目前中考试题中综合性最强、难度最大的一种主观性题型。本文谈谈做这类题的一般方法。 首先,把握文意。阅读填词兼有阅读理解与完形填空两种题型的主要特点,类似补全对话,但又不同于以考查口语应用为主的补全对话题。做这类题,关键是阅读。文章意思清楚了,才可能根据文意进行合理的判断,从而有可能突然产生“灵感”,将断层点的意义信息比较准确地反映出来。 其次,注意精读。如果第一遍只是浏览,即使粗略把握了文章大意,对所填单词印象也会过于模糊。因为这类题没有可供选择的答案,所给文章也没有见过,粗略读过,很可能一个单词也填不出来,等于白读。如果第一遍读得细致,初步确定了部分答案,再精读第二遍、第三遍时,因对文章整体内容已有了较具体而连贯的理解,个别细节处也容易作出合理判断。 第三,反复琢磨。做这类题,即便精读一、两遍,一般情况下,总会有几空难以确定填哪个词。这时,不必再看全文了,就抓住空词句及其前后的句子反复推敲、再三琢磨就可以了。 第四,填写准确。这里的“准确”应包括:①符合要求。即所填单词必须以规定字母开头。②符合意思。既符合整篇文章基调,更符合所在句子的含义,不可出现意义断层。说东道西情况。③符合语法。意义相符了,单词选准了,还要注意所填单词是否要作词形变化:如名词是否要用复数,形容词是否要用比较级,动词是否要变时态等。

It is a Chinese traditional custom that people eat moon cakes at the time of the Mid-Autumn Festival. One s 1 about it is almost 700 years old. In the 14th century, the Chinese planned a surprise attack against (袭击) their enemies at the time of the festival. The messages for the attack were put into cakes. The cakes were passed from one person to a 2 . Each person read the messages and knew when and where the attack would h/b/s 3 . At last the Chinese won the victory. Moon cakes are still eaten d 4 the Mid-Autumn Festival. However, the fillings(馅) of the moon cakes now are not messages, b 5 foods such as meat, fruits and duck eggs. On the fifteenth day of the eighth month of each Chinese year, f 6 and friends come together and enjoy the beautiful moon. Shops are crowded with people and the smel1 of moon cakes f 7 the air. Many people go to a place where they can see the moon clearly. Large parks and the seaside are popular places. Once there, people have a picnic dinner, eat moon cakes and watch the moon rise. 1_________2 __________3_________ 4_________ 5_________ 6__________ 7________ 1. story 2. another 3. happen (start, begin) 4. during 5. but 6. families 7. fills Can animals be made to work for p 1 ? Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained (训练) to do a number of simple jobs i 2 of people. They say that at a circus (杂技场), for example, we may see elephants, monkeys, dogs and other animals doing q 3 skillful (熟练的) things. Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film. If you watch closely, you may find that the trainer (驯兽员) always g 4 the animal some sugar o 5 a piece of fruit as a reward (报酬). The scientists say that many d 6 animals many be trained to do a lot of simple things if they know they will get a reward f 7 doing that. Of course,as we know, dogs can be trained to look after a house,and soldiers in both old and modern times have u 8 geese(鹅) to give warning(警报) by m 9 a lot of noise when an enemy(敌人)comes near. And also it may be possible to train animals to work in families or f 10 . 1_________2__________3_________4_________5_________ 6__________7________8__________9________ 10__________ 1. people 2. instead 3. quite 4. gives 5. or 6. different 7. for 8. used 9. making 10. farms All the students at the beach party were members of the French Club, Before they began to swim or to play games, Miss Barmes wanted them to learn some new w 1 . She taught them how to s 2 beach, sand, ocean and waves in French, The students repeated the new words and tried to use them in sentences. A 3 the French lesson, the boys started playing volleyball. Miss Barnes helped them to keep scores in French. The students laughed at their mistakes, but they enjoyed p 4 their number sand having fun at the same time. At a later time , there was m 5 time for those in
