选修八 unit 1 using language

选修八 unit 1 using language
选修八 unit 1 using language

I. Enjoy some pictures

II. Questions


Fill in the blanks with words in the passage.

Monday______ straight to hotel and _________ luggage,

then went ________. Rode on ________

Visited ___________________

Answer the questions:

1. Why did Andrew Hallidie invent the Cable car system?

2.Where did George eat lunch on his First day in San Francisco?


Tuesday_________________ a couple from hotel and _______ a car.

Spend all day ________________

In evening, went to __________

1.Why did George hire a car? Why do you think he joined Terri and Peter?

2. Name three things that visitors can do in Chinatown.

Part 3

Wednesday Took ferry to ________________

and had a good view of______________________

Visited the __________

1.What is Alcatraz Island famous for?

Important Phrases

be/go on holiday

go straight to

drop one’s luggage

go exploring

a cable car

get a spectacular view of

a better form of transport

it’s the place to do sth feel like doing

have good idea of

idea 印象,感想,U./单数

a number of

all sorts of

take ferry

allow sb to do sth

attempt to do sth

pull out of

be famous for

leave out

it’s one’s turn to do sth

make sure that….

team up with

mark out

Language points

1.horse-drawn 为n.+pp.→adj.

man-made 人造的snow-covered 被雪覆盖的state-owned 国营的heartfelt由衷的

2.(1) slip滑,滑倒,失足

A book slipped of/from her hand. 书本从她的手中滑落。

(2) n. [C] 小错误

It’s normal for a young man to make a slip. 年轻人犯错误很正常。

3.team up with: 与…合作/一起工作




4.hire 解雇

fire 租,雇佣

1)You are ____, because you are so lazy for the work.

2) I must _____ a house when finding a job in the city.

5.There’s a great drive mark ed out for tourists. 有一条用线为游客画出界线的大道drive n. used in the names of roads 路, 大道

They live at 141 Park Drive. 他们住在公园路141号。

6.mark out 划线标出…界限

mark out a car-park

7.take in 接受,接纳,接待/ 吸收/ 改小(衣服) / 包含,包括欺骗/理解,领会

1)He had nowhere to live in, so we took him in.

2)The dress needs to be taken in.

3)They listened to my lecture, but how much did they take in , I wonder?

4)Don’t let yourself be taken in by these politicians.

8. many

many a/an+可数单数

a great/good many+复“许多,大量”,修饰可数名词

a good/large number of+复


a good/great deal of 修饰不可数名词

a large amount of

amounts of

a lot of

lots of

a quantity of 修饰可数与不可数名词

quantities of

plenty of

a supply of

supplies of

1)他虽然不会说话,但能通过手势让别人知道他的意思。(by means of)

He couldn’t speak,but made himself understood by means of signs.

2) 他宣称他是正确的。(declare) He declared that he was right.

3) 鼓起勇气,成功就属于你。(keep up) Keep up your courage,and success will be yours.

4 )他说的话打动了我。(subject Clause) What he said moved me.

5)事实是我从未到过那儿。(Appositive Clause) The fact is that I have never been there

6)显而易见,英语很重要。(Subject Clause) It is clear that English is very important.

7)问题是我们下一步该怎么办。(Predicative Clause) The problem is what we should do next.

8)玛丽认为他会帮助她。(Object Clause) Mary thinks that he will help her.

9)人们认为运动会会按计划举行。(Subject Clause)

It is believed that the sports meet will be held as planned.
