




Part I Vocabulary (10 points, 0.5 point each)

Direction:There are 20 questions in this section. Each question is a sentence with something missing. Below each sentence are four words or phrases marked A,

B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark

the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your

Answer Sheet.

1. Mourinho is a young and ________ coach who is prepared to lead his tem to win the championship in his first season.

A. clumsy

B. humorous

C. ambitious

D. intimate

2. Just wait for more second, I am ________ ready.

A. all but

B. all over

C. at all

D. at any moment

3. If you can’t think of anywhere to go on Saturday, we ________ as well stay home.

A. should

B. might

C. can

D. need

4. A nation that does not know history is ________ to repeat it.

A. discouraged

B. characterized

C. linked

D. fated

5. They preferred a British Commonwealth or European arrangement, because this was

substantially ________ their British thinking.

A. in touch with

B. in line with

C. with relation to

D. with reference to

6. The traffic accident that delayed our bus gave us a ________ reason for being late.

A. prompt

B. vague

C. irritable

D. legitimate

7. The United States has 10 percent of the total petroleum ________ of the world in its own

territory, and has been a major producer for decades.

A. reservoirs

B. reservations

C. reserves

D. reproductions

8. This is the world’s first accurate ________ model of human heart in computer.

A. setting

B. laboring

C. showing

D. working

9. In 2000 I visited Berkeley, where I began my long ________ with this world famous


A. interaction

B. nomination

C. reconstruction

D. association

10. ________ ads for phony business opportunities appear in the classified pages of daily

and weekly newspapers and magazines, and online.

A. Specially

B. Typically

C. Especially

D. Commonly

11. Too much time has ________ since we worked on this project.

A. circulated

B. elapsed

C. occupied

D. detached

12. The girl fresh from college finally received a job ________ she had been expecting.

A. request

B. plea

C. suggestion

D. offer

13. However busy we are, we’ll try to get back home ________ the dinner on the eve of the

Lunar New Year.

A. in time for

B. in exchange for

C. in store for

D. in return for

14. Some difficult choices involving life and death are simply outside the ________ of

economic analysis.

A. dimension

B. scale

C. domain

D. space

15. China’s economy, which was now on the brink of collapse, was beginning to ________

after the implementation of reform and opening-up.

A. pay off

B. take off

C. leave off

D. drop off

16. After a month or so, she came to dislike the subject and wished she had not _______ it


B. put…up B. given…up

C. taken…up

D. made…up

17. It is considered a crime to ________ an election of any kind by bribing voters.

A. fabricate

B. launch

C. populate

D. manipulate

18. Visitors to this plateau are likely to have a _______ headache for the first few days.

A. splitting

B. slapping

C. slicing

D. sprawling

19. The central government is intensifying efforts to popularize _______ education in rural


A. voluntary

B. impulsive

C. instinctive

D. compulsory

20. They are studying what kind of preferences might ________ this surging demand for

home-made TV sets.

A. take a fancy to

B. bring into play

C. give rise to

D. grow out of

Part II Cloze Test (15 points, 1 point each)

Directions:There are 15 questions in this part of the test. Read the passage through. Then, go back and choose one suitable word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D for each

blank in the passage. Mark the corresponding letter of the word or phrase you

have chosen with a single bar across the square brackets on your Answer


New devices to aid in the manipulation of numbers were added to make the job faster

and more accurate. Electronic computers were 21 the fastest and most versatile instruments for storing and 22 now in use. Computers provide the means for greater speed and accuracy than 23 previously 23 possible. With the development of these new tools, it is as if man has suddenly become 24 of the mind.

Although man 25 mentally richer ever since he started 26 , the electronic computer allows and will continue to allow him 27 tremendous “mental”tasks in a 28 short time. Great scientists of the past 29 ideas that sometimes had to wait for years before they 30 sufficiently well to be 31 . With the computer, the ideas of today’s scientists can be studied, tested, distributed and used more rapidly than 32 .

Old lines and methods of communication do not work easily or efficiently as so much information 33 we have now. The repeated actions of preparing, sorting, filing, distributing and 34 records and publications can be 35 as calculating. Errors occur because people grow tired and can be distracted.

Part III Reading Comprehension (30 point)

Section A (20 points, 1 point each)

Directions:In this part of the test, there are five short passages. Read each passage carefully, and then do the questions that follow. Choose the best answer from

the four choices given and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar

across the square brackets on your Answer Sheet.

Passage One

A warning has been issued by the electricity board that there may be a repetition of yesterday evening’s block-outs in the London area. Although these were not serious or prolonged, there were voltage reductions in many homes of up to an hour, and the traffic lights in Piccadilly Circus were out for twenty minutes, causing considerable traffic congestion. Some commuter services were also affected. Some passengers had to face delays of up to two hours and at Victoria Station an angry argument broke out between a station inspector and a man on his way to visit his wife in hospital, and police had to be called. Both men were arrested. Local electricity switchboards were jammed with calls from housewives demanding to know how they were expected to cook supper for their families on a cold cooker. In one street in West London, all the lights went out without warning. Shops were closed but a relief service of candles and hand torches was set up by neighbors concerned about the risk of accident to old people and children. Today local hardware shops in the area report a run on candles and paraffin lamps normally sold to campers.

A spokesman for the Electricity Board said they regretted the inconvenience the public had suffered, but there was no guarantee that further power cuts would not be necessary. Particularly after dark when there was an increased use of electrical appliances in the home.

The trouble appears to be due to a work to rule by staff at power stations in remote areas, who are insisting on increased pay for night shifts and higher travel allowances. Although the work to rule is unofficial, Union leaders are to meet members of the electricity Board early next month to discuss these demands. It is hoped that both sides will be able to reach a satisfactory agreement and that the threat of more serious industrial action will be averted.

36. According to the Electricity Board consumers may expect ________ .

A. voltage reductions in a certain area

B. increased voltage reduction in the London area

C. power cuts of more than an hour in certain areas

D. prolonged power cuts in many areas

37. Owing to the delay at Victoria Station________.

A. two passengers were arrested

B. a man was taken to hospital

C. evacuated the old people and children

D. took care to prevent accidents

38. When the lights in one street went out, people _________.

A. ran to the shops to buy candles

B. were involved in a series of accidents

C. evacuated the old people and children

D. took care to prevent accidents

39. The main cause of the power cuts seems to be _________.

A. a strike by all night shift workers at power stations

B. the worker’s refusal to travel to remote power stations

C. the worker’s unwillingness to work night shifts

D. dissatisfaction among workers over conditions of service

40. From the passage we understand that the present industrial unrest ________.

A. was initiated by Trade Union officials

B. has been set in motion without Trade Union approval

C. is to be settled by arbitration

D. is to be taken to government level

Passage Two

Despite the defeat of the Nazis and their allies and the setting up of the United Nations Organization in 1945, racism continues to haunt the world today. Men are denied employment, housing and educational opportunities because of their skin color; some rich countries still have racial immigration laws to keep out immigrants from poorer and hungrier lands; political leaders are imprisoned for life for demanding that all races should have the same political right; and even in the cities of the affluent Western world the Negro ghettoes burn, signaling to the world the blank despair of their inhabitants.

The most striking instance of racism in the world today is that of the system of Apartheid(种族隔离制度)in South Africa. Apartheid is not as some people may still imagine a serious attempt to provide equal though separate facilities for all races. It is segregation carried through by men with white skins to their own advantage and to the disadvantage of the black and colored populations.

Its viciousness lies not solely in the fact that different “races”must live in different areas, but far more in the fact that the areas assigned to the non-White groups are the overcrowded and eroded parts of the countryside. Inevitably those assigned to living there would face starvation unless they went as migrants and transients to seek work in the White areas. So what the theory of Apartheid means is this: that black men will work for white so long as political power lies where it does. Such a system as this is the product of conquest and of the monopoly of political power by a conquering group. The conquerors seize upon

the fact of skin color in order to imply that the inequality which they have created is given by Nature, that it is the inevitable consequence of biological differences, or even that it is the will of God.

Such a political system could have established in many parts of the colonial world, but the process of decolonization set in train by the victory of 1945 and assisted by United Nations action succeeded in many countries in opening equal opportunities to all. Hence today we see many cases where those who govern a newly independent country are the children of peasants or of political prisoners.

But where White supremacy and Apartheid prevail, colored people must either accept their inferior lot or be condemned for life to an island prison. A similar future is inevitable in other countries if their present political leaders establish governments based upon inequality of political rights between races.

But racism and its social consequences are evident not only in the former colonial territories. They are an ever present feature of the life of advanced industrial countries. Increasingly in some at least of these countries the traditional political issues pale into insignificance beside the problem of racial inequality and men’s attempt to fight against it. Inevitably in the post 1945 world, with the advanced countries of Europe and North America undergoing a period of unparalleled economic prosperity, immigrants have come to their cities from the poorer countries, from the rural areas and from the areas where the old slave plantations were.

There is much evidence to suggest that this migration has not represented an uncontrolled and uncontrollable flood, for the immigrants have exercised their own immigration control by going where the jobs are.

Nevertheless this precisely how this immigration has been perceived in the countries concerned and they have reacted by throwing up barriers either to immigration itself or to full equality of opportunity for the immigrant in fields such as housing or employment. Such barriers may not have an explicitly racial form. They may affect all newcomers. But there can be little doubt that colored people are most affected by them and that the discrimination involved is widely thought to be based upon color and race.

41. The passages states that victims of racism include ________.

A. immigrants

B. people whose skin is not white

C. people of different color, and political leaders who fight for them; as well as would-be immigrants from poorer and hungrier countries

D. all those who are denied employment, housing and educational opportunities.

42. “The Negro ghettoes burn.” Is it possible to infer from the passage who set them on fire.

A. Yes, the Negroes themselves in protest against their living conditions.

B. Yes, racists.

C. Yes, the inhabitants of the ghettoes.

D. No, we cannot really be sure from this passage.

43. Apartheid is particularly wicked because _________.

A. different races have to live in different areas

B. the areas assigned to the non-white groups are not rich enough to support them

C. some people still imagine it is a serious attempt at equal but separate development

D. it is to the disadvantage of the black population

44. In paragraph three the writer says that the non-white populations are forced by ________.

A. the Whites to work for them

B. the law to work for the Whites

C. the threat of starvation to work for the Whites

D. claiming that “might is right”

45. We can infer from this passage that the writer thinks that racism _________.

A. is on the increase because of South Africa’s policies

B. is on the increase because of the growth of immigrant populations

C. has decreased because of the process of decolonization

D.continues to exist despite the defeat of the Nazis, the growth of UN and the process of decolonization

Passage 3

A report published recently brings bad news about air pollution. It suggests that it could be as damaging to our health as exposure to the radiation from the 1986 Ukraine nuclear power disaster. The report was published by the UK Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution. But what can city people do to reduce exposure to air pollution? Quite a lot, it turns out.

Avoid walking in busy streets. Choose side streets and parks instead. Pollution levels can fall a considerable amount just by moving a few meters away from the main pollution source----exhaust fumes. Also don’t walk behind smokers. Walk on the windward side of the street where exposure to pollutants can be 50 percent less than on the downwind side.

Sitting on the driver’s side of a bus can increase your exposure by 10 percent, compared with sitting on the side nearest the pavement. Sitting upstairs on a double-decker can reduce exposure. It is difficult to say whether traveling on an underground train is better or worse than taking the bus. Air pollution on underground trains tends to be less toxic that that at street level, because underground pollution is mostly made up of tiny iron particles thrown up by wheels hitting the rails. But diesel and petrol fumes have a mixture of pollutants.

When you are crossing a road, stand well back from the curb while you wait for the

light to change. Every meter really does count when you are close to traffic. As the traffic begins to move, fumes can be reduced in just a few seconds. So holding your breath for just a moment can make a difference, even though it might sound silly.

There are large sudden pollution increases during rush hours. Pollution levels fall during nighttime. The time of year also makes a big difference. Pollution levels tend to be at their lowest during spring and autumn when winds are freshest. Extreme cold or hot weather has a trapping effect and tends to cause a build-up of pollutants.

46. What is the passage mainly about?

A. How to fight air pollution in big cities.

B. How to avoid air pollution in big cities

C. How to breathe fresh air in big cities

D. How serious air pollution is in big cities

47. According to the report, air pollution in big cities _____________.l

A. can be more serious than Chernobyl nuclear disaster

B. cannot be compared with the disaster Chernobyl

C. can release as damaging radiation as the Chernobyl disaster

D. can be more serious than we used to think.

48. When you walk in a busy street, you should walk on the side ________.

A. where the wind is coming

B. where the wind is going

C. where the wind is weaker

D. where the wind is stronger

49. If you take a bus in a big city in china, you should sit _________.

A. on the left side in the bus

B. on the right side on the bus

C. in the middle of the bus

D. at the back of the bus

50. It is implied in the passage that __________.

A. people should not take street level transportation

B. tiny iron particles will not cause health problems

C. air pollution on an underground train is less poisonous

D. traveling on an underground train is better than taking the bus

Passage 4

The terrorist attacks in London Thursday served as a stunning reminder that today’s world, you never know that you might see when you pick up newspaper or turn on the TV. Disturbing images of terror can trigger an instinctive response no matter how close or far away from home the event happened.

Throughout history, every military conflict has involved psychological warfare in one way or another as the enemy sought to break the morale of their opponent. But thanks to advances in technology, the popularity of the Internet, and proliferation news coverage, the rules of engagement in this type of mental battle have changed.

Whether it’s a massive attack or a single horrific act, the effects of psychological warfare aren’t limited to the physical damage inflicted. Instead, the goal of these attacks is to instill a sense of fear that is much greater than the actual threat itself.

Therefore, the impact of psychological terror depends largely on how the acts are publicized the interpreted. But that also means there are ways to defend yourself and your loved ones by putting these fears into perspective and protecting your children from horrific images.

What Is Psychological Terror? “The use of terrorism as a tactic is based upon inducing a climate of fear that disproportionate with the actual threat,” says Middle Eastern historian Richard Bulliet of Columbia University. “Every time you have an act of violence, publicizing that violence becomes an important part of the act itself.”

“There are various ways to have your impact. You can have your impact by the magnitude of what you do, by the symbolic character of target, or the horrific quality of what you do to a single person,” Bulliet tells WebMD. “The point is that it isn’t what you do, but it’s how it’s covered that determines the effect.” For example, bulliet says the Iranian hostage crisis, which began in 1979 and lasted for 444 days, was actually one of the most harmless things that happened in the Middle East in the last 25 years. All of the U.S. hostages were eventually released unharmed, but the event remains a psychological scar for many Americans who watched helplessly as each evening’s newscast counted the days the hostages were being held captive.

Bulliet says terrorists frequently exploit images of a group of masked individuals exerting total power over their captives to send the message that the act is a collective demonstration of the group’s power rather than an individual criminal act. “You don’t have the notion that a certain person has taken a hostage. It’s an image of group power, and the force becomes generalized rather than personalized,” say Bulliet. “The randomness and the ubiquity(无处不在)of the threat give the impression of vastly greater capacities.”

Psychiatrist Ansar Haroun, who served in the U.S. army Reserves in the first gulf War and more recently in Afghanistan, says that terrorist groups often resort to psychological warfare because it’s the only tactic they have available to them. “They don’t have M-16s, and we have M-16s. They don’t have the mighty military power that we have, and they only have access to things like kidnapping,”says Haroun, who is also a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego.

“In psychological warfare, even one beheading(斩首)can have the psychological impact that might be associated with killing 1,000 of the enemy,” Haround tells webMD.

“You haven’t really harmed the enemy very much by killing one person on the other side. But in terms of inspiring fear, anxiety, terror, and making us all feel bad, you’ve achieved a lot of demoralization.”

51. What has changed the rules of psychological warfare?

A. Terrorist attacks.

B. The increase of military conflicts.

C. Advances in nuclear weapons.

D. Prosperity of the media.

52. The goal of psychological warfare is to __________.

A. change the ideology of the opponent

B. win a battle without military attacks

C. generate a greater sense of fear

D. bring about more physical damage

53. According to Richard Bulliet, publicizing a act of violence becomes an important part of terrorism itself because ____________.

A. psychological terrorism is a tactic

B. terrorism depends on a climate of fear rather than on the actual threat

C. the use of terrorism is to inspire fear that is more destructive than the actual threat

D. publicizing the violence can make more people know the actual threat

54. The Iranian hostage crisis shows that ___________.

A. means determines effects

B. hostage crises are prevalent

C. psychological terrors remain harmless

D. the American media is effective

55. In this passage the author __________.

A. emphasizes the great impact of psychological warfare

B. criticizes the violence of terrorism

C. calls for an end to psychological warfare

D. opposes the hostage crisis

Section B (10 points, 2 points each)

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with five questions. After have read the passage, answer each question in English with no more than 15 words. Write

down your answer on the Answer Sheet.

At the beginning of a country’s rise out of backwardness and poverty, more wealth does make a difference. However, citing surveys from china and south Korea, the economist Richard Easterlin points out: “In these countries, per capita income has doubled in 20 years but overall happiness does not seem to have followed the same path.”Economists are

surprised, because GNP(国民生产总值)has long been thought the best indicator of human welfare. More GNP generally means more money for most people, and more money improves the quality of life, and that means happiness.

But, perhaps, the survey suggests that more money can make you happy only if those around you do not share in your good fortune. General prosperity may fail to enhance individual contentment. Perhaps it is a matter of being aware of your advantage, not that you need to get the highest salaries or be the object of envy. Maybe, individual goals vary too much to be generalized. Maybe one has nothing at all to do with the other. Freud was well aware that economic success did not make people happy. Most psychoanalysts and therapists today would agree. He thought only the realization of a deep childhood desire could provide such satisfaction.

Another problem is that people are poor reporters of their own states of mind. They will usually tell you what they themselves want to believe. To know if someone is really happy or not, you have to catch him or her in the act of happiness. Being happy or acting happy are more reliable indicators than thinking too much about it.

Professional therapists also know that what makes people happy defies explanation, but what prevents them from being happy doesn’t. Poor self-esteem undermines all feelings of success. Hunger and cold make it harder to relax and enjoy one’s experience. Insecurity and failure to engage one’s work leave one dissatisfied. Anxiety penetrates all our perceptions and feelings, and brings us down.

Economists can probably hope to measure how well our basic needs for security and health are met in society, and if those are reasonably OK, people tend to find the happiness they seek. Most of us want to enjoy life, spend time with our children, play at sports, sing, dance and travel. If we can do those things without dread, the amount of money we have is irrelevant.

56. According to the economist Richard Easterlin, what is the relationship between higher GDP and overall happiness?

57. According to second paragraph, what does the individual happiness arise from?

58. What does Freud’s doctrine show with relation to the wealth?

59. In the 4th paragraph, what do the professional therapists imply?

60. What is the author’s conclusion?

Part IV Error Detection and Correction (10 points, 1 point each)

Directions:Each of the following sentences contains an error. Your task is to identify that error and correct it. Write both the error and correction on your Answer Sheet

61. Virginia Hamilton who has won consistent praise for her novels about Black children.

62. When overall exports exceed imports, a country said to have a trade surplus

63. Not woman held a presidential cabinet position in the United States until 1933, when Frances Perkins became secretary of labor.

64. Different species of octopuses(章鱼)may measure anywhere from two inches over thirty feet in length.

65. Luminescence refers to the emission of light by means another than heat.

66. Industrial buyers are responsible for supplying the goods and services that an organization required for its operations.

67. The first national park in world, Yellowstone National Park, was established in 1872.

68. Historians have never reached some general agreement about the precise causes of the Civil War in the United States.

69. A leading Canadian feminist and author, Nellie McClung, struggled relentlessly in the early twentieth century to win politically and legal rights for Canadian women.

70. Although they are in different countries, Windsor, Ontario, Detroit, and Michigan are close neighbors and cooperate on numerous matters of mutually interest.

Part V Translation (15 points, 3 points each)

Directions:Translate the five underlined sentences in the following passage into Chinese.

Write down your translation on the Answer Sheet.

(71)This Christmas season finds us a rather bewildered human race. We have neither peace within nor peace without. (72)Everywhere paralyzing fears harrow people by day and haunt them by night. Our world is sick with war; everywhere we turn see its ominous possibilities. And yet, my friends, the Christmas hope for peace and goodwill toward all men can no longer be dismissed as a kind of pious dream of some utopian. (73)If we don’t have goodwill toward men in this world, we will destroy ourselves by the misuse of our own instruments and our own power. Wisdom born of experience should tell us that war is out of date. (74)There may have a time when war served a negative good by preventing the spread and growth of an evil force, but the very destructive power of modern weapons of warfare eliminates even the possibility that war may any longer serve as a negative good. And so, if we assume that life is worth living, if we assume that mankind has a right to survive, then we must find an alternative to war---- and so let us this morning explore the conditions for peace. Let us this morning think anew on the meaning of that Christmas hope: “Peace on Earth, Goodwill toward Man.” And ad we explore these conditions, I would like to suggest that modern man really go all out to study the meaning of nonviolence, its philosophy and its strategy.

(75)We have experimented with the meaning of nonviolence in our struggle for racial justice in the United States, but now the time has come for man to experiment with nonviolence in all areas of human conflict, and that means nonviolence on an international


Part VI Writing (20 points)

Directions:At present, there is a heated discussion in China on whether people should be encouraged to buy cars or not.You are supposed to write a composition of about 150words on this issue. In the first part of your composition, you should present your thesis statement; in the second part, you should support the thesis statement with details; and in the last part, you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and diction. Please write you response on the Answer Sheet.


2014年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试管理类专业硕士学位 联考英语试卷 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Thinner isn’t always better. A number of studies have _1_ that normal-weight people are in fact at higher risk of some diseases compared to those who are overweight. And there are health conditions for which being overweight is actually _2_. For example, heavier women are less likely to develop calcium deficiency than thin women. _3_, among the elderly, being somewhat overweight is often an _4_ of good health. Of even greater _5_ is the fact that obesity turns out to be very difficult to define. It is often _6_body mass index, or BIMI _7_ body mass divided by the square of height. An adult with a BIMI of 18 to 25 is often considered to be normal weight. Between 25 to 30 is overweight. And over 30 is considered obese. Obesity, _8_ can be divided into moderately obese, severely obese, and very severely obese.

2014年 英语一真题

2014年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(一) Section ⅠUse of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) As many people hit middle age, they often start to notice that their memory and mental clarity are not what they used to be. We suddenly can't remember 1 we put the keys just a moment ago, or an old acquaintance's name, or the name of an old band we used to love. As the brain 2 , we refer to these occurrences as "senior moments." 3 seemingly innocent, this loss of mental focus can potentially have a(an) 4 impact on our professional, social, and personal 5 . Neuroscientists, experts who study the nervous system, are increasingly showing that there's actually a lot that can be done. It 6 out that the brain needs exercise in much the same way our muscles do, and the right mental 7 can significantly improve our basic cognitive 8 . Thinking is essentially a 9 of making connections in the brain. To a certain extent, our ability to 10 in making the connections that drive intelligence is inherited. 11 , because these connections are made through effort and practice, scientists believe that intelligence can expand and fluctuate 12 mental effort. Now, a new Web-based company has taken it a step 13 and developed the first "brain training program" designed to actually help people improve and regain their mental 14 . The Web-based program 15 you to systematically improve your memory and attention skills. The program keeps 16 of your progress and provides detailed feedback 17 your performance and improvement. Most importantly, it 18 modifies and enhances the games you play to 19 on the strengths you are developing--much like a(n) 20 exercise routine requires you to increase resistance and vary your muscle use. 1.[A] that [B] when [C] why [D] where 2.[A] fades [B] improves [C] collapses [D] recovers 3.[A] Unless [B] While [C] Once [D] If 4.[A] damaging [B] limited [C] uneven [D] obscure 5.[A] relationship [B] environment [C] wellbeing [D] outlook 6.[A] figures [B] finds [C] points [D] turns 7.[A] responses [B] associations [C] workouts [D] roundabouts 8.[A] genre [B] criterion [C] circumstances [D] functions 9.[A] channel [B] process [C] condition [D] sequence


英语口语话题200篇 【篇一:英语口语话题200篇】 hypothetical 假设类的英语口语话题 what would you do if you were late for an important appointment? what would you do if someone accused you of a crime you didnt commit? what would you do if you got lost in an unfamiliar city? what would you do if you left something in a locked building? what would you do if your best friend stole something from you? what would you do if you didnt have enough money to pay your bills? what would you do if your children were caught shoplifting? what would you do if your car got a flat tire on the freeway? if you could change one thing about your past, what would it be? if you could change one major historical event, what would it be? situation 情景类的英语口语话题 someone asks you a question you do not want to answer. what do you say? you need to borrow some money from a friend. what do you say? you broke your sisters favorite vase. what do you say? you forgot your mothers birthday. what do you say when you see her? you want to buy an item located behind the cashier. what do you say? you arrive late to a meeting because you couldnt get a taxi. what do you say? your friend ?wiped out? while skiing and looks hurt. what do you say? the man in the seat next to you is smoking. what do you say? your child is playing with matches. what do you say? you need more time to finish an exam. what do you say to the teacher? description 描述类的英语口语话题


2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标I) 英语 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分60分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A The Cambridge Science Festival Curiosity Challenge Dare to Take the Curiosity Challenge! The Cambridge Science Festival (CSF) is pleased to inform you of the sixth annual Curiosity Challenge. The challenge invites, even dares school students between the ages of 5 and 14 to create artwork or a piece of writing that shows their curiosity and how it inspires them to explore their world. Students are being dared to draw a picture, write an article, take a photo or write a poem that shows what they are curious about. To enter the challenge, all artwork or pieces of writing should be sent to the Cambridge Science Festival, MIT Museum, 265 Mass Avenue. Cambridge 02139 by Friday, February 8th. Students who enter the Curiosity Challenge and are selected as winners will be honored at a special ceremony during the CSF on Sunday, April 21st. Guest speaker will also present prizes to the students. Winning entries will be published in a book. Student entries will be exhibit and prizes will be given. Families of those who take part will be included in the celebration and brunch will be served. Between March 10th and March 15th, each winner will be given the specifics of the closing ceremony and the Curiosity Challenge celebration. The program guidelines and other related information are available at: https://www.360docs.net/doc/4b9596211.html,. 21 Who can take in the Curiosity Challenge? A. School students. B. Cambridge locals. C. CSF winners. D. MIT artists. 22 When will the prize-giving ceremony be held? A. On February 8th. B. On March 10th C. On March 15th.. D. On April 21st. 23 What type of writing is this text? A. An exhibition guide. B. An art show review. C. An announcement. D. An official report.


2014年下半年高中《英语学科知识》教师资格证考试统考真题及答案 一、选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分) 在每小题列出的四个备选选项中选择一个最佳答案,请用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案字母按要求涂黑。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.which of the following is the proper pronunciation of“have to “as a result of assimilation? A./hef tu/ B./hev tu/ C./h?f tu/ D./h?v tu/ 2.which of the following shows the proper rhythmical pattern of the sentence? A.′Come to′see us at our′new a`partment B.`Come to`see us at`our new`apartment C.`Come to`see us`at our`new`apartment D.`Come to`see us`at our`new a`parement 3.He came to dinner and my mom fixed a roast,prime rib,pie,yohurt,dri nks,and that kind of_,and it was really good. A.meat B.stuff C.staff D.Dish 4.Unlike her_ sister,Judith is a shy,unsociable person who dislike to go to parties or to make new friends. A.charming B.friendly C.gracious D.Gregarious 5.He pledged support for“_care”, where youngsters were looked after be close relatives like aunts or uncles,but not parents. A.family B.kinship C.sibling D.Relative 6.I will never know all that was in his head at the time,_. A.nor will anyone else B.nor anyone else will C.nor won′t anyone else D.nor anyone else won′t 7.She doesn′t want to work right now because she thinks that if she _a job she probably wouldn′ t be able to visit her friends very often. A.has to get B.were to get C.had got D.could have got 8.What is the correct way to read the decimal“106.16”in English? A.One hundred and six point one six B.One hundred and six point six teen C.One hundred and six points one six D.One hundred and six points s ixteen 9.When any of the maxims under the Cooperative Principle is flouted on purpose,might arise. A.ambiguous structure B.contradictory proposition


说真话最大的优势就是听上去很可能更令人信服。 Level 2 目录 一、谈工作 (5) 二、聊英语学习 (5) 三、聊日常生活 (6) 四、谈婚恋 (6) 五、谈事件 (7) 六、谈规划 (7) 七、谈孩子 (8) 八、兴趣 (9) 九、聊出行 (9) 十、聊天气 (9) 十一、聊吃的 (10) 十二、聊性格 (11) 十三、We-chat 微信 (11) 十四、Taobao 淘宝 (11) 十五、E-Payment 网络支付 (12) 1 / 31

十七、APP 应用 (13) 十八、Anger 生气 (13) 十九、Shopping购物 (14) 二十、Rainy days 雨天 (14) 二十一、Wedding and marriage 婚礼和婚姻 (15) 二十二、Hometown 家乡 (15) 二十三、Name 名字 (15) 二十四、Meal 饭食 (16) 二十五、News 新闻 (16) 二十六、Bus 公交车 (17) 二十七、Computer 电脑 (17) 二十八、Jewelry 珠宝 (17) 二十九、Daily life 日常生活 (18) 三十、Fruit and vegetables 水果和蔬菜 (18) 三十一、Advertisements 广告 (19) 2 / 31

三十三、Transportation 交通 (20) 三十四、Friends 朋友 (20) 三十五、Birthday 生日 (21) 三十六、Housework 家务 (21) 三十七、Teacher 老师 (22) 三十八、Neighbor 邻居 (22) 三十九、Number 数字 (22) 四十、Travel 旅行 (23) 四十一、Dance 跳舞 (23) 四十二、Chocolate 巧克力 (24) 四十三、Restaurant 饭店 (24) 四十四、Television 电视 (24) 四十五、Music 音乐 (25) 四十六、Sports 运动 (25) 四十七、Films 电影 (26) 3 / 31


2014年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语(二)试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Thinner isn’t always better. A number of studies have __1___ that normal-weight people are in fact at higher risk of some diseases compared to those who are overweight. And there are health conditions for which being overweight is actually ___2___. For example, heavier women are less likely to develop calcium deficiency than thin women. ___3___ among the elderly, being somewhat overweight is often an ___4___ of good health. Of even greater ___5___ is the fact that obesity turns out to be very difficult to define. It is often defined ___6___ body mass index, or BMI. BMI ___7__ body mass divided by the square of height. An adult with a BMI of 18 to 25 is often considered to be normal weight. Between 25 and 30 is overweight. And over 30 is considered obese. Obesity, ___8___,can be divided into moderately obese, severely obese, and very severely obese. While such numerical standards seem 9 , they are not. Obesity is probably less a matter of weight than body fat. Some people with a high BMI are in fact extremely fit, 10 others with a low BMI may be in poor 11 .For example, many collegiate and professional football players 12 as obese, though their percentage body fat is low. Conversely, someone with a small frame may have high body fat but a 13 BMI. Today we have a(an) _14 _ to label obesity as a disgrace.The overweight are sometimes_15_in the media with their faces covered. Stereotypes _16_ with obesity include laziness, lack of will power,and lower prospects for success.Teachers,employers,and health professionals have been shown to harbor biases against the obese. _17_very young children tend to look down on the overweight, and teasing about body build has long been a problem in schools. Negative attitudes toward obesity, _18_in health concerns, have stimulated a number of anti-obesity _19_.My own hospital system has banned sugary drinks from its facilities. Many employers have instituted weight loss and fitness initiatives. Michelle Obama launched a high-visibility campaign _20_ childhood obesity, even claiming that it represents our greatest national security threat. 1. [A] denied [B] concluded [C] doubled [D] ensured 2. [A] protective [B] dangerous [C] sufficient [D]troublesome 3. [A] Instead [B] However [C] Likewise [D] Therefore 4. [A] indicator [B] objective [C] origin [D] example 5. [A] impact [B] relevance [C] assistance [D] concern 6. [A] in terms of [B] in case of [C] in favor of [D] in of 7. [A] measures [B] determines [C] equals [D] modifies 8. [A] in essence [B] in contrast [C] in turn [D] in part


2014年10月自考《英语(二)》真题(完整试卷)含答案解析 第一部分:阅读判断(第1~10题,每题1分,共10分) 下面的短文后列出了10个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择C,并将所选答案的代码(指A、B或C)填在答题纸的相应位置上。 The Stranger Who Changed My Life It was a sunny morning in the spring of 1966. I was driving a taxi,looking for a customer. While passing New York Hospital,l found a man running down the hospital steps,waving at me. I stopped. The man reached the taxi and jumped in. “ The Airport,please,“ he said. As always,I wondered about my passenger. Was this man a talker? After a few moments,he started saying,“How do you like driving a taxi?” ‘s i t’ s OK,”I said. “I make a living and meet interesting people sometimes.” “ What do you do?” I asked. “I am a doctor at New York Hospital. ” Many times during long rides,l’d developed a good relationship with my passengers and received very good advice from them. This time I decided to ask for his help,”Could I ask a favor of you?”He didn't answer. “I have a son,15,a good kid. He wants a job this summer. is it possible that you get one for him?” He still wasn't talking, and I was starting to feel foolish. Finally, he said, “ Well, my students have a summer research project. Maybe he could join in. Have him send me his school record. ” He left his address and paid me. It was the last time I ever saw him. Robbie sent off his grades the next morning. And gradually this incident was forgotten. Two weeks later, when I arrived home from work, Robbie handed me a letter. He was informed to call Dr. Plum for an interview. Robbie got the job. The following summer, Robbie worked at the hospital again, but this time, he was given more responsibility. Then, he worked at the hospital for a third summer and gradually developed a love of medical profession. Near graduating from college, Robbie applied to and was admitted to New York Medical College. After getting his medical degree, Robbie, the son of a taxi driver, became a doctor at Columbia Medical Center. 1. The doctor shouted at the taxi driver for a ride. A. True B. False C. Not Given 2. The doctor wanted to go to the railway station by taxi. A. True B. False C. Not Given 3. The taxi driver liked talking with his customers. A. True B. False C. Not Given 4. The taxi driver had two children. A. True B. False C. Not Given 5. The taxi driver became Dr. Plum' s friend. A. True B. False C. Not Given 6. The doctor wrote a recommendation letter for Robbie. A. True B. False C. Not Given 7. Robbie joined in a summer research project.


1.Personal Present Situation: Are you a student or do you have a job? a) study What do you like most about your studies? What is your major? Which is the best university in China? Do you think your present subjects are relevant? b)working What kind of job would you prefer after graduation? What are your job prospects? What do you do for a living? Describe your job in detail. Is your job important to you? If you could, would you change jobs? Are their possible changes that could affect your job in any way? Describe an ideal job/ Describe a job you think you would be good at(新增) What do you think of your major/job? Why do you choose it? 2. Hometown/city Where are you from? What’s the most interesting part of your hometown? Has your hometown changed in recent years? Describe your hometown. Describe a city that you like best Where it is What are the general features What you can do there


2014年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语二试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text.Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark[A],[B],[C]or[D]on the ANSWER SHEET.(10points) Thinner isn’t always better.A number of studies have1that normal-weight people are in fact at higher risk of some diseases compared to those who are overweight.And there are health conditions for which being overweight is actually2.For example,heavier women are less likely to develop calcium deficiency than thin women.3among the elderly,being somewhat overweight is often an4of good health. Of even greater5is the fact that obesity turns out to be very difficult to define.It is often defined 6body mass index,or BMI.BMI7body mass divided by the square of height.An adult with a BMI of 18to25is often considered to be normal weight.Between25and30is overweight.And over30is considered obese.Obesity,8,can be divided into moderately obese,severely obese,and very severely obese. While such numerical standards seem9,they are not.Obesity is probably less a matter of weight than body fat.Some people with a high BMI are in fact extremely fit,10others with a low BMI may be in poor 11.For example,many collegiate and professional football players12as obese,though their percentage body fat is low.Conversely,someone with a small frame may have high body fat but a13BMI. Today we have a(an)14to label obesity as a disgrace.The overweight are sometimes15in the media with their faces covered.Stereotypes16with obesity include laziness,lack of will power,and lower prospects for success.Teachers,employers,and health professionals have been shown to harbor biases against the obese.17very young children tend to look down on the overweight,and teasing about body build has long been a problem in schools. Negative attitudes toward obesity,18in health concerns,have stimulated a number of anti-obesity 19.My own hospital system has banned sugary drinks from its facilities.Many employers have instituted weight loss and fitness initiatives.Michelle Obama launched a high-visibility campaign20childhood obesi-ty,even claiming that it represents our greatest national security threat. 1.[A]denied[B]conduced[C]doubled[D]ensured 2.[A]protective[B]dangerous[C]sufficient[D]troublesome 3.[A]Instead[B]However[C]Likewise[D]Therefore 4.[A]indicator[B]objective[C]origin[D]example 5.[A]impact[B]relevance[C]assistance[D]concern 6.[A]in terms of[B]in case of[C]in favor of[D]in of 7.[A]measures[B]determines[C]equals[D]modifies 8.[A]in essence[B]in contrast[C]in turn[D]in part 9.[A]complicated[B]conservative[C]variable[D]straightforward 10.[A]so[B]while[C]since[D]unless 11.[A]shape[B]spirit[C]balance[D]taste 12.[A]start[B]qualify[C]retire[D]stay 13.[A]strange[B]changeable[C]normal[D]constant 14.[A]option[B]reason[C]opportunity[D]tendency 15.[A]employed[B]pictured[C]imitated[D]monitored 16.[A]compared[B]combined[C]settled[D]associated
