SUBJECT: Introduction to Marketing-MAR101 LECTURER: Dr. DINO DOMIC

TITLE: The significance of marketing STUDENT: LIU YILIN

REG NO: F20132139



CONTENT Introduction (4)

In Globally…………………………………………5-7 In Domestically…………………………………7-8 In Organizationally……………………………8-10 In Personally……………………………………10-11

First, I want to talk about the definition of marketing. What’s marketing? Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processses for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. It is the activity, set of institutions.

Marketing is one of those chameleon words with erratic implications. In its original dictionary definition-buying and selling in the marketplace-it describes an activity that has been part of around so long, we assume that at this basic level it has the same connotations for everybody. Not so. Probe a little and you will find that, for one cultural type, buying and selling in the marketplace has rather sordidi associations with barrow-boys and one trickster outsmarting another; for others it will be associated with merchant venturers, braving perilous seas in search of profitable trade. One type will nourish a prejudice against marketing, the other will be prejudiced in its favour.

More recently the same word, marketing, has been used to describe the techniques, greatly elaborated during the last forty years , which producers of goods and services use, in conjunction with traditional selling, to win and retain customers and optimise profits. These are the promotion.

Marketing is used to describe that part of a general manager’s job which is concerned with managing the organisation’s present relationship and planninng its future relationship with customers-the fickle and elusive body without which no business can survive. The third meaning, too, causes unnecessary misunderstanding and conflict. No advocate of marketing can have failed to meet the individual who proclaims that ‘I’ m a practical man ,I don’t hold with this marketing nonsense’-and then turns out to have spent his whole career practising the arts of marketing by the light of nature.1

Now ,I am going to talk about the significance of marketing in globally.

An effective marketing system is necessary for economic development. Improved marketing may be the key to growth in less-developed nations.

Without an effective marketing system, the less-developed nations may not be able to escape the “vicious cirle of poverty”.

A marketing system does more than just deliver goods and services to consumers-it allows mass production with its economies of scale. Also, mass communication and mass transportation allow products to be shipped where they’re needed. Oranges from California are found in Minnesota stores-even in December-and electronic parts made in New York State are used in making products all over the country.

In addition to making mass production possible, our market-directed, marketing system encourage innovation-the development and spread of new ideas and products. Competition for consumers’dollars forces firms to think of nes and better ways of satisfying consumer needs.

Marketing is concerned with the way the whole economy works.2

The 1990s mark the first decade in which companies around the world must start thinking globally. Time and distance are shrinking rapidly with the advent of faster communication, transportation, and financial flows. Products developed in one country are finding enthusiastic acceptance in other countries.

True, many companies have been carrying on international activities for decades. Coca-Cola ,IBM, Kodak, Shell, Toshiba, Sony and other companies are familiar to most consumers around the world. But today global competition is intensifying. Foreign firms are expanding aggressively into new international markets, and home markets are no

longer as rich in opportunity. Domestic companies that never thought about foreign competitors suddenly find these competitors in their own backyards. The firm that stays at home to play it not only might lose its chance to enter other markets but also risks losing its home market.

Companies manage their international marketing activities in at least there different ways. Most companies first organize an export department, then create an international division, and finally become a global organization.

A firm normally gets into international marketing by simply shipping out its goods. If its international sales expand, the company organizes an export department with a sales manager and a few assistants. As sales increase, the export department then can expand to include various marketing services so that it can actively go after business. If the firm moves into joint ventures or direct investment, the export department no longer will be adequate.

Many companies get involved in several international markets and ventures. A company may export to on country, license to another, have a joint ownership venture in a third, and own a subsidiary in a fourth. Sooner or later it will create an international division or subsidiary to handle all its international activity.

International divisions are organized in a variety of ways. The international division’s corporate staff consists of marketing, manufacturing, research, finance, operating units, which can be organized in one of three ways. They may be geographical organizations, with country managers who are responsible for salespeople, sales branches, distributors, and licensees in their respective countries. Or the operating units can be world product groups, each responsible for worldwide sales of different product groups. Finally

operating units can be international subsidiaries, each responsible for its own sales and profits.

Moving into the twenty-first century, major companies must become more global if they hope to compete. As foreign companies successfully invade their domestic markets, companies must move more aggressively into foreign markets. They will have to change from companies that treat their internationa operations as secondary concerns to companies that view the entire world a s a single borderless market.3

Next, I am going to talk about the significance of marketing in domestically.

The growth of cities brings together large numbers of people. They must depend on others to produce most of the goods and services they need to satisfy their basic needs. Also, many consumers have higher incomes. They can afford to satisfy higher-level needs as well. A modern economy faces a real challenge to satisfy all these needs.

Modern manufacturing skills can help produce great quantities of goods and services to satisfy large numbers of consumers. But mass production alone can’t solve the problem of satisfying consumers’needs. Effective marketing is also needed. The total marketing concept implies that “the consumer is King.”8

Marketing should begin with potential customer needs-not with the production process. Marketing should try to anticipate needs. And then marketing, rather than production, should determine what goods and services are to be developed—including decisions about product design and packaging; prices or fees; credit and collection policies; use of middlemen; transporting and storing policies; advertising and sales policies; and after the sale, installation ,customer service, warranty, and perhaps even disposal policies.2

Every government runs an export promotion program, trying to persuade its local companies to export. The government in Denmark pays more than half the salary of marketing consultants who help small and medium-size Danish companies get into exports. Many countries go even farther and subsidize their companies by granting preferential land and energy costs –they even supply cash outright so that their companies can charge lower prices than their foreign competitors.3

Then ,I am going to talk about the significance of marketing in organizationally.

Marketing does not mean that it should try to take over production, accounting ,and financial activities. Rather, it means that marketing-by interpreting customer’s needs-should provide direction for these activities and try to coordinate them.4 The most immediately relevant environmental factor for any organization is the customer on whose continued approval the organisation’s future depends. In almost all cases the ultimate customer is some segment of the general public; even the industrial marketer, whose immediate customers are other organisations, is dependent in the end on the ability of those organisations to satisfy the segment of the general public which they serve.

Bankers will instantly recognize the truth of this. Indeed, when they act as lenders to industrial companies, they are one stage further removed from the general public, yet most bankers will still want to know about no excuse whatsoever for talking about general marketing principles .Good bankers will see the relevance to banking.

For the organization marketing goods or services(including financial services)to the general public, the changes in personal circumstances and lifestyle which have characterized the last twenty-five years in all countries have opened up many new

opportunities while putting a stop to some. The UK with its 56 million population has changed less than most countries of the developed or developing world. The growth both of population and of gross national product has been relatively slow. There has been no obvious revolution in the form of government or in social structure. Industrialisation and urbanization, the flight from the farm to the factory, from the village to the city, still talking place in many countries, had more or less run their course in Britain before the Second world war.

And yet, slow economic growth or not, the income of the average British family has doubled over the quarter century in real terms. Moreover, the cumulative effect of redistributive taxation, strongly supported by the power of organize labor, has resulted in some flattening of the family income pyramid, though the flattening is not as dramatic as some would have wished or others feared. But it does mean that the producers of many products and services, not least financial services, can think in terms of a much wider potential market than they had before.1

The role of marketing in business Is to create and deliver to customer needs. Business faces a bewildering choice today in selection of its marketing agents and suppliers. Advertising agencies of all structures and philosophies vie with direct marketing management consultants as well as a new range of service bureau specializing in data processing ,mail and telephone. There must be consolidation, and shape of the consolidation will reflect the imperatices of business.

Marketing is the custodian of all stake holder relationships and will be fully accountable for what it does. Suppliers of marketing communications will be valued for their ability to realize the aims of the brief they are given. Marketing will brief its

suppliers on the business outcomes that must be delivered and the measurements that will determine success of failure. Marketing will determine a strategic framework for its activities that is derived from the business strategy and will explicitly relate to the milestones within the strategic plan. What’s more, marketing will value a scientific approach that will drive a relentless, but structured, search for performance improvement. Marketing will value creativity and entrepreneurship in service of activity that will yield explicit and measurable results and always seek to validate its assumptions. All functions will recognize the imperative of a co-ordinated policy for relationship management. Organizations will encourage and enable the Forensic approach.5

Finally ,I am going to talk about the significance of marketing in personally.

As a consumer, you pay for the cost of marketing activities. In advanced economies, marketing costs about 50cents of each consumer dollar. For some goods and services, the percentage is much higher. Marketing affects almost every aspect of your daily life. All the goods and services you buy, the stores where you shop, and the radio and TV programs paid for by advertising are there because of marketing. Even your job resumeis part of a marketing campaign to sell yourself to some employer! Some courses are interesting when you take them but never relevant again once they’re over. Not so with marketing-you’ll be a consumer dealing with marketing for the rest of your life.

Personal selling involves direct spoken communication between sellers and potential customers. Salespeople get innediate feedback, which helps them to adapt.

Societies can be classified according to whether cultural emphasis is on the group or the individual . There is a strong correlation between societies oriented towards group

organization and high context cultures.7

While face to face with prospects, salespeople can get more attention than an advertisement or a display. They can adjust what they say to the prospect’s needs, questions, and feedback. If, and when, the prospect is ready to buy, the salesperson is there to ask for the order. And afterward, the salesperson works to be certain that the customer is satisfied and will buy again in the future.4

Social responsibility, this takes the debate about consumerism on to a much broader level. It raises questions about whether marketing management should adopt particular stances in the firm about a wider range of “social issues”.9

Social marketing is not solely the study of marketing within the fram of the total social system, and it is even more than the subject matter of thediscipline.10 Our exploration of the road to successful marketing began with an examination of the problems created when individuals decide to wing it. We then went on to examine the importance of properly executing business strategies to the success of the individual as well as the firm. Now it is time for self-examination, exploring your won makeup to determine whether you have the characteristics that will help you succeed and finding ways to overcome any negative traits you may have.6

Anyway, from my point of view. Marketing do have much significance in globally, domestically, organizationally, personally!

References section

1. Mciver and Naylor.1986.”Marketing Financial Services”. Second Edition. Staples Printers Rochester Limited, London

2. Jerome McCarthy and Perreault.1985.”Essentials of Marketing” .3th Edition. RICHARD D.IRWIN,INC .United States of America

3. PHILIP KOTLER and GARY ARMSTRONG.”Principles of Marketing”.1996.Seventh Edition. A simon and Schuster company. United States of America

4. Jerome McCarthy and Perreault. ”Essentials of Marketing”.10th Edition. McGraw-Hill/Irwin .United States of America

5. Gavin Barrett.”FORENSIC MARKETING”.1995.McGraw-Hill Book company Europe. England

6. Frank and Sonnenberg.”Marketing to win”. 1990. A Dicision of Hanger&Row Publishers .New York.

7.J,B.McCall and M,B.Warrington. “Marketing by agreetment”. 1986.Bath Press. Avon

8.Martin Baier. “Element of Direct Marketing”.1983. Singapore National Printers.Singapore

9.TOM CANNON. “Basic Marketing”. 1980, Second Edition. Mackays of chatham pcc. Kent

10.Ehis and Keith. “Marketing Classics”. Seventh Edition.1991. A dicision of simon&Schuster.INC. Massachusetts


1. Mciver and Naylor

Marketing Financial Services

2. Jerome McCarthy and Perreault Essentials of Marketing

3. PHILIP KOTLER and GARY ARMSTRONG Principles of Marketing

4. Jerome McCarthy and Perreault Essentials of Marketing

5. Gavin Barrett


6. Frank and Sonnenberg

Marketing to win

7. J,B.McCall and M,B.Warrington Marketing by agreetment

8. Martin Baier

Element of Direct Marketing


Basic Marketing

10. Ehis and Keith

Marketing Classics


marketing 研究市场营销职能,经验的做法是从商品销售入手。美国市场营销协会定义委员会1960年曾发表过这样一个定义:“市场营销是引导商品或劳务从生产者流向消费者或其使用者的一种企业活动。”这个定义虽不承认市场营销就是销售,但是认为市场营销包含着销售,也包含着对商品销售过程的改进与完善。许多学者认为这个定义过于狭窄,不能充分展示市场营销的功能。然而,不论其是否恰当,这个定义清楚地揭示了市场营销与商品销售的关系。 商品销售对于企业和社会来说,具有两种基本功能,一是将企业生产的商品推向消费领域;一是从消费者那里获得货币,以便对商品生产中的劳动消耗予以补偿。企业是为了提高人们的生活水平而采用先进生产组织方式进行社会化生产的产物。在资源短缺的现实经济中,它通过在一定程度上实现资源集中和生产专业化,能够利用规模经济规律来提高生产效率,创造和传播新的生活标准。商品销售是生产效率提高的最终完成环节,即通过这个环节把企业生产的产品转移到消费者手上,满足其生活需要。在另一方面,社会选择市场和商品交换方式,在企业转让产品给消费者的同时,通过让企业获得货币,是因为社会需要保持企业生产经营的连续,以便更多地获得提高生产效率的好处。通过商品销售,让商品变为货币,社会可以为企业补充和追加投入生产要素,而企业因此也获得了生存和发展的条件。 商品销售十分重要。企业需要尽最大努力来加强这一职能。其具体的活动包括:寻找和识别潜在顾客,接触与传递商品交换意向信息,谈判,签订合同,交货和收款,提供销售服务。然而,进行商品销售是有条件的。要顺利进行商品交换的有关条件包括:(1)至少有两个主体,他们分别拥有在自己看来是价值相对较低、但在对方看来具有更高价值的有价物(商品、服务的货币),并且愿意用自己所拥有之物来换取对方所拥有的有价物;(2)他们彼此了解对方所拥有的商品的质量和生产成本;(3)他们相互之间可以有效地进行意见沟通。例如洽谈买卖条件,达成合同;(4)交易发生后他们都能如意地消费和享受所得之物。但是常常发现,这些条件不是处处成立的,因此企业经常会面临销售困难的局面。为了有效地组织商品销售,将企业生产的商品更多地销售出去,营销部门就不能仅仅只做销售工作,还必须进行市场调查研究、组织整体营销、开发市场需求等活动,而且要等到后面这些工作取得一定效果以后,才进行商品销售。 First, merchandise sales Research marketing functions, experience from the practice of selling goods start. American Marketing Association definition of the Commission in 1960 had published such a definition: "Marketing is to guide producers of goods or services from consumers or users of the flow of a business activity." This definition does not recognize the marketing is marketing, But that marketing includes sales, also includes the sale of goods to improve and perfect the process. Many scholars believe that this definition is too narrow, can not fully demonstrate the functions of marketing. However, regardless of whether they


网络营销策划书 ——“网易公开课”网络推广策划 客户:网易 策划机构:破釜沉舟策划小组 策划人及所负责部分: 周朦 2008221112110008(一、六、七、九部分) 甘佳伟 2008221112110040(二、七、结束语) 李苏龙 2008221112110027(三、四、五部分) 杨璇 2008221112110038(三、八、调查问卷) 陈昊 2008221112110065(前言、一部分) 谢德兴 2008221112110070(目录、二部分) 策划完成日期: 2011年10月22日 策划适用时间段:2011年10月25日——2012年10月25日 密级:XXX 编号:HD2008123456 页数:14

前言 网易公司,是中国主要门户网站,和新浪网、搜狐网、腾讯网并成为“中国四大门户”。网易在开发互联网应用、服务及其它技术方面始终保持中国内业界的领先地位。自1997年6月创立以来,凭借先进的技术和优质的服务,网易深受广大网民的欢迎,曾两次被中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)评选为中国十佳网站之首。目前提供网络游戏、电子邮件、新闻、博客、搜索引擎、论坛、虚拟社区等服务。 2010年11月1日,网易推出“全球名校视频公开课项目”,首批1200集课程上线,其中有200多集配有中文字幕。用户可以在线免费观看来自于哈佛大学等世界级名校的公开课课程。网易已经在公开课项目上投入数百万元人民币,并计划在之后持续招募国内外翻译人才,提供费用组织翻译,免费让用户在线观看和下载。 公益,利用道德的观念来解释,可将其理解为无私的满足某些群体的精神需求。每一个人,都一个关于名校的梦。然而基于各种原因,只有少数人才可能坐在哈佛、耶鲁等名校的课堂。为了圆每一个平凡的人的这个梦,实现知识共享的无国界性、无地域性是网易的追求,更是网易公开课的立足点。 本策划案的形成乃是由于长期以来网易公开课的用户占有率不够,仍然有许多人从未听说过它的存在或者知之甚少。而网易,誓将致力于这项伟大的公益工程的建设,我们迫切追求实现让最多的人在这样一个平台分享一个共同的学习机会。 在彰显公益的同时,网易希望在网站视频竞争中走一条差异化路线,通过品质建树口碑,利用口碑集揽人气。 在这样的背景之下,受网易公司委托,特制定此策划案,将网易公开课的目标群体定位于大学生,用简洁、扼要的语言来提出网易公开课面临的问题、发展方向以及突破口,并最终详细得提出策划方案,以供参考之用。


市场部的五大基本职能 市场部应该有什么样的职能是根据企业发展的不同阶段来设定的,这一点,业界已经有共识。 “修身”阶段的市场部是纯工具型的,这里不多谈。 到了“齐家”和“治国”阶段,市场部的定位和职能设定才真正是考验企业发展智慧的关键之处,如何根据企业的实际情况,拿捏的恰到好处,不仅会影响企业当下的发展,更会影响到企业未来发展的格局。笔者认为:就一般工业品企业而言,如下五大基本职能的建立和完善,将足以撑起一片天,为企业近期的业绩增长贡献力量,更为企业未来的发展夯实基础。 一、规划&管理 1、负责公司市场调研、产品规划及品牌管理,提出品牌发展规划 2、搜集市场信息,竞争市场调研数据汇总 3、市场推广及培训资料策划、活动实施 4、撰写典型产品应用案例,策划展示资料 5、挖掘产品差异化优势、撰写广告宣传文案、软文 6、负责公司和产品资质的完善和升级 7、制定、执行新产品上市的市场策划方案 二、设计&制作 1、负责公司及品牌的视觉形象设计,设计制订VI手册 2、负责产品包装、出厂文件设计 3、负责产品宣传推广应用的物料设计制作,如展台、展品、媒体广告等 4、负责公司网站整体美工设计(或把关)及配合其它部门相关工作 5、负责期刊、企业内刊的编辑制作 6、负责公司礼品及展会礼品的制作 7、负责部门供应商管理及物料制作费用记录 三、公关&会务

1.负责公司公关活动的策划、联络和实施,提出年度公关活动计划和预算方案 2、与协会、用户、设计院、咨询公司等洽谈合作并策划活动(组织、实施、流程安排) 4、根据项目需要,负责联络安排场地、交通、运输、制作等工作 5、负责产品推广会议及商务会议的客户联系 6、负责相关到访客户信息的收集 7、负责访客接待和公司突发危机处理 四、网络&媒体 1、负责公司媒体合作项目的策划、联络和实施,提出年度媒体合作计划及预算方案 2、根据市场营销战略要求,确定媒体和网络营销主导思想和主题方向,并完成媒体推广平台建设,不断提升平台推广力度,对内容整合和流程管理负责 3、负责媒体及网络营销年度目标的制定与分解,制定健全高效的工作流程和工作制度并执行,组织团队达成各项目标(成本、进度、质量、数量) 4、与外界合作媒体的互动联系,组织重大采访报道,审定稿件,安排版面 5、根据公司产品和技术推广需要,策划和(初中数学初中数学)协调撰写技术类媒体信息 6、公司内部重要活动的拍照、摄像,媒体新闻的及时撰写及发布 五、渠道&客户 1、负责公司业务数据管理及客情维护工作,提出年度客户关系维护和管理计划及预算方案 2、整理、筛选、管理渠道商、用户、设计院等客户资料,并科学存档建立数据库 3、对用户购买心理、行为习惯进行研究,设计回访方案并予以追踪总结 4、协调渠道与公司产品合作的相关事宜 5、策划与渠道合作活动,并撰写方案 6、渠道招商及业务管理系统的设计和管理 7、负责市场推广资料管理 上述五大功能模块基本上涵盖了工业品企业市场营销体系中除销售和渠道管理外的所有部分,如果市场部能够担负起来,执行到位,那企业的发展将得到有力支撑:不仅销售业绩的增长成为有源之水,而且品牌形象的提升得到系统性支撑。


市场营销各部门岗 位职责 1

市场、销售 销售经理 工作目的: 领导销售部销售公司自有和代理产品 工作要求: 认真负责、工作主动、善于团结下属 工作责任: 1.对外沟通、展演、讲演; 2.配合技术人员进行售前技术咨询; 3.作实施计划建议书; 4.进行商务谈判; 5.监督售后技术支持服务; 6.对销售部进行管理。 任职资格: 1.工作经验:5年以上相关行业销售经验 2.专业背景要求:曾在其它企业销售部任经理2年以上 3.学历要求:本科,大专以上需从事专业3年以上 4.年龄要求:28岁以上 5.个人素质:善于与人沟通,有良好的管理能力。 2

销售代表 工作目的: 代表公司销售公司自有和代理产品 工作要求: 认真负责、工作主动 工作责任: 1.与客户联络、沟通 2.配合技术人员进行技术展演、咨询 3.拟订商务计划 4.进行商务谈判 5.负责售后支持监督、协调工作 6.发现潜在客户 7.完成销售所涉及的各种表格 任职资格: 1.工作经验:4年以上销售工作经验 2.专业背景要求:曾从本行业销售工作2年以上 3.学历要求:大专以上 4.年龄要求:25岁以上 3

5.个人素质:工作认真,责任心强,善于表示,积极热情 销售主管 1. 市场开发 (1)收集信息,了解其在客户需求及竞争对手情况; (2)进行信息处理、分析,确定市场目标; (3)与潜在客户联系。 2. 维持市场份额 (1)跟踪客户需求,努力提高市场份额; (2)了解竞争对手情况; (3)了解客户产品信息; (4)了解行业动态、行业研发情况及现有市场的情况。 3. 完成订单 (1)接受订单,交付销售内勤; (2)跟踪客户信息制定投产计划; (3)监督生产,保证供货; (4)每周制定发货计划,交销售内勤; (5)把发货信息输入电脑,向客户催款。 4. 信息反馈 (1)内部信息反馈,将交货投产的有关情况交质量小组; 4



运营流程方案 一、环境与设施 1、场所环境 2、环境设计 3、配套设施

4、资金规模 二、市场 1、业务流程

制定方案—信息收集-市场调查-市场分析-市场细分-市场评估 2、市场条件 3、信息收集

4、市场调查 ★环境调查 ●人员:市场调查是一切工作开展的必要基础,所以必须由专业/专门人员负责此项工作。 ●内部环境:充分衡量本校的人才数量/水平/优势/劣势、环境/设施、资金、人脉资源、公共关系、行业熟悉度、准备 情况等。 ●宏观环境:要对当地人口数量/结构/素质/文化、经济水平、教育消费习惯、行政部门/法律、法规、地理位置/环境等 情况作详细、周密的调查和了解。 ●竞争环境: ※外部:数量、类型、层次、规模、地理位置、投资人情况 ※内部:课程、课时、收费、教材、班级、学生人数、教学模式、教学效果、管理/服务模式/水平、员工人数、※营销:营销模式、促销手段、广告形式、出版物、营销、促销历史手段、市场人员 ※硬件:教学环境、教学配套设施、管理配套设施、服务配套设施、办公环境与设施 ※综合:影响力、竞争力(优势与劣势)、品牌知名度、办学历史等 ★生源市场调查 ●全面普查:对当地城区中小学的数量、规模、层次等进行调查,从而了解当地的广义 市场规模和容量,为确定潜在目标客户定位打下基础。 ●目标详查:对确定的重点学校(1-2所)、重点年级(如小学4—6年级、小学毕业生、七年级等)和重点班级做 科学、详细的调查和分析,从而确定可能的目标客户和营销策略、促销手段和成本。 ★消费者调查 ●全面调查:采取抽样或访谈方式对当地消费者进行全面调查。 ●目标调查:在全面调查后的基础上,针对潜在目标客户进行有针对性调查。(见下表)


营销策略 Marketing Strategy PART ONE Questions 1—8 · Look at the statements below and the five extracts about advertising and promotion from an article. · Which extract (A, B, C, D orE. does each statement (1—8) refer to? · For each statement (1—8), make one letter (A, B, C, D orE. on your Answer Sheet. · You will need to use some of these letters more than once. A. SMS marketing is marketing using a mobile phone. SMS stands for short message server, otherwise known as text messaging. In short SMS marketing is done using a mobile device to transfer marketing communication to interested consumers. It's an area that is gaining a great deal of interest by businesses both small and large. B. In a perfect world, every brand would contain a variety of meanings, the better to speak to a variety of consumers. The trouble with stuffing the brand this way is that the meaning that works for one consumer can bewilder or antagonize the next. Building a brand with many meanings can sometimes fail spectacularly. Everyone creating popular culture is trying to solve this question. C. Marketing managers work with advertising and promotion managers to promote the firm's or organization's products and services. With the help of lower level managers, including product development managers and market research managers, marketing managers estimate the demand for products and services offered by the firm and its competitors and identify potential markets for the firm's products. D. Marketers should also be aware of the competition that they will face when pursuing a position at a media company. Typically, marketers must have a plethora of solid experience and a vast understanding of the media industry and the specific changes impacting the industry they are looking to work in. E. Convergence has significantly blurred the lines between print, internet, television and radio. Messaging that used to be tailored for one outlet will now have to be adjusted for a wider audience. Further, the accessibility of the internet has created a very diverse and global customer base. 1、 Marketers should already be familiar with how to communicate their messages across a variety of mediums. 2、 Marketing managers also develop pricing strategies to help firms maximize profits and market share while ensuring that the firms' customers are satisfied. 3、 In collaboration with sales, product development, and other managers, they monitor trends that indicate the need for new products and services and they oversee product development. 4、 In the United States alone 9 out of 10 people carry a mobile device according to research done by MobiThinking. 5、 So marketers should build their awareness of different cultures and respective sensitivities. 6、 Specifically we have something to learn from Hollywood, which I believe


市场细分与目标市场 ——市场细分 教学目标:【知识与技能】在掌握营销环境构成要素及营销 调研方法及技巧的知识基础上,进一步掌握细分市场的方法,以 为企业选择并进入目标市场及目标市场定位打下理论基础。 【过程与方法】整个教学活动以学生探究、合作互动的形式 完成,教师从旁引导,最后做出分析、点评与总结。 【情感、态度与价值观】让学生体验合作的欢乐,培养团队 精神,鼓励学生充分发挥想象力与创造力,提高学员分析问题、 解决问题及综合表达的能力,锻炼学生创新思维。 教学重点:通过引出营销案例,抛出问题激发学生积极思考,掌握市场细分标准。 教学难点:市场细分实践操作。 教学过程:

1、抛出问题 师:通过上面的案例,请大家谈谈: 这德国人是怎样细分市场的? 该公司的目标市场选择策略是什么? 该公司怎样进行市场定位的? 任务一市场细分 一、市场细分的含义 市场细分就是指企业依据消费者需求的差异性和类似性,把整体消费者划分为若干个不同的消费群,把整体市场划分为若干个分市场或子市场的过程。 互动空间: 细分市场是对企业的产品进行细分() (1)对(2)错 企业选择目标市场的前提是进行市场细分() (1)对(2)错 二、市场细分的作用 1、有利于企业发现市场机会,开拓新市场 2、有利于企业充分利用自身优势,扬长避短,取得最佳经济效益 3、有利于更好地满足消费者的需求 案例讨论: “小说旅馆”生意兴隆 在美国,有一家名叫西尔维亚.奇的小旅馆,共有20间客房,其布置和摆设都极为奇特。每个房间的设计都以世界一位著名作家为主题。旅客通过房间中的摆设联想到不同作家名作品的精辟句子和情节,从而引起一连串遐想。这家“小说旅馆”吸引了众多爱好读书的游客,生意十分兴隆。 [试析] “小说旅馆”生意兴隆的原因? 三、市场细分的标准(分别案例讨论并点评) 细分标准具体变量 地理环境国别、城乡、气候、交通、地理位置等 人口因素年龄、性别、职业、收入、教育程度等 心理因素个性、兴趣、爱好、生活方式等 购买行为购买动机、追求利益、使用频率、品牌 与商标的信赖程度等


教案 科目:市场营销基础授课者:授课班级: 时间:2016年11月10日地点:教学楼课题项目4 选择产品组合之认识产品的整体 教学目的理解并掌握产品的整体概念 教材分析重点掌握产品的整体概念 难点理解产品的整体概念与同类企业之间的产品竞争教具多媒体、黑板、粉笔等 授课主要内容、课时分配及板书设计 一、课前考勤 二、旧课复习(3分钟) 1.市场细分的概念 指企业通过市场调研,根据消费者需求的差异性,把某一产品的整体市场划分为若干消费者群的市场分类过程。 2.目标市场的概念 是企业决定要进入的市场部分或子市场。即是企业的商品或服务所要满足的特定消费者群。 3.市场定位的概念 是通过为自己的产品创立鲜明的个性,从而塑造出独特的市场形象来实现的。 三、新课导入(5分钟) 想一想、议一议: 1.人们买空调是为了什么 2.从“格力”到“海尔”,再到“西门子”和“美的”,所有这些空调的共 同点是什么? 3.既然所有空调的“共同点”都是一样的,那么为什么人们会有不同的选择? 4.假定你确信你要买的空调具备制冷、制热功能,并对规格、价格、款式等都较满意,但是店家告诉你:“该货物自提、自运!产品100%合格,不提供保修!”这样的产品你会购买吗? 5.如果你是空调制造商,你会采取什么方法与同类企业竞争? 四、新课讲授(35分钟) (一)产品的整体概念(5分钟) 1.核心产品 是产品的基本效用或利益,是构成产品最本质的核心部分,是顾客要真正购买的东西。 2.有形产品

是核心产品借以实现的形式或目标市场对某种需求的特定满足形式。 3.附加产品 也叫扩展产品,是指顾客购买产品时所能得到的附加服务和附加利益的总和。 (二)合作探究(30分钟) 1.将学生分成八个小组,按抽签的方式选择一种产品并说出此产品的三层概念 (1) 美的电风扇; (2) 雕牌洗洁精; (3) (4) 华为手机; (5) 宝马汽车; (6) (7) 金灶热水壶; (8) (9) 怡宝纯净水; (10) (11) 保健品; (12) (13) 罗马仕充电宝。 2.小组作品展示 3.小组互评 4. 5. 教师点评 五、课堂小结(2分钟) 产品的整体概念以及包含的三个层次 六、课外作业(1分钟) 1.预习下节课内容:产品组合要素 2.P83 如何理解产品的整体概念?它包括哪几个层次? 核心产品 有形产品 附加产品


一、图书类别:人物传记类图书 传记类图书主要指一般人物传记性著作的图书。记述人物的生平事迹,根据各种书面的、口述的回忆、调查等相关材料,加以选择性的编排、描写与说明而成。传记和历史关系密切,某些写作年代久远的传记常被人们当史料看待。一般由他人记述,亦有自述生平者,称"自传"。传记大体分两大类:一类是以记述翔实史事为主的史传或一般纪传文字;另一类属文学范围,传记作者在记述传主事迹过程中,可能会渗透自己的某些情感、想象或者推断,但和小说不同,传记一般不虚构,纪实性是传记的基本要求。 作为图书市场较为重要的图书类别——人物传记类图书,虽然历年在整个图书零售市场的占有率并非十分突出,但在当今精英辈出、名人效应迅速膨胀的大势之下,传记人物们的传奇人生和成功经验不断鼓舞着众多后来者的热烈追捧,甚至是仿效,从而制造了一大批好读好销的畅销书,为整个图书市场的拉动贡献了力量。根据《开卷2012上半年图书零售市场分析报告》,2012年上半年全国图书零售市场增长速度仅为0.27%,而传记类图书上半年实现了24.9%的增长速度,相比之下,该类图书增长率无疑是最可观的,因此人物传记类成为最引人关注的出版领域。 根据相关资料显示,从2010年、2011年和2012年传记类出版总品种达7566个,涵盖44家出版社,其中2010年共出版2574个品种,2011年出版2442个品种,2012年已经出版传记类图书2550种,在这3年中出版规模保持稳定。二、人物传记类图书结构和出书方向 人物传记类图书的细分类别并不十分明确,如果按传主分类,主要有 1、政治类:领袖、政治家、政治人物、革命家; 2、文艺类:文学家、艺术家、哲学家、教育家; 3、科技类:科学家、院士、专家、工程师; 4、军旅类:将军、军官、英雄、烈士; 5、演艺类:明星、艺人; 6、财经类:创始人、企业家、领军人物; 7、社会类:社会活动家、慈善家; 8、民间类:侠义之士、奇人异士、模范、孝子。


关于上好市场营销知识课的几点建议 市场营销知识课是中等职业教育商品经营专业的主干课程。上好这门课程是学生掌握市场营销基本知识和基本技能的关键。以下仅就如何使用高教出版社出版的《市场营销知识》(冯金祥等主编-2002年7月第一版-ISBN7-04-011019-9)教材,讲好这门课程谈几点个人的体会(建议),仅供参考。 一、认真研究教学大纲(即教学方案、),领会精神实质 教学大纲,亦称教学方案,是指导教师在课堂上进行教学的基本依据。课程的性质、任务、培养目标等全部体现在大纲中。如何安排课程、组织教学,如何确定每章每节的重点、难点等都要依据教学大纲。因此,教师必须反复阅读、认真研究教学大纲,领会其精神实质,才能把握住教学的方向,取得满意的教学效果。 二、以营销为立足点,确定每章每节的重点和难点。 《市场营销知识》全书共三十六万余字,其中案例约八万字。用72课时讲完,一定要把握好教材的精髓,作到有主有次,突出重点。 把握重点,要特别注意分清几个层次: (1)把握好全书的三个重点组成部分:基础理论、策略和方法、管理和控制,引导学生掌握好重点知识。带星星号的第11章可选讲,也可不讲,教师可根据学校和学生的具体情况安排。 (2)把握精髓,科学确定每章每节的重点和难点。营销学的精髓——营销学及其任务,即占领市场、扩大销售、获得利润。每一章、每一节教学任务的安排和重点、难点的确定,都要围绕这个精髓。 (3)教材在每章的开头都安排了学习要点,提出了“了解、理解、掌握”三个层次的学习要求, “了解”即一般知晓,知道即可;“理解”则要真正弄明白,学懂,一般为书中的重点知识;“掌握”就是要学会运用,一般都是技能类知识,要会按规程操作,才算达到培养目标。教师一定要掌握好“了解(知)、理解(懂)、掌握(会)”的尺度,合理组织教学,做到主次分明,重点突出。 三、认真贯彻“能力本位,学生主体,实践导向”的教学指导思想 职业教育就是就业教育,只有认真贯彻“能力本位,学生主体,实践导向的教学指导思想,千方百计提高学生的职业能力和实际操作技能,才能为其就业打下坚实的基础。因此,在课堂教学过程中,必须让学生多动手、勤实践,让


EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY CYPRUS DEPARTMENT: Marketing SUBJECT: Introduction to Marketing-MAR101 LECTURER: Dr. DINO DOMIC TITLE: The significance of marketing STUDENT: LIU YILIN REG NO: F20132139 SUBMISSION DATE: Week 12


CONTENT Introduction (4) In Globally…………………………………………5-7 In Domestically…………………………………7-8 In Organizationally……………………………8-10 In Personally……………………………………10-11

First, I want to talk about the definition of marketing. What’s marketing? Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processses for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. It is the activity, set of institutions. Marketing is one of those chameleon words with erratic implications. In its original dictionary definition-buying and selling in the marketplace-it describes an activity that has been part of around so long, we assume that at this basic level it has the same connotations for everybody. Not so. Probe a little and you will find that, for one cultural type, buying and selling in the marketplace has rather sordidi associations with barrow-boys and one trickster outsmarting another; for others it will be associated with merchant venturers, braving perilous seas in search of profitable trade. One type will nourish a prejudice against marketing, the other will be prejudiced in its favour. More recently the same word, marketing, has been used to describe the techniques, greatly elaborated during the last forty years , which producers of goods and services use, in conjunction with traditional selling, to win and retain customers and optimise profits. These are the promotion. Marketing is used to describe that part of a general manager’s job which is concerned with managing the organisation’s present relationship and planninng its future relationship with customers-the fickle and elusive body without which no business can survive. The third meaning, too, causes unnecessary misunderstanding and conflict. No advocate of marketing can have failed to meet the individual who proclaims that ‘I’ m a practical man ,I don’t hold with this marketing nonsense’-and then turns out to have spent his whole career practising the arts of marketing by the light of nature.1


市场:是由那些具有特定的需要或欲望,而且愿意并能通过交换来满足这种需要或欲望的全部潜在顾客构成的,市场是买卖关系的总和。 市场营销基本流程: 1、市场机会分析[3] 2、市场细分 3、目标市场选择 4、市场定位 5、4Ps(营销组合) 6、确定营销计划 7、产品生产 8、营销活动管理(即执行与控制) 9、售后服务,信息反馈 市场营销理论: (1)4Ps营销理论(4Ps营销组合理论) 基本策略:产品Product、价格Price、渠道Place、促销Promotion (2)4Cs营销理论: 顾客Customer、成本Cost、便利Convenience、沟通Communication(理念、标准) (3)4R营销理论:

关联Relevancy、反应Respond、关系Relation、回报Return(强调关系管理) (4)10Ps营销理论: 6Ps(4Ps+政治权利Politics power+公共关系Public Relation)+4Ps (探查Probing、分割Partitioning、优先Prioritizing、定位Positioning) SWOT分析法: (1)优势S (2)劣势W (3)机会O (4)威胁T 利用优势抓住机会SO 利用机会克服弱点WO 利用优势减少威胁ST 使弱点和威胁最小化WT 营销环境: (1)按对企业营销活动影响时间的长短: 1)长期环境 2)短期环境 (2)按对企业营销活动影响的地域范围: 1)国际环境2)国内环境 (3)按对企业营销活动影响因素的范围:(营销环境构成因素) 1)微观环境: 企业可控: ①企业本身:市场营销管理部门、其他职能部门、最高管理层; ②市场营销渠道企业:供应商(供货的价格变化、供货的质量保证、供货的及时性和稳定性)、营销中间商(中间商、实体分配公司、营销服务机构、财务中介机构); ③顾客:消费者市场、生产者市场、中间商市场、政府市场、国际市场; ④竞争者: 愿望竞争者:提供不同产品以满足不同需求的竞争者;


消费品市场分析 采用学习小组教学,多媒体手段 市场营销知识一书第三版共十一章,本课是第三章节选 学生已经上完第一章市场营销概述,了解市场营销最基本概念,第二章介绍营 销大环境, 培养学员的分析意识及 创新意识。 【教学重难点】消费品市场的不同分类 【教学思路】调动学生的学习兴趣,引导学生针对各种市场的差异为模拟公司制定出正确的 营销策 略,引导消费者选购。 【教学过程】 【A 复习提问】 1. 什么是市场? 2. 市场可以分为多少种类型? 第一节消费品市场分析 一、消费品市场的含义及消费品的分类 呈现:消费品市场的繁华图片 (一)消费品市场的概念:是指所有为了满足个人或家庭生活需要而提供商品或服务的市场, 又称最终消费者市场、消费品市场或生活资料市场。 (二)消费品市场的分类 1. 根据消费者购买商品用来满足的需要层次不同分类 (1)生存与安全方面的消费品 【课题】消费品市场分析 【课时】1 【设计理念】 【教材分析】 【学情分析】 第三章开始接触消费品市场 【教学目标】 认知目标: 掌握市场的概念;了解市场的不同分类。 能力目标: 提高学员分析问题、解决问题及综合表达的能力。 情感目标: 【B 讲授】 第三章市场分析 fell -ih 3


(2 )满足消费者精神需要的消费品 例如:CD 盘、装饰物、各种礼品等 (3 )消费者为了了解、实现其理想,提高自身价值方面的消费品 例如:购买书籍、接受教育、科学实验、健身等 提问:说出你生活中的便利品、选购品和耐用消费品,并对号入座。 1.根据商品本身的特点和消费者购买的频率分类 选购品:消费者在购买时,对商品的质量、价格、包装等要反复挑选、比较才决定购 买的商品。 耐用消费品:即消费者一生中可能仅购买几次的商品。 二、消费品市场特征 呈现图片并提问:消费品市场有什么特点? 老师提示:六个特点 三、消费者购买行为模式 表明:消费者总是会直接或间接地受到外部刺激的影响,但同样的外界刺激,作用于不同个 人特征的消费者,可能使之作出不同的购买选择。 四、影响消费者购买行为的主要因素 1.文化和亚文化 (1) 便利品:如日用品,服装、首饰等商品 1. 消费品市场人数众多,需求量大 2. 消费品市场中需求复杂,呈多样化和多变性的特征 3. 消费品市场商品进出频繁,一次性购买较小 4. 消费者购买商品大多属于非行家购买 5. 消费品需求存在时间上的差别 6. 消费品使用存在着配套性和替代性 u.

营销( Marketing)课程

中国培训界唯一专门针对销售管理者的营销(Marketing)课程,“将直线的销售变成立体的营销” 销售管理者——驾驭营销 Marketing for Sales Leaders 2009年12月16-17日,上海华亭宾馆 作为销售管理者,我们必须具有分析宏观、中观、微观形势的大局观,在对整个营销系统及环境分析的基础上寻求提升业绩的突破口。作为销售管理者,我们同时应根据环境的变化及趋势,重新制订与调整销售计划,打造新的销售竞争力。作为销售管理者,我们也应创造出更多的营销组合手段,创新性地去开拓业务,提升销售额。作为销售管理者,我们更应把多种营销的元素,融合到销售流程中,用营销来驱动销售。 营销驱动销售,业绩逆市而升 “我们的销售总监及销售经理们由于业绩的压力而往往身陷事务,视角狭窄,他们中的很多人9缺乏从营销的高度看销售的大局观,市场及客户开发的手段单一; 9过度依赖人员销售,不熟悉也不擅利用其他的营销组合工具驱动业绩增长; 9只注重销售技巧与销售方法,而忽略了其他营销手段及资源的配合与协调; 9不会兼顾销售驱动与营销驱动,因而促进业绩增长的推动力大受限制; 9销售执行与企业整体的营销战略严重脱节…… ——Eric Cheung,课程开发者,新加坡营销专家[驾御营销对销售管理者的重要价值] 新加坡籍的营销专家Eric Cheung列数了企业负责销售的管理者(销售总经理、销售总监、销售经理、区域销售经理、客户经理等)因忽视或不擅“营销-Marketing”而表现出的症状及所产生的问题。 很多销售管理者因不能从营销系统的全局去分析销售问题,不会通过多元的营销组合手段去推动业绩提升,不擅把营销的理念与方法融入销售过程及执行中,结果使驱动绩效增长的销售竞争力大大降低。 “营销-Marketing”绝对不仅是企业总经理或者市场总监的职能,更是销售管理者推动销售额持续增长必须掌握的手段与工具,因为Marketing: 9能给予销售管理者分析诊断问题,制订计划策略特别缺乏的大局观; 9能提供给销售管理者实现业绩目标更多创造性的策略,手段及工具; 9能使销售策略与计划的执行更好地整合企业内外环境中的各项资源;


教案 科目:市场营销基础授课者: 授课班级: 时间:2016年11月10日地点:教学楼课题项目4 选择产品组合之认识产品的整体 教学目的理解并掌握产品的整体概念 教材分重点掌握产品的整体概念 难点理解产品的整体概念与同类企业之间的产品竞争教具多媒体、黑板、粉笔等 授课主要内容、课时分配及板书设计 一、课前考勤 二、旧课复习(3分钟) 1.市场细分的概念 指企业通过市场调研,根据消费者需求的差异性,把某一产品的整体市场划分为若干消费者群的市场分类过程。 2.目标市场的概念 是企业决定要进入的市场部分或子市场。即是企业的商品或服务所要满足的特定消费者群。 3.市场定位的概念 是通过为自己的产品创立鲜明的个性,从而塑造出独特的市场形象来实现的。 三、新课导入(5分钟) 想一想、议一议:

1.人们买空调是为了什么 2.从“格力”到“海尔”,再到“西门子”和“美的”,所有这些空调的共同点是什么? 3.既然所有空调的“共同点”都是一样的,那么为什么人们会有不同的选择? 4.假定你确信你要买的空调具备制冷、制热功能,并对规格、价格、款式等都较满意,但是店家告诉你:“该货物自提、自运!产品100%合格,不提供保修!”这样的产品你会购买吗? 5.如果你是空调制造商,你会采取什么方法与同类企业竞争? 四、新课讲授(35分钟) (一)产品的整体概念(5分钟) 1.核心产品 是产品的基本效用或利益,是构成产品最本质的核心部分,是顾客要真正购买的东西。 2.有形产品 是核心产品借以实现的形式或目标市场对某种需求的特定满足形式。 3.附加产品 也叫扩展产品,是指顾客购买产品时所能得到的附加服务和附加利益的总和。 核心产品 (二)合作探究(30分钟)


管理五大职能 一、沟通:沟通能力的大小影响整个企业。 注意第一印象,先入为主的作用,做好沟通第一步。 协调职能:1、集体力量、个人力量;2、团队精神;3、民主与集中的问题。 二、五大职能:在工作中原是同步进行的。 1、计划职能:把自己要做的目标、步骤罗列出来。 大:战略计划、年度计划、月度计划 年度计划:(1)设定目标-----分解目标------细化目标-------保证整体目标实现。(2)围绕目标,以……为保证来实现。 计划=打算(有时间限制) 部门:年度、月度、周计划 种类:培训、经营、成本节约计划 做计划要先重后轻,把主要目标放前面,细分计划要有依据。 2、组织职能:围绕计划具体实施步骤的过程,包括对人、对物、时间、地点的明确。 根据细化的计划来做计划的保障要靠组织实施。 3、控制职能 ①对局面的控制 ②通过组织实施把握好对计划的完成。 失职不等于控制,控制=监督、督导 巡视----要知道计划及组织实施(支配自己的大脑很简单,支配别人的大脑很难) 4、协调职能 ①与上级沟通:自己的责任(解决问题而不是汇报问题),怎么办别人能否帮自己说出自己的打算。 ②平级沟通:首先要保证自己在工作效果之内在寻求帮助 部门与部门之间的协调:同部门的、分部门的。 关于事前请示、事后汇报:①掌握事情的严重性;②事情的代价;③紧急与否 权限:权(岗位职责)、责、利 5、指挥职能:是一个管理人员起步必须经历的一个阶段。 特殊事件发生与紧急事件发生在与指挥能力的大小。 培训内容:员工素质低,技能差,管理人员管理差,体系有问题一、培训计划出现的问题:实用性没有、可行性没有、效果不考虑。点评:重复发生的问题。 二、安全管理:细节问题 ①安全问题包括规章制度、责任心、检查; ②消防问题永远不要失去警觉性 始终关注客人的情况,始终体会客人的感觉。 ③紧急事件的处理及快速反馈。出现问题大多在管理人员不在,重要接待凌晨时客人投诉。
