ceremonial speech

ceremonial speech
ceremonial speech

Ceremonial Speech

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning every one. It’s my honor to be here to deliver my speech as a representative of freshmen.

Like you all, I am so looking forward to my campus life. How will it be? Will it be full of colorful entertainments? Will it brim with romances? In my mind, I’d like it be a lonesome one. You may be surprised about what I’ve said, however, it’s my true thought. The reason why I say so is because of a dictum, loneliness achieves brilliance.

When it firstly came to my ears, I was totally confused, then, I came to realize the truth of it. It tells us only when we give ourselves time and space to deliberate and to introspect can we do things better. Besides, we can hardly succeed if we continue doing things without a second to contemplate. Mona Lisa’s completion took Da Vinci 10 years; Shih Chi’s prosperity cost Ssuma Ch'ien 22 years; Faust’s consummation took Goethe 60 years. We don’t have to look far to see that lots of celebrities reached their achievements through a torturous time. All of them illustrated the motto completely.

I do not only want to share the motto with you but want to sow the notion into your mind. Loneliness is a kind of attitude, which makes us calm down. No matter on which respect, we all should learn to be a lonely. Please endeavor to think deeply, to study diligently and to enjoy every

moment we stand alone. After 4 years’ study here, I hope and believe we will finally see light at the end of the tunnel.

Thank you.
