






Walking on the road, sometimes you can find several children fighting and cursing each other.


Does the situation reminds you of your childhood? Does the situation make you think of a social


problem? Maybe the answer is YES. It’s called BULL YING.


Well, when it comes to bully, a familiar feeling rises in mind. Bullying is a general

phenomenon at school, especially in the primary school and in the middle school. The young 8


children are always bullied by the older boys at school. The stronger men bully the weaker men.


Generally bullying exists at a way of beating, hurting, threatening and asking for money. Bullying


causes stress that can lead to psychiatric injury. A child who is often bullied is always afraid of


walking at school path, taking a shower at the bathroom and riding bus. He worries that he will be


bullied now and then. Although some children are acdemically gifted, they may be bullied too

because of their being short, ugly and weak. Time goes by, and children who are bullied become



more unconfident and cannot communicate with others in a usual way.


For the bullies, there are some profound reasons. If a child doesn’t live in a harmony family,

then he has a strong chance th become a bully. In this family, parents fight and curse each other, so



children don’t have a peaceful developing place and always live in a dark situating. Then such


children may not have usual love from their family as other children do. As a consequence, some


bullying act rises. Such things happen as a releasing medicine. Bullies are eager to have power


releasing and control of their victim so that a balance between the family and outside exists at a


weak way, but they appear confident and sure of themselves outside. That is to say, bullies have


internal anger and often exhibit a high degree of aggression. It is necessary for bullies to prey on


victims who are physically less strong than they are.


With bullying increasing, most people believe that bullying is just a “rite of passage” through

childhood. However, this idea is a little wrong. Bullying behavior in childhood often leads more



serious anti-social behavior in adulthood. . Children who are bullies may not be convicted of a

crime, while teenage bullies are more likely to be convicted of a crime by the time they reach the



age of 24.


Peaceful family is good for the growth of a child. Abuse or neglect at home is important

reason a child becomes a bully. Bullying makes children develop post traumatic stress disorder.



Bully is so general that there are all kinds of things about it. A piece of song named Jnhnny written 33

by Craig David about a bullying scene. The song tells a story about a boy who is always bullied.


The bully is called Johnny. Johnny always waits for the boy at bus stationn and puts his arms 35

aound the boy’s shoulders and asks him for all chang. “I can smell yours fear” is a sentence that 36

we always hear from bullies’ mouthes. Man who are stricter to bully others than others is always 37

called felon. As for network, some games on bully are appearing. The “Bully”, GTA of 38

campus’s stypes is pushed to teenagers. For the game content itself, it is about students making 39

trouble and solving problems. While for the company Rockstar Game who makes the bully game, it mainly wants to describe a process of solving probles.



From a more extentive aspect, bullying exists between countries. The strong countries often find some reasons to bully the weak countries just like that America bullied Iraq several years



ago. Although China has grown stronger, it will never bully the weak . China was once bullied by 44

foreign invaders equipped with bombs and fleets. It has always been the fervent hope of the 45

Chinese to build up the country’s defenses and to safeguard its territory and sovereignty. Countries 46

that are keen on flexing their military muscle and waging wars against weak countries are in no 47

position to point fingers at China.

Bullying is everywhere not only for a small man but also for a big country. A strong Chinese



navy will not only serve the interest of maintaining peace in the Asia-Pacific region, but will also 50

benefit world peace and stability. Every country should gets together hand in hand and to maintain 51

the world peace and make our earth become a warm, equal and harmony place.


As for man’s bullying, bullying leads to psychiatric injury. Even one child who is bright and 53

outgoing cannot stant it. He can be afraid of what happen next andm have no other choice but 54

choose to kill himself to stop the pain that he feels from the bullying.


Moreover, some children take strict action of rampage to kill others as retaliation. A massacre 56

may rise. Based on this strict phenomenon, some problems are worth considering. Some tips are as 57

following: To model appropriate behaiours at all times; To listen to children when disclosing a bullying situation; To deal with reported and observed incidences of bullying as setout; To report



incidences to the principal if this is warranted Reinforce positive student anti bullying behaviours.


Responsibilities of children: To help someone who is being bullied by being a positive bystander.

Helpful bystanders can assist by telling the bully to stop, being a friend to the person being bullied,



walking away sothe bully does not have an audience, telling an adult, getting help; To not bully 63

others; To report others who are bullying others at school or on the way—to or from school.


Responsibilities : To watch for signs that their children may be being bullied; To speak to someone 65

on staff at the appropriate school if their children are being bullied, or they suspect that this is 66

happening; To instruct their children to use the school grievance procedure if they are being bullied; Be a positive role model for your children.



Policy: All students are expected to complete tasks on time. Extensions may be granted under 69

special circumstances. School should take some effective measures to punish bullying action.


Whatever it is for children, for man, or for countries, bullying’s existing causes life a ill 71

phenomenon, so people should pay more attention to the problems “bullying”and make every 72

effort to build a more perfect and warm life.







2015英语四级写作经典范文及点评:今日事今日毕 “今日事今日毕”,是一句自古流传下来的谚语,提醒并激励人们要珍惜时间。明日复明日,明日何其多。本文则从一个新的角度诠释了这句名言。 Never Put off until Tomorrow What You Can Do Today We have been told that never put off until tomorrow what you can do today since childhood. However, there are still many people who like putting off the things that should do today until tomorrow.① They have no plans f or their work and their time. As a result, they will not accomplish their goals in the end. For example, one Sunday I felt so tired after having a football match that I did not finish my homework even at night. I thought I could get up earlier to go to school the next morning so that I could finish my homework before class. But the next morning I was not able to get to school in time because of the traffic jam. I was punished by the teacher. It taught me a lesson. From then on I made a determination that I would never put off anything important until the next day. Please remember: Work today, for you don’t know how much you may be hindered tomorrow. Seize the present day,cherish every minute you have now and trust the tomorrow as little as possible.②[195 words] 行文点评 本文可分为三个部分,首尾部分相互呼应,是对中心论点的概括和总结,第二部分中,作者通过自己的亲身经历来说明拖延时间的糟糕后果。 本文短小精悍,首尾呼应,脉络清晰。以谚语作题目并在开篇重复题目,使主题更加突出鲜明。举例子是常用的说理方式,使得文章更加具体生动。文章结尾处连用两个祈使句不仅增强了语气,也升华了主题。 好文妙译 今日事今日毕 我们从小就接受“今日事今日毕”的教育。然而许多人还是喜欢把今天的事情推迟到明天去做。他们从不计划安排工作和时间,结果导致他们最终无法完成他们的目标。例如,有一个星期日,我踢完足球比赛后感觉太累了,直到深夜也没完成家庭作业。我想第二天早点起来到学校,以便上课前完成作业。但是第二天,由于交通堵塞我没能及时赶到学校,我受到了老师的惩罚。这件事情给了我一个教训,从那时起,我就痛下决心绝不把重要的事情推迟到第二天去做。请记住:今天做吧,因为你无法预知明天又会有什么样的干扰。抓住今天,珍惜你现在拥有的每一分钟,尽可能少依赖明天。 词汇斟酌 ?traffic jam 交通堵塞,堵车 ?determination n. 决心,决定,确定 ?hinder v. 阻碍,打扰



应用写作复习题(一) 一、单项选择题(每题1分,共25分) 1.迄今所知我国最早的应用文文集是( c ) A.甲骨刻辞 B.钟鼎铭文 C.《尚书》 D.《周易》 2.我国第一部文体学专论是 ( B ) A.《文赋}》 B.《文章流别论》 C.《文心雕龙)》 D.《典论.论文》3.“公文”的称谓出现的时期是 ( ) A.两汉 B.南北朝 C.唐宋 D.元明清 4.应用文对主旨的要求主要有正确、鲜明、( B ) A.丰富 B.集中 C.庄重 D.形象 5.应用文使用叙述的方法以( D )为主A.补叙B.倒叙 C.插叙D.顺叙 6.下列文种中,属于行政公文的是

( D ) A.决议B.公报 C.指示D.通告 7.公文的作者是指( A ) A.制发者B.审稿者 C.撰稿者D.印文者 8.对重大行动作出安排,应选用( B )行文A.通报B.决定 C.通知D.意见 9.山城大学向市国土局请求批准使用校内土地。应用( C ) A.请示B.报告 C.函D.通知 10.批转性通知是指批转( C )的公文A.上级机关B.本机关 C.下级机关D.平级机关 11. 可用于任免人员的文种是( A ) A.通知 B.通报 C.会议纪要 D.报告 12.写作总结多采用( A )

A.第一人称 B.第二人称 C.第三人称 D.可无人称 13.报告的主要特点是( C ) A.期复性B.制约性 C.陈述性D.呈请性 14.最具典型性与教育性特点的是( D ) A.公报B.公告 C.决定D.通报 15.特别讲究针对性且属于被动行文的是( B ) A.通知B.批复 C.简报D.询问函 16.市林业局向市财政局请求增加绿化经费,应用( B ) A.报告B.函 C.请示D.申请书 17.调查报告是在实际工作中使用频率较高的( D ) A.通用公文B.专用公文


一、名词解释(4*5=20) 2、商业计划书:是公司、企业或者项目单位为了达到招商融资和其他发展目标,在经过对项目科学调研、分析、搜集与整理有关资料的基础上,根据一定的格式和内容要 求而编辑整理的一个向读者全面展示公司和项目目前状况、未来发展潜力的书面材料。 3、招标书:是招标单位为了征召承包者或合作者而公布标的和条件,邀请投标人投标,利用投标人之间的竞争并在投标人中选择理想合作伙伴的一种实用性文书。 4、市场策划书:是运用信息资料和可靠的数据,对产品目标市场的现状和发展趋势进行市场分析,并对企业的重点产品定位、目标市场定位、竞争性定位及实现企业获利 目标做出完整、合理的战略性决策的文书。 5、民事上诉状:是指经济纠纷诉讼当事人,不服地方各级人民法院第一审民事判决或裁定,依照法定程序和期限,向上级人民法院提起上诉,请求撤销或变更原审裁判的 书状。 二、填空题(1*10=10) 1、欠条务必字迹清晰,不可涂改,若不得不改动的,则需。 2、邀请他人参加某种会议、宴席、聚会活动的书面邀请书 是。 3、求职者向用人单位表明自己的谋职愿望和要求,展现自我才能,以使对方了解和录用的专用书信称为求职信。 4、党政机关、社会团体、企事业单位的领导干部、工作人员,就自己任职期间的政治思想、业务能力与岗位职责执行情况进行自我总结评估,向主管领导、组织人事部门及所在单位的职工群众做出回报的书面材料称为述职报告。 5、是公民、法人或其他组织认为自己的合法权益受到伤害或与其他人存在争议时,以自己的名义,请求人民法院通过审判解决争议货挽回损失的行为。

6、产品策略可以通过产品市场机会与问题分析,提出合理的产品策略建议,形成有效的4P组合,以达到最佳的效果。这里的4P指的是、、、。 7、招标人对已发出的招标文件进行必要地澄清或者修改的,应当在招标文件要求提交投标文件截止时间前,以书面形式通 知所有招标文件收受人。 8、是由双方或多方当事人为共同实现一定的目的,明确相互之间的权利、义务关系而制定的契约性文书。 9、审计报告是审计工作的最终成果,它具有。 10、是指企业或组织为树立良好形象、提高声誉、增进 内部与社会各界联系和了解而举行的各种活动。 1、由改动方在改动处加盖公章(私章)或个人签名 2、请柬 3、求职信 4、述职报告 5、起诉 6、产品—product、价格—price、促销—promotion、渠道—place 7、至少15日 8、协议书 9、法定证明效力 10、公共关系策划书 一、单选题 1、向上级机关请求指示、批准,用( C ) A. 函 B. 报告


《应用文写作》模拟试题(一) 一、写作知识填空:(每空1分,共20分) 1、对公文主题的要求要做到正确、新颖、鲜明、集中。 2、对公务文书的语言要求应做到:准确、简要、庄重、规范。 3、公文的发文字号,简称文号,由发文机关代字、发文年份和发文顺序号组成。 4、签发公文一般要用钢笔或毛笔,不能用圆珠笔或彩色笔。 5、公文的密级一般分为机密、绝密和秘密三个等级。 6、公文的规范性标题又称三项式标题(又叫三要素标题),应包括发文机关、事由(即主题)、和文种名称三个要素。 7、函按主动和被动划分为两种,即去(来)函函和复(答)函函。 8、合同书的标的指的是合同当事人权利义务指向的对象,价款或报酬(又称酬金)指的是取得标的方向对方提提供的代价。9、会议纪要有两种,一种叫办公会议纪要,一种叫重要专题会议纪要。 10、公告和通告在使用范围上不一样,公告的范围要广(或大),通告的范围要窄(或小)。二、单项选择判断题(每题1分,共10分,把正确答案的符号写在括号内)。

1、公文的成文日期指的是:(C) A、撰稿者完成稿件时间 B、印刷厂印刷的时间 C、主管领导签批的时间 D、公文公布发出的时间 2、下列公文属于平行文文种的是(D) A、命令(令) B、请示 C、通告 D、函 3、公文中附件的作用是(B) A、讲清理由 B、补充、解释、说明正件 C、公布重要内容 D、对公文的正件作一定润色加工 4、公文的规范性标题指的是(A) A、三要素标题 B、只写文种名称的标题 C、两要素标题 D、新式标题 5、简报的三部分结构是指(D) A、报头、主送机关、正文 B、文头、标题、正文 C、报头、报文、日期 D、报头、报文、报尾 6、写好调查报告的前提是(B) A、要做到胸中有数 B、做好调查研究 C、虚心踏实的工作态度 D、扎扎实实的工作作风


Styles of Living Some people enjoy living together with their parents after the have grown up. They think that by living with parents they can take better care of their parents and vice versa. Meanwhile, they can turn to their parents for help if they get into trouble or have some difficulties. To them, life in a big family seems to be more enjoyable than that in a small one. Others, however, prefer living separately. They cherish the idea of being independent, and wish to have a place of their own. Besides, they don't want to be overprotected by their parents, but long for the opportunities to face the society by themselves. As for me, I like an independent life style. Different generations have different life styles and values. What one generation likes may not be another generation's fondness. In order to avoid conflicts, the best way is to live separately. In addition, by leading an independent life, I can develop my own ability to deal with the difficulties in my life. So I want to live by myself. To Be a Small Fish in a Big Pond or a Big Fish in a Small Pond? There are distinct differences between being a small fish in a big pond and a big fish in a small pond, so it is with working as a subordinate in a large enterprise and presiding in a small firm. With the former, you can derive a deep sense of satisfaction from being a member of a well-known organization such as General Motors, or the Bell. You have the opportunities of learning from experienced executives and knowing about the standard working process. With the latter, you have greater responsibilities and your decision may bring immediate effect. Normally you are exposed to various experiences and expected to do a great many things without much help or guidance, which will indeed improve your abilities. Personally I prefer to work in a small firm, where I have great prospect of promotion as long as I work hard. And I'm sure I'll become an important figure within my small pond. Talent Is More than a Certificate With the increase of students in China’s hi gher education institutions, there is a striking trend of more and more graduates flooding into the market to hunt for a job. Confronted with fierce and cold competition, they must use everything they have to take advantage of the rare opportunities they are given. Sometimes, whether or not they have a certain educational certificate is enough to leave them a success or failure. This practice is not particularly fair or justified. For one thing, the certificate is only a piece of paper that does not reveal one’s actual ability. Sometimes a person’s qualities and capabilities may be hidden inside his or her mind. For another, just as a Chinese saying puts it: “In every art, there is a good master.” It is generally recognized that one’s genuine ability and kno wledge are measurable through social


《应用写作》模拟试题1及答案 一、填空题(每题1分,共10分) 1. 针对特定事实材料展开论述从而表明自己观点、见解的一种公务员考试文体叫_______ 。 2.竞聘报告针对的是某一岗位,使用_______人称,向组织和群众介绍自己,展示自己,推荐自己。 3.所谓调查报告,就是根据_________ 的成果写成的书面报告。 4.好文章是改出来的,具体的修改方法可用__________ 几个字来概括。 5.用于向国内外宣布重要事项或者法定事项的公文文种是___________ 。 6.计划的主体部分要说明__________等内容。 7.公文的标题一般由__________部分组成。 8.公文的__________ 是指从文件中抽象出来,能反映公文主要内容的规范化词汇。 9.请示一般只写一个主送机关,需要同时送其他机关的,应当用__________ 形式。 10.《经济合同》第107条规定:“当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定的,应当承担继续履行、采取补救措施或者赔偿损失等__________。” 二、判断题(每题1分,共10分)(在每小题后面,对的打√,错的打×) 1.会议简报和会议通知一样,也是公文。 2.向上级机关行文,不可以使用通告。 3.每份公文,都必须经过审核这个程序。 4.向上级部门请求指示或批准只能用请示。 5.当事人订立合同,只能用书面形式。 6.写总结不一定要按照完成工作的时间先后顺序来写。 7.公文的成文日期以发出日期为准。 8.在汇报工作、提出建议的工作报告中,可以随带写请示的事项。 9.有些协议书可以当作合同来使用。

10.联合行文,要标明各机关的发文字号。 三、单项选择题(每题1分,共10分)(在空白处上写选项英文字母即可) 1. 应用写作的文面规矩一般包括等项内容。 A 主旨、材料、结构、表达方式 B 结构、标点符号、表达方式、文章修改 C 行款格式、文字书写、标点符号、文章修改 2. 《国家行政机关公文处理办法》(国发[2000]23号)第二章规定,行政机关的公文种类主要有种。 A 12 B 13 C 14 3. 公民、法人或其他组织,在其合法权益受到损害或与当事人的另一方对有关权利和义务问题发生争执而不能协商解决时,向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼,请求人民法院审理、裁决所制作的法律文书叫。 A 起诉书, B上诉书, C再审申请书 4. 公文内容涉及最重要的国家机密,泄露会使国家的安全和利益遭受严重的损害,应标注。 A 绝密, B机密, C秘密 5. 各级机关主管部门根据国家的法律、法规和政策,针对某一方面的工作或某一事项而提出具体的措施、办法和要求的应用文叫。 A 规定, B 办法, C 规则 6. 《民事诉讼法》第147条规定:“当事人不服地方人民法院第一审判决的,有权在判决书送达之日起日内向上一级人民法院提起上诉。” A 7, B 10, C 15 7. 根据中华人民共和国国家标准《标点符号用法》常用的标号有种。 A 7, B 9, C 16 8. 北京日报打出广告:“北京日报2007年专项分类广告诚征广告代理,期待着您的加盟!”这则广告词的表现手法是。 A 描写式, B 悬念式, C 请求式 9. 根据有序性原则,规章制度要按照有条不紊地展开。 A 项、款、节、章, B 节、条、章、项, C 章、节、条、款


应用文写作考试 一、多项选择题 1.适用于报告写作的事项有(ACE)。 A.向上级汇报工作,反映情况 B.向下级或有关方面介绍工作情况 C.向上级提出工作建议 D.答复群众的查询、提问 E.答复上级机关的查询、提问 2.工作报告的内容包括( ACDE)。 A.经常性的工作情况 B.偶发性的特殊情况 C.向上级汇报今后工作的打算 D.对上级机关的查问做出答复 E.向上级汇报的工作经验 3.适合作报告结尾的习惯用语有(AC)。 A.“特此报告” B.“以上报告,请批复” C.“以上报告,请审示” D.“请批准” E.“如无不妥,请批准” 4.适合请示的事项有( BCDE)。 A.向上级汇报工作情况,请求上级指导 B.下级无权解决的问题,请求上级机关作出指示 C.下级无力解决的问题,请求上级机关帮助解决 D.按规定不能自行处理,应经上级批准的事项 E.工作中出现的一些涉及面广而下级无法独立解决必须请求上级机关协调和帮助的问题 5.下列事项中,应该用请示行文的有(ACD)。 A.××县教育局拟行文请求上级拨款修复台风刮毁的学校 B.××县政府拟行文向上级汇报本县灾情 C.××集团公司拟行文请求上级批准引进肉食品加工自动化生产线 D.××海关拟行文请求上级明确车辆养路费缴纳标准 E.××市政府拟行文向上级反映农民负担增加的情况 6.“请示”应当(AC)。 A.一文一事 B.抄送下级机关 C.一般只写一个主送机关 D.不考虑上级机关的审批权限和承受能力 7.下列标题中正确的有(BDE)。 A.××分公司关于请求批准开发新产品的报告 B.××县人民政府关于解决我县高寒山区贫困户移民搬迁经费的请示 C.××县人民政府关于请求将××风景区列为省级自然保护区的请示报告 D.××公司关于解决生产用地的请示 E.××省移民办公室关于对移民区域作适当调整的请示


1、网络游戏 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Online Games. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline below: 1)现在有些大学生沉迷于网络游戏,家长和学校对此忧心忡忡, 2)但有人认为网络游戏并非一无是处, 3)你的看法。 Online Games As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become very popular among college students. A great many students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking self-discipline are too much indulged in these games so that their health and academic performances are affected. This phenomenon has caused much worry from the teachers and parents. However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train the ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure greatly. From my point of view, online games are a wonderful entertainment if you play them in a reasonable way. When they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at once. Yet if you have enough self-control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them. 2、考证热 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Certificate Craze on Campus. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline below: 1)近几年大学校园内出现“考证热”, 2)产生这一现象的原因, 3)你的看法。 Certificate Craze on Campus In recent years, to get a certificate has become a new craze among college students. Just randomly ask a student on campus what he or she is busy doing, quite possibly, you may get the answer that he is preparing for a certificate of some kind. Why does this craze appear? There are mainly two reasons behind this phenomenon. To begin with, it is the employment pressure that forces college students to get more certificates. With the admission expansion of colleges, a lot more graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job market. How can one make himself more competitive? More certificates at hand, maybe. Furthermore, diploma and certificates are still vital standards by which a good many employers measure a person’s ability. In order to increase the qualifications for a job, the students compel themselves to run from one exam to another. From my point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates, since certificates do not necessarily prove one’s ability. Being crazy in getting certificates blindly is nothing but wasting time. To conclude, we should focus on improving our ability but not getting a certificate of no practical value.


应用文写作概述 一、判断题 1.应用文是指人们在日常生活、工作和学习中所应用的简易通俗文字。× 2.应用文的作者只能是个人。× 3.应用文具有惯用的格式。√ 4.应用文和文学作品一样允许虚构。× 5.工作计划、工作总结等通用事务类应用文主要是组织用,个人也可以用。√ 6.通用事务类应用文不具有公文那样的权威性和行政约束力。√ 7.公文用于国家行政机关,不能用于一般企事业单位的行政管理部门。× 8.个人事务类应用文以传递事务信息为目的,有些也带有一定的社交礼仪色彩。√ 二、单项选择题 1.某市政府要发一则“关于禁止……的通告”,这份公文由市委秘书长委托王秘书负责撰写,那么发文时的署名应是()。A A.市政府 B.市长 C.市委秘书长 D.王秘书 2.在进行应用文写作时,应该()。B A.作文自娱 B.抑制表现自我的欲望 C.语不惊人死不休 D.文不加点,一挥而就 3.以下关于应用文的表述中,不正确的是()。C A.个人写的是家信、启事等,组织写的主要是公文。 B.应用文具有纸质载体,这使得它可以流转,可以保存,起档案资料的作用。 C.事务正式办理之前,若要了解情况,则须写简报。 D.若要作统筹安排,则须写计划或规划。 4.以下关于应用文的表述中,不正确的是()。D A.一些应用文的署名作者背后很可能有代言作者。 B.由于应用文被广泛地、时常地使用,就逐渐地形成了应用文各个文种的惯用格式。 C.应用文写作有很强的时限性,时过境迁事情就难办。 D.应用文写作多用曲笔,表现手法多样。 5.关于应用文的写作,以下表述中不正确的是()。C A.应用文写作是一种严肃的事务行为,任何人都要以认真、严谨的态度来撰写应用文。 B.许多公文写作的目的本身就是贯彻上级批示、实现领导意图的,因此要了解上情。 C.只要掌握好写作程式,即便没有业务知识的人也可以写好应用文。 D.动笔写应用文之前,作者须千方百计地获取所涉及事务的信息。 6.下面四类应用文中不属于司法类应用文的是()。C A.上诉状 B.答辩状 C.审计报告 D.判决书 三、多项选择题


应用写作练习题及其答案第 一章 一、选择题(每个选择题有四个待选答案,其中至少有一个是正确的) 1.下列词语表示“征询”的有: A 。 A.是否可行、妥否、当否、是否同意B.蒙、承蒙、妥否、当否、是否同意C.敬希、烦请、恳请、希望、要求D.可行、不可行、希望、妥否 2.下列词语表示“期请”的有: C 。 A.是否可行、妥否、当否、是否同意B.蒙、承蒙、妥否、当否、是否同意C.敬希、烦请、恳请、希望、要求D.可行、不可行、希望、妥否 二、运用应用文专用词语填空 1.××局××公司: 你公司《关于××的请示》(×字〔2008 〕7 号收悉,经研究批复如下:?? 2.按照部领导指示精神,我局会同××司××办公室抽调×名同志组成了“××事件 调查组”?? 3.《××××办法》经厂务委员会讨论通过,现发给你们,望结合本单位具体情况 遵照执行。 4.??以上意见,如无不妥,请批转各高等院校。 5.承蒙贵局大力协助,我校×××研究所各项筹建工作已基本告一段落。 6.×××来函收悉,关于××一事,我局完全同意贵局意见,??特此- 函复。 7.请予大力协作为盼。 8.以上所请是否可行,请批复为盼。 9.该生是我校××系××专业××级学员,?? 10 .对该厂此类错误做法,上级有关部门曾多次行文,责成其有关领导迅即查清问题,限期纠正错误。 11 .欣悉贵总公司成立,谨表祝贺。 12 .随函附送《××××情况统计资料》一份,请查收。 13 .根据国务院领导同志的指示精神,我们会同有关部门,对农村电网改造工作进行了研究。 14 .为进一步提高我省企业管理干部的管理素质,决定对在岗企业管理干部有 计划地进行培训。经征得四川省行政管理学院同意,现委托该院举办企业管理专业班?? 15 .以上请示,盼予批准,并列入二〇〇八年招生计划。 16 .为防止统计报表漏报问题,经教育厅批准,现将有关问题通知如下。 17 .根据市人民政府办公厅文件精神,现将国务院办公厅《关于公文处理等几个具体问题的通知》转发给你们。 三、简要回答下列问题 1.如何认识“应用写作”这门课程的重要性和必要性? 略。


范例一 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Attend Your Classes Regularly。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 现在大学校园里,迟到、早退、旷课是常见的现象 2. 保证学生的出勤率对大学教育的重要性 3. 作为一个大学生应该怎样做 Attend Your Classes Regularly Nowadays it is a very common phenomenon that some university students are late for or even absent from classes. And still there are some students who slip out of the classroom before the class is over. Class attendance has become a thorny problem to both the students and teachers. In fact, it is very important for the students to attend their classes regularly. First, it will ensure you to catch up with the teachers in your learning. That is very helpful to you if you want to do a good job in your study. Second, attending classes regularly is a way of showing respect to your teachers ,too. Your teachers will feel bad if the students do not attend their classes, which, in turn, will affect their teaching and be no good for the students. Third, attending classes regularly will help to form a good habit of punctuality, which is of great importance for the students to do a good job in the future. Therefore, we university students should form the good habit of attending our classes regularly from now on. And some day we’ll benefit from it. 点评:2008年元月三日,中山大学博士发帖称遭导师虐待;2008年元月四日,中国政法大学爆“杨帆门”事件;近几年,中小学老师或打学生或猥亵学生、体罚学生等各类新闻不断曝光,进而引发了师生关系的大讨论。本范例题为四级考试传统的问题解决型的写作,与校园生活密切相关。 范例二 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Students’ Rating of Their Teachers。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 学生给老师打分已经普遍 2. 人们对其持不同态度 3. 我的看法 Students’ Rating of Their Teachers Nowadays, it has become as common in colleges and universities for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students. In some universities students’ rating has even become the only source of information on teaching effectiveness.. This, however, has caused great controversy. Some are in favor of the rating system, They hold that since students attend the teachers’ classes every day, they should have their opinion


应用写作模拟试题参考答案(一) 一、名词解释题(每小题 4 分,共20分) 1、个人主体是相对于群体主体而言的,指为解决私人事务而进行应用文写作的主体。个人主体又分为第一类主体和第二类主体。 2、上行文,即公文的传递是由下到上,这是下级机关报送给上级机关的公文,如请示、报告等。 3、批复,是上级机关答复下级机关请示事项时使用的公文。 4、民事诉状,也叫民事起诉状,是民事案件的原告人,在自己的民事权益受到侵害或者与他人发生争议时,依据事实和法律,向人民法院提起诉讼,要求依法裁判所提出的书面请求。 5、调查报告是根据一定的目的,对客观事务或社会问题进行调查研究和综合分析后写成的书面报告。也称为“调查”或“考察报告”,是机关工作和其它社会工作中常用的一种应用文体。 二、简答题(每小题10 分,共30分) 1、应用文写作主体要具备哪些修养? ㈠辞章文体修养 ㈡专业知识修养 ㈢理论修养 2、报告与请示有哪些不同? ㈠行文的目的不同:报告的主要目的是下情上达,是一种呈报性公文,请示的主要目的是请上级批准、指示或答复,是呈请性公文; ㈡行文的时间不同:报告是汇报工作和反映情况,可以事前、事中、事后行文,请示是请上级批准、指示或答复,必须事前行文; ㈢收文处理不同:上级收到报告,只须了解情况以作决策参考,不需要答复,收到请示,则要认真研究,尽快给予答复。 3、起诉状的正文部分主要写哪些内容? 答:起诉状由首部、请求事项、事实和理由、结尾和附项五部分组成。 ㈠首部:(1)文书名称,即标题。(2)当事人的基本情况。 ㈡请求事项:这部分写明原告人到法院起诉要求解决什么问题。 ㈢事实和理由。 ㈣结尾 结尾要写明“此致×××人民法院。”“此致”占一行,“×××人民法院”另起一行。最后由具状人在右下角签名盖章,注明年月日。 ㈤附项:(1)诉状及副本份数;(2)物证件数;(3)书证件数; 三、判断题(每小题2 分,共10 分) 1、关于转发省分行川工行办发[1999]92号文件的通知。(×)


应用写作试题和答案 一、改错题:(课后习题参考答案)教材《应用写作》主编:张建高等教育出版社 下面是一则征稿启事,从格式到内容都有毛病,请按要求修改。 征稿启事为丰富校刊《中学时代》的内容,特征求下列稿件:园丁颂歌,班级新事,学习心得,读书笔记,思想火花和文艺创作等。来稿要求观点鲜明,文字简洁生动,字迹清晰,篇幅以不超过千字为宜。请写明真实姓名和所在班级。祝大家学习进步!《中学时代》编辑部2003年5月4日 启事的名称应写在首行正中。 2、正文中还应交代交稿的地点。 3、祝愿的话应该删去。 4、落款处的单位名称和日期应分两行写在右下方,因此,这则启事中的《中学时代》编辑部或单位名称应写在上行,2003年5月4日或日期应写在下行。 下面是家长会通知,试从格式、内容等方面找出6处不当的地方,并提出修改办法。 通知家长同志:兹定于2003年5月20日下午在我校召开初三年级家长会议,传达今年全省中考改革的要求,同时汇报我们初三学生德智体美全面发展的情况及存在的问题。届时请务必到会参加。 此致敬礼×××中学 2003年5月15日 编号不当之处修改办法(1)家长同志顶格写 (2) 5月20日下午在“下午”后加“3点”(加上时间即可)(3)在我校在“我校”后加“阶梯教室”(加出地点即可)(4)传达……要求改“要求”为“(会议)精神”(5)务必到会参加将“参加”删去(删去“到会”也行)(6)敬礼顶格写 倡议书 A、住在学校对门的张大娘是一位狐寡老人,行动很不方便,买粮、挑水、拉煤十分困难。B、为了支持张大娘刻服困难,我们向全班同学倡议:C、发扬雷锋同志助人为乐的思想,立即组织起来,为张大娘买粮、挑水、送煤。D、希望同学们都能勇跃参加这些活动。此致敬礼初三(2)班第一小组2003·3·10 1、 文中有三个错别字是:狐寡、刻服、勇跃,依次改为:孤寡、克服、踊跃。 2、文中有两个病句,从A、B、C、D四处中找出:(只填序号)B、C;应依次改为:为了帮助张大娘克服困难,发扬雷锋同志助人为乐的精神。3、这份倡议书的格式上有两处毛病,请指出:(1)文前应加称谓;(2)不必写“此致敬礼”。 通知亲爱的同学们:为活跃我校课余生活,校团委决定组织一次歌咏比赛活动,请各班文娱委员于明日下午开会,讨论比赛有关事宜。 2003年4月18日 去掉称呼;活跃改为丰富;开会时间要交代具体,如:下午四点;开会地点要交代具体,:在小会议室、在团委书记办公室等;通知时间上方要有上方要有“落款,如:校团委。 根据下面内容代写的一份通知,有五处错误,请改在后面。 1.会议内容:筹备为希望工程献爱心活动。.2.出席对象:学生会干部,各班班长。.3.会议地点:政教处办公室。4.开会时间:5月14日下午5时。 通知:今天下午,在政教处办公室召开学生会干部或各班班长会议,筹备为希望工程献爱心活动,希准时参加。 此致敬礼!政教处 14日下午5时 1、“通知”应该写在第一行正中;“今天下午”应改为“今天下午5时”;“学生会干部或各班”应改为“学生会干部和各班”;“此致敬礼”应该去掉;落款处的“下午5时”应该去掉。 这是一篇不符合写作基本要求的计划。就计划的正文来说,存在的问题有:(P68) 1、前言部分:前一段的工作泛泛而谈;本季度的计划目的和指导思想又不明确;“作下列计划”应改为:“特制定如下计划”。 2、主体部分:一是当前工作任务也不明确;二是没有写出完成计划的具体方法、措施和步骤 3、整份计划泛泛而谈,过于简单。这样的计划是难以实施的,无法指导工作。 中国建设银行××支行第四季度工作计划 今年工作十分繁忙,尤其是第四季度的工作(第四季度都有哪些重点必做工作)。根据第四季度工作内容,作下列计划: 1、开头庸俗,第二句应写为做好第四季度工作,特制定如下计划 2、抽出时间(什么时间,具体到哪一天,用时多少)认真学习十二届三中全会有关基建改革的文件精神。 3、深入单位了解完成工作量的情况和资金支用情况(具体哪些项目),为审查好年终决算打基础。 4、了解建设单位明年的计划安排和完成情况,以便作好明年信贷工作(应该强调做好相关工作计划)。
