



Before diving in to literature, one must first choose a period. In each country, periods demark whole communities of studies and scholars. The biggest division is between “classical” and “modern,” but within the former there are many sub-divisions. “Classical” indicates most importantly a difference in language, but also a difference in focus.


Specific genres differ from one language’s literature to the next. In Japanese literature, the main genres are: drama (e.g., kabuki 歌舞伎and noh 能), poetry (both Japanese 和歌and Chinese漢詩), histories (e.g., Kojiki 古事記and Nihon shoki 日本書紀), diaries and travel accounts 日記文学?紀行文学, monogatari 物語and setsuwa 説話, and essays/miscellany 随筆.

In Chinese literature, the main genres are: drama (e.g., zájù雜劇; nánxì南戲; and píhuáng皮黄), fiction (xiǎoshuō小説), poetry (shī詩), prose (cǎnwén散文) and rhetoric (wénlún文論or shīlún詩論). Rhetoric is a modern genre, although what is included in it is not necessarily modern.

In Korean literature, the main genres are: poetry (e.g., saenaennorae詞脳歌, changga長歌, sijo 時調), song verses (kasa歌辭), eulogies (akchang 樂章), fiction in Chinese, fiction in Korean, and drama.


English language bibliographies

CJK literature is still a much-ignored world outside of East Asia. The amount of material translated is paltry compared to what there is extant. For your purposes, knowing about both English translations AND CJK resources is useful.

Translations are often hard to find for many reasons: they are published in journals, or they are published as chapters of books, or their English titles are totally different from their original titles (e.g., 水滸傳 became Outlaws of the Marsh and 細雪 became The Makioka Sisters). Before the days of JSTOR and BAS online, scholars compiled regular bibliographies of translations, some of which we have in the library. They are:

Title: Modern Japanese literature in translation a

bibliography /

Author: Kokusai Bunka Kaikan (Tokyo, Japan). Toshoshitsu.

Publisher: 1979. Kodansha International distributed by Harper

& Row,

Title: A bibliography of studies and translations of modern

Chinese literature, 1918-1942,

Author: Gibbs, Donald A., 1931-

Publisher: 1975. East Asian Research Center, Harvard Universit

distributed by Harvard University Press,

Unfortunately, we have no separate bibliography of Korean literature, although some of the Korean literary surveys have bibliographies in the back.

One resource often omitted in these bibliographies is sourcebooks . Some of these are listed on the course bibliography , but there are others. Do not discount the handy nature of sourcebooks! For example, Wm. Theodore DeBary’s Sources of Chinese Tradition, Sources of Japanese Tradition, and Sources of Korean Tradition contain very readable excerpts of many classics, such as the Analects 論語and the Kojiki 古事記.

English “companions”

These books, part encyclopedia and part dictionary, are excellent reference resources: Princeton Companion to Classical Japanese Literature by Earl Miner

Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature by William H. Nienhauser

English Surveys

For quick, ready reference, there are a few useful English language sources:


By Donald Keene, there are: Seeds in the Heart, World Within Walls, and Dawn to the West. Although no book is fully comprehensive, these books cover much of Japanese literature and are very readable. Their indexes are also very good. If you can’t find what you’re looking for in these, try the Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan as a starting point.


The Columbia History of Traditional Chinese Literature by Victor Mair is very useful.


A Guide to Korean Literature by In-sob Zong and Korean Literature: Topics and Themes by Peter H. Lee (both on reserve) are helpful quick references. The latter includes extensive bibliographies.

Biographical Information about Authors

The following works in English are in our library:

? ? ? language sources and turn to CJK sources. you do not, you are researching with blinders on.

Who’s Who in Korean Literature by Han'guk Munhwa Yesul Chinhungwon

Medieval Japanese Writers by Stephen D. Carter

Biographical Dictionary of Japanese Literature by Sen'ichi Hisamatsu

Although I know you will snicker and snort when you read this, it has to be said: at some point you will have to take that big step outside of English If


One never reads anthologies cover to cover, but one uses them often. And they exist in abundance in CJK literature!


Let’s say that you were reading an English translation of the Tale of Genji and, in a fit of masochistic academic curiosity, you wanted to see what the original text looked like. In our library, there are two copies and they are both in compendia. Typically, compendia in

Japanese are called zenshū全集or taikei体系, although sometimes they are called sōsho叢書 or senshū選集. Our two collections are entitled Nihon koten bungaku zenshū日本古典文学全集 and Nihon koten bungaku taikei 日本古典文学体系 (This one has two index volumes). Each one has a separate volume dedicated to an author, a work, or a genre.

Classical compendia often have copious footnotes and explanatory text—sometimes they even have a modern Japanese translation of the text.

Likewise, modern literature is often collected in compendia that dedicate each volume to one author. The collection/series we have in the library is called Shinchō Nihon bungaku新潮日本文学, after the publishing company Shinchō that produces it.

If you have a classical and a modern compendium, chances are you have much of what you’d ever want—especially at the undergraduate level. One can get more specific and find

compendia of all one author’s works (e.g. 夏目漱石全集), or all the works of the Meiji

period (e.g. 明治文学全集), etc.


Chinese literature likewise has compendia; the terms to be familiar with are zǒngjí 總集, biéjí 別集, wénjí 文集, and quánjí 全集. However, Chinese generally do not publish the sorts of wide compendia that the Japanese do (see above). For works up until the 18th century, the compendium to look at is the Sìkù quánshū四庫全書, which contains 3,460 works. Our library has online access to this collection! In hard copy, we also have three very useful compendia: Sì bù cóng kān四部叢刊, Sì bù bèi yào四部備要, and Cóng shū jí chéng叢書集成. The first two have index volumes.

For a guide to literary anthologies and collected works, consult chapter 30 of Wilkinson’s Manual. For modern works, consult specific compendia and/or collections in the library. Korea

Korean literature also has compendia. Our library does not have any of these, but two

examples (owned by, among others, Harvard) are韓國古典文學全集Han'guk kojon munhak chonjip and 韓國現代文學全集Han'guk hyondae munhak chonjip.

N.B.: Many collections are catalogued all under the same title, which makes finding individual works in them difficult at best. This is why collections with index volumes are the best ones.

Dictionaries/Reference works

Not surprisingly, native speakers of CJK compile the best dictionaries on national literatures. It may seem daunting to look up an entry in CJK, but the wealth of information you’ll find there is worth it.


? ?

? ? ?

? ? Nihon koten bungaku daijiten日本古典文学大辞典: this lists authors, works, and literary terms for classical (i.e., until 1868) literature.

Nihon kindai bungaku daijiten日本近代文学大辞典: this lists authors, works, and literary terms for modern authors (i.e. 1868-present, more or less). Entries include bibliographic material.


Zhōngguó gǔ dài wén xué jiā cí diǎn中國古代文學家辭典 : this lists authors of

classical Chinese literature from the Qin to the Sui.

Zhōngguó wén xué jiā dà cí diǎn中國文學家大辭典: this is a general source for

information on Chinese authors

Xiàn dài Zhōngguó wén xué jiā zhuàn jì現代中國文學家傳記 : this provides

biographical information on modern (20th century) authors.


Han’guk munye sajon韓國文藝事典(Not in our library)

Munye taesajon文藝大辭典 (Not in our library)

Online Texts

Increasingly, CJK texts are being digitized, which means life has become easier. Digitization makes searches fast and convenient! Often, you can search for a specific word, or phrase, or set of words across hundreds of texts at once. Internet sites appear on an almost daily basis, but here are resources that are particularly good:

? Duke Univ. Library’s list of Electronic Texts in Japanese

? World Wide Web Virtual Library page of links on Chinese Literature

? In theory, the Korean National Library website offers online search of hundred thousands of Korean books and dissertations. Access to abstracts of dissertations submitted since

1995, and full-text articles from Korean journals as well as texts of Korean classics (at

the moment 50 books) downloaded (as graphics ".tif" files). Korean language interface.

Unfortunately, their web site is not entirely reliable or user friendly.


第二章曲面论 §1曲面的概念 1.求正螺面 r ={ u v cos ,u v sin , bv }的坐标曲线. 解 u-曲线为r ={u cos v ,u 0sin v ,bv }={0,0,bv 0}+u {0 cos v , sin v ,0}, 为曲线的直母线;v-曲线为r ={ 0u v cos , 0u v sin ,bv }为圆柱螺线. 2.证明双曲抛物面 r ={a (u+v ), b (u-v ),2uv }的坐标曲线就是它的直 母线。 证 u-曲线为r ={ a (u+0v ), b (u-0v ),2u v }={ a 0v , b 0v ,0}+ u{a,b,2 v } 表示过点{ a v , b 0v ,0}以{a,b,2 v }为方向向量的直线; v-曲线为r ={a ( u +v ), b (0u -v ),20u v }={a 0u , b 0u ,0}+v{a,-b,2 u } 表示过点(a 0u , b 0u ,0)以{a,-b,20u }为方向向量的直线。 3.求球面 r =} sin ,sin cos ,sin cos {a a a 上任意点的切平面和法线方程。

4.求椭圆柱面222 2 1x y a b 在任意点的切平面方程,并证明沿每一条直母线,此 曲面只有一个切平面 。 解椭圆柱面 222 2 1x y a b 的参数方程为x = cos , y = asin , z = t , } 0,cos ,sin {b a r , } 1,0,0{t r 。所以切平面方程为: 1 0cos sin sin cos b a t z b y a x ,即x bcos + y asin - a b = 0 此方程与t 无关,对于的每一确定的值,确定唯一一个切平面,而 的每一数值 对应一条直母线,说明沿每一条直母线,此曲面只有一个切平面 。 5.证明曲面} , ,{3 uv a v u r 的切平面和三个坐标平面所构成的四面体的体积是常 数。 证 } , 0,1{23 v u a r u ,} , 1,0{2 3uv a r v 。切平面方程为: 3 3 z a uv v y u x 。 与三坐标轴的交点分别为(3u,0,0),(0,3v,0),(0,0, uv a 2 3)。于是,四面体的体积为: 3 3 2 9| |3| |3||36 1a uv a v u V 是常数。

第四版 微分几何 第二章课后习题答案

第二章 曲面论 §1曲面的概念 1.求正螺面r ={ u v cos ,u v sin , bv }的坐标曲线. 解 u-曲线为r ={u 0cos v ,u 0sin v ,bv 0 }={0,0,bv 0}+u {0cos v ,0sin v ,0},为曲线的直母线;v-曲线为r ={0u v cos ,0u v sin ,bv }为圆柱螺线. 2.证明双曲抛物面r ={a (u+v ), b (u-v ),2uv }的坐标曲线就是它的直母线。 证 u-曲线为r ={ a (u+0v ), b (u-0v ),2u 0v }={ a 0v , b 0v ,0}+ u{a,b,20v }表示过点{ a 0v , b 0v ,0}以{a,b,20v }为方向向量的直线; v-曲线为r ={a (0u +v ), b (0u -v ),20u v }={a 0u , b 0u ,0}+v{a,-b,20u }表示过点(a 0u , b 0u ,0)以{a,-b,20u }为方向向量的直线。 3.求球面r =}sin ,sin cos ,sin cos {?????a a a 上任意点的切平面和法线方程。

4.求椭圆柱面 222 2 1x y a b + =在任意点的切平面方程, 并证明沿每一条直母线,此曲面只有一个切平面 。 解 椭圆柱面 222 2 1x y a b + =的参数方程为x = cos ?, y = asin ?, z = t , }0,cos ,sin {??θb a r -= , }1,0,0{=t r 。所以切平面方程为: 01 0cos sin sin cos =----?? ??b a t z b y a x ,即x bcos ? + y asin ? - a b = 0 此方程与t 无关,对于?的每一确定的值,确定唯一一个切平面,而?的每一数值对应一条直母线,说明沿每一条直母线,此曲面只有一个切平面 。 5.证明曲面},,{3 uv a v u r = 的切平面和三个坐标平面所构成的四面体的体积是常 数。 证 },0,1{23 v u a r u -= ,},1,0{23 uv a r v -= 。切平面方程为:33=++z a uv v y u x 。 与三坐标轴的交点分别为(3u,0,0),(0,3v,0),(0,0, uv a 2 3)。于是,四面体的体积为: 3 3 2 9| |3| |3||36 1a uv a v u V = =是常数。

微分几何第二章 矩阵和坐标变换

二、矩阵和坐标变换 2.1 矩阵及矩阵的运算 由m n ?个数排列形成的一个矩形数阵,称为m 行n 列矩阵。 如1111 n m m n a a A a a ?? ? = ? ??? ,其中ij a 称为矩阵元素。若两个矩阵A 、B 的行数和列数都相同,并且对应元素相等,则两个矩阵相等,记为A B = 。 矩阵的加(减)法 两个矩阵A 、B ,它们的行数和列数分别相等,把它们的对应元素相加减,得到一个 新矩阵C ,则称为A 与B 之和(差),记为C A B =± 。 矩阵加法适合交换律:A B B A +=+ 矩阵加法适合结合律:()()A B C A B C ++=++ 数乘矩阵 用数λ和矩阵A 相乘,则将A 中的每一个元素都乘以λ,称为λ与A 之积,记为A λ 或A λ 。 数乘矩阵适合结合律:()()A A λμλμ= 数乘矩阵适合分配率:()A B A B λλλ+=+ 矩阵乘法 两个矩阵A 、B ,它们相乘得到一个新矩阵C ,记为C AB = 。 矩阵A 和B 的乘积C 的第i 行和第j 列的元素等于第一个矩阵A 的第i 行与第二个矩阵B 的 第j 列的对应元素乘积之和。即 11221 n ij i j i j in nj ik kj k c a b a b a b a b ==+++= ∑ 注意:只有第一个矩阵的列数和第二个矩阵的行数相等时,才能相乘。 矩阵乘法适合结合律:()()A B C A B C = 矩阵乘法适合分配率:()A B C AC BC +=+ 矩阵乘法不适合交换律:AB BA ≠

2.2坐标变换 空间中不同坐标系下,同一点有不同的坐标,同一矢量有不同的分量。由于运算时要在同一坐标系下进行,为此,要考察两个坐标系之间的相互关系,就要用坐标变换的方式。 2.2.1底失的变换 给出两个直角坐标系[]123;,,O e e e σ= ,123;,,O e e e σ??'''''=? ? ,其中σ称为旧坐标系, σ'称为新坐标系。下面研究σ和σ'两个坐标系之间的关系。 首先把新坐标系σ'的底失123,,e e e ''' 看成在旧坐标系σ里的一个径失。则新坐标系σ'的底失123,,e e e ''' 在旧坐标系σ里的表达式可写成: 111112213322112222333 311322333e a e a e a e e a e a e a e e a e a e a e ?'=++??'=++??'=++?? 这就是σ变换到σ'的底失变换公式。 反之,又可推导出由新坐标系σ'到旧坐标系σ的底失变换公式。 111121231332121222323131232333e a e a e a e e a e a e a e e a e a e a e ? '''=++? ?'''=++??'''=++? ? 由上面两式不难看出,将九个系数按其原来位置排列成方阵: 11121321 222331 32 33a a a A a a a a a a ?? ?= ? ??? A 表示了底失变换关系,称为由σσ'→的底失系数变换矩阵。用矩阵乘法的形式表示为: 1 111112132212223223132 33333e e e a a a e a a a e A e a a a e e e ??' ???? ???? ??? ????'== ??????? ??????'??????? ?? 2.2.2矢量的坐标变换 设一矢量r 在坐标系σ和σ'里的分量依次是(),,x y z 和(),,x y z ''',则: 123r xe ye ze =++ 又 123 r x e y e z e ''''''=++

第二章 曲线的局部微分几何.

第二章曲线的局部微分几何 中心问题:如何确定和使用E3中的曲线的局部理论基本框架. 所使用的方法和观点是具有一般性的. 具体步骤:首先按照刻划曲线特征的要求而给定相关的基本概念;进一步利用标架的运动公式而给定曲线局部的完全不变量系统;再考虑如何利用一般理论去处理一些具体的几何对象. 本章所接触到的对象通常具有较为明显的几何直观;因此,应该注意逐步学会在几何现象与其解析表达之间进行熟练转换,并且注意培养利用几何直观的启示进行严密解析化论证和推导的能力. §1参数化曲线与曲线的参数表示 在日常的活动当中,被人们称之为“曲线”的东西不枚胜举.兼有直观和抽象两种属性的一种描述,借用物理学的语言,是将“曲线”视为一个质点在一个时间段内随着时刻的变化而进行位移所形成的轨迹.将这种看法进一步抽象化,便导致数学上对于曲线的一种适当的定义. 一.E3中参数化曲线的定义 在E3中Descartes直角坐标系O-xyz下,取单位正交向量i,j,k为基向量.给定三个函数x(t), y(t), z(t)∈C k((a, b)) ,作向量值函数 r: (a, b)→E3 t→r(t) =x(t)i+y(t)j+z(t)k= (x(t), y(t), z(t)) , 则其位置向量终点全体C= {(x(t), y(t), z(t))∈E3∣t∈(a, b)} 称为E3中的一条C k类参数化曲线,简称参数曲线,并将t称为C的参数;C可用其向量形式的参数方程表示为r = r(t) , t∈(a, b) ,或写为分量形式的参数方程x=x(t) y=y(t) , t∈(a, b) . z=z(t) 参数曲线C上对应于参数值t的点是指向径r(t) =OP(t) 的终点P(t) ,即空间中的点 (x(t), y(t), z(t))∈E3,表示为实点P(t)或向量值r(t) 或参数值t.C0类参数曲线也称为连续曲线,C∞类参数曲线也称为光滑曲线.由于本课程之中微积分工具使用的广泛性,为简便起见,以后不声明时在局部总考虑 C3类参数曲线,并简称为曲线.


第二章曲面论 § 1曲面的概念 1.求正螺面7 ={ u cosv ,u sinv, bv }的坐标曲线. 解 u-曲线为 r={u cosv o ,u sin v o ,bv o }= {0,0 , bv °} + u { cosv o , sin v °,0},为曲线的直母线;v- 曲线为?={u o cosv , U o sinv,bv }为圆柱螺线. 2 .证明双曲抛物面r ={ a (u+v ) , b (u-v ) ,2uv }的坐标曲线就是它的直母线。 证 u-曲线为 r={ a (u+v o ) , b (u- v o ) ,2u v o }={ a v °, b v °,0}+ u{a,b,2 v o }表示过点{ a v °, b v °,0} 以{a,b,2 v o }为方向向量的直线; v-曲线为 r = {a ( u o +v ) , b ( u o -v ) ,2 u o v } = {a u °, bu o ,0 } +v{a,-b,2 u o }表示过点(a u o , bu o ,0) 以{a,-b,2 u o }为方向向量的直线 3. 求球面r={acos ;:sin , a cos' sin : , asi n ;:}上任意点的切平面和法线方程。 解 r 、={—asin 、:cos ;—asin ;sin 「,acos :} , r .:={—acos ; sin :, acos L cos ,0} 即 xcos : cos + ycos : sin + zsin 二-a = 0 x - a cos 、: cos : _ y - a cos :: sin : _ z - a sin 二 cos 、: cos : cos 、: sin ' sin 二 2 2 4 .求椭圆柱面 务?岭=1在任意点的切平面方程,并证明沿每一条直母线,此曲面只有一个切平面 a b x 「a cos 、: cos ‘ 任意点的切平面方程为 -a sincos : -a cos 二 sin : y -a cos ;: sin ‘ -asin 二 sin : z - a s in 9 a cos^ = 0 法线方程为
