高英Uint 4 Love is a fallacy 课后练习答案

高英Uint 4 Love is a fallacy 课后练习答案
高英Uint 4 Love is a fallacy 课后练习答案

Ⅱ. B. Questions on Structure and Style:

1. The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate that logic, far from being a dry, pedantic subject, is

a living, breathing thing, full of beauty, passion, and trauma. Logic may be an interesting subject. The writer is exaggerating for the sake of humor. The writer employs a whole variety of writing techniques to make his story vivid, dramatic and colorful. The lexical spectrum is colorful from the ultra learned terms used by the conceited narrator to the infra clipped vulgar forms of Polly Espy. He uses figurative language profusely and also grammatic inversion for special emphasis. The speed of the narration is maintained by the use of short sentences, elliptical sentences and dashes throughout the story. This mix adds to the realism of the story.

2. The topic sentence of paragraph 47 is : He was a torn man. The writer develops the idea expressed in the topic sentence by describing vividly how hard it is for Petey Burch to choose between his girlfriend and raccoon coat. Being very observant and superbly to illustrative examples to develop the theme, the writer successfully to brings forth the scene in which Petey Burch’s desire for the raccoon coat waxes and his resolution not to give his girlfriend wanes. The reader can easily come to the conclusion that it is hard and painful decision for him to make.

3. The narrator refers to Pygmalion and Frankenstein because just as Pygmalion loved the perfect woman he fashioned, the narrator loved Polly Espy, who he had fashioned according to his plan. However, when he begged Polly’s love, he was rejected. He got same result as Frankenstein, who created a monster that destroyed him. In this sense, these allusion are chosen aptly. The whole thing backfired on the narrator when Polly employed all the “logical fallacies” she had been taught to reject his offer. The end of story finds that the narrator has got what he deserves. He has been too clever for his own.

4. An example of simile

My brain was as powerful as dynamo,as precise as a chemist’s scales, as penetrating as a scalpel.(comparing his brain to three different things)(para. 1)

An example of metaphor

There follows an informal essay that ventures even beyond lamb’s frontier.(comparing the limitation set by lamb to a frontier)(author’s note)

An example of hyperbole

It is not often that one so young has such a giant intellect.(hyperbole for effect)(para. 2)

An example of metonymy

Otherwise you have committed a Dicto Simpliciter.(Otherwise you have committed a logical fallacy called a “Dicto Simpliciter”.)(para. 70)

An example of antithesis

It is, after all, easier to make a beautiful dumb girl smart than to make a ugly smart girl beautiful.(“beautiful, dumb and smart” are balanced against “ugly, smart and beautiful”)(para.24) 5. Colloquialisms and used in the text: dumb, pin-up, kid, go steady, date, casual kick, well-heeled, laughs, terrific, magnificent, mad, call it a night, yummy, fire away. Darn.

Slang used in the text: nothing upstairs, keen, dal, knock (oneself) out, dreamy, how cute,rat, knot head, jitterbug.

6.A freshman at a law school is made the narrator of the whole stroy. It’s from his point of view that the stroy is told. Since the whole stroy is presented as his personal experiences, we the readers tend to rely on what narrator tells us.

Ⅲ. Paraphrase

1.He is a nice enough young fellow, you know, but he is empty-headed.

2.A passing fashion or craze, in my opinion, shoes a complete lack of reason.

3.I ought to have known that raccoon coat would come back to fashion when the Charleston dance, which was popular in the 1920s, came back

4.All the important and fashionable men on campus are wearing them. How come you don’t know?

5.My brain, which is a precision instrument, began to work at a high speed.

6.Except for one thing (intelligence) polly had all other requirements.

7.She was not as beautiful as those girls in posters but i felt sure she would become beautiful enough after some time.

8.In fact, she was in the opposite direction, that is, she is not intelligent but rather stupid.

9.If you are no longer involved with her (if you stop dating her) others would be free to compete to get her as a girlfriend.

10.His head turned back and forth (looking at the coat then looking away from the coat). Every time he looked his desire for the coat grew stronger and his resolution not to give away polly become weaker.

11.To teach her to think appeared to be rather big task.

12.One must admit the outcome does not look very hopeful, but i decided to try one more time.

13.There is a limit to what any human being can bear.

14.I planned to be Pygmalion, to fashion an ideal wife for myself, but i turned out to be Frankenstein because polly(the result/product of my hard work) ultimately rejected me and ruined my plan.

15.Desperately i tried to stop the feeling of panic that was overwhelming me.

Ⅳ. Practice with words and expressions


1.dynamo: a machine that changes some other form of power directly into electricity

2.flight : fleeing or running away from

3.Charleston: a lively dance in 4/4 time, characterized by a twisting step and popular during the 1920's

4.shed: cast off or lose hair

5.in the swim: conforming to the current fashions or active in the main current of affairs

6.practice: the exercise of a profession of occupation

7.pin—up: (American colloquialism)designating a girl whose sexual attractiveness makes her a subject for the kind of pictures often pinned up on walls

8.makings: the material or qualities needed for the making or development of something

9.carriage: manner of carrying the head and body; physical posture bearing: way of carrying oneself; manner

10.go steady: (American colloquialism)date someone of the opposite sex regularly and exclusively; be sweethearts

11.out of the picture: not considered as involved in a situation

12.deposit: (facetious)put,lay or set down

13.brief: a concise statement of the main points of a law case, usually filed by counsel for the information of the court

14.1et—up: stopping; relaxing












1.这几个词都是形容词,指人的智力或感觉等方面具有较高的灵敏性或灵活性。keen指在智力或感觉、视觉、听觉等五官方面是敏锐的或敏捷的,尤指具有解决复杂或疑难问题的特殊能力。acute意为“敏锐的”,指具有观察到别人没有注意到的某种意义、感情、意见、颜色、音调等的细微差别的能力,也指具有某种非常敏锐的神经注意力,这种注意力持续的时间不长。astute意为“敏锐的”、“精明的”、“聪明的”,指对某领域或某学科有很深的造诣或者有一定的体验的能力或洞察力。perspicacious在这些单词中最为正式的用词,强调具有高度的洞察力。calculating意为“精明的”,“精于算计的”,尤指会打小算盘。2.intelligent指具有善于从经验中学习或领会或对新事物迅速作出反应的能力。clever意为“聪明的”,“伶俐的”,指善于理解、善于学习,但有时含有“不够深入”的意思。bright 和smart比较口语化,一般可代替前面几个词中的任何一个。brilliant意为“英明的”,指具有非凡的智力或理解力。


1. The fallacy of unqualified generalization or "a Dicto Simpliciter ad dictum secundum quid".

2. The fallacy of Hasty Generalization.

3. The fallacy of "post hoe, ergo propter hoc".

4. The fallacy of Hypothesis Contrary to Fact.

5. The fallacy of "post hoc, ergo propter hoe".

6. The fallacy of Ad Misericordiam.

7. The fallacy of unqualified generalization or "a Dicto Simpliciter ad dictum secundum quid".

8. The fallacy of Hasty Generalization.


震撼世界的审判 约翰?司科普斯 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 在一九二五年七月的那个酷热日子里,当我在挤得水泄不通的法庭里就位时,人群中响起一阵嘁嘁喳喳的议论声。我的辩护人是著名刑事辩护律师克拉伦斯?达罗。担任主控官的则是能说会道的演说家威廉?詹宁斯?布莱恩,他曾三次被民主党提名为美国总统候选人,而且还是导致我这次受审的基督教原教旨主义运动的领导人。 几个星期之前,我还只是田纳西州山区小镇戴顿的一名默默无闻的中学教员,而现在我却成了一次举世瞩目的庭审活动的当事人。在法庭就座为我作证的有以哈佛大学的科特里?马瑟教授为首的十几位有名望的教授和科学家。到场的还有一百多名新闻记者,甚至还有一些广播电台的播音员,他们也要破天荒地播放一次庭审实况。就在我们静候着法庭开审的当儿,达罗关切地搂住我的肩膀低声安慰道:“别担心,孩子,我们会给他们点厉害瞧瞧。” 我刚到戴顿中学任自然科学教员兼足球教练不久,这件案子就突然降临到我的头上。若干年来,原教旨主义者和现代主义者之间就一直在酝酿着一场冲突。原教旨主义者坚持严格按照字面意义去理解《旧约全书》,而现代主义者则接受查尔斯?达尔文的进化论——认为一切动物,包括猿和人,都是由同一个祖先进化而来的。 在田纳西州,原教旨主义势力很强,州立法机构最近还通过了一项法令,禁止公开讲授“任何否定《圣经》上宣讲的创世说的理论。”这项新法规的矛头直接指向了达尔文的进化论。有位名叫乔治?拉普利亚的工程师因反对这项法规常和当地人进行辩论。有一次辩论中,拉普利亚说,任何人要讲授生物学,就不能不讲进化论。因为我就是讲授生物学的,所以他们便把我叫去作证。 “拉普利亚是对的,”我对他们说。 “那么说,你在触犯法律,”他们中的一位说。 “所有其他的教师也都在触犯法律,”我回答说。“亨特所著的《生物学基础》中就讲到了进化论,那是我们使用的教科书。” 于是拉普利亚提出一个建议。“让我们将此事交付法庭判决,”他说,“以检验其是否合法。” 当我于五月七日被正式起诉时,谁也不曾料到,我本人更没有料到我的这件案子竟会越闹越大,以至成为美国历史上最著名的庭审案例之一。美国公民自由联合会宣布:如有必要,联合会将把我的案子提交美国最高法院审理,“以确保教师不至于因讲授真理而被送进监狱。”接着,布莱恩自告奋勇地要协助州政府方面对我进行起诉。著名律师克拉伦斯?达罗也立即主动提出要替我辩护。具有讽刺意味的是,在这次审判之前我并不认识达罗,但我却见过布莱恩,那是我念大学的时候,他来校作过演讲。我很钦佩他,尽管我并不赞同他的观点。 到七月十日庭审开始的时候,我们这个拥有一千五百人口的小镇上呈现出一派看马戏似的热闹气氛。大街两旁的建筑物上都挂起了彩旗。在法院的三层红砖房子周围的街道上突然冒出了许多摇摇晃晃的摊贩货架,出售的是热狗、宗教书籍和西瓜。福音传教士们也在街上搭起帐篷向行人传教布道。附近一带的山区居民,其中多半是原教旨主义者,也纷纷赶到镇上来为布莱恩呐喊助威,打击那些“外来的异教徒”。他们当中就有具体起草了那条反进化论法令的约翰?

高级英语 第四单元

The Domestication of Animals 动物的驯化 The domestication of wild species led directly to denser human populations by yielding more food than the hunter-gatherer lifestyle could provide. In societies that possessed domestic animals, livestock helped to feed more people by providing meat, milk and fertilizer, and by pulling plows. Large domestic animals became the societies’ main source of animal protein, replacing wild game, and they also furnished wool, leather, and land transport. Humans have domesticated only a few species of large animals, with “large” defined as those weighing over 100 pounds (45 kilograms). Fourteen such species were domesticated before the twentieth century, all of them terrestrial mammals and herbivores. The five most import of these are sheep, goats, pigs, horses, and cattle or oxen. 野生物种的驯化直接导致了人类种群密度的增加,比狩猎采集者的生活方式提供了更多的食物。在拥有家畜的社会里,牲畜通过提供肉类、牛奶和化肥,以及拉犁来养活更多的人。大型家畜成为了社会动物蛋白的主要来源,取代了野生动物,他们还提供羊毛、皮革和陆地运输。人类只驯养了一些大型动物,其中“大”被定义为体重超过100磅(45公斤)的大型动物。在二十世纪之前驯养了十四种这样的动物,它们都是陆地哺乳动物和食草动物。其中最重要的五个是绵羊、山羊、猪、马、牛或牛。 Small animals such as ducks, geese, rabbits, dogs, cats, mink, bees, and silkworms have also been domesticated. Many of these small animals provided food, clothing, or warmth. However, none of them pulled plows or wagons, none carried riders, and none except dogs pulled sleds. Furthermore, no small domestic animals have been as important for food as have large domestic animals. 鸭子、鹅、兔子、狗、猫、鼬、蜜蜂和蚕等小型动物也被驯养。许多小动物提供食物、衣服或温暖。然而,没有一个人拉犁或马车,没有一个人带着骑手,只有狗拉雪橇。此外,与大型家畜一样,小型家畜对食物的重要性也不高。 Early herding societies quickly domesticated all large mammal species that were suitable for domestication. There is archaeological evidence that these species were domesticated between 10,000 and 4,500 years ago, within the first few thousand years of the origins of farming-herding societies after the last Ice Age. The continent of Eurasia has been the primary site of large mammal domestication. Having the most species of wild mammals to begin with, and losing the fewest to extinction in the last 40,000 years, Eurasia has generated the most candidates for domestication. 早期的放牧社会很快驯养了所有适合驯养的大型哺乳动物。有考古证据表明,这些物种是在1万到4500年前被驯化的,这是在上一个冰河时代之后的农牧社会起源的最初几千年里。欧亚大陆是大型哺乳动物驯化的主要场所。在过去的4万年里,欧亚大陆拥有最多的野生哺乳动物,并在灭绝的过程中失去了最少的数量,因此成为了最适合驯化的物种。 Domestication involves transforming wild animals into something more useful to humans. Truly domesticated animals differ in many ways from their wild ancestors. These differences result from two processes: human selection of individual animals that are more useful to humans than other individuals of the same species, and evolutionary responses of animals to the forces of natural selection operating in human environments rather than in wild environments. 驯化包括将野生动物转化为对人类更有用的东西。真正的驯养动物在许多方面与它们的祖先不同。这些差异是由两个过程产生的:个体动物的人类选择比其他个体对人类更有用,动物对自然选择的力量的进化反应在人类环境中而不是在野生环境中。


Lesson 4 Love Is a Fallacy by Max Shulmas Teaching Points Ⅰ. Background Knowledge Ⅱ. Introduction to the Passage Ⅲ. Text analysis Ⅳ. Rhetorical Devices Ⅴ. Questions Teaching Process Warming up Question 1:What is love? Question 2: What is logic? Question 3: Love is blind? Question 4: Love is reason? Introduction to the Passage 1. Type of literature: a piece of narrative writing --protagonist/antagonists --climax --denouement 2. The main theme 3. Well chosen title and words 4. Style --a very fast pace with a racy dialogue full of American colloquialism and slang --employing a variety of writing techniques to make the story vivid, dramatic and colorful Text Analysis Vocabulary 1. Pay attention to words and expressions in the following aspects respectively: Spelling and Pronunciation Synonyms Opposites Similar words and expressions Settled or habitual usage 2. Word building knowledge Effective Writing Skills 1. Employing colorful lexical spectrum, from the ultra learned terms to the infra clipped vulgar forms 2. Too much figurative language and ungrammatical inversion for specific purposes 3. The using of short sentences, elliptical sentences and dashes to maintain the speed of narration Rhetorical Devices


I will wait for her in the yard that Maggie and I made so clean and wavy yester day afternoon. A yard like this is more comfortable than most people know. It is not just a yard. It is like an extended living room. When the hard clay is swept clean as a floor and the fine sand around the edges lined with tiny, irregular grooves, anyone can come and sit and look up into the elm tree and wait for the breezes that never come inside the house. Maggie will be nervous until after her sister goes: she will stand hopelessly in corners, homely and ashamed of the burn scars down her arms and legs, eying her sister with a mixture of envy and awe. She thinks her sister has held life always in the palm of one hand, that "no" is a word the world never learned to say to her. You've no doubt seen those TV shows where the child who has "made it" is confronted, as a surprise, by her own mother and father, tottering in weakly from backstage. (A Pleasant surprise, of course: What would they do if parent and child came on the show only to curse out and insult each other) On TV mother and child embrace and smile into each other's face. Sometimes the mother and father weep, the child wraps them in her arms and leans across the table to tell how she would not have made it without their help. I have seen these programs. Sometimes I dream a dream in which Dee and I are suddenly brought together on a TV program of this sort. Out of a cark and soft-seated limousine I am ushered into a bright room filled with many people. There I meet a smiling, gray, sporty man like Johnny Carson who shakes my hand and tells me what a fine girl I have. Then we are on the stage and Dee is embracing me with tear s in her eyes. She pins on my dress a large orchid, even though she has told me once that she thinks or chides are tacky flowers. In real life I am a large, big-boned woman with rough, man-working hands. In the winter I wear flannel nightgowns to bed and overalls during the day. I can kill and clean a hog as mercilessly as a man. My fat keeps me hot in zero weather. I can work outside all day, breaking ice to get water for washing; I can eat pork liver cooked over the open tire minutes after it comes steaming from the hog. One winter


第四课 就职演说(1961年1月20日) 我们今天举行的不是一个政党的祝捷大会,而是一次自由的庆典。这是一个承先启后、继往开来的大事件。因为刚才我已依照我们的先辈在将近一又四分之三个世纪以前拟好的誓言在诸位和全能的上帝面前庄严宣誓。 当今的世界已与往昔大不相同了。人类手中已掌握的力量,既足以消除一切形式的人类贫困,也足以结束一切形式的人类生活。然而,我们的先辈曾为之奋斗的革命信念至今仍未能为举世所公认。这信念就是认定人权出自上帝所赐而非得自政府的恩典。 我们今天仍未敢忘记我们是第一次革命战争的接班人。此时此地我谨向我们的朋友,同时也向我们的敌人宣告:火炬已传到我们新一代美国人手中。这一代人在本世纪成长起来,经受过战火的锻炼,经历过冷峻的和平的考验,以珍视古老的传统而自豪,又决不愿坐视或容许人权逐渐遭到践踏。美国对这些人权一向负有责任,今天我们也正在本国及全世界范围内为之奋斗。 必须让每一个友邦和敌国都知道:为维护自由,使其长存不灭,我们将会不惜付出任何代价,肩负任何重担,迎战一切困难,援助一切朋友,反击一切敌人。 以上这些是我们保证要做到的——但我们保证要做到的还不止这些。 对于那些与我们有着共同的文化和精神渊源的传统盟邦,我们保证将报之以真诚不渝的友谊。只要我们团结起来,我们在许多合作性事业中就会无往而不胜;而一旦彼此分裂,我们就会无所作为。因为我们之间若起争端,彼此离异,便难以与我们面临的强大对手抗衡。 对于那些我们欢迎其加入自由国家行列的各新兴国家,浅们发誓,一种形式的殖民统治的结束绝不应仅是为了被另一种远为残酷的暴政所取代。我们并不期望这些国家总是支持我们的观点,但我们希望他们始终能够坚决地卫护自己的自由,并时刻牢记,过去那些企图骑上虎背为自己壮声势的愚人结果都没能逃脱葬身虎腹的命运。 对于那些居住在遍布半个地球的茅舍荒村中,正奋力冲破集体贫困的桎梏的各民族,我们保证将尽最大努力帮助他们脱贫自救,不管这样做需要多长时间。这样做并不是因为怕共产党会抢先这样做,也不是因为我们想获得那些国家的赞成票,而是因为这样做是正确的。一个自由社会如若不能帮助众多的穷人,也就无法保全少数的富人。 对于我国边界以南的各姊妹国家,我们要作一项特别的保证:把我们美妙的言辞付诸行动,为谋求进步而进行新的合作。帮助自由的人民和自由的国家政府挣脱贫困的锁链。但我们绝不能让这个充满希望的和平革命成为敌对国家的牺牲品。要让所有的邻邦都知道,我们将和他们一起反对外国在美洲任何地区进行的侵略或颠覆。也要让所有别的国家知道,我们这个半球仍得由自己当家做主。 在一个战争因素远远超过和平因素的时代,对于我们唯一的最好的希望赖以寄托的世界主权国家的联盟组织一一联合国,我们重申对它给予支持的保证:阻止其成为一个仅供谩骂的讲坛,加强其对新兴国家及弱小国家的保护作用,并扩大其职能范围。 最后,对于那些不惜与我们为敌的国家,我们要提出的不是保证而是呼吁:希望双方重新开始努力寻求和平,不要等到科学所释放出来的可怕的破坏力将整个人类推向有计划的或偶然发生的自我毁灭之时。 我们不敢以示弱去诱惑他们。因为只有当我们有了无可置疑的足够的武力时,我们才能有无可置疑的把握避免使用武力。 然而,目前的局势使两大国家集团都感到不安——双方都因现代军备的庞大开支而感到不堪重负,双方都为极端危险的原子武器的不断扩散而理所当然地感到惊慌不安,但双方又都在竞相谋求改变那种使双方都不敢轻易发动导致全人类毁灭的最后决战的小稳定的恐怖均势。


高级英语(D1002001) > 看看课程文档> ADVANCED ENGLISH BOOK II > UNIT 4 INAUGURAL ADDRESS > 第四单元习题答案 第四单元习题答案 第四单元习题答案 Ⅰ.John F. Kennedy(1917--1963),35th President of the United States A. His family background John Kennedy, whose ancestors came from Ireland, was the first Roman Catholic to become president of the United States. At 43 he was also the youngest man ever elected to the highest office of his country, although he was not the youngest to serve in it. Theodore Roosevelt was not quite 43 when the assasination of President McKinley elevated him to the Presidency. John Fitzgerald Francis Kennedy was born on May 29,1917, in Brookline, Massachusetts. Brookline was the suburb of Boston where his grandfather had been elected to many public offices. Joseph P. Kennedy, father of the future presi- dent, was at 25 the youngest bank president in the country. He was to build one of the great private fortunes of his time. He and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy raised a family of nine children. John was the second born. When the first Kennedy child, Joseph, Jr. , was born, father Joe was reported to have said, "He' 11 be the first Kennedy to become president of the United States. " But he was killed while piloting a bomber in World War Ⅱ, and the leadership of the rising Kennedy generation passed to John. Thus young John Kennedy, often called Jack, inherited a background of polities, wealth and determination. The family circle was close and warm. The boys learned competition first in sports. They played hard to win, a family trait in sports and politics all their lives. Young Kennedy attended private schools in Brookline and New York City; and then, in 1931, he entered Choate School, in Wallingford, Connecticut to prepare for college. Young Kennedy, after a short spell at the London School of Economics and Princeton, entered Harvard. In 1940 he graduated from Harvard cure laude. B. His political career and election as president In 1945 the Hearst newspapers hired Kennedy to cover the United Nations preliminary conference in San Francisco. He covered the British elections that year, then decided he had had enough of journalism. He did not know whether he would like politics, but decided to try it. In 1946 he ran for Congress as a Democrat, in a Boston district. Though he did not live there, Kennedy, by hard compaigning, defeated a large field of rivals. He was re-elected twice. Then he tried for election to the United States Senate against Republican Henry Cabot Lodge, who was supposed to be unbeatable in Massachusetts. It was a big Republican year in 1952, in Massachusetts and elsewhere, but Jack Kennedy beat Lodge by 70,000 votes. On September 12, 1953, Kennedy and Jacqueline Bouvier were married at Newport, Rhode Island. They had three children—Caroline; John, Jr. , whom his father called John-John; and Patrick Bouvier, who lived but a few days. Kennedy missed being nominated for vice-president by a few votes in 1956. But he gained an introduction to millions of Americans who watched the Chicago Democratic Convention on television. When he decided to run for president in1960, his name was widely known. Many thought that his religion and his youthful appearance would handicap him. Kennedy faced the religion issue frankly. He declared his firm belief in the separation of church and state. His


第四课 Paraphrase 1.Pianos and models, Paris, Vienna and Berlin, masters and mistresses, are not needed by a writer. (Paragraph 1) If you want to be a musician or a painter, you must own a piano or hire models, and you have to visit or even live in cultural centers like Paris, Vienna and Berlin. And also you have to be taught by masters and mistresses. However, if you want to be a writer, you don’t need all this. 2.No demand was made upon the family purse. (Paragraph 1) Paraphrase: there was no need for a writer to spend much of the family money in order to write. 3.It was she who used to come between me and paper when I was writing reviews. (Paragraph 3) Paraphrase: She used to cause arguments or problems between me and what I was writing. 4.She was so constituted that she never had a mind or a wish of her own, but preferred to sympathize always with the minds and wishes of others. (Paragraph 3) (P56) Paraphrase: She was made up, formed or designed in such a way that she never had an opinion or a wish of her own, but preferred to think and act in harmony with other people’s minds and wishes. 5. Above all----I need not say it ---she was pure. (Paragraph 3) P56 Of all the qualities, purity was the most important one. 6. In those days---the last of Queen Victoria---every house had its Angel. (Paragraph 3) P56 Paraphrase: On the first level, in the days of Queen Victoria, every house had a woman like that, who was sympathetic, charming and unselfish. On a deeper level, in the last period of the reign of Queen Victoria, the belief that every woman should be sympathetic, charming, unselfish, and above all, pure was prevalent in English society. 7. Be sympathetic; be tender; flatter; deceive; use all the arts and wiles of our sex. (Paragraph 3) P56 Paraphrase: Understand the mind of men and not to disagree with them; don’t be too harsh in your criticism; praise the book in an insincere way in order to please the reader, don’t write what you really thought or tell lies instead of telling the truth; use the sly, cunning tricks of our sex. Rhetorical devices 1. It is true I am a woman, it is true I am employed; but what professional experiences have I had? It is difficult to say. (Paragraph 1)(Rhetorical question) 2. What could be easier than to write articles and to buy Persian cats with the profits? But wait a moment. (Paragraph 3)(Rhetorical question) 3 But to show you how little I deserve to be called a professional woman, how little I know of the struggles and difficulties of such lives , I have to admit that instead of spending that sum upon bread and butter, rent ,shoes and stockings, or butcher’s bills, I went out and bought a cat….. (Paragraph 2) 其中:bread and butter: this set phrase means food and the most important and basic things. (synecdoche提喻) butcher’s bills: butcher’s bills stand for meat bought from a butcher. This is metonymy(转喻). 4 .No demand was made upon the family. (Paragraph 1) Purse: (metonymy转喻) stand for money, financial conditions, e.g. the family purse家庭财政5. ―Killing the Angel in the House‖ (Paragraph 3) is a metaphor. (暗喻)


第一课 位于高尔夫港以西的帕斯克里斯琴镇几乎被夷为平地。住在该镇那座豪华的黎赛留公寓度 假的几位旅客组织了一次聚会,从他们所居的有利地位观赏飓风的壮观景象,结果像是有一个 其大无比的拳头把公寓打得粉碎,26人因此丧生。 柯夏克家的屋顶一被掀走,约翰就高喊道:“快上楼一一到卧室里去!数数孩子。”在倾盆大雨中,大人们围成一圈,让孩子们紧紧地挤在中间。柯夏克老奶奶哀声切切地说道:“孩子们, 咱们大家来唱支歌吧!”孩子们都吓呆了,根本没一点反应。老奶奶独个儿唱了几句,然后她的声音就完全消失了。 客厅的壁炉和烟囱崩塌了下来。弄得瓦砾横飞。眼看他们栖身的那间卧室电有两面墙壁行 将崩塌,约翰立即命令大伙:“进电视室去!”这是离开风头最远的一个房间。 约翰用手将妻子搂了一下。詹妮丝心里明白了他的意思。由于风雨和恐惧,她不住地发抖。她一面拉过两个孩子紧贴在自己身边,一面默祷着:亲爱的上帝啊,赐给我力量,让我经受住 必须经受的一切吧。她心里怨恨这场飓风。我们一定不会让它得胜。 柯夏克老爹心中窝着一团火,深为自己在飓风面前无能为力而感到懊丧。也说不清为什么,他跑到一问卧室里去将一只杉木箱和一个双人床垫拖进了电视室。就在这里,一面墙壁被风刮 倒了,提灯也被吹灭。另外又有一面墙壁在移动,在摇晃。查理.希尔试图以身子撑住它,但结果墙还是朝他这边塌了下来,把他的背部也给砸伤了。房子在颤动摇晃,已从地基上挪开了25英尺。整个世界似乎都要分崩离析了。 “我们来把床垫竖起来!”约翰对父亲大声叫道。“把它斜靠着挡挡风。让孩子们躲到垫子下面去,我们可以用头和肩膀把垫子大一点的孩子趴在地板上,小一点的一层层地压在大的身上,大人们都弯下身子罩住他们。地板倾斜了。装着那一窝四只小猫的盒子从架上滑下来,一 下子就在风中消失了。斯普琪被从一个嵌板书柜顶上刮走而不见踪影了。那只狗紧闭着双眼, 缩成一团。又一面墙壁倒塌了。水拍打着倾斜的地板。约翰抓住一扇还连在壁柜墙上的门,对 他父亲大声叫道:“假若地板塌了,咱们就把孩子放到这块门板上面。” 就在这一刹那间,风势稍缓了一些,水也不再上涨了。随后水开始退落。卡米尔号飓风的中心过去了。柯夏克一家和他们的朋友都幸存下来了。 第二课 然而这些人的真正奇特之处还在于他们的隐身的特性。一连几个星期,每天几乎在同一时 候总有一队老妪扛着柴草从我房前蹒跚走过。虽然他们的身影以映入我的眼帘,但老实说,我 并不曾看见她们。我所看见的是一捆捆的柴草从屋外掠过。直到有一天我碰巧走在她们身后时,堆柴草奇异的起伏动作才使我注意到原来下面有人。这才第一次看见那些与泥土同色的可怜老 妪的躯体——枯瘦的只剩下皮包骨头、被沉重的负荷压得弯腰驼背的躯体。然而,我踏上摩洛哥国土还不到五分钟就已注意到驴子的负荷过重,并为此感到愤怒。驴子遭到荷虐,这是无疑 的事实。摩洛哥的驴子不过如一只瑞士雪山救人犬一般大小,可它驮负的货物重量在英国军队 里让一头五英尺高的大骡子来驮都嫌过重。而且,它还常常是一连几个星期不卸驮鞍。尤其让

高级英语第4课Inaugural Address 课件 翻译 译文

Address (January 20, 1961) John F. Kennedy 目的/重点 Aims know how to make good conversation trace the history of the King’s English learn the methods in developing an expository writing,esp. the use of examples analyse the features of spoken English appreciate the language features Teaching Contents 1. Exposition 2. History of Britain 3. Detailed study of the text 4. Organizational pattern 5. Language features 6. The characteristics of spoken English Time allocation 1. Exposition and history (15 min.) 2. Detailed study of the text (105 min.) 3. Structure analysis (15 min.)

4. Language appreciation (15 min.) 5. The characteristics of spoken English (30 min) 课文内容 4. Inaugural Address (January 20, 1961) John F. Kennedy 1 We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom, symbolizing an end as well as a beginning, signifying renewal as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly


Lesson 9 Para.1-5 A single knoll rises out of the plain.(para.1.1) 一座孤零零的小山拔地而起… In summer the prairie is an anvil?s edge.(para.1.4) (1)Anvil?s edge anvil铁砧and anvil?s edge is hot, tough, hard. Here anvil is used metaphorically. (2)In summer the earth of the prairie is extremely hot and hard. The grass turns brittle and brown…(para.1.5) 1) Brittle and brown: alliteration 2) 草变得又脆又黄 At a distance in July or August the steamming foliage seems almost to writhe in fire(para.1.):从远处望去,七八月里的树叶热的冒烟,犹如在火中挣扎 Popping up like corn to sting the flesh... (para.1): simile 像玉米花爆裂时一样突然弹起,刺得人皮肤痛 All things in the plain are isolate; there is no confusion of objects in the eye, but one hill or one man.(para.1)草原上的一切都是疏离开来的,所见之物不会混杂在一起让人看不清楚。要么只是一树、一人。 To look upon that landscape in the early morning, with the sun at your back-is to lose the sense of proportion (para.1)清晨,太阳在你背后冉冉升起,此时观看这片大地,你会失去正常的比例感 According to their origin myth, they entered the world through a hollow log(para.4). 有关他们起源的神话告诉我们,他们是通过一根空心圆木来到了这个世上。Paraphrase . 1. Loneliness is an aspect of the land (para.1) Loneliness is a major quality of this landscape. 2. Your imagination comes to life, and this, you think, is where Creation was begun. (para.1) The landscape makes your imagination vivid and lifelike, and you believe that the creation of the whole universe was begun right here. 3. When she was born, the Kiowas were living that last great moment of their history. (para.3) My grandmother was born (around 1880) at a time when the Kiowas were still living in their golden time or to be more exact, the last moment of their golden time. 4. War was their sacred business, and they were among the finest horsemen----a matter of disposition rather than of survival (para.3) The Kiowas often fought just because they were good warriors, so they fought out of habit/ nature, not because they needed extra lands or materials for the sake of survival...a matter of disposition: 出于本性, 由于习惯 5. My grandmother was spared the humiliation of those high gray walls by eight or ten years. (para.3)
