04. 2014届各区英语一模阅读理解 (D篇15套)

I recently went to a charity party. At the end of the visit our host told us that the following Monday was his birthday. He asked if, as a gift to him, we would do something kind for someone else on that day. I thought that was a terrible birthday idea!

The following Monday, I saw my neighbor, a new mother, in the garden with her baby. I went outside to say “hello” to her. During the talk, she told me, not in a complaining way but just as a matter of fact, about the sleeplessness and the challenges to get anything done with a baby followed by. I remembered the charity party host’s request and said, “Hey! Why don’t I watch your baby for an hour! I will just hang out with him here in the back garden and you go in and take an hour to yourself.”

She was so surprised that she almost cried. “Are you serious? Would you be able to do that?”“Of course!” I said. “I’d be happy to!” An hour later she came outside with a smile on her face. “I have got so much done!”she told me, and I told her that I had sung every kid’s song I knew and had a good time hanging out with the baby, too. And I was so happy to see her smiling like that.

It was one of the best presents I’ve ever given, and it has given me the desire to ask the same from all my friends this year. I know it will make me feel great to know my friends are out there sharing their wisdom and time with people who can really use it.

1. The following Monday was the host’s birthday, wasn’t it?

____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What did he ask his friends to do as a gift to him?

____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What did the writer decide to do on the following Monday?

____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. How did the writer look after his neighbor’s baby?

____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why was the writer so happy when his neighbor came outside?

____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. What’s your opinion on the birthday present in the story? (answer the question in no more than 20 words)


1. Yes, it was.

2. He asked them to do something kind for someone else.

3. He decided to watch his neighbour’s baby for an hour.

4. He hung out with the baby and sang every kid’s song to him.

5. Because he saw his neighbour smiling/

Because he saw his neighbour coming outside with a smile on her face. /

Because his neighbour was smiling. /Because his neighbour smiled.

6. I think it quite special and meaningful because doing something kind to others makes me feel

great. (any reasonable answer is acceptable)

August has always been difficult for me. It is the time when I realize that the books my English teacher assigned (布置) to me are not going to read themselves and that I have a difficult month in front of me.

You might think that I don’t want to spend my summer reading, but that’s not the problem: I love reading. On the first day of my summer holiday this year, I borrowed A Gathering of Old Men by African-American writer Ernest Gaines. I enjoyed it very much. I read all the magazines that my parents subscribe to (订阅) and spend about 30 minutes every day with the morning newspaper.

So why do I hate summer reading for school? Because the books on summer reading lists are often slow-going and just uninviting (不吸引人的). Teachers don’t understand that summer reading can b e interesting as well as educational. They choose books called “spinach books”: good for you, but not much fun to take in. Every summer, I read them, hate them and get bitter about the experience.

This bitterness started three years ago when I began high school. As preparation, my English teacher told me to read The Age of Innocence (?纯真年代?) . At 14, I couldn’t understand the love 100 years ago in the story. I only know my love for baseball. The Age of Innocence was completely different to my life. What is more, sometimes I guess teachers don’t think exciting plots make for “good literature”. To me, a good writer describes events and characters in a way that makes the reader want to know what happens next.

If I were making up a summer reading list, it would include The Friends of Eddie Coyle by George V. Higgins, The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe, and Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer. These are all books that have literary value (文学价值) and can also entertain kids. If the teachers could add a little fun into the books they assign, my Augusts would be a lot more enjoyable.

1. Why does the writer think he will have a difficult August?

_________________________________________________________________________________. 2. How do we know that the writer likes reading?


3. What kind of books makes students interested in summer reading?

__________________________________________________________________________ books.

4. What’s the advantage of reading “spinach books”?


5. According to the passage, what is a good writer?


6. What might be the title of the passage?(In no more than ten words)


1. Because he will have to read boring books.

2. The writer tells us that he reads all the magazines that his parents subscribe to and spend

about 30 minutes every day with the morning newspaper.

3. Interesting and educational books (do).

4. They are good for you/your growth.

5. A good writer describes events and characters in a way that makes the reader want to know

what happens next.

6. Why Can’t Teacher Assign To Us Fun Books. (Any reasonable answers are correct.)

PISA is not the same as pizza, although both words are pronounced the same by Chinese. Pizza, of course, is the tasty Italian dish of crispy bread topped with many wonderful flavors. PISA, on the other hand, is just a test, a reflection of the knowledge you learn in school. And how could that possibly be as flavorful as pizza?!

PISA stands for Programme for International Student Assessment. It’s a test taken every three years by fifteen-year-olds worldwide. It tests students’ ability in math, reading and science. Last year’s results were just released and they show that Shanghai students are ranked number one in the world. Yes, that’s right! Shanghai students are the best in the world!

Shanghai students are the best because they are also the hardest working. No other students in the world put in as many hours of study, homework and test taking as Shanghai students. And few others feel the stress of schoolwork like Shanghai students.

That’s why the Shanghai education authority is encouraging students to step away from their b ooks from time to time and take up hobbies or join clubs. Schools are setting aside time and providing facilities so that students can follow some personal interests such as photography, art, singing and dancing. They want students to have a little more flavor in their lives.

Doing well on the tests like PISA is important, but developing yourself as a whole person is also important. There is no end to the flavor you can add to pizza, and there should be no limit to the amount of flavors you can add to your own life.

1. Is PISA pronounced that same as pizza by Chinese?

__________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What does PISA stand for?

__________________________________________________________________________________ 3. How often is PISA taken?

__________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What did the last year’s results show?

__________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why is the Shanghai education authority encouraging students to step away from their books?

___________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Is it a good idea that schools are setting aside time and providing facilities for the students? Why or why not?


1. Yes, it is.

2. (It stands for) Programme for International Student Assessment.

3. (It is taken) every three years.

4. (It showed that) Shanghai students ranked number one in the world./

Shanghai students are the best

5. Because no other students in the world put in as many hours of study, homework and test

taking as Shanghai students. /

Because Shanghai students have the highest pressure in the world. /

Because Shanghai students are the most stressed.

6. Yes, it is. Because it is important to do well on the test and develop yourself as a whole person./

Yes, it is. Because all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy…

The Green Belt Movement is a community-based group in Kenya. It aims to help protect the environment, mainly through planting trees.

The Green Belt Movement was started in 1977 by Wangari Maathai. When Wangari started the Green Belt Movement, she thought much about both people and the environment. She thought that if people grew the trees themselves, it would help them to understand environment and develop their local cultures.

Today, the Green Belt Movement works like this. Members from the Movement go to communication to talk about tree planting and starting nurseries (苗圃). If the local people are interested, they can join the Movement as a group. When they join, they receive a lot of information about how to prepare the soil (土壤), and collect and grow seeds. When the people know what to do, they can collect seeds, plant them into seedlings(幼苗). When the seedlings are big enough, they will be planted on farms. The Green Belt Movement pays the nursery for each seedling that is still alive after three months.

The Green Belt Movement now has over 6000 community nurseries in Kenya, and many more in other African countries. Over the last 30 years, it has planted more than 30 million trees in parks and on farms.

The Green Belt Movement also runs programs to help people start gardens and grow plants that are local to their area. This means that many communities can now take care of almost their own food needs, and they can often make extra income as well.

In 2004, Wangari Maathai won the Nobel Peace Prize. Giving the prize to Wangari showed that peace doesn’t just mean stop ping wars. It can also mean making the world a better place to live in.

1. What does the Green Belt Movement aim to do?

__________________________________________________________________________________ 2. When was the Green Belt Movement started?

___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. The Green Belt Movement opens schools to teach people tree planting, doesn’t it?

___________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What can the nurseries get if the seedlings are still alive after three months?

___________________________________________________________________________________ 5. How can many communities take care of their own food needs now?

____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Why was Wangari given the Nobel Peace Prize for starting the Green Belt Movement?


1. It aims to help protect the environment, maily through planting trees.

2. In 1977.

3. go to communities.而不是open school。No,it doesn’t.

4. Money.

5.By starting gardens and grow plants that are local to their area.

6. Because peace also means making the world a better place to live in.

Answer the questions: (5)

1) If you live in Tornado (龙卷风) area, you keep a close eye on the sky. This part of the mid-western United States has as many as 300 tornadoes blowing through it every year. Local people know that a “twister(旋风)” may be only a hop, skip, and a jump away. Twisters are tornadoes, and tornadoes are trouble for people living there.

2) A tornado is wind caused by a thunderstorm (雷雨). Tornadoes are

the most terrible winds on Earth. They can travel up to 300 miles an hour. At

that high speed, they damage almost anything. As they move, tornadoes turn

round quickly in a twisting movement. They change direction without


3) Once you’ve seen a tornado, you’re not likely to forget it. It has a

unique(独特的)appearance. Take an ice cream cone, turn it upside down,

and you’ve got a model for a tornado. The sound is also hard to be mistaken.

Everything becomes completely silent. Even the insects stop buzzing. It

seems the tornado take in all of the sound from the air. Suddenly it shouts it

all back out in a roar, like a train running out of control.

4) But sometimes the result can’t be predicted. Have you ever seen the

film The wizard of Oz(绿野仙踪)? Remember the scene when Dorothy’s

house flies? A tornado once carried a house through the air for two miles. Another twister lifted a china cabinet(橱柜)and dropped it back to Earth some miles away. No dish was broken. Once, a tornado swept a child and her pony into the air. Her mother found her half a mile away, still sitting on the pony. Luckily, neither the girl nor her pony was seriously hurt.

5) These stories ended happily. Most tornado stories don’t. These terrible windstorms usually bring sadness, death and even disasters. In 1955, a tornado killed 34 people in one town. Three thousand buildings, including five schools, were damaged.

6) Luckily, tornadoes seldom last more than an hour. Most travel only at about 20 miles per hour. They are almost always less than a few hundred yards wide. That’s a good thing for us! If twisters were any worse than they are,tornado area would be a tornado wasteland.

1. What do tornadoes usually bring people, trouble or happiness?


2. How fast does a tornado go when it comes to its high speed?


3. Which sentence in the 2nd paragraph says people can hardly predict the way a tornado move?



5. What can be the main idea of the 4th paragraph?

Tornado stories sometimes _________________________________________________________

6. How do you understand “If twisters were any worse than they are, tornado area would be a tornado wasteland.”?


1. Trouble.

2. 300 miles an hour.

3. They change direction without warning.

4. silent, shout out in a roar

5. end happily / have happy ends / aren’t so terrible or horrible / end out of our expectation / ….

6. If twisters were a bit wore than they were, there would be no people or houses left in tornado area

f twisters were a bit wore than they were, tornado would damage/destroy the land/area completely If twisters were a bit wore than they were, this piece of land would be a waste in the end /…

Ms. LaRosa is a great teacher. She can answer almost any question that you have about any history topic and if she cannot, she will try her best to help you find the answer. Although she has a hearing aid(助听器), she does not let that prevent her from being a great teacher. She told the class about it on the first day and told us not to let it get in the way of our learning and not to treat her differently.

We all like her class, especially an activity which is called the station. Stations are when our tables of four or five become our groups and we go through four various activities, such as Ancient China, in which we need to put together a sentence and write it using ancient symbols. Each station needs about 40 minutes to complete.

Ms. LaRosa has a policy that not many teachers give a second thought to. That is writing in cursive (草书的)letters. She will provide you with various resources so that your cursive handwriting is the best that it can be. Ms. LaRosa always says that she has a reason for everything that she does. Recently we just understood her reason for supporting cursive handwriting. Cursive writing can force you to think in words but not in letters. Also it has been proven that people who write in cursive letters do better on tests.

Ms. LaRosa’s class gets to do various fun and exciting things. She also uses real examples from her own life, such as things that her daughter has done. Ms. LaRosa also has absolute trust in her students. She always leaves her purse on her desk.

Ms. LaRosa is a great person and a great teacher who is always there for you, and I feel like I can tell her anything.

1. Ms. LaRosa is a teacher with a good knowledge of history, isn’t she? (1 分)

__________, ___________________________________________________________.

2. What activity is especially liked by the students? (2分)


3. How long do the students usually spend on each station? (2分)


4. Why does Ms. LaRosa support cursive handwriting? (2 分)


5. How does Ms. LaRosa usually teach her class? (2 分)


6. What do you think makes Ms. LaRosa a great teacher? (3分)


1. Yes, she is.

2. An activity (which is ) called the station. / The students/They especially like an activity which is

called the station.

3. The students usually spend about 40 minutes on each station. / About 40 minutes.

4. Because cursive writing can force you/people to think in words but not in letters (and it can help

you/ people do better on tests. )

5. Ms. LaRosa usually has her students do various fun and exciting things and also uses real

examples from her life. / Ms. LaRosa teaches her class by doing various fun and exciting things and by using real examples from her own life.

6. Suggested answer: Her way of teaching, her knowledge, her devotion to teaching, her trust in

students, etc.

What do you think of when talking about India? The Taj Mahal (泰姬陵)? Song and dance? The list goes on and on.

India is an interesting and mysterious country with a long history. It is one of the four oldest civilizations (文明) in the world.

Home to more than 1.2 billion people, India is the country with the second largest population in the world. The country is also the birthplace of many famous people. Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) is a great poet. His poems use fresh and beautiful language to describe nature and his love for India. Many Chinese children learn his works at school.

Besides, fast economic development is making India a rising power. India is strong in the information technology (IT) industry. By the end of 2012, 2.5 million Indian people were working at its IT companies. One third of them worked in Bangalore. The city is called the Silicon Valley (硅谷) of India. It is the center of the IT industry in India. IT products from India are common in people’s lives. If you buy a computer, some of the software may have been made in India.

Many young people love Hollywood films. Most of these films tell stories with a happy ending. They have exciting music and dance. Some of the best ones are Slumdog Millionaire (2008) and 3 Idiots (2009). Yoga comes from ancient India. It helps people deal with their stress. It is said that curry was made in India more than 5,000 years ago. Traditional Indian curry is spicy. Indian people usually have curry with rice. Curry soup is also one of their favorites.

1. Does India have the most people in the world?

___________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What do Tagore’s poems describe?

__________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why do people call Bangalore the Silicon Valley of India?

__________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Which elements do most Hollywood films have?

__________________________________________________________________________________ 5. How do Indian people usually have curry?

__________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Would you like to visit India? Why or why not?


1. No, it doesn’t.

2. They describe nature and his love for India.

3. Because it is the center of the IT industry in India.

4. A happy ending, exciting music and dance.

5. They usually have curry with rice and soup.

6. (Any possible a

Nadim and Anneena got a magic key one day. And the magic key would bring them and their friends into some amazing adventures.

On a hot summer day, Nadim and Anneena came to play at Biff and Tim’s house. Nadim had a model book—a book which has lots of shapes and your press out the shapes, then fold and glue them to make a model.

They read about the great country Egypt and decided to make a model of it. Tim found some glue. Then Nadim pressed out the shapes and the others began to fold them. First they made the pyramids. Anneena had a difficult shape to fold. “This is a sphinx.” She said. They pressed out some tiny trees and people. Biff glued them all on a piece of paper. It made the scene of Ancient Egypt. At last, the model was finished. The children were pleased with it and laughed happily. Their happy laughters brought their dog, Sam, in. He stepped on the model with his big paws. He knocked over a tree and crushed the sphinx.“Oh, Sam.” everyone yelled.

Sam looked unhappy because he knew he made the children upset. Suddenly, the magic key began to glow. The key took them back to Ancient Egypt. They were standing by a pyramid. The pyramid was still being built. Far off they could see two more pyramids. “That’s amazing!” said Nadim, “I didn’t think the pyramids were s o big and they were made with such big blocks of stone.”

“Look over there!”gasped Anneena.She pointed to a huge stone sphinx.“Let’s go and look at the sphinx.”She said.They all began to run towards it. But Sam didn’t.He had seen a cat. He chased it. It jumped up to some blocks of stone. Sam jumped up, too. But the cat ran too fast for him to follow and that made Sam rather disappointed. Then he had another problem. He couldn’t get down.So he barked and barked. All the Egyptian slave workers saw them. They talks in a strange language. Nadim and his friends were frightened. They didn’t know what to do.But to their great surprise, all the people there put their hands together and raised them in the air. Then they sank down on their knees. They bowed to Sam. Just as the Egyptians were catching them, the magic key glowed again and brought them back home. What an exciting adventure!

1. Did Nadim and Anneena get a magic book one day?


2. Where did Biff glue the tiny trees and people?


3. How did the ancient feel when they finished the model?


4. How did the ancient Egyptians make the pyramids?

The ancient Egyptians______________________________________.

5. Why couldn’t Sam catch the car?


6. What do you think of the story? Please give a proper title to the passage. (In less than eight words)

I think____________._____________________________________________________________.

1. No, they didnt.

2. On a piece of paper. / He glued them on a piece of paper.

3. felt pleased / happy/ pleased and happy.

4. made the pyramids with big blocks of stones.

5. Because the cat ran too fast for him to follow.

6. it’s exciting (interesting, amazing…) Egyptian adventure./ An exciting adventure( in Egypt).

(Any reasonable answer is OK

Music not only gives you something to sing and danceto, but also can

make you feel happier. Scientists say thatmusic can help to relax people's

mind and even help to relieve pain. How does music work its magic? It is

the fact that music can adjust (调节) our mood. Recently, there is a scientific

research to back up what we have always known about music. The studies

have shown that when people areexcited or happy they are more helpful.

The opposite (相反的情况) happens when people feel aggressive (好斗的) or under stress. The use of music can influence how helpful people can be.

Dr. Adrian North made a study with 256 university students. Half the group took exercise inthe gymnasium listening to music which can bring happiness and the other half exercised toaggressive music. When leaving the gym, the students were asked to hand out flyers (传单) in support of the local disabled athlete's foundation (残疾运动员基金会).

The results showed that nearly half of the group that listened to happy music were willing to (愿意) hand out flyers. But less than 20% in the group that heard the aggressive music were willing to do so. This study suggests that our choice of music can influence our willingness to cooperate (合作).While a study also shows that productivity (生产效率)can be increased with the right choice of background music in the workplace. As music stimulates (刺激) workers' mind, job satisfaction is often positively influenced. Other studies have shown that workers who are in a good mood have more job satisfaction than those in a bad mood.

These studies show that music can have a powerful influence on a person's ability to cooperate. Moods have a direct influence (直接影响) on cooperation and job satisfaction, These factors (因素) also have a direct relationship to the success of a business.

1. What do scientists say about music?

___________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The phrase "back up" in Line 6, Paragraph 1 most probably means "support", doesn't it?

___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why do people use the right choice of background music in the workplace?

___________________________________________________________________________________ 4. How many university students did Dr. Adrian North make a study with?

____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. How do people feel if they are bored or sad?

____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. What do moods have a direct influence on?

____________________________________________________________________________________ D: 1. Scientists say that music can help to relax people’s mind and even help to relieve pain.

2. Yes, it does.

3. Because they use it to increase productivity.

4. He made a study with 256 university students.

5. They feel aggressive / under stress.

6. They have a direct influence on cooperation and job satisfaction.

“More young people should study Science’’,Hazel Wallace, a Science teacher from London, said at a conference for young scientists last weekend.

“More young people should take Science subjects at school and study them at university,” she said. "Scientists can change the world and can improve life for everyone. We also need more people who want to teach science and do scientific research."

But there was bad news from Professor George Benson, a research scientist and university Science teacher, who was also at the conference. “Science courses at university are very good," he said, “but t here's a real problem with Science teaching in schools. One in three people who teach Physics to 1 S-and 16-ycar-olds don’t have a physical degree. Not enough people are studying Science at university and this means that there are not enough science teachers."

Mrs. Wallace didn't agree. “It’s true that the number of Science pupils fell between 2000 and 2010,” she said. “But now the numbers are rising again. The number of students who take Science subjects at school is much higher now than it was five years ago.”

Professor Benson was certain that numbers were still too low and added, ‘There’s still a problem with science lessons in schools. Most young people think that Science is boring or difficult or both. We have to find ways to interest 12-16 year olds in studying Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Old-fashioned teaching methods have to change. We must spread the news that Science is very important, but it can also be fun." 1. What does Hazel Wallace do?

___________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Who was the conference for?

__________________________________________________________________________________ 3. The number of science pupils is falling, isn’t it?

_________________________________________________________________________________ 4. According to Benson, what can teachers do to make Science lessons more interesting?

_________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What might be the topic of the conference?


6. Will you choose Science as your major at university? Why or why not? (Explain in 2-3 sentences.)


1.(She is)a Science teacher.

2. (It was for ) young scientists.

3. No, it isn’t.

4. They can change their (old-fashioned ) teaching methods.

5. More young people should study science. /

More science pupils are needed. /

The future of science teaching.

6. I will. I like Science and I want to be a scientist in the future. Scientists can change the world and can improve life for everyone.

7. I won’t, I hate science subjects. They are boring and difficult. I would choose a subject that best suits me as my major.

Imagine the situation. You are driving along a desert or on a mountain. You

have no idea where you are. You passed the last house two hours ago. Then your

car breaks down. It is night and it is cold. You have no mobile phone. What do

you do? Well, next time take a GPS with you. This invention may be able to

help you. It is a device (装置) which uses satellites(卫星) to find the user’s

position (位置). It can find your position to within 20 metres. A GPS cannot start

your car, but at least you will know where you are.

GPS, which means Global Positioning System, is a small radio receiver. It looks like a mobile phone. It is sometimes put into a watch or a telephone. We also find GPS devices in cars, planes, or boats. Some of these devices have electronic maps, so you know where you are. For example, in a city they can tell you the name of the street.

There are three parts to the Global Positioning System. The first part is the receiver. You can hold it in your hand, or have it fixed into your car, plane, etc. The second part is a group of satellites orbiting (环绕…运行) the Earth. The receiver contacts at least four of the satellites and calculates its position. The third part of the system is a network of ground stations. They are all over the world. They control the satellites and make sure they are working well.

Some people think that in the future the GPS will be as common as the mobile. They are becoming cheaper and more and more accurate. Also there will be new uses for the GPS. Perhaps they will become like watches. Everyone will have one and you will never be lost anywhere.

1. GPS can help you find your position, can’t it?

_________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What does a GPS look like?


3. How many things are mentioned that GPS devices can be put into?

_________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why do some people think GPS devices will be popular in the future?

_________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What is the use of ground stations?

__________________________________________________________________________________ 6. What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage?


1. Yes, it can.

2. It looks like a mobile phone.

3. Five.

4. They are becoming cheaper and more accurate and there will be new uses.

5. They control the satellites and make sure they are working well.

6. To give us the introduction of the GPS./To introduce GPS devices to people.

My daughter, Tina, began to look for a job several months before she graduated from university. "Because of the financial crisis (金融危机),it is more difficult to get into a company than to take the college entrance exam." I told her, "You shouldn't have too much hope or you would feel really disappointed." Tina applied for a position in a company in the city center. The competition was fierce. The company was to employ only one among the twenty people. Tina said to me, "I am not afraid of disappointment. As long as I try,there will always be hope!"

Everything seemed to go quite well and Tina passed the first round and entered the final in a week's time.

On the day of the final interview, Tina and two other candidates (候选人) arrived on time, waiting for the test. To their great surprise, the interview was quite simple, and the interviewer only chatted with them for a moment. The interviewer said to them, "All of you are super. Please go home and wait for our answer. We will tell you the result in three days. Good luck to all of you!" On the third day, Tina received the message from the company telling her that she was not employed. She felt upset. In order to comfort her, I pretended to be relaxed and said, "It does not matter! I believe you will have more opportunities in the future!"

Late in the afternoon, Tina suddenly told me excitedly on the phone, "Dad good news! I've made it,I could not wait to ask her, "What's the whole matter?" Tina told me that she received a second message saying that she was employed. She was so confused that she made a call to the company. In fact, the message Tina got in the morning was also part of the test of the interview. The three candidates received the same message this morning and only Tina's reply was satisfying to the company. "How did all of you reply?" I asked. "One did not reply. The other said `Goodbye' and I said 'Thank you'."

1. Has Tina graduated from university? (此题1分)

_________________________________________________________________________________ 2. In the writer's opinion, which was more difficult, to get into a company or to take the college entrance exam?

_________________________________________________________________________________ 3. How many people entered the final round of the competition?

_________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why did the writer pretend to be relaxed when he learned Tina was not employed?

_________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What does the underlined sentence "I've made it!" mean in English?

It means“_______________________________________________________________________”.

6. What can we learn from Tina? (Give at least two points) (此题3分)


1. No./No, she hasn't.

2. To get into a company. / The previous one. / The first one.

3. Three. / 3.

4. In order to comfort her. / To comfort her. / Because he wanted to comfort her.

(He可以表述为The writer, the father等;her可以表述为Tina或his daughter, the daughter等。)

5. I've succeeded / I've got the job. / I've been employed.八am employed.或其他合适的答案。

6. 此题3分,从两个方面评分:内容2分,原则上只要“达意”,每写出一点都得1分;语


得分。以下参考答案均可得3分:(We should), Be polite and never give up./Be

polite, never give up./Politeness and confidence./We must be polite and

confident (full of confidence)./Be polite. Nothing is difficult if we try our best.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon (巴比伦空中花园)

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were built in the 7th century BC and are considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

were amazing not only because of their beauty, but also because of their


In the 7th century BC a king named Nebudchadnezzar II created the

gardens as a sign of love for his wife, Amyitis. According to legend,

Amyitis, the daughter of the king of the Medes, was homesick. She

missed the green hills and valleys of her homeland.

Upon marrying Nebudchadnezzar II, Amyitis moved to the ancient chief city of Babylon. The area was in the Mesopotamian desert, and the climate there was totally different from where she had left. So the new queen was very sad about the flat and the sun-baked desert. To make Amyitis happier and more comfortable the king decided to build her a series of magnificent gardens.

Many think of the gardens as an otherworldly creation that hung in the air somehow. But experts agree that the gardens were actually built on a mountainside, rather than actually “hanging”.

The hanging Gardens of Babylon are famous. Stories of them spread throughout the ancient world, and ancient writers recorded a large number of descriptions of the gardens, but some wonder whether this paradise of the past ever existed. There are no historical records of it except stories. Whatever may happen, even the idea of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon is amazing. They were essentially impossible to create because of the climate, but they were kept in the minds of many as a botanical beauty created in the middle of unattractive desert scenery.

1. Hanging Gardens of Babylon are considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, aren’t they?

__________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What makes the Hanging Gardens of Babylon so amazing and famous?

__________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why did the king Nebudchadnezzar II create Hanging Gardens of Babylon?

__________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What made the Hanging Gardens of Babylon essentially impossible to create?

__________________________________________________________________________________ 5. According to the experts, were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon really hanging or built on a mountainside?

__________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Did Hanging Gardens of Babylon really exist? What makes you think so? (In no more than THREE sentences)


1. Yes, they are.

2. Their beauty and location.

3. To make his wife, Amyitis, happier and more comfortable.

4. The desert climate.

5. They were built on a mountainside.

6. Any reasonable answer is acceptable.

As it’s coming to the end o f the year, Feng Qianhui, 16, from the

High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University, is quite busy. She

is thinking about getting more students to her club – the Daylight Short

Film Club.

Feng actually needn’t worry too much. When she started the cl ub

in June, it immediately got 60 junior and senior high school students.

They spent the summer vacation making a 12-minute short film, Jealousy (《嫉妒》). The film is about a friendship between two girls which was affected by jealousy. When it was put online, the film got more than 10,000 hits within a month.

“Though we are students, we can make good short films,” Feng said. “Our films show students’ points of views which may resonate (产生共鸣) with viewers.”

Many schools in Beijing have created “fashionable” cl ubs like this one. There are rock music clubs, medical herb (药草) clubs and a club for the traditional costume of the Han ethic group (汉服) and so on. Compared to the traditional clubs, these new ones are more fun and get their members active.

Li Yiyang, 15, is a member of the cosplay(角色扮演) club at Beijing No. 3 Middle School. The club was set up last year. She says she is so glad that she finally has a place to develop her interest and relax.

When taking part in a cosplay activity, Li sometimes spends hours doing her make-up(化妆) and usually stands for nearly the whole day with a heavy costume on.

“But it’s exciting to dress exactly like my favorite cartoon characters,” Li said. “It makes me forget all my troubles.”

1. Does Feng Qianhui want to get more students to the Daylight Short Film Club?

, .

2. When did Feng Qianhui and her team make a 12-minute short film?


3. Why are these good short films welcomed among students?

Because .

4. What are the differences between the fashionable clubs and the traditional clubs in school?


5. How does Li Yiyang feel when she dresses exactly like her favorite cartoon characters?


6. Do you th ink it’s good for students to take part in school clubs? Why or why not?

(NO MORE THAN two sentences.)


1.Yes, she does.

2. During /In the summer vacation.

3. the films/they show students’ points of views which may resonate wi th viewers.

4. The fashionable clubs/the new clubs are more fun and get their members active.

5. She feels excited.

6. It makes me/us have a place to develop my/our interest and relax. /

It makes me/us feel happy and forget all my/our troubles and lessons./

I(We) can enrich my/our knowledge./

I (We)can make friends in the school clubs. (Any reasonable answers are acceptable.)

(考察:观点、内容和语言) (共12分,其中88题1分,93题3分,其他各题均为2分)

For this little boy, it was the coldest winter. In that winter, his father had an accident and lost a leg. The family no longer had money to live on. From then on, his father became another person. When the boy didn’t listen to him, he would be very angry.

One night, the boy walked lonely on the street. He passed a lovely small shop, which was so nice that he couldn’t turn his eyes away from it. He stared at some beautiful boxes of co ffee quietly. An idea came into his mind. He knew his father loved coffee and he knew stealing was no good. But all he could think of was his father’s smile. He soon put a box of coffee into his jacket and ran back home.

He gave the coffee to his father, who gave a smile that the boy had missed for so long. But, unfortunately, before his father could taste the coffee, the shopkeeper broke in and caught the boy. He was beaten by his father again.

Years later, the boy became a successful businessman. One day, his mother called and said his father wanted to see him. Busy working, he refused. Weeks later, he heard the sad news that his father had passed away. When he went through the relics(遗物), he found a box. Inside it was the coffee that he had stolen from t he shop. On the cover was his father’s handwriting: “The gift from my son.” There was also a letter: “Dear son. I’m a failure as a father. But I also have a dream—to

own a coffee shop, where I can make cups of coffee for you. I’m

sorry I didn’t make it”

Sadness suddenly came in his mind. He felt so sorry not meeting

his father for the last time, and decided to complete his father’s

dream. He stopped his own job at once and started a coffee


The coffee business is now a big success. And the little boy is

Howard Schultz—the owner of Starbucks.

1. It was the coldest winter for this little boy only because of the weather, wasn’t it?

__________, _________________________________________________.

2. Where did he walk lonely one night?

On _________________________________________________________.

3. How did his father feel when he gave the coffee to him?

He _________________________________________________________.

4. Why didn’t he want to see his father when his mother called him?


5. What was inside the box?


6. What do you think makes the coffee business a big success?


1. No, it wasn’t.

2. On the street.

3. He felt happy. (glad, pleased, satisfied, …)

4. Because he was busy working (at that time).

5. The coffee (or/and a letter).

6. His love to his father.
