

1. University of Washington

(1). Personal Statement (Required) 大作文,A和B题目中选一,650字以内Choose either A or B. Please do not exceed 650 words.

A. Discuss how your family’s experience or cultural history enriched you or presented you with opportunities or challenges in pursuing your educational goals.

B. Tell us a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it.


Some of the best statements are written as personal stories. We welcome your imaginative interpretation.

You may define experience broadly. For example, in option B, experience could be a meeting with an influential person, a news story that spurred you to action, a family event, or something that might be insignificant to someone else that had particular meaning for you. If you don’t think that any one experience shaped your character, don’t worry. Simply choose an experience that tells us something about you.

(2). Short Response (Required) 小作文,A和B题目中选一,500字以内

A. The University of Washington seeks to create a community of students richly diverse in cultural backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints. How would you contribute to this community?

B.Describe an experience of cultural difference or insensitivity you have had or observed. What did you learn from it?


You may define culture broadly in Topic #2. For example, it may include ethnicity, customs, values, and ideas, all of which contribute to experiences that students can share with others in college. As you reply to this question, reflect on what you have learned — about yourself and society — from an experience of cultural difference. C. Additional Information about Yourself or Your Circumstances (Optional)


You are not required to write anything in this section, but feel free to include additional information if something has particular significance to you. For example, you may use this space if: 以下例子作参考

You are hoping to be placed in a specific major soon

A personal or professional goal is particularly important to you

You have experienced personal hardships in attaining your education

Your activities have been limited because of work or family obligations

Unusual limitations or opportunities unique to the schools you attended

D. Additional Space (Optional) 不必写题目,补充任何你想补充的东西Directions

You may use this space if you need to further explain or clarify answers you have given elsewhere in this application, or if you wish to share information that may assist the Office of Admissions. If appropriate, include the application question number to which your comment(s) refer. Please do not exceed 150 words.

E. Journal of Activities & Achievements



Using the grid provided on the application, identify and describe up to five of your most significant activities and achievements during grades 9-12. Write about why this activity or achievement had meaning for you. Tell us about your highest level of achievement or honor you attained; any responsibilities you had; and the contribution you believe you made to your school, community, or organization. Don’t just describe the activity or achievement: tell us what it says about you.

Recommended length: 100-200 words for each activity.

2. 匹兹堡

Provide us with a brief statement of about 500 words in which you address one of the following topics: ‘Describe an experience that has led you to choose your current career objective’ or ‘Describes a significant experience, achie vement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.’ In your response, be sure to include how the experience will impact your time at the University of Pittsburgh.

3. Drexel



Westphal College of Media Arts & Design applicants: Relate your essay topic to your interest in your intended major. If you are applying to an accelerated degree program in the Westphal College, your essay topic should relate to your selected major and indicate why you are a good candidate for the program.

Accelerated degree applicants: You should describe the factors that influenced your decision

to pursue an accelerated degree in your chosen profession. Note: International students are ineligible to apply for the BA/BS/JD, BA/BS/MD, BS/PhD in Engineering, or BS/DPT in Physical Therapy 3+3.

All other applicants: You may write about why you are interested in your choice of major or you may write on any subject you choose.


托福综合写作7范文托福作文的综合写作应该写托福作文写作应该分为三个层次,也就是我们确定中心思想后应该找三个理由来支持。托福写作还有一个五段论,第一段为中心思想,二三四为支持段落,第五段总结观点。这个就是所谓的八股文。但是形式不能太明显,在表达中多加入自己的思想,八股文的形式会隐晦一些。一般这种写作可以助你在托福作文中取得高分。 构建综合写作整体,你可以从以下这几个方面入手:第一,将听力及阅读中的核心观点提炼出来,并指明对应的两个观点是支持还是对立;第二,分为几个段落,分别从不同角度总结出两个观点的论据。最后,重申主要论证观点并注意切忌掺加个人观点。听力结束后,考生还会有时间回看阅读文章,所以不用完整记忆阅读文章的论点和论据,记下核心即可。 有问题,可以再问我。 我觉得 ___老师讲的不太对,我自己本身也在 ___培训过,感觉他们讲的方法都是很过时的方法,不太适用于新托福的考试。下面是我自己考了四次托福的感想: 2、其实考试的时候,观点找错的情况似乎不太会发生。。。因为阅读里面都有提示了啊。。。一般不会弄错的,所以不用担心,

重点是细节不要搞错,要挺清楚细节说了那几点,尽量不要落下那个点,细节齐全 3、写得时候模板适当用用,但是表全部都用,那样文章就有点僵硬了,你自己读着通顺就好啊。 4、文章内部用词要有多样性,要适当地用一些高级的词汇,如重要的这个意思,你不要只用important, 这样显得你不认识多少单词,可以用significant, vital, essential, of great importance, core, 这种意思相近的单词或者是意群来表达,这样他们就认为你词汇量大了。 5、写综合写作最能体现你的词汇量和句型的多边性,所以不要直接照抄听力或者是阅读的内容,这样就表现不出你自己了,多看看新概念4里面的表达方法,哪些句型神马的都很好,对考试很有用!!! 6、模板没有对错之分,你自己需要好一个模板,然后自己用自己弄出来的,这样比较好,不过这种东西都差不多,重点还是看个人的表达神马的,还有词汇量什么的。


1.建设类:建设类题目共六道题,大都是问你所在社区一建设项目的利与弊。 为了合并题目,最好将自己所在社区定下来,在城市就在城市,在郊区就在郊区,那么简要介绍社区情况的时候就节省了准备时间。按此原则,以下提纲中的红色文字都是重复出现的论点或论据,可重复在不同题目的作文中使用。 5. The advantages and disadvantages of a new factory near your community. 第一段:陈述自己所在社区处于郊区,并简要介绍情况,说明建立一个新工厂这一提议对自己来说是一个两难的选择(Dillemma):一方面它有好处,比如可以刺激经济,另一方面又对郊区的环境有潜在的威胁; 第二段:陈述好处。如新工厂可以为社区居民提供工作机会(可假设你所在的社区就业率不高),并带动周边附属产业,刺激社区的经济发展; 第三段:陈述坏处(注意转折用词)。如新工厂对郊区的土地、河流都有一定的污染,破坏了郊区的环境;同时也破坏了郊区宁静的生活(因为噪音、交通等); 第四段:虽然有诸多坏处,然而我们去要权衡是利大于弊还是弊大于利;并相信只要通过严格管制,控制环境问题等潜在危害,新工厂可以为社区带来更多的好处(当然也可以有其它看法)。 I I live in a primarily agricultural community,and most of the population lives hand to mouth.Parents keep children home from school to work in the fields.If there is a flood or drought,people starve.A new factory would mean regular monthly salaries as well as protection against natural disasters or a sudden drop in the price of our main agricultural product,say,corn. Regular salaries would allow families the confidence to make investments in their future.The local would be able to plan their finances accurately and free themselves from debt.This in turn would encourage entrepreneurship and further develop the local economy.People coudd begin to open shops,restaurants dormitories,and entertainment facilities to serve the factory workers with their savings.Profits from these small enterprises would further enrich the local community and turn our relatively poor farmland into a truly profitable development zone.Perhaps more parents could then afford to send all of their shildren to high school and maybe even college. There would certainly be negetive effects as well.If the area becomes prosperous,immigrants from poorer regions will come here looking for work.Because of their relative poverty they will work harder fo less money than the locals and drive wages down.There might be more immigrants than


TOEFL的网络考、机考、纸考三种考分的分段对照表 表1 TOEFL写作的网络考、机考、纸考三种考分的分段对照表

表2 TOEFL听力理解的网络考、机考、纸考三种考分的分段对照表

表3 TOEFL阅读理解的网络考、机考、纸考三种考分的分段对照表

一、iBT听力理解试题答题要求如下: 1.显而易见,听力材料的形式是会话和讲话两大类,还是只让考生听一次。听完答题的依据是听懂并理解它的主题,或称中心思想,以及抓好与此相关的事实细节。另一些问题有更高的要求。它不仅需要考生理解听力材料的意思(sentence meaning),并且需要考生判断说话人、讲话人的意图(utterance meaning)。新iBT听力理解允许考生在听的时候记笔记,以备答题时用。 2.听力材料的某些部分前标有这个图标,它表明这部分材料只供考生听, 考生看不到。有些问题有特殊的答题要求,它们会显示在屏幕的灰色格子里。大多数问题的分值为1分;如果某个问题的分值超过1分,该题的答题要求会告知考生,它是几分。 3.考生每题必答。答完一题,需点击“Next”,再点击“OK”确认,才能做下一题。点击“OK”确认后,不能返回至前一题。 4.听力理解部分的答题时限为20分钟。屏幕上方显示时限倒计时。在放送听力材料时,倒计时不再显示。新网络TOEFL考试听力理解的问题,供考生边听边读。 一.iBT听力理解材料的特点。 新TOEFL的听力理解材料由两类组成:对话或讨论;讲话或演讲。对话是两个说话人就某个话题进行、长度约300词左右的听力材料;讨论为多人参与的围绕某个主题展开、长度约800余词的听力材料;而讲话或演讲指一个说话人的讲话,如老师的讲课,长度约700至800词。新TOEFL的听力材料非常强调说话的真实性(authenticity)。所谓真实性,其一,它的语速与本族语说话人(English native speaker)的语速相仿;其二,听力材料中很自然地含有fillers:sort of, uh, um, so, well, etc.;和口语体:we’re gonna talk about ...; An’ I’m gonna get into…;以及说话人下意识的、或是为了强调而有意识的“重复(repetition)”;等等。另一个显著的特点是讲话与讨论融合。如教授的讲课与学生的讨论结合;讲课后教授与学生的问与答。 二.iBT听力理解问题的特点。 新TOEFL的听力理解的题型呈多元化趋势。它保留了其招牌式的、用来得心应手的“四选一”多项选择题,还新增加了“多选多”选择题。此外,试题中的填表和配对题是新面孔。与以往不同,iBT听力试题鼓励考生在听时做笔记,笔记可供考生答题时使用。请看以下样题。 SAMPLE QUESTIONS:


35个新托福口语高频真题加答案模板→(作者:秋姐) 特点: 1. 高频 2. 代表性 3. 话题丰富---TASK1包括人物类、物品类、地方类、事件类和其他类话题,TASK2包括教育类、科技类、媒体类、文化类、生活类和工作类话题。 4. 8句无敌模板标准 优势: 1. 语言地道 2. 精准用词 3. 漂亮句型 4. 实用模板 5. 高分必备 适合人群: 1.正在备战新托福的同学。 2.对口语感到迷茫的同学。 3.想获得高分的同学。 使用方法: 1. 认真研读。 2. 总结出地道表达和模板。 3. 根据自己的情况相应减量。 4. 适当更改,避免重复。 学之所得: 1. 拿到经典之作。 2. 熟悉各种题材。 3. 得到原始库存。 4. 开始储备未来。 Task 1 【人物类】about people 1. What charactereristics do you think a good teacher should have?(06. 3.3; 07. 11.3考题)

Sample answer: In my view, a good teacher should have different characteristics. First, a good teacher should be faithful and dedicated to the job. If a teacher is faithful to the job, then s/he never cheats and will be impartial(偏向)and students will respect such a teacher. If a teacher is dedicated towards his/her work, then s/he will teach with his/her heart. Another most important characteristic of a good teacher is patience. Teachers should never lose their patience in class when students ask questions repeatedly. A teacher should explain each and every aspect of the topic in the easiest way. Most of all, a good teacher should update his/her knowledge ‘cause further learning can make a good teacher re-discover the beauty of the teaching profession. 2. What are important characteristics you look for in friends?(06. 5.12; 06. 6.24; 07.1.27考题) Sample answer: I think what makes a good friend is someone who is honest, supportive, and has a good sense of humor. I just look for someone who's honest to me no matter what. He should not tell stories behind my back; he should tell me my short-comings at my mouth, but never praises me in front of me. It is a well known saying that "A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED." Therefore, a friend should stand by you in the hour of any sort of need. I just think that a good friend won't leave me if I'm in trouble. They can be my friends in sunshine and in shade, care for me even when the times are bad and even more when the times are great. Also, I'd love to spend more time with someone who can make me laugh and is fun to be around. 3. Describe a person that influenced you most.(06. 5.26; 06. 3. 17;06.10.22考题;与06.5.26类似) Sample answer: The person that really influenced me most was Ms. Xing---my college teacher who taught us English literature. Her class was quite different from the other teachers. In her class we were not expected to sit there and listen. We had to get more involved in the class activities, like discussions, comments or debates sometimes. Our creativity and imagination were developed enormously through the active participation. On the other hand, she let us think more about life by sharing her experiences and more importantly, she taught me how to live on my own. So that's why I was greatly influenced. Not only did she give me knowledge, but also she gave me courage and confidence as well.


考场上面通常我们脑子会很紧张很乱,很难在短时间之内想到好的综合写作的好的模板,包括转折句,开头结尾,递进等等之类的东西,这会耽误我们很多时间,更重要的是用平凡普通的词汇句子也会影响整体分数。以下这个模板是我在一边作文书上找到的,非常非常 好用,大家可以选一篇机经里的综合写作试试看,制定出一个适合自 己的模板,然后熟记,在考场上可以节省很多时间,同时,对字数和分数的提高也很有帮助。LZ就是靠这个模板在124的考试里在结尾没写完的情况下依旧writing部分28分,虽然没有牛到30分,但是对于上一次只有17分的我来说着实提高了很多。希望这个模板可以帮助正在努力攻克托福的你,good luck! 红色的字体是可以替换的部分。 The reading passage explores the issue of …The professo' s lecture deals with the same issue?However, he/she thinks that ?…, which contradicts what the reading states And in the lecture, he/she uses three specific poin to support his/her idea. First, even though the reading passage suggeststhat …,the professor argues in the lecture that …This is because…,which means …Obviously, the professor ' argument disproves its counterpart in the reading. Moreover, despite the statement in the reading that …,the professorcontendsthat …Then he/she supports this point with the fact that …In other words,



托福写作之对比类型考题 摘要:托福写作之对比类型考题!下面为大家介绍托福写作之对比类型考题。大家是否对对比类型的考题熟悉呢?这种类型的考题在写作中也是经常会遇到的,希望同学们能够重视起来,把能掌握到的考点不要放过。下面就一起来看看。 下面为大家介绍托福写作之对比类型考题。大家是否对对比类型的考题熟悉呢?这种类型的考题在写作中也是经常会遇到的,希望同学们能够重视起来,把能掌握到的考点不要放过。下面就一起来看看。 一、对比考题何其多 对比类型考题在历年托福独立写作考题中,会占到相当大的比重,此类例题比比皆是。例如,从 2015年1月份第一场托福考试起到最近的4月12日的9场考试10道考题(3月7日的考试有两道考题)中就有5道考题就是对比型考题(2015.1.25,2015.2.1,2015.3.7(1),2015.3.7 (2),2015.3.28)大家先来简单回顾几个托福真题: 2015.1.10 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not part of the field of the study. 2015.1.11 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important characteristic of a successful politician or leader is good communication skills. 2015.1.25 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Classmates and partner can communicate with each other face to face to finish the project better than by sending e-mail. 2015.1.31 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The rules that the whole societies today expect to young people to follow and obey are too strict. 2015.2.1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave. 二、对比类考题的分类 按比较对象分类可以分为以下三类: 1)A or B 这类对比在题目中会有非常明显对两个对比对象,在选择观点时,只选其一(骑墙式写法在托福写作中不受欢

新托福TPO口语参考题目答案——TPO1 - 副本

题目:1. Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer. 答案:Recently, I read a book named Keep the aspidistra flying.The book influences me a lot because the story has something that touches my heart. It talks about a man who wants to be a poet and who abandons many well-paying jobs to pursue his dream. I have a similar experience of quitting a very good job in order to be a writer. Also, the man in the story is lack of money, for he works as a bookstore assistant and thus has a very low salary. He lives in a shabby apartment and sometimes has no money to buy food. Again, I’ve got similar experience. I once lived in a cramped apartme nt alone and had no money. The book is important to me because it touches me and encourages me. 题目:2. Some people believe that television has had a positive influence on society. Others believe it has had a negative influence on society. Which do you agree with and why? Use details and examples to explain your opinion. 答案I think television has a positive influence on society. It’s a good source of news. The members in the society can get news easily from News Channels and thus keep themselves informed o f what’s happening around. Like, my grandfather watches News on TV everyday just to keep up with the latest events. Besides, television can be a kind of entertainment. People can watch different shows on TV such as funny talk shows and soap operas. I have many friends who like watching Late show with David Letterman and some other


选择agree or disagree, prefer or not 1.Q:“Public transportation should be encouraged instead of private cars.” Do you agree with this statement? Please give reasons for your answer. 2.Q:Do you agree or disagree that people should always tell the truth? 3.Q:Some people gather a lot of information before traveling. Others prefer to go straight to the place they plan to. Which do you think is better and why? 4.Q:Some people plan every detail of their vacation in advance. Others prefer to leave most details flexible or open to chance. Which do you think is better and why? 5.Q:Which do you prefer to communicate with your family and friends by letter and e-mail or by telephone? 6.Q:you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. 7.Q:Some people think universities should spend money on academic programs. Other people disagree and think that universities should use their funds to provide more entertainment activities like building musical or camera center? Which of these two opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.



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托福写作热点考题:对比类型 摘要: 托福写作热点考题:对比类型每年的托福独立写作考题中,对比类型考题总要占据半壁江山,拥有着非常高的出镜率。本文就为大家讲解托福考试中写作热点考题之一:对比类型考题。一、对 每年的托福独立写作考题中,对比类型考题总要占据半壁江山,拥有着非常高的出镜率。本文就为大家讲解托福考试中写作热点考题之一:对比类型考题。 一、对比考题何其多 对比类型考题在历年托福独立写作考题中,会占到相当大的比重,此类例题比比皆是。例如,从2015年1月份第一场托福考试起到最近的4月12日的9场考试10道考题(3月7日的考试有两道考题)中就有5道考题就是对比型考题(2015.1.25,2015.2.1,2015.3.7(1),2015.3.7 (2),2015.3.28)大家先来简单回顾几个托福真题: 2015.1.10 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not part of the field of the study. 2015.1.11 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important characteristic of a successful politician or leader is good communication skills. 2015.1.25 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Classmates and partner can


托福综合写作模板:写作经典句式 Both the lecture and the reading discussed …. However, their viewpoints are strongly contradictory for several reasons. First, the reading points out that …, but the lecturer supposes that …. And he also argues that …, thus… Moreover, the author holds that ... The lecturer, however, believes that…. Since it is …, …. Besides, the professor also refutes the idea that ... from the passage. He provides us with the instance/reason that.... In sum, according to the discussion above, the speaker totally disagrees with the conclusions revealed in the reading passage. Frequently Used Sentences 1 We are so development-oriented that we almost can sacrifice moral values for the purpose of obtaining a little material gain. 2 It is often reported in our daily newspapers that university undergraduates commit crimes, XXX from XXX University, is a case in point. 3 According to the latest paper published by the Chinese Academy of Social Science, the number of smoking people is increasing at an accelerating speed (alarming rate), especially in China.


?日期教育/学习/学校(19道) 2017/1/14As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break: 1. Students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study ( For example, a student majoring in engineering may take course in ?ne arts or social science.) 2. Students must volunteer to work in the university’s city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town.( For example, students may help local primary school children with their homework.) Which one do you think is more bene?cial for students in their university? Why? 2017/3/25Which ONE of the following factors do you believe is most important in helping students succeed in their studies at college or university? Why? 1. Having access at the university to tutors who can provide individual instruction for students who have di?culty with schoolwork 2. Having the support and encouragement of family and friends while attending university 3. Receiving a high-quality education from excellent teachers while in high school 2017/4/23Some young people are free in the evenings or have days o? at school, which way can bring them the most bene?t? 1. to accumulate work experience by a part-time job or volunteering in a community 2. learning to play a sport 3. learning to play a musical instrument 2017/5/20At some universities, students are allowed to take part in deciding issues that a?ect everyone in their daily life on campus such as how many hours that libraries should be open each day or what kinds of food should be served in the cafeteria. But at some other universities, experts are hired to make these decisions while students almost never involved. Which approach do you prefer and why? 2017/6/3Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One can learn a lot about a person from the type of friends this person has. 2017/7/2The city wants to help teachers of its high school students (ages 14—18) improve their teaching. It is considering two choices: 1. Choose a group of excellent teachers; these teachers will attend a class led by an expert for additional training in how to teach e?ectively, and they will then come back to their schools and provide that training for the other teachers in the school. 2. Provide additional training in teaching e?ectively for all high school teachers, using online material that each teacher will study individually. Which one of these plans would you support? Why? 2017/7/15 上午场Students aged 13-18 are taught di?erent subjects by di?erent teachers while younger students are taught by only one teacher all day long. Some people suggest it would bene?t young students to be taught by di?erent teachers. Do you agree with this view? Why or why not? 2017/9/9Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Your friend has the opportunity to choose either one of two types of major ?eld of study, which one would you suggest your friend to choose and why? 1.A major that would allow him to complete and get a degree faster (so that your friend could start working full-time sooner). 2.A major that requires many years of study but would provide him with more employment opportunities and job o?ers in the future. 2017/9/16Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games for fun and entertainment; playing simple toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children’s development. Do you agree or disagree? 2017/9/17High school students now cheat more than before in homework assignments, by asking other students for answers. Which of the following do you think is the most e?ective way to stop this phenomenon? 1. asking parents to monitor (signing homework to prove no cheating involved) 2. increasing penalty or punishment to the students who cheat 3. asking teacher to create homework assignment in which students can hardly cheat 2017/9/23Many universities are trying to help new students adapt to the life on campus. If you were a new college student, which of the following do you prefer to participate in? - Attending a one-week orientation or introduction program on campus, and it will begin before you have classes. - Meeting regularly in your ?rst year with a student in your major who has been in the university for several years.
