


pouring cup 口杯

toilet mirror 梳妆镜

music stool 琴凳

electric kettle 电热水壶

floor lamp 落地灯

TV turntable 电视机转盘

armchair 圈椅

Toilet Paper Carton厕纸盒

door key 门钥匙

door chain 防盗链

bathroom cabinet 卫生间镜箱

lobby carpet 走廊地毯

woollen carpet 纯毛提花毯

synthetic fibre carpet化纤地毯

Wardrobe 衣橱

Shoes shine 鞋油

Cloth Brush 衣刷

Adjust handler 调节器

Stirrer 搅拌棒

Ventilator 通风口

Key insert 钥匙缝

Outlet 电源插座

Closet 壁橱

Transformer 变压器

Switch 开关

Adaptor 插座

Ceiling 凳子

Lamp shade 灯罩

Waste bin 垃圾桶Scissors 剪刀

Slipper 拖鞋

Shoes horn 鞋拔

Hanger 衣架

Pajama 睡衣

Hair drier 吹风机

Scent, Perfume 香水Shaver, Razor 剃须刀,剃刀Cotton Swob 棉花棒

Bath foam 沐浴液

Facial tissue 面巾纸Napkin 餐巾纸

Scale 秤

Blade 刀片

Detergent 洗衣粉

Lotion 润肤露

Faush 水箱

Plug 橡皮塞

Spray 喷头

Faucet tap 水龙头Shower cap 浴帽Sponger 海绵刷Toothpaste 牙膏

Sanitary 卫生袋

Towel rail 毛巾架

Floor towel 脚巾

Body towel 浴巾

Soap dish 皂缸

Bath mat 垫巾

Bath tub 浴缸

Monitor 监控器

Distilled water 蒸馏水Mineral water 矿泉水Tariff 价目表

Toilet bowl 马桶

detector 烟雾报警器Leaking 漏水

Bed side table 床头柜Head board 床头板

Bed cover 床罩

Pillow (case) 枕头(套) Blanket 羊毛毯Mattress 床垫Foundation 床垫架Quilt 被子

Feather quilt 鸭绒被Rug 小地毯

Spring 弹簧床

Fabric sofa 布沙发Desk lamp 台灯

Floor lamp 落地灯Carpet 地毯

Remote control 遥控器Freezer 冰箱

Door latch 门闩

Knob 门把手

Fire escapes 逃生图Peep hole 猫眼Dressing table 梳妆台Curtain 窗帘Stationery 文具Cushion 椅垫

Screen 屏风

Hot water flask 热水瓶Comb 梳子

venetian blind 百叶窗帘curtain 窗帘wastebasket 字纸篓tea trolley 活动茶几night table 床头柜hanger 挂钩

plug 插头

wall_plate 壁上挂盘Chinese painting 国画drawer 抽屉

cushion 靠垫,垫子socket 插座,插口voltage 电压

floor 楼层,地板carpentry (总称)木器tea table 茶几bedclothes 床上用品quilt 被子

mattress 床垫thermos 热水瓶transformer 变压器


Household Register Under Supervision of The Ministry of Public Security of P.R.C. Points for Attention 1. The Household Register has a legal force to identify the status of a citizen and the relationship of family members. It is a main basis for the household registration office to make residence investigation and check. When the household registration office makes residence investigation and check, the householder or anyone of the family members shall bring forth on his/her own initiative the Household Register. 2. The Household Register shall be under proper keep of the householder. No alter, transfer and lease is allowed. The loss of the Household Register must be reported to the household registration office promptly. 3. Only the household registration office has the power to make registration on the Household Register. No any other units and individuals are allowed to make any records on it. 4. Any increase or decrease of family members in the household or any alteration of the registration items shall be registered on the Household Register by reporting to the household registration office. 5. If the whole family has moved out of the jurisdictional area of the residence, the Household Register shall be submitted to the household registration office for cancellation.


总务主任室The Office of Chief of General Affairs 水房Water Room 英语办公室English Teachers’ Office 信息技术办公室Information Technology office 语文办公室(七)Chinese Teachers’ Office (Grade 7) 语文办公室(八)Chinese Teachers’ Office (Grade 8) 历史办公室History Teachers’ Office 复印室Duplicating Room 文印室Photocopying Room 总务处Office of General Services 政治办公室Politics Teachers’ Office 多媒体教室Multimedia Classroom 会计室Counting house 劳技教室Art and Craft Classroom 生物实验室(西)Biology Laboratory 生物准备室Biology Preparation Room 生物仪器室Biology Instrument Room 生物实验室(东)Biology Laboratory 安全通道Secure Channel 班主任办公室(七)Class Advisers’ Office ( Grade 7) 班主任办公室(七)Class Advisers’ Office (Grade 7) 教务处Office of Educational Administration 法制办公室Office of Legislative Affairs 支部书记室League Branch Secretary’s Office 会议室Meeting Room 办公室Office 党团活动室Party& League Activity Room 语言文字办公室Language Office 生物办公室Biology Teachers’ Office 校长室Headmaster’s Office 美劳办公室Art Teachers’ Office 数学办公室Math Teachers’ Office 水房Water Room 德育校长室Moral Educational Headmaster’s Office 地理办公室Geography Teachers’ Office 物理办公室Physics Teachers’ Office 物理实验室Physics Laboratory 物理仪器室Physics Instrument Room 物理准备室Physics Preparation Room 网管办公室Webmaster’s Office 美术教室Art Classroom 多媒体教室Multimedia Classroom 政教主任室Chief Political Affairs Section. 档案室Archives Room


Steel structure 面积:area 结构形式:framework 坡度:slope 跨度:span 柱距:bay spacing 檐高:eave height 屋面板:roof system 墙面板:wall system 梁底净高: clean height 屋面系统: roof cladding 招标文件: tender doc 建筑结构结构可靠度设计统一标准: unified standard for designing of architecture construction reliablity 建筑结构荷载设计规范: load design standard for architecture construction 建筑抗震设计规范: anti-seismic design standard for architecture 钢结构设计规范: steel structure design standard 冷弯薄壁型钢结构技术规范: technical standard for cold bend and thick steel structure 门式钢架轻型房屋钢结构技术规范: technical specification for steel structure of light weight building with gabled frames 钢结构焊接规程: welding specification for steel structure 钢结构工程施工及验收规范: checking standard for constructing and checking of steel structure 压型金属板设计施工规程: design and construction specification for steel panel 荷载条件:load condition 屋面活荷载:live load on roof 屋面悬挂荷载:suspended load in roof 风荷载:wind load 雪荷载:snow load 抗震等级:seismic load 变形控制:deflect control 柱间支撑X撑:X bracing 主结构:primary structure 钢架梁柱、端墙柱: frame beam, frame column, and end-wall column 钢材牌号为Q345或相当牌号,大型钢厂出品:Q345 or equivalent, from the major steel mill 表面处理:抛丸除锈Sa2.5级,环氧富锌漆,两底两面,总厚度为125UM。表面喷涂防火材料,防火等级为:柱2小时,梁1.5小时 surface treatment: shot blasting to Sa2.5,zinc rich epoxy paint. 2primer paint and 2 finish paint .total dry film thickness 125um. Spraying fireproof painting on surface, for column 2hours and beam 1.5hours. 次结构包括:屋面檩条、围梁、门窗开口加强等,工厂轧制成C型、Z型截面,工厂预冲孔。Secondary structure included purlins, girts, roof opening and wall opening reinforcement, prepunched and rolled to C or Z section on factory machine. 材质:热浸镀锌卷材,Q345或相当牌号,大型钢厂出品或进口。Material : hot-dipped galvanized steel coil, Q345 or equivalent, from the major domestic steel mills or imported.


我的校园英语作文200字带翻译 我的校园坐落美丽的芙蓉北路边上,里面有很多花草树木。 My campus is located on the beautiful North Lotus Road, which has many flowers, plants and trees. 从大门口进去,就会看到左手边有一个铁架子,上面放着我们的班牌,一看就会觉得很温馨。接着映入眼前的是一栋栋漂亮的教学楼和巨大的环形操场。 Enter from the gate, you will see an iron shelf on the left side, with our class cards on it, it will feel very warm. Then we saw a beautiful teaching building and a huge ring playground. 我仿佛听见欢呼的声音,原来是我健美操队的奖了。操场是我校最重要的地方,每周周一,我们都要看着鲜艳的五星红旗徐徐升起。不论是义卖还是大型活动等,都是在操场上进行。操场上留下了我们的欢声笑语。 I seem to hear cheers. It turned out to be my aerobics team's prize. The playground is the most important place in our school. Every Monday, we will watch the bright five-star red flag rise slowly. Whether it's a charity sale or a large-scale event, it's all on the playground. The playground left our laughter. 比起操场,我校的花草树木更是美不胜收,花色明丽、绿树


ANNOUNCEMENTS 1.Household register has the legal validity that certifies the attorneyship of a citizen and the relationship of family members, and it is the main reference for the censor and checkup of domiciliary register which is undertaking by the household registration authority. When the functionary of household registration authority censor and verify the household register, the familia and members of this family shall take the initiative in presenting the household register. 2.The familia shall take the household register in safekeeping, the household register is prohibited to be alterred, transferred and leased. In case of that the household register is lost, the household registration authority should be informed. 3.The right for registering the household register shall be performed by the household registration authority, any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the booklet. 4.The member of this family shall go to the household registration authority for transacting the declaration and registration, applying bring with the booklet, in case of the increase and decrease of the members and the alteration of registration items. 5.In case of that the whole family moves out of the residency, the Household register shall be turned in and cancelled.


说明:此版本因为转自方正排版软件,会有部分格式和文字遗漏,尤其是部分音标无法呈现。敬请谅 解。 闽教版小学英语教学参考书(四年级上册新版) Unit 1 Our Classroom 文化和语言注释 1. classroom是由两个具有单独意思的词class和room合并构成,这类词被称为复合词。最常见的有“名词+名词”组成的复合词,如:football,basketball,birthday等。复合词的构成形式多样,丰富多彩,仅仅和room组合的与家庭生活和学校生活有关的词就有许多,如:bedroom(卧室),bathroom (浴室),guest room(客房),playroom(游戏室),living room(客厅),dining room(餐厅),music room(音乐室),computer room(电脑室)。以上复合词中有的是两个词合并在一块,有的是独立分开,它们有约定俗成的习惯。 2.Let’s go and have a look.(咱们去看一看。) 在这里,look之后省略掉了at it。look用作名词时,通常作单数。 have/take a look at(看一眼),意思相当于look at。 3.Class One,Grade Four(四年一班) 在表示几年几班时,英语与汉语表达顺序相反,即英语的班级在前,年级在后,而且每个单词的首字母都要大写。 4.I’m是I am的缩写形式,但不是任何场合都能用缩写形式。在作肯定省略回答时,不用缩写形式,但作否定省略回答时可以。如:Yes,I am./No,I’m

not.在英语中还有很多缩写形式,本单元中还出现了isn’t。isn’t是is not的缩写形式。 5.like是一个使用频率较高的词。like作及物动词,意为“喜欢”。(1)like后接名词或代词作宾语,表示对某一事物的兴趣或爱好。例如:I like my desk.(我喜欢我的课桌。)(2)like后接动词不定式作宾语,表示喜欢某项特定的或具体的活动。例如:I like to climb a mountain.(我喜欢爬山。)(3)like后也可跟动词的ing形式作宾语,强调喜欢和爱好的是一般性的行为或事实。例如:I like playing basketball.(我喜欢打篮球。) 6.字母组合ar读为[a:],已经学过的单词有:car,park,arm,card,star,party等。 7.字母组合er读为[],已经学过的单词有:mother,sister,brother,farther,ruler,number,teacher,sweater等。 Part A 教学目标 ◆语言知识目标 1.学习单词grade,class,classroom,并能够初步运用see,again,our 等单词。 2.学习句型:I’m in Class...,Grade.... 3.学习字母组合ar在单词中的发音。 4.学唱歌曲:In the Classroom. 5.功能:能用英语表达自己所在的班级名称。


钢结构术语中英文对照 强度strength 承载能力load-carrying capacity 脆断brittle fracture 强度标准值characteristic value of strength 强度设计值design value of strength 一阶弹性分析first order elastic analysis 阶弹性分析second order elastic analysis 屈曲buckling 腹板屈曲后强度post-buckling strength of web plate 通用高厚normalizde web slenderness 整体稳定overall stability 有效宽度effective width 有效宽度系数effective width factor 长细比slenderness ratio 换算长细比equivalent slenderness ratio 支撑力nodal bracing force 无支撑纯框架unbraced frame 强支撑框架frame braced with strong bracing system 弱支撑框架frame braced with weak bracing system 摇摆柱leaning column 柱腹板节点域panel zone of column web 球形钢支座spherical steel bearing 橡胶支座couposite rubber and steel support 主管chord member 支管bracing member 隙节点gap joint 搭接节点overlap joint 平面管节点uniplanar joint 空间管节点multiplanar joint 组合构件built-up member 钢与混凝土组合梁composite steel and concrete beam A acceptable quality 合格质量 acceptance lot 验收批量 aciera 钢材 against slip coefficient between frictionsurface of high-strength bolted connection 高强度螺栓摩擦面抗滑移系数 allowable ratio of height to sectionalthickness of masonry wall or column 砌体墙、柱容许高厚比 allowable slenderness ratio of steel member 钢构件容许长细比

英文翻译 模板

目录 Housing Consumption and Economic Growth in China (2) 住房消费和经济增长在中国 (10) 摘要 (10) 关键词: (10) 一、介绍 (11) 二、方法 (11) c .固定式测试 (12) d .协整检验 (12) E大肠误差修正模型(ECM)[6] (13) f.格兰杰因果关系检验 (13) 三、应用程序和结果 (14) a .数据和变量 (14) b .固定式测试 (14) e系列是平稳序列 (14) d .误差修正模型 (14) 四、结论 (15) 引用 (15)

Housing Consumption and Economic Growth in China Wang XJ (Wang Xijun) School of Economics & Management, Weifang University of China, xjwang69@https://www.360docs.net/doc/6d2424315.html, Abstract: Consumption is a very important part in social reproduction, and its driving effect on social economic growth always plays the leading role. Housing is the basic living material which is essential for people?s life; housing consumption is the important material condition for the labor force reproduction. This study, based on China?s statistical data from 1985 to 2007,by employing co-integration theory, Granger causality test and error correction model (ECM),respectively investigates the relationship between consumption, housing consumption and economic growth. The empirical result denotes that there exists bilateral Granger causality relationship between consumption and economic growth. For a long period, there exists long term stable equilibrium relationship between GDP, consumption, and housing consumption; consumption and housing consumption both promote the growth of GDP. Housing consumption?s contribution to the growth of GDP is obviously higher than consumption. For a short period, consumption spurs the growth of GDP more than housing consumption. Keywords:Housing consumption; Economic growth; Co-integration ; ECM; Granger causality test I. INTRODUCTION Consumption is a very important part in social reproduction, and its driving



完成课本第7页的Listen and write.部分。 听力材料: ①Girl:Which class are you in,A? Boy:I’m in Class Two,Grade Five. ②Boy:Which class are you in,B? Girl:I’m in Class Three,Grade Six. ③Boy:Which class are you in,C? Girl:I’m in Class One,Grade Three. ④Girl:Which class are you in,D? Boy:I’m in Class One,Grade Four. 参考答案: ①Class Two,Grade Five. ②Class Three,Grade Six. ③Class One,Grade Three. ④Class One,Grade Four. (三)语音教学 1.教师领读单词arm,card,park和star。引导学生发现这些单词中包含同样的发音。 2.教师引导学生发现单词arm,card,park和star中包含着同一个字母组合ar,并且这个字母组合在这四个单词中都发相同的音[a:]。 3.教师出示今天所学的两个单词class和classroom,先引导学生发现字母a在这两个单词中相同的发音,然后引导学生回忆学过的单词,如:father。 4.教师引导学生得出结论:在单词中,字母组合ar或者是字母a都可能发[ɑ:]的音。 5.教师播放课本第3页的Listen and learn the English sounds的录音,学生模仿跟读,学习字母组合ar在单词中的读音。 Step 4 Extension 1.教师出示学生喜爱的卡通人物的头饰和两个 班牌。 2.教师与一个学生模拟会话: T:Hello,Mickey. Nice to see you again. S1:Hello,Kitty. Nice to see you,too. T:I’m in Class...,Grade...now. S1:I’m in Class...,Grade...now. 3.同桌两人一组进行对话练习。 4.请几位学生上台,戴上头饰进行表演。 Step 5 Homework 1.听课文录音,模仿并熟读课文。 2.完成《活动手册》中本课的练习。


工程用语 1、 Steel material 钢材 parent metal母材 plank板材 planking铺板 backfilling plate 、padding plate垫板 connecting plate连接板 fringe plate翼缘板 gusset plate节点板 ten let样板 web plate腹板 intermediate stiffener中间加劲肋 edge stiffener边缘加劲肋 longitudinal stiffener纵向加劲肋 steel column base钢柱脚 steel pipe、steel tube钢管 steel support钢支座 steel strip钢带 steel section型钢 steel plate element钢板件 steel plate钢板 steel wire钢丝 stiffener加劲肋 allowable slenderness ratio of steel member 钢构件容许长细比2、 hot-rolled section steel热轧型钢 angle steel 角钢 channel槽钢 flat bar扁钢 shaped steel型钢 steel column钢柱 seamless steel tube无缝钢管 profiled steel sheet压型钢板 purling檩条 Steel beam 梁 box girder 箱形梁 cantilever beam 挑梁 continuous beam连续梁 simply supported beam简支梁 girder主梁


ATTENTION 1.Residents Booklet have the force of law with proof of citizenship and relationship between family members. It is the main basis for the Household Registration Office to investigating and verifying the situation of the residence. House owner and family members should hand in the Residents Booklet when the household registration officer investigate and check the household registration 2.House owner should keep the Residents Booklet safely. It should not be altered, transfer, lend. Please report Household Registration Office. when being lost. 3.The rights of registration of Residents Booklet belong to Household Registration Office. Any other unit or individuals shall not make any records in the booklet 4.House owner should register the changes of family members or the other contents. 5.All family members moving out of residence jurisdiction should hand in Residents Booklet to Household Registration Office. No.


Editorial for IEEE Transactions On Power Electronics, January 2013 ORIGINALLY, this editorial was planned to be written in late 2012, but in the last year we have been working intensively with IEEE to reduce time from submission to final publication, and this editorial was written in the summer of 2012, and we are already in the process of finalizing the January issue 2013. This also means that we have two editors for this issue— Prof. B. Lehman, Northeastern University, is fully taking over the duty of Editor-in-Chief as of date January 1, 2013, and Prof. F. Blaabjerg, Aalborg University, is resigning from the job at that date. We have only 100–150 papers waiting for publishing, and keeping in mind 45–50 papers are needed for each issue, this is a short and manageable backlog. By making the electronic versions of manuscripts available so far ahead of time, papers become available for a longer time, and there is a good chance for more citations, which should increase the impact factor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS (TPEL). TPEL remains an outstanding Journal and it contributes dominantly to the power electronics technology and research development globally. The TRANSACTIONS performance is positioned very well in the global Electrical Engineering (EE) journals publications as it is among the top 10 most cited EE journals. In the last year, many indicators of our quality continued to improve: users of the TRANSACTIONS continue to be very satisfied with the paper quality, our reputation in power electronics is rising all over the world by having a fast review process, papers in the TRANSACTIONS are being cited more heavily, and we have continued to print useful future research on important and emerging industrial applications. Our publications are followed very carefully all over the world, and almost every month the TPEL has papers listed between the top 100 downloads from IEEE Xplore registered monthly. It is also worth remarking that the papers are mostly technology papers and not so much review papers. Power electronics has never been as important as it is now. Globally, people talk about global warming and the lack of energy resources. As a result, a number of large R&D programs have been initiated to come up with sustainable solutions based on power electronics. Excellent examples of power electronic emerging research topics and applications include energy effi- ciency, e-mobility and airplanes, micro- and smart-grid, renewable energy, e.g., wind power and photovoltaic, lighting—fields where power electronics are unavoidable. Many companies have had rapid growth because of power electronics technology—in many cases they are called the clean-tech industry. We still see an increased interest in TPEL. In 2011, we received more


University beam (UB)----通用梁(工字梁) University columns (UC)----通用柱 Rolled steel angles (RSA)----角钢 RSC----C型钢(槽钢) Rectangular hollow sections (RHS)----矩形中空型钢 Square hollow sections (SHS)-----正方形中空型钢 Circular hollow sections (CHS)----圆形中空型钢 High strength friction GRIP (HSFG)----高强度摩擦紧固螺栓 Tension control (TC)----拉力控制 All flux -----合金焊剂 All-weld-metal test specimen------全焊缝金属试件(完全由焊缝金属组成的缩短断面试件) Automatic welding-----自动焊接 Back gouging-----清根 Backing----衬垫 base metal----母材 Bevel angle----破口面角度 Box tubing-----箱型管 Butt joint ---- 对接接头 Butt weld ---- 对接焊缝 Cap pass ---- 盖面焊道 Complete penetration ---- 完全熔透

Corner joint ---- 角接接头 contract documents ---- 合同文件 contractor ---- 承包商 contractor’s Inspector ---- 承包商检验员 ESW (electroslag welding) ---- 电渣焊 FCA W(flux cored arc welding) ---- 药芯焊丝电弧焊


编号: QT-20217637 甲 方:______________________________ 乙 方:______________________________ 日 期:_________年________月_______日 英文翻译合同书范本 The parties shall, when making a contract, have corresponding capacity for civil rights and civil conduct.

[标签: titlecontent] 甲方全名: 乙方全名: 甲乙双方经友好协商,就资料翻译服务事宜签订此合同。合同中价格以人民币为单位(含税)。 一、甲方委托乙方将主题为_______________资料由__________文译成__________文,资料共计为字(终以实际的翻译字数为准),甲方同意为此交付对应的服务费用。 二、交稿日期及方式:从合同生效日(即甲方支付翻译费定金日)开始的_____天内(不包括周六,周日),也就是______年_____月_____日起至______年_____月_____日止。如果实际的翻译字数超过了合同约定字数,则按每日平均_____字的速度顺延。如果乙方在合同期内未能完成该翻译项目,则乙方必须按照甲方指定的日期内完成未完成的部分(即该部分)。如果仍未按时完成,则甲方有权仅支付乙方翻译费用总额的5%。稿件交付方式为_____。为减轻双方核算的麻烦,双方在此同意,乙方交稿后,甲方在两日内(确认期)对其予以确认,包括数量和质量。超过两日甲方未做任何答复, 则视为甲方对乙方所交付的翻译稿件为可接

闽教版英语四上Unit 1《Our Classroom》word教案

Unit 1 Our Classroom 教学目标 ◆语言知识目标 1.学习单词grade,class,classroom,并能够初步运用see,again,our等单词。 2.学习句型:I’m in Class...,Grade.... 3.学习字母组合ar在单词中的发音。 4.学唱歌曲:In the Classroom. 5.功能:能用英语表达自己所在的班级名称。 ◆语言技能目标 1.能认读和正确书写单词grade,class和classroom。 2.能准确使用句型I’m in Class...,Grade....来描述自己所在的班级。 ◆情感态度 培养学生班级主人翁的意识,爱护班级里的物品。 ◆文化意识 了解英语在班级、年级编号等表达方式上与汉语的不同之处。 教具准备 1.单词卡片:grade,class,classroom,see,again,our等。 2.不同班级的班牌。 3.Mickey和Kitty等学生喜爱的卡通人物头饰若干。 4.录音机或教学光盘。 教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1.师生互致问候。 2.师生自由对话,如:Good morning./What’s your name?/How are you? 等。最后教师说:“Nice to see you again.”引导学生回答:“Nice to see you,too.”引出新词see和again的学习。 3.欣赏歌曲:In the Classroom. 4.通过歌曲,揭示并板书课题:Unit 1 Our ClassroomPart A 教师指着教室说:“This is our classroom.”引出新词classroom,our和词组our classroom的教学。 Step 2 Revision 教师说:“Today we are going to learn something about our classroom.”然后指着班牌说:“Look! Class...,Grade Four.”通过班牌和手势让学生明白其意思,然后简单复习一下数字单词one到twelve。 复习数字单词one到twelve。 1.教师出示数字1至12的单词卡片,学生大声并快速朗读。先按顺序朗读,
