#6-t-Goodbye, Free Trade

#6-t-Goodbye, Free Trade
#6-t-Goodbye, Free Trade

Unit 6

Goodbye, Free Trade?


1.Answer the questions on the text.

1) What was the result when the House of Representatives passed the

Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act in 1930?

The economic recession in the United States became even worse.

2) According to the author, what happens when a currency appreciates?

It diminishes the export advantage of the country and makes it difficult to increase exports or even maintain the status quo.

3) How did American politicians take advantage of the public’s strong

anti-free-trade sentiment in the United States?

They created a talking point in charges of unfair trade so that they thought they could benefit in the mid-term elections.

4) What did American politicians and economists agree and disagree over the

Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act?

Almost all of them agreed that it was a bad law, but they disagreed whether it triggered the Great Depression in the 1930s.

5) What did Milton Friedman think were the more important reasons for the

Great Depression?

The malfunctioning gold standard system and inept monetary policy of the Federal Reserve.

6) What was the foreign reaction unexpected by the American lawmakers after

the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act was enacted?

The trading partners were angered and imposed discriminatory tariffs on American goods. Canada in particular, as the largest export market for the US, reacted fiercely and handed its market over to the British competitors.

7) Why is it unlikely for the US to adopt another Smoot-Hawley today in the eye

of the author?

(1)The US is much more integrated into the world economy today than it was in

the 1930s.

(2)Import restrictions seldom achieve their intended goals, instead, often end up

hurting American industries and consumers.

(3)The Americans have learned to consider the possible strong foreign

retaliation against US exporters.

8) What were the respective results for those countries withdrawing from the

gold standard and those clinging to it during the 1930s according to the author?

Those countries going off the gold standard allowed their currencies to depreciate, avoided protectionist trade policies and, instead, used monetary policy to end price deflation and stimulate economic growth.

Those countries choosing to stay on pursued protectionist trade policies by imposing high tariffs, import quotas and exchange controls, which did little in boosting their economic growth. Thus they suffered a longer economic depression.

9) How does the author justify his support for the policy of "quantitative


(1) Historically, the most important tool for resisting protectionist sentiment in the

1930s was a monetary policy that would promote economic growth.

Today the US is in a similar situation. Taking right monetary policy can alleviate the pressure on Washington to adopt protectionist trade policy and can help to raise output before it leads to a high inflation.

(2) He also quotes what Charles Evens said: Additional measures taken by the Fed

to stimulate growth should condoned, not condemned.

(3) What Mr. Friedman wrote 1997 about Japan: The surest road to a healthy

economic recovery is to increase the rate of monetary growth, to shift from tight money to easier money.

10) What does the author imply about the US Congress?

In comparison with the Fed, the US Congress is following a trade protectionist policy in blaming other countries for its unemployment and may cause serious trade retaliations from trading partners.

2. Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the list given below. Make changes when necessary.

1)As the financial scandal involves so many people, the probe in to it could drag

on for another year.

2)In the age of globalization more individuals are forced to integrate into

multinational work teams.

3)Many in Europe are now very much worried that it may sink into a Japan-style

economic recession.

4)But the business leaders yesterday warned against interest rate rises, arguing that

inflation was being driven not by consumer spending, but by rising commodity prices.

5)After the call scandal, the American automakers and some politicians there were

so eager to keep their rival Toyota at bay in the auto market.

6)Under the current labor law, two categories of employees are exempt from

minimum wage and overtime requirements.

7)Though the local partner made a revised offer, the foreigner investor refused and

reverted back to the original agreement conditions.

8)Last Friday the two parties met for more than five hours only to end up walking

away from the table once again, reaching no agreement at all.

9)When the government supervises banks, it should take into account their pay

and bonus structures which may often be the source of corruption.

10)The customers severely affected in the incident demanded that the company put

in place effective measures to avoid occurrence of such things in the future. 11)It’s critical to take hold of any opportunity coming your way because it will

never come back again once lost.

12)At times of economic depression, people are more inclined to unethical means in

their business.

3. Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B:

A__________________________ B____________________________________ 1)unfair trade A) Restrictions that governments put in place

on the purchase or sale of a foreign or local

currency, particularly by those in shortage

of hard currencies. 6

2) real estate B) Escalation of protectionism between two or

more countries that impose punitive tariffs

and barriers in retaliation for each other. 8

3) business cycle C) A general decline in prices often caused by

a reduction in the money supply or a decrease

in spending. 5

4) trade protectionism D) Unjustifiable and discriminatory policies

and supports by a government to its own

firms, ranging from export subsidies to anti-

competitive practices. 1

5) price deflation E) Land, buildings, homes or anything fixed,

immovable, or permanently attached that can

be traded in the market. 2

6) exchange control F) The policy of imposing duties or quotas on

imports in order to protect home jobs,

markets or industries from overseas

competition. 9

7) competitive currency devaluation G) A company or country with whom you have

an ongoing business relationship and engage

in importing or exporting activities. 10

8) trade war H) A predictable long-term pattern of

economic activity that an economy

experiences four stages including decline,

recession, recovery and boom. 3

9) import barriers I) The currency devaluation by a government

to make its goods more competitive in the

international markets. 7

10) trading partner L) The economic policy of restraining

business between states through a variety of

government actions to discourage imports

and prevent foreign take-over of domestic

markets and companies. 4

4. Translate the following passage into Chinese.





“所有的政策制订,不光贸易政策,都需更多地考虑网民的意见,”经济政策制订方面的美国专家Victor Shih说。






5. Read the following text and choose the best sentence from the list A-E below to fill in each of the gaps in the text.

1)It is also prompting concern among US businesses reliant on the rest of the world

for growth.

2)That is up from 46 per cent three years ago and 32 per cent in 1999.

3)Therefore, they have shifted their opinion and are now expressing significant

concern about the notion of free trade.

4)The rhetoric about these effects may be heated by approaching congressional


5)They even believe that China has replaced Wall Street as the villain du jour.

Supplementary Reading

Global Trade's New Direction

Reading Comprehension Questions:

1)We can infer from the first paragraph that Singapore Port is very ________

mainly because of its trade relations with ________.

A. slack; India

B. special; Saudi Arabia

C. busy; China∨

D. profitable; the United States

2) Why are Ramadan, Diwali and Chinese New Year given more attention to now?

A. Because Asia has grown to be the trading center in international trade.∨

B. Because people are getting more interested in their cultures.

C. Because they are not so famous outside Asia.

D. Because people want to find out what they really are.

3) Booming trade among Asian countries is challenging ________.

A. the current international trade system

B. the economic dominance in the world

C. the traditional way of trading

D. the dominant position the US dollar in global trade ∨

4) According to the article, China has become ________ for Asian countries.

A. a major import market

B. a major export market ∨

C. a big FDI source

D. a big FDI destination

5. As Planned by Yap, his company’s export to China will increase to ________ in the next five years.

A. 30% ∨

B. 20%

C. 10%

D. 40%

6. In ancient times, it was ________ that linked the whole Asia in trading.

A. Persia

B. South Asian deserts

C. Silk Road ∨

D. caravan routes

7. A HSBC commercial banking official says that trade transactions between Asian countries will ________ in the future.

A. be more attractive to them

B. be more settled in yuan ∨

C. be settled only in US dollar

D. be settled only in yuan

8. As indicated by the author, the purchase of APL by Singapore’s Neptune

symbolizes ________.

A. the loss of the US as the superpower

B. the dominant position of Singapore in global shipping

C. the financial power of Singapore in consolidation

D. the rising of Asia in global trade ∨
