Study Says Excess 过量饮用咖啡会导致早逝?言之过早

Study Says Excess Coffee May Be Linked To Early Death. Should We Believe It?


Steel yourself for the results of a new study that’s making headlines: Those of us under 55 who drink a lot of coffee – more than four cups per day – may be at greater risk of an early death. And not death from heart problems, but death from all causes. The study, from Mayo Clinic Proceedings, followed people for almost two decades, and found that in both sexes, younger people were more likely to die of anything than people who drank less. Though it may sound bleak, the study really just adds to the mishmosh of coffee studies all pointing at different outcomes. And good news remains –many earlier studies have found that heavy coffee consumption is linked to reduced mortality. So the logical advice is still to enjoy your daily ritual if it seems to work for you.

最近,有一项新的研究结论引起了媒体的广泛报道。在看这个结论之前,请先做好思想准备:研究表明,每天过量饮用咖啡,具体来说是每天喝超过4杯咖啡,将会导致年龄55岁以下人群的早逝风险增加,而且死亡原因并非是心脏问题,而是由各种因素导致。这份刊登在《梅奥诊所学报》(Mayo Clinic Proceedings)上的报告称,研究者们对受访者进行了近20年的持续跟踪与分析,结果发现,在较年轻人群中(无论男女),相比那些较少饮用咖啡的人,过量饮用咖啡者的死亡风险要更高。这项研究的结论听起来让人沮丧,但是此前有关咖啡的众多研究得出了各不相同的结论,这一报告使结论更加纷杂。而且,好消息仍然存在,许多早期的研究表明,大量饮用咖啡与减小死亡率有关。在这样的情况下,合乎逻辑的建议是,如果你觉得饮用咖啡对你有好处,你仍然可以每天享用。

But here’s what the new study found. The team tracked almost 44, 000 participants for 17 years, noting how many people died, and of what cause. Lifestyle factors like coffee consumption, diet, exercise, smoking, and weight were taken noted and potential confounders controlled for. It turned out that 2, 500 people died during the study period, with men making up over 87% of those deaths.


The headline-worthy results: People under 55 who drank more than 28 cups per week were more like to die of almost any cause than people who drank less. Women were twice as likely to die from any cause and men were 56% more likely, compared to people who drank less. Even controlling for cigarette smoking, which is generally the big confounder in coffee studies, did not totally eliminate the link.


Before you panic and switch to tea, keep in mind some drawbacks of the study. One problem is that no one really knows what mechanism/s could explain the coffee-death link. Some are candidates, however: There’s coffee’s ability to boost epinephrine (adrenalin) levels in the body, its inhibition of insulin function (though this is controversial), and the fact that it may raise blood pressure and homocysteine levels, which are both known to increase heart risk (though since heart disease was not increased in the study, these seem less



Another big caveat is the age issue – the coffee-death relationship was only true for people under 55 –and the reason behind this is somewhat of a mystery. It could be that people who are dying this young are already predisposed to fatal health problems in various ways, although this is somewhat speculative. Study author Chip Lavie points out that heavy coffee drinkers differ in a number of ways from less avid consumers, so there may be other, as-yet-undiscovered things going on. The authors suggest that since heart disease wasn’t increased among heavy coffee drinkers, but rather death from all causes, cancer may be a culprit. “Certainly, one would think that the main non-CV cause of death would be cancer, but we did not specifically assess this. And with cancer, one would really want to know cause-specific as opposed to cancer in general – we will probably try to assess this, although this is not quite as easy as one may think.”

另一个值得注意的是年龄问题。过量饮用咖啡与死亡率升高之间的关联似乎仅发生在年龄55岁以下的人群中,而其背后的原因在某种程度上也是一个谜。这些英年早逝的人或许在此前就因为各种原因存在致命的健康问题,虽然这也只是一种猜测。研究者奇普?李维(Chip Lavie)指出,过量饮用咖啡的人与不那么爱喝咖啡的人,在许多方面都存在着差异,因此,这背后或许有别的未被发现的因素在起作用。研究者称,在过量饮用咖啡的人群中,心脏病的发病比例并未上升,而在各种死因之中,癌症可能是首要原因。“很明显,人们会据此认为,癌症是


If you’re wondering about how decaf might affect things, that answer too is unclear. The study controlled for decaf (although most people didn’t drink it anyway), meaning that only caffeinated coffee was included in the correlation with mortality. However, Lavie points out that since heart disease deaths were not raised among the heavy coffee drinkers, one might expect the same link to be true for decaf as well. “When this questionnaire was administered 25-30 years ago, ”he says, “there was not much use of decaf coffee, so whether this relates with regular vs. all coffees would be guessing. If the mortality was due to cardiovascular, we would speculate that it may not apply to decaf, but we saw no increase in cardiovascular mortality in any of the groups at any of the doses.”

或许你也想知道,喝脱咖啡因咖啡会有什么影响,然而,关于这一点的答案也是模棱两可的。这是一项脱咖啡因咖啡对照研究(虽然大部分人不会喝这种咖啡),这意味着在研究与死亡率之间的相互关系时,仅仅将含咖啡因咖啡纳入考量。然而,李维指出,由于在过量饮用咖啡的人群中,死于心脏病的比率并没有上升,因此,人们也许会想知道,对于脱咖啡因咖啡是否也会是同样的结果。“这份问卷调查是在25-30年前进行的,”李维说。“当时脱咖啡因咖啡还不普及,所以究竟是所有咖啡品种都与心脏病之间有着这样的关联关系,还是仅仅是普通咖啡与之有关联,我们不得而知。如果死亡率与心血管疾病有关,那么我们就可以猜测这种关联性可能不适用于脱咖啡因咖啡,但我们发现,在任何一组研究人群中,不论饮用量大小,我们并没有看到心脑血管疾病所造成的死亡率出现上升。”Also keep in mind, the current study only points to a correlation, not cause-and-effect. And it only measured coffee consumption at one time-point, not many throughout the years. There could be a lot of other things at play. “It is impossible to know if this association is causal or just an association, ”says Lavie, “so one does not want to over-state or over-hype the dangers of

drinking more than 28 cups per week, although I personally will make an effort to keep my cups at 3 or less most of the time.”


But perhaps most uplifting of all is to remember that findings from a number of earlier studies contradict the new one and suggest that coffee is actually, at least on average, good for us. In fact, one recent study in The New England Journal of Medicine, following some 400, 000 people, suggested that drinking up to six cups per day is actually linked to reduced mortality from all causes –10% for men and 15% for women. The results were true whether the people drank caffeinated coffee or decaf. Given the high levels of antioxidants in coffee, there may be some logical explanations for its connection to enhanced health and longer lifespan. The authors of that study write, “Our results provide reassurance with respect to the concern that coffee drinking might adversely affect health.”

但最令人感到安慰的或许是,此前一系列有关咖啡对健康影响的研究所得出的结论与这一新结论相左,以前的结论表明,至少从一般情况来说,咖啡对健康是有益的。《新英格兰医学杂志》(The New England Journal of Medicine)最近发表了一项研究报告,在跟踪了近40万受访者之后得出结论称,每天最多喝6杯咖啡与各种原因死亡率的下降间存在联系,其中男性的死亡率下降了10%,女性的死亡率下降15%,无论受访者饮用的是含咖啡因咖啡还是脱咖啡因咖啡,结果都是如此。考虑到咖啡中含有大量的抗氧化剂,或许这是咖啡能改善健康和延年


Because of individual differences, genetics, and the myriad lifestyle choices we make every day, there are sure to be interactions going on that make the connection much more complicated than “coffee=death”or “coffee=longevity.” Depending on all these factors, for some, coffee may be good, for others not so. So while we’re waiting for the research to give us a clearer picture, talk to your doc, or go with your gut and do what you feel works best for you.

