
——东晋 陶渊明


《桃花源记》 (翻译)
东晋太元年间,(有个)武陵人靠捕鱼谋生。(有一天)他顺着小溪划船,忘了路程的 远近。忽然遇到(一片)桃花林,(桃树)夹在溪流两岸,长达几百步,中间没有别的树。(地上)芳草鲜艳美丽,落花纷纷。渔人非常诧异。再往前走,想走到这林子的尽头。
(那里面的人)见了渔人,竟大吃一惊,问(渔人)从哪里来,(渔人)详尽地回答了他。(那人)就邀请(渔人)到自己家里去,备酒杀鸡做饭菜(款待他)。村中的人听说有这样一个人,都来打听消息。(他们)说祖先(为了)躲避秦时的祸乱,带领妻子儿女及乡邻来到这与人世隔绝的地方,不再从这里出去,于是就与外面的人断绝了往来。(他们)问起现在是什么朝代,竟然不知道有过汉朝.更不必说魏晋了。这个人(为他们)详细地介绍了自己所听到的事,<他们听罢)都感叹惋惜。其余的人也请(渔人)到自己家中,都拿出酒饭来(款待他)。 (渔人在这里)住了几天,


In Jin Dynasty, there was a man who was engaged in fishing in Wuling. One day he was boating along the band of a river and forgot the time. All of a sudden, a peach forest appeared before him. All the peach trees were blossoming earnestly. The forest was flourishing along the river for severeal hundred feet, among which there were only peach trees. Grass was thriving and petals were shed gloriously. The fisherman was considerably astonished and went on to the end of the forest. At the end of the forest there was a hill standing ahead. The fisherman saw a cave that was indistinctly shining. The fisherman therefore left the boat and went through the cave.


The tunnel was very narrow in the beginning, only allowing a man to walk through. After walking for about several ten feet, it became spacious. The land was vast and smooth and the houses were orderly located. The farm was fertile and the ponds were crystally delicate. There are also a variety of plants like mulberry and bamboo. The farm ridges were crossing each other and dogs were barking and chicken were crowing everywhere. Men and women busily working were dressed in an alient way. The old and the young were all living happily. When they saw the fisherman, they felt considerably astounded and asked where he came from. The fisherman answered honestly. Then he was hospitably invited into their families and treated with delicious chicken and wine. Other villagers all came to see the fisherman after they knew the news. They to

ld the fisherman that their ancestors led their wives and neighbours to this place in order to avoid the war in Qing Dynasty and never went out again. They asked the fisherman what dynasty it was then. They even did not know the Han Dynasty, not to mention Wei and Jin. The fisherman detailed all he knew to the local people and they sighed again and again. Then the fisherman was invited to different families to have meals. After several days, he left the village, told not to tell people outside about this place.


After coming out, the fisherman landed on the boat and went along the previous path, marking signs all the way. After reaching his county, he told the deputy everything. The deputy then sent some people to seek the place with the man. But they finally got lost and could no longer reach there. There was a great man named Liu Ziji in Nanyang, who went to seek the place after hearing about it. But he failed at last and passed away with illness before long. Afterwards, nobody went to seek the place again.
