

(单选题) 1: The lines in her face have been earned one _______.

A: at one time

B: for one time

C: at a time

D: for a time

正确答案: C

(单选题) 2: I regretted _______ taken a bath and dressed in my Sunday best.

A: having not

B: not have

C: have not

D: not having

正确答案: D

(单选题) 3: If someone had the fine things all above his fortune, he would have_______ debt. A: involved

B: running into

C: involving

D: run into

正确答案: D

(单选题) 4: _______their degrees, they refuse to do what they think is “low”work.

A: As a result of

B: As a result

C: As a matter

D: As a matter of fact

正确答案: A

(单选题) 5: Such a company collects _______ information about such man or woman.

A: a great number of

B: a great many

C: a great deal

D: a great deal of

正确答案: D

(单选题) 6: My sisters and brothers asked me _______ I had paid for the whistle.

A: how much

B: how many

C: how was

D: however

正确答案: A

(单选题) 7: So the young people are encouraged to ________ such companies _______ a perfect match.

B: paid…for

C: pay…to

D: paid…to

正确答案: A

(单选题) 8: It was always on at the same time every day _______ Saturday and Sunday. A: except for

B: besides

C: except that

D: except

正确答案: A

(单选题) 9: She has worked ______that body and face for more than sixty years.

A: for

B: on

C: to

D: with

正确答案: B

(单选题) 10: In wanting nothing, he _______ nothing.

A: need

B: need for

C: lacks

D: lack

正确答案: C

(单选题) 11: We are even told _______ is our duty to clean the classroom.

A: that

B: it

C: who

D: whom

正确答案: B

(单选题) 12: It is an exciting experience just _______ down a New York street.

A: walking

B: being going

C: to walk

D: to be going

正确答案: C

(单选题) 13: We laughed and cheered, ________ our victory over the white in the fight. A: celebrated

B: celebration

D: having celebrated

正确答案: C

(单选题) 14: . I managed those four years _______ ever having a friend visit my house.

A: with

B: within

C: without

D: of .

正确答案: C

(单选题) 15: Actually, the busier he is, _______ he feels.

A: happier

B: the happy

C: the happier

D: happier more

正确答案: C

(单选题) 16: They were always looking for a house just a little better ________ the place we were living _______.

A: more as…in

B: than…on

C: as…on

D: than…in

正确答案: D

(单选题) 17: I watched him from the _______ of my eye.

A: side

B: corner

C: light

D: outside

正确答案: B

(单选题) 18: The sharp hearing of a fish _______ by two scientists.

A: have been proved

B: have proved

C: has proved

D: has been proved

正确答案: D

(单选题) 19: Louis keeps _______ the blows to him.

A: fight

B: raining

C: beating

D: box

正确答案: B

(单选题) 20: It is reported that the fish can _______the difference between colors.

A: tell

B: make

C: say

D: talk

正确答案: A

(单选题) 21: The pupils laughed and shouted _______ they played ball games in the schoolyard or _______ the stadium.

A: when…at

B: that…in

C: as…on

D: while…in

正确答案: A

(单选题) 22: The King cried, “I command that all spindles in my kingdom _______ burned!”A: are to be

B: will be

C: be

D: shall be

正确答案: C

(单选题) 23: He was paid _______ the rate of 6 dollars a day.

A: in

B: with

C: on

D: at

正确答案: D

(单选题) 24: —You don't have to have the radio so loud, do you? —____________

A: Oh, that's nothing.

B: It's very kind of you to say so.

C: Oh, I do apologize.

D: Be careful.

正确答案: C

(单选题) 25: She had carried home her babies who were _______ sleepy to walk.

A: too

B: to

C: so

D: such

(单选题) 26: The USA ______ a great advanced country without the labor of the newcomers.

A: could become

B: can become

C: couldn’t have become

D: couldn’t become

正确答案: C

(单选题) 27: He dropped the pennies _______ the two dimes I had hidden in my hand.

A: out with

B: in

C: in with

D: with

正确答案: C

(单选题) 28: —Thanks a lot. You've gone through so much trouble. —____________

A: I don't think it's a trouble.

B: That's good.

C: It's no trouble at all.

D: That's very kind of you.

正确答案: C

(单选题) 29: On the quiet waters ________ a dark outline of the Statue of Liberty under the pale moonlight.

A: are cast

B: is cast

C: were cast

D: being cast

正确答案: B

(单选题) 30: He often ________ ideas and even “stole”most of his clothes from others.

A: borrowed

B: lent

C: borrow

D: lend

正确答案: A

(单选题) 31: The king’s daughter saw an old blind woman ______ a stick around between her hands.

A: to turn

B: turning

C: being turning

D: turned

(单选题) 32: —Shall we have another cup of tea? —____________

A: Do you like tea?

B: Why not?

C: Good tea.

D: I'm thirsty.

正确答案: B

(单选题) 33: His favorite saying was “Do not do to others _______ you would not have them to do to you.

A: what

B: who

C: which

D: that

正确答案: A

(单选题) 34: His father _______ shout at his mother, ________ couldn’t do anything to change the conditions.

A: used to… which

B: was used to…whom

C: used to…who

D: was used to… that

正确答案: A

(单选题) 35: What was the use of having such high heels, when people seemed to _______ a blind eye to them.

A: give

B: turn

C: make

D: take

正确答案: B

(单选题) 36: A good command of English depends upon ________ practice.

A: a lot of

B: a great deal

C: a number of

D: a good many

正确答案: A

(单选题) 37: The child _______ cold if he had put on more clothes.

A: were to catch

B: should catch

C: wouldn’t have caught

正确答案: C

(单选题) 38: —____________ —Thank you, I certainly will.

A: Happy birthday to you.

B: Let me help you with your Math.

C: Please remember me to your mum.

D: Don't forget to post the letter.

正确答案: C

(单选题) 39: He _______ his hat on the side of his head like an Englishman and hurried back. A: take

B: wore

C: dressed

D: made up

正确答案: B

(单选题) 40: He put his hands in the worn-out jeans and took out _______ pennies.

A: a handful of

B: the hand of

C: a hand of

D: the handful of

正确答案: A

(单选题) 41: We grew _______ as the fight was coming to an end.

A: having uneasy

B: be uneasy

C: to uneasy

D: uneasy

正确答案: D

(单选题) 42: The pride of his color was in his ________.

A: voice

B: sound

C: loud

D: quiet

正确答案: A

(单选题) 43: I should have gone to the opera yesterday. It was very good. I wish I _____ yesterday off.

A: have had

B: had

C: have

D: had had

(单选题) 44: With a good command of reading skills, most students can manage to read ______ as they could the year before.

A: as twice fast

B: as fast as twice

C: as twice as fast

D: twice as fast

正确答案: D

(单选题) 45: She must arrange to lose time _______, but not to lose her jo##

A: for work

B: at work

C: in work

D: on work

正确答案: B

(单选题) 46: Who is responsible _______ the education of the children?.

A: to

B: on

C: at

D: for

正确答案: D

(单选题) 47: Their son dreamed that he could succeed _______ they had failed.

A: when

B: while

C: where

D: that

正确答案: C

(单选题) 48: As soon as the ship docks,the passengers _______ to land.

A: were allowed

B: allowed

C: will allow

D: will be allowed

正确答案: D

(单选题) 49: The porter helped Mark Twain a lot, so he gave him _______he usually paid for a porter.

A: as twice more as

B: twice as much as

C: twice as many as

D: as twice much as

(单选题) 50: If the story ended there, one could say that the fish _______ itself by change.

A: had freed

B: has freed

C: were freed

D: was freed

正确答案: A

(单选题) 1: They were always looking for a house just a little better ________ the place we were living _______.

A: more as…in

B: than…on

C: as…o n

D: than…in

正确答案: D

(单选题) 2: He never laughs ______ people when they are ______ trouble.

A: to… in

B: at… in

C: at… at

D: to… at

正确答案: B

(单选题) 3: No matter _______ he says, I do not believe him.

A: whether

B: if

C: what

D: when

正确答案: C

(单选题) 4: He spent the whole morning _______ for the coming exam.

A: to preparing

B: having prepared

C: preparing

D: being prepared

正确答案: C

(单选题) 5: It is reported that the fish can _______the difference between colors.

A: tell

B: make

C: say

D: talk

正确答案: A

(单选题) 6: Her eyes have shone with pride, _______ tears of bitterness and burned from lack of sleep.

A: filling with

B: to fill with

C: having filled with

D: filled with

正确答案: D

(单选题) 7: In fact, to work with one’s hands is thought to be dirty and ______ in such countries. A: ashamed

B: shameful

C: shame

D: shameless

正确答案: B

(单选题) 8: On the quiet waters ________ a dark outline of the Statue of Liberty under the pale moonlight.

A: are cast

B: is cast

C: were cast

D: being cast

正确答案: B

(单选题) 9: The USA ______ a great advanced country without the labor of the newcomers.

A: could become

B: can become

C: couldn’t have become

D: couldn’t become

正确答案: C

(单选题) 10: The new comers brought _______ not only different ways of life, but also with something else.

A: in them

B: with

C: with them

D: in

正确答案: C

(单选题) 11: It is an exciting experience just _______ down a New York street.

A: walking

B: being going

C: to walk

D: to be going

正确答案: C

(单选题) 12: Actually, the busier he is, _______ he feels.

A: happier

B: the happy

C: the happier

D: happier more

正确答案: C

(单选题) 13: These examples will tell you _______ a polite man should do and what he shouldn’t A: what

B: that

C: who

D: where

正确答案: A

(单选题) 14: And while I am going to school I want a wife _______ my children.

A: looking after

B: to look after

C: looking about

D: to look about

正确答案: B

(单选题) 15: His face was covered with the dust which _______ out of the ceiling during the night.

A: has fallen

B: had fallen

C: was falling

D: were falling

正确答案: B

(单选题) 16: It was very funny. The words stood _______ , and didn’t move as they _______ on a TV.

A: still…do

B: quietly (i)

C: still (i)

D: quietly…do

正确答案: C

(单选题) 17: When I saw another _______ for being famous, I thought he paid too dear for his whistle.

A: full of love

B: in love

C: being love

D: loved

正确答案: B

(单选题) 18: I am thankful none of us children ever ________ our parents _______the poor living conditions.

A: blamed… for

B: blamed…on

C: blamed… to

D: blamed…at .

正确答案: A

(单选题) 19: In 1911 a penniless young man left England _______ America.

A: to

B: for

C: at

D: over

正确答案: B

(单选题) 20: We grew _______ as the fight was coming to an end.

A: having uneasy

B: be uneasy

C: to uneasy

D: uneasy

正确答案: D

(单选题) 21: She will not _______ when I talk about the things that interest me and my friends. A: get on

B: inserts

C: speak at

D: cut in

正确答案: D

(单选题) 22: He is unable to go to work _______ the fall from his bike.

A: as a result

B: as a matter

C: as a result of

D: as a matter of

正确答案: C

(单选题) 23: And practice needs great effort and _______ much time.

A: gets

B: spends

C: takes

D: pays

正确答案: C

(单选题) 24: His father died _______ drink.

A: in

B: of

C: as

D: for

正确答案: B

(单选题) 25: The beggar kept wandering why the rich men with so much money were never________.

A: satisfied

B: satisfying

C: satisfy

D: satisfaction

正确答案: A

(单选题) 26: Nancy isn’t here. It’s my fault. I forgot all about _______ her.

A: to telephone

B: to telephone to

C: telephoning

正确答案: A

(单选题) 27: Her legs got _______while teaching her daughter to ride a two wheeler.

A: beat up

B: beat down

C: beat

D: beat over

正确答案: A

(单选题) 28: That story you have just told _______ me of the experience I once had..

A: recalls

B: reminds

C: remembers

D: reviews

正确答案: B

(单选题) 29: When people _______ for a bus, or in a post office, he takes his turn.

A: are waiting

B: wait

C: waited

D: were waiting

正确答案: A

(单选题) 30: The Great Wall ran _______ high mountains and deep valleys.

A: of

B: up

C: over

D: to

正确答案: C

(单选题) 31: Education is entirely _______cost in that school.

A: free about

B: free for

C: free of

D: free with

正确答案: C

(单选题) 32: Professor, would you slow down a bit, please? I can't ______ you.

A: make up to

B: put up with

C: keep up with

D: hold on to

正确答案: C

(单选题) 33: Margie _______ her diary almost every day.

A: kept

B: go on

C: keep

D: had

正确答案: A

(单选题) 34: His favorite saying was “Do not do to others _______ you would not have them to do to you.

A: what

B: who

C: which

D: that

正确答案: A

(单选题) 35: —Shall we have another cup of tea? —____________

A: Do you like tea?

B: Why not?

C: Good tea.

D: I'm thirsty.

正确答案: B

(单选题) 36: —Can you go to the concert with us this evening? —____________

A: No, I already have plans.

B: NO, I really don’t like being with you

C: I’d love to, but I am busy tonight.

D: I’m ill, so I shouldn’t go out.

正确答案: C

(单选题) 37: The Chinese family came to include _______ children and their parents _______ their uncles and aunts..

A: not only…but

B: both…and

C: either…or

D: neither…nor

正确答案: A

(单选题) 38: I regretted _______ taken a bath and dressed in my Sunday best.

A: having not

B: not have

C: have not

D: not having

正确答案: D

(单选题) 39: “Niggers are dirty,”he said. “_______ mud,”said I. “And I am not as dirty as you, yet.”

A: It is

B: That is

C: So is

D: Nor is

正确答案: C

(单选题) 40: My sisters and brothers asked me _______ I had paid for the whistle.

A: how much

B: how many

C: how was

D: however

正确答案: A

(单选题) 41: Now certain companies can help a young person _______ the right husband or wife. A: in search

B: on search

C: in search of

D: on search of

正确答案: C

(单选题) 42: If no one cleaned our streets and _______the rubbish away from our houses, we should get diseases in our towns.

B: brought

C: move

D: took

正确答案: D

(单选题) 43: She didn’t like her picture book _______ , so she threw it away.

A: not more

B: no longer

C: any longer

D: no more

正确答案: C

(单选题) 44: Louis keeps _______ the blows to him.

A: fight

B: raining

C: beating

D: box

正确答案: B

(单选题) 45: They learned the same things, so they could help _______their homework and talk about it.

A: one another with

B: one other with

C: one another for

D: each other for

正确答案: A

(单选题) 46: I’m ashamed of _______ I did.

A: which

B: that

C: as

D: what

正确答案: D

(单选题) 47: She has worked ______that body and face for more than sixty years.

A: for

B: on

C: to

D: with

正确答案: B

(单选题) 48: The pride of his color was in his ________.

A: voice

C: loud

D: quiet

正确答案: A

(单选题) 49: —Thanks a lot. You've gone through so much trouble. —____________

A: I don't think it's a trouble.

B: That's good.

C: It's no trouble at all.

D: That's very kind of you.

正确答案: C

(单选题) 50: There had been a number of walls ________ brick and stone alone the northern border.

A: build in

B: built

C: building

D: built of

正确答案: D

(单选题) 1: On the quiet waters ________ a dark outline of the Statue of Liberty under the pale moonlight.

A: are cast

B: is cast

C: were cast

D: being cast

正确答案: B

(单选题) 2: My first job ______for four years, my second for ten, my third for seven.

A: took

B: lasted

C: take

D: spent

正确答案: B

(单选题) 3: This story did not happen during the Depression; this was ________ and early 70’s. A: in late 60

B: in the late 60

C: in the late 60’s

D: in late 60’s

正确答案: C

(单选题) 4: Margie _______ her diary almost every day.

A: kept

B: go on

D: had

正确答案: A

(单选题) 5: No matter _______ he says, I do not believe him.

A: whether

B: if

C: what

D: when

正确答案: C

(单选题) 6: The more often a fish is nearly caught, _______ it will be to interest it next time.

A: less difficult

B: the more difficult

C: the difficult

D: more difficult

正确答案: B

(单选题) 7: In short, the sufferings of mankind are largely _______ their putting a false value on things.

A: due to

B: because

C: but

D: at

正确答案: A

(单选题) 8: She must arrange to lose time _______, but not to lose her jo##

A: for work

B: at work

C: in work

D: on work

正确答案: B

(单选题) 9: The emperor combined these walls into one _______ wall.

A: continue

B: continuous

C: connection

D: connected

正确答案: B

(单选题) 10: —Do you like to play basketball? —____________

A: Perhaps.

B: No, Xiao Wang does not like it.

C: I am pleased about it.

D: I am crazy about it.

正确答案: D

(单选题) 11: If he, by accident, knocks someone, or _______ their way, he say “Excuse me”or “I’m sorry”.

A: gets on

B: gets in

C: gets by

D: gets to

正确答案: B

(单选题) 12: In the very early days, China ________ and ruled by many kings.

A: divided

B: was divided

C: is divided

D: divides

正确答案: B

(单选题) 13: That evening I looked for gifts _______ just fulfilling a duty.

A: instead that

B: instead of

C: instead

D: instead with

正确答案: B

(单选题) 14: “Niggers are dirty,”he said. “_______ mud,”said I. “And I am not as dirty as you, yet.”

A: It is

B: That is

C: So is

D: Nor is

正确答案: C

(单选题) 15: I watched him from the _______ of my eye.

A: side

B: corner

C: light

D: outside

正确答案: B

(单选题) 16: The last inch of space was filled, yet people kept on pushing _______ in along the walls of the store.

A: them

B: yourself

C: ourselves

D: themselves

正确答案: D

(单选题) 17: The child _______ cold if he had put on more clothes.

A: were to catch

B: should catch

C: wouldn’t have caught

D: caught

正确答案: C

(单选题) 18: _______their degrees, they refuse to do what they think is “low”work.

A: As a result of

B: As a result

C: As a matter

D: As a matter of fact

正确答案: A

(单选题) 19: Think of ________ a small child does when he begins to learn his mother tongue. A: that

B: if

C: what

D: which

正确答案: C

(单选题) 20: —Sorry for having kept you waiting for so long. My car broke down. —____________

A: That's all right.

B: I don't care.

C: I can't bear it any more.

D: It's my pleasure.

正确答案: A

(单选题) 21: He came into the room and found her, the sleeping beauty, ________ on the floor. A: to lie

B: to lying

C: lay

D: lying

正确答案: D

(单选题) 22: Actually, the busier he is, _______ he feels.

A: happier

B: the happy

C: the happier


复习思考题(第1章) 1-1 根据图1-42所示参考方向和数值确定各元件的电流和电压的实际方向,计算各元件的功率并说明元件是吸收功率还是发出功率。 (a) (b) (c) (d) 图1-42 题1-1的图 1-2 在图1-43所示电路中 (1)元件A吸收10W功率,求其电压U a; (2)元件C吸收-10W功率,求其电流i c; (3)元件E发出10W功率,求其电流i e; (4)元件G发出10mW功率,求其电流i g; (1) (2) (3) (4) 图1-43 题1-2的图 1-3 电路如图1-44所示,求各电路中所标出的未知量u、i、R 或P的值。 图1-44 题1-3的图 1-4 已知电容元件电压u的波形如图题1-45(b)所示,(1)试求i(t)并绘出波形图;(2)若已知的是其电流i的波形如图题1-45(c),所示设u(0)= 0V,试求u(t),(0 t),并绘出波形图

图1-45 题1-4的图 1-5 一个自感为0.5 H 的电感元件,当其中流过变化率为s /A 20=dt di 的电流时, 该元件的端电压应为多少?若电流的变化率为 s /A 20-=dt di ,此元件的端电压有何改变? 1-6 直流电路如图1-46所示,,求电感电流和电容电压。 图1-46 题1-6的图 1-7 求题1-47图中的电感电压u L (t )和电流源的端电压u (t )。 图1-1 题1-7的图 1-8 图1-48所示各电路中的电源对外部是提供功率还是吸收功率?其功率为多少? 图1-48 题1-8的图

1-9 (1)求图题1-49(a)电路中受控电压源的端电压和它的功率;(2)求图题1-49(b)电路中受控电流源的电流和它的功率。 图1-49 题1-9的图 1-10 求图1-50所示电路中电压U s 和电流I 。 图1-50 题1-10的图 1-11 求图1-51所示电路中的电压1u 和1i 。 2A 图1-51 题1-11的图 1-12 求图1-52所示电路中的电压u 。 3 i u 图1-52 题1-12的图


第1章走近细胞第1节从生物圈到细胞 (二)资料分析1.提示:草履虫除能完成运动和分裂外,还能完成摄食、呼吸、生长、应激性等生命活动。如果没有完整的细胞结构,草履虫不可能完成这些生命活动。2.提示:在子女和父母之间,精子和卵细胞充当了遗传物质的桥梁。父亲产生的精子和母亲产生的卵细胞通过受精作用形成受精卵,受精卵在子宫中发育成胚胎,胚胎进一步发育成胎儿。胚胎发育通过细胞分裂、分化等过程实现。3.提示:完成一个简单的缩手反射需要许多种类的细胞参与,如由传入神经末梢形成的感受器、传入神经元、中间神经元、传出神经元、相关的骨骼肌细胞,等等。人的学习活动需要种类和数量繁多的细胞参与。由细胞形成组织,由各种组织构成器官,由器官形成系统,多种系统协作,才能完成学习活动。学习活动涉及到人体的多种细胞,但主要是神经细胞的参与。4.提示:例如,胰岛细胞受损容易导致胰岛素依赖型糖尿病;脊髓中的运动神经元受损容易导致相应的肢体瘫痪;大脑皮层上的听觉神经元受损可导致听觉发生障碍,等等。5.提示:例如,生物体的运动离不开肌细胞;兴奋的传导离不开神经细胞;腺体的分泌离不开相关的腺(上皮)细胞,等等。 (三)思考与讨论1.提示:如果把龟换成人,图中其他各层次的名称不变,但具体内容会发生变化。例如,心脏应为二心房、二心室;种群应为同一区域的所有人,等等。应当指出的是,生物圈只有1个。如果换成一棵松树,图中应去掉“系统”这个层次,细胞、组织、器官、种群的具体内容也会改变。如果换成一只草履虫,细胞本身就是个体,没有组织、器官、系统等层次。2.提示:细胞层次;其他层次都是建立在细胞这一层次的基础之上的,没有细胞就没有组织、器官、系统等层次。另一方面,生物体中的每个细胞具有相对的独立性,能独立完成一系列的生命活动,某些生物体还是由单细胞构成的。3.提示:一个分子或一个原子是一个系统,但不是生命系统,因为生命系统能完成一定的生命活动,单靠一个分子或一个原子是不可能完成生命活动的。 (四)练习基础题1.(1)活细胞:A、D、G、I;(2)死细胞:B、E;(3)细胞的产物:C、F、H。2.(1)细胞层次(也是个体层次,因为大肠杆菌是单细胞生物);(2)种群层次;(3)群落层次。 拓展题1.提示:不是。病毒不具有细胞结构,不能独立生活,只能寄生在活细胞中才能生活,因此,尽管人工合成脊髓灰质炎病毒,但不意味着人工制造了生命。 2.提示:人工合成病毒的研究,其意义具有两面性,用绝对肯定或绝对否定的态度都是不全面的。从肯定的角度看,人工合成病毒可以使人类更好地认识病毒,例如,研制抵抗病毒的药物和疫苗,从而更好地为人类的健康服务;从否定的角度看,人工合成病毒的研究也可能会合成某些对人类有害的病毒,如果这些病毒传播开来,或者被某些人用做生物武器,将给人类带来灾难。 第2节细胞的多样性和统一性 (二)实验1.使用高倍镜观察的步骤和要点是:(1)首先用低倍镜观察,找到要观察的物像,移到视野的中央。(2)转动转换器,用高倍镜观察,并轻轻转动细准焦螺旋,直到看清楚材料为止。2.提示:这些细胞在结构上的共同点是:有细胞膜、细胞质和细胞核,植物细胞还有细胞壁。各种细胞之间的差异和产生差异的可能原因是:这些细胞的位置和功能不同,其结构与功能相适应,这是个体发育过程中细胞分化产生的差异。3.提示:从模式图中可以看出,大肠杆菌没有明显的细胞核,没有核膜,细胞外有鞭毛,等等。 (三)思考与讨论提示:绝大多数细胞有细胞核,只有少数细胞没有细胞核。例如,人的成熟的红细胞就没有细胞核。细菌是单细胞生物,蓝藻以单细胞或以细胞群体存在,它们的细胞与植物细胞和动物细胞比较,没有成形的细胞核,而有拟核。拟核与细胞核的区别主要有两点:(1)拟核没有核膜,没有核仁;(2)拟核中的遗传物质不是以染色体的形式存在,而是直接以DNA的形式存在。 (四)资料分析1.提示:通过分析细胞学说的建立过程,可以领悟到科学发现具有以下特点。(1)科学发现是很多科学家的共同参与,共同努力的结果。(2)科学发现的过程离不开技术的支持(3)科学发现需要理性思维和实验的结合。(4)科学学说的建立过程是一个不断开拓、继承、修正和发展的过程。 2.细胞学说主要阐述了生物界的统一性。 3.提示:细胞学说的建立揭示了细胞的统一性和生物体结构的统一性,使人们认识到各种生物之间存在共同的结构基础;细胞学说的建立标志着生物学的研究进入到细胞水平,极大地促进了生物学的研究进程。


1、她连水都不愿喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。(much less) She wouldn’t take a drink, much less would she stay for dinner. 2、他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。(whereas) He thought I was lying to him, whereas I was telling the truth. 3、这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎么解释?(account for) How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week? 4、他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。(due to) The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy. 5、这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率的提高。(result in) Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency. 6、我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。(pour into) We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on. 1、尽管她是家里的独生女,她父母也从不溺爱她。(despite) Despite the fact that she is the only child in her family, she is never babied by her parents. 2、迈克没来参加昨晚的聚会,也没给我打电话作任何解释。(nor) Mike didn’t come to the party last night, nor did he call me to give an explanation. 3、坐在他旁边的那个人确实发表过一些小说,但决不是什么大作家。(next to;by no means) The person sitting next to him did publish some novels, but he is by no means a great writer. 4、他对足球不感兴趣,也从不关心谁输谁赢。(be indifferent to) He has no interest in football and is indifferent to who wins or loses. 5、经理需要一个可以信赖的助手,在他外出时,由助手负责处理问题。(count on) The manager needs an assistant that he can count on to take care of problems in his absence. 6、这是他第一次当着那么多观众演讲。(in the presence of sb.) This is the first time that he has made a speech in the presence of so large an audience. 1、你再怎么有经验,也得学习新技术。(never too...to...) You are never too experienced to learn new techniques. 2、还存在一个问题,那就是派谁去带领那里的研究工作。(Use an appositional structure) There remains one problem, namely, who should be sent to head the research there. 3、由于文化地不同,他们的关系在开始确实遇到了一些困难。(meet with) Their relationship did meet with some difficulty at the beginning because of cultural differences. 4、虽然他经历沉浮,但我始终相信他总有一天会成功的。(ups and downs;all along) Though he has had ups and downs, I believed all along that he would succeed someday. 5、我对你的说法的真实性有些保留看法。(have reservations about) I have some reservations about the truth of your claim. 6、她长得并不特别高,但是她身材瘦,给人一种个子高的错觉。(give an illusion of) She isn't particularly tall, but her slim figure gives an illusion of height.


__________________________________________________ 过去进行时练习题 用动词的适当形式填空。 1. While we __(wait) for the bus, a girl __(run) up to us. 2. I ___ (telephone) a friend when Bob _____ (come) in. 3. Jim _____ (jump) on the bus as it _____(move) away. 4. We ____(test) the new machine when the electricity __________ (go) off. 5. She ______(not want) to stay in bed while the others _____(all, work) in the fields. 6. While mother ___(put) Cathy to bed, the door bell ______ (ring). 7. As I ___ (walk) in the park, it ______(begin) to rain. 8. Even when she _______ (be) a child she _____ _____ (already, think) of becoming a ballerina (芭蕾舞演员). 9. It was quite late at night. George _____(read) and Amy _____(ply) her needle when they __________(hear) a knock at the door. 10. There _______(be) a group round the fire when they ______ (reach) it. An old woman _____(sit) on the ground near the kettle; two small children ____ (lie) near her; a donkey ______bend) his head over a tall girl. 1. I _____ (have) my breakfast at half past six yesterday morning. 2. Mary _____ (go) over her lessons from six to seven last night. John and peter ____(do) the same thing. 3. What ___ you ___ (do) at that time? We _____ (watch) TV. 4.Was your father at home yesterday evening? Yes ,he was. He ___ (listen) to the radio.


2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(1卷) 理科数学 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、选择题:本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目 要求的。 1.设1i 2i 1i z -= ++,则||z = A .0 B . 1 2 C .1 D .2 2.已知集合{} 2 20A x x x =-->,则A =R A .{} 12x x -<< B .{} 12x x -≤≤ C .} {}{|1|2x x x x <-> D .} {}{|1|2x x x x ≤-≥ 3.某地区经过一年的新农村建设,农村的经济收入增加了一倍,实现翻番,为更好地了解该地区农村的经济收入变化情况,统计了该地区新农村建设前后农村的经济收入构成比例,得到如下饼图: 建设前经济收入构成比例 建设后经济收入构成比例 则下面结论中不正确的是 A .新农村建设后,种植收入减少 B .新农村建设后,其他收入增加了一倍以上 C .新农村建设后,养殖收入增加了一倍 D .新农村建设后,养殖收入与第三产业收入的总和超过了经济收入的一半

4.设n S 为等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和,若3243S S S =+,12a =,则=5a A .12- B .10- C .10 D .12 5.设函数32 ()(1)f x x a x ax =+-+,若()f x 为奇函数,则曲线()y f x =在点(0,0)处的切线方程为 A .2y x =- B .y x =- C .2y x = D .y x = 6.在ABC △中,AD 为BC 边上的中线,E 为AD 的中点,则EB = A . 31 44 AB AC - B . 13 44 AB AC - C . 31 44 AB AC + D . 13 44 AB AC + 7.某圆柱的高为2,底面周长为16,其三视图如图.圆柱表面上的点M 在正视图上的对应点为A ,圆柱表面上的点N 在左视图上的对应点为B ,则在此圆柱侧面上,从M 到N 的路径中,最短路径的长度为 A .172 B .52 C .3 D .2 8.设抛物线C :y 2=4x 的焦点为F ,过点(–2,0)且斜率为2 3 的直线与C 交于M ,N 两点,则FM FN ?= A .5 B .6 C .7 D .8 9.已知函数e 0()ln 0x x f x x x ?≤=? >?,, ,, ()()g x f x x a =++.若g (x )存在2个零点,则a 的取值范围是 A .[–1,0) B .[0,+∞) C .[–1,+∞) D .[1,+∞) 10.下图来自古希腊数学家希波克拉底所研究的几何图形.此图由三个半圆构成,三个半圆的直径分别为 直角三角形ABC 的斜边BC ,直角边AB ,AC .△ABC 的三边所围成的区域记为I ,黑色部分记为II ,其余部分记为III .在整个图形中随机取一点,此点取自I ,II ,III 的概率分别记为p 1,p 2,p 3,则 A .p 1=p 2 B .p 1=p 3 C .p 2=p 3 D .p 1=p 2+p 3


另:()y x u u ,=,()y x v v ,=,?? ?==? ρ?ρsin ,cos y x ? ?ρ ρ ρ sin cos y u x u y y u x x u u ??+ ??= ????+ ????= ?? ρ ?????ρ?ρρ??ρ? ρ??= ??+ ??= ??+ ??- =??? ? ????+-??=???? ??????+????= ??u x u y u y v x v y v x v y y v x x v v cos sin cos sin cos )sin (111 ? ?ρ ρ ρ sin cos y v x v y y v x x v v ??+ ??= ????+ ????= ?? ρ ?????ρ?ρρ??ρ? ρ??- =??- ??- =??+ ??- =??? ? ????+-??=???? ??????+????= ??v x v y v y u x u y u x u y y u x x u u cos sin cos sin cos )sin (111 所以,有 ?????? ???-=????=??ρ?ρ?ρρv u v u 11 第18页 第2题

第27页 指出下列多值函数的支点及其阶。 (1) ) (a z - 解:根式的可能支点是∞点和根式内多项式的零点,现在来逐个考察这些点的性质。 ① a z =:在此点的邻域内任取一点 1 11φρi e a z +=(11 <<ρ),则有 2 11)(φ φ ρρi i e e a z = = - 当保持 1ρ不变 π φφ211+→(绕 a z =一周)时,有


1—1填空题: 1.机械是机器和机构的总称。 机械原理课程的研究内容是有关机械的基本理论问题。 2.各种机构都是用来传递与变换运动和力的可动的装置。 如:齿轮机构、连杆机构、凸轮机构等。 3.凡用来完成有用功的机器是工作机。 如:机床、起重机、纺织机等。 凡将其它形式的能量转换为机械能的机器是原动机。 如:电动机、蒸气机、内燃机等。 4.在机器中,零件是制造的单元,构件是运动的单元。 5.机器中的构件可以是单一的零件,也可以是由多个零件装配成的刚性结构。 在机械原理课程中,我们将构件作为研究的基本单元。 6.两个构件直接接触形成的可动联接称为运动副。 7.面接触的运动副称为低副,如移动副、转动副等。 点或面接触的运动副称为高副,如凸轮副、齿轮副等。 8.构件通过运动副的连接而构成的可相对运动的系统是运动链,若组成运动链的各构件构成首尾封闭的系统称为闭链,若未构成首尾封闭的系统称为开链。 9.在运动链中,如果将其中一个构件固定而成为机架,则该运动链便成为机构。 10.平面机构是指组成机构的各个构件均在同一个平面上运动。 11.在平面机构中,平面低副提供 2 个约束,平面高副提供 1 个约束。12.机构具有确定运动时所必须给定的独立运动参数的数目称为机构的自由度。 13.机构具有确定运动的条件是机构的原动件数目应等于机构的自由度的数目。1—2试画出图示平面机构的机构示意图,并计算自由度(步骤:1)列出完整公式,2)带入数据,3)写出结果)。其中:

图a) 唧筒机构――用于水井的半自动汲水机构。图中水管4直通水下,当使用者来回摆动手柄2时,活塞3将上下移动,从而汲出井水。 解:自由度计算:画出机构示意图: n= 3 p L = 4 p H= 0 p ' = 0 F'= 0 F=3n-(2p l+p h-p′)-F′ = 3×3-(2×4+0-0)-0 = 1 图b) 缝纫机针杆机构原动件1绕铰链A作整周转动,使得滑块2沿滑槽滑动,同时针杆作上下移动,完成缝线动作。 解:自由度计算:画出机构示意图: n= 3 p L = 4 p H= 0 p ' = 0 F'= 0 F=3n-(2p l+p h-p′)-F′ = 3×3-(2×4+0-0)-0 = 1 1—3试绘出图a)所示偏心回转油泵机构的运动简图(各部分尺寸由图中直接量 取)。图中偏心轮1绕固定轴心A转动, 外环2上的叶片a在可绕轴心c转动的观察方向 3 2 4 1 4 3 2 1


管理学基础作业参考答案 管理学基础作业1 一、为什么说“管理既是一门科学,又是一门艺术”? 答:管理科学作为社会科学的一种,是长起以来人门在管理实践中的经验总结、和发展。人们将这些作以分析,整理并形成系统。成为理论。因此是当之无愧的科学。何况现在的大学里也在开设经济管理。财务管理,工商管理等课程,这是大家有目共睹的事实。 说管理是一门艺术。此话亦真,我们谈管理,不只是单纯的形式上的管理。理论上的管理。而是多姿多彩的全面的管理。管理对管理人才的要求很高,要他同时具备多种素质。有一篇文章曾将管理人才的素质分为几类:“一个管理人员应该同时是一个军师,一个元帅,一个花匠、一个战士等。”因为一个企业管理者必须统帅全局、为企业的长期发展作谋划,必须身先士卒和有缜密的思维。因此说管理是一门艺术也不足为过。何况当今的高级管理人才毕竟少的可怜。 管理肯定是科学,但同时又是艺术。因为管理是对人的管理,而不是机器,所以要讲究方式方法,这就是艺术了。有些管理者懂管理理论,但不会做人的工作,结果与愿望相反,有些管理者可能不是很懂理论,但会做工作,结果与希望相一致。这就是管理的艺术所在。只有将两者有机地结合在一起,才能充分发挥管理的作用。 自然,管理是在人类经济社会活动中的一项职能,从科学的角度来说,有管理学、管理方法、管理理论等形态;从艺术角度来看,则有具体的管理艺术,特别是在度的把握以及在具体应用时一些微妙的变化……所以说管理既是科学也是艺术。 管理既是科学又是艺术!管理象一台运转的机器,它遵循着它的运作模式,但是在机器陈旧的时候就需要改进和维护,从而为企业进行更好的服务,这时就产生了艺术,而管理步伐中的细小环节,模式所不能解决的它就必须有新的方式,新的手段,新的做法去解决,根据环境和问题的不同,作出不同的结论,这本身也是艺术,所以管理是科学,但是它同时也是一门最好的艺术!!! 二、综合实践题 项目:走访一家组织及其管理者 内容:选择一家企业、医院、学校或政府机关等组织,与管理人员进行谈话,观察并了解他们的工作。 完成以下问题: 1、他属于哪一层次的管理者? 2、他在组织中担任的职务。 3、他管理的下级人员的数量。 4、他认为胜任其工作所必需的技能。 5、观察他如何安排一天的工作,并记录下来。 答:1、餐饮企业管理 2、餐饮部经理 3、人数: 4、熟悉本部门专业知识,持有高级学历证书,持有经理上岗证。 5、一天的工作安排大纲: 检查:上午~下午~晚上 1.检查: ⑴要值两头班,午晚餐均应在岗,检查并全面负责餐厅各项管理工作。 ⑵按餐厅检查一览表逐条检查: a.检查餐厅的环境卫生工作。 b.餐厅各种设施设备应保持完好。 c.摆台应该符合规定:餐具整齐、摆放统一、干净、无缺口、席巾无洞无污渍。 d.台椅摆放整齐:椅子干净无尘,坐垫无污渍,台椅纵横对齐或摆成图案形。 e.工作台摆放有序:餐柜摆设符合要求、托盘叠放整齐划一、餐具布置规范。 f.宴会,特别是预订宴会各项准备工作是否完成。 g.餐具准备应充足、完好、清洁。 h.各种调料准备充分。 i.冰水、饮料准备充足,并达到规定的温度标准。


《定额运用》作业 1、有段路堤工程17500米3(属三级公路),需要人工挖运进行填筑(手推车、普通土),平均运距为154米,并要求人工夯实,请确定其预算定额。 解:1、定额表号:[10-1-1-7-1],[9-1-1-6-2+5×13] 及节说明8 2、人工定额:[181.1×1.05+7.3×13 ×1.08+151.8]×17.5=7777。83(工日) 3、基价:[8910×1.05+359×13×1.08 +7469]×17.5=382635 (元) 2、0.6m3挖掘机挖装土方,75KW推土机清理余土。土方工程量为1050 m3其中部分机械达不到需由人工完成,其工程量为50 m3,土质为普遍土,请确定其预算定额。 解: 1、定额表号:[12-1-1-9-2] [9-1-1-6-2] 及节说明3 2、人工定额:4.5+181.1×1.15×50/1000=14.91(工日) 3、机械定额:75kw以内履带式推土机:0.72台班 0.6m3以内履带式单斗挖掘机 3.37台班 4、基价:2348+8910×1.15×50/1000=2860(元) 3某段水泥混凝土路面工程86000米2,其设计要求:厚度为24厘米,混凝土强度等级为C 35,水泥等级42.5,要求施工时采用摊铺机铺筑(滑模式),交通不能中断,其行车密度为1500次昼夜,请确定其预算定额。 解:1、定额表号:[172-2-2-17-5+6×4] [1011-(二)、2-25] 2、人工定额:人工:(50.1+1.5×4)×86=4824.6(工日) 3、材料定额:锯材:0.001×86=0.086 (m3) 型钢:0.001t×86=0.086(t) 42.5级水泥:0.372×(204+10.2×4)×86=7831.64(t) 石油沥青:(0.138+0.006×4)×86=13.932(t) 煤:(0.028+0.001×4)×86=2.752(t) 水:(31+2×4)×86=3354 (m3) 中(粗)砂:0.46×(204+10.2×4)×86=9684.29 (m3) 碎石:0.83×(204+10.2×4)×86=17473.82( m3) 其他材料费:(304.1+5×4)×86=27873(元) 4、机械定额:3 m3以内轮胎式装载机:(0.9+0.05×4)×86=94.6(台班) 滑模式水泥混凝土摊铺机:(0.37+0.02×4)×86=38.7(台班) 混凝土刻纹机:8.91×86=66.26(台班) 混凝土切缝机:3.82×86=328.52(台班) 6 m3以内混凝土搅拌运输车:(2.74+0.14×4)×86=283.8(台班) 60 m3/h以内混凝土搅拌站:(0.67+0.03×4)×86=67.94(台班) 6000L以内洒水汽车:1.9×86=163.4(台班) 5、基价:(52519+2403×4)×86+7831.64×350-(76.908+3.845×4)×86×320+ [(9684.288-(93.84+4.69×4)×86]×60+[(17473.824-(169.32+8.47 ×4×86)]×55=5544540(元)


高中生物必修123课后习题参考答案 必修1《分子与细胞》课文中有关问题提示 第1章走近细胞 第1节从生物圈到细胞 答案和提示 (一)问题探讨 1.提示:病毒尽管不具有细胞结构,但它可以寄生在活细胞中,利用活细胞中的物质生活和繁殖。 2.提示:SARS病毒侵害了人体的上呼吸道细胞、肺部细胞,由于肺部细胞受损,导致患者呼吸困难,患者因呼吸功能衰竭而死亡。此外,SARS病毒还侵害人体其他部位的细胞。 (二)资料分析 1.提示:草履虫除能完成运动和分裂外,还能完成摄食、呼吸、生长、应激性等生命活动。如果没有完整的细胞结构,草履虫不可能完成这些生命活动。 2.提示:在子女和父母之间,精子和卵细胞充当了遗传物质的桥梁。父亲产生的精子和母亲产生的卵细胞通过受精作用形成受精卵,受精卵在子宫中发育成胚胎,胚胎进一步发育成胎儿。胚胎发育通过细胞分裂、分化等过程实现。 3.提示:完成一个简单的缩手反射需要许多种类的细胞参与,如由传入神经末梢形成的感受器、传入神经元、中间神经元、传出神经元、相关的骨骼肌细胞,等等。人的学习活动需要种类和数量繁多的细胞参与。由细胞形成组织,由各种组织构成器官,由器官形成系统,多种系统协作,才能完成学习活动。学习活动涉及到人体的多种细胞,但主要是神经细胞的参与。 4.提示:例如,胰岛细胞受损容易导致胰岛素依赖型糖尿病;脊髓中的运动神经元受损容易导致相应的肢体瘫痪;大脑皮层上的听觉神经元受损可导致听觉发生障碍,等等。 5.提示:例如,生物体的运动离不开肌细胞;兴奋的传导离不开神经细胞;腺体的分泌离不开相关的腺(上皮)细胞,等等。 (三)思考与讨论 1.提示:如果把龟换成人,图中其他各层次的名称不变,但具体内容会发生变化。例如,心脏应为二心房、二心室;种群应为同一区域的所有人,等等。应当指出的是,生物圈只有1个。如果换成一棵松树,图中应去掉“系统”这个层次,细胞、组织、器官、种群的具体内容也会改变。如果换成一只草履虫,细胞本身就是个体,没有组织、器官、系统等层次。 2.提示:细胞层次;其他层次都是建立在细胞这一层次的基础之上的,没有细胞就没有组织、器官、系统等层次。另一方面,生物体中的每个细胞具有相对的独立性,能独立完成一系列的生命活动,某些生物体还是由单细胞构成的。 3.提示:一个分子或一个原子是一个系统,但不是生命系统,因为生命系统能完成一定的生命活动,单靠一个分子或一个原子是不可能完成生命活动的。


211、一个算法应该具有"确定性"等5个特性,下面对另外4个特性的描述中错误的是b A)有零个或多个输入 B)有零个或多个输出 C)有穷性 D)可行性 313、以下符合C语言语法的实型常量是(c) A)1.2E0.5 B)3.14.159E C).5E-3 D)E15 314、以下4组用户定义标识符中,全部合法的一组是(a) A)_main B)If C)txt D)int enclude -max REAL k_2 sin turbo 3COM _001 111)以下叙述中正确的是A A)C程序中注释部分可以出现在程序中任意合适的地方 B)花括号"{"和"}"只能作为函数体的定界符 C)构成C程序的基本单位是函数,所有函数名都可以由用户命名 D)分号是C语句之间的分隔符,不是语句的一部分 312)以下选项中可作为C语言合法整数的是C A)10110B B)0386 C )0Xffa D)x2a2 313)以下不能定义为用户标识符的是D A)scanf B)Void C)_3com_ D)int 325)已定义ch为字符型变量,以下赋值语句中错误的是A A)ch='\'; B)ch=62+3; C)ch=NUL L; D)ch='\xaa'; 1(11) 以下叙述正确的是C A) C语言比其他语言高级 B) C语言可以不用编译就能被计算机识别执行 C) C语言以接近英语国家的自然语言和数学语言作为语言的表达形式 D) C语言出现的最晚、具有其他语言的一切优点 2(12) C语言中用于结构化程序设计的三种基本结构是A A) 顺序结构、选择结构、循环结构 B) if、switch、break C) for、while、do-while D) if、for、continue 1(13) 在一个C语言程序中B A) main函数必须出现在所有函数之前 B) main函数可以在任何地方出现 C) main函数必须出现在所有函数之后 D) main函数必须出现在固定位置 3(14) 下列叙述中正确的是D A) C语言中既有逻辑类型也有集合类型 B) C语言中没有逻辑类型但有集合类型 C) C语言中有逻辑类型但没有集合类型


练习题一 一、单项选择题: 1.()限制了估价报告书的用途。 A、估价方法 B、估价目的 C、估价原则 D、估价日期 参考答案:B 2.现行的土地权属证书有() A、《国有土地所有证》; B、《国有土地使用证》; C、《集体土地所有证》; D、《集体土地使用证》。 参考答案:BCD 3. 中国房地产估价师学会简称为()。 A、IRCEA B、CAIRE C、CIREA D、CEIRA 参考答案:C 4. 政府举行土地使用权拍卖出让,有意购买者可以委托房地产估价人员为其评估能够承受的最高购买价格,这也是一种( )。A.市场价值评估 B.投资价值评估 C.原始价值评估 D.账面价值评估 参考答案:B 解析:就投资价值与市场价值相对而言,房地产估价所评估的是房地产的市场价值。但作为房地产估价人员,评估投资价值或提供房地产市场分析报告、房地产投资项目可行性研究报告,也是其服务的重要领域。 5. 第一个房地产投资者对房地产都有一个心理价位,投资价值可以看成是这个心理价位,当( )低于其心理价位时,投资者趋向于增加投资;相反,他们将向市场出售过去的房地产。A.市场价格 B.投资价格C.使用价格 D.交换价格 参考答案:A 解析:投资者评估的房地产的投资价值,或者说消费者对房地产的评价,大于或等于该房地产的市场价格,是其投资行为或交易能够实现的基本条件。当投资价值大于市场价格时,说明值得投资购买;反之,说明不值得投资购买。 6. ( )是随着时间的推移而减少的。A.原始价值 B.账面价值C.市场价值 D.投资价值 参考答案:B 解析:原始价值是始终不变的;账面价值是随着时间的推移而减少的;市场价值是随着时间的推移而变化的,有时高,有时低。市场价值很少等于账面价值。 7. ( )是指某种房地产在市场上的一般、平均水平价格,是该类房地产大量成交价格的抽象结果。 A. 原始价格 B.理论价格C.成交价格 D.市场价格 参考答案:D 解析:市场价格是指某种房地产在市场上的一般、平均水平价格,是该类房地产大量成交价格的抽象结果。 8. 楼面地价又称单位建筑面积地价,楼面地价与土地总价的关系为( )。 A.楼面地价;土地总价÷总建筑面积B.楼面地价:土地总价x总建筑面积C.楼面地价:土地总价+总建筑面积D. 楼面地价:总建筑面积÷土地总价 参考答案:A 9. 合法原则要求房地产估价应以( )为前提进行。 A.最高最佳使用原则B.公平原则C.估价对象的合法权益 D. 替代原则 参考答案:C 解析:两宗实物状况相同的房地产,如果权益不同,价值会有所不同。 10. 收益递增递减原理可以帮助我们确定( )。 A.最佳用途和最佳规模 B.最佳约度C.最佳规模和最佳约度 D.最佳用途 参考答案:C 解析:它揭示的是两种投入产出关系:一种是在一种投入量变动而其他投入量固定的情况下的投入产出关系;另一种是在所有的投入量都变动的情况下的投入产出关系。 11. ( )是评估房地产价格的时间界限,例如,政府有关房地产的法律、法规、政策、参考、税收等的发布、变更、实施日期等,均有可能影响估价对象的价格,因此,在估价时是采用发布、变更、实施日期之前的还是之后的,就应根据它不确定。A,估价时点 B.估价目的 C.估价区位 D.估价权益 参考答案:A 解析:估价不是求取估价对象在某一个时间上的价格,这既没有必要也不可能。 二、多项选择题: 1. 房地产之所以有价格,其前提条件是( )。A.房地产的有用性 B.房地产的稀缺性C.房地产的有效供给 D.房地产的有效需求 参考答案:A, B, D 解析:房地产之所以有价格,与其他任何商品为什么有价格一样,需要具备3个条件:①有用性;②稀缺性;③有效需求。 2. 成交价格简称成交价,是交易双方实际达成交易的价格。它是一个已完成的事实这种价格通常随着 ( )的不同而不同。A.交易者的心态 B.交易者的偏好C.交易者对市场了解程度 D.讨价还价能力 参考答案:A, B, C, D 解析:成交价格可能是正常的,也可能是不正常的,所以,可将成交价格区分


16 、选择题 1. (4分) 如图是由5个大小相同的正方体组成的几何体, 则该几何体的主视图是 ( ) 故选:A . 【点评】本题考查由三视图判断几何体, 简单组合体的三视图. 由几何体的俯视图及小正方 形内的数字,可知主视图的列数与俯视数的列数相同, 且每列小正方形数目为俯视图中该列 小正方形数字中的最大数字. 左视图的列数与俯视图的行数相同, 且每列小正方形数目为俯 视图中相应行中正方形数字中的最大数字. 反比例函数是y=Z 的图象在( A ?第一、二象限 B ?第一、三象限 C .第二、三象限 D ?第二、四象限 【分析】直接根据反比例函数的性质进行解答即可. 【解答】 解:???反比例函数是yi 中,k=2 >0, ???此函数图象的两个分支分别位于一、三象限 故选B . 【点评】本题考查的是反比例函数的性质,熟知反比例函数 当k >0,双曲线的两支分别位于第一、第三象限,在每一象限内 答此题的关键. 3 △ DEF ,若△ ABC 与厶DEF 的相似比为三■,则△ ABC 与厶DEF 4 中考数学试 参考答案与试题解析 【解答】解:观察图形可知,该几何体的主视图是 2. ( 4 分) y 随x 的增大而减小是解 3. ( 4 分) 已知△ ABC s 对应中线的比为( ) (k^0)的图象是双曲线;

A3D 4^ 9 IE A . -B. —c. — D.— 16 【分析】根据相似三角形的对应中线的比等于相似比解答.

6. (4 分) 如图,在△ ABC 中, DE // BC , AD =2 DB =3 ,则 AE EC 【解答】 解:???△ ABC DEF , △ ABC 与厶DEF 的相似比为色, 4 ???△ ABC 与厶DEF 对应中线的比为色, 4 故选:A . 【点评】本题考查的是相似三角形的性质, 相似三角形周长的比等于相似比; 相似三角形面 积的比等于相似比的平方; 相似三角形对应高的比、 对应中线的比、对应角平分线的比都等 于相似比. A . 4 B . 6 C . 8 D . 10 【分析】在直角三角形 ABC 中,利用锐角三角函数定义表示出 sinA ,将sinA 的值与BC 的 长代入求出AB 的长即可. 【解答】 解:在 Rt △ ABC 中,/ C=90° sinA=Z 二=亠,BC=6 , AB 5 I LC I ? AB= = =10, sinA ' 5 【点评】此题考查了解直角三角形,熟练掌握锐角三角函数定义是解本题的关键. 2 5. ( 4分) 一元二次方程X 2+2X +仁 0的根的情况( ) A .有一个实数根 B .有两个相等的实数根 C .有两个不相等的实数根 D .没有实数根 【分析】先求出△的值,再根据△> 0?方程有两个不相等的实数根; △ =0?方程有两个相 等的实数;△< 0?方程没有实数根,进行判断即可. 【解答】解:?/ △ =22- 4 XI X1=0, ? 一元二次方程X 2+2X +1=0有两个相等的实数根; 故选B . 【点评】此题主要考查了一元二次方程根的情况与判别式 △的关系: (1) △>0?方程有两个不相等的实数根; (2) △ =0?方程有两个相等的实数根; (3) △ < 0?方程没有实数根. 4. (4 分) 在 Rt △ ABC 中, / C=90 ° sinA 壬 ,BC=6,贝U AB=( 故选D


第一章 1.简述金融风险含义的含义、特点和主要类型 金融风险是指金融变量的变动所引起的资产组合未来收益的不确定性。(正收益也有可能是风险、不确定性即是风险、方差度量法度量) 金融风险具有不确定性,客观性,主观性,叠加性和累积性,消极性和积极性并存的特点。 金融风险的类型:按照能否分散,可以分为系统风险和非系统风险。按照会计标准,能分为会计风险和经济风险。按照驱动因素,能分为市场风险、信用分析、操作风险、流动性风险、其他风险(经营、国家、关联风险)等。 2.试对金融风险的诱因和有可能导致的经济结果进行阐释和分析 诱因:未来收益有可能受金融变量变动影响的那部分资产组合的资金头寸称为风险暴露。金融风险来源于风险暴露以及影响资产组合未来收益的金融变量变动的不确定性。(暴露是风险资产的一种状态。风险是可能性)。不确定是金融风险产生的根源(内在和外在即非系统和系统) 可能导致的结果:金融风险利弊共存,不良影响有:(1)可能会给微观经济主体带来直接或潜在的经济损失。(2)影响投资者的预期收益。(3)增大了交易和经营管理成本(4)可能会降低部门生产率和资金利用率。(5)可能会引起一国经济增长、消费水平和投资水平的下降。(6)影响一国的国际收支。(7)可能会造成产业结构部合理,社会生产力水平下降,甚至引起金融市场秩序混乱,对经济产生严重破坏。(8)对宏观经济政策的制定和实施也产生重大影响。(4个微观,4个宏观) 3.辨析金融风险与预期损失、未预期损失、经济资本、监管资本之间的关系 金融风险的经济资本是与金融机构实际承担的风险直接对应、并随着机构实际承担的风险大小而变化的资本,是由金融机构基于追求股东价值最大化的理念对风险、收益、资本综合考虑的基础上所确定的。 金融风险的监管资本是指监管部门针对有可能发生的风险而要求金融机构必须备足的资本。(核心资本和附属资本) 预期损失是实现可以预计的平均损失,一般视为金融机构的业务成本之一,以计提准备
