successful job interview文档

The successful interview

To be successful in a job interview, you should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualities.

You should, for example, take care to appear well-groomed and modestly dressed, avoiding the extremes of too elaborate or too casual clothes.

Clothes which are too informal may convey the impression that you are not serious about the job or that you may be casual about your work. Clothes which are too elaborate, too colorful, or too expensive suggest that you do not understand what behavior is appropriate for the job or that you are snobbish or frivolous. The right clothes worn at the right time, however, gain the respect of the interviewer and his confidence in your judgment.

Besides care for personal appearance, you should pay close attention to your manner of speaking. Since speech is a reflection of personality, you should reflect confidence by speaking in a clear voice, loud enough to be heard without being aggressive or overpowering. Your speech must reveal the individuality and ability

of yourself and show you to be a friendly and pleasant person.

Furthermore, you should be prepared to talk knowledgeably about the requirements of the position for which you are applying in relation to your own professional experience and interests. Knowing something about the position enables you to ask intelligent questions about the work and the requirements for the job. You can comment on your own training, experience, and other qualifications in relation to the specific task of the position. The interviewer can decide whether your background and potential seem to fit the position. It is essential that you demonstrate your understanding of the requirements and your abilities in meeting these requirements. Finally, to be really impressive you must convey a sense of self-confidence and enthusiasm for work. As already indicated, you demonstrate self-confidence by your manner of speech and dress. You further show it by being prepared for the interview with information and questions about the position. In addition, the eagerness with which you discuss the job rather than the salary may reveal your enthusiasm for work. Both of these qualities ---self-confidence and enthusiasm for work--- are highly valued by all interviewers.

In conclusion, if you display the above mentioned characteristics, with just a little luck, you will certainly succeed in the typical personnel interview.


Interviewer: “Tell me about yourself?” Interviewee:“I am a software engineer with 4 years of experience in ‘Sales Force’ domain with expertise in Customer Relationship Management process. Leaving aside that, I am a jovial person who loves to hitch-hike and indulge in white water rafting whenever time permits. All in all, a team person who loves to face challenges and deliver on deadlines!” Note: The applicant has been able to communicate his strengths and expertise (Personal & Professional) in an informal and succinct yet informative line of communication. Further, he had prodded the interviewer to ask about his professional involvement. Interviewer:“Can you briefly explain what role you played in Customer Relationship Management process for Sales Force?” Interviewee:“Yes, sure. I was a team lead while designing the Customer Relationship Management software for Sales Force. The project was regarding an international retail chain. With a team of 15 members I was able to successfully pin –point and utilize the factors affecting the footfall at the store and thus, helped the client achieve a growth of 30% in sales.” Note:The interviewee has successfully talked about his work deliverables, his management abilities and the results achieved. Interviewer:“Great!So, how do you thing you fit in our organization?”Interviewee:“I wish to make a career in IT industry and keeping in mind my long term goals, I believe that associating with this organization will be the most prudent step. In here, I would surely be able to further utilize my skills in the most effective manner and also, obtain a chance of acquiring newer skills and honing the same.” Note: The interviewee has put forward a logical reason for associating with the organization and has also touch-based on his future plans. 2 Ms. Ballard: I see on your resume that you worked as a manager at Computer Country. Could you tell me a little more about your responsibilities there? Carey Cornwall: Sure. I was responsible for overseeing about 30 employees, I did all of the ordering for the store, and I kept track of the inventory. Ms. Ballard: What was the most difficult part of your job? Carey Cornwall: Probably handling angry customers. We didn't have them


感受现代科技 【学习目标】 1、知识:感受现代科技给人类生活带来的新变化,认识科技与生活,科技发展与社会发展的关系,懂得“科学技术是第一生产力”的道理。 2、能力与情感:感悟现代科技的神奇与力量,理解科技是社会发展的强大推力,激发学生 对科技重要性的认识,增强学生对科学的兴趣,培养学生热爱科学的精神。 3、过程与方法:依据教学内容和学生的认识规律设置了“课前预习”、“课堂助学”、“课堂巩固”、“课后拓学”、“教学反思”五个模块的教学整合,运用多媒体等教学手段,采用自主体验、 探究活动、案例情境等方法来完成教学目标。 【学习重点、难点】 领略现代科技的神奇与力量,理解“科技是第一生产力”。 【学习过程】 一、预习初探: (一)快快行动,书外的知识真有趣: 1、生活体验:观察生活,请你说说我们身边有哪些科技产品?例举实例说说这些科技产品给我们的生活带来哪些新变化? 2、想象天地:展现你的想象天份,想象你准备发明一样科技产品,使你的未来生活更美好。 3、图片收集:上网收集有关科技产品的图片,准备创办科技小展览,领略现代科技的神 奇与力量。 (二)阅读课本,书本的知识真寻味: 4、我们现在的生活与科技________________。丰足的衣食,舒适的住行,千百年来一直是人类_________________。 5、科学技术是________________的强大推力,是________生产力。______________已成为当代经济发展的火车头。 6、________________是人类文明的标志。科学技术的进步为人类创造了巨大的 ______________和_________________。

Job Interview 教案

重庆正大软件职业技术学院教案(理论类) 授课对象 系别本次课 学时 2 年级班次 章节题目Job Interview 目的要求(含技能要求)Be able to write English resume, give oral presentation of self-introduction and know how to communicate with interviewer 本节重点Know how to communicate when interviewing 本节难点Master the useful expressions in this occasion 教学方法Situational teaching and drilling 教学用具Whiteboard, chalk and books and other teaching materials 问 题引入What would you like to do after your graduation? How can you pass your interview? 难点与重点讲解方法Set some questions; Evaluate students’ resume; Emphasize the important language points; Encourage students to give their own self-introductions; Drill: discuss about a given topic with group members, and then make explanation of their final answer. 本次课小节课程小节教后札记 讨论、思考 题、作业(含实训作业)1. Practice the dialogues about having a job interview and applying for a job. 2. Practice and become familiar with the relevant expressions. 授课教师:年月日


1 Interviewer: “Tell me about yourself” Interviewee:“I am a software engineer with 4 years of experience in ‘Sales Force’ domain with expertise in Customer Relationship Management process. Leaving aside that, I am a jovial person who loves to hitch-hike and indulge in white water rafting whenever time permits. All in all, a team person who loves to face challenges and deliver on deadlines!” Note: The applicant has been able to communicate his strengths and expertise (Personal & Professional) in an informal and succinct yet informative line of communication. Further, he had prodded the interviewer to ask about his professional involvement. Interviewer:“Can you briefly explain what role you played in Customer Relationship Management process for Sales Force”Interviewee:“Yes, sure. I was a team lead while designing the Customer Relationship Management software for Sales Force. The project was regarding an international retail chain. With a team of 15 members I was able to successfully pin –point and

面试英文自我介绍--job interview

G o o d m o r n i n g! I t i s r e a l l y m y h o n o r t o h a v e t h i s o p p o r t u n i t y f o r a n i n t e r v i e w, I h o p e i c a n m a k e a g o o d p e r f o r m a n c e t o d a y.I'm c o n f i d e n t t h a t I c a n s u c c e e d. N o w i w i l l i n t r o d u c e m y s e l f b r i e f l y I a m26y e a r s o l d,b o r n i n s h a n d o n g p r o v i n c e. I w a s g r a d u a t e d f r o m q i n g d a o u n i v e r s i t y.m y m a j o r i s e l e c t r o n i c.a n d i g o t m y b a c h e l o r d e g r e e a f t e r m y g r a d u a t i o n i n t h e y e a r o f2003. I s p e n d m o s t o f m y t i m e o n s t u d y,i h a v e p a s s e d C E T4/6.a n d i h a v e a c q u i r e d b a s i c k n o w l e d g e o f m y m a j o r d u r i n g m y s c h o o l t i m e. I n J u l y2003,I b e g a n w o r k f o r a s m a l l p r i v a t e c o m p a n y a s a t e c h n i c a l s u p p o r t e n g i n e e r i n Q i n g D a o c i t y.B e c a u s e I'm c a p a b l e o f m o r e r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s,s o I d e c i d e d t o c h a n g e m y j o b. A n d i n A u g u s t2004,I l e f t Q i n g D a o t o B e i J i n g a n d w o r k e d f o r a f o r e i g n e n t e r p r i s e a s a a u t o m a t i o n s o f t w a r e t e s t e n g i n e e r.B e c a u s e I w a n t t o c h a n g e m y w o r k i n g e n v i r o n m e n t,I'd l i k e t o f i n d a j o b w h i c h i s m o r e c h a l l e n g i n g.M o r o v e r M o t o r o l a i s a g l o b a l c o m p a n y,s o I f e e l I c a n g a i n t h e m o s t f r o m w o r k i n g i n t h i s k i n d o f c o m p a n y e n n v i r o n m e n t.T h a t i s t h e r e a s o n w h y I c o m e h e r e t o c o m p e t e f o r t h i s p o s i t i o n. I t h i n k I'm a g o o d t e a m p l a y e r a n d I'm a p e r s o n o f g r e a t h o n e s t y t o o t h e r s.A l s o I a m a b l e t o w o r k u n d e r g r e a t p r e s s u r e. T h a t’s a l l.T h a n k y o u f o r g i v i n g m e t h e c h a n c e. 自我介绍(s e l f-i n t r o d u c t i o n) 1.G o o d m o r n i n g.I a m g l a d t o b e h e r e f o r t h i s i n t e r v i e w.F i r s t l e t m e i n t r o d u c e m y s e l f. M y n a m e i s***,24.I c o m e f r o m******,t h e c a p i t a l o f*******P r o v i n c e.I g r a d u a t e d f r o m t h e *******d e p a r t m e n t o f*****U n i v e r s i t y i n J u l y,2001.I n t h e p a s t t w o y e a r s I h a v e b e e n p r e p a r i n g f o r t h e p o s t g r a d u a t e e x a m i n a t i o n w h i l e I h a v e b e e n t e a c h i n g*****i n N O.****m i d d l e S c h o o l a n d I w a s a h e a d-t e a c h e r o f a c l a s s i n j u n i o r g r a d e t w o.N o w a l l m y h a r d w o r k h a s g o t a r e s u l t s i n c e I h a v e a c h a n c e t o b e i n t e r v i e w b y y o u.I a m o p e n-m i n d e d,q u i c k i n t h o u g h t a n d v e r y f o n d o f h i s t o r y.I n m y s p a r e t i m e,I h a v e b r o a d i n t e r e s t s l i k e m a n y o t h e r y o u n g s t e r s.I l i k e r e a d i n g b o o k s,e s p e c i a l l y t h o s e a b o u t*******.F r e q u e n t l y I e x c h a n g e w i t h o t h e r p e o p l e b y m a k i n g c o m m e n t s i n t h e f o r u m o n l i n e.I n a d d i t i o n,d u r i n g m y c o l l e g e y e a r s,I w a s o n c e a N e t- b a r t e c h n i c i a n.S o,I h a v e a c o m p a r a t i v e l y g o o d c o m m a n d o f n e t w o r k a p p l i c a t i o n.I a m a b l e t o o p e r a t e t h e c o m p u t e r w e l l.I a m s k i l l f u l i n s e a r c h i n g f o r i n f o r m a t i o n i n I n t e r n e t.I a m a f o o t b a l l f a n f o r y e a r s.I t a l i a n t e a m i s m y f a v o r i t e.A n y w a y,I f e e l g r e a t p i t y f o r o u r c o u n t r y’s t e a m.I a l w a y s b e l i e v e t h a t o n e w i l l e a s i l y l a g b e h i n d u n l e s s h e k e e p s o n l e a r n i n g .O f c o u r s e,i f I a m g i v e n a c h a n c e t o s t u d y****** i n t h i s f a m o u s U n i v e r s i t y,I w i l l s t a r e n o e f f o r t t o m a s t e r a g o o d c o m m a n d o f a d v a n c e******. 2.G o o d a f t e r n o o n.I a m o f g r e a t h o r n o r t o s t a n d h e r e a n d i n t r o d u c e m y s e l f t o y o u.F i r s t o f a l l,m y e n g l i s h n a m e i s...a n d m y c h i n e s e n a m e i s..I f y o u a r e g o i n g t o h a v e a j o b i n t e r v i e w,y o u m u s t s a y m u c h t h i n g s w h i c h c a n s h o w y o u r w i l l n e s s t o t h i s j o b,s u c h a s,i t i s m y l o n g c h e r i s h e d d r e a m t o b e...a n d I a m e a g e r t o g e t a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o d o...a n d t h e n g i v e s o m e e x a m p l e s w h i c h c a n g i v e e v i d e n c e t o.t h e n y o u c a n s a y s o m e t h i n g a b o u t y o u r h o b b i e s.a n d i t i s b e s t t h a t t h e h o b b i e s h a v e s o m e t h i n g t o d o w i t h t h e j o b. W h a t i s m o r e i m p o r t a n t i s d o n o t f o r g e t t o c o m m u n i c a t e w i t h t h e i n t e r v i e w e e,k e e p i n g a s m i l e a n d k e e p i n g y o u r t a l k s i n t e r e s t i n g a n d f u n n y c a n c o n t r i b u t e t o t h e s u c c e s s. I h o p e y o u w i l l g i v e t h e m a w o n d e r f u l s p e e c h.G o o d l u c k t o y o u! 3.g o o d m o r n i n g,m y n a m e i s j a c k,i t i s r e a l l y a g r e a t h o n o r t o h a v e t h i s o p p o r t u n i t y f o r a i n t e r v i e w,i w o u l d l i k e t o a n s w e r w h a t e v e r y o u m a y r a i s e,a n d i h o p e i c a n m a k e a g o o d p e r f o r m a n c e t o d a y,e v e n t u a l l y e n r o l l i n t h i s p r e s t i g i o u s u n i v e r s i t y i n s e p t e m b e r.n o w i w i l l i n t r o d u c e m y s e l f b r i e f l y,i a m21y e a r s o l d,b o r n i n h e i l o n g j i a n g p r o v i n c e,n o r t h e a s t o f


文件和资料标准化管理制度 1 目的 通过对公司文件资料的有效控制,确保工作现场使用唯一有效的文件资料,并形成统一规范的编写格式及 处理程序。 2 适用范围 本制度适用于公司所有公务文书、文件和资料的管理。 3 术语和定义 3.1 公文:指公司在处理各种公务时使用的应用文书,包括:决定、决议、通知、通报、报告、请示、批 复、函(电报)、会议纪要。 3.2 制度(程序):指要求公司成员共同遵守的,按一定程序办事的规程性文件。 3.3 办法:指公司针对某项工作依照其所需标准制定的考核奖惩性的文件。 3.4 标准:指公司对某项工作应达到的要求进行规范和约定的文件。 3.5 规章制度:公司各种制度、规定、办法的泛称。 3.6 记录:指公司对某项活动的各工作环节、结果进行记录,可供事后追溯该项活动完成质量的证据性文 件,主要为表格形式。 4 职责权限 4.1 经理负责公司制度、办法、标准、计划、记录和以公司名义下发的公文的批准。 4.2 管理者代表负责制度、办法、标准、计划、记录的审核。 4.3 各单位负责本单位相关文件资料的编写、审核、打印、校对工作。 4.4 总经办负责以公司名义下发执行的各类文件资料的编号、发放、收回、作废销毁和归档,负责对各单 位文件资料管理情况进行监督检查。 4.5 各单位负责以本单位名义下发执行的各类文件资料的编号、发放、收回、作废销毁和归档。 5 工作程序 5.1 文件资料的编写格式 5.1.1 文件资料的用纸标准: 公司各类文件资料的正式编印一般用A4(210mm×297mm)型纸张。图纸表格等不宜减小时,该页应按以上纸型尺寸折叠装订。张贴的公文用纸大小,根据实际需要确定。 5.1.2 文件和资料章、条、款的编排规则: 根据文件内容的编排划分,“章”就是一个章节,包括条和款,“条”是章的一个部分,“款”是章或条的一个 层次。章、条均用阿拉伯数字编号。 “章”应左起空两格书写,如第1章用“1”标注,右侧空一格写该章的标题,标题一行书写不够时,可另起一行,这一行的第一个字与标题的第一个字平排书写。章与章之间应空一行编排。 “条”在“章”的编号右下加一个小圆点,再写该条在该章所处的顺序,如第4章第1条,用“4.1”表示,后空一格书写该条的标题。如果一章的各条根据需要再分为若干下一层次的小条,其编号表示方法同上,如第4章第2条,再分3小条,则分另表示为“4.2.1”、“4.2.2”、“4.2.3”,如果“4.2.1”再分为2个小条,则分别表

面试 job interview 英语自我介绍

Good morning! It is really my honor to have this chance for an interview, I hope I can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now I will introduce myself. My name is Liu jinlong, I am 20 years old, born in Hubei province. My major is electrical engineering. My undergraduate period will be accomplished in Wuhan Polytechnic University in June 2012. I spend most of my time on study, I have passed CET6 and the computer C language level 2, and I have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time. I like to make friends, and working in a warm team. I think I will be a good team player in your company. Also I am able to work under great pressure. I'd like to find a jo b which is more challenging. So the electrical research and new product development of information technology is my choice. That’s all. Thank you for giving me the chance. Q: What is your greatest strength? (你最突出的优点是什么?) 这是很多面试考官喜欢问的一个问题,这是你展示自己的最佳机会,不要吹嘘 自己或过于自负,但要让雇主知道你相信自己,你知道自己的优点。如可答:“我认为我最大的优点是能够执着地尽力把事情办好。当做完一件工作而其成 果又正合我的预想时,我会有一种真正的成就感。我给自己定了一些高目标。 比如说,我要成为出色的毕业生。尽管在大学一年级时我启动慢了些,但最终 我以优等论文完成了学业。” I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I’d planned. I’ve set some high goals for myself. For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction. And even though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing an honor’s thesis. Q: What is your greatest weakness? (你最大的弱点是什么?) 你不应该说你没有任何弱点,以此来回避这个问题。每个人都有弱点,最佳策 略是承认你的弱点,但同时表明你在予以改进,并有克服弱点的计划。可能的话,你可说出一项可能会给公司带来好处的弱点,如可说:“我是一个完美主 义者。工作做得不漂亮,我是不会撒手的。” I think my greatest weakness is that I am stubborn.I'm such a perfectionist that I will not stop until a job is well done. So I will spend more times doing a task than the other, maybe I am stubborn.

Job interview 面试英文对话范例

A: Hello, sir! B: Hello! A: Nice to meet you! B: Nice to meet you! So, you interest the position as an Assistant Manager. A: Yes, that’s right. B: Ok, Can you tell me a little bit about yourself? A: Of course, sir, my name is Peter Xie, I am 25 years old, and I graduated from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies three years ago. My major was English, and i minored in finance, besides, I am also a trained interpreter. I can show you my certificates if it’s necessary. B: May I ask why you are interested in working for our company? A: Last week, I read your job advertisement in China Daily. I learned you had an opening for marketing manager. So I applied for this position. Your company is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of electronic products. In the past ten years, it has had an impressive growth record.


第十四课感受现代科技 项目一现代科技在身边 教师寄语:今日沟通于昔日之最大差异:在于科技的介入,已超越时间、空间,甚至权利与阶级的围墙。 学习目标: ●情感态度价值观:感受现代科技发展带来的新变化,培养学生热爱科学的情感和品质。 ●能力:培养学生观察、收集、整理、归纳信息的能力。 ●知识:了解科技对社会发展具有推动作用,理解科学技术是第一生产力。 重难点:科技是社会发展的强大推动力 学习过程: 一、课前预习(提前预习课本,顺便做以下小题,相信你能完成!) 1.我们现在的生活与科技_________。 2.___________________是第一生产力。 3._______________已成为当代经济发展的火车头。 4.科学技术是_______________的标志。 5.科技是社会发展的______________。 二、合作探究,共同进步(合作有助于提高学习效率,要努力哦!) 知识点一:现代科技给生活带来新变化 1:(见教材P58页-59页)图片1:液晶彩色电视图片2:利用网络学习 图片3:山里人用上了手机图片4:磁悬浮列车 说一说:观察生活,列举实例,说说现代科技给我们的生活带来哪些新的变化? 2:阅读教材(P59页教材正文),说说现代科技的发展给人类的生活产生了怎样的影响?(学生讨论交流) 。3:(见教材P59页-60页)想象和推测一下,随着科技的发展,5年、10年、20年、50年后人们的生活可能是怎样的? 。 知识点二:科技——社会发展的强大推力 1:(见教材P61页),材料中的数字变化说明了什么?(学生讨论交流) 上述材料中的数字变化说明:“”。 2:为什么说“科学技术是第一生产力”? ① ② 实践证明:高新技术及其产业已经成为当代经济发展的火车头。 3:(见教材P62页)说一说:网络学校的发展将会给人们的学习方式带来了哪些变化? 4、①科学技术的进步使精神文明建设有了新的载体. 说一说:在思想文化传播的载体方面,你知道有哪些新的传播手段呢? ②科学技术的进步丰富了人们的 . 5、科学技术的进步为人类创造了巨大的财富和财富 三、课堂小结 通过学习我学会:


【最新资料Word版可自由编辑!!】 文件资料标准化管理制度 1 目的

为进一步加强文件管理,规范文件流程,提高工作效率和办文效率,充分发挥文件上传下达的作用,确保公司政令畅通,特制定本制度。 2 适用范围 2.1 本制度适用于公司文件资料的管理. 2.2 本制度指的文件资料包括公文、管理制度、计划、外来文件和资料等。 3职责权限 3.1行政办负责以公司名义上报、下发执行的各类文件资料的编号、发放、收回、归档和销毁。 3.2 其它各部门负责以部门名义上报、下发的各类文件资料的管理,行政办负责文件资料审查、打印、校对工作。 3.4各部门的对外文件,经行政部文字格式的审核,上报主管副总经理审批。 4 术语定义 4.1 公文——指总公司在处理各种公务时使用的应用型文书,包括:决定、决议、通知、通报、报告、请示、批复、函、会议纪要。 4.2 管理制度——指要求公司成员共同遵守,按一定程序工作、达到一定标准,并进行考核的文件。 4.3 计划——指总公司为完成一定时期内的工作任务,而事先做出安排的文件。 5 工作内容及程序 5.1 文件资料的编写格式 5.1.1 文件资料的用纸标准 型纸张。图样表格等不宜减小时,该页必须按以上尺寸折叠装订。 一般用型A 4 5.1.2 文件和资料章、条、款的编排规则 根据文件内容的编排划分,章就是一个章节,包括条和款,条是章的一个部分,款就是章或条的一个层次。 章用阿拉伯数字表示,第一章就用“1”表示,以下按顺序依次类推。“章”应左起空两格书写,右侧空一格写该章的标题,该标题一行书写不够,可另起一行,但这一行的第一个字与该标题的第一个字平排书写。章与章之间应空一行编排。


公司文件和资料标准化管理制度 1.目的 通过对公司文件资料的有效控制,确保工作现场使用唯一有效的文件资料,并形成统一规范的编写格式及处理程序。 2.适用范围 本制度适用于公司所有公务文书、文件和资料的管理。 3.术语和定义 3.1 公文:指公司在处理各种公务时使用的应用文书,包括:决定、决议、通知、通报、报告、请示、批复、函(电报)、会议纪要。 3.2 制度(程序):指要求公司成员共同遵守的,按一定程序办事的规程性文件。 3.3 办法:指公司针对某项工作依照其所需标准制定的考核奖惩性的文件。 3.4 标准:指公司对某项工作应达到的要求进行规范和约定的文件。 3.5 规章制度:公司各种制度、规定、办法的泛称。 3.6 记录:指公司对某项活动的各工作环节、结果进行记录,可供事后追溯该项活动完成质量的证据性文件,主要为表格形式。 4.职责权限 4.1 经理负责公司制度、办法、标准、计划、记录和以公司名义下发的公文的批准。 4.2 管理者代表负责制度、办法、标准、计划、记录的审核。 4.3 各单位负责本单位相关文件资料的编写、审核、打印、校对工作。 4.4 总经办负责以公司名义下发执行的各类文件资料的编号、发放、收回、作废销毁和归档,负责对各单位文件资料管理情况进行监督检查。 4.5 各单位负责以本单位名义下发执行的各类文件资料的编号、发放、收回、作废销毁和归档。 5.工作程序 5.1 文件资料的编写格式 5.1.1 文件资料的用纸标准:公司各类文件资料的正式编印一般用a4(210mm×297mm)型纸张。图纸表格等不宜减小时,该页应按以上纸型尺寸折叠装订。张贴的公文用纸大小,根据实际需要确定。 5.1.2 文件和资料章、条、款的编排规则: 根据文件内容的编排划分,“章”就是一个章节,包括条和款,“条”是章的一个部分,“款”是章或条的一个层次。章、条均用阿拉伯数字编号。 “章”应左起空两格书写,如第1章用“1”标注,右侧空一格写该章的标题,标题一行书写不够时,可另起一行,这一行的第一个字与标题的第一个字平排书写。章与章之间应空一行编排。 “条”在“章”的编号右下加一个小圆点,再写该条在该章所处的顺序,如第4章第1条,用“4.1”表示,后空一格书写该条的标题。如果一章的各条根据需要再


文件资料标准化管理制度 1 目的 为进一步加强文件管理,规范文件流程,提高工作效率和办文效率,充分发挥文件上传下达的作用,确保公司政令畅通,特制定本制度。 2 适用范围 本制度适用于公司文件资料的管理. 本制度指的文件资料包括公文、管理制度、计划、外来文件和资料等。 3职责权限 行政办负责以公司名义上报、下发执行的各类文件资料的编号、发放、收回、归档和销毁。 其它各部门负责以部门名义上报、下发的各类文件资料的管理,行政办负责文件资料审查、打印、校对工作。 各部门的对外文件,经行政部文字格式的审核,上报主管副总经理审批。 4 术语定义 公文——指总公司在处理各种公务时使用的应用型文书,包括:决定、决议、通知、通报、报告、请示、批复、函、会议纪要。 管理制度——指要求公司成员共同遵守,按一定程序工作、达到一定标准,并进行考核的文件。 计划——指总公司为完成一定时期内的工作任务,而事先做出安排的文件。 5 工作内容及程序 文件资料的编写格式 5.1.1 文件资料的用纸标准 型纸张。图样表格等不宜减小时,该页必须按以上尺寸折叠装订。 一般用型A 4 5.1.2 文件和资料章、条、款的编排规则 根据文件内容的编排划分,章就是一个章节,包括条和款,条是章的一个部分,款就是章或条的一个层次。 章用阿拉伯数字表示,第一章就用“1”表示,以下按顺序依次类推。“章”应左起空两格书写,右侧空一格写该章的标题,该标题一行书写不够,可另起一行,但这一行的第一个字与该标题的第一个字平排书写。章与章之间应空一行编排。 “条”用阿拉伯数字表示,分开章的标题另起一行,先左起空两格,书写该条所处章的编号,后加一个小圆点再写该条在该章所处的顺序,如第“4”章第一条,就用“4.1”表示,右侧空一格书写该条的标题内容。一章的各条根据需要再分为若干下一层次的小条,其编号表示方法同上,如第4章第2条,再分3小条,则分另表示为“4.2.1”、“4.2.2”、“4.2.3”,如果“4.2.1”再分为2个小条,则分别表示为“1.2”;条一般只划到第三层次,即只以4位数字表示为限,下一层次的内容用“款”的形式进行叙述。一章的各条和下一层次再分的条有无标题,原则上应一致,


Preparing for a Job Interview in English This exercise is to coach job applicants for an actual employment interview Purpose 1. Predict interview questions 2. Prepare information to include in the answer 3. Practice answers to communicate effectively in English by exploring grammar patterns and structures, appropriate terminology and pronunciation Steps of an Interview Step 1: The Entrance Step 2: The Performance STEP 3: The Exit EXERCISE Instructions: you are having an interview with the HR of Clear Design company for the position of graphic designer you applied for. Complete the following interview with appropriate answers. The Entrance: Meeting and Greeting HR: Please, come in and take a seat. YOU: …………….. HR: Hello. Nice to meet you, too. Thank you for coming. YOU: …………….. HR: Would you like a cup of coffee or something to drink before we begin? YOU: HR: Ok, then. Let’s get started. The Performance: Questions about hiring you Can you talk to us about yourself? YOU: …………….. HR: Who is your current employer? YOU: …………….. How long did you work for them? YOU: …………….. HR: What are your duties and responsibilities? YOU: ……………..
