Sustainable Architecture

Sustainable Architecture
Sustainable Architecture


Gy?rgy K UNSZT1

Hungarian Academy of Sciences

1035Budapest,Hunor u.17



Since the UNO World Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in1992 the issues of sustainable development became studied thoroughly in all the branches of sience and technology.Architecture and construction soon followed this trend.The International Council for Building Research(CIB)organized the?rst international symposium on sustainable construction in Tampa(Florida)in1994,and there a?rst tentative de?nition of sustainable construction had been coined by Kilbert(USA)as‘creation and responsible management of a healthy built environment on resource ef?cient and ecological principles’.Outstanding issues delivered from these principles are: the quality of indoor air,the amount of energy used for heating and air-conditioning of buildings, waste management,durable and“environment-friendly”building materials,housing for the poor,etc. Keywords:sustainable development,architecture,construction industry,energy used for heating, waste management,construction costs,building materials,building research

The environmental problems of humankind appear with an exceptionally dramatic effect at the scene of the meeting and merging point of natural and built environment: at human settlements,cities and villages.That fact came to be realised as early as the60s of the previous century,when people?rst began to be really conscious of environmental problems.It was following the end of that decade that in the volume titled‘The Challenge for Survival–Earth,Air and Water for the Man of the Megalopolis’edited by Pierre Dansereau,Columbia University Press,published the text of twelve lectures delivered at a1968New York symposium of the same title. At that time it was already undeniable that while environmental problems threatened the whole mankind,the?rst disasters–the ones that were analysed at the symposium mentioned above–af?ict masses of the population of megalopolises and even today it is the citizens of great cities who are subjected to the greatest danger,especially if they live in one of the giant cities of developing countries.

1.International Cooperation in the Field of Sustainable Architecture Those facts were paid special attention in the course of the?rst international effort to analyse environmental problems at governmental level,the?ndings of which were

1Kunszt,Gy?rgy is an honorary University Professor,Chairman of the Committee for Architecture Science at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.Between2000and2002the Committee was hosted at the Department of Building Construction.


published in English in1987under the title‘Our Common Future’and one year later it was also published in Hungarian by Mez?o gazdasági Kiadó.In professional circles that work has been referred to as the Brundtland Report after the name of the prime minister of Norway at that time,who also acted as the chairwoman of the international committee working on the report.According to the Brundtland Report in developing countries few municipal governments possess the necessary amount of energy,resources and quali?ed staff to supply the rapidly increasing population with the services and utilities indispensable to a decent human life.Consequently, illegal settlements spring up everywhere with increasing over-population and raging diseases arising from the unhealthy environment.At the same time the Brundtland Report pointed out that several cities in industrialised countries also faced acute problems:the deterioration of the infrastructure and the environment as well as the decay of internal districts of the city.

It was the Brundtland Report that prompted the organisation and served as a basis of the UNO Environment and Development World Conference which was held in Rio de Janeiro in1992in the presence of prime ministers and heads of states.The achievements of this conference as well as the Rio Declaration have been published under the title‘Tasks for the21st Century’and it was this volume which opened new vistas by giving the world the guiding notion of‘sustainable development’.The Rio Conference demonstrated that the implementation of sustainable development was an extremely complex objective,which required the participation of all professions,?elds of science and the various sectors of economy and society.For that reason nearly all professions set out in the years following the conference to clarify the tasks to be solved in their own?eld for the sake of sustainable development.A similar effort has been made in the?eld of architecture and construction technology, all the more so,since the text of the Rio Conference provided special incentive for that in Chapter7of the publication,which highlighted the construction of residential houses and other related activities in the building industry under the heading‘The Promotion of the Sustainable Development of Settlements’.Two non-governmental world organisations,the International Union of Architects(UIA) and the International Council for Building Research(CIB)played key-role in the detailed study of the tasks of sustainable architecture and sustainable construction. In the following we are going to outline the tasks of sustainable architecture and sustainable construction mainly on the basis of the proceedings of CIB,but also to some extent on the achievements of UIA.

CIB organised the First International Symposium of Sustainable Construc-tion in Tampa,Florida in1994.An attempt was made in the course of the meeting to?nd a concise de?nition for the notion of sustainable construction and it was Kibert’s wording that came to be almost unanimously accepted as a?rst approxi-mation.Kibert from the USA de?ned sustainable construction as the creation and responsible management of a healthy built environment on resource ef?cient and ecological principles.

CIB repeatedly emphasised the usefulness of Kibert’s de?nition in1999in its publication titled AGENDA21but they noted at the same time that while in the beginning researchers,government of?ces and entrepreneurs focused mainly on the

SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE7 so-called‘hard’technological problems,in the recent years‘soft’social issues,as special as the question of the preservation of architectural cultural heritage,have come more and more to the foreground.Although we stress that a part of the related social problems may justi?ably be classi?ed as‘hard’indeed,we still aim to base our following outline of the requirements of sustainable architecture and construction on the principles of‘healthiness’,‘energy-ef?ciency’,‘ecologicalness’and‘high social and cultural standard’referred to in Kibert’s de?nition and CIB’s AGENDA 21.

2.The‘Healthy Building’

The de?nition of‘the healthy built environment’incorporates both the urban envi-ronment outdoors and the indoor surroundings.While in highly developed countries the pollution of the urban environment brings to mind the traf?c and most of all the air-pollution caused by motor traf?c,in developing countries the most distressing issue is the infection of drinking water.Whereas architects have very few means to solve the latter problem,they may have greater in?uence on the reduction of urban air-pollution as it is largely the duty of the architects responsible for settlement de-sign to ensure the proper ventilation of cities.Still,the combat of urban air-pollution is predominantly a question of transport technology and transport policy.The sit-uation is different,however,for the quality of the environment inside buildings,as it falls to a large extent into the competence of architects and the experts they call in.This latter issue has been the subject of intensive international research for a decade as a result of which the notion of‘the healthy building’evolved to signify the objectives architects and their experts must strive for.The following?elds are listed as part of this notion:

?the quality of indoor air

?thermal comfort

?acoustic comfort

?visual comfort

?functional comfort

The quality of indoor air is satisfactory if it is free of all sorts of vapours, gases,microorganisms and radiation,the presence of which beyond a certain limit value endangers health of people making use of the space.Various kinds of paints, adhesives,heating and electrical equipment,cosmetics and mildew can cause such an unwelcome effect.Thermal comfort consists mainly in the guaranteeing of suit-able temperature,humidity and air-movement,acoustic comfort requires keeping the effect of external and internal noise sources below a certain level,visual comfort is achievable through appropriate natural and/or arti?cial lighting and psychologi-cally favourable colour effects,and?nally functional comfort means the unhindered use of internal spaces and their equipment.A special issue within the latter com-ponent of comfort is the empathy which is expressed by taking into account the life standard of the disabled.


3.Ef?cient Utilisation of Resources:Energy-and Material-Saving


Dangers of the remarkably fast increasing energy demand of humankind have al-ready been dramatically highlighted in the Brundtland Report.One part of the threat is the exhaustion of non-renewable sources of energy,another part is the danger of a disastrous change in the climate as a consequence of the carbon-dioxide emission involved in the use of certain sources of energy.It is therefore the universal interest of humankind that compels architects to radically decrease the energy consumption of buildings and to rely on the renewable sources of energy,and most especially on solar energy,to the greatest possible extent.It is called‘energy-conscious ar-chitecture’,which most eminently strives for those objectives and they have many means to achieve their goals.Their most important methods include the(nearly) optimal thermal insulation of buildings and the‘passive’architectural utilisation of solar energy for instance by the appropriate orientation of buildings,the correct formation of the architectural mass,the suitable sizing and placing of apertures,and other structural means such as incorporating traps for the heat in the construction, with the aid of which the entry of external heat can be signi?cantly reduced in the summer and the dissipation of heating energy can be minimised in the winter.An equally wide range of more expensive“active”means(through the application of installations)is available for the utilisation of solar energy,for example the produc-tion of hot water for domestic use by sun collectors,the application of heat-pumps and other devices(most notably solar cells)for the direct exploitation of the sun’s capacity for the generation of energy.These days the expression‘solar architecture’is widely used for the school that is altering even the appearance of cities through the application of means like the ones mentioned above.

The more ef?cient use of building materials consists mainly in the increase of their durability and resistance to?re but the options for repair,renovation,re-construction and replacement also play an important role.Tendencies like the improvement of the quality of building materials and the construction of slender structures made of those,as well as the evolution of right dimensioning methods may make us more optimistic.The reduction of water consumption of buildings, especially of‘water-related rooms’can also be seen as an example of the sparing use of materials.Life cycle analysis(LCA)is an important means of making ar-chitectural design more cost-ef?cient,by enforcing in the comparison of various designs the principle of taking into account not only the costs of implementation but all the expenses arising during the useful life of a building including the costs of a possible demolition.

4.Construction Ecology

Needless to say,many of the objectives discussed so far are also signi?cant from the ecological point of view.Such aims are for instance the ones of constructional

SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE9 energetics,which have already been emphasised with regard to climate change. The need for the reduction of water consumption and the need for the economical use of building materials are also essential from the ecological point of view since the production of many building materials(e.g.:bricks,cement,glass and steel) requires a great amount of thermal energy,which may add considerably to the probability of a potential climate change.

No reference has been made yet,however,to two other construction-related ecological issues:the treatment and reutilisation of waste materials as well as the highlighting of‘environment-friendly’materials.The enormous amount of solid and liquid waste generated as a by-product of the daily life of the population causes a very serious ecological problem.The comprehensive solution of this problem is largely beyond the scope of architecture or construction technology,nevertheless, there are a number of things a designing architect may do,for instance by creating functionally and hygienically adequate facilities for the collection,storage and transportation of solid waste from buildings.The question of what should happen to the debris left after the demolition of buildings is another issue of utmost importance. The regulations in many countries require the recovery and recycling of steel from reinforced concrete and the portion of the debris that can function as rubble must be used again–after the appropriate processing–as aggregate in the production of concrete.

The application of‘environment-friendly’building materials to the highest possible extent,as well as the evasion of other materials have become central objec-tives of construction ecology.An important characteristic of environment-friendly building materials is that they are easily reutilised or destroyed after the demolition of the building.Wood is an outstandingly environment-friendly building material, whereas concrete quali?es poorly in that respect.The healthiness of internal spaces is believed to be considerably in?uenced by the fact whether the masonry materials have at least a minimal air permeability–referred to as the‘breathing’of walls–or they act as a hermetic barrier to the external environment,which is harmful from the ecological point of view.

5.Social and Cultural Requirements

The UNO Centre of Human Settlements(HABITAT)is especially devoted to the ?ght against accepting the term‘sustainable’to describe the construction activi-ties of countries which cannot provide healthy and suitable dwelling for each of their citizens.At the same time it is a well-known fact that the meeting of that requirement is hindered all around the world by extreme economic dif?culties.A further issue is the justi?able fear of the critics of globalisation that a wide range of countries,regions and cities would lose their identity.Architecture has a key-role in the preservation of identity,which partly requires the careful protection of our monuments and the refusal of architecture which has no message for the mind,no motivation of spirit.



[1]Sustainable Development and the Future of Construction–A Comparison of Visions from Various

Countries.CIB Report,Publication225,Rotterdam,1998.

[2]Agenda21on Sustainable Construction.CIB Report,Publication237,Rotterdam,1999.

[3]Z?LD,A.,Energiatudatosépítészet,M?u szaki K?nyvkiadó,Budapest,1999.

[4]K UNSZT,G Y.,Azépítési Kutatások Nemzetk?zi F?o iránya a XXI.Század Elejénés a Magyar

Kutatás Kapcsolódása,Magyarépít?o ipar,2001.No.1–2.


全国经典旅游景点一览表 北京 故宫博物院、天坛公园、颐和园、(八达岭-慕田峪)长城旅游区、明十三陵景区、恭王府景区、石花洞风景名胜、店人遗址、什刹海、京杭大运河、八大处、密云县古北口镇、九渡河镇、东坝古镇、王四营 燕京八景:太液秋风、琼岛春阴、金台夕照、蓟门烟树、西山晴雪、玉泉趵突、卢沟晓月、居庸叠翠 天津 古文化街旅游区(津门故里)、盘山风景名胜区、大悲禅院、文庙、挂甲寺、五大道租借区、平津战役纪念馆、天塔湖风景区、南市食品街、周恩来邓颖超纪念馆、大沽口炮台、九龙山国家森林公园、九山顶自然风景区、八仙山国家级自然保护区、霍元甲纪念馆、凯旋王国主题公园、意式风情区 上海 明珠广播电视塔、野生动物园、科技馆、豫园、陆家嘴、外滩万国建筑群、路步行街、世博园 重庆 大足石刻景区、巫山(小三峡)、武隆喀斯特旅游区(天生三桥、仙女山、芙蓉洞) 、酉阳桃花源景区、奉节小寨天坑、白帝城、青龙瀑布红岩革命纪念馆、抗战遗址博物馆、綦江黑山谷景区、南川金、武陵山大裂谷、飞庙 河北 :避暑山庄及周围寺庙景区

:山海关景区、北戴河风景名胜区 :安新白洋淀景区、野三坡景、大慈阁 :西柏坡景区、清西陵 市:清东陵、南湖景区 :崆山白云洞、峡谷群 江 :园林(拙政园、虎丘、留园)、昆山周庄古镇景区、金鸡湖景区、吴江同里古镇景区、寒山寺、网师园、狮子林、沧浪亭、环秀山庄、退思园、锦溪镇、周庄镇、同里镇、甪直镇、木渎镇、虎丘、乐园、玄妙观、盘门三景、乐园 :钟山-陵园景区、夫子庙-淮河风光带景区、明孝陵、鸡鸣寺、玄武湖、灵谷寺、总统府、朝天宫、江南贡院、莫愁湖、燕子矶、阅江楼、雨花台、明城墙、甘熙宅第、瞻园、栖霞寺、汤山温泉、博物院、、莫愁湖、长江大桥、梅花山、白鹭洲公园、中华门、将军山风景区、阳山碑材、静海寺、天妃宫 :影视基地三国水浒景区、灵山大佛景区、鼋头渚风景区、锡惠公园、灵山胜境、善卷洞、竹海 :恐龙城休闲旅游区、武进太湖湾旅游度假区、嬉戏谷、中华孝道园、中国春秋淹城旅游区、淹城春秋乐园、淹城野生动物世界、淹城遗址、大运河、天宁风景名胜区、红梅公园、东坡公园、舣舟亭、红梅阁、青枫公园、亚细亚影视城、武进市新天地公园、天目湖旅游度假区、南山竹海、吴越弟一峰、熊猫馆、天目湖御水温泉、茅山风景名胜区、茅山盐湖城 :瘦西湖景区、高邮旅游集聚区、宝应旅游集聚区、仪征旅游集聚区、抗日战争最后一役纪念馆、大明寺、个园、仙鹤寺、汉陵苑、神居山、盂城驿、龙虬庄遗址、镇国寺塔、文游台、古悟空寺、中国邮驿文化城、高邮湖芦苇荡湿地公园、高邮湖滩郊野公园 :濠河风景区、博物苑、狼山、如皋水绘园 :梅兰芳纪念馆、溱湖国家湿地公园、溱潼古镇、兴化垛田风光带、凤城河景区 :三山景区(金山-北固山-焦山)、茅山、赤山、宝华山、南山、伯先公园、英国领事馆、西津渡、蒜山、招隐寺、圌山、五柳堂、五卅演讲厅、扬中园博园 :云龙湖、云龙山、龟山汉墓、祖园、邳州艾山风景名胜区、马陵山风景区、沛县汉城、汉画像石艺术馆、窑湾古镇、蟠桃山佛教文化景区、安湖湿地公园、博物馆、大洞山风景区、


第1位—美国大峡谷-TheGrandCanyon 美国大峡谷是一个举世闻名的自然奇观,位于西部亚利桑那州西北部的凯巴布高原上,总面积2724.7平方公里。由于科罗拉多河穿流其中,故又名科罗拉多大峡谷,它是联合国教科文组织选为受保护的天然遗产之一。

第2位—澳大利亚的大堡礁—GreatBarrierReef 世界上有一个最大最长的珊瑚礁群,它就是有名的大堡礁—GreatBarrierReefo它纵贯蜿蜒于澳洲的东海岸,全长2011公里,最宽处161公里。南端最远离海岸241公里,北端离海岸仅16公里。在落潮时,部分的珊瑚礁露出水面形成珊瑚岛。 第3位—美国佛罗里达州—Flori—dl

佛罗里达风景最亮丽的棕榈海滩是全球著名的旅游天堂之一,适宜的气候、美丽的海滩、精美的饮食、艺术展览和文艺演出,即使是最挑剔的游客,在棕榈海滩也能满意而归。每年的四月,棕榈海滩的艺术活动是最丰富多彩的,包括各种海滩工艺品展览,其中于4月4 日启动的棕榈海滩爵士节以展示美国最杰出的爵士音乐而赢得了艺术爱好者的青睐。 第4位—新西兰的南岛-Soutls—land

新西兰位于南太平洋,西隔塔斯曼海与澳大利亚相望,西距澳大利亚1600公里,东邻汤加、斐济国土面积为二十七万平方公里,海岸线长6900千米,海岸线上有许多美丽的海滩。 第5位—好望角一CapeTown

好望角为太平洋与印度洋冷暖流水的分界,气象万变,景象奇妙,耸立于大海,更有高逾二干尺的达卡马峰,危崖峭壁,卷浪飞溅,令人眼界大开。 第6位—金庙-GoldenTemple

金庙位于印度边境城市阿姆利则。作为锡克教的圣地,阿姆利则意为“花蜜池塘”。金庙由锡克教第5代祖师阿尔琼1589年主持建造,1601年完工,迄今已有400年历史。因该庙门及大小19个圆形寺顶均贴满金箔,在阳光照耀下,分外璀璨夺目,一直以来被锡克人尊称为“上帝之殿”。 第7位—拉斯维加斯-LasVegas


北京:八达岭故宫什刹海圆明园玉渊潭龙庆峡 十三陵天安门香山颐与园天坛十渡 百花山潭柘寺雍与宫幽谷神潭紫竹院黑龙潭 康西草原中央电视塔 澳门 : 妈祖阁大三巴牌坊澳门文化中心澳门博物馆玫瑰圣母堂竹湾海滩辽宁 : 沈阳故宫千山昭陵玉佛苑本溪水洞金石滩 虎滩乐园鸭绿江大桥辽宁省博物馆棒棰岛大孤山风景名胜区海王九岛 赫图阿拉城怪坡星海公园 重庆; 三峡大坝葛洲坝瞿塘峡歌乐山巫峡渣滓洞 白帝城白公馆丰都鬼城石宝寨芙蓉洞缙云山 金佛山宝顶山四面山 西藏: 珠穆朗玛峰大昭寺然乌湖布达拉宫纳木错墨脱 圣湖八廓街扎什伦布寺桑耶寺神山色拉寺 羊卓雍湖哲蚌寺罗布林卡古格王朝日喀则绒布寺 青海; 青海湖塔尔寺茶卡盐湖鸟岛日月山坎布拉 格尔木柴达木盆地北禅寺东关清真大寺黄河源孟达天池 倒淌河 宁夏: 沙湖西夏王陵贺兰山岩画长江源青铜峡108塔沙坡头 玉皇阁中卫高庙宏佛塔 台湾: 宝岛美景阿里山日月潭阳明山玉山太鲁阁 台北故宫板桥林家花园野柳赤嵌楼溪头秀姑峦溪 鹅銮鼻合欢山七美岛 山西: 五台山恒山平遥古城壶口瀑布乔家大院云冈石窟 王家大院北武当山晋祠悬空寺显通寺日升昌票号 广胜寺庞泉沟应县木塔南山寺善化寺 黑龙江: 大兴安岭漠河镜泊湖太阳岛吊水楼瀑布冰雪大世界 极乐寺亚布力滑雪场扎龙自然保护区圣索菲亚大教堂 甘肃; 嘉峪关莫高窟玉门关郎木寺伏羲庙麦积山石窟 炳灵寺石窟崆峒山 湖北: 三峡神农架武当山黄鹤楼归元寺葛洲坝 东湖西陵峡五道峡大九湖九畹溪香溪源 燕子垭 内蒙古: 呼伦贝尔草原成吉思汗陵阿斯哈图石林赤峰五当召响沙湾 扎兰屯锡林浩特达里诺尔湖大青沟格根塔拉草原黑里河 天津: 古文化街盘山食品街独乐寺大沽口炮台天后宫 天成寺舍利塔太平寨千像寺八卦城清真大寺蓟县白塔 新疆: 塞里木湖喀纳斯那拉提草原吐鲁番魔鬼城火焰山 交河故城高昌古城喀什博斯腾湖阿尔泰山白杨沟 博格达山楼兰卡拉库里湖罗布泊果子沟艾丁湖
