高中英语选修课:英语文学欣赏 Langston Hughes《黑人谈河流》 学生版讲义

高中英语选修课:英语文学欣赏 Langston Hughes《黑人谈河流》 学生版讲义
高中英语选修课:英语文学欣赏 Langston Hughes《黑人谈河流》 学生版讲义

The Negro Speaks of Rivers

I've known rivers:

I've known rivers, ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins.

My soul has grown deep like the rivers.

I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young.

I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled me to sleep.

I looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids above it.

I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans,

and I've seen its muddy bosom turn all golden in the sunset.

I've known rivers:

Ancient, dusky rivers.

My soul has grown deep like the rivers.


Hold fast to dreams

For if dreams die

Life is a broken-winged bird

That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams

For when dreams go

Life is a barren Field

Frozen with snow.

Me and the Mule

My old mule,

He's got a grin on his face.

He's been a mule so long

He's forgotten about his race.

I'm like that old mule ---

Black --- and don't give a damn!

You got to take me

Like I am.


by Langston Hughes (1902-1967)

When Bill was very young, they had been in love. Many nights they had spent walking, talking together. Then something not very important had come between them, and they di dn’t speak. Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved. Bill went away, bitter about women.

Yesterday, walking across Washington Square, she saw him for the first time in years.

“Bill Walker,” she said.

He stopped. At first he did not recognize her, to him she looked so old.

“Mary! Where did you come from?”

Unconsciously, she lifted her face as though wanting a kiss, but he held out his hand. She took it.

“I live in New York now,” she said.

“Oh,—Smiling politely, then a little frown came quickly between his eyes.

“Always wondered what happened to you, Bill.”

“I’m a lawyer. Nice firm, way downtown.”

“Married yet?”

“Sure. Two kids.”

“Oh,” she said.

A great many people went past them through the park. People they didn’t know. It was late afternoon. Nearly sunset. Cold.

“And your husband?” he asked her.

“We have three children. I work in the bursar’s office at Columbia.”

“You are looking very…” (H e wanted to say old) “…well,” he said.

She understood. Under the trees in Washington Square, she found herself desperately reaching back into the past. She had been older than he then in Ohio. Now she was not young at all. Bill was still young.

“We live on Central Park West,” she said. “Come and see us sometime.”

“Sure,” he replied. “You and your husband mus t have dinner with my family some night. Any night. Lucille and I’d love to have you.”

The leaves fell slowly from the tree in the Square. Fell without wind. Autumn dusk. She felt a little sick.

“We’d love it,” she answered.

“You ought to see my kids.” He grinned.

Suddenly the lights came on up the whole length of Fifth Avenue, chains of misty brilliance in the blue air.

“There’s my bus,” she said.

He held out his hand. “Goodbye.”

“When…”, she wanted to say, but the bus was ready to pull off. The lights on the avenue blurred, twinkled, blurred. And she was afraid to open her mouth as she entered the bus. Afraid it would be impossible to utter a word.

Suddenly she shrieked very loudly, “Good-bye!” But the bus door had closed.

The bus started. People came between them outside, people crossing the street, people they didn’t know. Space and people. She lost sight of Bill. Then she remembered she had forgotten to give him her address—or to ask him for his—or tell him that her youngest boy was named Bill, too.


高中英语常用词形变化规则精编 一、动词 1. 动词过去式和过去分词 1). 一般在动词原形后加-ed look --- looked; need--- needed 2). 以-e结尾的动词加-d move --- moved 3). 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,变y为i,再加-ed carry --- carried; study--- studied;以元音字母加y结尾的词,直接加-ed stay--- stayed; destroy---destroyed 4).以重读闭音节结尾的单词,双写最后的辅音字母,再加-ed. stop--- stopped; regret --- regretted 知识链接:重读闭音节三要素 (1)一个元音字母后跟一个或几个辅音字母,必须是重读音节; (例如prohibit这个词,重读音节在-hi,而不在-bit,就不要双写t. prohibit---prohibited) (2)以一个辅音音素结尾;(例如fix,结尾的辅音音素为两个:/ks/,就不要双写x, fix---fixed; snow结尾为双元音/??/,也不要双写w. (3)元音字母发短元音。[?] [e] [i] [?] [?] 5). 以-r音节(重读)结尾的词,双写r字母,再加-ed. refer ---referred; prefer --- preferred ; 如果-r音节不重读,则不用双写:offer---offered 6). 以-l结尾的动词,如果是重读闭音节,双写l, 再加-ed, 例如:control---controlled; 如果不重读,双写不双写l均可,例如travel---travelled/ traveled; quarrel---quarrelled / quarreled 2. 动词-ing变化规则 1). 一般情况下,直接在动词后加-ing work --- working; sleep --- sleeping; study--- studying 2). 动词以不发音的-e结尾,要去-e加-ing take --- taking; make ---making; dance --- dancing 3). 重读闭音节的动词,要双写词尾字母,再加-ing cut--- cutting;put ---- putting; begin ---- beginning 4). 以-ie结尾的动词,把变成y再加-ing lie ---- lying ; tie ---- tying; die ---- dying 5). 以-l结尾的动词,如果是重读闭音节,双写l, 再加-ing, 例如:control---controlling; 如果不重读,双写不双写l均可,例如travel---travelling/ traveling; quarrel---quarrelling / quarreling (注意:辅音之后y变i, 现在分词是例外。) 3. 动词第三人称单数的变化规则: 1) 一般情况下,词尾加s,如;like----likes, want----wants. 2) 以s, x, ch, sh, o结尾的加es,如,watch---watches, go---goes 3) 以y结尾的归两大类:元音字母+y要加s,如play----plays ;辅音字母+y要变y为i+es如study---studies 二、名词 1. 规则的可数名词的复数变化: 1).一般情况加s :book-- books mouth---mouths house---houses girl---girls 2).以s 、sh 、ch 、x结尾的加es :class--- classes box----boxes match----matches 注意: (1) 以-th结尾的名词直接加-s如:mouth—mouths path—paths ; month—months, ninth—ninths, youth—youths. (2) stomach---stomachs (ch发/k/) 1


参评学科:高中英语 高中英语选修课程的建设 摘要 选修课程是高中英语课程建设中的一项重要方式。当前,我国很多高中没有构建相应的平台去开发,实施和管理选修课程,由于英语教师没有开设选修课程的能力,很多学生根本没有真正选择课程的机会。如今英语选修课程都有必修化、应试化、活动化和重负化的特征。为了互补必修课程和选修课程的优势,老师们应该积极地探索选修课程开发本土化、内容优质化和教学多元化,从而充分发挥选修课的潜在功能。 关键词:高中英语;选修课程;建设

一、高中英语选修课程建设中存在的弊端 (一)选修课程的必修趋势 在现代的英语教育中,必修课程和选修课程要相互结合。而普通高中的选修课程大致分为“选修I”(重要选修课程)和“选修II”(随意选修课程)两种。重要选修课程是当地政府为发展学生除书本之外的知识而设立的,而随意选修课程是学校设立的[1]。开设选修课程的最初目标是使潜力和兴趣各不相同的学生都能够实现自身能力的发展。然而,很多学校的选修课程,特别是随意选修课程都必修课占据了时间。就重要选修课来说,各种各样的教材供应商为学校提供了现成的教材,学校和教师可以省心省力地让学生学习这些选秀课程。因为社会依然把“升学率”当成评价高中教学质量的主要依据,所以学校在选取教材的时候,依然会让学生选修与必修课类似的课程。就随意选修来说,很多学校由于教学管理、师资力量、教室资源等因素不能为学生提供大量的选修课程,这在客观上导致“大部分的学校和教师仅仅只将精力放在必修课和高考中一定会涉及的重要选修课程上”[2]。 (二)选修课程的应试趋势 面对高考升学率的压力,很多高中仍然拼命地实施“填鸭式”教学和“题海”战术,所以英语选修课程仅仅是单纯地列在课程表上以应付教育局的检查。学校领导对选修课程不够重视,教师经常占据选修课的时间,大部分的学生对选修课也是心不在焉,极度缺乏主动性和积极性,因此在学生和老师眼中,选修课被通常是可有可无。有些老师竟然将重要选修课当成应试教育的复习课或补习课;绝大多数的老师在随意选修课程上强化学生当天所学的知识或者是组织他们做练习题。[3];更有甚者开设了“高考改错专题”、“作文例析”等选修课,让人啼笑皆非。很多学校从高一的时候就通过“月考”和“周练”等办法来提高学生的外语竞争力;有些学校在高二的时候增加听说读写等语言知识与技能类的选修课程,其实只是还是为了提高学生的考试能力,学生的实践能力,例如对英美文化的了解和口语能力并没有得到提高。这种设计选修课的方式仅仅只是停留在应试教育的模式中,既脱离了语言学习与社会接轨的原则,也没有激发学生的兴趣,是高中英语选修课程建设中的一大败笔[4]。(三)选修课程随意化 选修课程是一种特殊的教学模式,但又不同于必修的课堂教学。然而,很多学校没有区分选修课程与传统教学活动。例如,有的学校将选修课程定义为在全校范围内定期或不定期举办“English corner(英语角)”、drama play(话剧)、speech competition(演讲)、英语歌曲比赛(The Singing Contest);有的学校甚至认为在各大年级开展英语诗朗诵、阅读竞赛、英语书写、英语板报就是开设选修课;更有学校在选修课上将学生的“错题集”进行展示。这

高中英语选修课:英语文学欣赏 Sister Carrie 学生版讲义资料

Chapter III WEE QUESTION OF FORTUNE--FOUR-FIFTY A WEEK Once across the river and into the wholesale district, she glanced about her for some likely door at which to apply. As she contemplated the wide windows and imposing signs, she became conscious of being gazed upon and understood for what she was--a wage-seeker. She had never done this thing before, and lacked courage. To avoid a certain indefinable shame she felt at being caught spying about for a position, she quickened her steps and assumed an air of indifference supposedly common to one upon an errand. In this way she passed many manufacturing and wholesale houses without once glancing in. At last, after several blocks of walking, she felt that this would not do, and began to look about again, though without relaxing her pace. A little way on she saw a great door which, for some reason, attracted her attention. It was ornamented by a small brass sign, and seemed to be the entrance to a vast hive of six or seven floors. "Perhaps," she thought, "They may want some one," and crossed over to enter. When she came within a score of feet of the desired goal, she saw through the window a young man in a grey checked suit. That he had anything to do with the concern, she could not tell, but because he happened to be looking in her direction her weakening heart misgave her and she hurried by, too overcome with shame to enter. Over the way stood a great six- story structure, labelled Storm and King, which she viewed with rising hope. It was a wholesale dry goods concern and employed women. She could see them moving about now and then upon the upper floors. This place she decided to enter, no matter what. She crossed over and walked directly toward the entrance. As she did so, two men came out and paused in the door. A telegraph messenger in blue dashed past her and up the few steps that led to the entrance and disappeared. Several pedestrians out of the hurrying throng which filled the sidewalks passed about her as she paused, hesitating. She looked helplessly around, and then, seeing herself observed, retreated. It was too difficult a task. She could not go past them. So severe a defeat told sadly upon her nerves. Her feet carried her mechanically forward, every foot of her progress being a satisfactory portion of a flight which she gladly made. Block after block passed by. Upon streetlamps at the various corners she read names such as Madison, Monroe, La Salle, Clark, Dearborn, State, and still she went, her feet beginning to tire upon the broad stone flagging. She was pleased in part that the streets were bright and clean. The morning sun, shining down with steadily increasing warmth, made the shady side of the streets pleasantly cool. She looked at the blue sky overhead with more realisation of its charm than had ever come to her before. Her cowardice began to trouble her in a way. She turned back, resolving to hunt up Storm and King and enter. On the way, she encountered a great wholesale shoe company, through the broad plate windows of which she saw an enclosed executive


第一单元 路永在前方 阿什利塔·福曼是一位热衷挑战并总想争创吉尼斯纪录的运动员。在过去25年中,他大约(approximately)已经打破了93项吉尼斯世界纪录,至今,他仍然是其中20多项纪录的保持者,还包括拥有最多的吉尼斯纪录这一项。但是这些记录并不是像游泳或足球等一般运动项目那样创建的,而是阿什利塔试图在非常有趣的地点,在富有想像力的运动项目中打破的。 最近,阿什利塔完成了他的梦想:在所有七大洲破一项纪录,其中包括在澳洲玩呼啦圈,在南美洲的水下做弹簧单高跷游戏,在北美洲的热气球中做膝部深弯曲运动。 虽然这些活动看起来孩子气且令人发笑而不是让人肃然起敬,但实际上(in reality),完成这些活动需要强大的力量,健康的体格和坚定的决心。 想想吧,你一边走路,一边还要把一瓶牛奶顶在头上,你的脖子需要的多好的适应力。你可以停下来休息或吃东西,但瓶子必须呆在头上。 当阿什利塔站在75厘米高的瑞士球上时,看起来虽然很轻松容易,其实不然。呆在球上得一直全神贯注,还需要有极强的注意力和极好的平衡感。特别是在双腿开始抖动的时候,你还得使劲呆在球上。 然而沿着12英里的马路翻筋斗,情况又是怎样的呢?翻筋斗是一项艰苦的运动,因为你必须克服头晕、极度疲劳和痛苦。每翻滚一个小时,只允许休息5分钟,不过也可以短暂地停下来呕吐(vomit)。 做标准的体操(gymnastically)弓箭步动作向前,以最快的节奏走完1英里的路程是阿什利塔又一个出色的项目。弓箭步冲刺对你的双腿是一个极端艰苦的考验。开始时呈站立姿势,然后右脚向前迈一步,同时左膝触地,然后再站起来,左脚向前迈出一步,同时右膝触地。想想吧,这个动作要反复做1英里远! 然而,这位有才能的运动员并不是天生的。小时候,他很不健康(unfit),而且对运动毫无兴趣。但他却对《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》非常着迷(fascinated)。 阿什利塔究竟是怎样成为一位运动员的呢?这是一个有趣的故事。少年时,他就开始探究人生的深层的意义。他研究过东方宗教,16岁时,他发现了一位名叫斯里琴摩的印度静坐功(mediation)导师,住在纽约市他家附近。自从20世纪70年代初,阿什利塔就一直是斯里琴摩的学生。斯里琴摩指出,人们发展他们的体魂与发展他们的头脑、心灵和精神上的(spiritual)自我具有同等的重要性,并且他相信人的体能是没有局限的。 当阿什利塔1978年在纽约市中央公园进行的24小时自行车马拉松(marathon)比赛中获得第三名时,他就知道总有一天他将进入《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》。尽管从没有训练过,他还是受到他的精神领袖的敦促参加了马拉松比赛。因此,当他取得第三名的时候,他开始有了这样的认识:他的身躯只不过是他的精神的工具,而且他似乎能够利用他的精神力量去完成任何事。从那时起,阿什利塔就拒绝接受任何身体极限的说法。 由于有了这种新的信心, 阿什利塔于1979年第一次打破吉尼斯纪录——跳爆竹27000次。不断努力打破纪录的动机源来自他对斯里琴摩思想的虔诚。每次试图破纪录的时候,阿什里塔都会达到一个体力不可逾越的极限点。这个时候,他就会进入自己的内心深处,与他的灵魂(soul)和他的老师相沟通。 在创纪录的努力中,阿什利塔总是要感谢他的老师。事实上,他常穿着一件T恤衫,后背上有斯里琴摩的名言: “完美的道路只有一条,它就在你前方,永远在你前方。” 集中精力于……


高中英语常用动词搭配五十组 1. agree agree to do sth. 同意做某事agree with sb. 同意某人的意见 agree to sth. 同意agree on sth. 就…达成一致 2. ask ask for sth. 请求ask sb. for sth. 向某人请求得到… ask sb. for help 向某人求助ask leave 请假 ask sb. for a day’s leave 向某人请一天假ask for trouble 自找麻烦 ask sb. to do 要求某人做某事ask to do 请求做某事 3. break break down 出毛病,不运转break out 爆发,突然发生 break in 插嘴,打断说话break into 闯入 break away from 脱离,打破break off 打断 break up 打碎break with 与…断绝关系 break through 突破,冲跨break the law 犯法 4. bring bring about 导致bring back 带回,想起 bring down 降低,减少,使倒下bring forward 提出 bring on 使前进bring in 引来,引进 bring to 使苏醒bring out 取出,显示 bring up 养育,培养bring through 使度过困难,救活,穿越 bring sth. into being 使产生bring sth to an end 使…结束 bring around 说服,使…改变主意bring sth under 制服,镇压 bring together 使团结,使和解 5. call call for 请求,要求,为…而喊出,接,叫某人call on/ upon 号召,拜访 call out 召集,大声叫call up 召唤,召集,想起,打电话 call sb in 叫…进来call by 顺道访问 6. carry carry out 进行,开展,执行carry on 继续,开展 carry back 运回,拿回carry away 运走,冲走 carry off 夺走,获得carry forward 推进,发扬 carry sth in one’s arms 抱着carry sth about 随身携带 carry all/ everything before one 势如破竹carry sth too far 把某事做得过分 7. catch catch up 很快拾起,跟上,赶上catch the cold 着凉,伤风 catch at 试图抓住catch on 抓住,理解 catch up with 赶上,超过 8. come come about 发生,实现,产生come back 回来,想起来 come down 落下来come from 出生于,来自 come in 进入,进来come on 跟我来,加油 come out 出来,出版come along 快点,来吧 come to 来到,达到,结果是come up 走过来,走近,发芽,从土中长出 come across 走过,偶然遇到come after 跟着,跟随 come over 过来,胜过come by 走过,经过 come forth 出现,显现come round 苏醒 come through 安然度过come up to 来到…跟前 9. drive drive off 赶走drive sb mad 使某人发狂 drive back 赶回,开回drive out 开出,消除,驱逐


高中英语文学欣赏课教学实践探讨 作者:朱倩倩 来源:《作文成功之路·中旬刊》 2017年第7期 江苏省新沂市第一中学朱倩倩 【摘要】 随着全球化发展,英语越来越受到重视。当前国内高中英语教学形式单一,英语文学欣赏 受重视程度不深,对英语的学习只限于学习语言本身。由于各方面因素的影响,高中英语教学 只注重语言本身知识的掌握,忽略对作品的欣赏及人文素养的培养,高中英语文学欣赏教学对 促进学生英语语言能力有着积极有效的作用,而且是提高学生文化素养的重要手段,在高中英 语教学中应该把文学欣赏作为重要任务之一。 【关键词】 高中英语文学欣赏存在问题探讨对策 在当下的高中英语教学中普遍存在着重知识、轻能力的现象,教学内容主要以词汇和语法 为主,英语口语学习少,文学欣赏课程安排量少,导致学生难以形成听说读写的综合语言运用 能力及思维创新能力,遇到知识难点只能僵硬地学习,学习效率不高。本文对高中英语文学欣 赏课教学实践进行探讨,针对其相关问题,提出相关建议,以供参考。 一、高中英语文学欣赏存在的问题 (一)英语文学欣赏课程安排数量少 高中教学受应试教育的影响,大多数学校主要以高考应试成绩为教学目标,基本英语教学 形式以一种课本、一个进度、一个目标、一种方法进行英语教学,只注重英语语言本身的学习,单一向学生灌输语言、语法知识,忽略对文章文学欣赏的提高,以至于英语文学欣赏课程安排 数量极少,大多数课程都是应试教学,同时我国地域广阔,经济水平、文化水平差距大,英语 教学受重视程度不同,对于经济水平落后地区来说,基础英语教学开展难度都很大,很难在进 行英语文学欣赏课的开设。 (二)教科书文学欣赏作品少 自从新课标推广以来,教学内容和形式有了极大的改善,文学欣赏作品数量有所增加,但 仍然不能达到最佳效果。文学欣赏是英语教学的重要部分,能够有效地促进学生学习效率及运 用水平,在新课标英语教学内容上,教材对文学欣赏没有做出说明和具体要求,虽然教材内容 多以说明文为主,仍是侧重语言知识和语法知识,文学素养体现不足,难以促进学生对文章的 深刻了解,反而会对文章内容感觉枯燥、兴趣不足。 二、促进高中英语文学欣赏教学的策略 (一)改善英语文学欣赏作品的教材选编 目前我国还没有一本专门为高中英语文学欣赏编写英语教材,这就需要英语教师自己动手 选择编排适合高中生学习的英语文学作品,学校可以开展英语文学欣赏选修课,以满足英语教 师文学欣赏教学的需要。例如,教师根据学生的知识发展水平,教材选编符合英国文学经历文

人教版高中英语选修九Book Nine.docx

高中英语学习材料 ***鼎尚图文理制作*** Book Nine Unit One Breaking records 课程标准中的内容标准: 本单元的话题是围绕“世界纪录”为主题,重点讨论了创造世界纪录所必须的身体素质、心理素质、创新意识以及挑战自我的决心和毅力。 教学细目: 1、(情感目标)通过阅读,了解比赛必备的基本素质及延伸到学习所需要的决心和毅力。 2、(交际)通过听说学习有关表示惊讶、相信或不相信的用语。 3、(词汇)通过阅读、师生互动掌握本单元与体育项目及本单元教学目标和要求中的词 汇用法。 4、(写作)通过阅读和书面训练,学习并掌握介绍著名运动员的个人介绍。 5、(语法)通过书面训练,深入理解和进一步运用英语主语的形式、用法及主谓一致。 学习领域与主题内容及要求目标层次 人 教版选修九 Unit One Breaking records 理解掌握运用 1.1.1. 话题:sports √ 1.1.2功能(通过听和说,能在生活中运 用下列英语进行交际): 1. (Expressing surprise)表示惊讶 You’re kidding! Are you kidding? How amazing! Good heavens! Really? It can’t be true! Are you serious? Is that all? 2. Expressing belief / disbelief. (表示相信 或不相信) √

I’m not surprised. I can’t believe it. I think it’s true. That’s wonderful. I find that hard to believe. You’re right. I believe what you said. You’re not serious, are you? Oh, come on! You must be joking! I don’t doubt. √ 1.1.3 Understanding vocabulary(理解词 汇)(通过听、看、阅读,能理解下列词 汇含义。学生只需认识,不作为测试的 内容考查。)hurdling, boxing, lunge, zip, somersaulting, hula hooping, Guinness, vomit, gymnastically, meditation, marathon, sacred, conception, tact, repentance, juggle, triathlon, springboard, profile, economics, accountant, underwear, receptionist, scarf, amateur, wisdom, laughter, politician, conventional, appreciation √1.1.4 Grasping vocabulary(掌握词汇) (通过听、看、读,能运用下列词汇进 行造句,在完形填空和短文改错中运用 下列词汇。学生能够掌握其意义、用法、 搭配,可作为考查内容。)approximately, unfit, fascinate, spiritual, soul, virtue, noble, doom, bid, courageous, salary, wage, reality, adjustment, tough, extreme, urge, accomplish, motivation, devotion, deed, regret, champion, therefore, entire,


1.bring 与take相反bring sb. sth. = bring sth. to sb. 拿来,带来,送来 bring about vt. 引起,突现,造成bring in 引进、引来、吸收 bring back 归还,带回来bring back to life (health) 使复生,使恢复健康bring out 显示出来,表现出来,讲清楚;出版;生产;提出bring on 使...前进bring up 提出;抚育大,教养bring down 1. 降低 2. 使...倒下2.break break away 突然逃掉或离开;断绝往来;改掉(习惯);破除(旧做法) break away from 脱离...break the rule 违反规定 break down (身体)垮了;(谈话)中断;(机器)坏了;压倒,克服 break forth 突然(迸出)break in 突然进入,非法进入;插嘴,打岔 break into 破门而入;突然,一下子...;打扰,打断 break out爆发;突然(大声地)vt .break off vt. 打断,折断;中断,断绝(关系)break through 突破,打通break up 分散,折散;分解;腐蚀 3.burn燃烧,烧毁;烧着;晒黑 burn away vi. 熊熊燃烧;烧掉,烧完burn one’s fingers 吃亏 burn the midnight oil 开夜车burn down 把...烧成平地、烧光 The bedclothes catch fire and the whole house may be burnt down . burn ... to the ground 烧毁,把...烧平 In the country the revolutionaries set fire to the nobles' castles and burnt them to the ground . ( SIIL 87 ) 4.matter vi. 有关系,有严重性,要紧没关系It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter that....= It doesn’t make difference that...It doesn’t matter doing sth. n. What’s the matter?怎么啦?What’s the matter with ...? No matter what(how...)...不管怎么... It is no matter that....没关系as a matter of fact事实上,不瞒你说 5.check check sth. 检查,调查,核对; 阻止,遏制check in 报到,签到,到达 check off 核对无误; 下班check on 查清楚,检查 check out 把…检查一遍,清点登记; 结账后离开(旅馆) check over 检查一遍check through 查看,校阅 check up (on) 检查,调查,核对check with 和…核对;和…相符n. make a check of 核对,检查check 支票, (饭馆)账单, 方案keep (hold) in check 控制住 6.burst burst through 冲破;爆裂;炸破;胀破burst forth 突然出现(发生);(vi.) burst into tears (laughter, leaf, blossom) 突然(进入某种状态或发生某种情况) burst with 装得满满的,装得快要裂开了;非常,...之极 突然...起来burst out laughing (crying… ) burst into song (sweat…) be bursting to do sth. 急于做...;迫切想做... 7.appear vi. link-v. = seem 似乎, 显得 appear to do sth. appear + adj. appear + done appear + sth. It appear that…. 8.look link-v look + adj. (过去分词,名词,介词短语,)看起来, look about 四周打量look about for 四处寻找look ahead 预测未来


我的高中英语教学故事(个人经验及总结) 在英语教学中,个人有很多的教学故事,从中得出了很多的经验及总结,现作如下几点总结。 一、必修注意高一与初中的衔接过渡 高一新学期开始,可以通过摸底了解学生大致水平,及时给学生弥补初中的缺漏知识。可利用上半学期的时间从语言、词汇、语法、句型等方面系统复习。要尽快使学生适应高中英语教学,具体做法是:培养学生课前预习、课后复习的良好学习习惯;坚持用英语授课,要求并鼓励学生用英语思考问题、回答问题;根据高考要求,从高一年开始就需要培养学生的阅读能力,教会学生一些阅读技巧,养成良好的阅读习惯;另外,课后要多与学生接触,尽快和学生熟悉。在这当中确实能够很好的了解学生,更好地帮助他们学习英语。 二、高中英语教学要强化学生主体意识,注重英语的交际性。 “让游泳者到水中去。”这是交际语言教学理论的思想核心。语言学家毛鲁(KE Morrow)曾说过:“To learn it, do it only by practising communicative activities can we learn to communicate.”意思是,要学,就得实践。贯彻交际性原则亦就是要把教学活化为实际: 1.建立“课前五分钟会话”,培养课堂交际氛围。如一进课堂老师说:“It’s nice to see you again./It’s fine today, isn’t?/How are you today?”星期一上课问:“Did you have a good time in the weekend?”学生会作出不同的回答,引出更多的对话,从而达到交际的目的。这种做法一定要坚持到高三年。 2.适当让学生表演对话或课文内容。针对近期所学内容,布置学生课后进行讨论排练,然后再般上课堂表演。 3.多鼓励,少批评。为了使学生更爱开口,在练习中,要重视运用鼓励性语言,不断强化学生参加交际的信心。 三、多培养学生自主学习的能力 只有通过辅导学生掌握一套科学的学习方法,并培养学生的自学能力,才能使学生的学习积极性和主动性得以发挥。具体包括:培养学生的预习能力、各种方法掌握英语基本知识的能力、学生自己整理所学知识的能力。另外,自学能力的提高还得益于大量的独立的阅读,于是新学期开始就要要求学生人人必备一本英汉词典作为工具书,让学生勤查字典。 四、教学当中要努力激发学生学习英语的兴趣 在教学中培养学生的学习兴趣,增强教学效果,才能避免在以后的学习中产生两极分化。具体做法是把语言教学与日常生活联系起来,上课可以结合时事、热点,给学生讲有关政治、历史、社会等各方面的新闻、幽默等。还可以通过开辟第二课堂,如举办英语角、讲故事、各类竞赛等。老师课后应当多和学生交流接触,了解学生的需要,适当和学生一起参加活动、体育运动。课后还可以布置学生听英语广播、看英语新闻,然后再到学校进行交流。然而,在教学实践中,批改作业是一个薄弱环节、一个被忽视的环节。在此,我总结自己的教学体会,谈谈自己对批改作业的看法。 1 巩固教学效果,发展学生智能 教学的一个根本目的,是要求学生学会独立思考、独立自学,最终成为一个能独立工作的合格人才。课内教学的双边活动是至关重要的,但由于学生多,时间少,而学生主动活动机会则不多。所以,课外作业便是学生个体完成作业的独立活动的基本形式。学生在完成作业过程中,需要独立思考、独立钻研,这对学生有充分的实际锻炼机会。课外作业,有助于学生发展智能和创造性才能,有助于培养学生灵活地应用知识解决问题,有助于培养学生的能力,并能培养学生按时完成任务的习惯和责任心,以及克服困难的精神。因此,教师要在作业的布置和批改上下工夫,不仅要重视答案的公平性、客观性和唯一性,还要重视学生的


Unit 1 Living well 知识目标 1.Get students to learn the useful words and expressions in this unit. eyesight,ambition,disabled,beneficial,in other words,clumsy,adapt,microscope,out of breath,absence,stupid,fellow,annoyed,all in all,industry,tank,make fun of,encouragement,adapt to 2.Help students to learn about disabilities and life of the disabled. 能力目标 1.Let students read the passage Marty's Story to develop their reading ability. 2.Enable students to know that people with disabilities can also live well. 情感目标 1.By talking about disabilities and life of the disabled,make sure students can learn some positive stories of the disabled. 2.Help them understand more about how challenging life can be for the disabled. 3.Develop students' sense of cooperative learning.


高中英语作文范文赏析 Today, with the development of high-technology, we can get access to all kinds of high-tech products, such as computer, digital cameras and so on. These products make our life more convenient, we can keep in touch with family and friends any time any where. Our life has been changed by the high-tech, we live in a fast-pace world. Cell phone influences our life deeply, everyone owns it. While cell phone brings many dangers. First, cell hone contains radiation which hurts people’s body. Today, more and mo re people die of cancer, the main reason is that the high-tech products radiate their bodies, in the long run, the bodies get sick. Cell phone is one of such products, it hurts our bodies as long we use it. Second, cell phone distracts our attention about discovering the beauty of life. People pay their attention on cell phone, they count on it by reading news and making friends, being less going out. We should use cell phone properly. 今天,随着高科技的发展,我们可以接触各种各样的高科技产品,比如电脑,数字相 机等等。这些产品让我们的生活变得方便,我们可以和家人和朋友随时随地保持联系。我 们的生活受高科技影响而改变,我们生活在一个快节奏的世界。手机深深影响着我们的生活,每个人都有手机。然而手机给我们带来了危害。第一,手机包含了危害我们身体的辐射。现在,越来越多的人死于癌症,主要的原因是高科技产品辐射着他们的身体,长此下去,身体就得病了。手机就是其中的产品,只要我们使用,就会受到危害。第二,手机让 我们忽略了发现生活的美。 As we know, students should learn how to get on well with others. But how? First of all, we should respect others. Everybody has their own way to do things, so we should understand each other. Besides, it’s important for us to communicate with each other and share our happiness and sadness. What’s more, we should be kind to others and offer necessary help to those who are in trouble. If we live in the school’s dormitory, we should be careful not to disturb others. Don’t bring friends back to the dormitory in the mid-night after all the roommates are sleeping. Or playing computer games with the music turn up so loud. Such behaviors will hurt the relationships between you and your roommates. 我们都知道,学生应该学会与人相处。但是该怎样做呢?首先,我们应该相互理解体 谅对方。除此之外,和他人分享我们的喜怒哀乐也是很有必要的。我们还要对他人友善, 为他人提供必要的帮助。如果我们住在学校里面,就要注意不要打扰到他人。不要在午夜 时分舍友睡觉的时,把朋友带回来。或者是大声的开着音乐玩电脑。这种行为会伤害到你 与舍友之间的关系。


选修九英译汉默写练习 Unit 1 1.hurding ___________ 2.boxing n.________________ 3.hula hoping _____________ 4.△pogo stick jumping____________ 5.△jumping jack ____________ 6.somersaulting n. _______________ 7.lunge n. vt. _______________ 8.△Ashrita Furman ________________ 9.Guinness ___________________ 10.GuinessbookofWordRecords________ 11.approximate adj.__________________ 12.approximately adv. ___________ 13.conventional adj. ___________ https://www.360docs.net/doc/752559543.html,ughter n. ___________ 15.reality n. ___________ 16.in reality ___________ 17.ajustment n. ___________ 18.tough adj. ___________ 19.exreme adj. ___________ 20.vomit n. ___________ 21.gymastics n. ___________ 22.gymnastically adv. ___________ 23.unfit adj. ___________ 24.fascinate vt. ___________ 25.meditation n. ___________ △Sri chinmoy ___________ 26.spritual adj. ___________ 27.marathon n. ___________ 28.urge vt. ___________ 29.accomplish vt. ___________ 30.motivation n. ___________ 31.devotion n. ___________ 32.soul n. ___________ 33.sacred adj. ___________ 34.deed n. ___________ 35.conception n. ___________ 36.tact n. ___________, 37.regret vt. vi. ___________ 38.repentance n. ___________ 39.wisdom n. ___________ 40.virtue n. ___________ 41.noble adj. ___________ 42.doom vt. ___________ 43.bid vt. vi. ___________ 44.juggle vt. vi. ___________ 45.triathlon n. ___________ 46.triathlete n. ___________ 47.amateur n. __________ 48.champion n. ___________ 49.therefore adv. ___________ 50.Barcelona ___________ 51.springboard n. ___________ 52.economics n. ___________ △Slovenia ___________ 53.entire adj. ___________ △the Parana River ___________ 54.attain vt. ___________ △the Parana River ___________ 55.profile n. ___________ 56.courageous adj. ___________ 57.appreciate vt. ___________ 58.appreciation n. ___________ 59.accountant n. ___________ 60.receptionist n. ___________ https://www.360docs.net/doc/752559543.html,wyer n. ___________ 62.politition n. ___________家 63.scarf n. ___________ 64.zip n. ___________ 65.underwear n. ___________ 66.overcoat n. ___________ 67.salary n. ___________ 68.wage n. ___________ Unit2 https://www.360docs.net/doc/752559543.html,titude n. ___________ 70.voyage n. ___________ 71.mercy n. ___________ 72.at the mercy of ___________ 73.encyclopedia n. ___________ 74.alongside prep. ___________ 75.exploration n. ___________ 76.munimum adj. ___________ 77.celestial adj. ___________ 78.pole n. ___________ 79.equator n. ___________
