

第一部分交际英语(2015 年9月统考)全真版



1.—Why did n’t you come to my birthday party yesterday? -- .


A Excuse me, my friend sent me a flower

B Fine, I never go to birthday


C Well, I don’t like birthday parties

D Sorry, but my wife had a car accident

2.—This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs. 这个盒子对我来说太重了,搬不到楼上去

-- --让我帮你吧

A You may ask for help

B I’l l give you a hand

C Please do me a favor

D I’d come to help

3. -That’s a beautiful dress you have on! 你穿的这件裙子很漂亮!

- .噢,谢谢,我昨天买的

A Oh, thanks. I got it yesterday

B Sorry, it’s too cheap

C You

can have it D See you later

4. -David injured his leg playing football yesterday. 大卫昨天踢球时腿受伤了

-Really? ?真的吗?那怎么发生的啊?

A Who did that

B What’s wrong with him

C How did that happen

D Why was he so careless

5. -Hi, is Mary there, please?- 请问,Mary 在吗?--请别挂断,我去叫她

A Hold on. I’l l get her.

B No, she isn’t

here. C Yes, she lives here. D Yes, what do

you want?


6. -It’s rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window? - _.

(问介意用YES 这里相当冷,你介意我把窗关上吗?--不介意,去关上吧。


题目1 正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 The children _______ play with them. 选择一项: a. are wanting that b. want me for c. want me to d. want that I 反馈 正确答案是:want me to 题目2 正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 Don't laugh ________ people when they are _____trouble. 选择一项: a. in….at… b. at….at… c. on… in… d. at… in… 反馈 正确答案是:at… in… 题目3 正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 - Why does he look sad? - There are so many problems ____________. 选择一项: a. remaining to settle b. remained settling c. remaining to be settled d. remained to be settled 反馈

正确答案是:remaining to be settled 题目4 正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 Charles regretted _____the TV set last year. The price has now gone down. 选择一项: a. of b. to buy c. from d. buying 反馈 正确答案是:buying 题目5 不正确 获得1.00分中的0.00分 The old lady is quarrelling as if she ______ mad. 选择一项: a. is b. were c. was d. are 反馈 正确答案是:were 题目6 正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 Uncle Sam sent him a _______ bicycle as a birthday present. 选择一项: a. red sports new b. new red sports c. sports new red d. new sports red


一、句子改错(共5道小题,共25.0分) 1. This is such a beautiful day that everyone around us feel like going out for a walk. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 2. Neither John and his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D

3. He finds it easier to do the cooking himself than teaching his wife to cook. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 4. Despite his old age, he is still very healthful and often works in the field. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D

5. The information which she was injured in the accident was given by Liz. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 二、阅读理解(共1道小题,共50.0分)

1. Today, as in every other day of the year, more than 3,000 U.S. adolescents will smoke their first cigarette on their way to becoming regular smokers as adults. During their lifetime, it can be expected that of these 3,000 about 23 will be murdered, 30 will die in traffic accidents, and nearly 750 will be killed by a smoking-related disease. The number of deaths attributed to cigarette smoking outweighs all other factors, whether voluntary or involuntary, as a cause of death. Since the late 1970s, when daily smoking among high school seniors reached 30 percent, smoking rates among youth have declined. While the decline is impressive, several important issues must be raised. First, in the past several years, smoking rates among youth have declined very little. Second, in the late 1970s, smoking among male high school seniors exceeded that among female by nearly 10 percent. The statistic is reversing. Third, several recent studies have indicate high school dropouts have excessively high smoking rates, as much as 75 percent . Finally, though significant declines in adolescent smoking have occurred in the past decade, no definite reasons for the decline exist. Within this context, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) began its current effort to determine the most effective measures to reduce smoking levels among youth. 1. According to the author, the deaths among youth are mainly caused by _____. A. traffic accidents B. smoking-related diseases C. murder D. all of these 2. Every day there are over _____young people who will become regular smoker. A. 75 B. 23 C. 30 D. 3,000 3. By "dropout" (in paragraph 3) the author means______. A. students who failed the examination


备战四级交流会 班级特色活动总结一.班会主题:迎四级考试,促学风建设。 二.班会目的:英语四级考试对于我们学校的学生来讲虽说不是强制性,但却是一个可以检验自身英语水平的好机会。相信每位同学也是非常重视的。对于这次的四级考试,我们既有挑战,也有担忧,为提高大家学习英语的效率,我们特组织与直系学长学姐班级的备战四级交流会。 三.班会时间:2013年10月30号 四.班会地点:同心楼407 五.参与人员:辅导员及12级英语师范2班全体同学、11级英语师范2班全体同学 六.班会流程: 第一环节:英语四级备考 1.由我班学习委员介绍英语四级改革后的试题类型,考试时间以 及答题步骤答题技巧等实际具体问题。


3.班级同学发言,我们选比较有代表性的同学上台,以自己为案 例,分析自己在学习上疑惑,让学姐给予解答。 4.有学生自愿成立英语四级复习备考小组,号召大家参与。 小组具体工作有:1.小组成员必须上早自习,时间定为7点。 2.每个星期的一三五晚上为英语学习时间, 在教室完成一份试卷,按照正规时间安排。一个星期做两份试卷,留一天归纳总结。 第三环节:学习规划 由全班同学在便利贴上写下自己学习英语的规划感想,收集起来作为班级剪贴报。 第四环节:总结 1.邀请孙导做班会总结,以及对我们的建议和期望。

2.由学习委员做最后的总结并宣布会议结束。 活动总结:此次增长了活动寓学于乐,通过各种丰富有趣的内容,达到了活动预期目的,了解往届师范班的考试通过情况,借鉴直系班级以往的经验,改善英语学习方法,同时,让同学们对大学英语四级有了更进一步的了解,让同学们更好地备战四级。在此,衷心祝愿每位同学都能顺利通过四级考试。 2012级英师2班 2013年10月30号


试题三 ★单选题:> Nazi concentration camp A 、紧紧抓住希望B 、纳粹集中营 C 、消失在远处D 、交换只言片语 ★单选题:> run afterA 、还钱B 、提供 C 、贷款给…D 、追逐;追求 ★单选题:> in essence A 、本质上B 、错过C 、贷款给…D 、急剧下滑 ★单选题:> bring back = ____ A、 reduce the amount of sth. B、 cause the memory of (sth.) to return C、 publish (a book,magazine)D、 introduce ★单选题:> set aside = ____ A、 save for a special purpose B、 begin a journey C、 begin doing sth. in an eager way D、 establish ★单选题:> Scott and Dickens are both excellent writers, but I prefer the ____. A、 last B、 later C、 late D、 latter ★单选题:> All flights ____ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take the train. A、 were canceled B、 had been canceled C、 have been canceled D、 having been canceled ★单选题:> He ____ the letter carefully before putting it in the envelop. A、 folded B、 pressed C、 turned D、 contacted ★单选题:> She opened the door very ____ as not to wake the baby. A、 attentively B、 cautiously C、 patiently D、 nervouly ★单选题:> _____such a good chance,he planned to learn more. A、 To be given B、 Having been given C、 Having given D、 Giving ★多选题:> The part of a telephone you speak into and listen from is called a receiver. A 、为你接听电话的人被称为接线员。 B 、你用电话机上被称为听筒的那部分接听电话。 C 、电话机上用来说话和听话的那部分叫听筒。 D 、你听话和说话用的是电话机的听筒。 ★多选题:> The application of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods usually increases efficiency. A、工业生产中申请了新的科学发现,通常可以提高效率。 B 、把新的科学发现运用到工业生产上,通常可以提高效率。 C 、新的科学发现如果运用到工业生产中可大大提高效率。 D、科学方法中运用了新的工业生产方法,通常可以提高效 率。 ★多选题:> He is confident of winning the post of assistant to the managing director. ;.


大学英语(3)课程作业_A 一单选题 1. When I said that some people are stupid I was not ___ you. reference refer referring referring to 本题分值: 4.0 用户得分: 0.0 用户解答: reference 标准答案:referring to 2. ___ your step,or you might fall into the water. See Watch Miss Look at 本题分值: 4.0 用户得分: 0.0 用户解答: See 标准答案:Watch 3. Professor Lee visits China almost ___. twice a year a twice year a year twice a year two times 本题分值: 4.0 用户得分: 4.0 用户解答: twice a year 标准答案: twice a year 4. The missing boys were last seen ___ near the river. playing to be playing play to play 本题分值: 4.0 用户得分: 4.0 用户解答: playing

5. China is ___ old country with ___ long history. the, a a, an an, a an, the 本题分值: 4.0 用户得分: 0.0 用户解答: the, a 标准答案:an, a 6. I learn ___ my cost that a broken leg can be very painful. at on to in 本题分值: 4.0 用户得分: 0.0 用户解答: at 标准答案:to 7. It was ___ that he had to ask for help. a so big work a so big job such a big work a such big job 本题分值: 4.0 用户得分: 0.0 用户解答: a so big work 标准答案:such a big work 8. There was ___ in the meeting room. no one another anyone the one 本题分值: 4.0 用户得分: 0.0 用户解答: no one


英语四级讲座策划书 范文大全文秘知识活动方案〔英语四级讲座策划书〕 英语四级讲座策划书 管理学院学生会分会 XX 目录 一、活动背景 二、活动的目的和意义 三、活动开展 四、讲座流程 五、工作安排 六、突发状况处理 七、细节补充 八、经费预算 九、注意事项 一活动背景 当我们大一新生怀着对大学生活向往的喜庆之际英语四级考试就这样悄悄地来临了!你是否感觉自己又处在了朦胧之中是否感到大学如此茫然?英语四级是我们大学生必须经历的考试但大学的英语学习和高中有所差别到底我们应该如何应对呢?如何才能有方法、有效率的去自学呢?如果你想了解前人的宝贵经验那就赶快来听讲座吧!莲~山课件

二活动的目的和意义 通过这次讲座让同学们熟悉大学英语的学习方法使同学们了解英语级考试的形式、流程加深对级考试的了解知己知彼使同学们可以更好地更有针对性地投入到英语学习中提高学习效率。 三活动开展 前期的宣传工作(时间待定) 制作两块有特色的讲座宣传板(主干道草莓园)。 【做会场内横幅一张】 召集管院各班负责人开动员大会宣传讲座情况并积极动员本班学生去听讲座。 具体安排 时间(待定) 地点(待定) 主题:英语四级讲座 内容:待定(和老师沟通确定主讲内容) 主讲人(待定) 参会人员:老师、大一学生、学长学姐、分会成员 活动对象:管理学院大一全体新生 活动负责人:冯昱钦 主办方:管理学院分会 具体流程安排 联系主讲人

确定两三个学长学姐 确定活动主持人 确定时间地点 四讲座流程 工作人员组织同学按顺序进入会场。 主持人宣布活动开始并简要介绍讲座流程和讲座期间的纪律制度。 .主持人介绍参会人员学院老师代表简要发言。 主持人致辞欢迎主讲人到场讲座开始。 .主讲人讲座结束由主持人宣布进入自由提问环节(可根据老师意愿选择此环节) 主持人请学长学姐讲讲他们的学习经验。 讲座结束主持人致感谢词。 引领主讲人、老师和学长学姐退场 学生有序退场 .活动结束后分会干事简要开会总结活动开展情况并做会卫生打扫工作。 五工作安排(分会干事负责) 进入会场确定电脑、话筒、音响等设备是否齐全并能够正常使用。 幅挂在会场内。 为主讲人、老师、学长学姐提供饮料或水做好会场服务。


全国高校网络教育大学英语统考 (B )试题及答案 Test 1 Part I 日常会话 1. — Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now -- A A. Sorry, he is busy at the mome nt C. Sorry, you can ' t 2. -- Do you think I could borrow your dictionary -- .C A. Yes, you may borrow C. Yes, help yourself 3. -- Is that Mr Robert Lee -- A A. Yes, Lee speak ing. C. Sorry, speak ing. 4. — Excuse me, sir. Where is Dr. Brow n - D. A. You can ' t ask me B. Pard on I have no idea C. Please don ' t say so D. Sorry, I don ' t know, but you can ask the man over there 5. - Mary, your dress is really beautiful. How is John -- .C A. Thank you very much C. Thank you. He is fine is good 6. - What can I do for you, madam -- .A A. I want a kilo of apples C. Thanks B. No, you can ' t D. I don ' t know B. Yes, go on D. It doesn ' t matter B. Hello, what do you want D. I don ' t know. 's office I ' d like to take you to the coffee house on the corner. B. You can go your own way D. Excuse me. I ' m busy


中国地质大学(武汉)远程与继续教育学院 大学英语3 课程作业1(共 4 次作业) 学习层次:专升本涉及章节:第一单元—第二单元 一、Make a suitable choice for the underlined word or phrase(选择与划线词或词组意思相同的选项) 1. We should not complain about taxes. A) feel unhappy B) say bad things C) care D) praise 2. What were the effects of the decision she made? A) reasons B) results C) causes D) bases 3.People don’t realize how serious this recession has actually been. A) know B) think C) doubt D) remember 4.First editions of certain popular books cannot be obtained for love or money. A) at any place B) at any price C) in any language D) in any country 5. About a quarter of the workers in the United States are employed in factories. A) third B) fourth

C) tenth D) fifteenth 6. In a bullfight, it is movement, not the color, of subjects that arouses the bull. A) confuses B) excites C) scares D) diverts 7. Passenger ships and planes are often equipped with ship-to-shore or air-to-land radio telephones. A) highways B) railroads C) sailboats D) aircraft 8. The firemen acted quickly because lives were at stake. A) in danger B) in despair C) out of condition D) out of danger 9.Mary called me up very late last night. A) shouted at me B) visited me C) telephoned me D) waked me 10. Mary gets up at the same time every morning. A) arises B) raises C) arrives D) stands up 11. Helen will leave immediately. A) far away


大学英语三离线作业答 案 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

离线作业试卷列表2 一、单选? 1.第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)- Would you be interested in seeing a film tonight- ____C______?分值:3 A. Not at all.??? B. Are you sure??? C. Great! I'd love to ??? D. You're welcome.???? 2.第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)- Excuse me, could you tell me the way to P eople's Square- ____B______?分值:3 A. I don't understand you.??? B. Sorry, I'm a stranger here.??? C. Why don't you take a taxi??? D. Don't bother me.???? 3.第四部分:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)30?C 分值:1 A. on mind??? B. in heart??? C. in mind??? D. on your mind???? 4.第四部分:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)29 B?分值:1 A. with??? B. for??? C. to??? D. in???? 5.第四部分:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)28 B?分值:1 A. impossible??? B. wonderful??? C. incapable??? D. practical???? 6.第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)- I've got the first prize in the dancing ____C______?分值:3 A. You're welcome.??? B. It's very kind of you.??? C. Please accept my congratulations.??? D. Oh, really, I can't believe my ears.???? 7.第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)- I've passed the ___D_______?分值:3 A. What a pity!??? B. I have the examination.??? C. Come on.??? D. Congratulations.???? 8.第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)- I'm suffering from a ________A__?分值:3


一、单项选择题(共10道小题,共100.0分) 1. The doctors ________ the medicines to the people in the flood area. 2. 1.distinguished 2.chose 3.annoyed 4.distributed 知识点:阶段作业一 学生答案:[D;] 标准答 案: D 得分:[10]试题分 值: 10.0 提示: 3. Facing the ________ situation the sales manager looked________ . 4. 1.puzzling, puzzled 2.puzzling, puzzling 3.puzzled, puzzled 4.puzzled, puzzling 知识点:阶段作业一 学生答[A;]标准答A

案:案: 得分:[10]试题分 值: 10.0 提示: 1. If you're late again you'll be________ from your job. 2. 1.referred 2.deserted 3.omitted 4.dismissed 知识点:阶段作业一 学生答案:[D;] 标准答 案: D 得分:[10]试题分 值: 10.0 提示: 1. We must strengthen our________ on the western border. 2. 1.defences 2.defects 3.defeats 4.defendants

知识点:阶段作业一 学生答案:[A;] 标准答 案: A 得分:[10]试题分 值: 10.0 提示: 1. Copper ________ electricity. 2. 1.cracks 2.equips 3.strikes 4.conducts 知识点:阶段作业一 学生答案:[D;] 标准答 案: D 得分:[10]试题分 值: 10.0 提示: 1. (错误) 2. I'm firm in my________ that he is a good teacher.


《大学英语(三)》在线作业题库 一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。) 1. – Ami, I want this report typed today. – ( ). A. It'll be ready in the afternoon, sir B. I'd like you to help me C. I know nothing about the report D. Leave it to tomorrow 正确答案:A 2. He( )himself quickly to the new condition of his work. A. changed B. altered C. adjusted D. varied 正确答案:C 3. We( )the bathroom and plan( )the bedroom this year. A. painted…to paint B. is painting… painting C. paint… to paint D. have painted…to paint 正确答案:D 4. I don't think this kind of medicine has any( ). A. answer B. cause C. effect D. work 正确答案:C 5. We consider( )the instrument be adjusted each time it is used. A. that it necessary B. it necessary that C. necessary that D. necessary of it that 正确答案:B 6. – I wonder if you could help me. – ( ). A. I could B. Yes, I do C. No, not at all D. Of course 正确答案:D 7. Parliament didn't think the Prime Minister did enough in the improvement of fair employment, ( )he was asked to write to Parliament for further explanation. A. so B. therefore


英语四级学习计划书 目标:突破英语四级时间:两个月左右 一、目前基本情况分析之优点 1,学习能力较好 2,文化取向无误差 3,有积极向上的心 4,有充足的时间 二、目前基本情况分析之缺点 1,语法很差 2,词汇量达不到要求 3,听力没有专门训练,特别是标准口音的听和说 4,阅读速度达不到考试要求 5,单选,填空缺少一个逻辑训练过程 6,写作靠语法,翻译靠语法,有语法还要训练语法技术在语句情景表达的合理运用。这方面缺少训练。 三、理念————大学四级是得听力和阅读者得天下 四、前方案———有针对性,四级考什么,我练什么,我缺什么,我补什么 五、难度—比高考要求,加大了听力部分,阅读速度,能力要求,逻辑判断,汉译英部分。 六、基本策略:先不要看太多的资料,一定要买一本四级历年真题,真正把近十年的真题研究透了,肯定没问题。因为四级是比较成熟的标准化考试,出题套路比较相像,对真题深入细致的研究对实战有很大帮助 七、四级考试内容细节 英语4级考试内容,包括五个部分:听力理解、阅读理解、词语用法与语法结构、短文写作。全部题目按顺序统一编号。 第一部分:听力理解(part 1:listening comprehension): 共20题,考试时间20分钟。这一部分包括两节:a节(section a)有10题,每题含一组对话,对话后有一个问句。 b节(section b)有10题,分别

安排在若干篇听力材料之后,每篇后有二至四道题,每题为一个问句。听力部分的每个问句后有约15秒的间隙,要求考生从试卷所给出的每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。录音的语速为每分钟约120词,念一遍。选材的原则是: 1、话部分为日常生活中的一般对话,句子结构和内容不太复杂; 2、短篇听力材料为题材熟悉、情节不太复杂的故事、讲话、叙述等; 3、所用词语不超出教学大纲词汇表四级规定的范围。听力理解部分的目的是测试学生获取口头信息的能力。 第二部分:阅读理解(part ⅱ:reading comprehension): 共20题,考试时间35分。要求考生阅读若干篇短文,总阅读量不超过1000词。每篇短文后有若干个问题。考生应根据文章内容从每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。选材的原则是: 1、题材广泛,可以包括人物传记、社会、文化、日常知识、科普常识等,但是所涉及的背景知识应能为学生所理解; 2、体裁多样,可以包括叙述文、说明文、议论文等; 3、文章的语言难度中等,无法猜测而又影响理解的关键词,如超出教学大纲词汇表四级的范围,用汉语注明词义。 阅读理解部分主要测试下述能力: 1、掌握所读材料的主旨和大意; 2、了解说明主旨和大意的事实和细节; 3、既理解字面的意思,也能根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推论; 4、既理解个别句子的意义,也理解上下文的逻辑关系。阅读理解部分的目的是测试学生通过阅读获取信息的能力,既要求准确,也要求有一定速度。 第三部分:词语用法和语法结构(part ⅲ:vocabulary and structure):共30题,考试时间20分钟。题目中40%为词和短语的用法,60%为语法结构。要求考生从每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。 词语用法和语法结构部分的目的是测试学生运用词汇、短语及语法结构的能力。考试范围包括教学大纲词汇表及语法结构表一级至四级的全部内容第五部分:写作(part ⅴ:writing): 共1题,考试时间30分钟。要求考生写出一篇100—120词的短文,试卷上


大学英语三作业 第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 1. — It’s really a good dinner, isn’t it? — ______B_________________ A. Yes, I’d like to go. B. Yes, the food is just wonderful. C. I’m glad to hear that. D. It’s very nice of you to say so. 2. — I’d like to open an account here. — _______C________________ A. Yes, Madam. How can I help you? B. Oh, yes, please. C. I see. What kind of account, please? D. You can do whatever you like. 3. — Thank you for this wonderful party. — _______C________________ A. It’s my pleasure. B. No, it’s not so good as you say. C. I’m so glad you enjoy it. D. What do you think about it now? 4. — I was wondering if you’d like to go skating? — ______C_________________ A. Are you really interested in going? B. I often go skating on Saturday. C. I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t do it today. D. Don’t you like it? 5. — Have a nice weekend! — _________D______________ A. Of course I will. B. So will I. C. Not at all. D. Thanks. You too! 第二部分:阅读理解(共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分) Passage 1 To us it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains. But actually the umbrella was not invented as protection against rain. Its first use was as a shade (遮光物)against the sun! Nobody knows who first invented it, but the umbrella was used in very ancient times. Probably the first to use it were the Chinese, way back in the 11 century BC. We know that the umbrella was used in ancient Egypt and Babylon as a sunshade. And there was a strange thing connected with its use: it became a symbol of honour and authority. In the Far East in ancient times, the umbrella was allowed to be used only by royalty or by those in high


阶段作业一 一、单项选择题(共10道小题,共100.0分) 1. All the signs _________ an early resumption of the battle. 2. 1.point at 2.point 3.point out 4.point to 3. In a time of social reform, people's state of mind tends to keep ________ with the rapid changes of society. 4. 1.step 2.progress 3.pace 4.touch 5. After he had been asked the same question many times, his answer became _________ . 6. 1.machine

2.mechanics 3.mechanic 4.mechanical 7. He seems to be _________ enough to climb to the mountain top in an hour. 8. 1.radiant 2.conscientious 3.conspicuous 4.energetic 9. The University ________him an honorary degree. 10. 1.drained 2.awarded 3.approached 4.glimpsed 11.

Copper ________ electricity. 12. 1.cracks 2.equips 3.strikes 4.conducts 13. I'm firm in my________ that he is a good teacher. 14. 1.behaviour 2.believe 3.beloved 4.belief 15. The sting ________ him in his dislike of bee. 16. 1.confirmed 2.firmed 3.formed 4.confused


大学英语四级经验交流会策划书一活动背景 大学英语四级是我们每个大学生都必须经历的重要考试,是以后求职业道路上的必要筹码。每一个大一大二的同学都是踌躇满志,却无奈缺少帮助他们打开四级之门的金钥匙,为了帮助07、08级学生尽快尽早地了解四级、六级考试的信息,同时为他们解决备考中出现的问题,使他们更有效地准备四级考试,在考试中取得优异的成绩。很多即将参加考试的学生都需要从心态、技巧等方面进行不同程度的指导,以顺利应考。鉴于此我院学习部本着“排学习之忧,解学生学习之难”的宗旨举办此次英语四级经验交流活动。 二活动主题 英语四级经验交流 三活动目的与意义 为了在学院内营造一个良好的英语学习氛围,促进学院的学风建设,让学生加深对四级考试的了解,知己知彼,使大家在即将到来的四级考试中有所准备,提高通过率,提高学习英语的积极性,从而提高同学们的整体英语水平 四活动时间 2011年4月中旬 五活动地点

未定 六活动针对对象 医学检验与技术学院09、10级各班同学 七组织方 医学检验与技术学院学生会 八活动持续时间 150分钟 九活动前期安排 1.由组织部在交流会前一星期制作好2张海报,海报于交流开始前五天分别贴于南、北两区的正门口,以扩大此次活动的院里的影响。 2.组织部准备好交流会中需要的听力材料和题目。 3.与09、10级的学习委员进行交流沟通,让他们在本班宣传此次活动,并动员大家积极参加。 4.让08级各班学习委员搜集本班学生在四级考试中遇到的问题,在规定的时间内交到学习部成员手中或发送到邮箱里。 5.由学习部成员整理由各班学习委员交上来的材料。 6.由组织部负责场地的占用和电脑、话筒、音响等设备是否齐全并能够正常使用。 7.由学习部联系08级各班学委,邀请其班中1-2名通过四级的且经验丰富,有较好的英语学习方法的学生嘉宾。




第五部分英译汉(2018年4月统考)全真翻译版 ----------------以下60必须掌握,可得分值20分------------------ 重点必须掌握以下1-60个,分值20分 30. In an age of plenty, we feel spiritual hunger. 在这个物质财富充裕的时代,我们感到精神上的饥渴。 31.A friend of mine from high school is working in England now.我高中的一个朋友目前在英格兰工作。 32.A lot of natural resources in the mountain area are to be exploited and used.那个山区有许多自然资源有待于开发利用。 33. As is known to all, China is a developing country. 众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家。 34. Are you fond of music?你喜欢音乐吗? 35. All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的东西,未必都是金子。 36. Life is meaningless without a purpose.没有目标的生活是毫无意义的。 37. Look out the window it's still raining today!看窗外,今天还在下雨。 38. My classmate is much cleverer than I.我的同学比我聪明多了。 39. Most students feel satisfied with the progress they’ve made.大多数学生对自己所取得的进步感到满意。 40. Our textbooks are very different from theirs.我们的教材与他们的教材很不一样。 41. People all over the world are trying to help the people in the quake-stricken areas.全世界人民都在尽力帮助遭受地震地区的人民。 42. She likes to help any one who is in difficulty.她乐意帮助任何一个有困难的人。 43. This box can hold more books than that one.这个箱子比那个箱子能装更多的书。 44. This new country hopes to establish friendly relations with all its neighbours.这个新成立的国家希望和所有邻国建立友好关系。 45.This place has plentiful material resources. 这个地方有丰富的物质资源。 46. The doctor had no choice but reach out to their colleagues across the nation.那个医生别无选择,只能向全国的同行救助。 47. The People's Republic of China (PRC), founded on October 1, 1949, covers an area of 9.6 million square kilometers.中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日,国土面积约960万平方公里。 48. The Olympic Games is an international sports event that takes place every four years.奥林匹克运动会是国际性的体育会,每四年主办一次。 49. The friend saw everything but did not say a single word.这位朋友看到了一切,却一言不发。 50. The doctor told me to have more water.医生让我多喝些水。 51. The students are encouraged to do more listening, reading and writing by their teacher.老师鼓励学生多听、多读、多写。 52. They thought that there must be something wrong with their TV set.他们认为电视机一定出了毛病了。 53.The more passions we have, the more happiness we are likely to experience. 我们的激情越 电大、各类远程网络教育统考大学英语B、计算机应用基础统考辅导
