




3.1 金属材料

3.1.1 黑色金属 Ferrous Metal

碳素钢 carbon steel (CS)

低碳钢 low-carbon steel

中碳钢 medium-carbon steel

高碳钢 high-carbon steel

普通碳素钢 general carbon steel

优质碳素钢 high-quality carbon steel

普通低合金结构钢 general structure low-alloy steel 合金结构钢 structural alloy steel

合金钢 alloy steel

低合金钢 low alloy steel

中合金钢 medium alloy steel

高合金钢 high alloy steel

耐热钢 heat resisting steel

高强度钢 high strength steel

复合钢 clad steel

工具钢 tool steel

弹簧钢 spring steel

钼钢 molybdenum steel

镍钢 nickel steel

铬钢 chromium steel

铬钼钢 chrome-molybdenum steel

铬镍钢 chromium-nickel steel, chrome-nickel steel 不锈钢 stainless steel (S.S.)

奥氏体不锈钢 Austenitic stainless steel

马氏体不锈钢 Martensitic stainless steel

司特来合金(钨铬钴台金) Stellite

耐蚀耐热镍基合金 Hastelloy

铬镍铁合金 inconel

耐热铬镍铁合金 incoloy

20合金 20 alloy

平炉钢(马丁钢) Martin steel

镇静钢 killed steel

半镇静钢 semi-killed steel

沸腾钢 rimmed steel; rimming steel; open-steel

锻钢 forged steel

铸钢 cast steel

铸铁 cast iron (C.I.)

灰铸铁 grey cast iron

可锻铸铁 malleable iron (MI)

球墨铸铁 nodular cast iron; nodular graphite iron 生铁 pig iron

熟铁.锻铁 wrought iron

铸件 casting

高硅铸铁 high silicon cast iron

3.1.2 镀层及制造方法

渗铬钢,镀铬钢 chromized steel

镀铬的 chromium-plated, chrome-plated

镀层 plating

锻造,型钢 swage

锻造的,锻造 forging

轧制 rolling

热轧 hot rolling

冷轧 cold rolling

挤压 extruding

冷加工 cold working

热加工 hot working

拔制 drawing

3.1.3 有色金属Non-ferrous Metal 铝 aluminum

铜,紫铜 copper

黄铜 brass

青铜 bronze

铝青铜 aluminum bronze

磷青铜 phosphor bronze

铝镁合金 aluminum magnesium

锰青铜 manganese bronze

蒙乃尔(注:镍及铜合金) Monel 镍铜台金 nickel copper alloy

非铁合金 nonferrous alloy

钛 titanium

铅 lead

硬铅 hard lead

3.1.4 材料性能

极限强度 ultimate strength

抗拉强度 tensile strength

屈服极限 yield limit

屈服点 yield point

延伸率 percentage elongation

抗压强度 compressive strength

抗弯强度 bending strength

弹性极限 elastic limit

冲击值 impact value

疲劳极限 fatigue limit

蠕变极限 creep limit

持久极限 endurance limit

布氏硬度 Brinell hardness

洛氏硬度 Rockwell hardness

维氏硬度 Vickers diamond hardness, diamond penetrator hardness 蠕变断裂强度 creep rupture strength

断面收缩率 reduction of area

韧性 toughness

脆性 brittleness

延性 ductility

冷脆 cold shortness

冷流 cold flow

3.2 非金属材料 Non-metallic Material

塑料 plastic

丙烯腈—丁二烯—苯乙烯 acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) 聚乙烯 polyethylene (PE)

聚氯乙烯 polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

苯乙烯橡胶 styrene-rubber (SR)

聚丁烯 polybutylene (PB)

聚丙烯 polypropylene (PP)

聚苯乙烯 polystyrene (PS)

氯化聚醚 chlorinated polyether (CPE)

聚酰胺 polyamide (PA)

聚碳酸酯 polycarbonate (PC)

聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)

醋酸丁酸纤维素cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB)

氯化聚氯乙烯 chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC)

聚偏二氟乙烯 polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)

缩醛塑料 acetal plastic

尼龙塑料 nylon plastic

聚烯烃 polyolefin (PO)

石墨酚醛塑料 graphite phenolic plastics

聚四氟乙烯 polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)

纤维增强热塑性塑料 fiber reinforced thermoplastics

热塑性塑料 thermoplastic

热固性塑料 thermosetting plastics

胶粘剂 adhesive

溶剂胶接剂 solvent cement

树脂 resin

环氧树脂 epoxy. epoxy resin

聚酯树脂 polyester resin

聚酯纤维 polyester fibers

氟塑料 fluoroplastics

聚氨基甲酸酯 polyurethane

丙烯酸树脂 acrylic resin

脲醛树脂 urea resin

呋哺树脂 furan resin

乙烯丙烯二烃单体 ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) 合成橡胶 synthetic rubber

橡胶 rubber

丁腈橡胶 nitrile butadiene rubber

氯丁橡胶 neoprene

天然橡胶 natural rubber

乙丙橡胶 ethylene propylene rubber (EPR)

玻璃 glass

硼硅玻璃 borosilicate glass

耐火砖 fire brick

瓷 ceramic

搪瓷 porcelain enamel

木材 wood

3.3 型材

型钢 shaped steel, section steel, swage

角钢 angle steel

槽钢 channel

工字钢 I-beam

宽缘工字钢或H钢 wide flanged beam

T型钢 T-bar

方钢 square bar

扁钢 flat bar

角钢 hexagonal steel bar

圆钢 round steel. rod

钢带 strap steel

钢板 plate

网纹钢板 checkered plate

腹板(指型钢的立板) web

翼缘(指型钢的缘) wing

3.4 填料及填料函

填料 packing

石棉绳 asbestos rope, asbestos cord.

O形环 O-ring

自密封 self-sealing

四氟带 Teflon tap

带铬镍合金丝的石棉绳 asbestos rope with inconel wire, inconel wire asbestos

浸聚四氟乙烯的石棉填料 Teflon impregnated asbestos packing

金属填料 metallic stuffing

填料箱,填料函 packing box, stuffing box

填料函压盖 stuffing box gland



Plot Plan and Piping Layout, Equipment and Piping Arrangement 5.1 设备名称 Equipment Name

5.1.1 容器 Vessel

(1) 塔 tower, column

洗涤塔 scrubber

吸收塔 absorber

冷却塔 cooling tower

精馏塔 fractionating tower

蒸馏塔 distillation tower

再生塔 regenering tower

造粒塔 prilling tower

汽提塔 stripper

脱气塔 Degassing tower--degasifier

合成塔 synthesis tower

(2) 反应器 reactor

聚台釜 polymerizer

转化器,变换器 converter

脱硫反应器 desulphurization reactor

甲烷化器 methanator--Methanation

(3) 气柜 gas-holder

螺旋式气柜 helical gas-holder

湿式气柜 wet gas-holder

干式气柜 dry gas-holder

(4) 槽罐

贮罐 tank; storage tank

缓冲罐 knock out drum

球罐 spheroid, spherical tank 罐 drum

接受槽 receiver

计量槽 measuring tank

加料槽 feed tank

排污罐 blow down tank

闪蒸罐 flash drum

汽包 steam drum

溶液贮槽 solution storage tank 地下槽 slop tank

(5) 其它设备

分离器 separator

旋风分离器 cyclone

分子筛 molecular sieve

脱氧器 deaerator

搅拌器 agitator

干燥器 dryer

混合器 mixer

萃取器 extractor

结晶器 crystallizer

澄清器 gravity settler

净化器 purifier

气化器 vaporizer

吸附器 adsorber

融解槽 melter

减温器 desuperheater

升压器 booster

喷射器 ejector

喷头 sprayer

火炬 flare

消声器 silencer

(6) 换热器、加热器、冷却器

换热器 heat exchanger

空冷器 air cooler

水冷却器 water cooler

冷凝器 condenser

螺旋板式换热器 spiral plate heat exchanger 蒸发器 evaporator

再沸器 reboiler

急冷器 quencher

深冷器 chiller

预热器 preheater

再热器 reheater

加热器 heater

电加热器 electric heater

过热器 super heater

给水加热器 feed water heater

中间冷却器 inter cooler

后冷却器 after cooler

5.1.2 工业炉及锅炉

炉子 furnace

烧嘴 burner

锅炉 boiler

烟囱 stack

废热锅炉 waste heat boiler

辅助锅炉 auxiliary boiler

省煤器 economizer

回热炉 direct-fired heater

辐射段 radiant section

对流段 convection section

裂化炉 reformer

焚烧炉 incinerator

回转窑 rotary kiln

炉管 furnace tube

吹灰器 soot blower

观察孔 observation door, peep door

防爆门 explosion door

5.2 辅助用房名称

5.2.1 生产用房

分析室 analyzer room

变压器室 transformer room

配电室,变电所 substation, switch room

蓄电池室 battery room

控制室 control room

通风室 ventilating room

贮藏室 storage room

维修间 maintenance room

办公室 office

5.2.2 生活用房

更农室 locker room

盥洗室,厕所 closet, lavatory, toilet

5.3 图名

管道布置平面 piping arrangement plan (PAP)

管道布置 piping layout

轴测图 isometric drawing

分区索引图 key plan

初版设备布置图(“A”版)preliminary plot plan ( “A” issue)

部审查版设备布置图(“B”版) internal approval plot pla n ( “B” issue)用户审查版设备布置图(“C”版) owner approval plot plan ( “C” issue)确认版设备布置图(“D”版)confirm plot plan ( “D” issue)

研究版设备布置图(“e”版)planning plot plan ( “E” issue)

设计版设备布置图(“F”)designing plot plan ( “F” issue)

施工版设备布置图(“G”版)construction plot plan ( “G” issue)

5.4 厂房、站、单元

压缩机房 compressor house (room)

泵房 pump house (room)

洗眼站 eye washer station

泡沫站 foam station

软管站,公用工程站 hose station (HS), utility station

成套设备 package unit

设施 facilities

罐区 tank yard

空分装置 air separation facility

5.5 设备布置

设备位号 equipment item number

工厂 plant

工厂区界 plant limit

项目区界侧 inside battery limit (I.S.B.L.)

项目区界 battery limit (BL)

区界 area limit

区域边界 zone limit

界外 off site

东 east (E)

西 west (W)

南 south (S)

北 north (N)

上 up

下 down

工厂北向 plant north

真实北向 true north

道路 road

小过道 cat walk, cat way

走道,过道 walk way, gangway, access way 污水坑(井) sump pit

集水池 catch basin

沟槽 through

预留区 trough

场地 future area

铺砌区 paving area

非铺砌区 unpaved area

碎石铺面 gravel paving

橡皮铺面 rubber paving

面积,区域 area

体积,容积 volume (VOL)

5.6 管道布置

管道设计 piping design

管道研究 piping study

走向研究 routing study

重要管道 critical piping

地上管道 above ground piping

地下管道 under ground piping

管网 network of pipes

管廊 pipe rack

管沟 piping trench

管间距 line spacing

管道跨距 line span

总管 header, manifold

旁路 by pass

排液 drain

放空 vent

上升管,垂直管 riser

导管 conduit

裸管 bare line

管件直接 fitting to fitting (FTF)

管段,接口 spool piece, spool

取样接口 sampling connection

集液包 drip leg

伴热管 tracing pipe

蒸汽伴热 steam tracing

热水伴热 hot-water tracing

电伴热 electrical tracing

夹套管 jacketed line, jacketed piping 全夹套的 full jacketed

平面 plan

详图 detail

视图X v iew “X”

剖视A-A section “A-A”

连接图 hook up drawing

接续图 continue on drawing (COD)

接续线 match line (M.L.)

比例 scale

图例 legend

符号 symbol

管口表 list of nozzles

方位 orientation

管口方位 nozzle orientation

定位 location

相交 intersection

水平的 horizontal

垂直的,立式的 vertical

垂直,正交,垂直的 perpendicular

平行,平行的 parallel

水平安装 horizontal installation

垂直安装 vertical installation

对称的 symmetric

相反(的),对面(的) opposite

顺时针方向 clock wise

逆时针方向 counter clock wise

计算机辅助设计 computer aided design (CAD)

5.7 图面标注

绝对标高 absolute elevation

海平面标高 over-sea mean level (OSL)

标高,立面 elevation (EL)

混凝土顶面 top of concrete

架顶面 top of support (TOS)

钢结构顶面 top of steel

梁项面 top of beam (TOB)

支撑点 point of support (POS)

管顶 top of pipe (TOP)

管底 bottom of pipe (BOP)

沟底 bottom of trench

管子底 invert (inside bottom of pipe)

底平 flat on bottom (FOB)

顶平 flat on top (FOT)

工作点 working point (W.P.)

面至面 face to face (F-F)

中心至端面 center to end (C-E)

中心至面 center to face (C-F)

中心至中心.中至中 center to center (C-C) 坐标 coordinate

坐标原点 origin of coordinate

出口中心线 center line of discharge

入口中心线 center line of suction

中心线 centerline (CL)

入口 inlet, suction

出口 outlet, discharge

排出口 exhaust

距离 distance

5.8 相关专业的专业词汇

5.8.1 工艺

(1) 图及表

流程图 flow diagram

工艺流程图 process flow diagram (PFD)

管道及仪表流程图 piping and instrument flow diagram (PID) 公用工程流程图 utility flow diagram (UFD)

管线表 line list; line schedule

命名表;管道表 nomenclature

设备表 equipment list (schedule)

(2) 流体 fluid

空气 air

仪表空气 instrument air

工艺空气 process air

低压蒸汽 low pressure steam

中压蒸汽 medium pressure steam

高压蒸汽 high pressure steam

伴热蒸汽 tracing steam

饱和蒸汽 saturated steam

过热蒸汽 superheated steam

氧气 oxygen

氢气 hydrogen

氮气 nitrogen

燃料气 fuel gas

天然气 natural gas

火炬气 flare gas

酸性气 sour gas

液化石油气 liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

氨气 ammonia gas

冷却水 cooling

循环水 circulating water

锅炉给水 boiler feed water 热水 hot water

蒸汽冷凝水 steam condensate 盐水 brine

工艺水 process water

化学污水 chemical sewage

防腐剂 corrosion inhibitor 重油 heavy oil

石脑油 naphtha

燃料油 fuel oil

润滑油 lubricating oil

密封油 sealing oil

冷冻剂 refrigerant

载热体 heating medium

溶剂 solvent

溶液 solution

母液 mother liquor

单体 monomer

聚合物 polymer

均聚物 hotopolymer

共聚物 copolymer

工艺液体 process liquid

工艺气体 process gas

硫酸 sulphuric acid

盐酸 chlorhydric acid

硝酸 nitric acid

烧碱 caustic soda

(3) 流体特性 fluid characteristics 蒸汽压 vapor pressure

临界温度 critical temperature

临界点 critical point

临界压力 critical pressure

比热 specific heat

湿度 humidity

密度 density

比重 specific gravity

粘度 viscosity

闪点 flash point

融点 melting point

凝固点 freezing point

浓度 concentration

爆炸极限 limit of explosion

有毒的 toxic

可燃的;易燃的 flammable

(4) 其它

回收 recovery

再生 regeneration

循环 circulation

再循环;再生 recycle

补充 make-up

制备 preparation

蒸汽吹扫 steaming out

吹扫 purge

抽空;排空 evacuation

吹出 blow-off

排污 blow down

破真空 vacuum breaker

大气腿 barometric leg

备用 stand-by

化学清洗 chemical cleaning

净正吸入压头 net positive suction head (NPSH) 进料 feed

成品 product

污染 contamination

大气污染 atmospheric pollution

环境温度 ambient temperature

5.8.2 建筑、结构

建筑物 building

钢结构 steel structure

已有钢结构 existing steel structure

钢筋混凝土结构 reinforced concrete construction 楼面 floor

平台 platform (PF)

地面 ground level

栏杆 handrail

楼梯 stair. stair way

直梯 ladder

柱 column; post; stanchion

基础 foundation; footing

粱 beam

斜撑;支撑 bracing

桁架;主粱 girder

构件 member

隔墙 partition wall

墙 wall

篦子板 grate; grating

吊装孔 erection opening

吊梁 hoisting beam

棚 shelter

窗 window

天窗 skylight

门 door

防火门 fire door

地漏 floor drain

防火层 fire-proofing

总图 general plot plan

路肩 shoulder

桩 pile

灌浆 grouting

风荷载 wind load

雪荷载 snow load

动力荷载 dynamic load

静荷载 dead load

活荷载 live load

风速 wind velocity

主导风向 most frequent wind direction

5.8.3 仪表

盘(操作盘) panel

就地盘 local panel

仪表盘 instrument panel

常开 normally open

常闭 normally closed

电缆槽(架) cable tray (channel); cable rack


财务专业术语中英文对照表 英文中文说明 Account Accounting system 会计系统 American Accounting Association 美国会计协会 American Institute of CPAs 美国注册会计师协会 Audit 审计 Balance sheet 资产负债表 Bookkeepking 簿记 Cash flow prospects 现金流量预测 Certificate in Internal Auditing 部审计证书 Certificate in Management Accounting 管理会计证书 Certificate Public Accountant注册会计师 Cost accounting 成本会计 External users 外部使用者 Financial accounting 财务会计 Financial Accounting Standards Board 财务会计准则委员会 Financial forecast 财务预测 Generally accepted accounting principles 公认会计原则 General-purpose information 通用目的信息 Government Accounting Office 政府会计办公室 Income statement 损益表 Institute of Internal Auditors 部审计师协会 Institute of Management Accountants 管理会计师协会 Integrity 整合性 Internal auditing 部审计 Internal control structure 部控制结构 Internal Revenue Service 国收入署 Internal users部使用者 Management accounting 管理会计 Return of investment 投资回报 Return on investment 投资报酬 Securities and Exchange Commission 证券交易委员会


常用原材料英文缩写与中文名称对照表A 英文缩写全称 A/MMA 丙烯腈/甲基丙烯酸甲酯共聚物 AA 丙烯酸 AAS 丙烯酸酯-丙烯酸酯-苯乙烯共聚物 ABFN 偶氮(二)甲酰胺 ABN 偶氮(二)异丁腈 ABPS 壬基苯氧基丙烷磺酸钠 B 英文缩写全称 BAA 正丁醛苯胺缩合物 BAC 碱式氯化铝 BACN 新型阻燃剂 BAD 双水杨酸双酚A酯 BAL 2,3-巯(基)丙醇 BBP 邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯 BBS N-叔丁基-乙-苯并噻唑次磺酰胺 BC 叶酸 BCD β-环糊精 BCG 苯顺二醇 BCNU 氯化亚硝脲 BD 丁二烯 BE 丙烯酸乳胶外墙涂料 BEE 苯偶姻乙醚 BFRM 硼纤维增强塑料 BG 丁二醇 BGE 反应性稀释剂 BHA 特丁基-4羟基茴香醚 BHT 二丁基羟基甲苯 BL 丁内酯 BLE 丙酮-二苯胺高温缩合物 BLP 粉末涂料流平剂 BMA 甲基丙烯酸丁酯 BMC 团状模塑料 BMU 氨基树脂皮革鞣剂

BN 氮化硼 BNE 新型环氧树脂 BNS β-萘磺酸甲醛低缩合物 BOA 己二酸辛苄酯 BOP 邻苯二甲酰丁辛酯 BOPP 双轴向聚丙烯 BP 苯甲醇 BPA 双酚A BPBG 邻苯二甲酸丁(乙醇酸乙酯)酯 BPF 双酚F BPMC 2-仲丁基苯基-N-甲基氨基酸酯 BPO 过氧化苯甲酰 BPP 过氧化特戊酸特丁酯 BPPD 过氧化二碳酸二苯氧化酯 BPS 4,4’-硫代双(6-特丁基-3-甲基苯酚) BPTP 聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯 BR 丁二烯橡胶 BRN 青红光硫化黑 BROC 二溴(代)甲酚环氧丙基醚 BS 丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物 BS-1S 新型密封胶 BSH 苯磺酰肼 BSU N,N’-双(三甲基硅烷)脲 BT 聚丁烯-1热塑性塑料 BTA 苯并三唑 BTX 苯-甲苯-二甲苯混合物 BX 渗透剂 BXA 己二酸二丁基二甘酯 BZ 二正丁基二硫代氨基甲酸锌 C 英文缩写全称 CA 醋酸纤维素 CAB 醋酸-丁酸纤维素 CAN 醋酸-硝酸纤维素 CAP 醋酸-丙酸纤维素 CBA 化学发泡剂


企業常用縮寫 5S : 5S管理 ABC : 作業制成本制度(Activity-Based Costing) ABB : 實施作業制預算制度(Activity-Based Budgeting) ABM : 作業制成本管理(Activity-Base Management) APS : 先進規畫與排程系統(Advanced Planning and Scheduling) ASP : 應用程式服務供應商(Application Service Provider) ATP : 可承諾量(Available To Promise) AVL : 認可的供應商清單(Approved Vendor List) BOM : 物料清單(Bill Of Material) BPR : 企業流程再造(Business Process Reengineering) BSC : 平衡記分卡(Balanced ScoreCard) BTF : 計劃生產(Build To Forecast) BTO : 訂單生產(Build To Order) CPM : 要徑法(Critical Path Method) CPM : 每一百萬個使用者會有幾次抱怨(Complaint per Million) CRM : 客戶關係管理(Customer Relationship Management) CRP : 產能需求規劃(Capacity Requirements Planning) CTO : 客製化生產(Configuration To Order) DBR : 限制驅導式排程法(Drum-Buffer-Rope) DMT : 成熟度驗證(Design Maturing Testing) DVT : 設計驗證(Design Verification Testing) DRP : 運銷資源計劃(Distribution Resource Planning) DSS : 決策支援系統(Decision Support System) EC : 設計變更/工程變更(Engineer Change) EC : 電子商務(Electronic Commerce) ECRN : 原件規格更改通知(Engineer Change Request Notice) EDI : 電子資料交換(Electronic Data Interchange) EIS : 主管決策系統(Executive Information System) EMC : 電磁相容(Electric Magnetic Capability) EOQ : 基本經濟訂購量(Economic Order Quantity) ERP: 企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning) FAE: 應用工程師(Field Application Engineer) FCST : 預估(Forecast) FMS : 彈性製造系統(Flexible Manufacture System) FQC : 成品品質管制(Finish or Final Quality Control) IPQC : 製程品質管制(In-Process Quality Control) IQC : 進料品質管制(Incoming Quality Control) ISO : 國際標準組織(International Organization for Standardization)


建筑材料供应合同(中英文) 建筑材料供应合同(中英文) CONTRACT OF PURCHASE BUILDING MATERIAL 买方 Buyer (以下简称“买方”hereinafter, the “Buyer”)地址 Address : 电话 Tel : 传真 Fax : 卖方 Seller : 地址 Address : 电话 Tel : 传真 Fax :

本合同经买、卖双方友好协商后在年月日签订。根据本合同签订的条款,买方同意向卖方购买、卖方同意向买方提供下列轻钢结构系统建筑材料一套(以下简称“钢结构”): This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and Seller on ___________, 1997 after friendly negotiations. The Buyer hereby agrees to purchase from the Seller, and the Seller hereby agrees to sell to the Buyer, the following set of metal building system (hereinafter, the “Metal Building System”) on the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract: 第一条项目名称Article 1. Name of Project 1.1 本项目名称为:The name of this project is: 1.2 本项目位于(以下简称“工地现场”)。 This project is located at (hereinafter, “the Site”). 第二条卖方供货范围Article 2. Scope of Supply from Seller 2.1 在提供钢结构时,卖方应负责: In supplying the Metal Building System, the Seller shall be responsible for: 2.1.1 设计并制造供应本项目地面以上的全部钢结构(详见附件一);及 the design and manufacture of this project’s entire above-ground structure (see Attachment 1 for details); and 2.1.2 所提供钢结构部件及材料的□必要包装□运输□运输的保险。


Chemntherapeutic agents 化学疗法 thus xue fiao fa) Chemothcrjipy 化学疔,Z (hija xue Aaa fa) hns the goal of killing or stopping rhe development nf rapidly dividing cells. Examples are Cisplatin, Carboplat in, Bkomycin I 博来霉嗪1 (ftd l3f Sg S-fltinrncjrao 5 氟尿瞪喘(ft/ HiAO m dfinfl), mrthotrExate 甲員媒时{Jia 的 did /ioffk Vincristine fifr chun xJTj/a^, Vinblastine 衣祚碱 (chang chun ;ian}. Taxol and Tawiuvirtn .木戟题(SSfi ben 阳ng 钠* Since the sanK nicchanism (hat kilh malignant cdl or blocks de vela pment of a malignant cell cm have similar effects on a nnrnuil, rap idly dividing celt any of LhcNt agents ciin hax r c btid side clfccts. Some terms of cancer ircitLcd with chemcthera 卩、may cjus,e ihe cancer (o "disappear


英文简称英文全称中文全称 ABA Acrylonitrile-butadiene-acrylate 丙烯腈/丁二烯/丙烯酸酯共聚物ABS Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene 丙烯腈/丁二烯/苯乙烯共聚物 AES Acrylonitrile-ethylene-styrene 丙烯腈/乙烯/苯乙烯共聚物 AMMA Acrylonitrile/methyl Methacrylate 丙烯腈/甲基丙烯酸甲酯共聚物ARP Aromatic polyester 聚芳香酯 AS Acrylonitrile-styrene resin 丙烯腈-苯乙烯树脂 ASA Acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate 丙烯腈/苯乙烯/丙烯酸酯共聚物 CA Cellulose acetate 醋酸纤维塑料 CAB Cellulose acetate butyrate 醋酸-丁酸纤维素塑料 CAP Cellulose acetate propionate 醋酸-丙酸纤维素 CE Cellulose plastics, general 通用纤维素塑料 CF Cresol-formaldehyde 甲酚-甲醛树脂 CMC Carboxymethyl cellulose 羧甲基纤维素 CN Cellulose nitrate 硝酸纤维素 CP Cellulose propionate 丙酸纤维素 CPE Chlorinated polyethylene 氯化聚乙烯 CPVC Chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) 氯化聚氯乙烯 CS Casein 酪蛋白 CTA Cellulose triacetate 三醋酸纤维素 EC Ethyl cellulose 乙烷纤维素 EMA Ethylene/methacrylic acid 乙烯/甲基丙烯酸共聚物 EP Epoxy, epoxide 环氧树脂 EPD Ethylene-propylene-diene 乙烯-丙烯-二烯三元共聚物 EPM Ethylene-propylene polymer 乙烯-丙烯共聚物 EPS Expanded polystyrene 发泡聚苯乙烯 ETFE Ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene 乙烯-四氟乙烯共聚物 EV A Ethylene/vinyl acetate 乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物 EV AL Ethylene-vinyl alcohol 乙烯-乙烯醇共聚物 FEP Perfluoro(ethylene-propylene) 全氟(乙烯-丙烯)塑料 FF Furan formaldehyde 呋喃甲醛 HDPE High-density polyethylene plastics 高密度聚乙烯塑料 HIPS High impact polystyrene 高冲聚苯乙烯 IPS Impact-resistant polystyrene 耐冲击聚苯乙烯 LCP Liquid crystal polymer 液晶聚合物 LDPE Low-density polyethylene plastics 低密度聚乙烯塑料 LLDPE Linear low-density polyethylene 线性低密聚乙烯 LMDPE Linear medium-density polyethylene 线性中密聚乙烯 MBS Methacrylate-butadiene-styrene 甲基丙烯酸-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物MC Methyl cellulose MDPE Medium-density polyethylene 中密聚乙烯 MF Melamine-formaldehyde resin 密胺-甲醛树脂 MPF Melamine/phenol-formaldehyde 密胺/酚醛树脂 PA Polyamide (nylon) 聚酰胺(尼龙)


企業常用縮寫(注釋:單周27周開始雙周28周開始) 5S : 5S管理 ABC : 作業制成本制度(Activity-Based Costing) ABB : 實施作業制預算制度(Activity-Based Budgeting) ABM : 作業制成本管理(Activity-Base Management) acceptable limit 允收界限(32周) acceptable process level 允收制程水準 acceptable quality level (AQL)允收品質水準 allowance 允差 analysis of means 平均數分析 analysis of variance 變異數分析 appraisal cost 評估成本 average / mean 平均數 average outgoing quality limit (AOQL)平均出廠品質32 周 APS : 先進規畫與排程系統(Advanced Planning and Scheduling) ASP : 應用程式服務供應商(Application Service Provider) ATP : 可承諾量(Available To Promise) AVL : 認可的供應商名冊(Approved Vendor List) A/R : account receivable 應收帳款 A/P : account payment 應付帳款 BIOS : 基本輸入輸出系統basic input and output system B/B : barebone 裸機 B/L : bill of loading 提單(Week 27) Batch (lot) 批 Batch size (批量)32 周 Bureau of commodity inspection and quarantine BCIQ 商檢局32 周


The application of constructional material 建筑材料的应用 The availability of suitable structural materials is one of the principal limitations on the accomplishment of an experienced structural engineer. Early builders depended almost exclusively on wood, stone, brick, and concrete. Although iron had been used by humans at least since the building of the Egyptian pyramids, use of it as a structural material was limited because of the difficulties of smelting it in large quantities. With the industrial revolution, however, came both the need for iron as a structural material and the capability of smelting it in quantity. John Smeaton, an English civil engineer, was the first to use cast iron extensively as a structural material in the mid-eighteenth century. After 1841, malleable iron was developed as a more reliable material and was widely used. Whereas malleable iron was superior to cast iron, there were still too many structural failures and there was a need for a more reliable material. Steel was the answer to this demand. The invention of the Bessemer converter in 1856 and the subsequent development of the Siemens-Martin open-hearth process for making steel made it possible to produce structural steel at competitive prices and triggered the tremendous developments and accomplishments in the use of structural steel over the next hundred years. The most serious disadvantage of steel is that it oxidizes easily and must be protected by paint or some other suitable coating. When steel is used in an enclosure where a fire could occur, the steel members must be encased in a suitable fire-resistant enclosure such as masonry, concrete. Normally, steel members will not fail in a brittle manner unless an unfortunate combination of metallurgical composition, low temperature, and bi-or triaxial stress exists. Structural aluminum is still not widely used in civil engineering structures, though its use is steadily increasing. By a proper selection of the aluminum alloy and its heat treatment, a wide variety of strength characteristics may be obtained. Some of the alloys exhibit stress-strain characteristics similar those of structural steel, except that the modulus of elasticity for the initial linearly elastic portion is about 10,000,000 psi (700,000 kgf/cm*cm) or about one-third that of steel. Lightness and resistance to oxidation are, of course, two of the major advantages of aluminum. Because its properties are very sensitive to its heat treatment, care must be used when riveting or welding aluminum. Several techniques have been developed for prefabricating aluminum subassemblies that can be readily erected and bolted together in the field to form a number of beautiful and well-designed shell structures. This general procedure of prefabrication and held assembly by bolting seems to be the most promising way of utilizing structural aluminum. Reinforced and prestesses concrete share with structural material. Natural cement concretes have been used for centuries. Modern concrete construction dates from the middle of the nineteenth century, though artificial Portland cement was patented by Aspidin, an Englishman, about 1825. Although several builders and engineers experimented with the use of steel-reinforced concrete in the last half of the nineteenth century, its dominant use as a building material dates from the early decades of the twentieth century. The last fifty years have seen the rapid and vigorous development of prestressed concrete design and construction, founded largely on early work by Freyssinet in France and Magnel in Belgium. Plain (unreinforced) concrete not only is a heterogeneous material but also has one very serious defect as a structural material, namely, its very limited tensile strength, which is only of the order of one-tenth its compressive strength. Not only is tensile failure in concrete of a brittle type, but likewise compression failure occurs in a relatively brittle fashion without being preceded by the forewarning of large deformations. (Of course, in reinforced-concrete construction, ductile behavior can be obtained by proper


语文课程与教学论 名词术语中英文对照表 the Chinese Course and Teaching and Learning Theory in Chinese and English Teaching materials editing teaching materials /Chinese Teaching Materials /edit teaching materials /Uniformed Chinese Teaching Materials /Experimental Teaching Materials /Mother Tongue Teaching Materials /Teaching Materials of the New Course *textbook *reading book *teaching reference book *exercises book *studying plan Technology /Educational Technology /Modern Educational Technology /Educational Technology in Chinese Teaching /multi-media technology /net technology /cloud serving technology *white board *net meeting *chat room *blog Teaching Basic Theory of the Teaching teaching aim teaching task teaching objective teaching model teaching tactics teaching principle teaching program teaching reform teaching case Courseware teaching resources teaching experiment /mother tongue teaching A Term List of 1. 教材( JC ) 教材编写 /语文教材 /编写教材 / 统编教材 /实验教材 /母语教材 /新课程教材 * 课本 * 读本 * 教学参考书(教参) * 练习册 *学案 2. 技术( JS ) / 教育技术 /现代 教育技术 /语文 教育技术 /多媒 体技术 / 网络 技术 /云服务技 术 * 白板 *网 络会议 *聊天室 * 博克 3. 教学 (JX ) 教学基本理论 教学目的 教学 任务 教学目标 教学模式 教学 策略 教学原则 教学大纲 教学 改革 教学案例 教学课件 教学 资源 教学实验 /母语教学


外商投资企业会计报表项目中英文对比表 外商投资企业会计报表项目中英文对比表(供参考) 外商投资工业企业会计报表 Financial Statements for Industrial Enterprises with Foreign Investmen T ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (企业名称NAME OF ENTERPRISE) 资产负债表BALANCE SHEE T _____年_____月_____日会外工01表 As of (month/date)19FORM AFI(INDUSTRIAL)-01 单位MONETARY UNIT:

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 资产行次年初数期末数 ASSETS LINE NO. AT BEG.OF YEAR AT END OF PERIOD ──────────────────────────────────────── 流淌资产: CURRENT ASSETS 现金 Cash on hand 1 银行存款 Cash in bank 2 有价证券Marketable securities 4 应收票据 Notes receivable 5 应收账款Accounts receivable 6 减:坏账预备Less: provision for bad debts 7 预付货款Advances to suppliers

8 其他应收款Other receivables 10 待摊费用 Prepaid expense 11 存货 Inventories 12 减:存货变现损失预备Less: Provision for loss on realization of inventories 13 一年内到期的长期投资 Long-term investments maturing within one year 15 其他流淌资产Other current assets 16 流淌资产合计Total current assets 17 长期投资:LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS: 长期投资Long-term investments 18 一年以上的应收款项 Receivables collectible after one


VRAY渲染器中英文对照表一 VRay的渲染参数 这些参数让你控制渲染过程中的各个方面。VRay的控制参数分为下列部分: 1. Image Sampler (Antialiasing) 图像采样(抗锯齿) 2. Depth of field/Antialiasing filter景深/抗锯齿过滤器 3. Indirect Illumination (GI) / Advanced irradiance map parameters 间接照明(全局照明GI)/高级光照贴图参数 4. Caustics散焦 5. Environment环境 6. Motion blur 运动模糊 7. QMC samplers QMC采样 8. G-buffer G-缓冲 9. Camera摄像机 10. System 系统 1. Image Sampler (Antialiasing) 图像采样(抗锯齿) VRay采用几种方法来进行图像的采样。所有图像采样器均支持MAX的标准抗锯齿过滤器,尽管这样会增加渲染的时间。你可以选择Fixed rate采样器,Simple two-level采样器和Adaptive subdivision采样器。Fixed rate 采样 这是最简单的采样方法,它对每个像素采用固定的几个采样。 Subdivs –调节每个像素的采样数。 Rand –当该选项选择后,采样点将在采样像素内随机分布。这样能够产生较好的视觉效果。Simple two-level 采样一种简单的较高级采样,图像中的像素首先采样较少的采样数目,然后对某些像素进行高级采样以提高图像质量 Base subdivs –决定每个像素的采样数目。 Fine subdivs –决定用于高级采样的像素的采样数目。 Threshold –所有强度值差异大于该值的相邻的像素将采用高级采样。较低的值能产生较好的图像质量。 Multipass –当该选项选中后,当VRay对一个像素进行高级采样后,该像素的值将与其临



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各种专业名称英语词汇中英文对照表 哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism 中国哲学ChinesePhilosophy 外国哲学ForeignPhilosophies ?逻辑学Logic?伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion?科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science andTechnology?经济学Economics?理论经济学Theoretical Economics ?政治经济学PoliticalEconomy ?经济思想史History ofEconomic Thought ?经济史History of Economic 西方经济学WesternEconomics?世界经济World Economics ?人口、资源与环境经济学Population,Resources andEnvironmentalEconomics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics?区域经济学Regional Economics ?财政学(含税收学)Public Finance (includingTaxation) 金融学(含保险学) Finance (including Insurance)?产业经济学Industrial Economics ?国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics ?统计学Statistics ?数量经济学Quantita tive Economics ?中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics?法学Law 法学Science of Law ?法学理论Jurisprudence?法律史Legal History ?宪法学与行政法学Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学Criminal Jurisprudence 民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学)Civil Law and Commercial Law (i ncluding Science of LabourLawand Science ofSocial Sec urityLaw)?诉讼法学Science of ProcedureLaws ?经济法学Sc ience ofEconomic Law ?环境与资源保护法学Science ofEnvironment andNatural Resources Protection Law 国际法学(含国际公法学、国际私法学、国际经济法学、)Internationallaw (including International Public law, International PrivateLaw a


化工原料中英文词汇对照表 灭滴灵Metronidazole 柠檬酸Citric Acid 硝酸钙calcium nitrate 癸二酸Sebacic Acid 冰醋酸glacial acetic acid 维生素C磷酸镁Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate 对苯二酚Hydroquinone 环丙沙星盐酸CIPROFLOXACIN HCL 氢氧化钠Sodium Hydroxide 吗菌灵醋酸盐dodemorph acetate 烯酰吗啉dimethomorph 百菌清Chlorothalonil 尼索朗hexythiazox 哒螨灵pyridaben 葡萄糖酸-δ-内酯glucono delta lactone 硫酸粘杆菌素colistine sulfate 恩诺沙星Enrofloxacin Base 土霉素盐酸OxyTetraCycline HCl 黄磷Yellow Phosphorus 索布瑞醇Sobrerol

焦棓酸PYROGALLOL 硫乙醇酸THIOGLYCOLLIC ACID 茴香硫醚THIOANISOLE 1-溴-3-氯丙烷1-BROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE 氟苯FLUOROBENZEN 叔丁基胺tert-butylamine 丙烯酸树脂Acrylic resin 顺铂Cisplatin 卡铂Carboplatin 依托泊苷Etoposide 食用乳糖EDIBLE LACTOSE 十六烷醇cetyl alcohol 甘油Glycerine 过硫酸铵ammonium persulfate 三聚磷酸钠Sodium tripolyphosphate 氧化镁Magnesium oxide 97% 硅酸乙酯Ethyl silicate 40 青蒿琥酯Artesunate 磷酸三钠triSodium Phosphate 对苯二酚hydroquinone 月桂醇硫酸钠sldium lauryl sulfate 对羟基苯甲酸para hydroxy benzoic acid


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