


12岁的铃木瑟玟(Severn Suzuki)在1992年里约世界高峰会上,对全世界环境部长发出警语,她的演说简单扼要却直指人心,要求「大人们」对于环保要说到做到,否则就是对下一代的不负责任。

Hello, I'm Severn Suzuki speaking for E.C.O. - The Environmental Children's Organisation.

大家好,我是Severn Suzuki,我代表儿童环境组织来此演讲。

We are a group of twelve and thirteen-year-olds from Canada trying to make a difference:Vanessa Suttie, Morgan Geisler, Michelle Quigg and me. We raised all the money ourselves to come six thousand miles to tell you adults you must change your ways. Coming here today, I have no hidden agenda. I am fighting for my future.

我们是一个十三四岁的小群体,我们想改变些什么:Vanessa Suttie, Morgan Geisler, Michelle Quigg和我。我们自己挣钱支持我们来到这里,旅行5000英里只为告诉你们成年人,你们必须改变你们的生活方式。今天我来到这里,我背后没有任何经纪人,我们为我们的未来而战。

Losing my future is not like losing an election or a few points on the stock market. I am here to speak for all generations to come.


I am here to speak on behalf of the starving children around the world whose cries go unheard.


I am here to speak for the countless animals dying across this planet because they have nowhere left to go. We cannot afford to be not heard.


I am afraid to go out in the sun now because of the holes in the ozone. I am afraid to breathe the air because I don't know what chemicals are in it.


I used to go fishing in Vancouver with my dad until just a few years ago we found the fish full of cancers. And now we hear about animals and plants going extinct every day -- vanishing forever.


In my life, I have dreamt of seeing the great herds of wild animals, jungles and rainforests full of birds and butterfilies, but now I wonder if they will even exist for my children to see.


Did you have to worry about these little things when you were my age?


All this is happening before our eyes and yet we act as if we have all the time we want and all the solutions. I'm only a child and I don't have all the solutions, but I want you to realise, neither do you!


You don't know how to fix the holes in our ozone layer. You don't know how to bring salmon back up a dead stream. You don't know how to bring back an animal now extinct.And you can't bring back forests that once grew where there is now desert. If you don't know how to fix it, please stop breaking it!


Here, you may be delegates of your governments, business people, organisers, reporters or poiticians - but really you are mothers and fathers, brothers and sister, aunts and uncles - and all of you are somebody's child.


I'm only a child yet I know we are all part of a family, five billion strong, in fact, 30 million species strong and we all share the same air, water and soil -- borders and governments will never change that.


I'm only a child yet I know we are all in this together and should act as one single world towards one single goal.


In my anger, I am not blind, and in my fear, I am not afraid to tell the world how I feel.


In my country, we make so much waste, we buy and throw away, buy and throw away, and yet northern countries will not share with the needy. Even when we have more than enough, we are afraid to lose some of our wealth, afraid to share.


In Canada, we live the privileged life, with plenty of food, water and shelter -- we have watches, bicycles, computers and television sets.


Two days ago here in Brazil, we were shocked when we spent some time with some children living on the streets. And this is what one child told us: "I wish I was rich and if I were, I would give all the street children food, clothes, medicine, shelter and love and affection."


If a child on the street who has nothing, is willing to share, why are we who have everyting still so greedy?


I can't stop thinking that these children are my age, that it makes a tremendous difference where you are born, that I could be one of those children living in the Favellas

of Rio; I could be a child starving in Somalia; a victim of war in the Middle East or a beggar in India.


I'm only a child yet I know if all the money spent on war was spent on ending poverty and finding environmental answers, what a wonderful place this earth would be!


At school, even in kindergarten, you teach us to behave in the world. You teach us: not to fight with others, to respect others, to clean up our mess, not to hurt other creatures, to share - not be greedy.


Then why do you go out and do the things you tell us not to do?


Do not forget why you're attending these conferences, who you're doing this for -- we are your own children. You are deciding what kind of world we will grow up in. Parents should be able to comfort their children by saying "everyting's going to be alright" , "we're doing the best we can" and "it's not the end of the world".


But I don't think you can say that to us anymore. Are we even on your list of priorities? My father always says "You are what you do, not what you say."


Well, what you do makes me cry at night. You grown ups say you love us. I challenge you, please make your actions reflect your words. Thank you for listening



It was not till the evening, after family prayers, that Angel found opportunity of broaching to his father one or two subjects near his heart. He had strung himself up to the purpose while kneeling behind his brothers on the carpet, studying the little nails in the heels of their walking boots. When the service was over they went out of the room with their mother, and Mr Clare and himself were left alone.

The young man first discussed with the elder his plans for the attainment of his position as a farmer on an extensive scale——either in England or in the Colonies. His father then told him that, as he had not been put to the expense of sending Angel up to Cambridge, he had felt it his duty to set by a sum of money every year towards the purchase or lease of land for him some day, that he might not feel himself unduly slighted.

"As far as worldly wealth goes," continued his father, "you will no doubt stand far superior to your brothers in a few years."

This considerateness on old Mr Clare's part led Angel onward to the other and dearer subject. He observed to his father that he was then six-and-twenty,and that when he should start in the farming business he would require eyes in the back of his head to see to all matters——some one would be necessary to superintend the domestic labours of his establishment whilst he was afield. Would it not be well, therefore, for him to marry?

His father seemed to think this idea not unreasonable; and then Angel put the question——

"What kind of wife do you think would be best for me as a thrifty hard-working farmer?"

"A truly Christian woman, who will be a help and a comfort to you in your goings-out and your comings-in. Beyond that, it really matters little. Such an one can be found; indeed, my earnest-minded friend and neighbour, Dr Chant——"

"But ought she not primarily to be able to milk cows, churn good butter,make immense cheeses; know how to sit hens and turkeys and rear chickens, to direct a field of labourers in an emergency, and estimate the value of sheep and calves?"

"Yes; a farmer's wife; yes, certainly. It would be desirable." Mr Clare,the elder, had plainly never thought of these points before. "I was going to add," he said, "that for a pure and saintly woman you will not find one more to your true advantage, and certainly not more to your mother's mind and my own, than your friend Mercy, whom you used to show a certain interest in. It is true that my neighbour Chant's daughter had lately caught up the fashion of the younger clergy round about us for decorating the Communion- table——alter, as I was shocked to hear her call it one day——with flowers and other stuff on festival occasions. But her father, who is quite as opposed to such flummery as I, says that can be cured. It is a mere girlish outbreak which, I am sure, will not be permanent."

"Yes, yes; Mercy is good and devout, I know. But, father, don't you think that a young woman equally pure and virtuous as Miss Chant, but one who,in place of that lady's ecclesiastical accomplishments, understands the duties of farm life as well as a farmer himself, would suit me infinitely better?"

His father persisted in his conviction that a knowledge of a farmer's wife's duties came second to a Pauline view of humanity; and the impulsive Angel, wishing

to honour his father's feelings and to advance the cause of his heart at the same time, grew specious. He said that fate or Providence had thrown in his way a woman who possessed every qualification to be the helpmate of an agriculturist, and was decidedly of a serious turn of mind. He would not say whether or not she had attached herself to the sound Low Church School of his father; but she would probably be open to conviction on that point; she was a regular church-goer of simple faith;honest-hearted, receptive, intelligent, graceful to a degree, chaste as a vestal,and, in personal appearance, exceptionally beautiful.

"Is she of a family such as you would care to marry into——a lady, in short?" asked his startled mother, who had come softly into the study during the conversation.

"She is not what in common parlance is called a lady," said Angel,unflinchingly, "for she is a cottager's daughter, as I am proud to say. But she is a lady, nevertheless——in feeling and nature."

"Mercy Chant is of a very good family."

"Pooh!——what's the advantage of that, mother?" said Angel quickly. "How is family to avail the wife of a man who has to rough it as I have, and shall have to do?"

"Mercy is accomplished. And accomplishments have their charm," returned his mother, looking at him through her silver spectacles.

"As to external accomplishments, what will be the use of them in the life I am going to lead?——while as to her reading, I can take that in hand. She'll be apt pupil enough, as you would say if you knew her. She's brim full of poetry ——actualized poetry, if I may use the expression. She lives what paper-poets only write…… And she is an unimpeachable Christian, I am sure; perhaps of the very tribe, genus, and species you desire to propagate."

"O Angel, you are mocking!"

"Mother, I beg pardon. But as she really does attend Church almost every Sunday morning, and is a good Christian girl, I am sure you will tolerate any social shortcomings for the sake of that quality, and feel that I may do worse than choose her." Angel waxed quite earnest on that rather automatic orthodoxy in his beloved Tess which (never dreaming that it might stand him in such good stead)he had been prone to slight when observing it practised by her and the other milkmaids, because of its obvious unreality amid beliefs essentially naturalistic.

In their sad doubts as to whether their son had himself any right whatever to the title he claimed for the unknown young woman, Mr and Mrs Clare began to feel it as an advantage not to be overlooked that she at least was sound in her views; especially as the conjunction of the pair must have arisen by an act of Providence; for Angel never would have made orthodoxy a condition of his choice. They said finally that it was better not to act in a hurry, but that they would not object to see her.

Angel therefore refrained from declaring more particulars now. He felt that, single-minded and self-sacrificing as his parents were, there yet existed certain latent prejudices of theirs, as middle-class people, which it would require some tact to overcome. For though legally at liberty to do as he chose, and though their daughter-in-law's qualifications could make no practical difference to their lives, in the probability of her living far away from them, he wished for affection's sake not to wound their sentiment in the most important decision of his life.

He observed his own inconsistencies in dwelling upon accidents in Tess's life as if they were vital features. It was for herself that he loved Tess; her soul, her heart, her substance——not for her skill in the dairy, her aptness as his scholar, and certainly not for her simple formal faith-professions. Her unsophisticated open-air existence required no varnish of conventionality to make it palatable to him. He held that education had as yet but little affected the beats of emotion and impulse on which domestic happiness depends. It was probable that,in the lapse of ages, improved systems of moral and intellectual training would

appreciably,perhaps considerably,elevate the involuntary and even the unconscious instincts of human nature; but up to the present day culture, as far as he could see, might be said to have affected only the mental epiderm of those lives which had been brought under its influence. This belief was confirmed by his experience of women, which, having latterly been extended from the cultivated middle-class into the rural community, had taught him how much less was the intrinsic difference between the good and wise woman of one social stratum and the good and wise woman of another social stratum, than between the good and bad,the wise and the foolish, of the same stratum or class.


十二岁生日演讲稿范文精选6篇 亲爱的爸爸,妈妈,尊敬的各位长辈,还有我的好朋友们:大家好! 今天是我12岁生日,我的心情无比激动!非常感谢大家的到来,感谢大家共同为我 庆祝12岁生日! 十二岁,意味着我将要挥手告别天真烂漫的童年,步入如诗如梦的少年时代,开始我 崭新的旅程。此时此刻,我的心里充满了感激! 首先我要感谢我的爸爸妈妈,你们不仅给了我生命,还给了我一个幸福快乐的童年, 一个充满欢乐充满爱的家。你们用世上最无私的爱培育我成长。 爸爸,还记得吗?在内蒙大草原上,您带着我飞奔,告诉我要做一个勇往直前的男子汉;在大海边,您遥望天际,告诉我做人要有宽广的胸怀;将要登上泰山之巅,我却累得 想要放弃,您说,儿子,加油!无论我遇到多大的困难,您,总在那里! 妈妈,您永远是那么的奔忙!您为我做天下最美味的饭菜,让我有健康的体魄;学习上,您风雨无阻地陪伴和坚持,让我不断进步,养成坚忍不拔的性格;您宽厚大度,待人 热情和善,无时无刻不感染着我要做一个真诚、勇于担当的孩子! 父爱如山,母爱似水。万爱千恩百苦,疼我孰知父母? 在这里,我想说一声:“爸爸妈妈辛苦了!我永远爱你们!” 尊敬的爷爷奶奶、叔叔阿姨、同学们: 你们好,我叫xxx。首先,我谨代表我自己和我的全家对大家的到来表示诚挚的欢迎! 大树新添了一圈年轮,小鸟的羽毛渐渐丰满,我也满12岁了。 十二岁是一个如诗如梦的季节,十二岁是一个如花似锦的岁月,十二岁的列车已载着 我从大家的鲜花掌声中缓缓启动。 在这十几年的风雨酷暑中,我首先感谢父母的养育之恩,你们用辛勤的汗水全心全意 的培育我这株幼苗渐渐长大,感谢你们对我无微不至的关怀与呵护,使我茁壮成长。你们 教我如何做人,陪我学习知识,这不知付出了多少艰辛与汗水,希望我早日成材。爸爸妈 妈我爱你们! 其二感谢爷爷,奶奶,你们视我为掌上明珠,生怕掉到地下怕打了,含到嘴里怕化了,你们对我付出了无私无尽的疼爱,在今天这个特殊的日子里,我要对你们说:“我爱你们,等我长大了,我要用双倍的爱来回报你们。”


联合国秘书长世界难民日英语演讲稿 联合国秘书长世界难民日英语演讲稿联合国秘书长世界难民日英语演讲稿on this observance of world refugee day, we must note a troubling trend: the decline in the number of refugees who are able to go home. 在纪念世界难民日之际,我们必须注意到一个令人不安的趋势:能够返回家园的难民人数在下降。 in XX, more than a million people returned to their own country on a voluntary basis. last year, only 250,000 did so - the lowest number in two decades. the reasons for this include prolonged instability in afghanistan, the democratic republic of congo and southern sudan. XX年,一百多万人自愿返回了自己的国家。去年,只有25万人这样做,这是二十年来的最低数字。出现这种现象的原因包括阿富汗、刚果民主共和国和苏丹南部的长期动荡。 the theme of this year s observance -- home -- highlights the plight of the world s 15 million refugees, more than three-quarters of them in the developing world, who have been uprooted from their homes by conflict or persecution. 今年纪念活动的主题家园突显了全世界由于冲突或迫害而离


12岁日本女孩在联合国大会震撼世界的演讲 12岁的铃木瑟玟(Severn Suzuki)在1992年里约世界高峰会上,对全世界环境部长发出警语,她的演说简单扼要却直指人心,要求“大人们”对于环保要说到做到,否则就是对 下一代的不负责任。 Hello, I'm Severn Suzuki speaking for E.C.O. - The Environmental Children's Organisation。大家好,我是Severn Suzuki,我代表儿童环境组织来此演讲。 We are a group of twelve and thirteen-year-olds from Canada trying to make a difference:Vanessa Suttie, Morgan Geisler, Michelle Quigg and me. We raised all the money ourselves to come six thousand miles to tell you adults you must change your ways. Coming here today, I have no hidden agenda. I am fighting for my future。我们是一个十三四岁的小群体,我们想改变些什么:Vanessa Suttie, Morgan Geisler, Michelle Quigg和我。我们自己挣钱支持我们来到这里,旅行5000英里只为告诉你们成年人,你们必须改变你们的生活方式。今天我来到这里,我背后没有任何经纪人,我们为我们 的未来而战。 Losing my future is not like losing an election or a few points on the stock market. I am here to speak for all generations to come。失去未来不像落选选举或者股市浮动那么简单,我来到这里是为了将来所有的世代而演讲。 I am here to speak on behalf of the starving children around the world whose cries go unheard。我演讲是为了世界所有忍受饥饿的儿童,而他们的哭泣却无人听见。 I am here to speak for the countless animals dying across this planet because they have nowhere left to go. We cannot afford to be not heard。我为这个行星上无数正在垂死的动物而演讲,因为它们几乎已经无处容身了。 I am afraid to go out in the sun now because of the holes in the ozone. I am afraid to breathe the air because I don't know what chemicals are in it。我现在害怕晒太阳,因为臭氧层出现了空洞。我现在害怕呼吸空气,因为我不知道那里有多少化学 物质。 I used to go fishing in Vancouver with my dad until just a few years ago we found the fish full of cancers. And now we hear about animals and plants going extinct every day -- vanishing forever。以前和我爸爸经常在vancouver钓鱼,但在近几年却发现鱼的身上到处是癌细胞。我们每天都会听说有的动物和植物绝种,那是永远消失 的事情。 In my life, I have dreamt of seeing the great herds of wild animals, jungles and rainforests full of birds and butterfilies, but now I wonder if they will even




艾玛·沃特森(Emma Watson), 0年4月15日出生于法国巴黎,英国女演员。以下是整理了艾玛沃森联合国演讲稿,希望你喜欢。 Emma Watson: Gender equality is your issue too 艾玛沃森:性别平等也关乎你 Speech by UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson at a special event for the HeForShe campaign, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 20 September 20xx 联合国妇女亲善大使艾玛?沃森在20xx年9月20日纽约联合国总部为“他为她”运动举行的特别活动上的演讲 Today we are launching a campaign called “HeForShe.” I am reaching out to you because I need your help. We want to end gender inequality —and to do that we need everyone to be involved. This is the first campaign of its kind at the UN: we want to try and galvanize as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for gender equality. And we don’t just want to talk about it, but make sure it is tangible. 今天,我们启动了一项名为“他为她”的运动。 我向你伸出手,因为我需要你的帮助。我们希望终结性别不平等——为此,我们需要所有人都参与其中。 这是联合国同类运动中的第一项:我们希望努力并激励尽可能多的男人和男孩倡导性别平等。而且希望这(性别平等)不只是空谈,而是确确实实的看得见摸得着。 I was appointed six months ago and the more I have spoken about feminism the more I have realized that fighting for women’s rights has too often be e synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop. For the record, feminism by definition is: “The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes.” 六个月前,我被任命为联合国妇女亲善大使。而随着我谈论女权主义越多,我越发现,“争取女性权益”太容易被当作是“憎恨男人”的同义词。如果说有一件事是我确实知道的,那就是,这样的误解必须停止。 必须郑重声明,女权主义的定义是:“相信男性和女性应该拥有平等权利和机会。它是性别间政治、经济和社会平等的理论。”


女儿十二岁生日演讲稿 各位来宾、各位前辈、各位亲爱的同学,谢谢您们的光临——在我这十二周岁生日的夜晚! 在这美丽的夜晚,因您们的光临我倍感幸福,也因您们的祝贺让我感觉到我的十二周岁生日的非凡意义,从今夜开始,我将变得更加认真学习,更加热爱我的爸爸妈妈,更加热爱所有关心我的前辈、亲戚、同学、朋友们,更加热爱这美丽的世界,当然我也会变得更加可爱笑! 我还小,但我知道,爸爸妈妈在这十年里对我的精心呵护,我的一举一动都牵动着他们的心,为我的健康成长爸爸妈妈始终无怨无悔的劳作,在这夜晚允许我先对亲爱的爸爸妈妈说声:爸爸妈妈,谢谢你们! 在伯伯、叔叔、阿姨们的眼里,我也许还是个调皮爱玩的傻丫头,还是个刚刚满十周岁的小朋友,但我绝没有忘记您们平时对我的关爱,不会忘记您们对我调皮的宽容和和理解。 今夜在这儿的还有我平日里形影不离的好朋友和朝夕相处的同学,我真的很高兴你们晚上能来参加我的十周年生日晚会,谢谢你们!愿我们永远是好朋友,好同学! 十二周岁生日的今夜,我似乎一下子觉得自己长大了,懂事了。 十二周岁生日的今夜,我感受到了来自大家对我的关心和呵护。 十二周岁生日的今夜,我知道了时间的宝贵,让我懂得了珍惜时间。 十二周岁生日的今夜,我更感觉到了亲情的温馨,友情的难得! 十二周岁生日的今夜,我沉浸在前辈、朋友、同学们赐予我的幸福中。 最后,我真诚的想,在我接受来自大家无私的祝福的同时,更想你们也能拥有一个难忘的快乐的时光! 再次谢谢各位来宾、各位前辈、各位亲爱的同学的光临和对我的关爱! 各位长辈,各位来宾,亲朋好友们: 今天,是我爱女曾静祎的十二岁生日庆典: 首先,我代表我们全家,对各位亲朋好友在百忙之中前来参加我女儿的生日庆典,表示衷心的感谢。


模联德国发言稿 立场发言稿 尊敬的主席,尊敬的各国代表,下面我谨代表德国政府陈述我国对待叙利亚化学武器危机的立场。 叙利亚是连接中东各国的纽带,并且其周边国家都是非常敏感的国家,包括伊拉克、约旦、以色列、黎巴嫩,以及北部的土耳其和隔着伊拉克的伊朗。同时,中东地区的若干重大热点问题,如阿以和谈、伊拉克问题、反恐问题、以伊朗核问题为中心的核不扩散问题、库尔德民族问题等,都与叙利亚息息相关。可以这样说,叙利亚才是中东冲突的核心,作为中东战略链中举足轻重一环的叙利亚一旦生变,势必在中东地区引发更为剧烈的动荡。 自2011年开始,叙利亚政府军与反对派武装的冲突已持续了两年多,地区与全球角力已把叙利亚酿成了一杯毒酒。2013年8月,叙利亚平民在内战中遭受到来自化学武器沙林的攻击,叙利亚反对派(叙利亚自由军)指责巴尔沙政府在大马士革附近使用化学武器,造成超过1300人死亡。叙利亚政府否认这一指控,并坚称是反对派对民众施以毒手。 在叙利亚化学武器问题上,德国的立场与世界大多数爱好和平的国家保持一致,即:坚决反对叙利亚以任何形式、任何名义使用化学武器,对于任何试图借助化学武器威胁地区稳定与世界和平的行为予以谴责,强烈要求叙利亚以公开、透明、坦诚的态度接受联合国相关机构的核查,鼓励并建议包括叙利亚在内的世界各国为中东地区的和平与稳定作出努力。德国政府认为,实施化学武器攻击严重违反国际法,如果联合国调查组证实叙利亚政府使用了化学武器,国际社会必须采取行动,德国将是这些行动的支持者。

德国政府强调,各方应冷静应对以避免加剧中东地区局势不稳,现在的目标应是通过政治途径结束叙利亚危机。德国鼓励和支持通过对话和增进互信的方式解决地区和国际问题,实现地区稳定。德国政府对参与可能对叙利亚采取的军事行动持最大的克制态度,德国政府始终认为,军事干预往往可能使局势进一步恶化。叙利亚是一个多文化、多民族、多宗教的国家,并且当前局势非常复杂,各种冲突汇聚在这里,任何军事干预都不能收到立竿见影的效果,反而可能使相关国家卷入其中不能自拔。 德方恪守《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则及国际关系基本准则,致力于维护叙利亚的独立、主权、统一和领土完整,维护中东地区的和平、稳定,维护世界的和平与安宁。为了早日解决叙利亚问题,德方主张和呼吁: 一、叙利亚政府及有关各方应立即、全面、无条件停止一切暴力行动,特别是针对无辜平民的暴力行动。叙利亚各派别应通过非暴力途径表达政治意愿。 二、叙利亚政府和各派别要从维护国家和人民长远和根本利益出发,在联合国-阿盟叙利亚危机联合特使的公正斡旋下,立即开启不附带先决条件、不预设结果的包容性政治对话,通过协商一致达成全面、详尽的改革路线图和时间表并尽快予以实施,以恢复国家稳定和社会正常秩序。 三、德方支持联合国发挥主导作用,协调人道主义救援努力。联合国安理会于2013年10月2日就人道援助发表的主席声明必须立刻执行和生效。同时呼吁大马士革当局、反对派组织和在这场冲突中具有影响力的国家,应确保人道救援人员可以安全和畅通无阻地的开展工作,德方愿向叙利亚人民提供人道主义援助。我们反对任何人借“人道主义”问题之名行干涉叙利亚内部事务之实。 四、国际社会应尽快在安理会2013年9月通过的授权对叙利亚存在的化学武器进行核查和销毁的决议草案框架下推进叙利亚化学武器的销毁进程,同时敦促叙


郑凯——绿水青山就是金山银山 Ladies and gentlemen. 女士们先生们 Good evening. 晚上好 Here is a question for you. 请问各位 What would you do with half bottle of water left. 喝不完的瓶装水你会怎么办? Option A:Throw it away. 选项A:扔掉 Option B:Keep it and drink later 选项B:保存着 What's your choice? 你怎么选择? B 选项二 That's nice. 很好 It seems that all of you here today is Water resource activists. 看来今天在座的各位都是水资源卫士. I'm really happy to see that. 我很高兴看到这样. Well done! 真棒! Many people are not aware of this situation of water shortage. 很多人没有认识到水资源短缺的状况. For example,let's have a look at this picture. 举个例子,让我们一起来看看这张照片. According to the surveys,the total amount of bottled water wasted in one day globally can supply a million children for three days maybe even longer.


Hello, I'm Severn Suzuki speaking for E.C.O. - The Environmental Children's Organisation. 大家好,我是Severn Suzuki,我代表儿童环境组织来此演讲。 We are a group of twelve and thirteen-year-olds from Canada trying to make a difference:Vanessa Suttie, Morgan Geisler, Michelle Quigg and me. We raised all the money ourselves to come six thousand miles to tell you adults you must change your ways. Coming here today, I have no hidden agenda. I am fighting for my future. 我们是一个十三四岁的小群体,我们想改变些什么:Vanessa Suttie, Morgan Geisler, Michelle Quigg 和我。我们自己挣钱支持我们来到这里,旅行 5000 英里只为告诉你们成年人,你们必须改变你们的生活方式。今天我来到这里,我背后没有任何经纪人,我们为我们的未来而战。 Losing my future is not like losing an election or a few points on the stock market. I am here to speak for all generations to come. 失去未来不像落选选举或者股市浮动那么简单,我来到这里是为了将来所有的世代而演讲。 I am here to speak on behalf of the starving children around the world whose cries go unheard. 我演讲是为了世界所有忍受饥饿的儿童,而他们的哭泣却无人听见。 I am here to speak for the countless animals dying across this planet becausethey have nowhere left to go. We cannot afford to be not heard. 我为这个行星上无数正在垂死的动物而演讲,因为它们几乎已经无处容身了。 I am afraid to go out in the sun now because of the holes in the ozone. I am afraid to breathe the air because I don't know what chemicals are in it. 我现在害怕晒太阳,因为臭氧层出现了空洞。我现在害怕呼吸空气,因为我不知道那里有多少化学物质。 I used to go fishing in Vancouver with my dad until just a few years ago we found the fish full of cancers. And now we hear about animals and plants going extinct every day -- vanishing forever. 以前和我爸爸经常在vancouver钓鱼,但在近几年却发现鱼的身上到处是癌细胞。我们每天都会听说有的动物和植物绝种,那是永远消失的事情。 In my life, I have dreamt of seeing the great herds of wild animals, jungles and rainforests full of birds and butterflies, but now I wonder if they will even exist for my children to see. 我一生的梦想就是能看到成群的野生动物,茂盛的丛林和大片的雨林中到处是鸟类和蝴蝶在飞舞。但是现在我想知道我们这些小孩是否还能再看到它们? Did you have to worry about these little things when you were my age?


十二岁生日宴会演讲稿范文 演讲稿是为了在会议或重要活动上表达自己意见、看法或汇报思想工作情况而事先准备好的文稿。在社会一步步向前发展的今天,演讲稿对我们的作用越来越大,怎么写演讲稿才能避免踩雷呢?下面是为大家收集的十二岁生日宴会演讲稿范文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 十二岁生日宴会演讲稿范文1亲爱的爷爷奶奶、叔叔阿姨和各位好朋友: 大家好!首先感谢大家在百忙中参加我的十二岁生日宴会。 12年的时间,既短又长,对于我的人生来说,是刚刚起步,浓墨重彩还在未来;但对于为我付出了辛苦和关爱的爷爷奶奶,爸爸妈妈来说,却已经倾注了他们全部的心血和时间。 所以今天,在我将告别天真烂漫的童年时,在我将步入如诗如梦的少年时代时,在这特殊的时刻,我要特别感谢家人的养育之恩,感谢亲朋好友的关爱之情。是你们用无限的爱滋润着我、沐浴着我,让我健康快乐的成长。 在这里,我要真诚地说一声“谢谢你们”!(鞠躬) 12岁,是人生中新的里程碑,也是我立志向上,追求崇高理想的新起点。我立志成为一个勇敢正直、善良博爱、健康乐观,拥有优秀品质、博大胸怀和无限爱心的男子汉!为实现这个目标,我要发奋

图强,刻苦学习,用丰富的知识充实自己,用优良的品质塑造自己,用坚强的毅力锻炼自己,争取成为国家的栋梁之才,用最优异的成绩报答所有关心关爱我的人!用自己的热血、汗水、能力和素质回报祖国、造福社会! 最后,在这个充满幸福和快乐的时刻,我真心祝愿爷爷奶奶和姥爷姥姥吉祥安康、福寿延年;祝愿爸爸妈妈和叔叔阿姨工作顺利、万事如意;祝愿我的朋友们和我一起幸福快乐、健康成长! 再次谢谢大家!(鞠躬) 十二岁生日宴会演讲稿范文2亲爱的爷爷奶奶,叔叔阿姨。 大家晚上好。今天是我的十二岁生日,我心里特别高兴,借此机会,我要感谢所有爱我的人,在我成长路上,给予我的一切。首先我要感谢我的爸爸妈妈,是你们给了我生命,给了我温暖的家,给了我人间最珍贵,最无私的爱。其次,我要感谢我的大家庭,是你们让我感到生活的快乐与幸福。再次,我要感谢我的朋友们,是你们给我友谊,给我帮助。快乐的事和我一起分享,使我的童年充满乐趣。我像一棵柔弱的小苗,是你们给我阳光雨露,对我悉心呵护,使我茁壮成长。我希望这所有的爱,能永远陪伴着我,直到我长成一棵大树,能经受风雨,成为栋梁。那时我要将我所有的爱,回报给每一个爱我的人,回报社会。做一个对家庭,对社会有用的人。最会祝愿在坐的所有人吉祥如意。谢谢大家。 十二岁生日宴会演讲稿范文3尊敬的爷爷奶奶,叔叔阿姨,大家中午好!


联合国日国旗下讲话稿精选3篇 联合国日,倡导的是和平,自由,共同进展的理念精神。下面是小编整理的联合国日国旗下说话稿,希翼对大伙儿有所帮助。 【1】联合国日国旗下说话稿 恭敬的老师、友爱的同学们: 今天是联合国日。XX年前,也算是1945年10月24日,联合国在世界反法西斯战争胜利的凯歌声中正式成立。 联合国是一具统一的世界性综合性的政府间国际组织,截止今年有193个会员国。联合国大会总部所在地是美国纽约、瑞士日内瓦、奥地利维也纳、肯尼亚内罗毕。联合国作为当今世界最大、最重要、最具代表性和权威的国际组织,其国际集体安全机制的功能差不多得到国际社会的普遍认可。中国是安理会的五个常任理事国之一。 联合国的宗旨是:维护国际和平与安全;进展国际间以尊重各国人们平等权利及自觉原则为基础的友好关系;进行国际合作,以解决国际间经济、社会、文化和人道主义性质的咨询题,促进对全人类的人权和基本自由的尊重。 模拟联合国活动如今差不多风靡全世界。参与者有大学生、高中生,乃至初中生。大伙儿就和平与安全、恐惧主义、人权、环境、贫穷与进展、货币政策、石油危机、全球化、公共卫生等各国普遍关注的难点、热点话题展开积极的讨论。这是一种体验式的活动,代表们融入了外交情境,阅读背景资料、会场上书写大量文件、听取发言、阐述观点这些都对学生的英语水平提出了很高的要求。涉及历史、地理、数学、文化、经济、军事、自然科学等知识,并与大会要讨论的咨询题密切结合,考虑各个要素之间的联系。如此就打破了学科间的壁垒,形成了丰满完整的知识体系。 原联合国秘书长安南说:联合国依赖世界上每个人的努力而存在,尤其是像你们如此的少年。那个世纪,别久就会是你们的。当今的年轻人将是以后决策的制定者。模拟联合国活动让少年人的首领才干得到锻炼。中国的年轻人应该为迎接国际化的挑战做好充分的预备。 在我市,舟山中学先行实施了模拟联合国活动,我校也派出代表团进行了观摩学习。目前我校也差不多把模拟联合国活动提到议事日程上。今日一中,学生利用寒暑假去过英国、美国,香港等地的学校交流拜访,高二的代表团现正在日本做拜访。今年春节过后本届高一学生代表团还将赴香港结对学校交流,明年暑假有更大的挑选余地去美国、英国或澳大利亚等国家拜访。 读万卷书,行万里路。打开一扇窗,提供一具舞台,愿大伙儿关怀世界,拥有国际视野。 【2】联合国日国旗下说话稿 恭敬的老师、友爱的同学们: 今天,我们迎来了联合国日。在世界大伙儿庭中,联合国扮演着极其重要的角色。维持国际和平与安全,进展国际间友好关系,促进经济、社会、文化及人类福利等方面的国际合作是联合国的宗旨。在联合国徽章图案中,两根橄榄枝衬托着整个地球,意味着争取世界和平。 中国是联合国安理会五大常任理事国之一,但中国恢复在联合国的合法席位,却记忆了一段蜿蜒的过程。早在1945年4月,中国就派代表团参加了旧金山会议,并在《联合国宪章》上签字。1949年新中国成立后,由于美国政府的阻止,台湾当局非法占领着中国在联合国的席位。1971年10月25日,联合国大会经过了恢复中华人民共和国在联合国的一切合法权利的提案,新中国在联合国和安理会中被非法剥夺了20多年的席位得到恢复。 因为有了联合国,世界才干更加和谐安定;因为有了联合国,世界才更像一具大伙儿庭。同学们,让我们一起在联合国日里,宣传团结、友好、和平、和谐的联合国精神,让地


KARRY WANG’S SPEECH IN UN HOST: I’d like to turn to very special guest Mr. Karry Wang, the youngest United Nations Environment Programme Goodwill Ambassador. He’s also, I think, is a very fashionable gentleman. And I hope we’ll lean about what makes his passion for suitable fashion drive us to the 2030 agenda. 今天我想介绍一个特殊嘉宾,也是最年轻的联合国环保亲善大使,王俊凯。我认为他也是一名时尚达人。我希望我们可以看到他的热情,并鼓励我们早日提上2030年的日程。 KARRY WANG: Distinguished guests, your excellengy, good afternoon! I’m Karry Wang from China. 尊敬的来宾、阁下,大家下午好。我是来自中国的王俊凯。 It is s great honor to be here with you today and speak about the 17 sustainable development goals launches by the United Nations in 2015. These goals have become the beacon of national efforts all across the earth. 很荣幸今天能与你们一起探讨联合国在2015发布的17个可持续发展目标。这些目标已成为世界各国努力的方向。 Common concerns have been: one, how do we promote and achieve these goals two, how do we better lead the public’s attention and participation 我们共同担忧的问题是:一,我们要如何推广并且实现这些目标?二就是我们如何引导公众关注并参与。 The fashion industry is crucial to achieving sustainable development goals. Every customer’s choice in the fashion field has an impact on our future. 时尚产业对实现可持续发展目标至关重要,每个消费者在时尚领域的选择都影响到我们的未来。 Fashion is not something that is found in dress only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street , in the mind. Fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, the way we think and what is happening around the world. It is closely related to every country and everyone. 时尚不仅仅在于我们穿什么,是啊还是那个无处不在,在空中,在街上,也在我们的脑海里,时尚与我们的思想有关,与我们的生活方式,思考方式,甚至是世界正在发生的事情都息息相关。它和每个国家每个人都紧密相连。 If we can consciously change consumption behavior and have sustainable lifestyles, then it’s a new fashion. 如果我们能有意识的改变消费行为,并形成可持续发展的生活方式,那么这就是新时尚。 Today we are about to witness launch of the United Nations Alliance of Sustainable Fashion, which I believe will give fashion a whole new mission and build a platform for discussion and engagements of sustainable fashion.


女孩十二岁生日演讲稿 十二岁,意味着我将挥手告别金色的童年,步入人生的另一个里程碑:少年时代。下面是由精心为大家的“女孩十二岁生日演讲稿”,欢迎大家借鉴与查阅,希望对大家有所帮助。 爷爷奶奶,爸爸妈妈,叔叔阿姨:大家好: 首先,在这里我感谢大家的到来,感谢大家一起来为我庆祝这个对我来说意义非凡的节日,我已越过了人生的第十二个年轮,我从一个任性无知的孩子,长成了一个活泼开朗的少女。我的人生将从幼稚走向成熟,从一个个不同的胜利走向成功! 十二年前当我赤裸裸的来到这个世界的时候,一无所有,而今天却是“小荷已露尖尖角,吾家有女初长成”。感谢最亲爱的爸爸妈妈,是你们带我来到这个世界上,让我这么幸福、这么快乐,让我衣食无忧,让我学到知识,让我懂得爱,并学会去爱别人。在这个世界上,你们是为我付出最多的: 从我呀呀学语的那天起,妈妈就开始教我识字读书了,每一次比赛表演,都是妈妈不辞辛苦的为我准备,辅导。每一个夜晚,爸爸妈妈陪我灯下学习,当我一次次获得优异成绩的时候,他们总会露出满意的笑容,这时我感到无比的幸福!当然,爸爸也不计辛劳的接送我参加各种兴趣特长班学习。在我五年的小学生活里,可以说爸爸每天都在接送我,一年三百六十五天,五年就是一千八百二十五天·····这些恩情我都铭记在心里。

只有我最清楚,爸爸妈妈为了让我有一个金色快乐的童年,付出了多少心血。每一个生日,妈妈都为我拍照留念,只为给我留住美丽的一年年;为我买漂亮的裙子,只为我能像公主一样站在人们面前快乐的舞蹈,在妈妈的时候,爸爸和我的亲人们比平常更辛苦了······爸爸妈妈,真的谢谢你们!谢谢你们为我所做的一切!你们的宁宁已经长大了,已懂得感恩,请相信我,我会用力的去爱你们,我要让你们成为最幸福的父母! 我也永远都不会忘记我的姥姥姥爷,爷爷奶奶,大爹大妈,舅舅舅妈,姨姨姨夫们,姑姑姑父们,是你们在这十二年里关心我,照顾我,有了你们无微不至的呵护和爱,才有今天这么健康,快乐的我。当然在这十二年里,更少不了叔叔阿姨们对我的关爱,是你们这样博大的爱,才有今天这样自信,乐观的我! 今天参加我生日的还有我的同学们,这五年的朝夕共处,早已让我们建立了深厚的友谊,请相信,我们永远都是好朋友! 十二周岁生日的今天,我似乎一下子觉得自己长大了,懂事了。 十二周岁生日的今天,我知道了时间的宝贵,让我懂得了珍惜时间。 十二周岁生日的今天,我更感觉到了亲情的温馨,友情的难得! 十二周岁生日的今天,我沉浸在前辈、朋友、同学们赐予我的祝福中。


Distinguisheddelegates, ladies and gentlemen, thanks for giving me the privilege to be the firs t speaker. I cannot begin today’s speech without reflecting on the criminal challenge so brutally thrown in our faces 28 days ago and on the severe threat of the Kilo virus to Germany and to the whole world. 尊敬的代表,女士们先生们,非常感谢得此机会成为第一位讲者。在开始今天的讲话之前,我无法不回想起28天前我们所遭遇的暴行,更不得不香气Kilo 病毒对德国乃至对全世界的严重威胁。 Today, 1167 Germans are dead or dying; infected people are estimated to be more than half a million. Today, the whole Germany has fallen into the desperation of fighting against the virus. Today is the 28th day after the Braunschweig crisis. 今天,1167为德国公民丧命或病危,染病人数预估超过超过50万。 今天,全德国已经陷入对抗疾病的境遇。 今天,是布伦瑞克遇袭的28天之后。 Twenty-eight days ago, more than 500 terrorists attacked Brauschweig. 37 policemen and 51 citizens died in this riot; thousands of people were wounded; buildings were burnt down; and the city was packed with tears, sadness and sorrows. Thanks to the brave men and women, it was their dedication and sacrifices that defended against the attack and protected the city. However, the situation became even worse after the attack.On that day, the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research also fell into ruins. Important experiments were disturbed and valuable documents were damaged. In the center, one of the most significant experiments was to modify the RNA sequence of the Kilo virus, which was designed to produce the vaccine. Nevertheless, our first experiment failed. What we got was merely a virus with longer incubation (5 days) and more aggressive behaviors of the patients. What’s worse, receptors of the new Kilo virus, namely 3 chimpanzees, which were supposed to be killed on the crisis day, disappeared in the fire. 35% of the research materials were burnt.It was believed that it was these chimpanzees that spread the virus to wounded citizens via blood. Since the Kilo carrier behaved absolutely normal during the incubation period, it was too late when we realized the situation and took corresponding measures. 28天前,逾500名恐怖分子袭击了布伦瑞克,37名警员及51位市民在暴动中丧命,数千名民众受伤,建筑物被烧毁:整个城市都充斥着泪水与悲伤。感谢英勇的人们,是你们的风险与牺牲守护了城市地月利息及。然而,袭击之后,情况仍旧愈演愈烈。在恐怖袭击当天,亥姆霍兹感染研究中心也沦为一片废墟:重要试验被迫打断,珍贵文书遭到摧毁。而该中心最为重要的一个实验则是通过修改Kilo病毒的RNA序列研制相应疫苗。然而,初次实验以失败告终。改变序列后的病毒只是潜伏期变为5天,患者发病后会变得更为残暴。更可怕的是,变异Kilo 病毒的接种实验体,也就是三只猩猩,原本应在布伦瑞克遇袭当天被处理掉,但却在大火中失去踪迹。不仅如此,研究文件仅剩65%。据悉,三只猩猩很可能是病毒传染源,通过血液传染给受伤的市民。由于Kilo病毒的携带者在潜伏期表现得与常人无异,当我们意识到形势之严峻时,采取相应举措为时已晚。
