一汽大众 vw50127标准 关于 PA66增强型

Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without the prior written permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group.

Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the responsible procurement department.


N o r m v o r A n w e n d u n g a u f A k t u a l i t ?t p r üf e n / C h e c k s t a n d a r d f o r c u r r e n t i s s u e p r i o r t o u s a g e .

T h e E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n i s b e l i e v e d t o b e a c c u r a t e . I n c a s e o f d i s c r e p a n c i e s t h e G e r m a n v e r s i o n s h a l l g o v e r n .

Q U E L L E : N O L I S

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See Table 1.

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Notes on testing

5.2 Moisture

A minimum of three specimens measuring (20 x 20) mm shall be removed from different points on

the finished part; they shall be weighed with an accuracy of 0.01 g and dried in a vacuum until the weight value remains constant. Cooling of the specimens to (23 ± 2) °C, which is necessary for the

5.3 The measurements must be performed on at least three specimens (minimum thickness 4 mm)

measuring (20 x 20)

mm (two measurements per specimen). The grained surface of specimens, which have been taken from finished parts with one-sided graining, shall be removed using

5.5 Aging

Complete finished parts or finished part sections shall be aged for 1,000

h at (150 ± 1) °C in a drying cabinet. The viscosity number of the polymer is determined after cooling to (23 ± 2) °C.

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A minimum of 3 whole finished parts are aged in coolant according to TL 774 without adding water. The type currently used for the factory filling is to be used.

Aging period: 48 h; aging temperature: (135 ± 1) °C.Aging is to be performed using a thermostat with circulated bath (e.g., Lauda Ultra Thermostat 6 Referenced standards *)

TL 1010 PV 1303 Non -Metallic PV 3952 VW 011 55 VW 501 80 VW 501 85 VW 911 01 DIN 50014 DIN 53479 DIN 53497 DIN EN 20105-A02 Textiles – Tests for Colour Fastness – Part A02: Grey Scale for Assessing DIN EN ISO 179-1 DIN EN ISO 307 DIN EN ISO 527-1 DIN EN ISO 1172

Laminates – Determination of the Textile-Glass and Mineral-Filler Content; Calcination Methods DIN EN ISO 2039-1 VDA 260


In this section, terminological inconsistencies may occur as the original titles are used.
