counting stars听歌填词

counting  stars听歌填词


听歌学英语 Battle Symphony 挖空填歌词 I got a long way to go And a long ___ 1___ I been searching for an answer Always just out of reach Blood on the floor Sirens repeat I've been searching for the courage to face my enemies When they turn down the lights I hear my battle symphony All the world in- --- __ 2___ of me If my armor breaks I'll fuse it back _____ 3 ________ Battle symphony Please just don't give up on me And my eyes are wide _____ 4___ For my battle symphony For my battle symphony They say that I don't belong say that I should retreat

That I'm marching to the rhythm of a lonesome defeat But the _________5 ____ of your voice Puts the __6__ in the reverse No surrender, no illusions And for better or worse When they turn down the lights I hear my battle symphony All the world in front of me If my armor breaks I'll fuse it back together Battle symphony Please just don't give up on me And my eyes are wide awake If I fall, get 7 down Pick myself up off the ___ 8 _____ If I fall, get knocked down Pick myself up off the ground When they turn down the lights I hear my battle symphony All the world in front of me If my armor breaks I'll fuse it back together Battle symphony Please just don't give up on me And my eyes are wide awake For my battle symphony For my battle symphony 中文歌词


72首经典英文歌曲排行榜 1.Power of love爱的力量- 席琳迪翁 2.Rhythm of Rain雨中的旋律- 贾森多诺南 3.Because i loved you因为我爱你- 沙金斯帝文 4.TAKE MY BREA THE AWAY带走我的呼吸- 柏林乐队 5.Casablanca卡萨布兰卡- 贝特希金斯 6.Can you feel the love tonight今夜何温馨- 艾尔顿约翰 7.Right here waiting此情可待- 理查马克斯 8.Unchained melody奔放的旋律- 正直兄弟 9.I love you more than I can say爱你在心口难开- 劳赛尔 10.Sealed with kiss以吻封缄- 波比维顿 11.Sound of slience静之声- 西蒙加芬克尔 12.Everything I do,I do it for you 一切都为你- 布来恩亚当斯 13.Y esterday once more昨日重现- 卡朋特 14.Lemon Tree柠檬树- 愚人花园 15.La Paloma鸽子- 胡利奥伊格莱西亚斯 16.SCARBOROUGH FAIR斯卡布罗集市- 莎拉.布莱曼 17.California Hotel加州旅馆- 老鹰乐队 18.last chrismas去年圣诞- 威猛乐队 19.Babylon巴比伦河- 波尼姆 20.I swear我发誓- 四合为一 21.How deep is your love你的爱有多深- 比吉斯词

22.Every breath you take 你的每次呼吸- 斯汀 23.One sweet day 甜蜜的一天- 玛丽亚.凯丽&男人男孩 24.Sailing航行- 洛徳斯图尔特 25.Take A Bow鞠一个躬- 麦丹娜 26.Said i love you but i lied说我爱你...却说谎言- 迈克尔.鲍顿 27.Nomatter无论如何- 男孩地带 28.Angel天使- 莎拉.克劳克兰 29.Hero英雄- 玛丽亚.凯丽 30.Kiss from rose玫瑰之吻- 席尔 31.Longer天长地久- 丹佛格伯 32.I believe I can fly我相信我能飞- 阿.凯利 33.Un-Break My Heart别让我担心- 托尼.布莱克斯顿 34.Lost in Love迷失的爱- 空气补给者 35.Promise Don't Come Easy诺言来之不易- 卡诺.南汀格尔 36.I don't know much 无须知道太多- 阿隆内维尔与琳达罗斯坦 37.Change the world改变世界- 艾力克.克莱普顿 38.Everytime I Close My Eyes每当我闭上双眼- 娃娃脸 39.Just When I Needed Y ou Most当我最需要你的时候- 南迪范华梅 40.Colors Of The Wind风之彩- 凡妮莎.威廉姆斯 41.Y oure Still The One你仍是唯一- 仙妮亚.唐恩 42.Better Man好男人- 罗比.威廉姆斯


The Little Things The little things you do to me are taking me over I wanna show you Everything inside of me Like a nervous heart that is crazy beating My feet are stuck here against the pavement I wanna break free I wanna make it closer to your eyes Get your attention before you pass me by Back up back up Take another chance Don’t you mess up mess up I don’t wanna lose you Wake up wake up This ain’t just a thing that you Give up give up ... See you again ... Let the light guide your way Hold every memory as you go And every road you take Always leads you home It’s been a long day Without you my friend And I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again We’ve come a long way from where we began Oh I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again When I see you again Trouble Is a Friend Trouble will find you no mater where you go, oh oh No m atter if you’re fast, no matter if you’re slow, oh oh The eye of the storm wanna cry in the morn, oh oh You’re fine for a while, but you start to loose control He’s there in the dark He’s there in my heart He waits in the wings He’s gotta play a part Trouble is a friend, yeah Trouble is a friend of mine, ah Seasons in the Sun Goodbye to you my trusted friend


十大经典英文歌曲 每个时代都有每个时代风靡一时的流行风潮。而有些歌曲却在相隔了几个时代却依旧能散发出迷人的魅力,久久传唱,历久不衰,这也许就是经典吧。曾几何时,从那时刚刚有WALKMAN开始,耳朵里塞上两个耳机听筒,走在校园里,也是一种时尚。如今,很多年过去了,那时候买的卡带大部分已尘封在书柜里,他们留下的是让我时时在心里聆听的不灭旋律,即使现在每当听起它们,仍会荡起我一种青春的悸动。下面是在我心里认为的十大经典英文金曲,当然每个人的审美观有差异,如果其中的几首能让你有认同感的话,我也是觉得欣慰了~~~~~~ 现在Byron带你们重温经典,重拾那些逝去的岁月。下面大家就一起来分享优美动人的旋律,感受着音乐无国界! 经典英文歌曲Top1:Yesterday Once More,The Carpenters 几乎学过英文的都知道!真的是太经典了,当每次听的时候是否就会有种回味无穷的感觉!它在世界乃至中国的影响力最大,傲视群雄,冠军非她莫属! Yesterday once mor[昨日重现]--美国著名的兄妹组合卡朋特的代表歌曲。在1974年,这首歌就以电影《昨日重现》的主题曲而获得奥斯卡金曲奖。这首歌从1974年到现在一直在流行,历久不衰。我第一次真正意

“Sailing”这首1975年的英国冠军歌曲,是Rod Stewart最广为人知的一首歌。这首歌曲在Rod Stewart那通常被人称为豆沙的喉般的声音诠释下,显得异常动听。而这首歌更被香港巨星张国荣改编成中文版“全赖有你”令这首歌在世界各地再度传得街知巷闻。 SAILING(远航),电影《哥伦布传》的主题曲,也是Rod Stewart(罗德斯特华特)的成名之作。Sailing 这首歌,朴实无华、意境悠远,既有心情的宣泄,又带点淡淡的忧伤,透出一股苍茫,给人以力量。 英语经典歌曲TOP6:Casablanca


赖世雄唱歌学英语内容简介: 内容简介:赖世雄教授除了在英语方面有极深的造诣外,在音乐和歌曲演唱方面也很有天赋,为此,中央人民广播电台英语教学组与大连外院图书音像中心为大家编辑、制作了《赖世雄教你唱歌学英语》的节目和歌集,旨在向英语学习者提供一种新的英语学习样式,将娱乐和英语学习有机结合起来,使大家在优美的旋律、地道连贯的英语歌词和歌才动人的演唱所营造出的欢快气氛中学到英语及相关文化。同时赖教授在请大家欣赏本书选编的50首旋律优美、曲调深情隽永、歌词含义悠远、艺术魅力长存的英语抒情老歌的同时,详细讲解歌词大意及歌曲词中的单词短语和相关语法。这也是我们这套节目和这本歌集的独特之处。目录 1.All I Have to Do Is Dream 只有寻梦去 2.Are You Lonesome Tonight? 今晚你寂寞吗? 3.Blowing in the Wind 随风飘荡 4.Breaking Up Is Hanrd to Do 难以分手 5.California Dreamin" 加州之梦 6.Can"t Take My Eyes Off You 舍不得不看你 7.Cotton Field 棉花田 8.Dear Heart 甜心 9. Edelweiss 雪绒花 10.El Condor Pasa 老鹰之歌 11.Five Hundred Miles 离家五百里 12.I Can"t Stop Loving You 无法停止爱你 13.I Went to Your Wedding 我参加你的婚礼 14.I"ll Never Fall in Love Again 不再坠入情网 15.If You Love Me 如果你爱我 16.It"s Now or Never 时不再来 17.Jambalaya 什锦烩饭 18.Just Walking in the Rain 走在雨中 19.Lemon Tree 柠檬树 20.Let It Be 顺其自然 21.Love Me Tender 温柔地爱我 22.Moon River月亮河 23.Morning Has Broken 破晓 24.No More不再 25.Oh!Carol 哦,卡罗 26.Only the Lonely惟有孤寂 27.Only You 只有你 28.Puff 波夫 29.Red River Valley 红河谷 30.Release Me 放开我 31.Rhythm of the Rain 雨中旋律 32.Right Here Waiting 33.Rose Garden 34.Sailing 35.Say You, Say Me 36. Seven Lonely Days


四年级上册语文日积月累填空题 1、,长河落日圆。() 2、几行红叶树,。() 3、落木千山天远大,。() 4、,带雨云埋一半山。() 5、春江潮水连海平,。() 7、言必信,。《》 8、与朋友交,。《》 9 己所不欲,。《》 10、,金石为开。《》 11、爱人者,;敬人者,。《》 12、老吾老,;幼吾幼,。《》 13、人的生命是有限的,可是, 。()14、我的一生始终保持着这样一个信念, ()15、对于我来说,生命的意义在于 。() 16、,切切故乡情。() 17、,游子久不至。() 18、落叶他乡树,。() 19、,念念相见在他乡。() 20、家在梦中何时到,。() 21、江南几度梅花发,。()

22、激励自己做事要坚持不懈,可用名言 。 23、有人总是不珍惜时间,你可以用陶渊明的话“ 。,。”来告诫他。 24、有的同学课堂上总是喜欢做小动作,老师指出来他还不以为然,对学校 有益的日常小事也不屑于做,对这类人我们可以用刘备的话 “,。”来劝诫他。 25、人人都想取得好成绩,但是不努力、不认真听讲是不行的,韩愈就告诫 我们:“,;,。” 26、是一个童话世界,走进去你就会变成。 每棵树都会送给你很多喜悦,你还会发现很多。 滚动在叶面上,给你串一串项链。 落花铺陈的地毯,还有青蛙。 鸟儿在雨中也愿,听歌的松鼠。 细雨淋过的浆果,刺猬扎满一身运回了家。连那些小雨点儿都 会,落在地上_________________。 27、在我国的无数名上中,有五座山因为景色独特、富有文化内涵被称为五岳,它们是:、、、 、。 28、罗丹是法国著名的雕塑家,他曾经说过一句享誉世界的名言:“ 。” 30、默写《长相思》


pretty boy I lie awake at night 晚上我躺在床上没有一点睡意 See things in black and white 世界对我来说只有黑与白 I've only got you inside my mind 你的形象无时无刻不在我脑中闪动 You know you have made me blind 我的眼里只有你 I lie awake and pray 我清醒地躺在床上祈祷 that you would look my way 祈祷你会看见我 I have all this songing in my heart 我的心中充满渴望 I knew it right from the start 一开始我就知道 Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you 我的漂亮男孩我爱你 Like I never ever loved no one before you 在你之前我从未这样爱过一个人

Pretty pretty boy of mine 我的漂亮男孩 Just tell me you love me too 告诉我你也爱我 Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you 我的漂亮男孩我需要你 Oh my pretty pretty boy I do 我的漂亮男孩,是真的 Let me inside make me stay right beside you 让我进来让我留在你身旁 I used to write your name 我曾写下你的名字 And put it in a frame 并把它框起来 And sometimes I think I hear you call Right from my bedroom wall 有时我觉得我在我房间里听到了你的 呼唤 You stay a little while 你待了一会儿

BYE BYE BYE.doc(听歌学英语歌词填空)

BYE BYE BYE ---Lovestoned ?will i ____ you ?______ back at me ?______ as I slip ?do your ________ ?and your _______ ?have told a thousand ____ ?but I can tell this time ?that you really _____ it ?we've been ______ the wires ?and still no spark ?_____ and tired, falling apart ?we've been together forever tell me _____ ______ ______ ?did we have to turn around and say goodbye _____ ______ ____ ?and the only thing that's left to do is _____ _____ _____ ?nothing left for me to say to you but ____ _____ ______ ? ?I can sing ?another ____ song ?trying to ____ ____ ?to your picture ?out of place ?you _____ behind your face ?it is more than i can take ?I know you _____ deeper ?we've been crossing the wire ?and still no spark ?lost and _____ ?falling apart ?we've been together forever tell me why why why ?did we have to turn around and say goodbye bye bye bye ?and the only thing that's left to do is cry cry cry ?nothing left for me to say to you but bye bye bye ?you left me hanging on the ______ ?wh ile you’re stealing all my _______ ?you take a piece of me ?you've been driving too _____ ?so i gotta let you go ?before you _______ me ?em ayaah.. ?


Nobody ever___________ Nobody ever sees I __________ my soul Back then, no I'm too ___________ __________________ I pray for you to come home Praying to the__________ Praying for my soul Now please don't go Most nights I hardly sleep when I'm____________ Now please don't go, oh no I think of you _____________ I'm alone So please don't go 'Cause I don't ever ________________know Don't ever want to see things______________ 'Cause when I'm _____________on my own I wanna take it ___________ and start again Most nights I pray for you to come home I'm praying to the__________ I'm praying for my soul Now please don't go Most nights I hardly sleep When I'm alone Now please don't go, oh no I think of you _______________ I'm alone


现网上可供下载的为WMA文件,只有22Hz,32K,对于歌曲来说,这样的音质实在无法接受,更别说一遍又一遍的学习了。 因此贡献出这套的播音级音质的MP3(44Hz,128K的音质),该版本是电台广播教学时用的。 因文件太大,我的上传水管又太细,所以化整为零,没有压缩打包。大家可以下一个听一个,而不必等上几个礼拜下完后才听。共计50个MP3文件,每个文件大小居于24M至25M,共计1.19G。 赖世雄教授除了在英语方面有极深的造诣外,在音乐和歌曲演唱方面也很有天赋, 为此,中央人民广播电台英语教学组与大连外院图书音像中心为大家编辑、制作了 《赖世雄教你唱歌学英语》的节目和歌集,旨在向英语学习者提供一种新的英语学习样式, 将娱乐和英语学习有机结合起来,使大家在优美的旋律、地道连贯的英语歌词和歌才动人 的演唱所营造出的欢快气氛中学到英语及相关文化。同时赖包雄教授在请大家欣赏本书选 编的50首旋律优美、曲调深情隽永、歌词含义悠远、艺术魅力长存的英语抒情老歌的同时, 详细讲解歌词大意及歌曲词中的单词短语和相关语法。这也是我们这套节目和这本歌集的独特之处。 目录 1.All I Have to Do Is Dream 只有寻梦去 2.Are You Lonesome Tonight? 今晚你寂寞吗? 3.Blowing in the Wind 随风飘荡 4.Breaking Up Is Hanrd to Do 难以分手 5.California Dreamin' 加州之梦 6.Can't Take My Eyes Off You 舍不得不看你 7.Cotton Field 棉花田 8.Dear Heart 甜心 9. Edelweiss 雪绒花 10.El Condor Pasa 老鹰之歌 11.Five Hundred Miles 离家五百里 12.I Can't Stop Loving You 无法停止爱你 13.I Went to Your Wedding 我参加你的婚礼 14.I'll Never Fall in Love Again 不再坠入情网 15.If You Love Me 如果你爱我 16.It's Now or Never 时不再来 17.Jambalaya 什锦烩饭 18.Just Walking in the Rain 走在雨中 19.Lemon Tree 柠檬树 20.Let It Be 顺其自然 21.Love Me Tender 温柔地爱我 22.Moon River月亮河 23.Morning Has Broken 破晓 24.No More不再 25.Oh!Carol 哦,卡罗 26.Only the Lonely惟有孤寂 27.Only You 只有你 28.Puff 波夫 29.Red River Valley 红河谷 30.Release Me 放开我 31.Rhythm of the Rain 雨中旋律 32.Right Here Waiting 33.Rose Garden 34.Sailing 35.Say You, Say Me 36. Seven Lonely Days 37.Smoke Gets in Your Eyes 38.Song Sung Blue 39.Take Me Home, Country Roads 40.Tennessee Waltz


听歌学英语Betty 1. Stronger by Kelly Clarkson You know the bed feels warmer, _______(sleep)here alone, 你也知道蜷缩在床上会感觉更温暖,哪怕只是独自躺着. You know I dream in color, 你也知道我梦游在色彩当中 And do the things I want. 做着我想做的事 You think you got the best of me 你以为你已经从我这里得到一切 Think you had the last laugh 以为是你笑到最后 Bet you think that everything good is_______(go). 打赌你认为美好的事物早已离去 Think you left me ________(lbreak)down 认为你让我伤透了心 Think that i'd come ________(run)back 认为我还会回来(找你) Baby you don't know me,cause you're dead wrong. 但是,亲爱的你不懂我,因为你错得太离谱 __________doesn't kill you makes you stronger 任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强 Stand a little_________(tall) 比以往站的更高 Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone. 即使是我一人独处也不代表我内心孤独What doesn' t kill you makes a fighter 任何不会致你于死的都会让你变成一个战斗者Footsteps even lighter 让前进的步伐更加明朗 Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone. 即使在你离去我也不会灭亡 What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger 任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强,比以往更强 Just me,Myself and I 那仅仅是我,我自己和最真实的我 You heard that I was starting over with someone new, 你得知了我开始了一段新的感情They told you I was moving on over you, 他们告诉你我放下了你 You didn't think that I'd come back,i'd come back swinging 你曾以为我不会回来,但是我却带着放任回来了 You try to break me,but you see 你试图伤害我,但是你知道What doesn't kill you makes you stronger 任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强 Stand a little taller 比以往站的更高 Thanks_______ you I got a new thing________(start) 感谢你让我找到了新的开始Thanks to you I'm not the broken hearted 感谢你我不再伤心 Thanks to you I'm finally thinking about me 感谢你让我最后为自己着想 You know in the end the day I left was just my the end...你知道我离开那天的结束只是我的新的开始, What doesn't kill you makes you stronger 任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强2. Cinderella by Britney Spears When I was just a little girl my momma used to tuck me into bed and she'd read me a story It always was about a Princess in distress(不幸) and _________a guy would save her and end up with the glory故事唯美落幕I'd lie in bed and think about the person______ I want to be .Then one day I realized the fairy tale life wasn't _____me 终于有一天我明白那不是属于


Unit 2 Sailing the oceans单元跟踪测评 (总分:150分时间:120分钟) 选择题部分 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.Which of Mary's arms was hurt? A.The left one. B.The right one. C.Neither. 答案 A 2.What can we know about Jack? A.Jack will not sell his house. B.Jack was joking. C.Jack will give up his job. 答案 C 3.What is the woman going to do this evening? A.Go to dinner. B.Visit her sister. C.Go to the airport. 答案 C 4.Why was Doctor Smith put into prison? A.He killed a woman. B.He helped a murderer. C.He broke a young man's leg. 答案 B 5.What do we learn from this conversation? A.The woman will go home for dinner. B.The woman won't go to the concert. C.The man and the woman will eat together. 答案 C


【听歌赏词】皇后乐队4首著名歌曲(填词版) 皇后乐队(Queen),英国摇滚乐队,对世界乐坛留下深远影响,其在英国国内的地位尤其高。今年初在国内上映的《波西米亚狂想曲》讲述了皇后乐队从偶然成军到确立风格,再到大放异彩的经历,以及皇后乐队灵魂人物------主唱佛莱迪·摩克瑞跌宕起伏的人生故事。下面我们欣赏下来自于这部电影中的几首歌曲。 一、Hammer to fall 《大限将至》 Here we stand or here we 1我们战斗,还是倒下 History won't care at all 历史根本不屑一顾 Make the bed, light the light 收拾好床吧,打开灯 Lady __2___ won't be home tonight 宽恕女神今夜也不会回家 You don't 3 no time at all你虚度了一生 Don't hear the bell but you answer the call 未闻钟响,已应召唤 It comes to you as to us all 于你于我并无二致 We're just waiting for the hammer to fall 我们都在等待命运之锤落下 Oh every night and every day 日夜不息 A little piece of you is falling away 你正一点点分崩离析 But lift your face, the Western Way 但昂起头吧,以西方人的方式 Build your 4 as your body decays 强健你的肌肉,尽管你的身体正在腐坏 Toe your line and play the game 以足尖起舞,全力以赴 Let the anaesthetic 5 it all 用麻醉剂掩盖伤痛 Till one day they call your name 直到有一天他们呼唤你的名字 You know it's time for the hammer to fall 你就明白你的大限将至 Rich or poor or famous 富有,贫穷,或是声名在外都无所谓 For your 6 is all the same 你们的结局殊途同归 Lock your door 你把倾盆大雨关在门外 But the rain is pouring through your window pane 但它仍然会沿着窗缝倾泄而入 Baby now your 7 is all in vain 啊,亲爱的,现在你的努力都是徒劳了 For we who grow up tall and proud 对于我们这些生来高傲之人而言 In the 8 of the Mushroom Cloud 处于遮天蔽日的蘑菇云之下 Convinced our voice can't be heard 明知没有人会倾听我们的心声 We just wanna 9 it louder and louder 我们却要大声地,更大声地呐喊 What the hell we fighting for? 我们这么努力地斗争到底为了什么? Just 10 and it won’t hurt at all 投降吧,反正也不会因此受伤 You just got time to say your prayers 你还有些时间做个祷告 While you're waiting the hammer to fall 在你等待命运之锤落下的时间里 二、Bohemian Rhapsody《波西米亚狂想曲》

earth song听歌填词

What about sunrise 日出呢 What about rain 雨呢 What about all the things 还有你说过 That you said we were to gain... 我们会得到的一切呢...... What about killing fields 土地在减少呢 Is there a time 有没有结束的时候 what about the things 还有你说过 That you said was yours and mine... 属于你和我的一切呢...... Did you ever stop to notice 你是不是忘了 All the blood we've shed before 我们曾挥洒下的血汗 Did you ever stop to notice 你有没有看到 The crying Earth the weeping shores? 地球在流泪海岸在哭泣 AaaaaaaahAaaaaaaaah啊-------- What have we done to the world 我们对世界做错了什么 Look what we've done 看看我们做错了什么吧 What about all the peace 还有你向独子许诺过的 That you pledge your only son... 一切和平呢 What about flowering fields 鲜花遍布的田野呢 Is there a time 有没有结束的时候 What about all the dreams 还有你说过 That you said was yours and mine... 属于你和我的所有梦想呢 Did you ever stop to notice 你是不是忘了 All the children dead from war 战争中死去的那些孩子 Did you ever stop to notice 你有没有看到 The crying Earth the weeping shores? 地球在流泪海岸在哭泣 AaaaaaaahAaaaaaaaah啊----------- I used to dream 我曾经梦想 I used to glance beyond the stars 我曾经遥望群星之上 Now I don't know where we are 如今不知我们身在何方Althouge I know we've drifted for 尽管我明白我们漂泊了太远 AaaaaaaahAaaaaaaaah啊----------- Hey,what about yesterday (what about us) 嘿,昨天呢(我们呢) What about the seas (what about us) 海洋呢 The heavens are falling down (what about us) 天堂跌落 I can't even breathe (what about us) 我不能呼吸 What about the bleeding Earth (what about us) 流血的地球呢 Can't we feel its wounds (what about us) 我们难道不能感受到它的伤痕 What about nature'worth (ooo,ooo) 宝贵的自然呢 It's our planet's womb (what about us) 那是我们地球的孕育地 What about animals (what about us) 动物呢 We've turned kingdoms to dust (what about us) 我们把他们的王国化为灰烬 What about elephants (what about us) 大象呢 Have we lost their trust (what about us) 我们是不是已失去它们的信任 What about crying whales (what about us) 鲸鱼呢

简单少儿英语童谣:Sailing Medley

简单少儿英语童谣:Sailing Medley I’ll sing you a song, a good song of the sea. With a way! Hey! Blow the man down! And trust that you’ll join in the chorus with me. Give me some time to blow the man down. There was an old skipper, I don’t know his name. With a way! Hey! Blow the man down! Although he once played a remarkable1 game. Give me some time to blow the man down. His ship lay becalmed in the tropical seas. With a way! Hey! Blow the man down! He whistled all day. But in vain, for a breeze. Give me some time to blow the man down My Bonnie lies over the ocean My Bonnie lies over the ocean, My Bonnie lies over the sea, My Bonnie lies over the ocean. Oh bring back my bonnie to me. Bring back, bring back, oh bring back my bonnie to me, to me. Bring back, bring back, oh, bring back my bonnie to me.


一年级下学期音乐教案 今天大象大哥邀请我们参加它们的森林演唱会,让我们听一听,都有谁在唱歌?拍手感受节奏,聆听音乐。以下内容是品才为您精心整理的,欢迎参考! 教学目标 情感与价值观:通过聆听和演唱,体验感受歌曲优美、抒情的情绪,感受大自然的美丽景色。 过程与方法:创设音乐情境场,在体验、合作、尝试探究等实践活动中感受、表现音乐。 知识与技能:初步学会用柔和的声音、高位置演唱歌曲。用打击乐器为歌曲伴奏。能够为歌谣填词,并能较准确的读拍和演唱。 教学内容:学唱歌曲《云》、填词创编练习 设计思路: 根据低年级音乐学力和学习心理,师生互动创设音乐学习情境场,引导学生在兴趣中聆听、体验、演唱和合作,在主动探究、合作的音乐实践活动中感受音乐、学习音乐。 教学重点:感受歌曲形象,表现歌曲情境。 教学难点:歌曲演唱中的一字多音和音准。 教学过程 设计意图

一、聆听《云》伴奏音乐 1.谜语:天上有个魔法师,老爱喜欢做游戏; 变牛变马又变羊,大家看得笑嘻嘻。 2.讨论: (1)出示白云和乌云卡片。听音乐,你觉得适合哪张图片?为什么?(《海上风暴》片段) (2)那你觉得“白云”的音乐应该是怎么样的? (3)再听音乐,你满意吗?为什么?(歌曲伴奏) 3.随机反馈教学 (1)根据音乐想象情绪画旋律线 (2)自由探索听辨音乐节拍及感受节拍特点 (3)自由模拟“云飘”律动 以学生为学习主体,师生互动创设音乐情境,同时互动分析初步感受歌曲旋律特点,为歌曲学习作好情感铺垫和知识铺垫。 二、歌曲学习 1.录音范唱教师范唱 2.看方格谱尝试按节奏念歌词 3.学唱歌词第一段 随机指导:A、一字多音及音准 B、高位置演唱及气息控制 4.自学歌词第二段:指导“点儿”儿化音的演唱
