unit4chain store教案

The rise of chain stores in China

( Oxford English, S2A , Module 2, Unit 4 More Reading )


Teaching objectives:

1.To help students achieve a understanding of the rise of chain stores.

2.To guide students to pay attention to the writing structure by finding out the phenomenon and

the reasons; to learn the key words and sentences.

3.To encourage students to apply what they learn to practice by simulating the establishment of

some chain stores; to cultivate team spirit.



牛津英语教材高二上第二模块的主题是Aspects of modern life, 它通过UNIT 3Contemporary style 和UNIT4 Big businesses两个单元进行描述,两篇单元的文章无论是关

于时尚还是快餐、连锁店,都与学生的日常生活紧密贴近。本节课涉及的The rise of chain stores in China 也是学生耳闻目睹,深切体会得到。编者的意图是通过The rise of chain stores in China 传递当代的生活方式,学生可以有广泛的发挥想象的余地(top-down processing)。The apprehension of the sense of a discourse is the result of the interaction of Top-down and Bottom-up language processing. 以top-down processing为主的图式理论(schema)是阅读中整体教学的理论基础,它包含学习者过去的知觉环境的经验,动机和文化背景。由于文本内容与实际生活密切联系,学生在理解上能降低焦虑,积极体会。有了体会,学生就有内容去表达。此时如果老师能较好地创设情景, ( 因为只有在活的情景中运用的语言才是活的语言。)学生的语言就能得到锤炼,思维就能得到刺激和活跃。由此可见,本文作为一篇优秀的选材,既能锻炼学生的语言,又能拓展学生的视眼,丰富学生的思想。


本课授课对象为市实验性示范高中二年级学生,经过一年多的语言训练,学生已初步适应语篇教学策略,但是语篇的分析能力尚在形成和发展中,获得信息和处理信息的能力还需要进一步提高和加强。如果说有了top-down processing 信息加工的基础,那么bottom-up 则是传统教学中的常用手段,它是语言教学不可或缺的一部分。学生还需在老师的引导下学习文本的语言风格,贴切的用词,严谨的结构。客观地讲,本人所教的两个班级的学生在学习风格上有所不同,要适当调整学习方略,如:分析型学习风格,言语型学习风格,意想型学习风格等等。



1.Pre-reading 话题的引入有多种方法,有现象的描述法,故事情节法,有以古论今,以今论古对比法,等等。专用名词往往有直接定义法。本文的专用名词chain store 也可分为此类引入。直接定义法科学严谨,但往往提不起学习者的兴趣,所幸,它是学生日常生活中密切接触得到的事物,可直接通过举例法去了解或定义它。帮助学生通过案例,再总结连锁店的特征,迅猛发展的缘由。


帮助学生整理思路,归纳说明事物的顺序和思路。通过简明的黑板板书,罗列文本的三个部分:a, What is a chain store? The rise of chain stores using the examples . b, Why have chain stores grow so fast? C. the conclusion and the future. 因而可以看出文章的结构。同时落实重点的词汇和句型。





Detailed teaching plan:

Lead-in discussion: 10’—15’

1.What is a chain store?

Comparatively speaking, another form of business is regular stores, which usually run individually, separately, single, with high price , limited goods, small scale, short service time ( under the same name, the same brand, the same operation, the same management, same goods , same service, staff dressed in the same uniform , the same quality, you know what to expect.)

or Can you mention / refer to some chain stores in Shanghai?

They separately fall into the category of: fast-food restaurant, bakery, convenience store, electrical appliance store, hotel , hairdressing salon……

2. Do you think the number of chain stores is rising or falling?

(rising. Within a short walk along a busy street, you are likely to find a chain store of some kind.)

Why have chain stores developed so fast in number as well as in influence?

(benefit people’s life, bring convenience to our life, meet the customer s’ demands, people warmly welcome it…)

3. Give your own experience to illustrate chain store have become part of people’s lives.( when will you go shopping in chain stores)

4. What are the reasons for the success of chain stores?

(convenient location, clean, well-lit and relaxing environment, 24-7 management, a wide range of good, operation in the same way that people know what to expect , reasonable prices)

5. What’s your conclusion or expectation about chain stores? (good side, what if you decide where to live) a welcome development, a new force changing way of life

In-put: (while-reading) 15’

What if we put what we have discussed together into a passage? It is a well-organized composition. So a good essay contains first a definition, or a phenomenon, then examples or reasons and last, a conclusion. To further deepen the structure , let’s read the article ―The rise of chain stores in China ‖ on Page58. to see how the author writer this short article . Pay attention to the structure and good vocabulary. (in-put of the text)

The opening paragraph: the introductory paragraph: description of chain stores

The phenomenon or situation of many chain stores : using examples;

The reasons for success in chain stores: using reasons

The author’s conclusion. The future…

Now if you are the owner of a chain store, what will you do to make your business success? let’s

Key words and sentences:

1. You are likely to do…

2. Why…? Meeting the …is the answer.

3. Opened in …, the stores are….

4. …in case they shop there.

5. It seems that…

The number of…/ within a short walk/ of some(this, that ,its) kind / part of daily lives / pop into(on, off)/ celebrate with friends/ appliances / include sth as( in…) / grow in number and influence./ meet (satisfy, fill, answer )the needs(requirements, demands)/ be next door to/ offer a wide range of products/ in clean, well-lit environment , relaxing environment/ operate in the same way as…/ know what to expect/ decide where to live/ a welcome development/ a new force changing …

Out-put:(practice) 10’

Act 1: Work in pair. This time one of you is the boss of a big enterprise ( cinemas, kara ok, restaurant, bakery, convenience store, etc …), and the other is the newly-employed manager, who

want to set up a new branch to impress the boss. Make out your dialogue, the boss always questioning, and the manager answering. You’d better use the phrases and vocabulary in out text.

1.(or you are husband and wife owning a store, and one of you wants to set up a branch.. )

Act 2: Hongziji is a big restaurant group with outlets in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. It enjoys a great reputation among consumers and promises a prosperous business in the future. However, it has only 3 chain ones in Shanghai, which can’t meet the large demand of the local people. Now suppose you are the members from the board of the directors, determined to expand your business. Please work in group to make out the proposal, with each of you reporting the following task separately:

2.the name of your plan or your design.

3.the reason why you will set up a new chain store. (use words in the text)

4.the detailed proposal containing your new location, your new interior decoration, your new

staff, your new environment, etc, if you decide already ( plz speak in brief).

the reasons supporting your new plan. (use the words in our text)

Students’ reflection:

Make a summary about chain stores.

Chain stores have become part of people’s daily lives. They are a welcome development in china. Within a short walk along a busy street, you are likely to find a chain store of some kind. They have grown fast in number and influence. The reasons are that they meet the customers’needs, they are opened in convenient locations, they are next door to people’s homes and close to bus stops and underground stations, they offer a wide range of products . they have clean , well-lit, and relaxing environment and that prices are reasonable.

Homework: read and recite
