






浅谈现代未婚女性称呼语 摘要:现代对未婚女性的社会称呼语大致有这三种“小姐”、“美女”、“女士”。但是随着社会的不断变迁,这三种称呼语的使用也都有变化。笔者将就这三种称呼语的变化进行讨论。 关键词:称呼小姐美女女士称呼变化 在分析称呼变化之前,笔者进行了一项简单的调查,调查方式是进行投票,选出他们认为合适的现代对未婚女性的称呼,投票的选项是“小姐”、“女士”、“美女”以及“其他”。有十一个人参与了投票,仅有一个人投给了“美女”这个选项,而其余十个人均选择的“其他”,调查完后,笔者对此次调查进行了分析,由于笔者调查的对象基本上都还是学生,所以他们认为比较好的称呼语是同学,还有的则是由于地域的不同而导致称呼的不同,比如湖南的会选择称呼未婚女性为妹坨而显得比较亲切,所以调查并没有得出结论。笔者又与其中几位参与者进行了深入的探讨分析,并给出了场景设置:假如在陌生的地方问路,要与未婚女性搭讪问路,并且要求用普通话,则会从以上三种称呼里面选择哪一种。大部分都选择使用“美女”,仅有一个选择使用“女士”。由此可以看出,三个称呼语中,“美女”这个称呼是大家用的比较多的。而“小姐”、“女士”则用的很少。下面,笔者将就调查结果进行分析。 “小姐”这个称呼,在宋代的时候是个贱称,指女艺人、歌舞伎。宫女、婢女、小妾、娼妓、艺人都轻视为“小姐”。到了元代,由于元曲的盛行,社会上层的官绅权贵文人雅士都把戏曲作为最主要的娱乐方式之一,而这些戏曲大多由一些艺妓参与演出,这些艺妓由于具有比一般女性较高的文化修养与艺术才能,受到官员、文人、市民的欣赏,身价较高因而受到社会一定程度的重视,于是“小姐”一词的贬义慢慢被人淡化,变成了一个象征地位与富贵的尊称。辛亥革命取得胜利,结束了中国2000多年的封建统治,当时人们受到西方先进文化的影响,“自由”、“平等”观念逐步深入人心,“小姐”称呼对象由专指出生门第高贵的富家女变成了一般女性的尊称,这一使用一直沿用到新中国成立之前。新中国成立之初,人们的思想观念发生了前所未有的巨大变革,社会结构变成公有,社


關係代名詞Class____ No____ Name________________ 一、先行詞是人 關係代名詞是主格 1. The man who has white hair is Tom. (形容詞子句) = The man that has white hair is Tom. = The man having white hair is Tom. (分詞片語) = The man with white hair is Tom. (介系詞片語) 2. The person who is wearing a white shirt is Tom. = The person wearing a white shirt is Tom. = The person who is dressed in a white shirt is Tom. = The person dressed in a white shirt is Tom. =The person in a white shirt is Tom. (The person who wears a white shirt is Tom.) 關係代名詞是受格 3. The girl whom Tom loves is Mary. = The girl who Tom loves is Mary. = The girl that Tom loves is Mary. = The girl ×Tom loves is Mary. 4. The man whom I work with is Tom. = The man who I work with is Tom. = The man that I work with is Tom. = The man ×I work with is Tom. = The man with whom I work is Tom. 關係代名詞是所有格 5. The girl whose eyes are big is Mary. 二、先行詞是事物 關係代名詞是主格 1. The house which has four rooms is Tom’s. = The house that has four rooms is Tom’s. = The house having four rooms is Tom’s. = The house with four rooms is Tom’s. 關係代名詞是受格 2. The house which Tom bought yesterday is very nice. = The house that Tom bought yesterday is very nice. = The house ×Tom bought yesterday is very nice. 3. The house which Tom lives in is very nice. = The house that Tom lives in is very nice. = The house ×Tom lives in is very nice. = The house in which Tom lives is very nice. The house where Tom lives is very nice. 4. I know the music which you are listening to. = I know the music that you are listening to. = I know the music ×you are listening to. = I know the music to which you are listening. 5. The house whose door is red is Tom’s. = The house the door of which is red is Tom’s. 6.Take what you need. (沒有先行詞時) = Take all the things that you need. = Take all that you need. =Take the thing(s) which You need. =Take the thing(s) that you need. =Take the thing(s) ×you need. 三、只用that A. 先行詞前有all, no, every, any, the only, the very, the same 時 1.Tom is the only man that can do it. 2.Tom is the same man that made the speech yesterday. 3.All the students that came to school yesterday are here. 4.He is the very person that I want to meet. B. 先行詞前有最高級形容詞 1.Tom is the last student that came to school today. 2.Mary is the most beautiful girl that everyone envies. 3.This is the best novel that I have ever read. C. 先行詞是人+事務 I saw Tom and his dog that were walking in the park. D. 疑問句開頭是who, which what時 Who is the girl that wears glasses? 四、不可用that 1.先行詞是people, those時 Heaven helps those who help themselves. 2.介詞之後 This is the house in which Tom lives. 3.非限定用法 My elder brother, who is in America, will come back to Taiwan tomorrow. I, who am your friend, will help you.

英语- 代名词

代名詞 2 代名詞 1.<代名詞>是代替<名詞>的字。 2.<代名詞>包括<人稱代名詞>,<所有代名詞>,<複合人稱代名詞>,<不定代名詞>,<指示代名詞>,<疑問代名詞>,<關係代名詞>和<複合關係代名詞>。 人稱代名詞 1.<人稱代名詞>是有人稱區別的<代名詞>。 2.<人稱代名詞>包括第一人稱I,my,me,we,our,us;第二人稱:you,your;第三人稱 he,his,him,she,her,it,its,they,their,them。 3.<人稱代名詞>有數的區別,如:I是{單數},we是{複數}。 4.<人稱代名詞>有性的區別,如:he是陽性,she是陰性。 5.<人稱代名詞>有格的區別,如:I是{主格},me是{受格},my是<所有格>。【參見[人稱代名詞速查]】 所有代名詞 1.<所有代名詞>代替<人稱代名詞>的<所有格>(<所有形容詞>)和它所修飾的<名詞>, 如:mine,his,hers,its,ours,yours,theirs。 2.<所有代名詞>後不可接<名詞>,無論代替{單數}或{複數}<名詞>,都用相同形態。【參見<所有形容詞>】 中文:你有你的麻煩,我有我的麻煩。 You've got your trouble; I've got mine. mine=my trouble You've got your troubles; I've got mine. mine=my troubles Ours are as clever as Mr. Brown's and Mr. Green's students. 我們的(學生)和布朗先生及格林先生的學生一樣聰明。 Ours is a large country with a long history. 我們的國家是一個具有悠久歷史的大國。 複合人稱代名詞 1.<複合人稱代名詞>又稱{反身代名詞},由<人稱代名詞>+self(單數),selves(複數)構成,表示自己;不定的<複合人稱代名詞>是oneself。 2.<複合人稱代名詞>的{主格}和{受格}的形式是一致的。 中文:我自己做的。 主格I myself did it. 受格I did it by myself. 3.<複合人稱代名詞>的<所有格>由<人稱代名詞>的<所有格>+own構成;不定的<複合人稱代名詞>的<所有格>是 one's own。【參見<人稱代名詞>】 I have a house of my own. 我有一所自己的房子。 複合人稱代名詞用法 1.{主詞}與<受詞>指同一人時,<受詞>必須用<複合人稱代名詞>。

英语语法:从属连接词 (副词子句, 名词子句)

从属连接词 (副词子句, 名词子句) 关系代名词 (形容词子句) 参考关系词章节 (1)引导名词子句 a.that引导的名词子句 i.当主词 1.That he will succeed is certain. It is certain that he will succeed. 2.That Bill passed the entrance examination is true. It is true that Bill passed the entrance examination. 3.That the world’s climate is getting hotter is beyond any doubt. It is beyond any doubt that the world’s climate is getting hotter. beyond any doubt无疑地; 没有任何疑义地 beyond description难以形容 ii.当补语 that 子句放在be 动词/连缀动词后当补语 1.The trouble is that I cannot speak French. The trouble is, I cannot speak French. 在口语中会省略作为补语的that,省略时,在原处加逗号。 2.The fact is that he couldn’t care about me in the least. 他根本不可能关心我

The fact is,he couldn’t care about me in the least. 3.The problem is that I have no money with me. The problem is, I have no money with me. 身上没带钱 solve the problem answer the question iii.当受词 及物动词或(不及物动词的)介系词后面当受词 (一)做及物动词的受词 重点(1): 可省that that 引导的名词子句若接在say, explain, hope, wish, know, believe 等动词后常省略that 1.I believe (that) he will do his best. 2.The radio said (that) today is the hottest day this summer. 纸条上写着“我爱你”。 The notes said I love you. 3.He said (that) he would surely come but that he might be ten or twenty minutes late. 第二个that离主词太远所以不可省略 重点 (2): 不可接that 子句做受词 这类动词有


Unit 4 关系代名词 关系代名词的功用=连接+代名词 I have a friend.the friend lives in Paris. I have a friend and he lives in Paris. I have a friend who lives in Paris. ※国语:住在巴黎的朋友 英语:a friend who lives in Paris. 形容词子句(两个形容词的放在名词后面) ※语顺为先行词+关系代名词,但也有下列句子 There was an old man in the apartment who was very rich. I met two girls, one of whom is my cousin. →I met two girls and one of them is my cousin. 关系代名词的种类 ※人称代名词:I love him. I play with him. ※格的用法: 1、主格+动词:the man who talked to me. 2、所有格+名词:the man whose car was stolen. 3、受格+主词+动词:the man whom I met. 主格的关系代名词 1、主格who→先行词(人)+主格关系代词who +动词 (1)The man is my father. The man wears sunglasses. →The man who wears sunglasses is my father. (2) I don’t like people. They get out of temper easily. →I don’t like people who get out of temper easily. 2、主格which→先行词(事物、动物)+主格关系代名词 (1)I live in the house. The house stands on the hill. →I live in the house which stands on the hill. (2) English is a language. It is spoken all over the world. →English is a language which (that) is spoken all over the world. 3、主格关系代词that →先行词(人/事物/动物)+ 主格关系代词that + 动词 (1)帮忙医生照顾病人的人称为护士。 People who help doctors and look after patients are called nurses. Patient n 病人;adj 有耐心


山寨copycatting “山寨”是依靠抄袭、模仿、恶搞等手段发展壮大起来,反权威、反主流且带有狂欢性、解构性、反智性以及后现代表征的亚文化的大众文化现象。 This Chinese term literally refers to the mountain strongholds of bandits. First borrowed to describe rip-off products, it has evolved to refer also to homemade products, such as video parodies of movies。 囧be sunk/sunken 网义:郁闷、悲伤、无奈、无语等等,示意很好很强大,指处境困迫,喻尴尬,为难。This is an ancient Chinese character, pronounced jiong. It means "light shining through a window". Young Chinese use it to express embarrassment, or a bad mood. Look at the character. Doesn't it look like a disappointed face? 很黄很暴力very pornographic, very violent 网络流行语,语出2007年12月27日CCTV新闻联播一则关于净化网络视听的新闻里,一个名叫张殊凡的小学生接受央视记者采访时说道:“上次我上网查资料,突然弹出来一个网页,很黄很暴力,我赶紧把它给关了。” During a CCTV interview about a new Internet censorship regulation, a girl said that an uncensored We b page once popped up onher computer. She called it "very pornographic, very violent". Somebelieve the girl was told to say it by CCTV, so it is now used to mockthe way the network covers news。 槑nuts 网络热词,音同“梅”,字由二呆组成,故成为形容人比呆还呆的意思。 Pronounced méi, the word is a variant of the word for "梅". Butit also looks like a double version of the character 呆(dai),which means stupid. So netizens have borrowed it to mean "very silly or very stupid"。 叉腰肌Psoas muscle 叉腰肌即髂腰肌8月17日8时30分,中国女足在香河基地进行了奥运会的赛后总结。队员们都按要求进行了书面总结报告,部分队员难忍出局的命运当场痛哭,场面甚为感人。但就在这种气氛中,最后一个发言的中国足协副主席谢亚龙却打破这种局面,指责中国女足简直就是“无斗志无能力”的反面典型队伍。 他以巴西队为例教育中国球员:“人家巴西队技术那么好,大牌那么多,人家却在晚上11点去酒店健身房练力量,你们什么时候练过?”越说越气的谢亚龙提出了一个专业名词——“叉腰肌”,他指出,中国女足身体肌群中最需要训练的是“叉腰肌”,但姑娘们并不知道他所说的这个肌肉部位在哪里。 随后“叉腰肌”在网络上如雨后春笋般流行起来。 Xie Yalong, the former head of the Chinese Football Association, once criticized women players, saying they have weak Psoasmuscles. (This is the muscle that links the trunk to the legs; it'simportant for motion。) However, nobody, including the players, knewwhere the muscle is. This quote is now used to mock Xie, who wasrecently removed from his position。 打酱油get some soy sauce


2. The kid and his cat ______ are in the garden are cute. 3. That white dog _____ eyes are big and round is Jay’s pet. 4. That is the house in_____ they live . 5. _____ is beautiful is not always useful. 6. Tell me _____ you did it. =Tell me the way in which you did it. 7. The man _____ we met is my classmate 8. Sunday is the day _____ he goes to church. 9. That is the river _____ we swam in our childhood. is the reason _____ she cannot come. 11. Sandra wants the two dolls ___cost 30 dollars each. 12. They paid the man ___painted their house. 13. The boy ___sits by the window wants to be an actor. 14. Give me the books ___are on the shelf over there. 15. John is the person ___told me about you. 16. Peter dislikes the boy ___is very clever. 17. I don't like the book ___Sonia gave me. 18. We put the picture ___I bought yesterday on the wall. 19. The store ___opened last week sells a lot of CDs. 20. Do you know the boy ___your dog bit 21. He is the boy __________ wrote this letter. 22. The lady _____________ was here last week is my best friend. 23. He has a dog ________________ can run very fast. 24. Mary has an uncle ____________ a store in Taipei. man __________ called my father was Mr. Brown. books _____________ were on my father’s desk were expensive. know a man ________________ doesn’t work very hard. book ____________ is on my desk is not mine. don’t like animals __________ have four legs. students _____________ came to school late have to stand outside. 31. October is the month my sister and I were born.(A) which(B) in which(C) that(D) in that car I bought yesterday was stolen.(A) who(B) what(C) where(D) that ’s hard to find the car he talked about last week.(A) who(B) what(C) where(D) which bread you made is very delicious.(A) who(B) what(C) ×(D) when ’s the woman went jogging in the park this afternoon.(A) when(B) who(C) which(D) where . Anderson needs a car runs very fast.(A) that(B) who(C) when(D) × is the house we lived before.(A) which(B) in which(C) that(D) in that 38. I don’t like the boy you are talking about.(A) which(B) where(C) ×(D) what is the train station I took a train last time.(A) in which(B) which(C) ×(D) form that


亲爱的同学们,今天我演讲的题目是《老师——神圣的代名词》。我们的人生之路总是阳光明媚,晴空万里,到底哪一缕阳光最耀眼?有人说是优异的学习成绩,有人说是给予别人帮助……而我认为在我们的人生路上最灿烂的阳光应该属于知恩图报,感谢帮助我成长的每一个人。是的,学会感恩,是一种情怀,学会感恩,更是一种情操. 老师这两个字无私中透露着平凡,却又暗含着一些伟大。她们就像一支红烛,一点一点的融化我们心灵的冰川,走近我们的心灵,让我们远离寂寞。她给我们的爱,轻轻的,柔柔的,像茉莉一般,散发着沁人心脾的香味。我们的老师,没有华丽的舞台,没有簇拥的鲜花,一支支粉笔是他们耕耘的犁头;三尺讲台,是他们奉献的战场。他们的幸福,是桃李满天下,是学生唤他的一声“老师”。 记得初二时候我们班来了一位英语老师,那时我们班的英语成绩是全校最差的,平均分都比倒数第二的班差三四十分,后来她的到来彻底改变了我们班。她对我们教学非常的严厉,每星期天下午都要给我们全班补课,那时候因为我们的叛逆让她伤透了心。但她并没有放弃我们,最后我们居然在全省联考里我们班排到了第九。可想而知她付出了多少汗水在我们的身上,她就像一位辛勤的园丁为我们日夜操劳,累了身体,白了头发。 花儿感谢阳光,因为阳光抚育它成长;雄鹰感谢蓝天,因为蓝天让它自由飞翔;老师,我感谢您,因为您给我传授知识,让我健康成长。居里夫人作为有名的科学家,曾两次获得诺贝尔奖,但她在会上看见自己的小学老师,用一束鲜花表达她的感激之情;伟人毛泽东也同样在佳节送上对老师的一份深深感激。自古以来的伟人无不有着一颗感恩的心,感激不需要惊天动地,只需要你的一句问候,一声呼唤,一丝感慨. 老师是我们成长道路上的引路人。老师教我们做事,教我们做人,引导我们走好人生之路,当我们遇挫折,老师帮我们撑起前进的风帆;当我们遇到困惑与迷茫时,老师是为我们指点迷津;当我们因取得成绩而骄傲时,老师的及时点拨让我们清醒。 感恩老师,并不需要我们去做什么惊天动地的大事.它表现在日常生活中的点点滴滴。课堂上,一道坚定的目光,一个轻轻的点头,证明了你的全身心地投入,你在专心地听课,这便是感恩; 下课后,在走廊里看到了老师,一抹淡淡的微笑,一声礼貌的"老师好",这也是感恩。感恩无需放在表面,只要用心,用情。 鲜花可以枯萎,沧海可以变桑田。但我们感恩的心不能变,让我们从一点一滴做起,感恩老师!


英文文法之關係代名詞 ◎兼具代名詞與連接詞之作用的代名詞就叫做關係代名詞。其形態如下======先行詞為?主格所有格受格 人who whose whom 人以外之動物、事物which whose(of which)which 人、動物、事物that ---that ◎應注意事項 1.關係代名詞具有代名詞與連接詞的作用。 Ex:I know the man+he came yesterday.=I know the man who came yesterday. 2.先行詞:關係代名詞所代表的名詞或代名詞就叫做先行詞。 Ex:She is the girl who wrote the letter. 其中the girl為先行詞,who為關係代名詞。3.句中該用何種關係代名詞視其先行詞之種類而定。 Ex:the man who came here;the house which belongs to him;the dog that saved her 4.關係代名詞所引導的子句叫做關係子句。 a.除了what所引導的關係子句具有名詞子句的性質外,其餘均具形容詞子句之性質。 b.關係子句的位置通常在句子的中間或句尾。 Ex:This is the boy who wants to see you.(who wants to see you 在句尾) The girl whom you saw yesterday is his sister.(whom you saw yesterday在句中) I’ll show you what I bought.(what 所引導的子句為名詞子句) 5. 關係代名詞的格須視其在關係子句內的地位而定。 a. 關係代名詞若為關係子句的主詞即用主格。 b.關係代名詞若為關係子句內之動詞或介系詞的受詞即用受格。 Ex:This is the man who wants to see you.(主格) This is the man whom you want to see.(受格) Is this the book which you are looking for?(受格) I have a friend whose father is a teacher.(所有格) 6. 關係代名詞的人稱、數、性必須和先行詞一致。 Ex:I, who am your friend, can understand you. You, who are my friend, can understand me. She, who is my good friend, is the best student in our class. The book which lies on the table is mine. The books which lie on th table are mine. P.S:one of+複數(代)名詞+關係代名詞+複數動詞 Ex:He is one of those who were present. She is one of the few students who(=that)have passed the examination. This is one of the good books which(=that)are worth reading.


英语中两者之间的比较 …… that/those of …… 结构︰that/those of 作为避免重复的代名词 说明︰英文句构中,两个<名词>对称而形成<比较>的情况时,为避免重复,第二个<名词>若为单数,就改为<代名词> that;若为复数,则改为<代名词> those,不过在遇到<所有格>时,可使用<所有格>的<名词>形态取代that或those. The population of Tokyo is larger than that of London.东京的人口比伦敦的多。 The climate here is like that of Taipei.这儿的气候和台北非常相似。 His children are well bred, whereas those of his sister are naughty. 他的孩子很有教养,但他妹妹的孩子却调皮得很。 The students work harder than those of our school.这些学生比我们学校的学生用功。 His car is bigger than mine.他的车比我的大。 比较级(Comparative Degree )在英语中通常用下列方式表示的词:在形容词或副词前加more(如 more natural,more clearly )或加后缀 -er(newer,sooner ).典型的是指形容词或副词所表示的质、量或关系的增加.英语句子中,将比较两个主体的方法叫做“比较句型”.其中,像“A比B更……”的表达方式称为比较级.组成句子的方式是将形容词或副词变化成比较级的形态. 构成 ⒈单音节形容词和部分双音节词,一般在词尾加-er. 2. 以字母e结尾的词,在词尾加-r. 3. 重读闭音节词词尾只有一个辅音字母时,先双写该辅音字母,再加er. 4. 以"辅音字母+y“结尾的双音节词,先把”y“改为”i“,再加-er. 5. 多音节词和部分双音节词,在词前加”more“. 6. 部分形容词和副词的比较级是不规则的,如:good/well-better,bad/badly-worse. 7. 由“动词+后缀-ing/-ed”构成的形容词,在词前加more构成比较级.如:interesting-more interesting,bored-more bored. 8. 由“形容词+后缀-ly”构成的副词,在该副词前加more构成比较级.如:slowly-more slowly,happily- more happily. 用法 一般 1. 表示"比...更", 用比较级形容词+than+比较成分, than后主词的述语动词往往省略, 非正式用法的than后的人称代名词可用受格. He is younger than me.


全国人民代表大会National People's Congress (NPC) 主席团Presidium 常务委员会Standing Committee 办公厅General Office 秘书处Secretariat 代表资格审查委员会Credentials Committee 提案审查委员会Motions Examination Committee 民族委员会Ethnic Affairs Committee 法律委员会Law Committee 财政经济委员会Finance and Economy Committee 外事委员会Foreign Affairs Committee 教育、科学、文化和卫生委员会Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee 内务司法委员会Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs 华侨委员会Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee 法制工作委员会Commission of Legislative Affairs 特定问题调查委员会Commission of Inquiry into Specific Questions 宪法修改委员会Committee for Revision of the Constitution 2、中华人民共和国主席President of the People's Republic of China 3、中央军事委员会Central Military Commission 4、最高人民法院Supreme People's Court 5、最高人民检察院Supreme People's Procuratorate 6、国务院State Council (1)国务院部委Ministries and Commissions Directly under the State Council 外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs 国防部Ministry of National Defence 国家发展和改革委员会National Development and Reform Commission 国家经济贸易委员会State Economic and Trade Commission


档案的代名词:兰台 在工作中我们经常看到什么兰台信息、兰台动态、兰台世界、兰台大话等等以“兰台”命名的各大杂志或期刊,其实这些都反映了档案领域的工作动态和话题,都与档案有着千丝万缕的联系。中国档案事业的发展可谓源远流长,在波澜壮阔的历史长河中,历史的不断沿革和演变,造成了档案事业或是档案从业人员有不同别称或美称,其中以“兰台”最为普及。提到“兰台”二字,其实在古代就有所涉及。 “兰台”二字最早出现在战国时期。《文选·宋玉<风赋>序》:“楚襄王游于兰台之宫,宋玉、景差侍。”唐代的李贺《自昌谷到洛后门》诗:“……始欲南去楚,又将西适秦。襄王与武帝,各自留青春。闻道兰台上,宋玉无归魂…”后来张九龄《登左阳云台》诗有“楚国兹故都,兰台有余址”。这些诗句中的“兰台”(今湖北钟祥县)所指的都是楚台名,即楚王登高赏景之处。然而这里的“兰台”几乎和我们现在意义上的“兰台”毫无联系。。 兰台最早与档案有关的可以追溯到汉代。汉《易林·巽之明夷》:“典策法书,藏兰臺,虽遭溃乱,独不逢灾。”在汉代,兰台是宫内藏书之处,是中央兰台典藏十分丰富,包括皇帝诏令、臣僚章奏、国家重要率律令、地图和郡县计簿等等。也因为这个原因,兰台从此与档案结下了不解之缘。后来又派专职人员掌管,兰台又演变为一种官职的称谓。《汉书·百官公卿表上》:“御史大夫……有两丞,秩千石。一曰中丞,在殿中兰台,掌图籍秘书。外督部刺史,内领侍御史十五人,受公卿奏事,举劾按章。”后世因称御史台为“兰台”。《资治通鉴·齐东昏侯永元二年》:“慧景烧兰台府署为战场。”胡三省注:“兰台,御史台也。”东汉又置兰台令史,受诏撰史,故后世亦称史官为“兰台”。班固曾担任辞职,《后汉书·班固传》:“召诣校书郎,除兰台令史。”受诏撰《光武本纪》。后来又将修史机构、负责监察弹劾百官的御史机构也称为“兰台”。三国时期的《魏略》云:“兰台,台也,而秘书署耳。”在唐代,唐中宗又改秘书省为“兰台”,也是管理藏书的机构。白居易《秘书省中忆旧山》诗:“犹喜兰台非傲吏,归时应免动移文。”李商隐《无题》诗:“嗟余听鼓应官去,走马兰台类转蓬。”冯浩笺注:“《旧书·职官志》:秘书省,龙朔初改为兰台,光宅时改为麟台,神龙时复为秘书省。” 经过两千多年的演变,现在“兰台”一词已成为用来泛指档案保管机构和档案工作的代名词。我国各朝代中央保管档案的机构是:周为天府,汉为兰台、东观、石渠,唐为史馆,宋为架阁库,元为架阁库,明为皇史(成)、后湖黄册库、内阁大库、大本唐、古今通集库,清为内阁大库。正因为这些兰台宝库,才出现了像班固、司马迁、张九龄、白居易等众多文人墨客及不朽诗篇,这不仅保存了中华文化精粹,而且使华夏五千年的文明更加璀璨辉煌。为了纪念成就卓著先贤们,档案工作者也就被称为“兰台人”。他们继续担当起延续人类记忆、服务社会的重任,让世人了解中华民族的光辉业绩,让后代继承博大精深的传统文化,为建设和谐稳定的现代社会贡献一份力量。


含关系词之句型 ... + N + who/which ... 结构︰…+名词+who/whom/which/that… 说明︰<关系代名词>有who,whom,which 三种,均用以引导<形容词子句>,修饰前面的<名词>。修饰人用who 或whom;修饰物用which。that 可用来取代who,whom 或which,但须注意其前不可置<介系词>,也不可有逗点,that 之前若有<插入语>,则不受逗点限制。作受格的whom,which,that 在限定修饰的句构中可以省略。 Never trust a man who (that) breaks his word easily. 不要信任一个常常食言的人。 He laughs best who laughs last. 最后笑者笑得最好。 He is a man on whom I can rely. 他是我可以信赖的那一种人。 No one will buy a book which (that) is poorly written. 没有人会买一本写得很烂的书。 I have found the bicycle which (that) you lost yesterday.我发现了你昨天丢的那辆脚踏车。 I like my school, which is famous for its excellent facilities. 我喜欢我的学校,它以优良的设备出名。 V olleyball is a sport of which I am very fond. 排球是我很喜欢的运动。 He is a good boy, as far as I know, that (whom) you can trust. 据我所知,他是个好男孩,你可以相信他。 There are many things that money can’t buy. 有很多东西是金钱买不到的。 Don’t take things that do not belong to you. 不要拿不属于你的东西。 ... + N + whose ... 结构︰…+名词+whose… 说明︰whose 为关系<代名词的所有格>,系由his,her,their,my,your 以及its 等<所有格>变化而成,引导<形容词子句>。 People whose homes are in town want to live in the country.住在市区里的人希望住在乡下。 This is a short story whose easy style I love very much. 这是一则短篇小说,我很喜欢它那简单的笔调。 I envy Mike, whose car is fancy. 真羡慕麦克,他的车子真漂亮。
