




Six months ago the region of Forestville increased the speed limit for vehicles traveling on the region's highways by ten miles per hour.

Since that change took effect, the number of automobile accidents in that region has increased by 15 percent.

But the speed limit in Elmsford, a region neighboring Forestville, remained unchanged, and automobile accidents declined slightly during the same six-month period.

Therefore, if the citizens of Forestville want to reduce the number of automobile accidents on the region's highways, they should campaign to reduce Forestville's speed limit to what it was before the increase.



The agrument is well-presented, but not thoroughly well-reasoned. 这一句话指出原文存在逻辑问题,这里用的语言很简单。而不是北美范文中有时堆彻了一堆放之四海皆为准的无关痛痒的话。很明显,官方的意思是说这样的客套话一定要说,但是一定要用最简洁的形式来说,而同时那些具体问题具体分析性的语言则要详细的说明白,说清楚。 By ** a comparison of the region of Forestville, the town with the higher speed limit and therefore automobile accidents, with the region of Elmsford, an area of a lower speed limit and subsequently fewer accidents, the argument for reducing Forestville's speed limits in order to decrease accidents seems logical.这个开头真的非常巧,因为他用一句话达到了两句话的效果,即同时复述题目并指出问题在哪,而没有像北美一样说结论是什么证据是什么证据再说不能支持结论。设想一下如果我们是考官的话看到这样的一个开头得到了一个什么信息呢:此考生已经完全读懂题目了,并且他对原文的逻辑顺序也已经掌握了。深一点层次来说:aw考试考得是我们的分析能力,这是重点。虽然官方说明也曾经强调理解原文很重要,但是终归理解能力并不是考试的重点。所以比较好的做法是:分析题目的脉络,写出分析性的概括。这里没有必要单独再复述题目了因为在分析中已经暗含了原文的信息。这里还有一点值得注意:为什么要在第二句话的最前面用comparison 这个词呢,这是有讲究的!原文的论证核心就是比较,而这里将此词提到最前面一是说这是原文的逻辑关联,


However, the citizens of Forestville are failing to consider other possible alternatives to the increasing car accidents after the raise in speed limit. 这一段是质疑一个假设的前提。从前面的几个范文的分析我们可以看出来,正文body首段质疑的都是作者让步的前提,那么这里的让步在哪里呢,开头段并没有提到阿。确实没有在第一段提到让步。但是别着急,在最后一段的第一句,出现了让步(即since后面的两点理由),这不就又对应上了吗!让步说F这些市民可能是因为自己的利益或者保护自己的安全才建议取消限速的。那么这里的前提就是是F因为限速才使事故增加的。这一段将这个前提狠狠的质疑了一番。论证方法为列举他因。

Such alternatives may include the fact that there are less reliable cars traveling the roads in Forestville, or that the age bracket of those in Elmsford may be more conducive to driving safely.It is possible that there are more younger, inexperienced, or more elderly, unsafe drivers in Forestville than there are in Elmsford.In addition, the citizens have failed to consider the geographical and physical terrain of the two different areas. Perhaps Forestville's highway is in an area of more dangerous curves, sharp turns, or has many intersections or merging points where accidents are more likely to occur.

列举了三点他因,有两点值得注意:一是这里作者前两点都没有详细展开,但这是不是意味着对于比较常识性的例子不用展开呢,不是!同志们,展开并不只有三段论式展开才是展开,谁说这里没有展开呢?作者实际上已经通过定语同位语进行展开了!!比如younger, inexperienced,和elderly, unsafe就是互相补充阿,所以说我们在给出常识性的例子时,要注意通过修饰语的方式进行暗中的展开。判断我们证明的是否严谨是否充足,可以这样:完全只是用我们提供的信息来推,能不能推出最后的结果。而最后一点展开的则较为充分,这里看来是因为最后一点有点过于宽泛,必须要进行详细具体解释才行。更深一层次的来说作者对于例子的安排也是有详有略,给人错落有致的感觉,美。另外一点值得注意的就是,这三个论证中无一例外的都进行了EF的比较,照应了开头给出的comparison这个词,作者兑现了自己在开头的暗示。 It appears reasonable, therefore, for the citizens to focus on these trouble spots than to reduce the speed in the entire area. 这里作者的论证向前进了一步:前面提出了很多的他因,但光提出他因是不够的,我们心里一定要想着提出他因是干什么的。这里指出了他因究竟如何来利用,使得证明原文。即应该多考虑一下我所提出的他因,而不是限速。 Elmsford may be an area of easier driving conditions where accidents are less likely to occur regardless of the speed limit.这和上一句是相照应的,属于对比性的论证,刚才说F有了他因所以不是限速能解决,这里有说了E也许也是他因才使得情况稍好。整个段落是多么整齐的对仗阿!EF两地的对比无处不在,而又那么的工整!作者在开头第二句话的Comparison一词真的是统领全文的阿!正所谓指哪打哪。

A six-month period is not a particularly long time frame for the citizens to determine that speed limit has influenced the number of automobile accidents in the area.从这一段开始攻击原文逻辑链。本段有四个分论点,本来应该写四段的。(至于为什么没有写三段,我想是因为awintro中说我们可以随意的选择段落的数量,并不会影响最后的结果。但是,这样的话前提是阅卷人有足够的耐心。所以为了保险起见,让人看着更为清楚些,我还是建议大家分开写)这里第一个攻击的就是6个月时间够不够。It is mentioned in the argument that Elmsford accidents decreased during the time period. 这一句话的目的在于复述原文条件,立起靶子。从这里开始攻击第二点,即天气的影响。 This may have been a time, such as during harsh weather conditions, when less people were driving on the road and

therefore the number of accidents decreased. 对E的论证采用的是经典三段论,即天气差==〉人不出去==〉事故少。However, Forestville citizens, perhaps coerced by employment or other requirements, were unable to avoid driving on the roads. 再次进行了EF对比,通过coerced后面的从句进行推演,属于小展开。也足够充分。 Again, the demographics of the population are important. 这里对逻辑链的第三点进行了攻击。即人口数量的问题。 It is possible that Elmsford citizens do not have to travel far from work or work from their home, or do not work at all. 先说E的人可能少。论证方法是加条件后讨论。 Are there more people in Forestville than there were sic months ago?If so, there may be an increased number of accidents due to more automobiles on the road, and not due to the increased speed limits. 再说F的人可能多。论证方法同要是加条件后讨论。 Also in reference to the activities of the population, 最后攻击逻辑链的第四点,即人们活动的时间。(品味一下本段四个逻辑错误的安排顺序,时间==)天气==)人数==〉人的活动,看似无关,还是很有讲究的阿,这不正是从外在因素到内在因素吗)it is possible that Forestville inhabitants were traveling during less safe times of the day, such as early in the morning, or during twilight.Work or family habits may have encouraged citizens to drive during this time when Elmsford residents may not have been forced to do so.第四点的论证同样是采用了两者的对比。看来作者真是说到做到阿,竟然没有一次论证没有对比的,论证方法为加条件后讨论。

Overall, the reasoning behind decreasing Forestville's speed limit back to its original seems logical as presented above since the citizens are acting in their own best interests and want to protect their safety. 原来让步在这呢!其实作者心里一直有数,只是没写出来。但是在正文body的第一段已经就其假设进行了讨论。我想我们不是作者这样的牛人,这样的让步还是很有必要在第一段体现出来的。 However, before any final decisions are made about the reduction in speed limit, the citizens and officials of Forestville should evaluate all possible alternatives and causes for the increased number of accidents over the six-month period as compared to Elmsford.最后提出了建议。我们看到作者对于文章的立意把握得很好,要是换我们来写,可能会写限速怎么不好啊。而这文章中限速不管怎么说总是有好的一面,只是常识!所以作者的立意为:不是说限速不好,而是说要考虑全。引申一下,我们一定要对文章的立意有个把握。


一. 新GRE作文文章整体结构 大负小正:诚然A,但是B,而且C。 承认+转折+递进 大正小负:诚然A,有时甚至B,但是C。 承认+递进+转折 二. 新GRE作文常用句式 开头: a) In this statement, the speaker asserts that…(作者的结论是什么) b) I agree with the speaker insofar as...(某种程度上同意作者的观点) c) Whereas, in my perspective, …is unilateral(作者的观点片面在什么地方) 第二段:a) Admittedly, 第三段:a) However, 第四段:a) Furthermore, 结尾: a) In summary, from what has been discussed above, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that…(重述观点) 以上就是新GRE作文模板及GRE作文常用句型的介绍,以后考生们进行新GRE作文issue写作就再也不用担心文章的结构了,顺利的剖析题目,与新GRE写作模板再加上独特的观点,即可将高分顺利那些。 页脚内容1

1 Argument 1. 1) In this argument the speaker concludes that 2) To justify this contusion the speaker cites a recent survey of 3) The speaker also points out that 4) This argument is unpersuasive for several reasons. 2. 1) First, the survey must be shown to be reliable before I can accept any contusions based upon it. 2) Specifically, the responses must be accurate, and the respondents must be statistically significant in number and representative of the overall 3) Without evidence of the survey's reliability, it is impossible to draw any firm conclusions about the current dietary habits of 3. 1) Second, the argument relies on the dubious assumption that following the government's nutrition recommendations 2) It is entirely possible that 3) Thus without evidence to substantiate this assumption the speaker cannot reasonably conclude that 4) Third, the speaker assumes too hastily that… Without ruling out this possibility the speaker cannot reasonably conclude with any confidence that 5) Lacking firm evidence that …, the speaker cannot justify any conclusions about the 4. 页脚内容2


GRE写作提分必备高分模板介绍 常有同学会问,GRE考试作文分数低怎么办?在解决这个问题前,大家先需要明确的是,造成作文分数低的原因有很多,找到正确的原因,下面就和大家分享GRE写作提分必备高分模板正确使用方法介绍,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧! GRE写作提分必备高分模板正确使用方法介绍 解决新GRE写作分数低的几条建议 1.有的放矢,充分准备。在备考新GRE作文过程中要多准备例子,并把它们一一写下来,进行分类。一个例子往往可以应对好几个同类的题目,这样做是效率最高的办法。 2.万事开头难,迈出第一步。我们都害怕写新GRE作文,想到要练习写一整篇*,往往就没有了信心。其实我们可以从练习写作开头段,然后设计*的提纲开始。写开头段能够让我们以轻松一点的心情着手新GRE写作的准备,并且迅速了解所有的题目,因为GRE考试的题目数量是固定的。 3. 储备积极词汇,用时得心应手。从备考的开始就要着手增加working vocabulary, 当然也包含词组,成语。平时背的词汇往往只是看到它能知道其中文的某个翻译意思,但是我们却不能灵活运用这些词汇进行表达,更不用说在短暂的GRE写作考试时

间内用它们遣词造句了。所以,对于一些写作中经常用到的词汇、词组和成语,大家需要掌握的不仅是基本的辨识能力,对于其用法也要能有所了解,记忆的时候结合句子进行背诵,在平时训练时也要加强运用方面的实际练习,这样才能做到信手拈来,挥洒自如。 GRE作文模板使用方法 1. 确定*主体框架结构,包括引出观点和总结观点的词汇,句式。 2. 确定论证过程的框架,每个支持段落都有各自的论证模式,举例,因果,对比等,确定到论证的逻辑引导词上; 3. 通过改写句子,采用合适的词汇代替以上两步的成果; 4. 改变句式,将各类语法结构加入其中:倒装,独立主格结构,虚拟语气等。 5. 中间各段:提出分论点解释分论点总结分论点/联系主观点,即在每个分段的最后总结一下分论点和主观点之间的联系。 6. 注意句式变换,尽量不要简单句并列使用。 7. 能够用which、where等连词连起来的句子就尽量连起来,减少零碎句子。 解读GRE考试作文中的逻辑写作

新GRE写作Issue 模板 By Jason Lee

新GRE写作Issue模板 ——By Jason Lee 一、作文步骤 1.审题(1min) 2.首段(5min) 3.构思+提纲(2min) 4.中间段+尾端(20min) 5.检查润色(2min) 二、题型 1.表态+论述(statement/ recommendation/ challenge/ policy) 2.讨论(both of views) 3.因果分析(claim+ reason) 三、模板 1.表态+论述(statement/ recommendation/ challenge/ policy) ◆首段: Never in the history of humanity have we witnessed such a great accentuation on…(时间+话题关键词+矛盾性) What especially concerns the public involves whether…(矛盾核心) It is my personal conviction that…for reasons as follows. (表态) ◆中间段: (1)One compelling argument is that…(提出论点) The threshold matter inherent in the issue of…is that… It is a truth of prevalent recognition that…(扩展论证) (2)Another indispensable part of my argument is that… Common sense informs us that… (3)Nevertheless, it is of vital prominence not to disregard the fact that… It is logically justifiable to hold that… ◆尾段: In the final analysis, (转述观点+引述结束)

GRE Argument模板

ETS范文提炼模板(参考P16) The notion/statement/conception/concept that……seems/appears a t first glance/to be an obvious/ First of all/to begin with/as mentioned in the argument,……(逻辑缺陷).The statistics about/on……would be more accurate/convinci ng/persuasive/convictiv e/eloquent if……. The argument above is weakened/crippled/impaired by the fact th at it fails to/does not take into account…….Also/In addition/Additi onally/Besides/Furthermore, the statistics/data/figures above are b ased entirely/solely on……. The statistic s also does not differentiate between…and….The con clusion that…suggests/indicates/demonstrates/reveals that it is pre sumed that….This is usually not the case/this is not necessarily t he case. Given that…,…(事实的原因). Finally, there is apparently/obviously/inherently no sufficient/adequ ate evidence to testify/sustain that…….For example … To sum up, this argument fails to substantiate/authenticate/verify his statement that……,for the evidence cited in the analysis/pas sage does not lead strong support to what the surveyor claims/a rgues/states/maintains. To take the claim more convincing/persua sive, the speaker/author needs to provide/offer more information



英语作文万能模板 英文写作中,主题句,引导句,过渡句在文中的重要性不言而喻。适时的积累一些英语作文模板句子,会让你的文章增色不少哦~ (一)段首句 1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____. 2. 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。 There is an old saying______. It"s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。 Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______. 4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。 Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides,______.

5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。 Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. 6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,…… People’s opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______.To them,_____. 7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。 Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious. 8. ……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。 ______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way. 9. ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。 ______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. 10. 根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出……。很显然……,但是为什么呢? According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that______ while. Obviously,______,but why? (二)中间段落句 1. 相反,有一些人赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为……。 On the contrary,there are some people in favor of ___.At the same time,they say____.


Argument Example 调查 1, Selective sample:样本选择,一部分被排除在外 One major problem is about the sample the author studied in the survey. the author considers only...(selective sub-groups) although (the sub-groups the author studied) do constitute a significant part of (the whole general population), however, (many other sub-groups)are actually excluded from the survey. Perhaps...or...without ruling out all the possibilities above, the author could not make any general conclusion about...merely based on (selective sub-groups). 4,14,16,45,63,65,67,80,84,88,90,97,123,146,154,156,168,179,185,193,196,207,227,231,232,236,238,239 2, Quantity of the sample样本数量 ( pointing out that the current sample is too small in its size)(the fact cited by the author) could hardly illustrate the assumption that... because the author provides only N samples of (the general population),however, (the limited sample) might not be representative of the whole general group. thus we cannot accept the author’s conclusion that...before he/she coul d provide more statistic data about (the situation of other sub-groups). 10,14,33,40,53,69,95,115,123,132,139,150,154,158,167,179,180,188,191,239 3, Do the statistics make any difference:调查只调查了部分情况,忽略了一部分 The information provided by the author is insufficient for the author to reach the conclusion. the survey only studies the situation of ...(an(some) insignificant case(s)), however, many other more essential cases (related to the final conclusion)were ignored in the survey.(we need to know the condition of some other cases about which we care more/ the current case studied in the survey makes little sense on the final conclusion, the author should provide some more important information about the case he studied. )Lacking further studies on these important issues, the author could not hastily conclude that...merely based on the insignificant study. 158,165,183,202,211,217 17,115,147,220 5, Who conducted the survey:结果扭曲,调查者为了自己的利益 The reliability of the survey is also open to doubt due to the organization who conducted the survey. (the organization)has vested interest in the final decision/conclusion which was based on the result of the survey, and thus might distort the actual answers of the respondents.(the institution/individuals may benefit greatly from the result if the result was interpreted as was currently ) Thus, the author should cite a survey which is conducted by an independent institution to convince us that (the assumption). 115,156 6, When was the survey conducted:时间变化 The effectiveness of the result of the survey cited by the author as main evidence is also open to doubt. The survey was conduct (during a special period, or a long time ago), thus may not reflect the current situations accurately. It is true that ( the survey may reflect the opinions or situations of respondents at the time when it was conducted), but people’s opinion toward (the subject surveyed)may have changed greatly during the past time (or, while this fact could not sufficiently illustrate that (the general group) will also...all the time)(many factors that could influence the validity of the survey will change in the future, or respondents may act differently during the period when the survey was conducted, thus the result of the survey could not represent the all-time situation. ) Thus, a more recent survey, if a survey is needed at all, should be provided to sufficiently illustrate the author’s assumption that...


GRE试习题阅读范文格式 Time –30 minutes 25 Questions 1. Drug companies lose money when manufacturing drugs that cure those suffering from rare diseases because selling a drug to only a few people usually does not recoup manufacturing expenses.Therefore, a company manufacturing any of the drugs that cure those suffering from loxemia, an extremely rare disease, will undoubtedly lose money.Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the conclusion above? (A)Several drugs that cure those suffering from loxemia also cure those suffering from very common illnesses. (B)Most of those who contract loxemia also contract another illness concurrently. (C)Most of the drug companies that manufacture drugs that cure rare diseases do not manufacture drugs that cure loxemia. (D)A sizable number of people are afflicted with one or another rare disease even though each rare disease afflicts only a small number of people. (E)The larger the amount of a drug that is manu-factured, the lower the manufacturing expense for each unit of the drug that is produced.


?开头段结尾句 笼统说 1、Close scrutiny of each of these facts, however, reveals that none of them lend credible support to the recommendation. 2、However, close scrutiny of the evidence reveals that it accomplished little toward supporting the director's claim, as discussed below. 3、Careful examination of this supporting evidence, however, reveals that it lends little credible support to the applicant's claim. 4、A careful analysis of the study reveals several problems with the editorial's argument. 5、In several respects, this evidence provides little support for the president's recommendation. 6、I find this argument is logically flawed in several critical respects. 7、I find this recommendation specious on several grounds. 8、As discussed below, the argument suffers from several critical flaws and is therefore unpersuasive as it stands. 9、For three reasons, this evidence lends little crediblity to the speaker's argument. 假设不成立 1、However, the recommendation relies on a series of unsubstantiated assumptions, which render it unconvincing as it stands. 2、However, the editorial relies on a number of doubtful assumptions and is therefore unconvincing. 数据有问题 1、The study suffers from certain statistical and other problem, which render the argument based upon it unpersuasive. ?结尾段 ●开头 In sum/In conclusion/ ●完善 To strengthen it To justify this claim To bolster the editorial's claims the author must rule out the possibility/other factors that the author must demonstrate that the author must provide supporting evidence. the author must also show that


英语作文万能模板 英文写作中,主题句,引导句,过渡句在文中的重要性不言而喻。适时的积累一些英语作文模 板句子,会让你的文章增色不少哦~ (一)段首句 1. 关于,,人们有不同的观点。一些人认为,, There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____. 2. 俗话说(常言道),,,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。 There is an old saying______. It"s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 3. 现在,,,,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,,,;其次,,,。更为糟糕的是,,。 Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______. 4. 现在,,,很普遍,许多人喜欢,,,因为,,,另外(而且),,。 Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides,______. 5. 任何事物都是有两面性,,,也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。 Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. 6. 关于,,人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说),,,在他们看来,,,People’s opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______.To them,_____. 7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题,,,这个问题变得越来越严重。 1/17页 Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious. 8. ,,已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。 ______ has become a hot topic among p eople,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way. 9. ,,在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问 题。 ______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. 10. 根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出,,。很显然,,,但是为什么 呢? According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that______ while. Obviously,______,but why? (二)中间段落句

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gre写作模板 GRE作文范文大全(107) Gre写作是美国所有作文考试中时刻最长而质量要求最高的一类作 文考试,而在短期内提高gre写作能力不是一天两天可以完成额,所以我们在备考xx新gre写作时必然要对问题问题深切的剖析,体味以下优异范文的文章结构,以提高新gre写作的整体分数。 Argument 33 A new study collected data that shows that people who snore are more likely to gain weight than are people who do not snore. It is well known that many people who snore also stop breathing frequently during the night for a few seconds, a condition called sleep apnea. The interruption of breathing wakes the person---often so briefly that the waking goes unnoticed---and can leave the person too tired during the day to exercise. Anyone who snores,

therefore, should try to eat less than the average person and to exercise more In this argument the speaker concludes that any person who snores should try to eat less and exercise more than the average person. To justify this conclusion the speaker points out that many snorers awaken frequently during sleep--often so briefly that they are unaware that they are awake in order to catch their breath (a condition called sleep apnea), and as a result are too fired during normal waking hours to exercise. The speaker also cites data collected during a recent study, suggesting that snorers are more likely to gain weight than other people.


GRE作文常用模板(1) GRE作文常用模板(1) GRE作文常用模板(1) 发布时间:2006-05-13*****每篇必用的经典词****** 必然类:necessarily ensure warrant guarantee causal 明显类:conspicously obviously clearly apparently 怀疑类:doubtly unconvincing unacceptable unwarranted unfounded 可能类:possible probably likely There is a good chance that... It is more likely that... It is equally possible that... 因果类:result in result from therefore as a result 转折类:even though however otherwize 其他类:As we all know.... A great deal of emprical evidence shows that.... It dosen’t follow that...

The fact tells very little about .... Another assumption short of legitimacy is that.... *****模板之8大逻辑错误****** 以下只是我在写作中常用的几个模板,仅供参考。 1.A gruondless survey/study The validity of the survy is open to doubt. The survey lacks representativeness... There is no specific information about the survy... Without knowing how the survey was done,how it represents the public opnion Who conducted the survy?who responded?how the pool was conducted? The opinon lacks representativenss of overall attitudes based on which we can make any general judgement about the conclusion.... In absence of specific information about the survey,it’s impossible for us to evaluate the argument. 2.Oversiplification


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 GRE作文模板100篇 篇一:超详细的gre写作模板值得拥有! 超详细的gre写作模板值得拥有! gre作文如何取得高分怎么复习呢对于gre写作的复习,很多同学都会准备一些gre写作模板,来帮助自己复习,天道留学小编下面为大家分享一下gre写作模板,供大家参考学习,希望对您gre写作有所帮助,大家想了解更多信息请关注天道留学。 下面即是天道留学小编为准备gre作文考试的同学分享的gre写作模板,希望对您gre写作有所帮助。 一.开头 intheargument,the(主题对象)recommendsthat(对结 论做论述,基本上可以抄原文,用另外一种方式表达即可).tosupportthisrecommendationtheargumentpointoutt hat(说明文章用了什么论据去证明观点了,同上抄袭即 可)howeverthisargumentislogicallyflawedinseveralcri ticalrespects(说明这篇文章逻辑上是有缺陷的). 二.攻击论据

1.调查结果没有证据申明 tobeginwith,theargumentdependsontheassumptionthat(阐述说出了一个没有根据的申明,并说出文中的原因)—ratherthanforsomeotherreasons.yetitisentirelypossib lethat(说明这种猜测可能的原 因)orsomeotherfactor.withoutrulingoutallotherreason swhy(重述这个申明)(说出反方向的结论). 2.提到了样本,但是数据不具有代表性(数据不够) Firstly,theauthorprovidesnoevidencethatthesurveyiss tatisticallyreliable.perhapsthesurvey’ssampleisnotsufficientinsizeorrepresentativeofthequ alityof(说明对象的数量和质量不 够)Forthatmatter,thissurveyisnotstrongenoughtoestab lishcausationbetween(在这里列出原因和结果,做比较)however,theotherreasonsofthesurveywhich(叙述其他原因下的情 况).asaresult,withouttheevidencethatthesurveyisstat isticallyreliabletheauthorcannotjustifiablydrawanyc onclusionbyrelyingonthissurvey. 3.猜测,但是没有证据


1.保证:assurance/guarantee 一.作文重点题目 社会与自然: Society should make efforts to save endangered species only if the potential extinction of those species is the result of human activities. 社会应该努力拯救濒危物种,只要这些物种的灭绝是人类活动的结果。 The speaker claims that society should make efforts to save endangered species only caused by human activities. I agree with the speaker insofar as saving endangered species is the responsibility of human beings. After all, human beings are the ruler of nature. But, in my perspective, merely focusing on saving those endangered species only caused by human activities is unilateral. 1.The variety of plant and animal is important to practical utilization. 1)Discovering the order of evolution; 2)Valuable gene pool and raw material drug: traditional Chinese medicine. 3)Technological imitation from the specious: sonar as a result of imitating dolphin. 2.Human should do so even from a moral position. 1)Plant and animal is the most important components of nature. When all ...die out, the day will come soon. 2)Human beings as the ruler of nature should take the responsibility to help other species. Let alone those endangered species because of human activities. 3)Men have the responsibility to rescue: pollution, environments destroy, catching and killing excessively causing the plant and animal to die out much faster. For example: tiger and whale; 3.However, some kinds of 1)"Survival of fittest": some animals do have their lethal shortages and would decline even without humans, saving those species which are biological elimination is against the nature and of no help. 2)When we save a kind of animal, we may do harm to another kind. Thus the proper way is that human should try their best to keep the balance of nature as it is rather than change the nature as humans' purpose. Human and Nature should perform their own functions respectively. 3)Instead of saving, the restrictions on human ourselves are more important: pollution, environmental destroy, catching and killing excessively. 4)The extinction of species is the warning of the deterioration of the environment which would early or late threaten human beings. Conclusion: No matter from the position of practical utilization or morality, human both should ... However, it should be noticed that... Therefore, we should find out the real reason of dying out. Furthermore, we should pay more a...to
