英文Cover Letter模版

英文Cover Letter模版
英文Cover Letter模版

X iaoqin W U(吴某某)

Room B802, International Intelligence Tower, Zhongguancun East Rd #18, 100083

86-10-82600072 86-130********


January 23, 2002

Mr. James Jones, HR Director

Fly Right Avionics Enterprises

1212 Spring Street

Los Angeles, California 90211

Dear Mr. Jones,

This letter is to express my interest in brining my years of experience in airline operation and ground security to your firm. In these troubled times, I know I can add to public safety and security in the transportation industry.

As my enclosed resume indicates, my background includes more than two decades of services at US Airways with significant experience in:

?Aircraft accident investigation as a member of the US Airways disaster team.

?Security checkpoints where I handled countless calls for assistance

?Training the Ground Security team to protect and promote public safety

In addition to the above skills, I can offer your firm:

?More than 30 years of experience in the airlines industry.

?Expertise in dealing with government agencies, including the FAA where I facilitated

communications to reduce company fines.

?Reduced absenteeism and occupational injuries, standards I maintained at US Airways

where I achieved the best employee safety record of all IS Airwasy cities.

With world events necessitating the highest standards in airport seurity and employees’ performance, my extnsive experience can help meet those needs.

I will be calling you within the following week to schedule an interview so that we might dicsuss this matter further.

Until then, should you have any question, I can be reached at the number listed above.


Russell Morgan




研究生英文推荐信模板 推荐信是一个人为推荐另一个人去接受某个职位或参与某项工作而写的信件,是一种应用写作文体。为你整理了研究生英文推荐信模板,希望对你有所参考帮助。 Add: *** Email: *** Tel:*** Dear Sir or Madam, At ____’s request, I am writing a personal achievement statement for her. I am very supportive of her application for your postgraduate program which she seems well suited for. As an professor at ___________ (China), I have a great pleasure of writing this letter since I have seen many examples of her talent and have long been impressed by her intelligence and diligence. The course of _________I taught from September 2008 to July 2010 aims to develop the students’ high command of reading and writing skills. It equips students

with a large amount of vocabulary, strong business writing skills, effective writing methods and comprehensive understanding of business context. Owing to her talent for language and her persistence in English learning, Ms. ________ made remarkable advances. She proved herself to be a promising student with solid language skill and excellent adaptive ability. To most Chinese, English writing is the most difficult part. However, it seems that Ms. _______ has the talent to flexibly use English and to use the good sentences in various writing materials. In addition to that, Ms. _______ has also demonstrated her excellent performance in all the exercises and I remembered clearly that once I gave an assignment for writing a business letter; she not only wrote a normal business letter, but also added her own ideas, which is most effective. In my teaching, she also demonstrated her tactics of making several suggestions and her capacity of business thinking impressed me a lot. On all accounts, my appreciation of Ms._______’s talent was thus confirmed. With her striking


客户感谢信的范文英文 我们是××班××的爸爸妈妈。孩子来贵园已经快一年了。这期间,孩子的进步和改变让我们做家长的感到特别欣慰,多少次我们都想写信感谢伊老师等多位老师对孩子耐心细致的保教工作,然而惰性使然,拖至今日。 我们相信,随着时间的推移,我们会更加成熟,具备更为强大的服务能力,能够为新疆的企业提供更高质量的服务,同时也一定能够为新疆经济发展做出更大的贡献! 值此2020新年来临之际,春雪会计向贵公司表示最衷心的感谢和最诚挚的祝福,感谢您长期以来对春雪的支持和信任! Dear customers: XX bank since it was founded in 93, has been to get your great support and help, on the occasion of the Christmas and New Year's day holiday is approaching, in order to thank you for this for more than ten years of XX bank support and the deep affection, XXX bank staff would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you and good wishes! In XXX bank in the past more than ten years development course, with you, we respect the customer, gives us enormous strength, in your strong concern and support, as well as XXX under the hard work of the staff, we with the high quality service, good reputation, has made brilliant achievements one after another. Drinking water source, we know that XXX bank every bit of progress and success, cannot leave your attention, trust, support and participation. Your understanding and trust is our strong driving force for progress, your concern and support is our inexhaustible source of growth. Every time you participate in, every suggestion, let us excited, we constantly forge ahead. The journey with you, our progress is endless confidence and strength; With you, our cause can be immortal, prosperity and development. To thank you for many years to our support, trust and help, to the beginning of the end, we will carry out excellent service activities, to return you with love, when you come to our bank to handle the business, will let you get a big surprise! 我们相信,随着时间的推移,我们会更加成熟,具备更为强大的服务能力,能够为新疆的企业提供更高质量的服务,同时也一定能够为新疆经济发展做出更大的贡献!


教授推荐信 请务必包含以下客观信息: 推荐信正文写作注意事项: 推荐人的选择:推荐人最好选择自己的授课或论文指导老师。当然如果能找到大学招生负 责人都认可或熟知的推荐人更好,如国际知名学者教授等。如果申请人是普通学生而选择职位很高的推荐人(如学校校长),应该解释清楚推荐人是怎样了解到申请人的。同时在第一段就应介绍清楚推荐人和申请人的关系。 推荐信的核心1:还是应该和申请人的学业成绩和学术能力紧密相关,应注意与所申请专 业的结合。如申请管理类课程,勿用大量篇幅描写辅修计算机的成绩,反之亦然。总之,要详略得当。 推荐信的核心2:推荐信在提出申请人优点时,应避免泛泛而谈,最好附以具体事例,当 然有数据支持更有说服力。如:排名10/200 (200人中前10名),多少天完成实验,成功率如何。另外:推荐教师如为论文或毕业设计指导教师,可提及论文或毕设大致情况,来说明被推荐人的研究或实践能力。 推荐信的有益补充:申请人其他方面的优点,如团队精神,开朗性格、品质、对科学研究 的执着等也可简单提及作为补充内容,这些是要求一个研究者必备的素质。 推荐信的篇幅:一般英文成稿约 300 – 400字。 推荐信写作两大败笔: 写成类似中国老师给学生写的评语,每个人都适用。面面俱到,详略不当也是不可取的。 评价太过夸张,好象申请人的现有水平已经不需要任何进修或对申请人的过度吹捧使推荐

人本身的层次和水平大打折扣。 您的材料会由专业文案进行删改,编辑或整理,谢谢合作,并祝您成功! 教授推荐信 被推荐人姓名 申请学校 申请院(系、所) 申请学科、专业 申请攻读学位类别博士□硕士□ (以上内容由申请人填写,以下内容由推荐教授填写) 推荐教授姓名 工作单位 职称职务 与申请人关系电话 通信地址 电子邮件


酒会邀请函范文 篇一:酒会邀请函大学英语 letter of invitation 在一般情况下,邀请有正式与非正式之分。非正式的邀请,通常是以口头形式来表现的,书面形式的只寄给亲朋好友或熟识的工作伙伴。相对而言,它显得要随便一些。正式的邀请,既讲究礼仪,又要设法使被邀请者备忘,故此它多采用书面的形式,即礼仪活动邀请函的形式。 一、礼仪活动邀请函的含义 礼仪活动邀请函又称礼仪活动邀请信、礼仪活动邀请书,是礼仪活动主办方(单位、团体或个人)邀请有关人员出席隆重的会议、典礼,参加某些重大活动时发出的礼仪性书面函件。 凡精心安排、精心组织的大型活动与仪式,如宴会、舞会、纪念会、庆祝会、发布会、单位的开业仪式等等,只

有采用礼仪活动邀请函邀请佳宾,才会被人视之为与其档次相称。礼仪活动邀请函有自己的基本内容、特点及写法上的一些要求。 二、礼仪活动邀请函的基本内容 1. 让客人知道活动的“五w”: 1) who is hosting the event? 不管主办人是你的公司、某个个人或某个团体,务必把主办人写出来。 2) what is the event? 清楚说明这个活动的功能——募捐、开会、庆祝新品上市等。如果会有特别来宾演讲或出席,或是有任何的特别活动,也写出来。提有趣的细节,吸引读者参加。 3) where is the event?(在哪里举办?) 在邀请函中告诉对方活动举办的地址。你还可以附上交通指南,但是这部分要与邀请函分开,不要写在邀请函上。 4) when is the event? 清楚写出活动举办的日期与时间。

5) why is the event being held and why is the reader being invited?(为什么举办这个活动?为什么邀请对方?) 说明举办这个活动的原因——例如展示新产品,或是讨论某个议题。此外,也说明为什么你决定邀请对方——例如因为他是重要的客户,或者因为他对这个议题有深入的了解等。 2. 说明回复期限和回复方式 在邀请函的末尾,清楚说明回回复的期限及回复的方式:邮寄、电子邮件、电话等。邀请函中请对方回复的标准用语是rsvp,如“ please rsvp by phone or email by december loth.” 。rsvp是法语,为“repondez’s ilvous plait ” 的缩写,相当于英文中“请回复”(please respond )之意。 3. 增加亲切感 在称呼的部分写出对方的名字,不要只写dear sir or madam,有可能的话,亲自在邀请函上签名。称呼或结尾敬辞的部分甚至可以自己手写。


给客户的英文感谢信 篇一:英语感谢信套路范文 感谢信开头段常用句式和套话 Iamwritingtoextendmysinceregratitudefor...Iamwritingtoexpre ssmythanksfor... Iamwritingtoshowmysincereappreciationfor...Iwouldliketoconv eyinthislettermyheartfeltthankstoyoufor... IfeeldeeplyindebtedtoyouandIreallydon'tknowhowtothankyoueno ughforyourhelp. 感谢信结尾段常用句式和套话

Imustthankyouagainforyourgeneroushelp.Iammostgratefulforyou rselflessdonation. Mytruegratitudeisbeyondtheword'sdescription.Ifeelmostoblige dtothankyouoncemore.Pleaseacceptmygratitude,nowandalways.★例: Directions: Afterbeinginvolvedinanaccident,youwerelookedafterbyanotherp erson.Writealetter: 1)mentioningwhathappenedintheaccident, 2)tellingthepersonaboutyourrecovery,and 3)expressingyourthanks. Youshouldwritewithnolessthan100wordsonAnswerSheet2.Donotsig


研究生英文推荐信格式 研究生英文推荐信格式【一】 I am writing to you in support of [Mr./Ms. Full Name] and [his/her] desire to attend [University Name] for the [Program Title] program. Though many students ask me to make this request on their behalf, I only recommend students whom I feel are well-suited for the program of their choice. [Mr./Ms. Last Name] is one of those students and therefore, I highly recommend that [he/she] be given the opportunity to attend your university. As [Professor's Title] of [Professor's Department] at [University Name], I work with many students who have substantial knowledge of [Subject]. Each year I notice that only a few outstanding students offer a unique perspective and really embrace their learning of the subject matter. [Mr./Ms. Last Name] has consistently shown such a strong desire to learn that I simply could not turn down [his/her] request for recommendation. I first met [Mr./Ms. Last Name] in my [Course Title] course during the [Season and Year] semester. Compared to the class average of [Class Average], [Mr./Ms. Last Name] earned a [Grade] in the class. [Mr./Ms. Last Name] was evaluated on [explain basis for grades, e.g., exams, papers, etc.], in which [he/she] performed exceptionally well. Though [Mr./Ms. Last Name] has consistently exceeded in all areas


初中英语作文:邀请信范例 写作要求: your family is going to give a dinner party at home. gao lu, a famous young calligrapher(书法家), has been invited. meanwhile(同时), you also want to invite your foreign friend alice who likes chinese calligraphy. now write a letter to her inviting her to your dinner party telling her the time and then the brief plan about the party. write your letter with no less than 100 words. do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, use wu hua instead. you do not need to write the address.? 范文呈现: dear alice, mr.gao is bringing ④a collection of his own works and has promised to ⑤give us an on-the-spot demonstration of his skills.⑥ im sure youll thoroughly enjoy the evening. we plan to serve supper at 6:00 so as to have a nice long evening to talk. ⑦i do hope that you can make it. yours ever, wu hua 拾贝译文 ① we are inviting...for dinner...我们打算邀请…来吃晚饭。②如果你能来就太好了。 ③ be happy to meet...乐于见到… ④ a collection of his own works几件他自己的作品 ⑤ give an on?the?spot demonstration ...现场展示…⑥我相信你一定会度过一个愉快的夜晚。 ⑦希望你一定能来!篇二:邀请函英文范文 邀请函英文范文 dear xxx: i am writing to invite you to join me in xxxx(city name) and to stay with me here for three years until my current course finishes in december 2005. i am also sending you a set of documents, listed below, for your use in connection with your application for entry clearance to enter the uk as my dependant. for further information, i can be contacted at the above address. take care. love you your husband 公司晚会邀请函范文(中英文) (称谓) 今天我们特别邀请您参加____(地点名称)分店开张的庆祝活动。我们希望能和您共同庆祝,并邀请您一边品尝香槟酒,一边参观。 热烈欢迎您于____(日期),____(时间a)-____(时间b)的到来。 如果您的熟人或朋友也对我们的产品感兴趣,欢迎您带他们一起来。 我们期待您的到来! (结尾敬辞) (salutation)


优秀英语推荐信范文 推荐信是一个人为推荐另一个人去接受某个职位或参与某项工作而写的信件,是一种应用写作文体,一封好的推荐信能为你加分不少。下面是整理的优秀英语推荐信范文,快来学习一下吧。 英文推荐信范文1: Dear Sir: It is my pleasure to recommend Mr. Fuping Wang for his application to graduate studies in your school. Mr. Wang has been my research assistant of the National Science Council's project- "The United States and the United Nations' Financial Crisis: The Role of U.S. Congress" since September 1997. His major responsibilities include information collecting, analyzing and translating. He is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with extremely high potentiality. Mr. Wang is not only quick at learning and good at solving difficult problems, but also with a logical mind that enables him to effectively analyze difficulties. All the work handed to him was completed satisfactorily. Actually, he is so reliable that I assign him with heavy responsibilities.


酒会的邀请函范文 叫xxx,我来自xxxx,缘分中注定我将与您有一段不解情缘。xxxx 年xx月xx日,是一个特殊的日子,在我四周岁生日这一天,期待您的到来! xx班的毕业生们满载多年采撷的累累硕果,满载母校和师长的眷眷深情,即将踏上人生新的征程。我们诚挚地邀请您莅临酒会,共同见证这美好的时刻。 对您在百忙之中的到来,我们表示最热烈的欢迎和由衷的感谢! 祝您身体健康,万事如意! 尊敬的老师: 感谢您四年中为我们付出的点点滴滴。在此,我们诚邀您参加我们的毕业宣言XX工商学院XX 级本科毕业酒会晚会, 请让我们再谢谢您一次! 灯光亮起,掌声响起,大声唱响我们的毕业宣言。携手回到梦开始的地方,给青春画上一个咏叹调,就在,20XX年5月16日 17时45分,我们与您相约 ! 酒会邀请函范文3敬爱的老师: 时光荏苒,转眼间,X年的学生生活就已经结束了。在这几年的学生生涯中,我们班的同学在您的耐心指导下,茁壮成长。您的谆谆教诲我们将永远铭记在心。在此毕业之际,我们诚邀您参加我们的毕业酒会,共同为我们美好而又不可复制的青春画上圆满的句号。

期待您的到来! 亲爱的xx: 我打算于20xx年7月14日(星期五)在我家举行一个酒会,庆祝我母亲的生日。这对我们全家来说是一件大事,作为我们全家的好朋友,我们真诚地希望你能来参加,分享我们的快乐。晚宴将于7点开始。首先会有一个小型的演奏会,届时我们将欣赏到乐队演奏的流行和古典歌曲。8点左右我们开始用餐,朋友们可以随便聊天欢笑。最后所有的朋友们一起照相作为纪念。 我知道你最近很忙,但我真的希望你能来,我们全家都在期待着你的光临。 < 你的老朋友:xx ---来源网络整理,仅供参考


客户感谢信的英文 感谢信是集体单位或个人对关心、帮助、支持本单位或个人表示衷心感谢的函件。下面是小编收集整理的客户感谢信的英文范文,希望对您有所帮助! Customer thank you (1) Respected customers: Hello! Thank you for your trust and support of hongsheng! At the same time, I am glad to gain your recognition and harvest and your friendship, and I will cherish and sustain it for a long time. In the past days, I wonder if you are satisfied with our service. I think our work must have many shortcomings, but you can understand and give feedback so that we can learn and improve, which is very grateful for us. Drink from the source, we know that the Hongsheng company made every bit of progress and success, all cannot do without attention, trust, support and participation of you. Your understanding and trust is a powerful driving force for our progress. Every time you participate and make every suggestion, we are thrilled and push us forward. With you, our cause can


dear sir: sincerely yours, chung weikuo research fellow and professor the institute of european and american studies 第二部分、对该推荐信的分析您觉得这封推荐信怎样呢?如果这是一封为秘书介绍新工 作的推荐信,那还可以接受;不过对于申请研究生院来讲,就似乎不太够力度了。首先,这 封推荐信犯的一个大忌就是不够明确。从信中我们只看到推荐人很努力地用了一大堆形容词, 试着告诉入学评审委员,这个申请人“很聪明”、“很热心”、“很有潜力”、“很有分析能力” 云云,相关的例证却付之厥如;接著,这封信又未能指出这个申请者这些特质与将来的研究 领域有何相关,只说在这个申请人的帮助下,他可以专心于研究工作,言下之意似乎就是告 诉对方这个申请者是个很好的秘书,而非一个有前景的研究生。 其实,只要多用一点心思,换个观察角度,单纯、琐碎的助理工作一样可以表现出这名 申请者在研究生院相关方面的能力。比方说,推荐人不妨强调他之所以雇用这个人为研究助 理,是因为这个助理以前曾做过与他目前的研究领域相关的报告,表现出申请者在这个研究 领域已经具备的基础知识和研究潜力。又以资料搜集工作为例,可以强调这个申请者如何善 用某些方法,对资料进行系统的分析整理等篇二:英文推荐信模版 英文推荐信范文 sample 1: to whom it may concern: i have had the distinct pleasure of having kaya stone as a student in my debate classes and on my debate team for three years at eastern little hope high school. kaya has been more than the ideal student. in order to achieve the highest grades and my deepest respect, she has demonstrated outstanding leadership and maintained a clear sense of purpose. the academics at eastern little hope are most challenging, and kaya fulfilled all the requirements with the added challenge of honors and advanced courses. kaya is an outstanding extemporaneous speaker and debater. she has won many awards on the speech and debate circuits, and qualified for national tournaments. success in these interscholastic activities requires extensive research and persuasive skills. kaya also holds the degree of special distinction, as a member of the national forensic league. respectfully submitted, dan peel, ph.d. sample 2: michael’s leadership and organizational skills have been invaluable to these programs, most of which have been started from the ground up. sincerely, john flester sample 3: to whom it may concern: i must also make note of cheri’s exceptional academic performance. out of a class of 150 students, cheri graduated with honors in the top 10. her above-average performance is a direct result of her hard work and strong focus. if your undergraduate program is seeking superior candidates with a record of


( 邀请函) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-BH-067835 商务酒会邀请函范文Business reception invitation letter model

商务酒会邀请函范文 联谊酒会邀请函 老乡您好!河南第xx届在京同乡企业家联谊酒会将于XXX年01月27日(周日)下午5点在西城区平安里西大街的太和文华隆重举行!(梅兰芳大剧院旁) 本届会议的主要目的是为我们本省在京工作、经商、创业的同乡搭建一个乡情与商情相融的交流平台!乡情浓郁节目精彩!聚资源汇商机!便宣传易合作!各界名家云集!是一个乡情极其浓郁的并且是我们这些在外漂泊着的时刻思念家乡的同乡们畅想家乡;联接友谊的平台;是一个真正的高峰商务交流会。是一个联络在京成功同乡,真正实现资源共享,互助互帮互惠互利,共同发展的平台! 一、相关介绍: 1、时间:1月27日(周日)下午:17:00—21:00 2、地点:西城区平安里西大街太和文华酒店(官园桥东南角梅兰芳大剧院旁)地铁车公庄站b出口东行20米 3.会费:每位200元(该费用包括:场地、酒水、晚宴、演出、、联谊名录、礼品、奖品、纪念品等)。 4.本届限报;200位 5.要求:职务是经理级别以上;并如实精准填写组委会所要求的各项必填信息;(注:如查实信息虚报,我们将不予录入到同乡数据库和《在京同乡企业家联

谊名录》中);着装整洁得体;自带名片200张;准时到场。 6、会议流程: (1).17:00签到、领通讯录、入会场。 (2).17:00—18:30是茶话会。相互交流互换名片, (3).18:30同乡主题晚会开始,出席嘉宾致辞,晚会节目演出开始, (4).18:30晚宴开始,期间以精彩节目助兴。 (5).19:30成功企业家介绍自己的企业、项目与资源交流活动、自由交流、交换礼品或纪念品等并合影留念。 (6).抽奖(之后自由交流,直至结束,时间由个人掌握)。 二、报名方式: 请用手机回复您或您所替报名的同乡的相关信息: 姓名: 单位名称: 职务: 单位地址: 手机电话: 籍贯: qq或邮箱: 商务酒会邀请函范文: 邀请函 尊敬的女士/先生: 非常荣幸地邀请您参加贵海20xx新品推介暨“财富联盟新梦想”桂林站客


客户感谢信精选范文 尊敬的客户: 您好!感谢您多年来对中国人寿的信任和支持,在此,我公司70万员工谨向您——我 们最亲密的朋友和伙伴,表示衷心的感谢和美好的祝福! 与共和国同龄的历史,见证着我公司的成长与进步,崛起与辉煌。特别是2021年公 司股份制改革和纽约、香港海外上市的成功,为我公司的发展提供了宽阔的舞台,插上了 腾飞的翅膀。在连续4年入选全球企业500强并且排名不断上升的同时,我公司今年以486。67亿元的品牌价值第三次成为全国十大最具价值品牌企业,近期又在新浪网由网民 投票被评为“最信赖的人寿保险公司”之首,被标准普尔评为中国境外上市公司25强的 唯一金融保险企业,无论是从规模实力还是品牌价值看,我公司都已经成为了国内领先的 商业保险公司。 当然,我们深知,我们所取得的每一点进步和成功,都离不开您的理解、信任、支持 和参与。您的每一笔保费、您的每一次关注、您的每一个建议,都让我们感动,促我们奋进。在市场竞争日益加剧的今天,您的信任和参与对于我们来说无比珍贵!在此,谨向您 表达最诚挚的敬意和最衷心的感谢! 为了不辜负您的信任,我们丝毫不敢懈怠,一直在努力改进我们的工作,改善我们的 服务,力争每天都有所进步,以使您对中国人寿的选择能够成为您人生中最明智的选择之一。希望在今后的岁月里,我们能够与您更加紧密地合作! 再一次感谢您的信任和支持,恭祝您身体健康!阖家幸福!事业兴旺!万事如意! XXX XXXX年XX月XX日 尊敬的客户及所有消费者: 你好! 十年绿洲十载情,在新的一年即将来临之际,为了感谢您们对鼎湖绿洲的支持与厚爱,我们全体员工向您表示衷心的感谢和美好的祝福! 鼎湖绿洲饮用水有限公司自成立以来,一直得到您的信任与支持,公司在过去十余年 的发展历程中,一贯秉承“产品千万炼,服务客为先”的宗旨,以优质的产品,规范的经营,一流的服务在广大的消费者中赢得了口碑,产品在历次由政府权威监督机构组织的市 场监督抽查中全部达标及格。 饮水思源,我们深知,绿洲所取得的每一点进步和成功,都离不开您的关注、信任、 支持和参与。您的理解和信任是我们进步的强大动力,您的关心和支持是我们成长的不竭


Add: *** Email: *** T el:*** Letter of Recommendation Dear Sir or Madam, At ____’s request, I am writing a personal achievement statement for her. I am very supportive of her application for your postgraduate program which she seems well suited for. As an professor at ___________ (China), I have a great pleasure of writing this letter since I have seen many examples of her talent and have long been impressed by her intelligence and diligence. The course of _________I taught from September 2008 to July 2010 aims to develop the s tudents’ high command of reading and writing skills. It equips students with a large amount of vocabulary, strong business writing skills, effective writing methods and comprehensive understanding of business context. Owing to her talent for language and her persistence in English learning, Ms. ________ made remarkable advances. She proved herself to be a promising student with solid language skill and excellent adaptive ability. T o most Chinese, English writing is the most difficult part. However, it seems that Ms. _______ has the talent to flexibly use English and to use the good sentences in various writing materials. In addition to that, Ms. _______ has also demonstrated her excellent performance in all the exercises and I remembered clearly that once I gave an assignment for writing a business letter; she not only wrote a normal business letter, but also added her own ideas, which is most effective. In my teaching, she also demonstrated her tactics of making several suggestions and her capacity of business thinking impressed me a lot. On all accounts, my appreciation of Ms._______’s talent was thus confirmed.With her striking capability, I am very happy and confident to recommend her to get a further study because I believe she could do well in whatever she was determined to do with interest. I would greatly appreciate it if you could give her application for candidacy to your program favorable consideration. Should you need any further questions in your deliberation, please do not hesitate to contact me. Y ours sincerely, Title: ____


英文客户感谢信的范文 Dear customers: XX bank since it was founded in 93, has been to get your great support and help, on the occasion of the Christmas and New Years day holiday is approaching, in order to thank you for this for more than ten years of XX bank support and the deep affection, XXX bank staff would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you and good wishes! In XXX bank in the past more than ten years development course, with you, we respect the customer, gives us enormous strength, in your strong concern and support, as well as XXX under the hard work of the staff, we with the high quality service, good reputation, has made brilliant achievements one after another. Drinking water source, we know that XXX bank every bit of progress and success, cannot leave your attention, trust, support and participation. Your understanding and trust is our strong driving force for progress, your concern and support is our inexhaustible source of growth. Every time you participate in, every suggestion, let us excited, we constantly forge ahead. The journey with you, our progress is endless confidence and strength; With you, our cause can be immortal, prosperity and development. To thank you for many years to our support, trust and help, to the beginning of the end, we will carry out excellent service activities, to return you with love, when you come to our bank to handle the business, will let you get a big surprise! In the next years, hope to be able to continue to get your care and support, welcome to our bank to handle savings deposits, education, notice deposit, foreign exchange savings deposit, personal remittance, bank CARDS, online banking, telephone banking, buying bonds the collecting phone and all kinds of business. Customer satisfaction is our eternal pursuit, we will continue to provide the most sincere service for you. Once again, thank you for your help and support, to wish you good health! A happy family! Prosperity! All the best! 恭敬的广阔客户: XX银行自93年成立以来,向来得到您的大力支持和帮助,值此圣诞和元旦两大节日即今后临之际,为了谢谢您这十余年来对XX银行的支持与厚爱,XXX银行全体职员谨向您表示衷心的谢谢和美好的丝毫未动! 在XXX银行过去十余年的进展历程中,您,我们恭敬的客户,赋予了我们无比的力量,在您的大力关怀与支持下,以及XXX全体职员的勤奋努力下,我们凭借优质的服务,良好的信誉,取得了一具又一具的辉煌成绩。 饮水思源,我们深知,XXX银行所取得的每一点进步和成功,都离别开您的关注、信任、支持和参与。您的理解和信任是我们进步的强大动力,您的关怀和支持是我们成长的别竭源泉。您的每一次参与、每一具建议,都让我们兴奋别已,促使我们别断奋进。有了您,我们前进的征途才有源源别绝的信心和力量;有了您,我们的事业才干长盛别衰地兴盛和进展。 为酬谢多年来您对我们的支持、信任和帮助,借此岁末年初之际,我们将开展优质服务活动,用真情来回报您,届时您到我行来办理业务,将会让您得到一份惊喜! 在将来的岁月里,希翼可以得到您的关怀和大力支持,欢迎到我行办理储蓄存款、教育储蓄、通知存款、外汇存款、个人汇款、银行卡、上银行、电话银行、购买国债代收电话费及各种代收业务。客户中意是我们永恒的追求,我们将为您提供最真诚的服务。 再一次谢谢您的帮助和支持,恭祝您躯体健康!阖家幸福!事业兴盛!万事如意!
