



"I'd love to, but I don't have time!"


This is the biggest excuse I hear when it comes to people explaining to me why they could never ever have a side gig, even if they have a great idea.


But here's the truth (that I know you know): We all have 24 hours in a day —it's up to you how you prioritize your time outside the office.


I know this is easier said than done because I did it.


While working full-time as a sales director for a Fortune 500 company New York, I also launched a life coaching business.


And while I could lecture you about the fact you're probably watching too much TV or spending valuable brainstorming hours at long dinners with you friends, I thought it'd be more helpful to jump to the fun part and tell you how I personally

found more time every single week to work on what mattered most to me.


1. Use wait time well

1. 充分利用等候时间

I used my time standing on the subway or in line at the grocery to catch up on small personal to-do lists items like reading, paying my bills, shooting my sisters a text to say hi, or responding to some less-urgent emails. Odds are you probably have more idle time each day than you realize —especially on days when you have an appointment with a hairstylist, doctor, or vet. It adds up!

我利用等地铁或是在杂货店排队的时间去处理一些小的个人待办事项,比如阅读,付账单,给我的姐妹发信息打招呼,或者回复一些不那么紧急的邮件。很大几率上,你每天的空闲时间比自己意识到的更多,尤其是在你有剪发、医生、审查预约的日子。时间积攒起来了! Using this otherwise idle time to accomplish small tasks could potentially free up a few hours every single week to work on your hustle. Create a shortcut for yourself by having a running list on your phone of the various tasks you can complete fast. 利用这个空闲时间完成小任务每周能帮你释放几个小时的时间,让你去忙自己的事。在手机中对不同任务建立一个清单,并创建快捷方式,你能完成的更快。

2. Make 'no' your new best friend

2. 对新朋友说“不”

"No" is one of my favorite words. When you say no to what doesn't serve you, you

say yes to something else. In this case, you're saying yes to making time to work on your passion project.


Remember this: It is OK to politely decline invitations that do not really appeal to you. (And Muse Editor-in-Chief Adrian Granzella Larssen has templates on how to do that.) Let's say you're a social butterfly: Well, if you just turn down just one activity each week —be it networking or just happy hour with friends —that's another few hours you just made for yourself.


3. Split your errands up over the week

3. 把你一周的差事分散

OK, this one's a bit controversial and I understand it doesn't work for everyone. But, I know that very few people are busy every single minute of the workday —and there can be a lot of unused minutes within the day. Rather than spending 20 minutes mindlessly browsing the internet, use it to complete other errands that you'd normally be stuck doing on the weekends: schedule that doctor's appointment, make a quick trip to drop off your dry cleaning, call and get your prescriptions refilled, and so on.



Like using your wait time wisely, I'm sure you could come up with a list (and you should!) of lots of small activities that cram your weekends despite not being all that time consuming. Now, you've just gone from running errands on a Sunday afternoon to having a couple free hours to do whatever you'd like.


4. Outsource

4. 外包

If you have enough money coming in each month to cover your necessary expenses, consider outsourcing.


From cleaning your apartment, to fixing your computer, to basic bookkeeping, to picking up your groceries —it can be worth spending the cash if it saves you time to have an expert do something much more easily. Now, of course this isn't financially feasible for everyone, but giving up a few dinners out each month or passing up a new outfit might be worth checking one of these items off your list. 从打扫公寓,到修理电脑、基本的记账、购买食材,如果有专门的人来做这些事并且给你省下了不少时间,为之花钱就是值得的了。当然,从经济上说这不是对每个人都可行,但每月


5. Get to know your peak hours

5. 了解你的高峰时段

Ever heard of golden hours? It's about figuring out when your mental capacity is at its peak and doing your most important work at that time. I work best in the morning and whenever possible I schedule mornings as my time to write.

听过“黄金时间”吗?就是说要弄清楚你的心智能力什么时候处于峰值,在这个时间去做最重要的工作。我在早上工作效果最好,所以无论何时,我都安排早上作为我的写作时间。When I still had my full-time job and was just writing on the side, I would get up early and pitch five ideas to my editors before 7:30 a.m. I would then write a blog post (or at least half a blog post) before heading into the office. Then, at the end of the day when I was beat, I would deal with the dirty dishes in the sink and the email newsletters that piled up throughout the day.


By identifying these hours for myself, I not only was able to get better work done on my side hustle in less time —but I also found myself spending fewer hours in the actual office because I learned to work when I was most efficient.


And there you go, (at least) a few more free hours every single week that you can

use to go after what you're really passionate about.

现在你都了解了,每周你都有(至少)几个小时的空闲时间,可以用来做真正热爱的事。Steven Covey, author of the bestseller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change, says it best: "Don't prioritize your schedule, schedule your priorities." So if you're currently putting off your brilliant side gig because you have no time, take a look at your calendar and ask yourself what priorities you can be scheduling better.




College Students' Part-time Jobs College Students Part-time Jobs-大学生的兼职工作college students' part time life part-time jobs 提纲1.越来越多的大学生在做兼职工作。2.大学生是否应该从事这样的活动。College Students' Part-time Jobs College Students Part-time Jobs-大学生的兼职工作college students' part time life part-time jobs 提纲 1.越来越多的大学生在做兼职工作。 2.大学生是否应该从事这样的活动。 3.总结。 In recent years, more and more college students choose to take part-time jobs in or outside school. Many teachers complain than there are fewer and fewer students who pay attention to their study. Should we put the blame on part-time jobs? Is it a good thing for college students to work part time? It is true that excellent academic: qualifications are something essential if you want to find a good job after you leave school. But on the other hand, for those who can easily get high marks in examinations, it is worth trying to find something to do in their spare time. Then they can


暑假兼职的英语作文500字 The summer job is a tradition among students of American universities. Long before the end of the school year,students begin their search for jobs during vacation ( June, July, and August). Students send letters to businesses, talk to employers about job opportunities durlng the summer, and ask friends and relarives to be on the lookout for jobs for them. By June the students have usually. solved the problem and begin to make preparations for leaving their books to enter the business world. Reasons for wanting a summer job are different from student to student. Some work to help pay their school expenses; others work to gain experience in their chosen professions; still others work just for the fun of it. Typist, construction worker, salesman, lifeguard, and waiter these are some of the more common jobs that students try to find during the summer months. But many young people find work that is a little more unusual.


校园英语情景对话:休闲娱乐 平时的休闲娱乐是很多人的宝贵时间,那么关于休闲娱乐的对话是怎么样的呢?以下是小编给大家整理的关于休闲娱乐的校园英语情景对话,希望可以帮到大家 After lunch, Han Meimei and Li Lei are having a walk. H: Don’t tell me this is your whole life, only filled with study and work. Do you recreate yourself? H:别告诉我这就是你生活的全部内容,只有学习和工作,你休息娱乐吗? L: Sports and recreation have always been a part of my life, either in high school or in university now. I’m good at playing basketball. L:运动和娱乐一直是我生活的一部分,不管是在高中还是现在在大学,我篮球打得很好。 H: Do you play in the intercollegiate games? H:你参加校际比赛吗? L: No, basketball is only my hobby, but I do participate in freshman intramural competition. It’s a good chance to get acquainted with a large number of classmates. L:没有,篮球只是我的业余爱好,但我的确参加了新生校内比赛,这是个能结识很多同学的好机会。 H: I think so. From American films and my personal experience, I can see that American high schools and universities always give prominence to sports competition. H:我也是这么想的。从美国电影和我的亲身经历来看,美国高中和大学一直都很注重体育比赛。 L: Harvard is no exception. It believes that a comprehensive athletics program provides physical, social, and emotional benefits that is vitally important in a highly competitive educational environment.


Nowadays,more and more college students are taking part-time jobs. On this phenomenon, different people hold different viewpoints. Some people think after-school work is beneficial to the students. On the other hand, it helps cultivate indepenence in young people and make them more matrure;on the other hand, students who have part-time jobs can relieve, to some extent,the economic burdens of their parents. But after-school work has brought a lot of problems. For example, part-time jobs often distract students' attention from their studies, so some students have shown a decline in their studies, and some even play truant. As for me, I think the main task of students is to studey hard and learn what is needed for the development of our society. Though students who have part-time jobs may relieve their parents' economic burdens, their early contact with society adds greatly to the worries of their parents Part-time Jobs Whenever we huve more free time, our classrnutes will be busy recommending part-time jobs to one another. When we pass by the bulletin board on the campus, we often catch sight of some want ads attached to it. It is obvious that holding part-time jobs has become a growing tendency among university students. More and more students would like to work after class and their chances of getting a job are becoming abundant. There are always two sides to a question. Part-time jobs are no exceptions. They have either the pro side or the con side. On the one hand, part-time jobs not only enable students to cultivate their abilities, but also help them apply their knowledge to practice. Furthermore, students who have part-time jobs can relieve, to some extent, the economic burdens of their parents. However, on the other hand, after-class work may distract the students' attention from their studies. Some students who have secured part-time jobs have already shown a decline in their studies.


雇佣合同(兼职) Employment Contract 甲方因工作需要,需聘用乙方。根据双方协商,特签订本协议,以便共同遵守执行。第一条用人单位基本情况:Base on the needs of first party, hire second party. In accordance with negotiation of two parties, hereby draw up this compact with the terms and conditions as follows 甲方first party(用人单位employer)名称:______ ______ :法定代表人legal representative甲方地址address:______ ______ 联系电话::劳动者基本情况Second part第二条 ______ :姓名name乙方second party(受聘人员employee)性别gender:______ ______ age年龄:____________ nationality:国籍____________ passport NO:护照号码____________ address:住址____________ home telephone:宅电____________ mobile phone number :手机号码____________ :emergency contact person紧急联络人______ :与劳动者关系relationship with emergency contact person______ :联系电话emergency contact phone number第三条本协议自______年______月______日起至______年______月______日止。This compact apply during the period commencing on the date of ______ and ending on the date of . 根据甲方工作需要及任职要求,乙方同意以兼职形式为甲方提供如下服务:第四条Base on the needs and requirement of first party, second party provide part-time service as follows: 1,与甲方指定客户进行约见和面谈,依甲方要求、协助甲方处理相关事宜;meet appointed costumers, according to the requirement from first party, provide correlative assistance. 2,根据甲方要求协助甲方处理紧急事件;Base on the needs of first party, provide assistance on emergency. 3, 第五条甲方每月日(公历,遇节假日顺延)支付乙方上月服务报酬,乙方服务报酬(税前) ,乙方 ,大写:的报酬为税前By the th day of each month(the Gregorian calendar, postpone in the case of holidays ) Party B's salary is in the probationary period. 甲方制定的劳动纪律和规章制度应当符合法律、法规的规定,并向乙方公示,乙方应当在第六条. 确认后遵照执行。Labor disciplines and regulations which made by first party should fulfill the legal and regulatory requirement, and public notice second party who should act on this compact after confirming. 甲方有权根据规章制度对乙方进行奖惩,当乙方严重违反甲方的规章制度时,甲方有权解第七条 除本协议并不给予乙方任何经济补偿。First party has the right to reward or punish second party according to regulations, if second party committed a serious breach of regulations, first party has the right to make dissolution of compact without economic compensation to second party. 第八条由于双方的劳动聘用关系,乙方将有机会了解并使用甲方的有关商业秘密(包括但不限于经营策略、软件系统、

校园英语情景对话 休闲娱乐

校园英语情景对话休闲娱乐 平时的休闲娱乐是很多人的宝贵时间,那么关于休闲娱乐的对话是怎么样的呢?以下是给大家的关于休闲娱乐的校园英语情景对话,希望可以帮到大家 After lunch, Han Meimei and Li Lei are having a walk. H: Don’t ___ me this is your whole life, only filled with study and work. Do you recreate yourself? H:别告诉我这就是你生活的全部内容,只有学习和工作,你休息娱乐吗? L: Sports and recreation have always been a part of my life, either in high school or in university now. I’m good at playing basketball. L:运动和娱乐一直是我生活的一部分,不管是在高中还是现在在大学,我篮球打得很好。 H: Do you play in the intercollegiate games?

H:你参加校际比赛吗? L: No, basketball is only my hobby, but I do participate in freshman intramural petition. It’s a good chance to get acquainted with a large number of classmates. L:没有,篮球只是我的业余爱好,但我的确参加了新生校内比赛,这是个能结识很多同学的好机会。 H: I think so. From American films and my personal experience, I can see that American high schools and universities always give prominence to sports petition. H:我也是这么想的。从美国电影和我的亲身经历来看,美国高中和大学一直都很注重体育比赛。 L: Harvard is no exception. It believes that a prehensive athletics program provides physical, social, and emotional benefits that is vitally important in a highly petitive educational environment.


大学生兼职的利与弊英语作文,这是大学英语四六级作文里经常谈到的,这篇可以参考:)Some peolpe think there are more advantages for colleges students to take part-time jobs than disadvantages, others don't think so. What's your view on this? And tell why. A serious problem has arisen in recent several years that more and more college students abandon study because of their taking part-time jobs, so quite a few people are opposed to part-time jobs. However, taking part-time jobs has at lea st three benefits for college studens in my eyes. First, students can promote their study through part-time jobs. For instance, I f a law student finds a part-time job in a law firm, his practice will enable h im to better understand what he's learned from books. What's more, the part-tim e job can offer him opportunities to go beyond what he's been taught in class, and he'll learn something that doesn't exist in books but in practice. Second, students can also accumulate work experiences through part-time jobs, w hich will benefit their future job-hunting. Actually, part-time jobs act as war m-up exercises for students to take full-time jobs after they graduate, and hel p them prepare for their future careers. In addition, as fresh blood in the soc iety, graduated students are often unfavored in job-hunting markets for lack of practical work experiences. It's easier to find jobs for those who have accumu lated experiences in part-time jobs. Last but not the least, part-time jobs can partly relieve students' financial b urden, especially those who are from poor families. College tution fees have gr eatly increased in the past ten years due to the new educational policy. Many s tudents from poor families cannot afford college fees, and our bank system fail to loan college students as effectively as it does in developed countries, so taking part-time jobs becomes a way for them to meet their great expenses in ca mpus lives. It's an undenied fact that students break the balance between their jobs and st udies, especially when they fall into conflict with each other. But I think stu dents should spend their spare time taking part-time jobs. Only following this principle can they benefit from their part-time jobs.


Should college students do part time job? I am not agree with the point that college students should do part time job. The biggest advantage for part time job is that it can make money. But we can get money through scholarship. Then we can get some experience from part time job, but it is more important to consolidate our professional foundation, which can be used in the further job. Some investigation shows that 70 percent teachers object to the part time job,and merely 28.8 percent parents agree with. They all think students should put study in the first place. We should study hard and clear our goals. Now, let me talk about my points. Firstly, learning is the top task of the university students. Students should not delay learning because of the part time job, and waste the precious time. It is more important to grasp knowledge than earn money. We have more chances to earn money after graduating, but the time of learning on campus is limit. Part time job can divert your attention, and you can’t pay all you attention on study. Secondly, part time job has a high risk. As a university student, they don’t have the ability to tell the difference between right and wrong. Students are also the cheap labor, which can be used by the businessmen. And many students can be cheated by them to do something maybe illegal. Anyway, safety should go first for us. Furthermore, in China, there is no law to protect part time job, many students have no laws to protect themselves. Thirdly, the kinds of part time job are usually some sending advertisement, waiter or waitress and so on. Perhaps we can get some experience from them. But these abilities can also be cultivated in school union. What’s more, these skills will have little effect on further jobs. Fourthly, a part time job will put more burden on college students. And the entering of college students will put more burden on employment in the society, it will increase the unemployment rate. In summary, we need not do part job only because of the little interest in money and experience

【英语作文】我的兼职工作My Part-time Job

我的兼职工作My Part-time Job Since the summer holiday comes,I have a lot of free time,as I stay at home all the time,my mother suggests me to take a part-time job,I am so willing to accept her idea,because I want to earn money by myself.I find a job as waiter,I have to work early in the morning,people need to have their breakfast,I serve them.On the job,I earn little money,but I have worked so hard,I get to know it is not easy to earn money,so I start to feel grateful for my parents.Now I won’t waste money,before I pay for the bill,I need to measure them. 自从暑假到来以后,我有很多空余的时间,由于我整天呆 在家里,妈妈建议我找一份兼职,我很乐意接受她的主意,因 为我想要自己挣钱。我找了一份服务生的工作,我不得不一大 早起来工作,人们需要喝早茶,我为他们服务。在这份工作上,我只挣了一点钱,但是我是那么辛苦地工作,我知道挣钱很不 容易,所以我开始感激父母。如今我不会浪费钱,在我付款之前,我会衡量下我买的东西是否需要。


A: Hi! XX. It has been more than one year since the new life here. Can you tell me what are the difference between the high school and college? B: Sure. In my opinion, the largest difference is that we have a lot of spare time in college. In high school, students had little spare time; we have to study all the time, that’s so boring! A: Yeah. In college it is more demanding in handing the time than in high school. B: You are right! A: And what do you think about your lives in college? B: It’s really great! I have made many friends in our school. I also joined in some activities where I can show my talents and skills. In my spare time, I do some work not only to earn money but also to broaden my mind. I feel happier in college than in high school. What about you? A: I lived at home when I was in high school, while I live in school’dormitory in college. It’s my first time to leave my family and live by myself. Different from high school’s life, in college, I spend more time in washing and cleaning. B: Well, it must be a great challenge for you! A: Yes. I felt a bit nervous before I came here. But fortunately, I meet my roommates. They are all warmhearted and friendly. I am used to college life with the help of them. Every weekend we go out to have a small party or stay in dormitory to sing songs. We play together and study together. We help each other and live happily. B: I’m very glad to hear that!


写兼职工作的八年级英语作文 下面为大家搜集整理有关兼职工作的八年级英语作文,希望可以帮助到大家!八年级英语作文:My Part-time JobSince the summer holiday comes, I have a lot of free time, as I stay at home all the time, my mother suggests me to take a part-time job, I am so willing to accept her idea, because I want to earn money by myself. I find a job as waiter, I have to work early in the morning, people need to have their breakfast, I serve them. On the job, I earn little money, but I have worked so hard, I get to know it is not easy to earn money, so I start to feel grateful for my parents. Now I won’t waste money, before I pay for the bill, I need to measure them.自从暑假到来以后,我有很多空余的时间,由于我整天呆在家里,妈妈建议我找一份兼职,我很乐意接受她的主意,因为我想要自己挣钱。 我找了一份服务生的工作,我不得不一大早起来工作,人们需要喝早茶,我为他们服务。 在这份工作上,我只挣了一点钱,但是我是那么辛苦地工作,我知道挣钱很不容易,所以我开始感激父母。 如今我不会浪费钱,在我付款之前,我会衡量下我买的东西是否需要。 优秀八年级作文:Part-time JobI am a middle school student. I am active. I like going out to play. Recently, I am fond of skating. I want a pair


An Application Letter for a Part-time Summer Job Hello, the employer. I am a sophomore student in NWPU. I want to apply a part-time summer job to promote computers. In summer vacation, I have too much time that I can’t distribute reasonably. So I hope to have an opportunity to improve my abilities. At this time, I’m busy in studying my basic courses. All of these courses are rather important for me to learn the professional courses in the future. In the all, my performance in studying lives up to my expectations. The most important thing is that I get some scholarship every year. That is the biggest honor for all the students. What’s more, I once did a part-time job to promote books near my school. I have some tips to communicate well with the consumers. Thanks for your valuable time. I wish you can think over my application. At last, I will be very appreciated if you can answer for me as soon as you can.


1、情景对话:你和我一起度过浪漫的蜜月之旅吧 小杨: Congratulations guy! You are not a single man now. 恭喜你!你现在不再是单身汉了。 小李: Thank you. I am now planning my honeymoon, do you have any good idea? 谢谢你。我在计划蜜月之旅,你有什么好主意吗? 小杨: Yes, you can go to Erhai Lake, Yunnan province. 是的,你可以去云南的洱海。 小李: Is there any special? 有什么特别的吗? 小杨: Well,Erhai Lake is the largest highland lake next to Dianchi and one of the seven biggest fresh water lakes in China. It is like a crescent lying between Cangshan and Dali city as seen from Cangshan Mount. In a sunny day, the crystal waters of Erhai Lake and the snow mantled Cangshan Mount radiate with each other. Thus the scene was commonly described as 'Silver Cangshan and Jade Erhai'. 恩,洱海临近滇池,是最大的高原湖泊,中国七大淡水湖之一。从苍山顶上看,它像一弯新月嵌在大理和苍山之间。阳光灿烂的日子,洱海的水和苍山的雪相互辉映,形成了著名的景观“银苍玉洱”。 小李: It sounds quite picturesque. 听起来风景如画。 小杨: It also has special meanings for your honeymoon. 它对你的蜜月也有特别的意义。 小李: Oh, I see, it is the so-called best place for lovers’ vow, love as deep as river, as high as mountain. 哦,我明白了,这就是人们所说的最好的山盟海誓的地方。 小杨: Yes, you can vow your everlasting love to your bride with the witness of Erhai Lake and Cangshan Mount.

对兼职的看法 英文版

Recently,more and more students are eager to find part-time jobs.There are some reasons why students choose to have a part-time job.The first reason is that school fees are so expensive that they want to earn money in their spare time to relieve financial burdens.Besides,the expenses spent on playing in universities are much higher than at home.As a consequence,the pocket money they have is not enough to spend.And just as we all know,social experience is of great significance for the job searching in the future.Thus,some students are having part-time jobs just to experience the outside world.Also,some effects are caused by having a part-time job.Doing part-time jobs may do good to academic studies.But everey coin has two sides. You win some and lose some.Students have to spend precious study time in finding or doing part-time jobs.And study may be neglected while students are working.In a word,as students, we should arrange time reasonably if we are having a part-time job.
