换言之 翻译教=教程 第六章 笔记

换言之 翻译教=教程 第六章  笔记
换言之 翻译教=教程 第六章  笔记

Chapter 6 T extual equivalence: cohesion

In this chapter, we resume discussion of translation difficulties and strategies at the level of text by looking at cohesion, the second feature of text organization which was mentioned at the end of Chapter 4.

Cohesion is the network of lexical, grammatical, and other relations which provide links between various parts of a text.

Cohesion is a surface relation; it connects together the actual words and expressions that we can see or hear.

Halliday and Hason identify 5 main cohesive devices in English: reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction and lexical cohesion.

6.1. Reference

The term reference is traditionally used in semantics for the relationship which holds between a word and what in points to in the real world.

Instead of denoting a direct relationship between words and extra-linguistic objects, reference is limited here to the relationship of identity which holds between two linguistic expressions.

Reference, in the textual rather than the semantic sense, occurs when the reader has to retrieve the identity of what is being talked about by referring to another expression in the immediate context. The resulting cohesion lies in the continuity of reference, whereby the same thing enters into the discourse a second time.

Reference is a device which allows the reader/hearer to trace participants, entities, events,etc, in a text.

One of the most common patterns of establishing chains of reference in English and a number of other languages is to mention a participant explic itly in the first instance, and then use a pronoun refer back to the same participant in the immediate context.

The relationship of reference may be established situationally:(分析如下)

For example, a given pronoun may refer to an entity which is present in the context of situation rather than in the surrounding text. The first- and second-person pronouns are typical examples in that they do not refer back to a nominal expression in the text but to the speaker and hearer(writer and reader) respectively. Third-person pronouns typically refer back or forward to a nominal expression in the text but may also be used to refer to an entity which is present in the immediate physical or mental context of situation.

Patterns of reference is also known as anaphora.

Fox(1986) examined patterns of reference in 3 genres of American English: spontaneous conversation, written expository prose and written fast-paced popular narratives.

6.2. Substitution and ellipsis

Unlike reference, substitution and ellipsis are grammatical rather than semantic relationships.

In substitution, an item/items is replaced by another item/items.

Ellipsis involves the omission of an item. In other words, in ellipsis, an item is replaced by nothing.

Substitution and ellipsis are purely grammatical relations which hold between linguistic

forms rather than between linguistic forms and their meanings.

There are different devices in different languages for creating texture and that a text hangs together by virtue of the semantic and structural relationships that hold between its elements.

6.3. Conjunction

Conjunction involves the use of formal markers to relate sentences, clauses and paragraphs to each other.

Unlike reference, substitution, and ellipsis, the use of conjunction does not instruct the reader to supply missing information either by looking for it elsewhere in the text or by filling structural slot. Instead, conjunction signals the way the writer wants the reader to relate that is about to be said to what has been said before.

A number of points need to be borne in mind here:

①The same conjunction may be used to signal different relations, depending on the context

②These relations can be expressed by a variety of means; the use of a conjunction is not the only device for expressing a temporal or causal relation

③Conjunctive relations do not just reflect relations between external phenomena, but may also be set up to reflect relations which are internal to the text or communicative situation.

For the purposes of translation, it takes more sense to take a broader view of cohesion and to consider any element cohesive as long as it signals a conjunctive-type relation between parts of a text, whether these parts are sentences, clauses(dependent or independent), or paragraphs.

The use of conjunction provides an insight into the whole logic of discourse.

English generally prefers to present information in relatively small chunks and to signal the relationship between these chunks in unambiguous ways, using a wide variety of conjunctions to mark semantic relations between clauses, sentences, and paragraphs. English also relies on a highly developed punctuation system to signal breaks and relations between chunks of information.

Some genres are generally more conjunctive than others and that each genre has its own preferences for certain types of conjunction. Religion and fiction use more conjunctions than science and journalism. Religion displays a particular preference for negative additive conjunctions. Smith and Fiawley explain this feature by suggesting that the high percentage of negative additive conjunctions...indicates a tendency toward falsification, the most consistent method of proof.

Whether a translation conforms to the source-text patterns of cohesion or tries to approximate to target-language patterns will depend in the final analysis on the purpose of the translation and the amount of freedom the translator feels entitled to in rechunking information and/or altering signals of relations between chunks. Following source-language norms may involve minimal change in overall meaning. On the other hand, noticeable deviation from typical target-language patterns of chunking information and signalling relations is likely to result in the sort of text that can easily be identified as a translation because it sounds foreign.

6.4. Lexical cohesion

Lexical cohesion refers to the role played by the selection of vocabulary in organizing relations within a text.

A given lexical item cannot be said to have a cohesive function, but any lexical item can enter

a cohesive relation with other items in a text.

Halliday and Hasan divide lexical cohesion into 2 main categories: reiteration and collocation.

Reiteration, as the name suggests, involves repetition of lexical items. A reiterated item may be a repetition of an earlier item, a synonym or near-synonym, a superordinate, or a general word.

Reiteration is not the same as reference, however, because it does not necessarily involve the same identity.

Collocation, as a sub-class of lexical cohesion in Halliday and Hasan's model, covers any instance which involves a pair lexical items that are associated with each other in the language in some way.

Lexical cohesion typically operates through lexical chains that tun through a text and are linked to each other in various ways.

The notion of lexical cohesion as being dependent on the presence of networks of lexical items rather than the presence of any specific class or type of item is important. It provides the basis for what Halliday and Hasan call instantial meaning or text meaning: each occurrence of lexical item carries with it its own textual history, a particular collocational environment that has been built up in the course of the creation of the text and that will provide the context within which the item will be incarnated on this particular occasion. This environment determines the instantial meaning, or text meaning, of the item, a meaning which is unique to each specific instance.

Lexical networks do not only provide cohesion, they also determine collectively the sense in which each individual item is used in a given context. The text provides the context for the creation and interpretation of lexical relations, just as the lexical relations help create the texture of the text.

The idea that the meanings of individual lexical items depend on the networks of relations in which they enter with other items in a text is now taken as axiomatic in language studies in general and in translation studies in particular. Snell-Hornby stresses the importance of this approach in translation, saying that in analysing a text a translator is not concerned with isolating phenomena or items to study them in depth, but with tracing a web of relationships, the importance of individual items being determined by their relevance and function in the text.

It is certainly true that individual lexical items have little more that a potential for meaning outside text and that their meanings are realized and can be considerably modified through association with other lexical items in a particular textual environment.

The lack of ready equivalents will sometimes require the translator to resort to strategies such as the use of a superordinate, paraphrase, or loan word. These naturally result in producing different lexical chains in the target text. Likewise, the grammatical structure of the target language may require the translator to add or delete information and to reword parts of the source text in a variety of ways.

Whatever lexical and grammatical problems are encountered in translating a text and what ever strategies are used to resolve them, a good translator will make sure that the target text displays a sufficient level of lexical cohesion in its own right. What the translator must always avoid is the extreme case of producing what appears to be a random collection of items which do not add up to recognizable lexical chains that make sense in given context.

Part of the lexical cohesion of any text is inevitably obscured by back-translation because it derives from the morphological structure of the language.

Reference, substitution,ellipsis, conjunction,and lexical cohesion are the devices identified by Halliday and Hasan for establishing cohesive links in English,

Cohesion is also achieved by a variety of devices other than those mentioned by Halliday and Hasan. These include continuity of tense, consistency of style, and punctuation devices such as colons and semi-colons, which indicate how different parts of the text relate to each other.

It might be the case that explicitation is a universal strategy inherent in the process of language mediation, as practiced by language learners, non-professional translators and professional translators alike.


一天突破英文中定语从句的翻译(一) 4 英文中的介词可以翻成中文里的方位副词的动词 There is a book on the desk. 桌上有本书。 The teacher came into the classroom with a book and a dog.老师带着一本书和一只狗…… 6 一般8个单词以下定语从句前置,多于8个单词后置。定语从句翻译后置方法中,需要译出关系词。 63 非限制性定语从句需要后置译法,且翻译关系词。 7 循环套用1: 中心词+定语1+定语1的定语2+定语2的定语3+…… 翻译方法看长度: 定语1+2=3 前两者放在一起翻译 定语1=2+3 后两者放在一起翻译 14 循环套用2: 中心词+定语1+定语1的定语2 翻译时:2+1+含有中心词的句子 注: 10 which有时指前面整个句子; 14 有时定语从句远离先行词; where“在那里” 11 prior to(主张多用)=before 11 “其”是中文专门用来表示第三人称的词。 13 定语从句一般不可放在句首 13 被动语态:用“为”代替“被” 英汉差异: 13 英文中多用代词;中文多用名词,不怕重复 15 英文多用长句,不注重标定符号的使用;中文多用断句且多用标点 23 英文多用名词;中文多用动词(动词的过渡) 英译汉: 9 适时断句,避免长句 12 重要的句子在后面翻译,不重要的先翻译 15 适时增加表示逻辑关系的词,使句子更具逻辑性 第二天突破英文中定语从句的翻译(二) 18 并列套用:多个并列定语修饰一个中心词 后置译法,关系词只需译一次 18 本位词&外位词

本位词:这,这样,这些 外位词:被本位词所替代的部分 一般用定语从句的which/of来翻译本位词 ...women in novels were stereotype of lacking any features... 小说中的妇女都是这样一种模式,她们缺少…… This assumption rests on the fallacy of the ... 假设是基于这样一种谬论:…… 19 There are not a few of people. 有不少人。 There are very few people who would not like to do it. 没有多少人愿意做这件事情。 20 abnormally 不正常地;病态地;特别,尤其 21 短句翻译:剥洋葱 先次后主,有逗号 21 中文:事实+评论 英文:评论+事实 22 It is often said that...人们常说 it is believed that...人们相信 It is guessed that...人们猜测 It is thought that...人们认为 It is supposed that...人们推测 It is reported that...据报道 插入语 23 表示观点时,提到句首翻译 27 不表示观点时,保留在原来位置,用破折号连接 23 谓语动词的过渡 英译汉 keep one informed current events keep是过渡词,本身动词性很弱,它的存在是为了informed的存在,因此翻译时直接忽略keep翻译inform 汉译英 中文“副词+动词”——英文“副词变动词,动词变名词” 28 West Bejing人为划分的行政区域,西北京 Western Beijing自然地理意义上的范围,北京的西部 the West of Beijing不在北京范围内,北京的西边 29 一般英文的人名和地名都要求固定中文译法 White 怀特 Watt 瓦特 Walt 沃尔特

第2章 汉英翻译基础知识(新编汉英翻译教程 陈宏薇)

“文化”(culture) 物质文化(material culture) 制度文化(institutional culture) 心理文化(也称观念文化)(mental culture)咖啡(coffee)、 巧克力(chocolate)、 色拉(salad)、 三明治(sandwich)、 歇斯底里(hysteria)、 休克(shock)、 基因(gene)、 钙(calcium)、 维他命(vitamin)、 奥林匹克(Olympic)、 雷达(radar)、 先令(shilling)、 夹克(jacket)、 电视(television)、 激光(laser)、 飞机(aeroplane)、 火车(train)、 交响乐(symphony)、 基督徒(Christian)、 面包(bread)、 盲文(brail)、 圣诞老人(Santa Claus)、 圣经(Bible)、 马海毛(mahair)、 贝雷帽(beret)、 革命(revolution) 、营养(nourish)、 解放(liberate)、 民主(democracy)、 科学(science)、 独裁(dictatorship)、 心理学(psychology)、 形而上学(metaphysics)、 图书馆(library)、 想象(imagination)、 暗示(hint)、 投资(investment) 磁卡电话(card phone)、 立交桥(overpass)、 隐形眼镜(contact lenses)、

下拉菜单(pulldown)、 软驱(floppy drive)、 光驱(CD drive)、 鼠标(mouse)、 电脑(computer)、 内存条(RAM chip)、 复印机(xerox machine)、 安乐死(euthanasia)、 艾滋病(AIDS)、 香波(shampoo)、 连锁店(chain store)、 热狗(hot dog)、 自助餐(buffet)、 牛仔服(cowboy suit)、 T恤衫(T-shirt) 意合(parataxis) 隐性(covertness) 显性(overtness) 形合(hypotaxis) 伦理(ethics) 认知(cognition) 顺其自然(Let nature take its course in accordance with its natural tendency)、 听其自然(leave the matter as it is; take the world as it is)、 听天安命(accept the situation)、 听天由命(be at the mercy of nature; be left to God's mercy; let fate have its way; submit the will of Heaven; wait for one's fate)。 individualism( 不管别人怎样做)只按个人方法行事的感觉或行为;我行我素 个体主义”。 整体(integrity) 综合性(synthetic) 个体(individuality)、 分析性(analytic) 直觉(intuition) 实证(evidence) 天人合一”(The Unity of Man and Heaven


考研翻译重点词汇 Abstract n.摘要,概要,抽象 adj.抽象的,深奥的,理论的 Accelerate vt.&vi.(使)加快,(使)增速, n.接受速成教育的学生 Account (1)看法,认识 (2)解释,说明 Account for 占…(多大)比重; 解释, 说明 Achievement n.成就;成绩;功绩,达到;完成 Acquire vt.得到,养成,vt 获得;招致,学得(知识等),求得,养成(习惯等),捕获, Action n.作用,动[操]作,行动,机械装置[作用],(小说等中的)情节 Activity n.活动,活动的事物,活动性,机能,功能 Actually adv.现实的,实际的;目前的;明确的,有效的 Additional adj.增加的,额外的,另外的 Advance vt.&vi.(使)前进,(使)发展;促进, vt.提出 Advantage n.利益,便利,有利方面,有利条件;优点;优势, (网球等)打成平手(deuce )而延长比赛后一方先得的一分(攻方所得称 advantage in ,守方所得则称 advantage out ) Agree vi.一致;相合同意,赞成约定,允诺,答应,相宜,调和,符合,和睦相处 Almost adv.几乎,差不多,差一点;将近 Amount n.量,数量,数额,总额,总数 vi.合计,共计 An immense amount of … 大量 An amount of … 一些 A certain amount of … 某些 Analogous 与…类似, 与…相似 And 而, 然而 Apply … to … ≈ lie with 存在于,发生于 Approach vt.&vi.接近,走近,靠近; vt.接洽,交涉;着手处理; n.靠近,接近,临近 Appropriate adj.适当的,恰当的; vt.挪用;占用;盗用 Argue vt.&vi.争吵,辩论; vt.坚决主张,提出理由证明,说服,劝说 Arise vi.&link v.呈现;出现;发生; vi.起身,起来,起立 As 译为 (1) 像, 如 ; (2) 作为 As … as (比较的两者要一致) = not so … as 译成:“… 和 … 一样 ” As is mentioned above 如上所述, (如上所示,如图所示---作文可以写) Aspect n.方面,方位,朝向 Assert vt.声称,断言,维护,坚持 Assume vt.假设,认定, 臆断,猜想,假装,担,担任,就职 Attempt n.尝试,企图vt.尝试,企图 Augment vt.增加,提高,扩大; n.增加,提高,扩大 Availability n.可用性,有效性,实用性 Base n.基础,底座,基地,根据地 vt.把…建立在,以…为基础 Behavioral adj.动作的,行为方面的 Big bang 大爆炸理论 Branch n.树枝,枝条,支,分科,分系; vi.出枝,树叉 Breakthrough : 突破 Break prison (监狱)越狱 Break out v. 爆发 Out break: n. 爆发


English—Chinese Translation and Extensive Knowledge 第一讲(四课时)翻译的历史起源以及各大著名理论和概论 2012/09/18 第一节:翻译起源以及翻译大家(一) 1.1翻译事业在我国有着悠久的历史。 最早的佛经翻译是西汉哀帝元寿元年(公元前2年)贵霜帝国大月氏王遣使者伊存来中国口授佛经,博士弟子秦景宪协助使伊存得以记录的《浮图经》。 中国历史上出现过三次翻译高潮:东汉至唐宋的佛经翻译、明末清初的科技翻译和鸦片战争至“五四”的西学翻译。佛经翻译是中国翻译事业的起点。中国的翻译活动可以追溯到春秋战国时代。中国真正称得上语际翻译的活动应该说是始于西汉的哀帝时期的佛经翻译。这一时期的佛经翻译活动还只是民间私人事业到了符秦时代,佛经翻译活动就组织有序了。当时主要的组织者是释道安。因此他主张严格的词对词、句对句(word for word, line for line)的直译。道安在此期间请来了著名的翻译家天竺(即印度)人鸠摩罗什。他翻译了三百多卷佛经文献,如《金刚经》、《法华经》、《十二门论》、《中观论》、《维摩经》等。其译文神情并茂、妙趣盎然,堪称当时的上乘之译作,至今仍被视为我国文学翻译的奠基石。 Representative:唐玄奘(西元600-664年)主要生活在初唐时期,一生共翻译了佛教大小乘经论75部1335卷,共计一千多万;玄奘的译著从数量和品质上都达到了中国佛经翻译史上的高峰;堪称:翻译家中的第一人;其成就主要在于是“新译”的创始人。他提出的著名的“五不翻”原则及“既须求真,又须喻俗”的标准,对我国翻译事业有很大影响。 ↓↓ (所谓“求真”就是指翻译必须忠实于原文内容并保持原文风貌;所谓“须喻俗”,就是指译文语言必须通顺易懂并符合其语言规范。玄奘将“须求真”和“须喻俗”有机地结合,使两者相辅相成,) (所谓“不翻”,不是不翻译,而是指“音译”。玄奘列举了5种应该音译的情况,即“五不翻”。其“五不翻”具体为:(1)秘密之,故不翻。佛经中有许多咒语,有其秘密的意思和作用,应该音译,如“陀罗尼”。(2)含多义,故不翻。即一词多义的梵文,在汉语中找不到合适的词汇来表达,因此保留原文,只作音译。如“薄伽梵”,在梵文里便有六层意思。(3)此方所无,故不翻。“此方”即“中国”,指在中国文化中没有的事物应该音译。如“阎浮”树,由于产于印度等地,而我国没有这种树,故保留原意。(4)顺于古例,故不翻。指有些约定俗成的词语应该遵循习惯采取音译。例如“阿耨多罗三藐三菩提”,本来意“指无上正等正觉”,但由于自东汉以来,历代译经家用“音译”翻译,因此保留前人翻译模式,不再翻译成“无上正等正觉”。(5)为生善,故不翻。指具有特殊意义或功能的词语也应当音译。如“般若”虽可意译为智慧,但却是佛教文化中蕴含着特殊意义的一种智慧,一旦把意思直接译出来,则会韵味尽失。“五不翻”原则对我国翻译事业影响极其巨大,直到现在,仍然具有深远的影响。) 1.2文学翻译阶段及其代表人物 文学翻译阶段大致在19世纪60年代到20世纪80年代


英语和汉语的差异 Synthetic vs.Analytic 综合与分析 English is a synthetic language marked with inflections(曲折变化形式),while Chinese is an analytic language without any inflection,which is usually implied in the context or explicitly shown in such words as“着、了、过”etc. Thus encouraged, they made a still bolder plan for the next year. 由于受到这样的鼓励,他们为第二年制订了一个更大胆的计划。 Compact vs.Diffusive 紧凑与松散 English sentences are compact tightly combined with connectives or prepositions,while Chinese is diffused,that is,loose in structure. Now the integrated circuit has reduced by many times the size of the computer of which it forms a part,thus creating a new generation of portable minicomputer.现在集成电路成了计算机的组成部分,使计算机的体积大大缩小,从而产生了新一代的便携式微型计算机。 A notion has taken hold in the US to the effect that the only people who should be encouraged to bring children into the world are those who can afford them.在美国有一个根深蒂固的观点,说是只有对那些抚养得起子女的人,才应鼓励其生育。 Hypotactic vs.Paratactic 形合与意合 In English.clauses or phrases are coordinated with or subordinated to one another syntactically while in Chinese theY are placed one after another without coordinating connectives.The many colors of a rainbow range from red on the outside to violet on the inside.彩虹有多种颜色,外圈红,内圈紫。 He had a disconcerting habit of expressing contradictory ideas in rapid succession.他有一种令人难堪的习惯:一会儿一个看法,自相矛盾,变化无常。 Complex vs. Simplex 繁复与简单 English sentences are long and complex,while Chinese sentences are short and simple.For example: Many man-made substances are replacing certain natural materials because either the quality of the natural product cannot meet our ever-increasing requirement,or,more often,because the physical properties of the synthetic substance.which is the common name for man.made materials,have been chosen.and even emphasized,so that it would be Of the greatest use in the fields in which it is to be applied.人造材料通称为合成材料。许多人造材料正在代替某些天然材料,这或者是由于天然物产的数量不能满足日益增长的需要,或者是由于人们选择了合成材料的一些物理性质并加以突出而造成的。因此,合成材料在其应用领域将具有极大的用途。 Impersonal vs.Personal 物称与人称 There are more impersonal structures in English than in Chinese,as shown in the following examples: ·What has happened to you? 你出了什么事儿啦? ·An idea suddenly struck me.我突然想到一个主意。 ·A strange peace canle over her when she was alone 她独处时感到一种特别的安宁。 ·Not a sound reached our ears.我们没有听到任何声音。 ·A great elation overcame them.他们欣喜若狂。 ·The truth finally dawned on her.她最终明白了真相。 Passive vs.Active 被动与主动


《十二天突破英汉翻译-笔译篇》笔记 一、定语从句 1、sth. important (adj 修饰不定代词) 后置 a cat alive (asleep, awake, alike) a child adopted(V 过分,可以后置) 2、英文中介词可以译为方位副词和动词。 3、中文:先出主语+废话(定、状、补、插)+ 最重要成分 英文:先出主语+最重要成分+废话(定、状、补、插) 主语+废话+主句 4、否定转移:但凡是because 或by 或表原因的词引导的是(从)句子,它一定不转移;是短语 时一定转移。 5、译法:前置、后置、句首译法。 的关系词 6、一个人或者一群人后接动词+宾从;则此动词常译为认为。 (suggest, assume) 7、英汉互译过程中,为了让句子更加通顺,在不影响句意的情况下可适当增加虚词(如果、而、那么),实词的增减 必须要有明确的句意。 8、循环套用:中心词+定1 +定2 +定3 +…+定n-1 +定n [多个定从套用一定后置] 定 1 +定2 ≈定3 则将前两者放一起译←三个一样长 定 1 ≈定2 +定3 则将后两者放一起译 9、非限一定后置且译出关系词。(难在一定要判断关系词) 10、long before 在很久之前before long 不久后 11、inferior to 比…低级superior to 比…高级 junior to 比…年轻senior to 比…年长 prior to 在…之前 subject to doing 屈服于object to doing 反对 12、非谓语动词位于名词后相当于定从,需按定从处理。 13、abnormally=extremely 极其的,相当的 14、若句子译成中文不通顺则重新断句。 15、并列套用:中心词+定1 +定2 +定3 +…and+定n 后置,且关系词只需译一次 16、中文先事实后评论,英文先评论后事实。(差异一) 17、It is often said that…人们常说……It is believed that…人们认为…… It is guessed that…人们猜测……It is thought that…人们认为…… It is supposed that…人们推测…… It is reported that…据报道……According to static, 据统计……


英汉翻译笔记整理 第一部分:数词的译法 一、数字增减的译法: 1.句式特征:by+名词+比较级+than The wire is by three inches longer than that one.这根导线比那根长3英寸。2.句式特征:表示增减意义的动词+to+n.译为:增加到。。。。或减少到。。。。Metal cutting machines have been decreased to 50.金属切割机已经减少到50台。 二、百分数增减的表示法与译法 1.句式特征:表示增减意义的动词+% The output value has increased 35%.产值增加了35% 2.句式特征:表示增减意义的动词+by+% Retail salses should rise by 8%商品零售额应增加3% The prime cost decreased by 60%.主要成本减少60% 3.句式特征:表示减少意义的动词+to+%表示减少后剩余的数量 By using this new-process the loss of metal was reduced to 20%.采用这种新工艺,铁的损失量减少到20% 4.句式特征:%+比较级+than表示净增减的数量 Retail sales are expected to be nine percent higher than last year.今年零售额与去年相比,有望增加9%。 5.句式特征:%+比较级+名词表示净减数 The new-type machine wasted 10 percent engergy supplied. 新型机械能耗量


第一天突破英文中定语从句的翻译(一) 在中国古代汉语中的后置定语:中国疆域之辽阔,人口之众多,资源之丰富。 China has a vast territory,a large population and plentiful resources. 英文中一个词修饰另一个词的时候存在前置和后置两种情况(属于以a-开头的形容词做定语的时候都要后置) 所有的词组和句子在修饰一个单词的时候都是后置,而没有前置,这样也引起了英文中后置的定语从句 4英文中的介词可以翻成中文里的方位副词的动词 There is a book on the desk. 桌上有本书。 The teacher came into the classroom with a book and a dog.老师带着一本书和一只狗…… 5中文:先出主语+废话(包括定语,状语,补语和插入语等)+最重要成分 英文:先出主语+最重要成分+废话(包括定语,状语,补语和插入语等) 6 英译汉的三部曲:断句(读起来不通顺重新断句),翻译和重读 定语从句的翻译方法: 前置译法:一般8个单词(包括8个单词)以下定语从句前置,但是如果放在中心词的前面难以,那么句子会更加冗长,放在后面也未尝不可 后置译法:多于8个单词后置。定语从句翻译后置方法中,需要译出关系词,在翻译的过程中就是要将它们翻译为具体的名词,而不是置之不理。非限制性定语从句需要后置译法,且翻译关系词 句首译法 7循环套用1: 中心词+定语1+定语1的定语2+定语2的定语3+…… 翻译方法看长度,如果三个定语一样长,根据经验判断把前两个放在一起翻译: 定语1+2=3 前两者放在一起翻译 定语1=2+3 后两者放在一起翻 14循环套用2: 中心词+定语1+定语1的定语2 翻译时:2+1+含有中心词的句子 8一般来说,一个人或是一群人的后面出现了一个动词,动词后面有宾语从句,即使不认识这个单词,我们都会把这个词翻译成“认为” 9some翻译为“某些”,而不是“一些”,因为科学家在表达某种观点时都不存在不确定性 28some kind of 某些 10 which有时指前面整个句子; 14 有时定语从句远离先行词; Where“在那里” 11 prior to(主张多用)=before 新中国建立以前:prior to the foundation of the People’s Republic of China “其”是中文专门用来表示第三人称的词。 13 定语从句一般不可放在句首 被动语态:“为”这个字代替了“被”,因为“被”本身在现代汉语中用的比较少 英汉差异: 13 英文中多用代词;中文多用名词,不怕重复 15 英文多用长句,不注重标定符号的使用;中文多用短句且多用逗号隔开 23 英文多用名词;中文多用动词(动词的过渡) 英译汉: 9 适时断句,避免长句 12 重要的句子在后面翻译,不重要的先翻译 15 适时增加表示逻辑关系的词,使句子更具逻辑性


《十二天突破英汉翻译》学习笔记 (1)定语从句结构调整问题 武峰老师在这一章对定语从句讲得较细,感觉主要是两大个难点:一是 which 和 that 的指代对象判断,二是如何捋顺中文表达。 第二个难点集中在定语从句译成汉语后的位置,放前面还是后面。武老师“不主改变句子结构,不然容易引起句子的歧义”,不过,武老师也主“八个单词以下的定语从句前置,多于八个单词的句子则是后置”。例如: Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an enviornment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for apropriate response will experience greater intellectual development. 行为主义者认为,一个孩子如果生长在有很多刺激的环境里,而这些环境促进了其适当反应能力的发展,那么这个孩子就会有着更大的知识发展。 个人感觉,看分析虽然有帮助,不过最有效的办法还是多读类似的译例,看多了自然就明白该怎么处理更灵活。可以到英语文摘、英语世界等杂志里找类似的句子。 另外学英语或者学翻译也可以用一种专题式的方式,比如集中一个周,专门整理这样一个点。 (2) Suggest 和 Assume 等词引导观点时,一般译为“认为”即可。个人比较支持这种译法,如果不是特别追求100%信达,这样译至少不会太生硬。 (3)适当增加“而”、“所以”等词,让句子逻辑更明显。

第二章部分,序号接上篇: (4)谓语动词的过渡: 过渡前:I support you. 过渡后:I give you my support 个人理解:所谓过渡,即原来【一个动词】可以表达的意思,现在用【一个动词再加一个名词】。可以理解为把动词换成短语,换成长一点儿、雅一点儿的表达。 (5)It 结构翻译 It is often saidthat人们常说 It is reportedthat 据报道 It is supposedthat 人们推测 (6)方位与地名 West Africa 西非,这种表示人为划分的行政区域。 Western Beijing,自然地理意义上的围,翻译为“的西部” The west ofBeijing:的西边,不在围之。 (7)插入语处理方式:破折号 Although Gutmanadmits that forced separation by sale was frequent, he shows that the slave’spreference, revealed most clearly on


第18章文学翻译 18.1 复习笔记 一、文学翻译的标准 对于文学翻译的要求是,“用另一种语言,把原作的艺术意境传达出来,使读者在读译文的时候能够像读原作时一样得到启发、感动和美的感受”。 钱钟书把文学翻译的最高标准概括为一个“化”字。 二、文学翻译的过程 借鉴茅盾的有关解释,把文学翻译过程分为三个阶段: (1) 理解阶段; (2) 印证阶段; (3) 表达阶段。 在表达阶段强调的内容是: (1) 必须使用文学语言; (2) 尽量保持原作风格; (3) 力求内容和形式的辩证统一。 三、文学翻译须使用文学语言 这里仅介绍英文小说翻译的几个侧面:

1. 文学语言具有准确、形象、生动、自然等特征,译者应根据原作的艺术意境和语言特色,在译文里寻找适当的语言形式,使之文情并茂。 Daffodils all along the hedgerow swung like yellow, ruffled birds on their perches. 清风徐徐,沿灌木篱笆旁的水仙花轻轻地摇摆着,颇似栖息的鸟儿掀动着金黄色羽毛。 2. 运用娴熟的汉语,再现人物语言的形象化和个性化,使译文产生“如闻其声,如见其人”的艺术效果。 “Say, some tenderness, that!” This is reference to a smile or a melting glance on the part of a female. “唷,瞧那样多温存!”这说的是一位女性的嫣然一笑,或者回眸传情。 3. 凭借自己的审美体验,深刻理解原作的艺术美,进而形神兼备地再现这种艺术美。 四、加强文学翻译的基本功训练 有兴趣于或有志于从事文学翻译的青年,可在课内外分门别类地选做一些练习,以集中提高某些方面的表述能力。 18.2 课后习题详解 将下列英文译成汉语: 1. One morning, in the fall of 1880, a middle-aged woman, accompanied by a young girl of inquiry as to whether there was anything a- bout the place that she could do. She was of a helpless, fleshy build, with a frank, open countenance and


复习笔记 第1章翻译的基本概念和问题 一、翻译基本问题的提出 1. 翻译的定义 (1) 语际翻译与语内翻译 广义地说翻译包括的范围很广,甚至可包括语言和非语言符号之间的转换。 本书讨论的翻译就是指如何将某一语言活动的言语产物转换到另一语言中去,也就是语际(interlingual)翻译。 严格地说,翻译还应包括某一语言内不同变体间的转换,也就是语内(intralingual)翻译。 这两类翻译在本质上颇有雷同之处,而且其核心问题都是如何把原文的意思在译文中说出来。 (2) 探索翻译的新概念 随着现代语言学的发展,各类应用语言学分支学科应运而生,探索翻译的工具越来越得心应手,出现了许多关于翻译的新的概念,如“忠实”、功能对等、等值、信达雅等等。但翻译的本质仍然是在某一特定的社会环境内进行交流的过程。 概括来说,翻译的定义就是把原文中的意思在译文中表达出来。 2. 原文意思在译文中的表达 在翻译过程中,有些句子如照字面直接译过来意思就会不够清楚。 (1) 句子中的有些意思会紧紧地结合在语言本身的形式上使得译者将语言的形式照搬。

例: It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. [译文]凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的真理。 [分析]尽管单从翻译技巧上看,可将It is a truth universally acknowledged放到后面,但译者还是有必要依照原文的句法结构,因为原文文字前后的排列可以产生出一种讥讽的口气。 (2) 意思和语言结构完全绑在一起,而英汉两种语言结构上的不同造成了不可译性(untranslatability)。例: The air war heats up as the air war heats up. [译文]随着空战的升温,媒体报道也沸腾不已。 [分析] air war既可指空袭,也可指传媒竞相报道,作者使用这一词,将音和意紧紧地结合在一起,但在中文里却无法将空袭和传媒战用一个语言单位表达,构成不可译性。 3. 翻译界的论战问题 (1) 直译还是意译(Literal Translation VS. Free Translation) (2) 功能对等还是形式对应(Functional Equivalence VS. Formal Correspondence) (3) 重原文的形式还是重原文的内容(Form VS. Content) (4) 靠近源语还是靠近译入语(Source—oriented VS. Target—oriented) (5) 以原作者为中心还是以译文读者为中心(Author—centered VS. Reader-centered) (6) 原作者写作的目的还是译者翻译的目的(The Purpose of the Author VS. the Purpose of the Translator)


英汉翻译笔记整理 一、数字增减的译法: 1.句式特征:by+名词+比较级+than The wire is by three inches longer than that one.这根导线比那根长3英寸。 2.句式特征:表示增减意义的动词+to+ n.译为:增加到。。。。或减少到。。。。 Metal cutting machines have been decreased to 50.金属切割机已经减少到50台。 二、百分数增减的表示法与译法 1.句式特征:表示增减意义的动词+% The output value has increased 35%.产值增加了35% 2.句式特征:表示增减意义的动词+by+% Retail sales should rise by 8%商品零售额应增加3% The prime cost decreased by 60%.主要成本减少60% 3.句式特征:表示减少意义的动词+to+%表示减少后剩余的数量 By using this new-process the loss of metal was reduced to 20%.采用这种新工艺,铁的损失量减少到20% 4.句式特征:%+比较级+than表示净增减的数量 Retail sales are expected to be nine percent higher than last year.今年零售额与去年相比,有望增加9%。

5.句式特征:%+比较级+名词表示净减数 The new-type machine wasted 10 percent energy supplied. 新型机械能耗量净减10% 6.句式特征:a + % + increase表示净增数 There is a 20% increase of steel as compared with last year.与去年相比,今年钢产量净增20% 7.句式特征:%+ (of) 名词(代词)表示净减数,数字n照译 The production cost is about 60 percent that of last year.今年产值仅为去年的60% 8.句式特征:%+up on 或over表示净增数 The grain output of last year in this province was 20% percent up on that of 1978.去年粮食产量比1978年净增20%。 汉语表示“增加了几倍”时,英语的倍数表示倍数需减一,译成“增加了n-1倍”以表示净增加数。如果译成“增加到n倍”或“为原来的n倍”,则照译不误。 1.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+n times“表示成倍地增长,译成”增加到N倍“或”增加n-1倍“ 注:1倍 once; 2倍twice(或double);3倍thrice(或three times)2.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+by+ n times,该句式与上述相同 3.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+to+ n times表示增加到N倍,


3.重要机构名称英译 学校各部门: 校医院university hospital 保卫科security section 财务处finance section 基础部basic training department 教材科teaching material section 教导处educational setion 教务处the dean’s office 教研室teaching and research room 科研处scientific research department 膳食科catering section 外事科foreign affairs office 学生科student affairs section 学术委员会academic committee 研究生院graduate school 招生办公室admission office 政教处political education section 总务处general affairs office 政党及党组织: 九三学社The Jiu San Society 台湾民主自治同盟The Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League 政治局Political Bureau 中共中央对外联络部International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee 中共中央统战部United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee 中国共产党The Communist Party of China 中国共产主义青年团Communist Youth League of China 中国国民党革命委员会The Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang 中国民主促进会China Association for Promoting Democracy 中国民主建国会China Democratic National Construction Association 中国民主同盟The China Democratic League 中国农工民主党Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party 中国致公党China Zhi Gong Party 中央办公厅General Office of the Central Committee 中央党校Party School of the Central Committee 中央顾问委员会Advisory Commission of the Central Committee 中央候补委员Alternate Member of the Central Committee 中央纪律检查委员会Discipline Inspection Commission of the Central Committee 中央军事化委员会Military Commission Under the Central Committee 中央绿化委员会Greening Commission of the Central Committee


实践部分 本课程采取章节教学,按照讲述内容可以分为四个单元。第一单元包括第二课,主要讲解汉日语言各自的特点;第二单元包括第三课至第十一课,主要讲授词汇翻译的原则与技巧;第三单元包括第十二课至第十五课,主要讲授语句的翻译原则与技巧;第四单元包括第十六课至第十九课,主要讲授不同题材和体裁的文章翻译原则与技巧。单元中每课有对照阅读和练习,并附有提示解说。 第一单元汉日语言特点 第二课日汉语主要不同点 一、课程内容: 1.语系不同 2.语序不同 3.决定词汇在句子中的地位、作用的方式不同 4.词尾变化不同 5.表达敬谦的方式不同 6.思维形象、比喻习惯不同 7.标点符号不同 二、考核要求: 具体掌握日汉语言在语言学上的差异 第二单元词汇翻译方法与技巧 第三课要十分重视汉字词 一、课程内容: 1.日语汉字词同汉语简单比较 2.误译例辨析 二、考核要求 1.掌握汉日词汇结构的各自特点 2.掌握翻译汉字词的方法 第四课增词、减词、引申 一、课程内容 1.增词:增译人称代词;增译数量词;增译指量词;增译日语表达中的合理省略;日语并列句中的双主语共用一个谓语时增译谓语。 2.减词:减译名词;减译指示词、形式名词;减译动词;减译连词。 3.引申:解释性引申;抽象性引申。 4.翻译方法:增词不是画蛇添足;减词不是削足适履;引申不是无根据的异想天开。二、考核要求 翻译中有处理下列问题的能力:对日、汉语不同表达方式的增译、减译和引申。 第五课转换词语、正反表达

一、课程内容 1.转换词语:日语中带动词性质的名词以及有这类名词构成的复合动词汉译时往往译成动词或动宾词组;形容词、形容动词有时也转换为动词;日语的状语 有时译成汉语的补语。 2.正反表达:日语正面表达,汉语反面表达;日语反面表达,汉语正面表达;否定句译成肯定句。 3.翻译方法:吃透原文,捕捉真意,选择合适汉语表达,做到“词变意不变,形反意不反”。 二、考核要求 翻译中有处理下列问题的能力: 1.转换词语 2.正反表达 第六课拟声词、拟态词的翻译 一、课程内容 1.日、汉语拟声词、拟态词比较:日语拟声拟态词多的原因;日语拟声拟态词的构词 特点;汉语拟声拟态词的特点。 2.汉译方法:准确理解原意;不译、意译都要以不损原意为原则;译词要符合汉语表达;翻译形式灵活掌握。 二、考核要求 翻译中有处理下列问题的能力:准确翻译拟声拟态词 第七课外来语的翻译 一、课程内容 1.日语外来语的特点:数量多使用范围广;构造手段灵活; 2.翻译方法:音译与意译相结合。 二、考核要求 翻译中有处理下列问题的能力: 1.所选外来语词汇的特点与翻译难度 2.人名,公司名的翻译 3.一些科技用语的翻译 第八课人称代词与指示词的翻译 一、课程内容 1.人称代词的增加:敬语;寒暄语;授受关系动词、补助动词做谓语的句子;以感觉、思 维类动词做谓语的略主句;以感情形容词做谓语的句子;表示希望、 意志、命令的句子;对话中晚辈自己称呼自己的名字和长辈称呼晚辈 的名字;对话中的职务。 2.指示词的翻译:指代眼前事物;指代紧挨在前面的单词、词组、句子或文章;指代前面提到过的单词、词组、句子或文章;
