

我希望直到渐渐老去的时候还只为自己和少数人而活 不要尘埃, 不要尘埃,不要腐朽地 我们没有大宅可我们有温暖的小窝 我们都不太漂亮可我们能够带给彼此美丽 我的钱不够多可我一定买得起我想给你们送的礼物 我不是太阳可我这里还有足够的热量能够让你们感到不再寒冷 如果我们都虚荣那就承认吧 如果我们都虚荣那就拉起手来一步一步走向田园吧 乍暖还寒时有我们的浅吟低唱 饥肠辘辘时 饥肠辘辘时有我们做的暖暖的小米粥 遥远的人群不值得我们去追求 不管那个人来自清华 或出身于豪门 抑或有达芬奇的才华 和潘多拉的美貌 知道吗别去仰望遥远的他们 他们一点也不值得 我们最应该珍惜的是彼此 因为当他们死去我们听到了一条新闻 当我们死去爱我们的人听的是噩耗 直到世界的尽头我们的心里是否还有涓涓细流 直到沧海横流我们是否还能保持最初的勇气 直到天昏地暗我们是否还能有孩童般的挣扎能力 直到渐渐老去我希望我还能为自己和少数人健康地活着
Till the end of time
I can live for myself and the one I love till the end of the world Without dust, without decay. We don’t own a splendid mansion,but a mere cabin can keep warm We are not belles or Apollos but still we own endless beauty I’m not a millionaire but I’m capable of presenting you with the most precious gifts If we are leading a life of vanity then let’s admit it frankly Then settle down in a place of tranquility and grace When the winter is over and spring is on its way I will murmur you a sweet song When your lovely stomach is growling A bowl of delicious millet congee will be ready for you People far away sometimes looks like a shining star For whom we are so crazy as to ignore the fact that it’s the people nearby we should love with all we have Because when they’ve gone the colorful world won’t exist any more And the scar will be too stubborn to heal Shall the pure stream keep running in our heart till the end of time Shall the tremendous courage still exist when the world is in a mess Shall our childish heart glint dazzlingly when the dawn disappears Till the end of the world I can still live for myself Till the end of time My life will still be shining for the one I love
Revised version
Till the end of time
I can live for myself [I would like to live only for myself] and the one [the ones /those] I love till the end [doom] of the world Without dust, without decay. We don’t own a splendid mansion,but [空格] a mere cabin can keep warm [suffices to keep us warm] We are not belles or Apollos [no belles nor applos] but still we own [enjoy] endless beauty I’m not a millionaire but I’m capable of presenting you with the most precious gifts [We are no millionaires but we’re capable of presenting each other with the most precious gifts] If we are leading a life

of vanity then let’s admit it frankly [If our life is deemed vain, let’s admit it without shame] Then settle down in a place of tranquility and grace [And hand in hand we unfold our vanity onto an idyllic plain] When the winter is over and spring is on its way I will murmur you a sweet song When your lovely stomach is growling [groaning]
