

南昌大学2013~ 2014 学年第二学期非英语专业研究生



Part One:Translation ( 60 points)

1. Put the following paragraphs into Chinese: (30 points)

(1) So soon as the individual has something to give, there will be those who have something to give to him, and he elevates himself above this relentless law with its inexorable punishments for the unfit. At that point, when individuals begin to give each to the other, then their mutual cooperation and interdependence build human society, and participation in that society changes the whole character of the human struggle.


(2) We are in an era of tremendous anxiety. Widespread economic trepidation. Protests in the streets over class inequality. Racial tensions bubbling hot. If we don’t feel comfortable in the present and we’re nervous about the future then we must take refuge in a romanticized past, finding solace in its relative innocence. The past can function as comfort food. It’s reassuring to curl up inside comparatively halcyon periods when, not coincidentally, we were dealing with war and economic challenges and racial division and, crucially, we came through it. These cultural products are like mom’s chicken soup taking you back to when you were small and so were your problems and making you feel, for a moment, like everything’s going to be alright. Even as you know it is not. 我们身处在一个充斥着巨大的焦虑感的时代:人群中弥漫着对于经济形势的忧虑;大街上满是对于阶级不平等的抗议;种族紧张局势不断酝酿。如果我们身处当下感觉不快,遥望未来又神经紧张,就只好去充满浪漫主义色彩的过去寻找“避风港”,在过去那更为天真的气氛里寻找慰藉。过去就像是“心灵美食”。蜷缩在相对平静的时代能让我们更加安心,但那个时代,我们同样应对着战争、经济挑战和种族隔离,但重要的是,我们都安然度过了。这些文化产品就像是妈妈烹调的鸡汤,让你回忆起小时候,那时所有的问题也显得不那么严重,那一时刻,你觉得一切都很好,即使你明白事实并非如此。

(3) The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even in one term, but America-I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you- we as a people will get there. There will be setbacks and false starts. There are many who won’t agree with every decision or policy I make as president, and we know that government can’t solve every problem. But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face. I will listen to you, especially when we disagree. And above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation the only way it’s been done in America for 221 years- block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand.

2. Put the following paragraphs into English: (30 points)

(1) 这世上种种暗淡、微小的快乐中,我觉得要算上这一种快乐:拿起笔的快乐。很多人说过,写作的行为本身有一种实实在在的快乐:就在选词造句的过程中。也有很多人否认这一点。约翰逊博士在他的一生中肯定也否认过这种快乐,就我而言,这种快乐确实会在很少见的心情下出现,但在大多数情绪中完全不是这么一回事。不过,我在这里并不是要愉快地讨论写作和写作中的快乐,而是要说拿起笔的快乐,这完全是另外一回事。注意这一行为意味着什么。你独自一人。即便房间里挤满了人,你也一定是让自己感到了孤独才能写作。你一定是竖立起了某种屏障,将你的头脑与外界隔绝。此时的你,是孤独的;这样才能开始。

Among the sadder and smaller pleasures of this world I count this pleasure: the pleasure of taking up one’s pen. It has been said by very many people that there is a tangible pleasure in the mere act of writing: in choosing and arranging words. It has been denied by many. It is affirmed and denied in the life of Doctor Johnson, and for my part I would say that it is very true in some rare moods and wholly false in most others. However, of writing and the pleasure in it I am not writing here with pleasure, but of the pleasure of taking up one’s pen, which is quite another matter.Note what the action means. You are alone. Even if the room is crowded, you must have made yourself alone to be able to write at all. You must have built up some kind of wall and isolated your mind. You are alone, then; and that is the beginning.

(2) “一心二用”(the dual-ability to manage multiple tasks)的生理基础,是注意力的分配。人的注意力的总量是有限的,但实验证明,这个总量又是可以进行分配的。没人怀疑,一般人都可以一边走路一边接听电话。但一边开车一边接听电话呢?就要取决于两种因素:一是谈话的内容,一是交通的路况。同时从事两种任务的复杂程度,影响、决定着注意力分配的质量。在翻译中,鉴于大部分人不是真正意义上的“双语人”(bilinguals),而是“双语使用者”(diglossias), 故其注意力分配的布局就要有所不同。对于母语这一边要相对占有优势,而外语那一边则会牵涉更多的精力。

The biological foundation of the dual-ability to manage multiple tasks lies in attention distribution. While its total capacity is confined, attention can still be distributed as experiments have proved. Cases can be easily found of people possessing the ability to walk while talking on the phone. However, the ability to juggle drive and conduct a telephone conversation is obviously more demanding, depending very much on the contents of conversation and the conditions of traffic. The complexity of the tasks carried out concurrently determines the quality of attention distribution. Given the fact that most translators engaged in Chinese-English translation are not “bilinguals” in its true sense but “diglossias”, the layout of their attention distribution may vary accordingly, virtually taking up more attention from the foreign language side.


Part Two: Writing (20 points)

Book Matters: Will e-readers replace paperbacks?

Will e-readers replace paperbacks(纸质平装书)? Is this the end of the novel as we know it? With

the rising popularity of e-readers---a new generation of mini-computers that allow you to download thousands of books at the click of a button---many have been speculating about the demise of the physical book. What is your opinion ? Write at least 250-300 words .(20%)

Answer Sheet(非艺术类)

Part One Translation(60 points)

1. Put the following paragraphs into Chinese: (30 points)




2. Put the following paragraphs into English: (30 points)(1)



Part Two Writing (20 points)


二卷模拟答案 Section A Directions:Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET. Discoveries in science and technology are thought by many to come in blinding flashes or as the result of dramatic accidents: Sir Isaac Newton noticed the falling apple in his garden and came forth with the gravitation law. This notion is obviously not true. Sir Alexander Fleming did not, as legend would have it, look at the mold on a piece of cheese and get the idea for penicillin there and then. In fact, he had experimented with antibacterial substances for nine years before he made his discovery. Inventions and innovations almost always come out of laborious trial and error. Innovation, as well as inventions, is like soccer; even the best players miss the goal and have their shots blocked much more frequently than they score. Section B Directions:Translate the following passage into English. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET. 自然界开始了一次新的实验。人类不再只是能适应某一特定的环境,而是获得了能适应 任何环境的能力。他们分散到世界各地,在迁移中不断变化,直到成为在地球上分布最广的 物种。人类在身体和文化方面都适应于他们迁入的新环境。居住在赤道附近的人为了在强烈 日光下保护自己,渐渐地有了黑色皮肤。迁移到寒冷地带的人为了利用阳光合成维生素D, 渐渐地有了较为白皙的皮肤。住在寒冷而干燥地区的人们长得矮胖,以便保存热量;住在干 燥而炎热地区的人们长得高瘦,以便使热量容易散发。 答案: Section A 很多人认为科技发现是灵光一闪,或戏剧化事件的产物:艾萨克·牛顿爵士在花园中注意到了苹果落地,从而发现了万有引力定律。很显然,这一观点并不正确。弗莱明爵士并不如传闻所言那样,看到一片奶酪上的霉菌,在当时当地就想到(发明)了抗生素盘尼西林。事实上,他做了九年之久的抗细菌物质的实验,终于才有了他的发现。发现和革新总是来自于勤勉的“试误”实验。革新和发明就像是足球赛,即使是最好的选手也会射不进球,他们射门受阻的次数远远大于射门得分的次数。 Section B Nature began a new experiment. Instead of adapting to a specific environment, man has the capacity to adapt himself to any specific environment. They spread throughout the globe, changing as they moved, until they became the most widely distributed species on the earth. Man adapted physically as well as culturally to the new surroundings into which he moved. People who lived near equator developed dark skin to protect themselves from strong sunlight; people who moved to colder climates developed light skin to take advantage of the sunlight for the synthesis of vitamin D; people in cold dry climates became stocky to conserve heat. People in hot dry climates tended to become tall and thin to dissipate heat.


非英语专业硕士研究生英语学位课程 考试大纲 (试行稿) 《非英语专业硕士研究生英语学位课程考试大纲》(Non English Major Graduate Stu dent English Qualifying Test,简称GET)是根据《非英语专业研究生英语(第一外语)教学大纲(试行稿)》制定的。本大纲规定了硕士生英语学位课程通过考试的内容、形式、时间和计分。考试目的在于考核已修完研究生英语课程的学生是否达到教学大纲所规定的各项要求,以及实际掌握和运用英语的能力。 一、基础英语部分 本考试共有六个部分:听力理解(占15%)、词汇(占10%)、完形填空(占15%)、阅读理解(30%)、翻译(占20%)、写作(占10%)。分两份试卷:试卷一(Paperl)包括前四个部分,共80题;试卷二(Paper2)包括翻译和写作,共3题。全部题目按顺序统一编号。 第一部分听力理解(Part I Listening Comprehension);听力理解部分主要测试考生掌握听力材料中心思想和主要内容的能力,判断对话情景、场合、人物关系、身份和说话人的意图及话语含义的能力。共15题,考试时间为15分钟左右。主要测试考生能否一遍听懂语速为每分钟120个词的对话和短文。本部分共有二节: A节(Section A):共9题,每题为一段对话。问句后有15秒间隙,要求考生从所给出的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。 B节(Section B):共6题,题目或为问句或为未完成的句子,分别安排在2—3篇听力材料之后。要求考生在15秒的间隙中从所给出的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。 第二部分词汇(Part I Vocabulary):词汇部分主要测试考生运用词汇和短语的能力。测试教学大纲的词汇表、词组表及词根词缀表所覆盖的内容。着重测试研究生阶段所学的词和基础词的多种词性及词义搭配、易混词的区别及难词的认知。词汇与词组的比例为7∶3。共20题,分A、B两节,考试为10分钟。 A节(Section A):共10题。每题为一英文句,句中有一词或固定词组下面划有横线,要求从所给的四个选择项中选出该划线词或词组的最佳同义词或最佳释义。 B节(Section B):共10题。每题为一英文句,句子中有一个空白,要求从所给的四个选择项中选出最恰当的词或词组使该句成为逻辑合理、表达正确的英文句。 第三部分完形填空(Part III Cloze Test):主要测试考生在语篇水平上的理解能力和实际运用语言的能力。测试内容可以是句型、结构,也可以是词汇、词组和习惯用语。共15题。考试时间为10分钟。测试的形式是在一篇题材熟悉、难度适中的短文(约200—250词)

考研英语 教案1

考研英语教案() .教学目的: .让学生有一个好的考研心态和备考计划 .让学生了解考试大纲规定的考查内容 . 教学内容: 1.考纲规定的考试内容 2.英语知识运用简述 . 教学时间: . 教学重点: .考试大纲对语言知识和语言技能的考查 .英语知识运用解题技巧 .教学难点: .考试大纲对语言知识和语言技能的考查 .英语知识运用解题技巧 .教学方法: ; , . 教学用具: , , . 教学步骤: ?考研热身(备考心态和备考计划) ?考纲考查内容概述 ?教学要求及其他 ?作业布置 大家好!随着新学期的到来,我们又开始了崭新的行程!面对眼前的人生

路,让我们感到的不该是茫然。相反,在这个知识爆炸、瞬息万变的世界中,我们应该让青春化作跳动的音符去唱出生命的天籁之音!让青春化作汹涌的江水奔腾入海!让青春化作燃烧的火焰跃动在人生的最前线!那么对于每一位考生朋友来说,究竟如何开始书写这崭新的一页呢?那就是:将考研进行到底!为我们年轻的心立下坚定的誓言,进行再一次无愧的选择! 下面,我将从备考心态和备考计划两个方面进行交流。 备考心态: 在和考生交流的过程中,我清楚地看到了大多数考生在心理上所存在的共性,这就是在春天的时候热情极高,夏天的时候血压升高,秋天的时候怨声载道,冬天的时候退出率高…… 究其原因主要有三点。 首先,大家必须记住,考研只是我们成长道路上所遇到的又一道壮丽的风景线!每个考生都应该正确地看待它。既然做出了无愧的选择,就必须清楚这种选择的意义。也可能会很不尽如人意,但必须冷静地面对。有些考生的心态非常好,他们认为意义在于过程,经过了方知备考考研过程其实也是我们人生旅程的真实写照。它里面充满了希望与绝望,坚定与惆怅,欢笑与泪水……难道它不值得每一个有思想的人去好好品味与体会么?所以说,考研是要求我和我所有的考生朋友们必须冷静并且无愧地去面对的。 其次,当决心下定后,考生朋友们一定要理智地去选择备考的方式,并不是说一定要花多少钱在参考书上。有些同学在春天就买了许多参考书,其实到了年底有许多书从来没有碰过!造成了浪费。其实参考书只能是一


初二英语下册期中考试题 试卷总分:150分考试时间:120分钟 A卷(选择题:100分) 第一部分听力部分(共25小题,计分25分) 一、听句子,根据你所听到的内容选择正确答语。(每小题念两遍)(共6小题,第小题1 分,计6分) ( ) 1. A. Communicate with her. B. Fight with her. C. Go to the hospital. ( ) 2. A. Yes, you can. B. Yes, you should. C. No, you couldn’t. ( ) 3. A. Yes, sure. B. No, I can’t. C. Yes, I could. ( ) 4. A. I am doing homework. B. I was doing chores. C. My mom was doing the dishes. ( ) 5. A. I was at home cooking. B. Kate was waiting for the bus. C. She was at work. ( ) 6. A. Study until midnight. B. See a dentist. C. Play sports. 二、听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片,并将代表图片的字母填在答题卡的相应位置。 每小题念两遍(共4小题,每小题1分,计4分)。 A B C D 7. 8. 9. 10. 三、听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。每小题念两遍(共10小题,计10分)( ) 11. A. He is good. B. He is important. C. He is great and successful. ( ) 12. A. She feels stressed out. B. She should have a good rest. C. She has lots of work to do. ( ) 13. A. Drawing. B. Telling stories. C. Going to the old people’s home. ( ) 14. A. He’ll fight with him. B. He is shy. C. He’ll write a letter. ( ) 15. A. Yes, he doe s. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, she does. ( ) 16. A. Get a part-time job. B. Borrow from his brother. C. Ask his brother to return money. ( ) 17. A. On the playground. B. In the library. C. In the classroom. ( ) 18. A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. No,she isn’t. ( ) 19. A. Cats. B. Dogs. C. Goldfishes. ( ) 20. A. Yes, he did. B. The cat jumped down himself. C. John helped it jump down. 四、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。短文念三遍(共5小题,每小题 1 分,共5 分。) ( )21. has an old people’s home. A. Mr. Green. B. Mr. Green’s friend. C. Mrs. Green.


2017年在职研究生考研英语二真题及答案解析 考研教育英语教研室 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) People have speculated for centuries about a future without work.Today is no different,with academics,writers,and activists once again 1 that technology is replacing human workers. Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by 2 . A few wealthy people will own all the capital,and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland.. A different and not mutually exclusive 3 holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort,one 4 by purposelessness:Without jobs to give their lives 5 ,people will simply become lazy and depressed. 6 today’s unemployed don’t seem to be having a great time. One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression,double the rate for 7 Americans. Also,some research suggests that the 8 for rising rates of mortality,mental-health problems,and addicting9 poorly-educated middle-aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs. Perhaps this is why many 10 the agonizing dullness of a jobless future. But it doesn’t 11 follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease. Such visions are based on the 12 of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment. In the 13 of work,a society designed with other ends in mind could 14 strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure. Today,the 15 of work may be a bit overblown. “Many jobs are boring,degrading,unhealthy,and a waste of human potential,” says John Danaher,a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway. These days,because leisure time is relatively 16 for most workers,people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional 17 of their jobs. “When I come home from a hard day’s work,I often feel 18 ,” Danaher says,adding,“In a world in which I don’t have to work,I might feel rather different”—perhaps different enough to throw himself 19 a hobby or a passion project with the intensity usually reserved for 20 matters.


硕士研究生班英语教学总结 27 期临床医学研究生1 班英语教学工作总结 2004-2005学年第一学期 任课教师:梁建莉 一、基本情况 27 期临床医学专业研究生班(注册学生人数93 人),为我校2004年招收的硕士研究生班。该班学生英语水平也呈两级分化,部分应届本科毕业生英语程度较好,历届生英语基础相对薄弱,但班级学风较好,到课率较高,班委具有一定的凝聚力和工作能力,能协助任课教师安排好各种英语课堂教学活动。 二、授课情况 本学期该班主体讲授教材为大学英语第五册,附加第五册同步练习。根据教学计划,每一课教学内容安排8课时完成,其中包括课文、词汇与结构、篇章结构分析、段落翻译以及命题作文。在组织教学上,本人力求打破“教师一言堂”或“教师满堂灌”的旧教学模式,采用学生讲课活动、自由设问与解答(根据课文内容)、英语自由演讲等各种形式,真正形成一个“以学生为主体、以教师为辅助”的英语教学新模式。其次,在整个教学中,本人采用了自制大学英语第五册多媒体系列课件授课的方式,以丰富的课文背景资料、生动形象的动画效果、与授课内容紧密相关的语音史料和影片等教学资料取代了乏味呆板的文字材料,使学生对所接触的英语教材有了生动形象的感性认识,从而激发了学生学习英语的兴趣,增强了参与班级语言教学活动的积极性和创造性。该系列课件的内容、形式和质量受到该班全体学生的高度赞誉。 本学期,除了按时完成计划内教学任务外,本人还与该班班委一同组织了以下班级英语

实践活动: 1. 2. 3.学生讲课活动 英语口试比赛(自由话题,学生评委打分)自由设问与回答(教师评分) 三、考试情况 1.卷面成绩分析 试题类别词汇填空阅读翻译作文期末成绩 2. 3. 比率15 10 40 20 15 100 平均成绩11.6 6.9 25.5 16.9 10.8 71.6 期末成绩分析 卷面成绩分数段100-90 89-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 49-20 学生人数:85 1 17 37 20 8 2 总评成绩分析 总评成绩分数段100-90 89-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 学生人数:85 0 35 40 9 0 1


五、单项选择(15分) ()21.I think_____is meaningful for us to help other people. A.it B.that C.this D.it's ()22.-Who joined Oxfam T railwalker last year,Sam?-Mile_____. A.joined B.would C.did D.was ()23.P eople over18can group____into a team of four people and join the charity walk. A.they B.their C.theirs D.them ()24.They should plan____during the walk. A.what are they going to carry B.what they are going to carry C.how are they going to carry D.how should they carry ()25.If you finish the walk____two hours,you will receive a certificate. A.within B.for C.since D.after ()26.Which team is____,yours or theirs? A.popular B.more popular C.most popular D.the most popular ()27.I wish that I____a bird. A.am B.is C.was D.be ()28.Mr Li,our maths teacher,was ill this morning____he didn't come to school today. A.so B.because of C.because D.but ()29.They need____togethe r to finish the hike because only the team's finishing time will be recorded. A.walk B.walking C.walked D.to walk ()30.It is wr ong____some people look down on blind people and it is necessary for________ help them. A.that;us;to B.that;we;to C.that;you;too D./;us;to 六、完形填空(每小题2分,共12分) Now it is the su mme r holiday.Time always31fast.In the holiday,the weather is hot and I can't do mu ch32,but I live happily. The afternoon is hot,33I do my homework in the morning.I get up at6:30and tak e a walk in the park for half an hour.After breakfast,I begin to34English and Chinese,and do some maths exercises.I work very hard. I spend the afternoon outside.I go to the beach.I like to35in the sea.It is very funny,I will not go home until it is about five or six o'clock.Sometimes a friend of mine will come to see me and we will spend a few hours36songs. In this way I spend my holiday happily. 31.A.stops B.flies C.sleeps D.walks 32.A.work B.rain C.food D.wind 33.A.because B.but C.so D.or 34.A.read B.see C.watch D.look


与其他不少考研热门专业一样,英语专业研究生招生的研究方向设置非常细,不同学校的方向设置类别不一,名称也各异。 比如上海外国语大学英语语言文学专业下设有语言方向、文学方向、教学法方向、翻译学方向、口译学方向、英语国家文化方向、跨文化交际方向7个方向。而同样是外语类专业院校,北京外国语大学该专业设置的研究方向明显不同,广东外语外贸大学该专业设置的8个研究方向更与前两所学校无一相同。 在这种情况下,不少备考英语专业的同学对“如何选择研究方向”这样的问题一头雾水,也就不足为怪了。 就英语专业考研而言,外国语言文学下设置的二级学科很多,包括英语语言文学、俄语语言文学、法语语言文学、德语语言文学、日语语言文学、印度语言文学、阿拉伯语语言文学、欧洲语言文学、亚非语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学11个学科。其中,涉及英语专业的二级学科主要有3个:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学。 一般院校的英语专业多设置英语语言文学和外国语言学及应用语言学两个专业,所以,英语专业考研的专业设置其实比较简单,一般就是两大专业。不过,这两个专业被不同学校细化研究方向以后,就变得复杂了。如前面说到的上海外国语大学英语语言文学专业下设有7个方向,这7个方向进一步细分,小的研究方向达37个之多。 英语专业的研究方向虽名目众多,却也并非杂乱无章,其设置仍是遵循一定规律的。粗略分析,这些研究方向可分为传统研究方向和新兴研究方向两大类。 传统研究方向 传统研究方向,顾名思义,指的是设置多年的老牌研究方向,这些研究方向一般学校都有开设。 1. 文学方向 开设学校:全国绝大部分招收英语专业研究生的学校。据2007年的招生统计,仅有17所招收英语专业研究生的学校没有开设文学方向。 研究内容:主要研究英美文学研究领域中的重大问题,目的在于提高文学素养、理论水平和研究能力。 就业方向:此方向开设学校多,招生人数较多,就业范围非常广泛,一般为教师、研究人员。所学课程:西方文论、美国经典文学、美国现当代文学、英国经典文学、文学批评、英国文学选读、美国文学选读、17~19世纪英国文学研究、希腊戏剧研究、英国长篇小说选读、美国长篇小说选读、英国诗歌选读、美国诗歌选读、英美散文鉴赏、王尔德戏剧欣赏、英国短篇小说欣赏、美国短篇小说鉴赏、英美戏剧鉴赏、中国文学史、中国古典文学选读等。 2. 语言学 开设学校:全国绝大部分招收英语专业研究生的学校。据2007年的招生统计,仅有9所招收英语专业研究生的学校没有开设语言学方向。 研究内容:语言学是我国高校近年来普遍设置的一个综合性的语言研究学科。主要学习语言学理论及语言在各种学科中的应用,不同学校侧重点有所不同。 通过大量阅读有关文献、论文和最新的研究成果报告,使学生对于语言学的形成和发展有进一步的了解,并了解现代语言学的最新动向和最新发展。语言学特别强调和重视研究生的广泛阅读,包括专业的外语期刊和近几年的语言学相关论文。 就业方向:该专业理论性较强,主要面向大中专教师及研究人员。 所学课程:语言学概论、语用学与话语分析、应用语言学、现代语法学、语义学、语用学、英语语体学与文体学、语篇分析等。 3. 英美文化研究 开设学校:南京大学、上海外国语大学、天津师范大学等。


非英语专业的我如何成为一名翻译 通常一些不太熟悉的人问起大学学什么专业的时候,我一般都会简单的说英语专业。一来我确实有个英语专业的本科文凭,虽然是自考的。并且我又做了多年的英语翻译,水平也不错。另外还有一个很大的原因是这样可以避免过多的解释。其实我大学里学的不是英语专业。作为一个高中时期物理化学成绩很出色的理科生,虽然我也非常喜欢英语和历史、文学,但是在填报大学专业的时候却想都没想就惯性地全选了理工类。不得不说,当时的自己视野非常狭窄,十几年前网络信息还没有这么发达,几本厚厚的专业填报指南在同学手中传来传去,每个专业看上去都神秘而神圣。我当时没有在外上大学的亲友给参谋,父母文化程度也不高,社会经验仅限于所在乡镇最多到县城的小世界,无法给予我额外的指导和启发。而自己在多年强化学习的过程中也从未关注过自己内心的需求,从来没有想过自己真正喜欢什么,未来想要做什么。虽然学习成绩不错,也都是一路被老师和考试推着走过来的。可以说,那个时候心智尚未开启,一切都很懵懂。进入大学以后,视野慢慢变得开阔,接触的人群里有了很多思想比较先进头脑灵活行为独树一帜的人,逐渐受到震撼和启发,自己也开始无意识地寻找自己的个性和定位。后来我强烈地意识到自己以后不想做一辈子科研类的工作,



五、单项选择(15 分) () 21. I think _____ is meaningful for us to help other people. A. it B. that C. this D. it's ()22. - Who joined Oxfam Trailwalker last year, Sam? - Mile _____. A. joined B. would C. did D. was ()23. People over 18 can group____ into a team of four people and join the charity walk. A. they B. their C. theirs D. them () 24. They should plan ____ during the walk. A. what are they going to carry B. what they are going to carry C. how are they going to carry D. how should they carry () 25. If you finish the walk ____ two hours, you will receive a certificate. A. within B. for C. since D. after () 26. Which team is ____, yours or theirs? A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular () 27. I wish that I ____ a bird. A. am B. is C. was D. be ()28. Mr Li,our maths teacher,was ill this morning ____ he didn't come to school today. A. so B. because of C. because D. but ()29. They need ____ together to finish the hike because only the team's finishing time will be recorded. A. walk B. walking C. walked D. to walk () 30. It is wrong ____ some people look down on blind people and it is necessary for ____ ____ help them. A. that; us; to B. that; we; to C. that; you; too D. /; us; to 六、完形填空 ( 每小题 2 分,共 12分 ) Now it is the summer holiday. Time always 31 fast. In the holiday, the weather is hot and I can't do much 32 , but I live happily. The afternoon is hot, 33 I do my homework in the morning. I get up at 6:30 and take a walk in the park for half an hour. After breakfast,I begin to34 English and Chinese, and do some maths exercises. I work very hard. I spend the afternoon outside. I go to the beach. I like to 35 in the sea. It is very funny, I will not go home until it is about five or six o'clock. Sometimes a friend of mine will come to see me and we will spend a few hours 36 songs. In this way I spend my holiday happily. 31.A. stops B. flies C. sleeps D. walks 32.A. work B. rain C. food D. wind


2019年在职研究生英语统考作文必背模板 写作模板1. (单一话题议论文) 第一段概述(大约40字): When it comes to the topic of______(作文的话题及某种社会现象,一般是作文标题).Some people hold the idea that ______ (人们的看法,观点). As far as I’m concerned, I think______ (我的看法,观点). So I firmly support (object to) the______(观点). 第二段正文(大约70字): There are several reasons for this______(这种现象或某种观点), but in general, they come down to three major ones , which listed as follows. To start with _____(第一个原因) .That is to say_____ (扩展介绍).What's more _____ (带来的影响).Secondly, ______(第二个原因).Besides_____ (扩展介绍).As a result of_____(带来的影响). And finally_________(第三个原因或者影响).Even more_________(扩展介绍).Not only _________ but also _________ (带来的影响). Obviously, it is high time that we_________( 本段小结). 第三段总结(大约40字): To sum up, I insist that______ (我的看法,观点).It is necessary that effective actions should be taken to solve the problem. On one hand,________ (给出建议). And on the other hand,_______( 给出建议).I believe all these measures will certainly help to ______(改变某种现象,进一步完善). 写作模板2. (辩证对比话题) 第一段概述(大约40字): Nowadays, when it comes to the _______(作文的话题及某种社会现象,一般是作文标题), the answers may vary from person to person. Some people hold the idea that_______(第一种看法,观点),but others argue that_______(第二种看法,观点). As for as I’m concerned, both_______(上述观点一)and_______(上述观点二). I will_______(陈述我的观点)for the following reasons. 第二段正文:(大约70字): In my opinion, __________(第一种看法,观点)can bring____ to________ (优势或者劣势). For one thing________ (阐述理由一). And it is usually ____(阐述理由一).What's more _____ (阐述理由一). Despite many obvious advantages ofthe first opinion, we can still find the second one also has some advantages when compared with the first. First of all ______(阐述理由一). Because of_______(阐述理由二). Even more _____ (阐述理由三,及带来的后果及影响). 第三段总结(大约40字): From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion. It is undoubted that _______(第一种看法,观点)is as important as_______(第二种看法,观点). So as for me, I agree to take the middle road. They both should be play extremely important role in our modern society. Only in this way can we become_______(总结,展望,呼吁) 各种文体写作要求 1.议论文 1.1.写作技巧,布局结构。 第一段:开头句指出某种社会现象,扩展介绍,所产生的影响和后果,大约30-40字。 第二段:出现这种现象的原因和后果,大约50-60字。


非英语专业研究生英语(第一外语) 教学大纲 -、总则 (—)为了保证达到《中华人民共和国学位条例暂行实施办法》中规定的外国语学习要求,进行非英语专业研究生英语课程的教学工作,特制定本大纲。 (二)研究生英语教学的宗旨是为了使学生掌握英语这门工具进行本专业的学习、研究与国际交流,为我国的社会主义建设服务,在教学中要坚持从实际出发、学以致用的原则,培养和提高研究生运用英语的能力。 二、硕士研究生的英语教学与考试 (一)教学对象 本大纲的教学对象是非英语专业的硕士研究生(以下简称硕士生)。硕士生入学时应达到以下水平: (1)掌握4000个左右常用单词及370个左右常用词组(能正确识别词类,选择词义),对其中1500个左右基本词能复用性掌握(即能正确识别词类,选择词义,英汉互译,熟悉某些常用搭配和用法)并具有初步的构词知识; (2)掌握基本语法知识(具备大学英语覆盖的语法知识); (3)能阅读一般难度(相当于大学英语四级课文的难度)的英语读物,理解基本正确,阅读速度为每分钟50词左右。 1

(4)能将一般难度的英语短文译成汉语,理解基本正确,译文达意;能将一般难度的汉语句子译成英语,内容表达与语法基本正确; (5)具有初步的写作能力。 硕士生中有一定数量单独考试入学的学生,其入学水平亦应逐步达到上述要求。 (二)教学目的 硕士生英语教学目的是培养学生具有较熟练的阅读能力,一定的写、译能力和基本的听、说能力,能够以英语为工具进行本专业的学习和研究。对听、说能力要求较高的专业,可根据需要,加强听、说能力的培养。 (三)教学要求 硕士生的英语教学包括基础英语和专业英语两部分。 1、基础英语部分 (1)词汇 理解性掌握5000个左右的常用单词及500个左右常用词组,复用性掌握其中2000个左右的基本词。认知120个左右常用词根和词缀,并能根据构词法识别派生词。 (2)语法 能较熟练地运用语法知识,能理解语法结构复杂的长难句。 (3)读 2
