Reflections on the translation of the poem “Spring Morning”

Reflections on the translation of the poem “Spring Morning”
Reflections on the translation of the poem “Spring Morning”

Reflections on the translation of the poem “Spring


摘要:the following paper mainly touches the criticism of different translation versions of a chinese poem by meng haoran, entitled spring morning, a comparison method has been used here to justify which version is better than others according to tytler’s standards for translation and yan fu’s three principles of translation.

关键词:spring morning;poem translation criticism;principles of translation

中图分类号:h31 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1009-0118(2011)-11-0-02

as for a poem, understanding a poem correctly is not easy, but it is quite essential for a translator to fully understand it before puting it into another language. so before i value each translator’s version of 春晓(a spring morning ),i will touch the understanding of the poem by haoran meng. it seems that this poem is very easy to understand, as a matter of fact it is not so. and the most important thing, i think, is the writing purpose of the poem, in other words, why meng composed this poem. as katharina reiss mentioned in translation criticism the potentials & limitations :“one of the most
