
英语词频表(注:此词频表根据美国英语整理V#0A)13,918 Words

34349 the

13363 of

10465 to

10375 in

8359 and

7782 a

5457 is

4291 that

4197 for

3871 they

3641 it

3176 are

2828 people

2457 from

2368 was

2302 he

2092 have

2071 on

2037 s (Probably means uses of 's.)

1974 say

1956 about

1947 with

1939 this 1873 be 1835 more 1753 also 1740 not 1717 as 1646 at 1642 says 1633 their 1616 will 1594 by 1573 has 1494 or 1486 years 1479 than 1437 can 1390 other 1378 new 1372 many 1278 states 1274 united 1258 an 1239 were 1237 one 1220 disease

1177 scientists 1162 american 1102 who

1093 some

1088 world

988 but

976 his

967 called

957 these

944 most

910 had

869 first

856 year

832 may

829 mr

791 said

785 two

755 she

753 study

725 there

723 been

706 countries 699 found

697 its

693 health

666 however

665 all

661 experts

651 children 651 could

622 when

617 would

609 time

602 used

600 president 597 women

584 them

580 officials 572 researchers 572 space

571 area

564 water

559 use

554 during

547 help

526 do

526 after

512 into

509 only

507 percent

500 animals 498 last

493 each

491 cells

489 group

487 state

484 food

478 if

471 national 465 we

460 government 459 because 459 now

452 research 450 part

450 areas

447 work

434 small

433 her

433 blood

429 very

420 made

420 body

414 no

414 several

413 city

405 america

404 like

403 should

401 such

400 cancer

393 earth

392 ago

389 you

386 report

385 around

384 another

380 so

376 how

374 important

373 americans

371 make

369 international 369 money

367 day

364 three

362 cause

361 information 358 much

355 doctors

350 problems 350 then

350 today 349 large 349 river 347 drug

346 almost 342 did

341 example 330 heart 328 human 324 tell

322 medical 321 over

320 what

320 long

316 before 316 system 313 way

311 show

311 life

309 music 307 old

306 against 305 include

305 aids

301 through

300 number

299 drugs

297 where

297 control

297 young

297 live

296 washington 295 center

291 groups

288 place

288 program

287 take

287 organization 286 known

285 patients

285 between

284 out

284 different 283 developing 282 university 282 those

281 men

280 ten

279 treatment 279 high

279 near

278 later

278 began

277 south

276 nations 275 must

275 dollars 273 increase 273 person 272 plants 271 studies 270 doctor 270 africa 269 up

268 major

266 any

266 every

264 become 263 public 258 get

256 see

255 same

255 special

253 companies 252 four

252 members 252 brain

250 family 250 became 249 often

249 land

249 early

249 next

248 war

247 kinds

245 air

244 believe 240 spread 240 too

239 support 236 find

234 among

234 country 233 white

232 virus

230 huge

229 month

228 famous

227 still

226 died

224 levels

223 diseases

222 environmental 222 federal

220 being

220 company

220 develop

220 developed

218 provide

218 prevent

218 bush

216 evidence

216 end

214 kind

212 caused

211 five

210 agency

208 does

206 california 205 best

204 took

204 produce 203 animal

203 home

201 building 199 past

199 north

198 population 198 reported 197 able

197 trees

196 genetic 196 which

196 causes

195 cities

194 risk

193 millions 192 house

192 even

192 history 192 few

191 times

191 museum

190 problem 190 great

190 poor

190 since

190 change

189 workers 189 good

188 led

187 products 187 reduce

186 plan

186 care

186 infected 185 possible 184 station 184 parts

182 earlier 182 similar 181 popular 181 week

180 shows

179 both

177 him

177 discovered 176 helped

176 days

175 protect 175 using

175 changes

175 until

174 thousands 174 school

173 yet

173 medicine 172 others

172 humans

172 project

171 twenty

170 agriculture 170 findings 170 lead

170 enough

170 development 170 environment 169 linked

169 congress 168 less

168 china

167 chemicals 166 working

165 visitors 165 least

165 built

164 golf

163 months

162 wrote

161 showed

160 vaccine

160 results

160 tests

160 need

160 ship

159 black

159 increased 159 ancient

159 usually

157 action

157 diabetes 157 age

156 won

156 african

156 own

156 mars

155 older

155 one-hundred 155 john

154 recent

154 ocean

154 students 154 six

153 amount

153 grow

153 know

152 just

151 recently 151 named

150 future

150 treat

150 second

148 damage

148 man

148 technology 148 nasa

148 kilometers 147 death

147 stop

147 improve 147 farmers 146 want

146 trade

145 natural 145 effects 144 carbon

144 meters 144 leaders 144 power 143 genes 143 lived 142 mexico 142 lives 142 song

142 living 141 court 141 largest 141 computer 141 programs 141 book

141 expected 140 mother 140 chemical 140 service 139 internet 139 serious 139 name

139 thirty 139 continue 139 little

138 created 138 red

138 discovery 137 malaria 137 babies 137 difficult 137 efforts 137 might

137 mister 137 europe 136 ways

136 things 136 eat

136 bacteria 136 energy 135 material 135 books

135 objects 135 needed 134 industry 134 west

134 extremely 134 move

134 skin

134 mizz

133 play

132 crops

132 farm

132 without 132 under

132 produced 131 sea

131 together 131 given

131 plant

131 southern 130 normal 130 back

129 changed 129 announced 129 shuttle 129 result 128 english 128 involved 128 meeting 128 florida 128 foods

128 better

128 common

128 top

127 learn

127 general

127 killed

127 taken

127 designed 127 ever

126 across

126 --

126 give

125 treated

125 science

125 clinton

125 fifty

125 jazz

124 military 124 pollution 124 device

124 traditional 124 park

123 eight

123 longer

123 weather

122 department
